Zehek (SSR)/Lore

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Official Profile

Age 18
Height 160 cm
Race Human
Hobbies Inscribing runes
Likes Vegetables
Dislikes Meat
Granblue Fantasy Theater
An arcane duelist with sealed magical powers, Zehek was tainted by an ancient sickness from a primal beast during his youth. The sickness has rendered him incapable of controlling the magical energies flowing within him, instead barely taming his power by covering himself in countless sheets of inlaid rune cloths. While he is capable of overwhelming foes with his latent powers, the sickness continues to consume his body, forcing you to save him from collapse on more than one occasion. He continues to search for the means to overcome his sickness.
Source [1] [2] [3]
Age 18歳
Height 160cm
Race ヒューマン
Hobbies 写経
Likes 野菜


Source [1] [2] [3]





Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

I never get tired of celebrating your birthday with you, (Captain).
But one regret that I'll carry for the rest of my life is trying to leave the crew without asking any of you how you felt about it.
I owe you another debt for steering me straight, which doesn't feel like a bad thing to me.
I have plenty of time to repay my debts to you. And just like you never gave up on me, I'll never give up on you.
For every step you take on your journey, I'll be there to take it with you, (Captain). Happy birthday.


It's your birthday today, right? Happy birthday, (Captain).
Huh? Do I seem upset? I guess maybe I am.
I was going to get you a present for your birthday, but I took so long trying to decide on something, I missed my chance.
You've given me so many precious things, including Mandau, so I'm embarrassed I couldn't return the favor.
Knowing you, you probably think words are enough...
But I can't expect to grow if I keep taking advantage of your kindness.
Next year will be different. I'd like to give you something really special.
Now this is just a thought, but... what do you say we go pick out your birthday present together this year?
I saw the perfect shop earlier. I'll take you there.


Happy birthday, (Captain). This is for you.
It's a letter. I tried my best to put my thanks to you into words.
When I thought of all the things I wanted to say, I realized it would be too much for me to tell you face to face.
Before I knew it, it had turned into a thirty-page novel. I was as surprised as you are.
The truth is, there was a lot more I wanted to write... but I thought any more would just be a nuisance, so I held back.
I hate to take up your time, but please read through it when you have the chance. I hope my gratitude will come across.


Happy birthday. I wrote another letter for you this year.
This year there's only three pages though. I wasn't slacking off or anything.
It's just that thirty pages would be way too much. I tried to keep it concise and express my appreciation clearly.
It took all my mental capacity to write this, but I never thought it would be so enjoyable to write.
There would've been so many things I would've never experienced if I hadn't met you.
Although I already poured my feelings into the letter, let me just say this now—I'm grateful for you.

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Hey, (Captain). What's up?
What am I doing? Losing myself in the sunrise.
I've never had the chance to bask in the serenity of a new year until now.
I understand it won't necessarily be smooth sailing from here on out, but at least my mind is as clear as the sky today.
After all, you're the shining sun whose gracious rays dispel gloomy clouds.
Haha, did that sound too corny? Hey, that's just how much I appreciate what you've done for me.


Say, (Captain). Since it's New Year's, why don't we try spinning tops?
Before, I couldn't move like I wanted to because of my illness, so I'd like to enjoy a lighthearted game like this.
Now that I can control my power, I should be able to do this properly. Heh, I'll show no mercy, even to you.
Now... Spin!
Zehek releases the top, but before it can make a single rotation, it breaks free from the string and falls to the ground.
What! I thought I could learn by watching, but it didn't even spin once!
I didn't realize it would be more than just a matter of me having my power under control! How could I have been so foolish!
Sorry... but would you mind practicing spinning tops with me right now?


Hey, (Captain). Why don't you have some New Year's food too?
I'm eating mostly black soybeans and prawns for good health and a long life.
I've probably already had ten servings, but I'm still going strong. At this rate, I—
Urk... Oh no! It's... stuck in my throat...
Huff, puff...
That was close... I must have eaten too much too fast...
There's no point in dying while wishing for good health, is there? I guess this is why they say "everything in moderation."

