Zahlhamelina (Yukata)/Lore

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Official Profile





Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

I wish you a very happy birthday, (Captain).
It really is wonderful to be able to celebrate your birthday while travelling together.
I know that you will continue your journey heartily and healthily for many years to come.
For the sun and I will always shine down on you.


As you live on, there will be many things you do that you never would have imagined yourself doing.
When I was young, I never imagined I would do battle with primal beasts.
Surely throughout your adventures you've experienced all kinds of things.
There may be times when your heart battles with sad and painful situations that will leave you feeling down.
But I never want you to give up.
For even where there is rain, sunlight is never far behind. As long as you never give up, you can always make it to sunrise.
If you are ever feeling weak, I will be there for you. Let me be your strength.


(Captain), happy birthday.
You shine so brightly to everyone in this crew; you are quite like our own sun.
Although it's certainly splendid, isn't constantly shining tiring?
I'd like to support you so that your light never goes out.
After all there's still a long way to go on our journey, and there are times when clouds will cover the sun.
It is during those times I want you to call upon me for support.
It's okay. No matter how much you protest, I am priestess of the sun—this is part of my duty!
Hehe. I assure you I'm sturdier than I look. So, plesae, lean on me from time to time.


Happy birthday, (Captain). I'm happy I can be by your side this year too. There are four more candles on your cake than there were when I joined your crew. As their light increases, so too do your memories. I can't think of anything I want more than to be here every time another little light joins the others atop your cake. Oops. The longer I talk, the closer we get to a lot of wax in our frosting. All right, (Captain). See if you can blow them all out in one breath!


Oh dear, (Captain). You look very sleepy. Have you been busy?
Here... Come lay your head on my lap.
There's still some time before your birthday party.
I'll wake you up before it starts.
(Captain), you always act so valiantly as our captain.
But you're still young. It's okay to rely on us from time to time. Understand?
You want me to pat your head? Of course I will! Come, lie down now.
There you go, sweet child. Happy birthday, our hardworking captain.

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

(Captain)... You can't go around wearing such thin clothing. You'll catch a cold!
Hehe. So did you see the first sunrise of the new year?
As the Sun Maiden, I must see the sun's first rising to fulfill my duties.
Come closer now. I'll warm you up.


Yawn... Dear me! I'm sorry. How very shameless of me to act like this in front of you.
I'm staying up late to prepare for the countdown.
I'm just not used to burning the midnight oil, so around this time I tend to get sleepy.
But it's so embarrassing. Please, don't tell the crew.
As thanks, you can eat whatever you want from my New Year's treats, (Captain).


It's beautiful, isn't it, (Captain)? The first light of a new year...
As a priestess of the sun, I give my praise to the heavens every day.
But there's something about this day that makes it feel extra special.
Looking at the shining sun, I just get so excited for the possibilities present in a new year. Don't you?
Hehe. Let's make this a year we won't forget, (Captain).


(Captain), care to have some mochi soup with me?
It's cooked with vegetables taken fresh from a garden. Here's a bowl for you.
Oh, make sure you chew slowly and thoroughly. We wouldn't want any mochi getting stuck in your throat.
Haha, the soup's not going anywhere, so take your time.
I cooked a big pot, so eat to your heart's content.


Happy New Year, (Captain). It's hard to believe the first day of a brand new year is upon us!
I plan to offer prayers to the sun in hopes of protecting you and everyone else over the year.
Such is my duty as a priestess of the sun.
Of course I won't just pray for protection.
If you or anyone else is troubled by anything, I will do everything in my power to come up with a solution.
Hehe, the beginning of the year is a great time to start over and center yourself. I look forward to growing with you this year.
Oh no, (Captain)! That sneeze was awful. Do you feel feverish perhaps?
It wouldn't do if you caught a cold. Here, drink this hot tea. It should warm you up..

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Could I speak with you for a moment? Well, you see... Today's Valentine's, and I...
Um... I wanted to know if you would like this...
I'm sorry it's not something cute you might find in a store. I made it myself.
I bet you get all kinds of things from the younger members of the crew.
But, well! I'm glad you're so willing to have this too, hehe.


(Captain), umm... Do you have a moment to spare? You do? Oh, wonderful.
Today is, umm... Valentine's Day, right?
So I was thinking... maybe I could give you something for that.
I'm sure you get things from the other members of the crew, but would it be a bother if I did the same?
You'd be glad to receive something? Then I'm glad I made these.
I made them by hand, and they're a little deformed, but I trust they show you how I feel.
Hehe. I guess that's what makes it so... sweet?


Um, (Captain)... I made you some sweets this year.
Would you mind accepting them?
Ah... Thank you. I was so nervous to give someone a gift.
And doubly so because it was you, (Captain).
You always do so much for me. I was worried about how to best show my gratitude.
Oh truly! That makes me so relieved that you would say that, (Captain).
Hehe. Thanks for everything you do.


