Yodarha (SSR)/Lore

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Game Strategy Lore Voice
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Official Profile

Age 66
Height 94 cm
Race Harvin
Hobbies Fishing
Likes Keeping contact with youngsters
Dislikes Talking about his past
Character Release

Source [1] [2]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 66歳
Height 94cm
Race ハーヴィン
Hobbies 投げ釣り
Likes 若者との触れ合い
Dislikes 自分の過去を語ること
Character Release

Source [1] [2]




Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Huh? Today's your birthday? Well, this calls for a celebration! A-hyuk-hyuk-hyuk!
Here, I'll give you this lure as a present! Made it myself, don't you know.


So today's your birthday, huh? A-hyuk-hyuk! How lovely!
Oh, that's right. This is for you.
I had a hunch something big was coming, so I made another lure just in case.
I didn't think it would turn out be your birthday though! A-hyuk-hyuk-hyuk!


A-hyuk-hyuk! You might be a year older, but you're still a young'un.
Hats off to you for doing a marvelous job of running a crew at your age.
I, on the other hand, ought to be wise well beyond my years, but I'm just plowing through life, taking it one step at a time.
Can't say I'm not looking forward to seeing where you take things from here on out.


Happy birthday, (Captain)!
We've been traveling together for years now. Seeing you grow makes me so emotional.
Why, you're only a step away from becoming a master yourself. There might be moments when your swordwork falters, but they're sure to push you onward.
Take good care of yourself, and you'll be making leaps and bounds till you're unstoppable.
Don't beat yourself up for feeling lost and unsure though... Ah, what am I saying?
That's right—your birthday banquet is waiting. Forget my little lecture for now and go have fun!


Seems your birthday's on us again.
Does an old soul good to watch whippersnappers make something of themselves.
When I first met you, I saw somethin' shining in the depths of your eyes.
The thrill I felt... It was like comin' face-to-face with a fish from legend. No, it was more than that.
A-hyuk-hyuk! Guess it's not that great, being compared to a fish.
Anyway, I sensed promise from you—promise unlike anything I'd sensed before. And you haven't proved me wrong yet, jackanapes.
I expect that, down the road, you'll turn into something real big. Then this old man will be able to say he knew it all along! A-hyuk-hyuk!

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

First day of the new year and I've already been asked to catch some fish. The cooks on the crew need fish for tonight's celebratory dinner.
Besides I'd be going fishing anyway even if no one asked me too! A-hyuk-hyuk-hyuk!


Now that the new year's here, I suppose I should go catch us a big one.
Huh? Don't you know? New Year's is the time to dine on tubby fish and restore our strength!
There's an island famous for its abundance of salty salmon and smoked yellowtail.
Simmer 'em, fry 'em—they taste incredible either way.
I'll go catch 'em just for you! Or would you rather come along?


Pretty remarkable catch, eh? This here's the salty salmon and smoked yellowtail I told you about last year.
A-hyuk-hyuk-hyuk, course I remembered that. Your mouth waterin' brought back the memories.
So what do you think? Bigger than you ever could've imagined, right? This here's a chance to show off some of my other skills...
Assemble everyone in the dining hall. I'm gonna show you all how to gut a yellowtail.


Well, guess I'll set a goal for the year. What about you?
It doesn't matter if you choose something big or small. Accomplish anything, and it'll give you energy to keep going.
And if you feel a bit of pride, well, that's sure to motivate you that much more.
Don't sweat it if things don't go your way the first time around. You can always try again later.
This year I'm going to visit a barbershop. It's a bit embarrassing to spend money on my appearance though—normally I cut my hair and beard by myself.
I've been trying to get over this for ages, but this will finally be the year that I overcome it! A-hyuk-hyuk!


(Captain). Looks like we survived to see yet another January.
I'm planning to start this year off with the old rod and tackle box. Feel like coming along, whippersnapper?
Let's fish ourselves up a demonbream and cook up a feast to remember, eh?
I do a bit of fortune-telling with my first catch of the year too.
Catch something big, and you're in for some luck. Reel in something small, and misfortune shall fall.
Wonder what Lady Luck has in store for you. This old man can't wait to find out.

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Oh my, is that chocolate for me?
A-hyuk-hyuk-hyuk! I'm gonna have to make a real big catch for White Day!


Hrm? Is that some more chocolate you've got? For an old fart like me?
A-hyuk-hyuk-hyuk! You're too nice a person, (Captain)!
Not that I'm complaining, of course. I'm just a bit on the shy side, you know?
Truth be told I couldn't be any happier! A-hyuk-hyuk-hyuk!


That's a great smile you've got on you.
Laughing away your worries makes life so much easier.
A-hyuk-hyuk-hyuk. Wasn't expecting to get chocolate from you this year too.
Handmade too, eh? Can't wait to enjoy these with a fishing rod in one hand.
Thanks goes to Valentine's Day and you, (Captain). A-hyuk-hyuk-hyuk.


Oooh, seems like you spent a lot of time making these for me!
A-hyuk-hyuk! Maybe it's thanks to all my years of experience, but I can imagine you working your craft right before my eyes.
I'm sure you produced those chocolates like a real artisan, deftly combining stillness and motion together.
It reminds me of a certain old swordsman and his swordcraft. Suppose I'd better prepare myself.
Thank you, (Captain). This present's delightful.


Got some chocolates for me this year as well, eh? A-hyuk-hyuk! You don't cut any corners, that's for sure.
Oh... Well, isn't this interesting! Chocolates shaped like bait!
And look at those scales, they're just like the real thing. Hmm... I must say I'm impressed.
Looks like you've got me, hook, line, and sinker!
You have my thanks! A-hyuk-hyuk-hyuk!

White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Come on, this is to make up for Valentine's Day. A-hyuk-hyuk-hyuk!
Next year I wanna fish up something great like an albacore for ya. If I live that long, that is!


All righty! Time to get out there and see what I can fish up today!
I've gotta get you something in return for that Valentine's gift after all!
Oh, relax! I'll be back before sundown.
I'll catch you something real big and juicy! You just wait and see!


I've seen and done a lot over the course of my long life, but this here's a first for me.
A gift for you. A-hyuk-hyuk-hyuk. I guess your surprise is only natural.
Even I couldn't picture myself taking the time to bake cookies.
Hmm, truth is... I thought of frying fish that I caught myself at first.
Then I saw the boys in the crew having so much fun with their cookies in the oven.
I just knew I had to join in on the good times.
You could say these are certified by the brosome trio themselves, a-hyuk-hyuk-hyuk.


Ouch, ouch... (Captain), this is my way to thank you for Valentine's.
I was touched by the artful handiwork in the chocolates that you made. So I decided to make some chocolates of my own.
I saw a confectioner in town and tried to imitate her movements.
But this old body of mine couldn't keep up with all those newfangled motions.
The hard work paid off, though, and these things are great. Here, take them!
I planned to play it cool and collected when I gave these to you, but... Well, I guess age got the better of me.


(Captain), I've got a White Day gift for you here.
I think about this every year, but it takes some fortitude to make sweets, eh?
Especially the baked stuff. You need to have the color and texture just right.
Not like the story's over when you throw the goods in the oven. You gotta pay attention, find that perfect timing. Lot like fishing, actually.
What I mean to say is, there's more to baking that meets the eye. Seems like this old man still has things he needs to learn. A-hyuk-hyuk!

Tasty Macaroons
Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Someone asked me "Trick or treat?", so I gave 'em a fish! Boy, you should've seen the look on their face!
My costume? I think I'll go as one of them swordsman guys!


Hrm... To give treats to those who have tricked is a forgiving act, indeed.
I suppose it may be necessary to pardon tricksters from time to time...
Or maybe I just want to act like I give a hoot! A-hyuk-hyuk-hyuk!


Hoo boy. You really pulled out all the stops for that little trick, didn't ya? I must say I admire your guts.
Hm? You're asking me now? Trick or treat, huh?
Fine, I'll take up your challenge. Let's see you do your dandiest to pilfer this treat from me.
Behold the swift maneuverability of a master angler revered by even the creatures of the deep...
Time to skedaddle!
Just kidding! A-hyuk-hyuk! Now try to catch me if ya can!


Hm... Depending on how you look at it, this Halloween thing could be good practice.
Go into town, close your eyes, and take a seat. Someone's sure to play a prank on you. That's where you detect it and counterattack.
Shut out the madding crowd and hone in on your would-be attackers. It's an exceptional opportunity to train.
A-hyuk-hyuk! What do you say, (Captain)? Mind playing with an old man's whims?


Ho? You've caught whiff of me, have you? Looks like you have some promise after all.
I was just putting you to the test. Some whippersnappers were after me, hoping to play a prank. So I gave them the slip and starting sneaking about, real quiet like.
Before I knew it, no one could tell I was about. Seems I got too serious.
It was sad. I was just an old fool, lurking in the shadows, while the pipsqueaks were out having their fun.
But right when I was about to hit rock bottom, you found me.
Tell you what, (Captain). As prize for discovering an old man, you can prank me as many times as you like!
How about it? A-hyuk-hyuk!

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

People keep mistakin' me fer this Santa Claus guy! A-hyuk-hyuk-hyuk!
They keep callin' me a fake Santa and chasin' me all around town!


Happy holidays!
If it's for you guys, I wouldn't mind holding a kitchen knife again.
That surprises you? Fishing isn't my only skill, you know. I spent so much time cooking in the mountains that I could cook blindfolded!


Oho! Are we all getting together for a holiday bash?
Hm, and that's where we'll do our gift exchange? That can only mean...
Bingo! Raw fish just won't do!
Oh, hakuna your tatas! I'll fry 'em so good you'll forget they were ever raw! A-hyuk-hyuk-hyuk!