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

These chocolates are for you, (Captain).
Instead of always being on the receiving end on Valentine's Day, I wanted to thank you for your help during the Mandau incident—
Urk! Guaaah!
Huff... Puff... Ah, I took a gamble, and I might've miscalculated...
I mean, the chocolates are perfectly fine, but I was so focused on making them that I set aside Mandau for a bit to do so.
It was a stupid move on my part, but I had to ensure you got the best chocolate I could make.
So that I could see... the big smile on your face...
Within seconds, (Captain) is tending to the exhausted Zehek.


Chocolate for me? Ah, that's right. It's that day again isn't it.
It feels a bit strange to be on the receiving end since I gave you chocolate last year, but it is customary for girls to do the giving.
I was so filled with gratitude that I completely forgot about that custom. I'm sure you must've been confused.
Ah, don't get the wrong idea! I'm plenty grateful being on the receiving end too.
I'm so grateful it's hard for me to properly put my feelings into words...
Urk! Guaaah!
Huff... Puff... Sorry, I got a little too worked up...
Basically what I'm trying to say is I'll always be grateful for all you do.
Whether it's chocolate you've given to me or the simple gestures you offer every day, you have my thanks, (Captain).


Is that chocolate you're holding? Thank you, I'll take it.
Hm? You're wondering why I'm so calm?
I'm not sure why, but I feel particularly good today. My condition is a lot more stable than usual...
(Wait! Could (Captain) be worried that I'm not happy because my reaction was so tame?)
U-urk! I'm so happy, my whole body is aching!
Er, sorry. That was far too forced.
But my happiness is real! Please believe that much!


Chocolate, huh. Thank you for...
(Wait. Maybe I should show a much bigger reaction, otherwise (Captain)'ll feel worried again just like last year!)
(Let me try again from the top. That's right, I need to be more expressive... Here we go!)
This is awesome, (Captain)! I'm really glad you—
Nngh! Cough, cough! M-my throat...
N-no, I'm fine! It's just dry... Don't worry about it!
Damn, why's it happening now? Is my illness acting up again?

White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

These are in return for Valentine's Day? You didn't have to go through all the trouble just for me.
You know, I suddenly feel hungry. Mind if I try some right now?
Munch, munch...
Ngh... Aaaah!
Oh no, don't take that the wrong way! I simply wasn't prepared for the amazing burst of flavor!
I expend so much energy holding back my illness that I never really appreciated what I ate.
So this is the sweetness I've been getting all these years. I truly am a lucky fellow.


(Captain), this is thanks for your Valentine's gift. I hope you'll accept it.
I used my master's pseudochocolate as an example and tried mixing in medicinal herbs that help relieve fatigue.
I made sure to taste test it, so you have nothing to worry about.
The chocolate Master gave to me was made with effectiveness in mind, leaving taste as an afterthought. Just thinking of it makes me...
No, I shouldn't complain. Master simply made it out of concern for my health.
I didn't try to replicate it. I merely used it as an example, so be at ease and dig in.


Here, (Captain)—I made chocolate infused with medicinal herbs again this year. Please accept it.
And that's not all. I also baked cookies, cakes, and other sweets that contain vegetables.
I began making them as a way to improve my own health, but they turned out surprisingly well.
It ended up being about three times what I hear is the norm, but that just shows the extent of my gratitude to you.
If there's anything in particular that you'd like to try, please let me know. I'll make sure to have a recipe ready by next year.


Here's my gift in return for Valentine's Day. Please take it, (Captain).
Are you sure this is what you wanted? Out of all the things you could've asked for, I didn't think you wanted me to make my master's chocolate...
I tried to copy the flavor and shape of it... Are you really going to eat it?
I appreciate your enthusiasm for trying to better your understanding of me by experiencing the same things I did, but...
All right. I won't say anything else. If I keep going, your conviction might waver, (Captain).
I'll just end with this—you'll definitely regret eating it.