(Captain), happy Valentine's.
Um... I prepared chocolate this year too. I hope you like it...
Haha, thanks. That smile on your face makes it all worth it.
I made another type actually, using pickles as a main ingredient... I came up with the idea on a whim.
Would you like some of that too?
Yeah, I actually went ahead and made some... I was inspired by how you always take on new challenges, (Captain).
Oh, it's definitely safe to eat. Lyria tried some earlier, and she loved it.


Well hello, (Captain). Please accept these Valentine's chocolates.
This year I added honey-soaked ginger as an accent flavor.
This cold weather will continue for some time, after all. The nutritional value of honey and the warming quality of ginger should prove helpful.
When I taste-tested them, I found the flavor to be agreeable. I just hope you feel the same.
How are they?
Oh, good! I'm relieved you find them delicious.
Hehe, sometimes it's fun to take cooking adventures.
They're even more enjoyable when they lead to your delight, (Captain)!

White Chocolate Cake
White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Why, hello, (Captain). Did you want to discuss something with me?
What's that?
Dear me, a present! Thank you so very much!
Hehe. I'm so happy to know you've been thinking of me.


Hello there. Is something happening today, (Captain)?
Dear me! A present? You shouldn't have!
I can tell you really put some thought into this. I'll be sure to enjoy it.
Mmm, I think I'll save it for a special occasion.
Hehe. Next time I'll get you something that I know will make you happy.


(Captain), what ever are you doing? Oh, is this for the gift I gave you one month ago?
Well, thank you very much! I'm glad to receive your gift!
Um, it's time to eat, and I have some snacks here...
Would you care for tea?
I hate to put you on the spot if you're busy, but I would love to spend more time with you.
Haha! In that case, let's stop by the kitchen first!


Oh my! The room's all spick-and-span!
My laundry's done and my vegetables are tended to. Who could have...
Ah, (Captain)... Haha, thank you.
Oh, you'll massage my shoulders too?
I appreciate the gesture, but I'm a bit tied up at the moment... Huh, a White Day present?
Wow, you're giving me so much, (Captain)...
Thank you for it all. I consider myself blessed.


My, my! So you've gotten me White Day presents once again? Look how many there are!
They all look so delicious. And the packaging is so cute. It's almost a waste to eat them.
Of course I don't think I could resist trying them. Would you care to try them with me?
Hehe. Very well. Let's make this into a full-fledged snack time! I'll make some tea.
Oh, come now. I love it when you do things for me, (Captain).
But I also love doing things for you in return.
So I insist—allow me to fetch the tea! You sit tight and look forward to our snacks.

Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Eek! Whew, that was a surprise.
Hehe, I'll give you this treat. So let's put an end to the tricks, okay?


Heehee. It's such a wonderful day. Everyone seems to be enjoying Halloween.
I have candy to hand out as well—eek!
Dearie me! Oh, (Captain)! Here I was certain that I'd fall, but you caught me!
Sorry if I worried you!
Please take this candy as an apology. Go on, enjoy!


Well, well, (Captain). Today is Halloween, so allow me to play a little prank.
First, would you kindly eat this pickle?
Come on, open uuup.
How is it? It's good, isn't it?
I knew it would be. Hehe. I'm glad.
Now. On to our next prank. Please come sit over here.
I'll selfishly give you a massage!
Oh dearie me, even though you're so young, you have so many knots. This will be effective in getting your muscles relaxed.
Hm? How in the skies are these pranks, you ask?
Isn't a Halloween full of these kinds of pranks a good thing?


Happy Halloween, (Captain).
Would you like to try some of the stewed pumpkin I made?
Here, say "ahh!"
Hehehe. How is it? I've got pumpkin spice cookies and pumpkin pie too.
Next, I'd like you to lie down on your tummy on this blanket.
Now I'll just climb up onto your back...
You're carrying a lot of tension in your neck, shoulders, and back, but I'll knead it right out!
That's right... Just relax.
This is a treat and treat for our hard-working captain!


Happy Halloween, (Captain)! Did you receive a lot of candy this year?
Oh me, oh my! It seems your bag is positively bursting with candy! Hehe, I bet you're glad.
I was afraid of being tricked this year, so I took it upon myself to prepare some treats.
Pumpkin quiche, pumpkin soup, pumpkin burdock salad, pumpkin and red bean fish...
Hehe, have I taken you by surprise? I knew you would get a lot of sweets.
So I decided to prepare saltier dishes to complement your saccharine trove.
Eat your fill, take a break, and come trick or treating for your next helping!

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Season's greetings!
Hey, Captain, let's try to finish up our work early today! We've gotta be up early tomorrow!
Hehe. After all, Santa's coming tonight!
Aw, what's the matter? You think you're not a kid anymore?


Huh? What's the matter? Do you need something from the kitchen?
Hehe. It's pretty astounding to see all the food-obsessed crewmates here in the kitchen to prepare tonight's special meal.
And it seems we're nearly out of table space for all the food! Oh dear!
Now, (Captain), you can't go nibbling on the food before the big meal!
Wait for everyone to sit first! If we all sit down and eat together, everyone will feel warm and welcome.
Eat your fill, talk the night away, and go to bed, satisfied and waiting for Santa Claus.