(Captain), where do you keep the dye and varnish?
I wanted to whittle up some fishing lures as gifts for the other folks in the crew.
You take a pocket knife to shape the wood down into a shape that'll float, and then...
Hm, are you really that interested in lure-making? I should've known you'd be curious!
Once you can do your thing with a pocket knife, you'll be that much better as a swordfighter.
A-hyuk-hyuk! I found another thing I can teach you—I guess this holiday's turned out to be a good one.


Hoh, you're here, (Captain). Would you do an old man a favor and take a look at this?
Over here, on the tree. I carved a wee wooden fish. The craftsmanship isn't bad, eh?
When the chilly winds strike it, it sways in the air like a fish drifting along in water. Pretty fancy, if I do say so myself.
It's like life, you know. When things get turbulent, sometimes you have to simply go where the flow takes you.
You don't have to think too hard about it. I'm saying that sometimes you should let your friends take care of things and go on a bit of a lark, see.
You better really enjoy yourself tonight! A-hyuk-hyuk!

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Big Bait for a Big Catch

The crew gets word of an attack on someone by a person whose cutting technique can penetrate armor. Yodarha dons his old swordsman's gear to settle the feud with the culprit, who he suspects to be his former head disciple.

Yodarha is a crew member

Go to "Continue 1"

Yodarha not in crew

While visiting an island, (Captain) and the crew run afoul of some imperial soldiers and are chased into the mountains.
In the middle of their getaway, they stumble across an old man—a mysterious fisherman that goes by Yodarha.
Yodarha: Say, care to take a few minutes to join an old man for some fishing?
Yodarha: Now, now... There's no need to worry. No one comes through this neck of the woods, I can tell you that.
Katalina: Sorry, I don't think now's a good time for us to be sitting around fishing.
Yodarha: I'd say you're more likely to be caught making a ruckus moving around too much.
Katalina: I suppose you may have a point...
In lieu of their situation, the crew decides to take up Yodarha's offer and join him for some fishing.
With the crew now calmed down, the elderly Harvin taps Katalina on the shoulder and says something peculiar.
Yodarha: You've got skill, lass—both with fishing and I suspect with a sword as well. But there's something holding you back.
Yodarha: What troubles you? Are you running from something? Or maybe you're worried about someone you've left behind...
To Katalina's surprise, the old man's surmises hit the nail right on the head.
Yodarha would later join the crew on their journey, apparently to teach Katalina how to fish.
Some time has passed since the crew's initial encounter with the fisherman.
Continue 1
(Captain) and company stop at an island to take a break.
But immediately after disembarking, the crew is somehow embroiled in yet another affair.
Knight: Stop right there! We'd like you to answer some questions for us.
Yodarha: Huh? You're talkin' to me? Now what could you possibly want from this old-timer?
Knight: I'm asking the questions here! You were here last night, weren't you?
Vyrn: Why are you pestering us? We just got here, so we're beat!
Knight: What? You just arrived? I'm sorry, but do you have any proof of that?
Katalina: Of course. Just check the docking records.
The knight immediately contacts the airship dock and asks about ships that arrived recently.
(Captain) and company are quickly exonerated as the records show that they did in fact arrive that day.
Knight: I'm terribly sorry. There was a random attack here yesterday evening. The victim was a friend of mine... He was assaulted right in front of me.
Vyrn: A random attack? That's pretty scary... But why'd you suspect the old-timer here anyways?
Yodarha: Hyuk-hyuk! That's right. I'm just a salty old fisherman, see?
Knight: Y-you're right... I figured that must have been the case after talking to you. You're not the kind of monster who would commit such a crime. My apologies.
Yodarha: So you're takin' this investigation pretty seriously, eh?
Yodarha: You seem like a strapping young lad. Was the culprit too strong even for you?
Knight: Yeah, I had no chance. Whoever it was cut through my friend's armor like butter, and I'm just glad he managed to survive.
Yodarha: I see. So the culprit looked like me then?
Knight: I'm not sure... Something about you reminded me of the perpetrator, and I stopped you without really thinking. I apologize for my fear driving me to such rudeness.
Upon hearing this, Yodarha's eyes glint.
Yodarha: Hmm... Could you tell me more about the incident?
Katalina: What's the matter, Yodarha?
Yodarha: Well, I just don't want us to get attacked like this poor knight's friend.
Yodarha: Smart fish learn the fisherman's tricks to avoid being caught. We should learn from their example.
The crew heads toward the nearest inn after listening to what the knight has to say.
Vyrn: Man, talk about terrifying. An enemy who can slice through armor as easily as filleting a fish...
Yodarha: Truly impressive! And filleting a fish is hardly easy to master!
Yodarha: Hmm... This does remind me of something from many years ago.
Katalina: You've been acting strange since our conversation with that knight earlier. Do you know something, Yodarha?
Yodarha: I'm afraid I do. Only a truly skilled swordsman could do something like this.
Yodarha: Or perhaps the disciple of such a swordsman.
Yodarha reaches into his fish bag and pulls out something from within.
Vyrn: Whatcha doing, old man?
Yodarha: Huh? Getting ready to go fishing of course! If I don't get the right bait, the big fish'll never come a-biting!
Vyrn: You're awfully calm for someone who just heard about an attacker on the loose... Wait, what's that?
Yodarha: All right, I think I'm ready.
Vyrn: Wha? What's that outfit? I thought you were going fishing!
Yodarha: Hyuk-hyuk! This is the perfect look for a fisherman hiding in plain sight!
Vyrn: I knew you weren't just an ordinary dude, but what in the skies are you, old man?
Yodarha: It was a long, long time ago, but I once made a bit of a name for myself as a swordsman.
Katalina: So these stories you're always telling are actually of your past, aren't they?
Yodarha: So it seems. And I suspect that the random attacker we heard about was one of my former disciples.
Yodarha: And not an ordinary one either—my most talented student who fell from grace, and whose ability to wield a sword I believed I had taken away because I couldn't bear to see it.
Vyrn: So why'd you change your clothes? You're not gonna go after the attacker, are you?
Yodarha: Not exactly. Part of what set that disciple apart from the best, you see, was being cunning above the rest, and a cunning person wouldn't still be on the island where the crime took place.
Katalina: Then why the change of clothes?
Yodarha: Well, I think the timing of the attack seems a little too coincidental, which makes me suspect that it was done to get my attention.
Yodarha: It's like a personal challenge to me.
Yodarha: Changing into these clothes is my way of answering the challenge. This is what I was wearing when we last fought.
Vyrn: But why the sudden change of heart? You've never talked about your past before.
Yodarha: Well, (Captain), Lyria, and Katalina... I believe you three are the key to doing what I couldn't do and stopping this madness once and for all.
Katalina: Really? But I don't see how...
Yodarha: Hyuk-hyuk! Sounds like you still have plenty to learn even at your age!
Vyrn: Hey, are you tryin' to avoid the question?
Yodarha: I'll explain later! It's impossible to do so without context!
Yodarha brushes off his gauntlets.
Yodarha: Explanations can wait. I'm sorry to ask, (Captain), but I might need your help with this.
Katalina: Surely you don't intend to fight the person who attacked the knight?
Yodarha: Perhaps it will come to that. This situation was born from my carelessness, so I have to deal with it.
  1. It'll be a piece of fishcake!
  2. I'm kinda scared...

Choose: It'll be a piece of fishcake!
Yodarha: A-hyuk-hyuk! Well said, (Captain)! Confident but not quite conceited.
Yodarha: There's so much I'd love to teach you! What do you say to spending a few years sequestered in the mountains with me?
Vyrn: Hey, I think we've got a bigger fish to fry right now, old man!
Yodarha: Now that's a shame... I always wanted a disciple like (Captain), you know.

Choose: I'm kinda scared...
Yodarha: Oh? I knew you were honest, but to be willing to admit that so easily!
Yodarha: That's not a bad thing though, I say! It just means you sincerely trust your friends.
Yodarha: Maybe if we'd met all those years ago, I wouldn't be tellin' stories of fallen disciples now.
Vyrn: Hmm... What do you mean?
Yodarha: Hyuk-hyuk! Never you mind—and don't jump to any conclusions! You'll learn one day.
Continue 2
Yodarha: Well, it looks like my fishing days are on hold until I take care of this.
Yodarha stares into the distance. For the first time ever, his comrades see concern and anger in the wrinkles on his face instead of his usual cheerful self.
He must one day fight his former disciple, but just how brutal a trial will doing so turn out to be?

Trouble with Teacher

Yodarha hears about a strange dojo and suspects that one of his former disciples is there. When (Captain) and company go there and see students doing nothing but meditating, they decide to challenge the assistant instructor to a fight.