Light Cookies
4th year:
White Chocolate Cake
Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Hehe, I've still got plenty of candy left. Don't be shy. Ask me for some, won't you?
Oh, hi, (Captain). When did you get here? Well, this is a little awkward.
I used to keep my distance from kids to be on the safe side.
But now that my illness is in check, I'm able to interact with them without worry.
I feel like I can tackle new challenges I never could have before.
Speaking of which, do you want to try playing a trick on me?
If you can squeeze a genuine scream from these lips, I'll gladly surrender all the candy I have left.
Come on! I dare you!


Tell me... What do you think of the way I'm dressed right now?
Don't worry, it's nothing important. But doesn't it feel like something's... missing?
That's right—my bandages. I haven't been wearing as many since my condition stabilized.
I remember a lot of the other crew members liked my old appearance at Halloween.
That was never my intent, but I can't help but wonder if they'll be disappointed by how I look now.
Argh! I just can't win!
It seems I'm doomed to be tormented whether my illness progresses or not...


Are you enjoying your Halloween, (Captain)?
I'm carving a pumpkin lantern. Thanks to the outstanding sharpness of Mandau's blade, I'm making good progress.
You probably think I'm crazy for using my precious blade on something like this. In fact, maybe I am.
But when the other crew members ask me for help because they don't have enough hands, I can't just ignore them.
Besides, this can also be thought of a training exercise to control the trembling of my hands by doing a delicate task.
In short, I'm enjoying it in my own way. Heh...

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Is there anything I can help out with, (Captain)?
Up until now I'd been avoiding the annual winter parties for fear of losing control without warning. Even so, I wanted to be useful in some way.
Like cutting the meats and vegetables for you. While I do this, go take a load off.
As a member of your crew, I feel ashamed for making my captain wait on me hand and foot.
Now if you'll excuse me...


Here, (Captain). Tell me to help with the party again this year.
There's no need to hold back. This is my way of having fun.
I noticed when I helped out last year that all the walking around allowed me to meet a lot of crew members.
I was surprised to see how lively the crew had become.
I'd like to make up for all the times I've kept others away and made them feel uncomfortable because of my illness.
Think of it as a holiday present from yours truly.
Heh. Listen to me sounding all high and mighty.


Bells ringing, carols being sung, children laughing...
This night is filled with all sorts of tones and voices.
In the past, I never had the chance to sit quietly and listen to the sounds around me.
Thanks to you, my world has expanded. I'm truly grateful.
I guess meeting you was no less than a holiday gift for me.

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Creeping Invasion

The dagger Mandau keeps Zehek's magical illness at bay, but a violent reaction between Mandau's magic and Zehek's magic causes the dagger to fuse with his right arm. His arm, now controlled by Mandau, slaughters monsters without restraint, and Zehek is worried he will injure the crew, so he decides to leave for good. (Captain) convinces him to stay, and they begin to search for a way to remove Mandau.

Zehek: Hnh! Rah! Hiyah!
The crew is docked at an island to restock their supplies.
When Zehek isn't shopping, he spends his downtime training by himself.
Zehek: Huff... Huff...
Vyrn: Heyo, Zehek! Havin' fun workin' up a sweat?
Zehek: Yeah, I've been feeling pretty good lately, especially since I haven't had a relapse.
No version of Zehek in crew