(Captain)! You've made your way here to the kitchen. Care to lend me a hand with the cooking?
Hehe. Thank you. I plan on making a lot, so I appreciate the extra manpower.
Oh, that vegetable is something I got from my hometown.
Let's all give thanks to the blessings of nature as we feast to celebrate this season.
However, we must also remember to go to bed early. Because you've been a good kid all year.
One would assume Santa Claus will be paying you a visit tonight.


Ah, happy holidays, (Captain).
We're having a gift exchange at tonight's party, right?
Haha, I wove a tapestry in preparation for that.
I tried to fashion it in the image of the yuletide night... I wonder if it'll be a popular gift.
You think it will? That's great to know. And it's even greater to get a compliment from you, (Captain).
With your seal of approval, I'm sure my gift will be a big hit at the party.
At first I was worried about presenting something that catered too greatly to my tastes.
I wonder what everyone will choose... I'm getting all excited just thinking about it!


(Captain), have you already finished setting out your stocking? If not, please take this.
Santa Claus will fill it with presents, so I thought you could use one.
Oh, there are stockings for Lyria and Vyrn as well.
It's just the pattern may not be current with today's customs. I'm not very familiar with such things after all.
So long as you find them acceptable...
You do? Oh, thank goodness. That's quite the relief.
Even after this festive season passes, the weather will surely continue to be cold. I suggest wearing these stockings to bed on especially frigid nights.

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Lost in the Rain

One rainy day, Zahlhamelina, (Young Cat), and the crew attend a festival famous for its soulfish-shaped river lanterns. The lanterns are said to be for mourning those who perished in a forest fire long ago. When the light rain turns into a downpour, the crew looks for cover and ends up on the edge of town, where a little girl is standing by a gate in the rain. When they call out to her, the girl's shadow grows and takes (Captain), Lyria, and Vyrn with it into the forest.

Zahlhamelina: (Captain)! Lyria! Vyrn! Where are you? Please answer me!
(Young Cat): ...
Under the steady pouring of rain, Zahlhamelina runs around shouting for (Captain) and the others.
(Young Cat) follows at her heels, eyes trained watchfully on their surroundings.
Zahlhamelina: (How could I have let this happen? I swore to keep them safe!)
As she bites her lip, she recalls everything leading up to the nightmarish scene that started all this.
Vyrn: Kinda surprisin' so many people are here, even with the bad weather.
Zahlhamelina: The rain is unfortunate, but no one wants to miss this famous festival and its beautiful display.
Zahlhamelina not in crew