The crew hears about a strange new martial art at the Knickknack Shack and sets off for the island where it's catching on.
A dojo has been built in town, and scores of people impressed by the skilled instructor are now staying there to train.
Vyrn: A dojo, huh... You think it's gonna live up to the hype?
Yodarha: Hard to say, but I'm more interested in the instructor they got there.
Katalina: They say a master swordsman founded the place. Perhaps a former disciple of yours, Yodarha?
Lyria: Um... Do you think it's the one who randomly attacked that guy?
Yodarha: Well, I don't know. From what I hear, maybe, maybe not.
Yodarha: Still, if one of my disciples is over there, I'd like to pay a visit. Establishing your own dojo is no easy task!
(Captain) and company soon arrive in front of a large building that appears to be the dojo they've been looking for.
Despite the rumors of its popularity, the dojo appears to be deserted.
Vyrn: This place gives me the creeps. It's just too quiet.
Lyria: Y-yeah... It feels more like a haunted house than a dojo.
Student: May I help you?
Lyria: Eek!
Student: Pardon me. Did I startle you?
Katalina: We heard a lot of good things about your dojo. Is anyone inside? It seems awfully quiet.
Student: Yes, we're in the middle of meditating. The students rarely move during this time. Would you like to take a look around?
Yodarha: Indeed! I'd love to see what all the fuss is about for myself!
The student nods and shows the crew inside, where they find a dojo full of people meditating in silence.
Students: ...
Vyrn: Meditation, huh? I wasn't sure what to expect, but they really aren't moving at all, are they?
Vyrn: Hey, big fella, it looks like there's about a hundred people sitting in here. But are they all, like, still alive?
Student: Yes. After another half a day, they'll begin their work.
Yodarha: They're gonna keep doin' this for half a day? That's pretty impressive! Do you ever catch any of 'em noddin' off?
Student: No, no one falls asleep. That's another result of our training.
Katalina: This is amazing... I've done training like this before, but never for such a long period of time.
Yodarha: Well, just watchin' 'em makes me feel like I'm trainin'! Hyuk-hyuk!
Vyrn: But will doing this for a solid day really make you any stronger?
The moment Vyrn utters these words, the mood in the dojo changes.
Students: ...
All of the meditating students open their eyes in unison and turn to stare at (Captain) and the crew.
Vyrn: Gulp!
Lyria: Whoa! They weren't actually asleep!
Student: Yes, meditation can make us stronger. Our strength of mind is reflected in the strength of our bodies.
Strong Man: Heh-heh... Visitors, huh? This body of mine is the result of all this training. Impressive physique, right?
Yodarha: Hmm... Well, it does seem to be quite effective!
Strong Man: The more we meditate, the stronger our body and skills become. You'll find no better proof of that than in assistant instructors like me.
Strong Man: If you still have any doubts, why don't I show you? Let me demonstrate the true power of meditation.
Yodarha: Hmm... That would be most enlightening. Well then, have at you!

Trouble with Teacher: Scene 2

When (Captain) and company defeat the assistant instructor, hundreds of students surround them. Despite being completely outnumbered, Yodarha insists that they'll prevail easily.

Strong Man: Argh!
Yodarha: Done already, huh?
Student: Impossible! Our instructor... Are these people from another school?
Student: They're trying to break up our dojo! Get 'em, everyone!
Vyrn: Boy, they just keep coming! What are they trying to prove here?
Student: You won't get away with defeating our instructor! We haven't mastered our art yet, but we've trained plenty! Don't think you can leave so easily!
Yodarha: Hyuk-hyuk... There sure are a lot of you for just one little old man like me.
Katalina: Yodarha! We're no match for all of them!
Yodarha: Oh? Are you really gonna let a bunch of meditators get the better of us?
Katalina: They may not be masters, but they've all been training! There's just too many of them!
Yodarha: No worries. I'm thinkin' you could handle 'em all by yourself if you wanted to! Hyuk-hyuk!
Student: Wha? How dare you! Get ready!
Katalina: Incoming! There's no backing out now—attack!

Trouble with Teacher: Scene 3

After being easily defeated, the students realize they've been duped by their head instructor, one of Yodarha's former disciples. Enraged that Yodarha would try to break up his dojo, the instructor draws his sword and attacks.

Student: Guh... Eep!
Katalina: Oh... Wait, was that it?
Yodarha: Hyuk-hyuk! Told you so! You could've whooped 'em all on your own!
Katalina: It wasn't anything, really... It's almost as if they've never fought a day in their lives.
Yodarha: I'm startin' to think all you guys did was sit there and meditate, no?
Student: Pant... Wheeze... But the instructors said meditation is all we would need.
Katalina: Come on, now... Did you all really fall for that?
Katalina: You seriously thought you'd get stronger by just sitting there all day believing it'd happen? I hate to break it to you, but...
Student: N-no way! I drank the same holy water the instructor was drinking! And I paid a fortune for it!
Student: Ugh... How could we have wasted an entire year like this?
Yodarha: It sounds like the head instructor and the assistants are the only strong ones here.
Yodarha: With that level of strength combined with a bogus story about a so-called new training technique, someone's sure to buy into it.
Student: We were told if we were patient and did the meditation exercises, we wouldn't have to do any strenuous training... Was it all a ruse?
Yodarha: That assistant instructor was well-trained, right? But his heart was rotten, so there was no way he could have beaten us.
Student: Ha-ha... I wonder why I didn't see it before.
Yodarha: Well, once people buy into somethin', they have a hard time givin' it up.
Yodarha: You guys awake yet? I hope all that money you paid taught you a hard lesson. From now on, go to a real dojo if you wanna train!
The students leave the dojo, their shoulders slumped in disappointment, as the dumbfounded crew looks on.
Katalina: It's just so hard to believe.
Yodarha: I guess they weren't allowed out until their training was complete.
Yodarha: They were essentially stuck in an echo chamber of like-minded people... So none of 'em realized it was a lie.
Vyrn: Hey, did you know what was going on from the beginning? Is that why you came?
Lyria: So does that mean the person who started this is... um...
Yodarha: Yes, it might be one of my former disciples after all.
Vyrn: Could it be the person who randomly attacked that knight's friend? Your top disciple, right?
Yodarha: No, I don't think that's our culprit this time.
Instructor: You! Is it really you, my old master?
Instructor: I wondered who it was who came to break up my dojo, but I never thought it would be you!
Yodarha: You were a fine disciple once. How could even you have sunk to such depths?
Instructor: Grr... I don't wanna hear it! Especially right after you've gone and put me out of business!
Yodarha: It looks like you've been affected too... That's a real shame.
Yodarha: If it isn't too much trouble, could you give me a hand here, (Captain)? It appears he needs some sense knocked into him.

Trouble with Teacher: Scene 4

Yodarha scolds his former disciple and thanks (Captain) and the others for helping to show him the correct path. He then requests that they do the same when they finally find his foremost disciple.

Yodarha: Worthless excuse for a disciple!
Instructor: Ugh...
Yodarha: Open your eyes already! How dare you dupe these people out of their hard-earned money!
Instructor: I... I just...
Yodarha: Were you worried you wouldn't get any stronger? Or was training just too much for you? How'd you end up like this?
Yodarha: Is this really what you wanted?
Instructor: Y-yeah! It's what I wanted!
Yodarha: Then look everyone here in the eye and tell 'em that to their faces!
Katalina: What?
Vyrn: You mean us?
Lyria: I don't understand...
Instructor: ...!
Yodarha: When you crossed swords with (Captain), you felt it, didn't you? Honesty and sincerity.
Yodarha: You know, seeing these guys changed even Rhens's heart. That's right, the king of stupid himself.
Instructor: Really?
Yodarha: So you know what you have to do now, right?
Instructor: Yes... I have to pay back the people I deceived and then get back to my training.
Yodarha: Hyuk-hyuk! Now that's more like it! Your training is far from over!
Vyrn: Talk about a sudden change of heart. What just happened to him?
Yodarha: Oh? Why, that's all thanks to you guys!
Lyria: Um... What did we do though?
Yodarha: We see into the heart of people through our swords—their true feelings and the paths they've walked to get where they are. He could see it all.
The crew is puzzled as Yodarha laughs and goes on.
Yodarha: There aren't many people who could keep up their evil ways with you around.
Yodarha: (Captain). Lyria. It's because of the mysterious power you two have.
Lyria: Really? You mean my connection to primal crystals?
Yodarha: No, miss. I'm talkin' about somethin' else. It's somethin' on the inside.
Yodarha: Lots of people either turn their lives around or manage to avoid going bad in the first place when they meet you, right?
Katalina: Now that you mention it, there are quite a few characters in our crew that fit that description.
Yodarha: As suspected. And if you'll pardon me for sayin' so, Katalina, but you were once like that yourself, am I right?
Katalina: I was?
Yodarha: Yep. The first time we met, I thought you were in danger of takin' a dark path. My fears proved unfounded.
Yodarha: But at the time, I could tell by your sword that you were lost. There were many things troublin' you, yes?
Katalina: Yes, I suppose so... That was shortly after I deserted the imperial army.
Yodarha: But then you took the right path. And that's all thanks to the strength of (Captain) and Lyria.
Yodarha: And now you have that power as well. That's the power of this crew.
Yodarha: With your power on my side, I'm sure I can open the eyes of all the students who were corrupted by my foremost disciple.
Yodarha: Though I don't blame them for being swayed. To stand against such a powerful manipulator of temptation and deception would take people special like you.
Vyrn: Hmm... But why would your strongest disciple do a thing like that in the first place?
Yodarha: Who knows? Perhaps resentment?
Yodarha: Be that as it may, I need your help to guide my distorted disciples back to the light, just like with the instructor earlier.
Yodarha: Because it's not something I can do on my own, if my past experience is anything to go by. I couldn't see the darkness in that heart...
Yodarha: (Captain), I may be a selfish old codger for askin', but maybe you could lend me a bit more of that power, huh?
Yodarha bows solemnly, and (Captain) and the crew feel pained to see such sincerity coming from him.
Katalina: Well, I say we help. Yodarha has taught us so much. We have to repay him.
Vyrn: Yeah, and we can hardly refuse with him asking like this.
Lyria: Besides, something bad could happen if we don't. We have to help in any way we can.
The crew hears Yodarha's request and promises to continue helping him. He bows his head in gratitude.
Yodarha: Well then, I wonder when the proverbial master and disciple will at last conclude their business...
Thus Yodarha finds a new goal for his journey: to reeducate the disciples corrupted by the person who was once his most promising student.
But such a task is easier said than done. Though Yodarha is confident that they'll be able to deal with his other students, stopping the one at the root of the evil will surely prove to be a different ordeal.