This young man is Zehek. At an early age, he was afflicted with an illness that causes his body to overflow with ancient magic.
Cloth inscribed with runes wrap around his body to hold back the magic while he searches for a permanent cure with the crew.
Zehek: It's all thanks to meeting you guys and getting my hands on Mandau.
Zehek: Otherwise my sickness would have consumed my entire being by now.
Mandau, the dagger Zehek is borrowing from (Captain), is a weapon that can seal magic and is inscribed with an ancient script.
The script and Zehek's affliction share the same properties—the resulting resonance between the two keeps the illness at bay.
Vyrn: I bet it feels great to run around and stuff, but try not to overdo it, okay?
Lyria: You were in so much pain that time we fought the primal beast Magus. It was really hard to watch.
Zehek: I'm sorry you had to see that. At the time, Magus's power overwhelmed the resonance, preventing Mandau from holding back the illness.
Zehek: But that episode involving Magus is in the past. I'm not the same man I once was.
Vyrn: I guess you'd know best about your own health. Still, don't push yourself!
Zehek: Of course. Might I suggest you all take a well-earned break too after a job well-done?
(Captain) and company nod and decide to head back to the Grandcypher first.
Vyrn: Whew... Now that things have died down a bit, I'm pooped.
Lyria: The more people we get, the more supplies we need.
Vyrn: Where does Zehek get his energy from? I mean, training right after work? I'd just hit the sack.
Lyria: Hahaha. Remember when we first met him? He's so different now.
Lyria: If you're worried, why don't we go bring him a drink and see how he's doing?
Vyrn: Oh, great idea! Right after I rest my paws for a bit—
Zehek's Voice: N-noooo!
Vyrn: Yikes! Wh-what was that!
Lyria: That sounded like Zehek! What if his magic is spilling out again!
Vyrn: I told him to be careful!
(Captain), Lyria, and Vyrn leap off the Grandcypher and run to Zehek.
Vyrn: Hey, Zehek! Are you all—
Vyrn: Holy!
Mangled bodies and severed limbs of dead monsters lie strewn all over the ground.
Zehek: Ungh...
Lyria: Zehek!
They spot the young man kneeling in the center of the carnage and run over to check on him.
Lyria: Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?
Zehek: Don't worry about that. There's not a single scratch on me...
Vyrn: What in the world happened here!
Zehek: My hand... I couldn't stop it from slaughtering the monsters.
Zehek: Mandau's magic power suddenly seeped into my right arm and seized control.
Zehek: Somehow I managed to calm the dagger down, but it seems to have assimilated with my hand.
Vyrn: How's that even possible!
Zehek: I don't know what caused it in the first place, but Mandau's magic mixing with mine created a powerful fusion.
Zehek: I've tried everything to remove the dagger but to no avail...
Lyria: Oh my goodness...
Zehek: ...
Zehek: And so my journey with you must also come to an end.
Vyrn: Wh-what! Says who!
Zehek: The symptoms have subsided for now, but there's no telling when they'll flare up again.
Zehek: I'm afraid of what will happen if Mandau's magic fully engulfs me... Afraid of the monster I'll become.
Zehek: A fiend who murders indiscriminately, unable to distinguish friend from foe.
Zehek: Even worse, if I end up hurting those I owe everything to, that guilt will haunt me forever.
Vyrn: Zehek... You've really thought this out...
Zehek: That's why I must leave now, for all our sakes. I'll never forget what you've done for me.
Lyria: Please wait, Zehek!
Lyria: I don't like this! This is a crummy way to say goodbye...
Vyrn: Yeah! We should get a say in this too!
Zehek: Why would you go so far just for me?
  1. Because you're our friend.
  2. We want to help you.

Choose: Because you're our friend.
Zehek: Friends, huh... Yeah... I got so caught up fearing the unknown that I lost sight of what truly matters.

Choose: We want to help you.
Zehek: With that level of confidence, I've got no choice but to latch onto the hope you offer.
Continue 1
Zehek: All I'm good at is stirring up trouble for the crew. But if you're all right with that, I'm in your care.
Vyrn: Darn right, you are!
Lyria: We're going to beat this thing for sure!
And so the quest to find a treatment for Zehek's bizarre situation begins.

The Light of Friendship

Zehek senses acrimony in Mandau's magic, guessing that may be the cause of his current condition. Although destroying Mandau would free his arm, it would also allow his illness to run wild again. Instead they try to track down Mandau's creator.