The woman who speaks is Zahlhamelina, a priestess of the sun.
The crew first met her when Lyria became lost on an island and was taken into the priestess's care. Zahlhamelina immediately noticed Lyria's special power.
After learning the genuinely good nature of both Lyria and (Captain), she decided to join their journey and keep them safe.
(Young Cat): Meow...
Lyria: It's too bad our kitty friend tagged along when it's raining...
Lyria: The goldfish lanterns look pretty sad in this weather too...
Vyrn: Speakin' of which, why are all the lanterns in this town goldfish-shaped?
Zahlhamelina: They're based on an endemic species from this town. I believe it's called the soulfish.
Vyrn: What's that?
Zahlhamelina: Apparently it's a goldfish that "sparkles as bright as a soul."
Stallkeeper: You're pretty well-informed, miss. Did you know that it used to mean "a fish that glows with the aura of souls" way back when?
Zahlhamelina: Was that a belief people once held?
Stallkeeper: Sure was. Folktales claim the soulfish are envoys that guide the souls of the dead toward the light.
Stallkeeper: That's why we use soulfish-shaped lanterns whenever we hold ceremonies for the dearly departed.
Vyrn: Huh, that's real interestin'.
Vyrn: But why are you usin' those same lanterns for a festival like this?
Stallkeeper: Ah, could this be the first time you're attending?
Zahlhamelina: It is. We heard it's a very beautiful affair, so we decided to stop by.
Zahlhamelina: Especially the lanterns you put in the river at the end of the festival...
Stallkeeper: Ah, that. It actually started as a way of sending the deceased off.
Stallkeeper: Used to be a pretty quiet ceremony, but now it's evolved into a big event.
Stallkeeper: A far cry from the first time it was held. They were sending off the victims of a forest fire then.
Stallkeeper: You see the woods outside town? Once upon a time before this town was built, trees covered the whole area.
Stallkeeper: But one summer, a bolt of lightning sparked a huge fire and burned half the forest down.
Stallkeeper: There was a village in the woods at the time... The fire took nearly everyone who lived in it.
Zahlhamelina: How horrible...
Stallkeeper: To make matters worse, the fire burned up most victims' remains, so the survivors couldn't tell ashes from ashes.
Stallkeeper: Then people started going missing during summertime every year after.
Lyria: That's really scary... Have any of those people been found?
Stallkeeper: Afraid not—not a single one.
Stallkeeper: Rumor has it that it's the curse of the folks lost to the fire, 'cause all the missing people were last seen near the forest.
Stallkeeper: In an effort to appease the angry spirits, the town made the festival a grander affair. That's how things blew up around here.
Zahlhamelina: I never expected such a complex history regarding the festivities...
Zahlhamelina: Surely the disappearances have ceased since then?
Stallkeeper: Yeah, thankfully. Haven't had much trouble after we bumped the scale up for everything.
Vyrn: Guess that means the ghosts have moved on!
Stallkeeper: Haha, maybe. Could be happy that so many folks are coming to visit.
Stallkeeper: Regardless of how they came to be, the floating river lanterns are a real treat to see. You shouldn't miss 'em.
Stallkeeper: Not to say the rest of the fair ain't worth touring for. You should enjoy the whole kit and caboodle.
Vyrn: Sounds good! Thanks for all the info!
The crew thank the kindly stallkeeper and walk away to explore the other stalls.
Lyria: ...
Noticing Lyria pause, (Captain) turns to ask her if something is wrong.
Lyria: Oh, no... It's nothing...
Zahlhamelina: You look a little tired. Should we rest before continuing on?
Lyria: I'm fine! I was probably just imagining...
Lyria: Huh?
As Lyria quiets and looks up at the sky, the raindrops fall harder and more rapidly.
Vyrn: Whoa, it just started pourin'!
Zahlhamelina: We'll catch colds at this rate... We should take cover somewhere.
With everyone in agreement, the group runs through town looking for a dry place.
Lyria: Something's calling me...
Lyria slows to a halt and stares at an eerily empty path.
Vyrn: Wha... Lyria? Hey!
Paying no attention to the crew's confusion, Lyria steps toward the pathway.
Zahlhamelina immediately grabs Lyria by the arm and pulls her back, alarmed at the girl's strange behavior.
Lyria: Zahlhamelina?
Zahlhamelina: Lyria... What did you hear?
Lyria: Oh... Um, I think it's a voice.
Lyria: One that's crying and calling for me... Even now...
Zahlhamelina: A voice?
(Young Cat): Meow?
Vyrn: Uh, you sure it's not just the rain? I don't hear anything.
Lyria: Hmm... I'm pretty sure I hear someone...
Zahlhamelina: (I don't like this... But if someone's in trouble, we can't stand by and do nothing.)
Zahlhamelina: Maybe that person's lost.
Zahlhamelina: Lyria, let's check it out together. It's coming from over there, right?
Lyria: Y-yes! Um... This way!
The farther they travel, the more sparse the buildings become, until eventually they come upon a figure on the outskirts of town.
Zahlhamelina: Could that be...
Girl: ...
A girl stands next to a rusted gate, still as a statue in the heavy downpour.
Zahlhamelina feels a chill run down her spine as the girl blankly stares at the ground.
Zahlhamelina: (Is she lost? What could she be doing here... She doesn't even have an umbrella.)
Zahlhamelina: Excuse me, little miss. Are you lost? Did you get separated from your parents?
Girl: ...
Zahlhamelina: You'll catch your death of a cold out here. Where do you live? We can bring you back home if you need help.
Girl: ...
Zahlhamelina: Or... do you not want to go home?
Girl: ...
Lyria: Um... Are you maybe waiting for your mom and dad here?
Girl: ...
Vyrn: Er... It's gonna be hard to give you a hand if you don't speak up—
???: Please... It... here...
What seems to be another person interrupts Vyrn. Puzzled, (Captain) scans their surroundings.
Lyria: Did you hear that too, (Captain)?
(Captain) gives Lyria a stiff nod as she looks around.
Zahlhamelina: You heard... another voice?
(Young Cat): ...
???: Somebody help...
Lyria: I think... they need help?
Vyrn: Was that...
Girl: Don't... Don't listen to her!
As the girl shouts her warning, shadows swell from the figures and lunge at the crew.
Zahlhamelina: (Captain)! Lyria, Vyrn!
Zahlhamelina reaches for her friends, but it is too late. They are swallowed by the shadows, which then vanish into the woods.
Zahlhamelina: No...
(Young Cat): Meow!
Familiar pawing draws Zahlhamelina out of her stunned stupor.
Zahlhamelina: Thank goodness you're all right... Who was that girl?
The young child near the gate is gone—perhaps swallowed by the shadows too.
(Young Cat): Meow.
Zahlhamelina: Yes... I highly doubt those shadows were friendly.
Zahlhamelina: We need to find (Captain) and the others as soon as possible!
(Young Cat): Meow.
(Young Cat) bows his head in agreement, before dashing off into the forest.
Zahlhamelina follows right behind her furry companion.

A Light in the Rainstorm

Zahlhamelina and (Young Cat) head into the forest, where they are soon attacked by a little boy. They escape the shadows and continue searching for the others. A girl's voice guides them to Vyrn, who appears to be possessed by a shadow as he points a knife toward himself. Zahlhamelina uses her magic to drive the shadow away, saving her friend.