Rusted Phantasm

Though Yodarha and Rhens are making steady recovery from wounds previously dealt by Grace, Rhens senses something amiss about his master. (Captain), too, expresses concern over how Rhens is the one writing a letter to the crew each time instead of Yodarha.

The sound of pen on paper resonates throughout a small civilian house.
Rhens: Let's see... "I know I said I'd write regularly, so lemme apologize for the long hiatus since the last letter."
Rhens: "I'm still getting used to this letter-writing thing. But no more delays from now on, promise."
Rhens: Though I've probably said that at least five times now. Feel bad making 'em worry.
Rhens: "Not that there's much for you to worry about here by now though. The old man and I are both back up and active."
Rhens: "It's thanks to you and the folks at the Society that we were able to make such a speedy recovery from those wounds Grace left us."
Rhens: "Tell 'em I said thanks. And be sure to drop by and say hello if you guys are in the area."
Rhens: "The geezer's been feeling kinda lonely lately. Maybe take him with you next chance you get."
Rhens: Phew, don't think I'll ever be a natural at writing letters.
Rhens: And heck, why's the guy with a busted arm doing this? Why isn't he writing the dang letters...
Grumbling his usual post-letter complaint, Rhens drops the pen and gently contracts his right arm.
Vyrn: What? You can't move your arm?
Rhens: Yep. The wound ran a little too deep, y'see. The docs told me that I won't ever be able to move it the same way again.
Ever since nearly losing the use of his right arm after shielding (Captain) from Grace's attack, Rhens has made a remarkable recovery.
Rhens: With Gramps gettin' better too, I guess this retirement isn't gonna last much longer.
Muttering under his breath, Rhens stuffs the letter into his pocket and leaves the room.
Yodarha: Hm? Where are you headed off to, Rhens?
Rhens: Just gonna drop off this letter to (Captain).
Yodarha: Come to think of it, it's been quite a while since we last heard from them. Don't tell me you've been lax about reporting to the crew regularly.
Rhens: Let's be real, Gramps, keepin' in touch as a former crew member is your job. Maybe show a little appreciation that I do this for you at all.
Yodarha: A very fair point. My apologies for the trouble, Rhens.
Rhens: Er, nah, it's all good, Gramps. Just doin' my part as your disciple.
Rhens: Well, I'm off now. I'll be back with the ingredients for dinner.
Yodarha: Maybe I ought to go fishing in the meanwhile! How do meat and fish skewers sound to ya?
Rhens: Don't forget what the doctor said about eating a balanced diet. That means meat and veggie skewers for you. Your fish we can dry and have for breakfast tomorrow.
Yodarha: Aw, you're no fun. Don't you know that fish tend to slip away from a fisherman who's no fun?
Rhens: Doesn't bother me in the least. I've got no plans to become a fisher. Take it easy out there, Gramps.
With that, Rhens leaves their temporary residence.
Rhens stops in front of the general store in town, staring hard at the letter's seal.
Rhens: The geezer's been in a weird place... Dunno if I should've included that in the letter...
For a second, he makes to break the seal.
Rhens: I could just be imagining it...
Rhens: Hey! I need to send this letter—
Shaking his head, Rhens leaves the envelope with the seal intact and hands it over to the clerk.
Lyria: Seems like Yodarha and Rhens are getting better!
Vyrn: A speedy recovery's always good! Sourpuss and the other Society guys'll be glad to hear it!
Lyria: We should pay them a visit soon!
Nodding along with the pair's delighted reaction, (Captain)'s eyes turn back down to the letter's inked words.
The very penstrokes of earlier letters made clear how high the hurdles to recovery would be. Their smoothness now is a testament to how much has been overcome.
Though glad to see such improvement, (Captain) is acutely aware that not a single one has come from the hand of Yodarha himself.
Wondering if there might be more to the situation than meets the eye, the captain feels a slight tinge of uneasiness.

Rusted Phantasm: Scene 2

The crew visits Yodarha and Rhens and shares a meal with them. Rhens later finds an opportunity to privately share with the captain his misgivings about Yodarha's possible exhaustion. But because (Captain) wishes for the Harvin swordsman to continue fighting alongside the crew, Rhens agrees to try to make it all work out somehow.

Yodarha: Really appreciate the visit! We don't have much to offer in the way of hospitality, but make yourselves at home!
Rhens: Never mind that I'm the one being hospitable here... Eat up, guys! Hope you like ready-made pork!
Rhens places a few plates of steaming-hot pork on the table.
Lyria: Thank you!
Lyria: Nom, nom... The oil really adds to the texture and makes it that much better!
Vyrn: Yum. Ready-made pork fresh outta the oven is real good!
Yodarha: Rhens was pretty excited about prepping the pork this morning.
Rhens: Too much info, Gramps! Just enjoy the chow!
The crew decided to come pay them a visit after receiving their latest letter.
Vyrn: Seems like you've been eatin' well, Gramps.
Yodarha: No, I wish. Rhens and the doctor remind me at every possible turn to watch what I eat.
Yodarha: I'm somehow surviving on scraps of meat with oodles of vegetables.
Rhens: A mountain of veggies a day keeps the doctor away, or something like that. Gotta follow the doctor's orders if you wanna get better.
Rhens: I figure we must be doin' something right since even the doctor was blown away by your progress. You've got one heck of a sturdy body, Gramps.
Yodarha: A-hyuk-hyuk! All the training I've done has paid off.
Vyrn: So your wounds are all healed up then?
Rhens: Enough to earn some pocket change taking down stray monsters on his way back from fishing, at least.
Yodarha: Rehab—as the doctor calls it.
Yodarha: On that note, it's time to train my disciple!
Lyria: Your disciple? You mean Rhens?
Rhens: Yep. It's a crazy world out there. No monster or brigand is gonna give us a break just because of our injuries.
Lyria: You can... use your arm now?
Rhens: Not as well as I used to, but I'm making progress.
Yodarha: And lemme tell ya how hard I had to work, getting lessons on using an injured arm through his skill.
Yodarha: I have to give him some credit though, he has picked it up. Boy wasn't called a master swordsman in the making for nothing.
Rhens: Heh... Maybe time to put me up a peg and call me a fledgling master swordsman?
Yodarha: A-hyuk-hyuk! There's no rush! I'd say you need about another fifty years of training! Do keep up the good work!
Rhens: Yeah, yeah, I know I've got a ways to go. Just like you'd do well to remember to not overdo it. After all, I'm the one who ends up getting a mouthful from the doctor.
Yodarha: Yes, I'm aware. I'll try not to be too much of a bother.
Yodarha: (Captain)... Do you mind if I take a bit longer before I rejoin the crew?
Yodarha: I want to be at my best when the time comes!
  1. We'll be waiting then!

Choose: We'll be waiting then!
Yodarha: Hyuk-hyuk! Good answer!
Rhens: ...
Rhens: Whoops, looks like I probably didn't need to use up all the pork.
Rhens: Gonna need to buy something else for tomorrow's lunch. (Captain), any chance you can join me on a trip to the grocer?
Yodarha: No lunch for tomorrow? That'd be a disaster! Maybe I should come too.
Rhens: I'm not gonna ask an injured old man to carry the groceries. We'll be back in a jiffy, so the rest of you guys stick around.
Lyria: Okay! We'll be right here, (Captain)!
Vyrn: I won't mind if you buy me an apple or two for dessert! Heheh!
Chuckling at Vyrn in response, (Captain) takes off with Rhens.
Rhens: Munch... You're a real softy when it comes to Vyrn, huh.
Rhens: Won't deny that these juicy apples are somethin' special though.
Rhens and the captain each snack from a bag of large, lustrous apples on the way back from the grocery.
Rhens: So I've given you the lowdown on how me and the old man are doing. How 'bout you guys though? Not caught up in anything nasty, I hope?
  1. It's been smooth sailing!
  2. It's been rough.

Choose: It's been smooth sailing!
Rhens: Glad to hear it. I guess after going up against the likes of Grace, doing anything else must feel like a cakewalk.

Choose: It's been rough.
Rhens: For real? You hanging in there still? Must be pretty bad if you're the one saying it's rough.
Continue 1
Rhens: The old man's gonna wanna hear this too later.
Reflecting back on all that's been happening, (Captain) fills Rhens in on recent events.
Rhens: ...
Rhens: Er, oops, sorry for slack-jawing there. That all had way more of a punch than I was expecting.
Rhens: You okay?
Seeing (Captain)'s confident response, Rhens wonders if he should even bring up the topic on his mind at all.
Rhens: Listen, I know you've got bigger problems to worry about, but...
Rhens: When meeting Gramps back there, did you... notice anything?
  1. I noticed he's in good health.

Choose: I noticed he's in good health.
Rhens: Yeah, you're right... I'm probably just overthinking it...
(Captain) looks silently at Rhens, waiting for him to continue.
Rhens: Well, I suppose I might as well get it off my chest.
Rhens: Ever since the old man and I started our recovery here, it feels like he's gone soft.
Rhens: Sort of. I'm not sure how to explain it exactly. Maybe more like his corners have been filed down...
Rhens: At least to my eyes, it started after he took off those suicide robes.
Rhens: At first, I took it as a sign of how bad his injuries are. But nah, that ain't it...
Rhens: That venom he had while he was chasing down Grace is gone, but even more, his usual edge is too...
Rhens: It's like he's lost the fire in him, if you get what I mean.
Rhens: Makes me worried that he's gonna put himself in danger if he goes back to skyfaring in his current state of mind.
Rhens's concerns are not without merit.
After a bit of thought, (Captain) mutters in a low voice.
  1. Still, I want him with us.