Mandau's magic had never invaded Zehek's body before until now.
(Captain) and company return to the airship for the time being to sort out what they know.
Vyrn: Okay, so Mandau and Zehek have been kinda in sync with each other since the beginning, which kept his illness in check.
Vyrn: But the illness went off again. Does that mean Mandau isn't a magic-sealing dagger after all?
Zehek: No, it's definitely the genuine article. A fake would have had a difficult time suppressing my illness.
Zehek: This is going to sound crazy, but I felt a sensation of acrimony hidden in Mandau's creeping power.
Zehek: When it touched the darkness inside me, that set it off.
Lyria: And now that acrimony stuff is flowing into you?
Zehek: Yeah. It's dispersing throughout my body from the Mandau fusion on my hand.
Vyrn: In other words, we need to get you away from that dagger.
Vyrn: Let's just break Mandau and never have to worry about it again.
Lyria: Isn't that dangerous though? I mean, it has those old magic words carved into it, so it's probably not ordinary.
Lyria: It's also been holding back Zehek's sickness. His magic will overflow again if we get rid of the dagger.
Vyrn: Hm, yeah... Going from one danger to another defeats the whole purpose of making him better...
Zehek: ...
Vyrn: What's up, Zehek? Does staring at your hand give you an idea?
Lyria: Or maybe it feels like you're about to lose control again?
Zehek: No, not that. Don't worry. I was thinking about something that crossed my mind earlier.
Zehek: Judging from the condition of the dagger, it's most likely not an antique.
Zehek: Assuming it isn't that old, perhaps the smith that forged this weapon is still alive.
Zehek: I wonder if they know a way to fix this.
Vyrn: Hey, I think he's on to something! Whoever made Mandau has gotta know its ins and outs!
Zehek: Wait, you're actually taking me seriously?
Zehek: I'm talking about a long shot here. Never mind looking for their whereabouts—we don't even have proof this person still lives.
Lyria: It's true we don't know for sure, but a small chance is better than no chance at all! We should still look into it!
Vyrn: And if it ends up bein' wrong, we'll simply have another brainstormin' session!
Zehek: Haha... You're right. I stand to gain nothing by surrendering from the get-go.
Zehek: I'll put all my effort into ridding myself of this predestined curse!
Zehek focuses on the thought of a bright future. With the support of his friends, he starts his search for Mandau's creator.

The Light of Friendship: Scene 2

The blacksmith that forged Mandau explains that in his haste for glory, he had inadvertently imbued the dagger with his own animosity. In an effort to right his wrong, he offers to destroy Mandau, but Zehek requests that it be reforged instead so that he may continue traveling with the crew.