Zahlhamelina and (Young Cat) wander through a dark forest, in search of (Captain), Lyria, and Vyrn after they were spirited away by shadows.
So far their journey has been filled with only cold raindrops and muddy dirt.
Zahlhamelina: Is someone there?
Hearing what sounds like a voice through the falling rain, Zahlhamelina turns around. She sighs upon finding nothing—not even the ghost of a presence.
Zahlhamelina: I have to remain levelheaded... Especially in a situation like this.
Zahlhamelina: There's no telling what traps the shadows have placed, considering this is their territory... Right, my feline friend?
She looks down at her feet, but (Young Cat) is nowhere to be found.
Zahlhamelina: Oh dear... Did we get separated?
More noise interrupts her thoughts. Extremely wary, she observes her surroundings even closer than before.
Zahlhamelina: Hello? Is somebody out there?
Boy: Ahh... Hiccup... Mommy...
Zahlhamelina: Is that... a child taken by the shadows too?
Zahlhamelina: (It's far too dangerous out here, especially alone. I have to help him!)
Zahlhamelina: Wait! You shouldn't run off by yourself—
Zahlhamelina: Ah!
Her stomach flips with the feeling of weightlessness as the earth gives out beneath her. She instinctively grabs onto a nearby rock.
But her fingers slip off its wet surface, and she is sent tumbling from the edge of a cliff.
Boy: Ahahaha! She fell for it!
Zahlhamelina: (Don't tell me, he's friends with those shadows!)
The boy's snickers echoing in her ears, Zahlhamelina squeezes her eyes closed as she awaits the coming impact.
???: No!
Zahlhamelina: Ah!
A faint shout precedes a strong gust of wind which blows Zahlhamelina into the branches of a leafy tree.
Zahlhamelina: I'm saved? The tree cushioned my fall...
Zahlhamelina: ...!
The boy from earlier materializes before Zahlhamelina, his mouth twisting into a frown.
Boy: Still alive? That's not right!
Zahlhamelina: What in the skies...
Boy: Come... Let's go together...
Zahlhamelina: ...!
(Young Cat): Hiss!
Boy: Agh!
From the brush leaps (Young Cat), scratching and tearing at the shadow, before he lands in Zahlhamelina's lap.
(Young Cat): ...
Boy: It hurts... so much... It's cold... So cold...
Zahlhamelina: He disappeared... What was he?
(Young Cat): Meow?
Zahlhamelina: Yes, I'm fine. Thanks for coming to my rescue.
(Young Cat): Meooow.
Priestess and cat climb down from the tree. Upon setting foot on the ground, the two feel themselves being watched by unfriendly forces.
(Young Cat): Meow...
Zahlhamelina: I didn't sense anything until now...
Zahlhamelina: Whatever is out there must be a friend of those shadows, much like that boy.
Zahlhamelina: If they were truly trying to kill us a moment ago... then (Captain) and the others must be in danger too.
(Young Cat): Meooow.
Zahlhamelina: Right, we need to find them sooner rather than later. Let's go.
More cautious than ever, Zahlhamelina and (Young Cat) resume their search through the forest.
(Young Cat): Meow.
Zahlhamelina: What's wrong?
Her feline friend suddenly comes to a halt, his eyes staring into a dark thicket.
(Young Cat): ...
Zahlhamelina: Is there something you want to check out in this direction?
(Young Cat): Meow.
He nods without dropping his gaze. Zahlhamelina also peers into the brush.
Nothing is solidly visible in the pitch black darkness.
But that isn't to say the space is devoid of any presence.
Zahlhamelina: Who's there?
Something moves in the darkness, indistinguishable no matter how much Zahlhamelina squints.