Choose: Still, I want him with us.
Rhens: I hear ya. He's crazy strong in battle.
Rhens: All right, enough of this sour talk from me! I'll take good care of the old man till he's ready to rejoin your crew.
Rhens: I realize things are hardly ever easy for you guys, but... hang in there.
Rhens: Cuz you've got not only the master swordsman, but his master disciple on your side too!
(Captain) cracks a smile at Rhens's comment.
Rhens: Hey, what's so funny! Let's not forget I'm the guy that showed Grace who's boss!
The two continue on their way back to the others, their moods uplifted.

Rusted Phantasm: Scene 3

Upon the crew's departure, Rhens requests a duel and his master is quick to comply.

The crew has returned to the Grandcypher, leaving Yodarha and Rhens to themselves.
Yodarha: And now it's as quiet as a windless sea.
Yodarha: How nice it was seeing everyone in good spirits! I'll have to try to keep up!
Rhens: For one thing, you could try havin' a proper duel.
Rhens: Doubt fighting the occasional pushover monster and training your disciple does much to keep you in your prime.
Yodarha: Hm, true enough. But do you think you'd make a worthy opponent?
Rhens: Tch! You know my skill level better than anyone else, Gramps!
Rhens: I'd say I've got what it takes to face a convalescin' old man!
Yodarha: No backing down now, Rhens. May this be a test of strength for both of us!
Rhens: That's what I wanted to hear. Let's move out front!
Grabbing his sword from Rhens, Yodarha prepares for a duel.
Rhens strengthens the grip on his handle, carefully watching his master's movements.

Rusted Phantasm: Scene 4

Despite the duel between master and disciple ending in a flash, Rhens warns that Yodarha's lost the spark needed to take on the types of powerful foes that (Captain)'s crew confronts regularly. Taking the pupil's remark to heart, Yodarha embarks on an intensive training regimen.

Rhens: It's over!
Yodarha: How naive!
Yodarha: Ultimate Flash!
Yodarha swiftly evades a devastating blow from Rhens and immediately follows up with one of his own.
Rhens's sword is sent flying and ends up planted into the ground.
Yodarha: You have speed, but you need to work on your strength. Otherwise you'll struggle even against monsters.
Rhens: Speak for yourself, old man!
Yodarha: Hm?
Rhens: What the hell was that lousy move!
Rhens: Even a guy like me was able to react fast enough to block it! Not dodge it, sure, but still!
Yodarha: Hah... Your point being?
Rhens: You've changed.
Rhens: Ever since you took off the suicide robes, you've kinda sucked as both a swordsman and a fisherman...
Rhens: You only do the simple stuff, like basic training or helpin' people out...
Rhens: Nothin' wrong with that. Heck, we're all grateful for your help.
Rhens: But until Grace's death, underneath that easygoing exterior, there was some... thing I can't even describe.
Rhens: But now it's like there's nothing down there at all!
Yodarha: ...
Rhens: You can leave the typical monster to rookie young 'uns like me.
Rhens: But y'know (Captain)'s gonna be taking on foes potentially far deadlier than Grace.
Rhens: So I'm gonna come right out and say it, Gramps... I doubt you could put a dent in those foes!
Yodarha: You believe I'd just get in the crew's way, eh?
Rhens: Yeah. And what's more...
Rhens: If you should get hurt again, imagine the burden that'd place on them.
Yodarha: Hm...
Yodarha stares into his own reflection on the sword.
Yodarha: (Indeed, what a coward I've become...)
In his reflection, there is no hint of the master swordsman that once was.
Only the visage of a peaceful old man just trying to get by looks back at him.
Yodarha: (While I've been hiding away, (Captain) has continued to brave countless dangers...)
Yodarha: (Rather, (Captain)'s been in the throes of battle since the day we met...)
Past Yodarha: Now there's nothing to worry 'bout, see? We're in the middle of nowhere—you won't run into another soul all the way out here.
Past Yodarha: You're much more likely to be caught making a ruckus moving around, right?
Yodarha: (The captain went from fearing imperial soldiers...)
Grace: Listen, (Captain). I really am on your side, you know.
Yodarha: (To taking on deadly foes like Grace head-on.)
Yodarha: (Despite your youth, you helped me to fulfill my wish...)
Yodarha: (Now I see. I've been thinking that was my conclusion.)
Yodarha: (Rejoining the crew, for me, was just a way to enjoy my own epilogue. I came to think that way without realizing it.)
Yodarha: (Yet for me to underestimate the unforeseen enemy may as well make me a frog in the well again. What a joke that "phantasmagoric fencer" name makes of me now.)
Rhens: ...
Yodarha: Hm...
Yodarha: One question, Rhens.
Rhens: Yeah, Gramps?
Yodarha: Back in the day, what did I say was the ultimate sword strike?
Rhens: Oh, that?
Seeing the change in his master's expression, Rhens picks up a pebble lying on the ground.
Rhens: Heck if I remember!
He then hurls it at Yodarha.
Yodarha: Hrgh!
The Harvin splits the rock in half, leaving behind a smooth cross section.
Rhens: For shame... You're off from the center.
Yodarha: My aim is imprecise. As you suggested, I must resharpen my senses.
Rhens: Whettin' a rusted blade ain't no easy feat.
Yodarha: A trial by fire awaits.
Determined to reignite the spark within him, Yodarha steps into the twilight of the forest.
Rhens: Ooh, that's gonna be a toughie. I wanna watch.
Yodarha: I don't mind you coming along, but don't blame me if you collapse.
Rhens: Training's been easy as pie lately. This is as good a chance as any to light a fire under my ass.
Yodarha: Hah, you and your big talk. Let's go, Rhens.
Rhens: Right behind ya.
Seeking to hone their skills with the blade...
The two swordsmen proceed through the darkness.

Million in Zero

Over the course of nearly a month, Yodarha and Rhens undergo strict training in the place were Grace previously fell. However, it isn't until the topic of Grace's wire comes up that Yodarha thinks of a way to truly reach new heights.

The wind whistles through the otherwise still forest.
Yodarha: Inhale... Exhale...
Rhens: Inhale... Exhale...
As the sun begins to rise, Yodarha and Rhens begin practicing their sword swings.
One million swings—a feat that Yodarha once demanded of all his pupils.
Since restarting their basic training about a month ago, the two have completed the feat twice.
Yodarha: Phew...
Rhens: (Looks like he's lit a heck of a fire under himself too...)
Rhens: (After a million swings, he runs around the forest, then starts striking a training dummy...)
Rhens: (I might not be able to keep up with the next round of a million swings...)
Yodarha: Clear your mind of thought, Rhens.
Yodarha: ...
With the sun being rather high up now, perhaps we should take a break.
Yodarha sheathes his sword and moves away from the training grounds.
His steps are swift and purposeful, making no wasted movement.
Rhens: Geez, sure looks like you're all better now...
Yodarha: Ah! Nothing like a refreshing drink of water!
Rhens: Want some of the salted fish I brought along, Gramps?
Yodarha: Wait a second, didn't I catch and salt those myself?
Rhens: Yeah, but I'm the one who brought 'em here!
Rhens: Eat up!
Yodarha grabs the salted fish from Rhens and heartily takes a bite.
Pleased to see his master in good spirits, the pupil takes a bite himself.
Yodarha: Nom... How's your body faring, Rhens?
Rhens: Not bad, I guess. My grip might be weak, but I'm gettin' a better handle on what it means to swing a sword.
Rhens: I just need to figure out the exact moment to exert my strength.
Yodarha: Well said. I'd expect no less from you.
Yodarha: The immobility of your arm forces you to concentrate power on a single instant... You'd be quite formidable if you can master it.
Yodarha: At this point, you could probably take out the average monster with little difficulty.
Yodarha: To be honest, I thought you might give up at the first million swings. Didn't think you'd stick around all the way to three million.
Rhens: Yeah, I push through somehow. Besides, someone's gotta keep an eye on ya to make sure you don't overdo it.
Rhens: How 'bout yourself? Reach the new heights you're looking for yet?
Yodarha: Not quite.
Yodarha: I thought a million or two sword swings might fill me with some insight. Yet...
Yodarha: Nothing's changed at all! Maybe I just need to do ten million sword swings!
Rhens: That's—
Rhens: (Holy crap, he's not kidding. He might actually do ten million...)
Yodarha: I'm getting my old self back, but I still have some ways to go. Who knows what I might encounter in the travels ahead.
Yodarha: As I am now, I'm not sure if I could even fight toe to toe with Grace.
Rhens: Grace, eh...
The two briefly stare into the distance in silence.
The place they first chose as their primary training grounds was where Grace fell.
Though they both realized it, they continued using the location until today.
Rhens: As bad as I have it, Grace was way worse off with her arm...
Yodarha: I didn't cut it off, but I made sure she could never wield a sword again.
Yodarha: Who'd have thought she'd be wreaking havoc again with that wire contraption.
Rhens: Thought I'd try my hand at the thing myself, but then realized I'd be crazy to go through with it. It's way too dangerous.
Rhens: Can't imagine the sort of training she must've undergone to use the wires as an extension of her limbs.
Yodarha: Then again, this is Grace we're talking about. She always was good at staying focused.
Yodarha: For her vision of "world peace"...
Gazing up at the azure skies above, Yodarha mutters under his breath.
Rhens: On that note, (Captain) fights for world peace just the same.
Rhens: You know, I thought Grace was talkin' nonsense when she first told me what she fights for.
Rhens: I mean, here was this pork-lovin' brat next to me talking about going against some of the toughest opponents out there...
Rhens: I guess when you're doin' something huge like changin' the world, you need skills on the level of Grace...
Yodarha: You just might be right...
Yodarha: Tch!
Yodarha: You haven't lost a step, Grace.
Grace: Happy to see you again. Geez, how many years has it been?
Yodarha: Far too long without you getting your comeuppance!
Yodarha: She moved freely and effortlessly with all the grace her name implies... And you'd have no idea where her next lethal blow might come from—
Yodarha: That's it!
Rhens: Whoa! Don't be screamin' outta the blue, Gramps! What's on your mind?
Yodarha: Ah, to think that the technique of an exiled disciple would lead me to this epiphany!
Yodarha: I've discovered what I'm looking for, Rhens!
Rhens: Wha? Er, that's good, I guess...
Just then...
A gust of wind whips by, as if to tease the younger disciple and praise the master's enlightenment.
As the trees murmur among themselves, the phantasmagoric fencer finds a way forward.