Time passes, and the crew continue to take on requests as they normally do.
Finding Mandau's creator was supposed to be like finding a needle in a haystack, but as luck would have it, they stumble across someone claiming to be him.
It turns out the creator himself had long been searching for Mandau.
They agree to meet for a discussion.
Former Blacksmith: Yep, that's Mandau all right. I know my own work when I see it.
The man sighs as he gazes at what's become of Zehek's right hand.
Former Blacksmith: I was hoping to find it before something like this happened...
Vyrn: Sounds like you knew there was a problem with it.
Former Blacksmith: Mandau is my greatest shame.
Former Blacksmith: See, I come from a long line of blacksmiths, and each of 'em went on to have fantastic careers. Expectations were high for me to keep the streak going.
Former Blacksmith: Course I didn't want to disappoint anyone, including myself. I wanted my name out there fast, and that's how I made my mistake.
Former Blacksmith: There's a process ya gotta follow when it comes to using old techniques passed down in the family, but in my haste, I created something beyond the imagination.
Former Blacksmith: I hammered my ugly emotions into that weapon, and now it's become your problem.
Zehek: So I wasn't imagining those feelings of bitterness in the counterflow of magic.
Former Blacksmith: Mandau weighed heavily on my mind. I thought selling it off without revealing its true nature would be the end of my worries.
Former Blacksmith: I had to come clean with my past. After retiring from smithing, I swore I'd find the dagger and destroy it myself.
Lyria: Then there really is a way to get rid of Mandau?
Former Blacksmith: Yep. That weapon's a headache for sure, but it wouldn't dare go against me.
Vyrn: Whoa, nice! We've got a cure!
Lyria: Yes! This is great!
Vyrn: Zehek, I know you're worried about the illness comin' back, but we'll help ya find another way to keep it under wraps.
Zehek: ...
Zehek thinks silently for a moment then turns to the man.
Zehek: There's one thing I'd like to ask you. Mandau is the only weapon you've made that's capable of sealing magic, correct?
Former Blacksmith: That's right. It's both my greatest shame and my greatest work.
Former Blacksmith: If I were to forge another weapon with the same power, I'd have to destroy Mandau and extract what you could call its core.
Former Blacksmith: Then with some extra materials, it could be reforged.
Zehek: I see.
Zehek: Then for the time being, would you mind holding off on destroying Mandau?
Zehek: In fact, I was hoping you could reforge it.
Vyrn: Huh? What're you talkin' about, Zehek?
Former Blacksmith: You deaf, boy? I said I'm through living with regrets.
Zehek: Look, I know I'm being selfish here.
Zehek: I've suffered from my illness for many years, yet it was Mandau that alleviated the pain. It's also how I met this crew.
Zehek: In a way, this dagger is like my savior and proof of the bonds I've made.
Zehek: To lose Mandau now feels like returning to those solitary days of gloom before I met (Captain) and the others.
Zehek: I don't know if I could handle that...
Lyria: Oh, Zehek...
Former Blacksmith: ...
Former Blacksmith: To the north of the village stands a mountain where a certain monster has built its lair.
Former Blacksmith: I need its fur and claws. The average supplier isn't skilled enough to tackle that beast.
Zehek: You mean...
Former Blacksmith: No guarantees, boy. Bring those materials back to me first, and we'll see what mood I'm in.
Zehek: Deal. A small chance is better than no chance.
Vyrn: Whew... Things just got real.
Zehek: Sorry. Once again I've dragged you guys into a difficult spot.
Lyria: That's okay, Zehek! We're here for you!
(Captain) nods with a smile and sets off with Zehek to gather the materials needed to reforge the weapon.

The Light of Friendship: Scene 3

After the crew defeats a monster that has the materials needed to reforge Mandau, Zehek's right arm suddenly targets (Captain), who decides not to fight back. Spurred by the trust of his captain, Zehek manages to stop Mandau through sheer will. The blacksmith detaches Mandau from Zehek's arm and reforges it, allowing him to fly on with the crew while still keeping the dagger.

Zehek and the others ascend a mountain in search of materials for reforging Mandau.
Climbing higher into the wilderness, they eventually run across the monster considered to be the ruler of the mountain.
Mountain Master: Groooar!
Lyria: Ah! That has to be the monster we're looking for!
Zehek: I'll attack first! (Captain), back me up!
Zehek: Yaaaah!
Mountain Master: Groooar!
Zehek: Ugh!
Vyrn: Zehek!
Zehek: It's pretty tough...
Zehek: But my future with the crew depends on me overcoming this obstacle!
Zehek: (Captain)! Buy me some time!
(Captain) immediately leaps in and stabs the monster.
Mountain Master: Groooar!
Zehek: My turn! Hraaah!
Mountain Master: Guuurgh...
Vyrn: Yahoo! We got it!
Lyria: Now Zehek can—
Zehek: Ngh... Aaaaah!
Zehek unleashes a guttural scream as his right hand starts convulsing erratically.
Zehek: Run! Get away from me!
Vyrn: Seriously? At a time like this?
Zehek: I overexerted myself... This is only going to get worse!
Lyria: Oh no! What should we do?
(Captain) stands in front of Lyria and Vyrn, shielding them from Zehek. The captain looks directly at him.
Zehek: (Captain)? Ah, I understand...
Zehek: If you're the one to put me down, then I have no regrets.
Zehek: Please make it quick, before I hurt anyone I care for!
Although Zehek is ready to face his death, (Captain) has other ideas and refuses to attack.
Zehek: What are you doing! Are you trying to get yourself killed!
Zehek: This is no time for mercy! My destiny can't be changed!
Zehek: I couldn't live with myself if I hurt you!
With utter disregard for its master's feelings, Zehek's unrestrained right arm rears up to attack the crew.
Zehek: That's enough out of you, Mandau! Curse me all you want, but leave my friends out of this!
Zehek: I said stooop!
Zehek: Huff... Huff...
Having used every last drop of strength to stop his right hand, Zehek falls to his knees.
He looks up to confirm that (Captain) is unharmed.
Zehek: No one got hurt... right?
Zehek: (Captain)... How could you be so reckless?
  1. I trusted you.