Zahlhamelina: (What is it? It doesn't feel like a person... But it also doesn't seem hostile.)
Zahlhamelina: Maybe a light will reveal what's hidden...
She conjures a flame into her hand and extends it toward the darkness.
Zahlhamelina: The flame's shape is changing?
Girl: This way...
The person-shaped flame points deeper into the darkness, before fading away.
Zahlhamelina: That was the same voice I heard when I fell from the cliff...
(Young Cat): Meow.
Her four-legged friend pulls on her sleeve, motioning toward a nearby path.
It appears to lead exactly the way the figure had pointed.
Zahlhamelina: (Is this another trap to take our lives? Or...)
Zahlhamelina: (That voice definitely saved me though. In which case...)
(Young Cat): Meow?
Zahlhamelina: I've made my decision. We follow this, wherever it leads.
Zahlhamelina: It could be a trap, but I choose to believe otherwise.
(Young Cat): Meow.
With a purr of approval, (Young Cat) scampers down the path.
Zahlhamelina follows not far behind.
Vyrn's Voice: Ahahahaha!
Zahlhamelina: Was that Vyrn just now?
Seeking out the source of her friend's voice, she quickly spots him through a gap in the trees.
Zahlhamelina: Vyrn! Thank goodness you're all right!
(Young Cat): Meow!
Zahlhamelina: Ah!
The moment they try to approach Vyrn, an invisible barrier repels them.
Zahlhamelina: Is this... a wall?
Vyrn: Is that right? Oof, I get what that's like...
Zahlhamelina: Vyrn?
Zahlhamelina: (That's weird... I don't hear anyone else with him. He's acting very strange too.)
Zahlhamelina: Vyrn! Please speak to me!
(Young Cat): Meow!
Zahlhamelina: He can't hear us. What should we do?
Vyrn: You sure 'bout this? Guess I'll give it a try...
Zahlhamelina's eyes grow wide as she watches Vyrn pick up an object.
It is a knife glistening in the darkness—one which Vyrn points at himself.
Zahlhamelina: Don't do it, Vyrn! Snap out of it!
Vyrn: Hehe, my heart's racin'... Here goes nothing!
Zahlhamelina: Vyrn! I didn't want to resort to force, but you leave me no choice!
Zahlhamelina: O light of the sun, I beg of you... Banish the darkness which hinders us so!
Dark Shadow: ...!
Vyrn: Wh-whoa, what the heck!
The flames Zahlhamelina summon break through the invisible wall and drive a black shadow out of Vyrn's body.
The shadow then flees into the darkness, leaving a confused Vyrn behind.
Zahlhamelina: Vyrn, are you all right?
Vyrn: Y-yeah! Uh... Yikes! Why am I holdin' a knife?
Zahlhamelina: It's so good to see you back to your usual self.
Vyrn: My what? What just happened?
Vyrn: Where're (Captain) and Lyria? Did they wander off?
Zahlhamelina: Er... Let me explain one thing at a time.
She gives a brief overview of recent events to her lost friend.
Vyrn: Say what? You seriously telling me one of those nasty shadows took control of me, and tried to take that knife and...
Vyrn: Holy smokes, I'd be a goner right now if you hadn't come along when you did.
Vyrn: I owe you one!
Zahlhamelina: I'm glad we found you in time. But we can't celebrate just yet.
Zahlhamelina: If all the shadows are capable of possessing bodies and forcing people to take their own lives...
Zahlhamelina: Then (Captain) and Lyria are most likely in similar danger.
Zahlhamelina: I also had my own close call... We need to find our friends before it's too late!
Vyrn: Yeah! I'll fly up high and see if I can't spot 'em!
Zahlhamelina: Good idea! Thanks, Vyrn!
By a twist of good fortune, Zahlhamelina has saved Vyrn in the nick of time.
She follows in the direction the shadow disappeared, hoping it will lead her right to (Captain) and Lyria.