Million in Zero: Scene 2

While trying to devise a new technique so fast that it cannot be seen by the naked eye, Yodarha finds that Aletheia and Yngwie have come to visit. The latter engages him in an all-out duel.

Yodarha: Chraaaah!
Rhens: Holy smokes...
Rhens props the severely scarred lignoid back up.
Rhens: How about that one?
Yodarha: Still not quite there. You were able to catch glimpses of my blade, yes?
Rhens: You were crazy fast, but yeah, I could definitely still see it.
Yodarha: Speed alone will not get me to where I need to be. I'll have to rethink this...
Rhens: You seriously think you can pull off something resemblin' what Grace did with that wire?
Rhens: I mean, for starters, isn't her weapon connected to some Arianensa moon thing?
Yodarha: No, trying to match the wire exactly would be an impossible feat.
Yodarha: But I'd like to believe that I can get very close to it...
Yodarha: The point is to unleash a death blow that cannot be seen by the naked eye.
Yodarha: That alone should be feasible, don't you think?
Rhens: Well, if you put it that way, I think you've already pulled it off...
Rhens: What's dangerous about Grace is that there's no tellin' when or where her next attack is gonna come from.
Rhens: I just can't imagine pullin' that off as well with a sword... I mean, you've gotta draw the sword before you can swing it, right?
Yodarha: How unlike you, Rhens. What happened to that relentless attitude of yours?
Rhens: The bar's too high this time... I'm not sure I can keep up anymore.
Yodarha: Heh, I suppose it is part of a master's duty to show his disciple the way.
Yodarha: Well, this ends today's training. Why don't we go take on some monsters? Come earn your keep.
Rhens: Sure.
Yodarha: Shaaaa!
Monster: ...!
Yodarha charges at the monster horde with all the ferocity of a lion on the hunt.
Rhens: Yeah, no way am I jumpin' in there. Probably end up getting cut pretty badly myself.
Yodarha: It's over!
Yodarha: That should do it.
Rhens: Nice. You're really pumped up, aren't you.
Yodarha: I'm nearly back where I used to be. But I still have my work cut out for me.
Yodarha: I can only go so far with monsters.
Rhens: Why not try goin' back to the crew? Bet you'll run into a worthy opponent there in no time at all.
Yodarha: Hm? How 'bout yourself?
Rhens: Nah. You're way above my level, Gramps.
Yodarha: You think so? For shame. Hm, what to do.
Yodarha: At any rate, it wouldn't feel right returning to the crew without some new move in my repertoire.
After muttering those words to himself, Yodarha returns to town to report the extermination of the monsters.
Upon reporting completion of their task, Yodarha and Rhens make for home.
???: What took so long? I figured a small horde like that would be child's play for you.
Rhens: ...?
Who the heck—
Yodarha: Settle down, Rhens. He's an old friend.
Aletheia: Oho... Indeed. When I heard a fellow master swordsman had taken up training again, I knew I had to come pay a visit.
Aletheia: My apologies for startling you, Rhens.
Rhens: Nah, I'm the one who spoke outta turn. Here, why don't I treat you to some grub as an apology? The folks in town gifted us meat for slayin' the monsters.
Aletheia: Ohoho! Yes, catching up over a meal does sound nice. Fill me in, Yodarha.
Yodarha: Hoo boy, where do I even start...
Aletheia: Uh-huh. So you're looking to attain ever greater heights in the way of the sword, I see.
Yodarha: I feel like it's literally right in front of me, but it keeps sliding out of my grasp like an elusive fish...
Yodarha: What is the missing piece that I'm not seeing?
Aletheia: Why not have a match with me, like we did in the old days—
Aletheia: On second thought, I doubt fighting the same old opponent would do much to help you reach new horizons.
Yodarha: What a strange way of putting it. Do you know someone more worthy than yourself?
Aletheia: In case you haven't heard, Yngwie's taken up the sword again lately.
Yodarha: Oho... I remember hearing he couldn't hold a sword anymore. I suppose he's overcome the hurdle.
Aletheia: I don't know the details either, but apparently reuniting with his beloved daughter made all the difference.
Aletheia: Considering he was able to find his way back to the sword, surely he'd have some advice for you.
Yodarha: Well put. That explains the other mucky presence I'm sensing.
???: Yep. Nice to see you living up to your reputation as a master swordsman.
Rhens: What the! Wh-where were you hiding this whole time!
Yngwie: Heh, doesn't do much for your rep as a master swordsman in the making when you couldn't even sniff me out.
Aletheia: Come now, Yngwie. It just goes to show how skilled you are at stealth.
Yodarha: So I see... You've changed since we last spoke, Yngwie.
Yngwie: Coming from you, that's high praise. And I'm glad to see you all healed up. Here's a little present from me and my daughter.
Yodarha: Ah, a magnificent bouquet. Rhens, see if you can put these in a nice arrangement.
Rhens: You sure? I don't think I'm qualified to handle flowers safely...
Yodarha: So, Yngwie, I take it you're up-to-date on my situation?
Yngwie: Sure am. That's what I came all this way for. Not like I get many chances to test my strength against you on the ship.
Aletheia: Well, we wouldn't want to tear up the Grandcypher in the process after all.
Aletheia: Though this island isn't exactly fit for tearing up either...
Yngwie: We're not the reckless go-getters we used to be. I'm sure we can control ourselves enough to not cut down the forests and split the earth, yeah?
Yodarha: Are you asking me to go easy on you? That is one request I cannot oblige.
Aletheia: Nuh-uh, no need to hold back, boys. That's what I'm here for.
Aletheia: Though I could use some assistance... What do you say, Rhens?
Rhens: Wait, me? Seriously?
Aletheia: Oh, I'm not asking for much. Just a bit of help if it comes to that.
Rhens: I'm not feelin' it, but all right... Just go easy on me.
Yngwie: It's settled then. Let's get this match started.
Yodarha: Yes, let us make hay while the sun shines. Good thing I fed myself earlier. I'm all in, Yngwie.
Aletheia: Get into your positions, please.
Rhens: Oh man...
Yngwie: Really appreciate the opportunity to duel you again, buddy.
Yngwie: Watch me and my sword, Yodarha.
Yodarha: Certainly. Come at me with everything you've got. Or else—
Yodarha: Who knows what this blade of mine might cut!
Aletheia: Begin!

Million in Zero: Scene 3

Pushed to his limits against Yngwie, Yodarha finds what he needs for his new technique. Aletheia and Rhens are forced to help block even its incomplete version so that Yngwie is not dealt any serious damage. Yodarha thanks Yngwie for helping him with the discovery.

Yodarha: Shaaaa!
Yngwie: Uoooogh!
Yngwie: (Damn you're good, Yodarha! He's upping his speed too...)
Yngwie: But I'm not out for the count just yet!
Yodarha: A-hyuk-hyuk! Not bad! My arm's a bit numb from parrying that!
Yngwie: Gotta be honest! I'm a bit shocked you handled that so effortlessly!
Both swordsmen grin from ear to ear as their blades intersect.
The sound of clashing swords continues to ring aloud, leaving countless scars on the nearby trees and ground.
Aletheia: My, my, simply watching gets my blood churning.
Rhens: It's insane how he manages to keep up with Gramps using that giant sword...
Aletheia: Keeping up? It's more like he's reading ahead and trying to control the flow of battle.
Aletheia: Even the slightest movement from Yodarha is a tell. Yngwie just has to pick up on it and strike first.
Aletheia: Thereby forcing Yodarha into evading and dropping his speed. A most clever tactic, I must say.
Rhens: Th-that's pretty cool...
Aletheia: Give it another twenty years, and you'll come to see it too.
Rhens: Oh, I dunno about that...
Yngwie: (Cripes, Yodarha! It's one new move after another!)
Yngwie: (I can't go on the offense until I've seen all your moves! Then again, the same goes for you!)
Yodarha: (Yngwie is no slouch. He's managed to keep up with all of my attacks so far.)
Yodarha: But that's exactly why overpowering him is going to be oh so worth it!
Yngwie: Here he comes!
Yodarha: Ultimate Flash: Million in One!
Yngwie: Saw that one coming too, Yodarha—
Yngwie: !
The moment Yngwie switches up his broadsword stance, the sound of clashing steel ensues.
But this sound is clearly different from the rest. Yngwie is being pushed back.
Yngwie: (Too close! What was that just now?)
Aletheia: There was an extra swing that time...
Rhens: No way... Except, yeah, I think I felt it too...
Yngwie: (He's swinging his sword faster than I can sense him!)
Yodarha: Chraaaaah!
Yngwie: You landing in extra blows just means I have to up my game!
Yngwie: Come at me with everything you've got, Yodarha!
Yodarha: Well said! Try to dodge this!
Even when viewed from the side, the deadly tension and power waiting to be unleashed from both of Yodarha's arms is evident.
Afraid of what Yodarha might do, Rhens and Aletheia prepare to jump into the fray.
Yodarha: Here I come!
Rhens: Gramps!
Aletheia: A technique that acknowledges the lack of complete control over an injured arm, and pours everything into a single point in time—into just one swing. Truly powerful if mastered.
What seemed like an endless flurry of sword strikes is brought to an end in an instant.
Yngwie: Phew. Think that just shaved a few years off my life.
Aletheia: Good thing you still have some left. I wouldn't be able to face (Captain) or Erika if you'd lost all of them.
The combined might of three swords managed to stop Yodarha's two swords.
Yodarha: My apologies. I got into a bit of a frenzy there.
Yngwie: Yeah, no worries... Making sure you'd go all out was my job.
Yngwie: That was pretty intense. If you'd finished mastering that latest move, I probably wouldn't be standing right now.
Yodarha: No need to flatter me. You did well yourself, Yngwie.
Yngwie: Heh... Sorry. So this is the new horizon you've been looking to reach, huh?
They turn around to find a deep cut in the tree behind Yngwie.
It was caused by the last blow of Yodarha's flurry, which got past both Aletheia and Rhens.
Aletheia: A formless sword, shall we call it? Drawing your sword so fast that the opponent cannot sense it... You truly live up to your name as the phantasmagoric fencer.
Yodarha: Yeah, I suppose that's one way to put it. To me though, I was simply swinging my sword as fast as I possibly could!
Yngwie: Makes sense you'd see it that way. Again, I really appreciate the opportunity.
Yodarha: Oh, I should be the one thanking you for helping me reach new heights.
Yngwie: I always did want to pay you back for helping with my armor. And now we're square.
Yodarha: Oh, I'd nearly forgotten about that. Yes, consider your debt paid!
Yngwie: Whoops. Maybe I shouldn't have brought it up.
Following the fierce duel, the aged swordsmen engage in hearty banter.
Rhens, feeling somewhat out of place, shrugs his shoulders.
Having completed what they set out to do, Aletheia and Yngwie make preparations for departure.
Aletheia: (Captain)'s been missing your company. Come back soon, you hear?
Yngwie: Still gotta introduce my daughter to you. We'll be waiting.
Yodarha: Ah yes, I'll have to thank her for the flowers... Perhaps I'll see you both soon.
Yodarha's trusty old friends say their goodbyes and return to the Grandcypher.
Yodarha: Time to complete it.
Yodarha mutters under his breath as he sees off his companions.