Choose: I trusted you.
Zehek: That's crazy, even for you...
Zehek: But that pure conviction is what's been saving me all this time.
Vyrn: Are you two okay?
Zehek: Yeah, more or less. Got it under control before disaster struck.
Lyria: What a huge relief!
Zehek: I couldn't have done it without any of you. There aren't enough words to express my gratitude.
Vyrn: It's too early for a victory lap! The real test is still to come!
Lyria: Yeah! And if worse comes to worst, we'll beg the blacksmith if we have to!
The crew collects the materials from the monster and returns to the blacksmith's home.
Former Blacksmith: Congratulations on getting the stuff and making it back safe and sound.
Zehek: Only because I had my crewmates with me. I certainly would have failed going alone.
Zehek: I owe them a great deal, and I'd really like to keep traveling with them to show my appreciation, so...
Former Blacksmith: ...
Former Blacksmith: Fine. You win.
Former Blacksmith: Let me grab my tools. Wait here.
Zehek: Yes, sir!
The man returns with his equipment and uses a special procedure to separate Mandau from Zehek.
After extracting the dagger's core, he takes it into the foundry along with the other items gathered and doesn't reappear for a long time.
Former Blacksmith: It's done. Here's the new Mandau.
Zehek: Huh...
Former Blacksmith: Go on. Try it out.
Zehek picks up the weapon and takes a few swings.
Former Blacksmith: Well?
Zehek: I've never felt this comfortable with it before. It's like an extension of my body.
Zehek: With this, I won't have to worry about the magic backfiring anymore.
Vyrn: Hehe! Way to go, Zehek!
Lyria: Now we can keep flying through the skies together!
Former Blacksmith: Heh, glad it worked out for ya. As for me, I can finally enjoy a guilt-free retirement.
Zehek: Haha, you seem quite happy with the outcome.
Former Blacksmith: Boy, I haven't felt this moved in ages.
Former Blacksmith: Tell ya the truth, when you brought in those materials, I knew I had to reforge Mandau.
Former Blacksmith: It was my one chance to hash things out with my past self.
Former Blacksmith: Pardon me for being selfish.
Zehek: Great minds think alike.
Former Blacksmith: Haha, damn right. I think I'll follow your example and find a new path to take.
Zehek and the blacksmith, all smiles, share a heartfelt handshake.
Zehek: You really went above and beyond this time, (Captain).
Zehek: And I promise you, with my newfound power, I will protect everyone in the crew.
Although mysteries still abound about the magic flowing within Zehek, the reforging of Mandau has solved at least one of his problems.
He revels in the joy of knowing his friends are there to support him. Tomorrow is another day of his journey with (Captain) and the crew.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
愚かな……身の程を知らんとは I've been such a fool...
運命は変えられるのだな I guess fate can be changed after all.
俺の力は仲間のためにある I fight for my friends.
吼えろ、マンダウ! Howl, Mandau!
救い、救われ……この世は巡っているのだな To save or to be saved. That's how the world works.
(主人公)には助けられてばかりだ I really owe it to (Captain) for saving me over and over again.
滾る魔力よ、迸れ! Surge forth, magical power!
呪われし力をその身に食らえ! Feel the wrath of accursed magic!
今度は俺が(主人公)の道標となろう Next time, I will be the one to guide (Captain).
空の底へと誘おう The bottom of the sky beckons you.


  1. Granblue Fantasy Official Site, Zehek - Theater - Granblue Fantasy
  2. Cygames, Inc. (2016). GRANBLUE FANTASY CHRONICLE vol. 01.
  3. Cygames, Inc. (2016). GRANBLUE FANTASY CHRONICLE vol. 06.