A Light in the Rainstorm: Scene 2

The three continue searching for (Captain) and Lyria in the forest, but soon realize they are going in circles. The little girl from before appears and points them in the right direction, and they eventually find (Captain) and Lyria, empty-eyed and surrounded by shadows. The shadows immediately rise up to attack Zahlhamelina and company, swallowing them.

Attempting to track the fleeing shadow down, Zahlhamelina, Vyrn, and (Young Cat) head deeper into the forest.
???: ...
Eerie laughter and chattering whispers seem to follow the group wherever they go, as if entertained by their struggle.
Vyrn: Sheesh! Where is all this creepy stuff comin' from?
Zahlhamelina: I'm willing to bet it's those mysterious shadows at work. Stay vigilant. There's no telling where another trap might be...
(Young Cat): Meow!
Zahlhamelina: Ah!
Vyrn: Talk about a close call... We were almost turned into pancakes!
Zahlhamelina: Thank you, friend. You saved us.
(Young Cat): Meow.
???: ...
Vyrn: Wow, they were tryin' to herd us into a trap.
Vyrn: Heh! You're gonna have to do better than that to get us!
???: ...
Zahlhamelina: They're getting more and more irritated. We better hurry before they try anything else.
(Young Cat): Meow.
The group picks up the pace after that.
But no matter how high or low they search, they come across no clues as to where (Captain) and Lyria have gone.
Vyrn: How big is this forest? Feels like we've just been goin' in circles, on account of everything we pass lookin' the same.
Zahlhamelina: This is the shadows' territory. I wouldn't be surprised if they're somehow leading us astray.
Vyrn: Wait, why'd you stop walkin'?
Zahlhamelina: If they're leading us astray... Doesn't that mean we're already playing into their hands?
Vyrn: H-hey now, let's not jump to scary conclusions... Maybe there's another reason we're not gettin' anywhere?
(Young Cat): Meow...
Vyrn: Don't gimme that worried meow... You're gonna get me all worked up too.
Vyrn: Actually... Kinda feels like the more scared I get, the scarier everything looks. It's super dark to boot...
Zahlhamelina: (If they're truly using their power to delay us, then how will we ever...)
Zahlhamelina: (No, no, I can't let myself become disheartened. I swore to keep these children safe, and so I will!)
Zahlhamelina shakes her head, trying to rid herself of doubt, when a familiar sensation spurs her into looking around.
Zahlhamelina: That just now...
Vyrn: Huh? Do you hear (Captain) and Lyria or something?
Zahlhamelina: No, not them... But this breeze...
She closes her eyes, following the flow of the wind.
Zahlhamelina: You're here, aren't you?
With a quiet murmur, she conjures a small flame into her hand.
Her hunch is immediately proven correct.
Vyrn: Gah! Is your fire movin' by itself?
Vyrn: You're that girl from the gate! This is all your fault, isn't it!
Vyrn: You're that girl from the gate! This is all your fault, isn't it!
Zahlhamelina: Calm down, Vyrn. This girl isn't the enemy. She's the one who's been guiding us.
Vyrn: Huh?
Zahlhamelina: We wouldn't have found you if she hadn't showed us the way.
Vyrn: Y-you serious?
Reacting to none of the crew's conversation, the girl raises a hand and points in a direction.
Girl: Hurry, before it's too late... Go...
That is all the girl says before her flames flicker out.
Vyrn: So, uh... There's no path over where she told us to go... Only trees...
Zahlhamelina summons another flame and stares determinedly into the thicket.
Zahlhamelina: Judging by the way she helped us find you, there should be a path of some sort...
Zahlhamelina: O sun, I beseech you... Light the way forward!
Vyrn: Wh-what the heck? The trees and grass all vanished...
Vyrn: And now there's a path...
Vyrn: (Captain) and Lyria have gotta be ahead!
Zahlhamelina: Indeed. Let's go!
They run forward, hope in their hearts.
Eventually they come upon the blackened remains of a forest scarred by a great fire.
Zahlhamelina: (Captain)! Lyria!
Dark Shadow: ...
Sitting on the ground with empty eyes and surrounded by shadows are (Captain) and Lyria.
Vyrn: Hey! Get away from them!
Shadowy Figure: Why are you... getting in the way...
Zahlhamelina: Wait, Vyrn!
As Zahlhamelina grabs Vyrn and pulls him back, the shadows form into the figure of a girl.
Vyrn: You're the one from earlier...
Zahlhamelina: No. The aura of this girl is different from the one who aided us.
Zahlhamelina: In fact, I'm certain this is the culprit behind all the kidnappings!
Shadowy Figure: I won't... let you have them! Never!
Shadows ooze from the furious girl, then launch themselves at Zahlhamelina and company.
Vyrn: Wah!
Zahlhamelina: Vyrn!
By the sun's power...
Zahlhamelina: They swallowed my flames?
Shadowy Figure: No... No, no, no! It's hot! It's bright! It hurts... Get it away!
Waves of shadows pour from the girl as she screams.
Vyrn: There's so many... Gaaah!
Zahlhamelina: My power isn't strong enough to fight them!
Zahlhamelina: Ahhh!
The area is drowned in a sea of darkness.
Helpless against the tide, Zahlhamelina and friends are swallowed into its depths.

A Light in the Rainstorm: Scene 3

Within the shadows, the crew sees the memories of the people who perished in the forest fire. Unable to free themselves from their negative feelings, the departed have become spirits that lead victims into the forest before killing them. Zahlhamelina prays and conjures flames in the shape of soulfish that help the shadows to move on and rest in peace. (Captain) and company suddenly find themselves back in town, the forest gone and a beautiful rainbow arching across the sky.