Million in Zero: Scene 4

The new technique now complete, Yodarha encourages Rhens to try it—the Serene Sinker—himself. Being completely drained after the first successful attempt, Rhens realizes his master truly is on another level. With this new addition to his repertoire, Yodarha rejoins the crew in their travels once more.

Having parted with Aletheia and Yngwie, Yodarha returns to the training grounds from earlier.
Standing before a lignoid, he places a hand on his sheath.
Yodarha: Watch, Rhens. This is the ultimate technique I've been seeking—
Yodarha: The Serene Sinker!
Rhens: ...!
The lignoid is cut in half before Rhens can even hear the sword's movement.
Rhens: Faster than sound, eh...
Yodarha: I don't even need to swing the blade. It's like I'm casting a fishing sinker at the speed of light, to give an analogy!
Yodarha: I believe I've come far enough for the time being. You have my thanks, Rhens.
Rhens: Wha? Me? All I did was watch. Or do you mean for takin' care of ya?
Yodarha: You may have grown more observant, but you are unperceptive as ever!
Yodarha: Remaining perfectly calm and still until the single moment of impact—that is the philosophy behind this technique.
Yodarha: Surely you've heard this somewhere before?
Rhens: Focusing your strength on a single moment...
Rhens: Not bad, I guess. My grip might be weak, but I'm gettin' a better handle on what it means to swing a sword.
Rhens: I just need to figure out the exact moment to exert my strength.
Yodarha: Well said. I'd expect no less from you.
Yodarha: The immobility of your arm forces you to concentrate power on a single instant... You'd be quite formidable if you can master it.
Rhens: Wait a sec! You stole my move, Gramps!
Yodarha: Come now, no one stole anything from you! I simply used the idea as a reference.
Yodarha: I am but a foolish master who still finds plenty to learn from his disciples.
Rhens: Tch. Seein' as I'm the unworthy disciple with a debt to pay, I'll let this one slide.
Yodarha: How wonderfully kind of you.
Yodarha: Anyhow, Rhens, why don't you try the move yourself?
Rhens: You're kidding, right? How could I possibly—
Yodarha: The technique is yours. You have what it takes to use it.
Rhens: Gramps... You serious?
Yodarha: Draw your blade, Rhens. You need not hold back against me.
Yodarha: Allow me to act the part of a proper master for once.
Rhens: ...
Master and disciple face each other with swords drawn.
Rhens: (How did Gramps pull off that move earlier...)
Yodarha: Stop sweating the details already!
Rhens: Damn! You're comin' at me for real!
Yodarha: Don't worry, I won't take your life. But you'd best stay sharp!
Rhens: Holy crap! You're goin' hard from the get-go!
Rhens is forced to respond in kind with his own frantic sword swings.
Rhens: (Geez, Gramps. I'd think you were tryin' to kill me if I didn't know better!)
Yodarha: Unlike Yngwie, you cannot afford to remain on the defensive forever!
Rhens: (I've got one shot at this. I can't miss, won't miss... You've got this, Rhens!)
Rhens: (Focus my strength on a single moment... Determine where to strike...)
Rhens: (The speed of light... without swinging the blade... That's how Gramps put it...)
Rhens: ...!
Yodarha: Out with it!
Rhens: Sinker!
Yodarha's chestnut hair is already fluttering in the wind before the sound of Rhens's blade.
Yodarha: Brilliant!
Rhens: You saw that, Gramps? Holy... You're officially a copycat now—
Yodarha: Rhens!
Yodarha slides in to prop Rhens up before he falls to the ground, the pupil's sword still jutting out.
Rhens: Hahah... I might've pulled it off, but now I can't move a single muscle...
Rhens: How's an old goat like you still standin' straight?
Yodarha: Let us chalk that up to the difference in years of experience. Live long enough, and you learn to control your strength better.
Rhens: Psh, you're one to talk...
Rhens: Phew... Damn, Gramps... Don't know if I'll ever get to your level...
Yodarha: Let the Serene Sinker be a move that belongs to only you and I—pupil and master.
Rhens: Only to you and I...
Yodarha: How does that sound?
Rhens: Heh, as if anyone else would even attempt it.
Yodarha: Hm... Shall we be getting back soon? Wait, it doesn't seem like you'll be able to move... Hope you don't mind me dragging you back.
Rhens: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait right there, Gramps! I'd rather rest a bit and get back on my own two legs than be dragged—
Yodarha: Gah, don't be such a fuss. Off we go.
Rhens: Yeowch! At least try not to bump me against any rocks, would ya.
And so, master and pupil leave the training grounds in high spirits.
Yodarha departs from the island on the following morning.
Yodarha: Phew, finally caught up with you. Blessings to Siero.
Lyria: Yodarha! What happened to your injuries?
Yodarha: I'm mostly healed up now. Besides, what kind of a lousy crew member would I be if I continued to leave you all hanging!
Yodarha: (Captain), I apologize for all the trouble and worry I must have caused you. Would you permit my return to the crew, starting today?
  1. Heck yeah! Glad to have you back!

Choose: Heck yeah! Glad to have you back!
Yodarha: Then from this day forward, I shall resume wielding my blades to defeat your enemy, Captain.
  1. We're counting on you!
  2. We need the angler in you too!

Choose: We're counting on you!
Yodarha: A-hyuk-hyuk! Good answer! Maybe I can show you my new move later!
Yodarha: You probably won't even "see" the move at first!

Choose: We need the angler in you too!
Yodarha: A-hyuk-hyuk! I've still got the angler in me and then some, all right! Maybe I'll show you later!
Continue 1
With a deadly new technique in his repertoire, Yodarha returns to the Grandcypher.
His characteristic chuckle will surely be there to lighten the mood no matter what adversity the crew faces going forward.

Martial Arts Tourney?

Mirin catches word of an upcoming competition in the "arts." She takes this to mean "martial arts," and Yodarha helps her get into shape for the main event. The two are later disappointed to learn that it's a "literary arts" competition, but they ultimately rejoice in the poetic richness that is haiku.

Mirin takes a walk in a foreign land to broaden her horizons.
Mirin: Wow, look at all these people... Are they having a festival today?
Mirin: Hehe. With all the food stalls out here, this isn't too different from the events we have back home.
Mirin catches part of a conversation from the surrounding crowds.
Passerby 1: Hey... Isn't that... competition supposed to happen soon?
Passerby 2: Yep... Another year, another contest for... arts and all.
Mirin: Hm, what was that? Arts?
Mirin: Ah, he probably meant a martial arts competition!
Mirin covers her mouth with both hands to contain a gasp of surprise, perking up her ears at the remainder of the conversation.
Passerby 1: Mm-hm. Another three days, if I remember right. Wonder if it'll be at the town square again...
Passerby 2: Hey, maybe I'll stand a chance this year...
Mirin: Gozaru! A martial arts competition is the dream of any true samurai... This would be the perfect chance to test my mettle!
Mirin: But I should look into the details first. Hm, where did those people go?
Mirin looks around for a bit before finding what appears to be the group from earlier.
Mirin: That's probably them. Might as well ask them straight up—
Mirin: Wait... wouldn't that be kind of awkward? What if they think I'm some kind of weirdo?
Mirin: But... I want to learn more about the martial arts competition...
Yodarha: Oh, you're going to be in a competition?
Mirin: Gozaru! Huh, when did you get here?
Yodarha: A-hyuk-hyuk-hyuk... Apologies for startling you. But you caught my attention just now.
Mirin: Ahaha, it's okay. What do you mean by that though?
Yodarha: Well, you just said it yourself... Something about a martial arts competition?
Mirin: Right...
Mirin: Ah, I almost forgot! I have to find those two!
Mirin looks around frantically, but the pair is nowhere to be found.
Mirin: Sigh... I was hoping they'd be able to tell me more...
Yodarha: Hm... Wanting to test your skills is admirable, but I hope you understand just what a martial arts competition entails.
Mirin: Well, I've never seen one before... But you just swing your weapons around and see who's better, right?
Yodarha: That about sums it up. But you should also keep in mind that it can be a matter of life and death at times.
Yodarha: Will you be able to bear injuries not only to yourself but to your opponents as well? You must steel yourself for anything that may happen.
Mirin: I didn't even consider that...
Mirin: But being a samurai...
Yodarha: A-hyuk-hyuk-hyuk... I suppose it's only natural you want to test your might as a warrior. In which case...
A scream resonates from beyond the nearby crowds.
Woman: Eeep! S-someone help me!
Man: Aaah! We have bandits here! They're armed and dangerous! Run!
Mirin and Yodarha realize the voices are coming from the food stalls in the distance. A few men and women lie collapsed on the ground.
Standing by them are men with swords brandished.
Mirin: Gozaru! You knaves!
Mirin tries to rush to the scene, but the fleeing crowds slow her down.
Mirin: Rgh! They'll get away at this rate...
Yodarha: A-hyuk-hyuk... Leave it to me.
Yodarha rushes past the crowds and stands before the bandits.
Yodarha: Stealing might help you buy food to fill your bellies, but living with the aftertaste is something else. Best turn back now while you can, young'uns.
Bandit 1: Try sayin' that again, ya old fart!
Bandit 1: Raaah! Get ready to die!
Yodarha appears to stand stock still as the bandit swings his blade.
Yodarha: Hm... A life of thievery isn't really something you wish to pursue, is it? I can sense the hesitation in your sword tip.
Bandit 1: What the... How did you dodge that?
Bandit 2: Hey, quit fooling around and do it already!
Bandit 3: Tch... Guys! We need to surround the geezer! There's no way he can take us all on at once.
Mirin: Careful, Yodarha! I'll give you a hand!
Yodarha: A-hyuk-hyuk! No worries. They can swing all the blades they want at me. Won't make a difference.
Bandit 2: Shut yer trap, you damn coot!
The bandits swing their swords at Yodarha in unison.
Like a blade of grass dancing in the wind, Yodarha masterfully evades the strikes.
Yodarha: Your aim is quite pitiful to be honest. Try putting your backs into it.
Bandit 2: You asked for it!
Bandit 3: Aaargh!
The trio of villains have another go at taking down Yodarha, but they might as well be slashing at thin air.
To bystanders, it almost looks like a training session. Until...
Bandit 1: Ngh!
Bandit 2: Urgh!
Bandit 3: Gyaah!
Yodarha deflects each of their swords in a single flash.
Mirin: Wow... That was so fast, I could hardly see what happened...
Yodarha: A-hyuk-hyuk... You know, you could put all that energy to good use by working for your rupies like everyone else. You'd probably make more while saving yourself a lot of embarrassment.
The knaves remain slumped on the ground, too listless to even open their mouths.
The authorities drag them away, restoring the town's natural livelihood.
Mirin: Um...
Yodarha: What's wrong, lass?
Mirin: That was some really impressive swordsmanship!
Mirin: Any chance you can teach me some of those moves? For the upcoming competition, of course!
Yodarha: Hm, when's it supposed to happen anyway?
Mirin: Um... In three days, they said.
Yodarha: I don't know if three days is gonna cut it...
Mirin: Yeah, I guess that's pushing it...
Yodarha: But we do have enough time to equip you with more of a fighter's mindset. Ready to hole up in the mountains for a bit?
Mirin: Wait... You mean you're willing to train me?
Yodarha: A-hyuk-hyuk... I guess you caught me in a good mood.
Mirin: Yay! Thank you so much, Yodarha!
Mirin and Yodarha withdraw to the mountains for the next three days to engage in an intense training session.
They make the most of their time, focusing on the basics with sword forms, endurance runs, and sparring.
Though it is a mere three days, Mirin shows marked improvement in both skill and heart.
The day of the competition soon dawns upon them.
The town is considerably more lively than usual as crowds fill the streets.
Mirin: Hehe. It's more packed than before. It wouldn't be a stretch to call this a festival.
Yodarha: Impressive turnout! I'm sure many of them have come out to watch today's battles.
Mirin: Gozaru! I'm more than ready.
Yodarha: Your dauntlessness before battle is a good sign.
Mirin: Of course! All that training really put me up to the task.
Mirin: It was only three days, but you helped me out a ton! And I'll use this competition to show you what I've learned!
Confidence brimming on her face, Mirin makes for the competition grounds with Yodarha.
Mirin: Hm? I don't get it. Can you say that again?
Receptionist: Yes, we're having a competition today. But it'll be for literary arts—not martial arts.
Mirin: But I heard about it with my own two ears...
Receptionist: Well, I can't really help you with an event that's not going to happen.
Mirin: But... Um... Don't you hold it every year?
Receptionist: Sure we do. The literary arts competition is an annual thing.
Yodarha: Oh, I see what happened. You simply heard wrong, Mirin.
Mirin: Let's see... Arts...

Literary arts...

Martial arts...
Mirin: Sigh... I can't believe myself...
Mirin: I'm so sorry, Yodarha. I didn't mean for the training to go to waste.
Yodarha: Oh, don't worry about it. I can tell you definitely had something to gain from it, and I enjoyed training someone so pure of heart.
Yodarha: A-hyuk-hyuk... Calling that training wasted would be the real crime.
Mirin: Ah, thank you so much. I'll continue to better myself in the ways of the sword!
Yodarha: That's the spirit, young one! Chances to test your strength abound in everyday life if you simply keep your eyes open.
Yodarha prepares to walk off, and Mirin follows his lead.
Receptionist: Hey, since you've already come all the way out here, why don't you give this literary arts competition a shot?
Mirin: That stuff has never been my forte though...
Receptionist: Hehe, we've got a really wild theme this year. The task is to write a haiku—a traditional form of composition hailing from lands far to the east.
Mirin: ...!
Did you say haiku?
Yodarha: Hm? You know of them?
Mirin: Gozaru! Haiku are all the rage back in my hometown!
Mirin: This must be fate. If it's haiku, then I'd like to give it a shot!
Yodarha: I suppose I'll try writing one too. How refreshing to be able to take on such novel challenges at my age.
The rules are simple. Each contestant must read aloud a haiku of their own making, and the judges will assign a rating.
The public readings begin, and soon it's Mirin's turn.
Mirin: Okay, here's mine:

In this strange new land
I reminisce of dear home

With each sabre swing
Yodarha stands in awe of Mirin as she reads her haiku proudly.
Yodarha: Hm, very nice... Here's mine:

No longer a youth
Spring seems ever far away

Rod in hand, I wait
Following Yodarha, the other contestants read off their haiku in turn. The competition is a success with the crowds, ending on a resoundingly high note.
Yodarha: A-hyuk-hyuk... A shame we couldn't win.
Mirin: Yeah, but I'm just happy we got to try it out!
Mirin: It's not every day that I come across aspects of my own culture in a foreign land. Especially not with this many people finding joy in it...
Yodarha: I had fun too. Though I'm not sure if my haiku turned out to be any good.
Mirin: Oh, it was definitely amazing for a first attempt.
Mirin: I'm guessing you like fishing? I got the feeling that you prefer to take things nice and easy.
Yodarha: Hm... What makes you think that?
Mirin: A person's pathos and life experiences are reflected in their haiku.
Mirin: And, well, that's just what I took away from yours.
Yodarha: Hm... I see...
(It's not something I focused on at all...)
Yodarha takes another look at his haiku.
Yodarha: (Another interpretation is that deep down, I'm waiting for something big to happen that'll have a profound effect on me.)
Yodarha: (Though I have no idea what that might be.)
With multiple interpretations of such of a short string of words being possible, Yodarha is able to glimpse aspects of himself that he never realized were there.
The inherent depth found in haiku evokes praise and admiration from him.
Yodarha: Hm. There are still so many fascinating things left in the world for me to discover.
Yodarha: I'm all ready to absorb new knowledge. What a profound day this has been.
Mirin: And I got the chance to write haiku again after such a long time. Gosh, I almost forgot how nice they are.
Yodarha: A-hyuk-hyuk! We ended up not having a martial arts competition after all, but all's well that ends well, eh?
This chance encounter between Mirin and Yodarha, starting from a misunderstanding, went in a surprising direction.
The day's haiku-filled fun is an invaluable experience that will stay with them for a long time to come.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
心の乱れは剣先に出るぞ Hesitation shows in your sword.
不肖の弟子の始末をつけんとな That pupil of mine is such a fool. It's about time to deal with him.
さぁて、大物を釣り上げにいくかのう Let's go for the big catch!
剣の賢者、ありゃタダモンじゃないぞ That Sage of the Sword is not to be taken lightly.
ふむ、まだまだ調子は鈍っとらんのう Heh, my swordmanship is still not half bad.
久々にコレを着たわい きっちっちっち! Been so long since I've worn this! A-hyuk-hyuk!
この装いも、なかなかカッコイイじゃろ? This outfit's pretty sharp, don't you think?
娘っ子!剣先に迷いが出とるぞ! Katalina, your sword wavers!
(主人公)、お前さんは惑わされるなよ Don't let yourself be led astray, (Captain).
ま、(主人公)なら心配はいらんの I reckon I've nothing to worry about with (Captain).


  1. Cygames, Inc. (2016). GRANBLUE FANTASY CHRONICLE vol. 09.
  2. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, レジェンドフェス開催&新キャラクター「イルザ」(光属性)「ヨダルラーハ」(風属性)紹介!