Dark Shadow: ...
Zahlhamelina: There's just no end to them!
Dark Shadow: ...
Zahlhamelina: (The shadows will descend upon me the moment I let my flames fade...)
Zahlhamelina: (I have to get out of here and help the others as fast as I can.)
Dark Shadow: ...op.
Zahlhamelina: What?
The sound of what seems like a voice catches Zahlhamelina's attention.
She finds herself stilling as a result, and the shadows cease their movements as well.
Dark Shadow: ...
Zahlhamelina: Did you just... speak? What were you trying to tell me?
Sensing the shadows have something to convey, Zahlhamelina closes her eyes, relaxes her limbs, and focuses only on listening.
Dark Shadow: It hurts here... I'm so lonely...
Dark Shadow: I want to see... my family again...
Dark Shadow: Someone... Anyone... Take me away from here...
Numerous voices wail in pain and suffering.
As Zahlhamelina notices their presence, a vision begins to take shape.
Zahlhamelina: (Is this... their memory?)
Boy: Hot... It's too hot, Mom, Dad!
Man: Hurts so much, can't move... Someone... help!
These are the memories of the shadows—their last moments before death in this forest.
Zahlhamelina: (Their agony and regrets... I can feel them overflowing...)
The poor people, engulfed by flames, never had their remains found. Forgotten over time, they succumbed to loneliness and despair.
Those dark emotions became etched into their souls, binding them to the land in a curse which turned them into vengeful spirits who hunted the living.
A steady stream of tears pours down Zahlhamelina's cheeks as she learns the truth of the shadows.
Zahlhamelina: You were only trying to free yourselves from the loneliness and despair... Your wishes were twisted into a curse which robbed others of their lives...
Zahlhamelina: But even still, you wish for salvation, no matter what you have become...
Dark Shadow: ...
Zahlhamelina: (I want to save these people. They've been suffering for so long... They deserve to move on to where they belong.)
Zahlhamelina: (But how? I've no idea what will release them from this forest...)
A familiar image comes to mind just as Zahlhamelina chews over the issue.
She recalls the beautiful goldfish lanterns hanging throughout town, meant to guide the dead.
Zahlhamelina: That's right... Their light would definitely illuminate the path forward for these people.
Zahlhamelina: If only I could produce a similar flame... No, there's no room for doubt. I must do it!
Zahlhamelina: O sun which lies beyond the curtain of darkness... Guide these lost souls from everlasting gloom into the warmth of your embrace!
Dark Shadow: ...!
A ball of fire blooms into the shape of a goldfish as Zahlhamelina prays.
Zahlhamelina: The heavens above have answered... Everything will be all right now. The light will show you the way.
Lights multiply and fill the sky, illuminating it like little fireflies, until the darkness all around fades away.
Dark Shadow: ...
Vyrn: Get your paws offa me, ya inky punk!
Vyrn: I said, lemme... go?
(Young Cat): Meow?
Suddenly freed from the shadows assaulting them, Vyrn and his feline companion stare as numerous flames float through the air while Zahlhamelina gestures toward the sky.
Zahlhamelina: It's time to go... Follow the light, and you shall find your place to rest in its safety.
She releases a large soulfish-shaped flame and lets it rise high above their heads.
Dark Shadow: Ah... The sun is here...
Dark Shadow: The rain... has stopped...
Vyrn: L-look! The shadows are changing into people!
Man: I can finally go see my family...
Boy: It doesn't hurt anymore... It doesn't burn anymore... Thank you...
Glittering particles drift upwards as grateful voices of the saved resound throughout.
They trail after the small goldfish-shaped lights in the sky.
Zahlhamelina: (Captain)! Lyria!
Zahlhamelina and friends rush over to where (Captain) and Lyria are lying.
Lyria: Augh... Where...
Vyrn: Gosh, are you a sight for sore eyes!
Zahlhamelina: Are you okay? Do you hurt anywhere?
Blinking awake, (Captain) checks for any injuries or abnormalities, but finds nothing amiss.
  1. Where are we?

Choose: Where are we?
Zahlhamelina: In the forest outside of town. Dark shadows kidnapped you and Lyria, and we only freed you a moment ago.
Zahlhamelina: I'm so glad you're both all right.
Lyria: Dark shadows... Now that you mention it, I feel like I was dreaming, and...
Lyria: It was so very dark. I couldn't see anything, and it was both freezing cold and blazing hot... I was crying the whole time...
Zahlhamelina: Lyria, that's...
Girl: That was the memories of... everyone who was tied to this place, trying to make you one of us.
Light footsteps accompany the new voice. When the crew look over, they find a young girl wrapped in a gentle light.
Lyria: You're the girl that was standing at the gate...
Girl: I'm sorry for forcing you into this mess...
Girl: I had to search for somebody who could free me and everyone else cursed to remain here.
Girl: Otherwise more people would keep dying... Just like I did.
Zahlhamelina: The shadows kidnapped you too, and took your life, didn't they...
Girl: Yeah. That's how I died.
Girl: Most of the other victims eventually forgot who they were and became shadows themselves.
Girl: I didn't want the same thing to happen to me, so I did whatever I could to resist and ran away.
Girl: But as soon as I left the forest, I stopped being able to move... I stood at that gate for a long, long time.
Girl: I kept hoping someone would notice me... That they could purify the shadows and free me.
Zahlhamelina: That explains why you were waiting there...
Girl: But every time I managed to get a person's attention, they ended up dying in the forest too. I had already become one of them...
Girl: I realized if someone could hear me, that meant they could hear the other shadows and be tricked to their doom. So I eventually stopped speaking.
Vyrn: Which is why you were givin' us the silent treatment when we met, huh...
Girl: I knew I shouldn't have stayed at the gate. People would see me, grow worried, and come over...
Girl: But if I returned to the forest, I would get swallowed up by the other shadows and lose myself... That terrified me.
Girl: It's all my fault you were put in danger. I'm very, very sorry.
Zahlhamelina: Perhaps that's true, but... I believe it's thanks to you that we were all saved.
Zahlhamelina: So thank you. For saving us.
Girl: I caused so many people to lose their lives... You shouldn't be thanking me.
Zahlhamelina: It's all right. None of that changes the fact that we owe our lives to you.
Zahlhamelina wraps the crying girl in a hug and gently pats her on the head.
Zahlhamelina: Thank you. You did your best by yourself... You did a good job.
Girl: It was hard... I was so lonely... and scared!
Tears pour down the girl's cheeks, as if a dam had broken. Zahlhamelina continues to comfortingly pat her.
Girl: I have to go now... I'll become a new shadow if I stay any longer...
Zahlhamelina: I see... Then let me send you off with a light just for you.
Zahlhamelina: Here. No more getting lost. This will guide you to where you belong.
Zahlhamelina conjures a new flame.
It forms into a soulfish that swims through the air, gliding its way over to the girl and pulling at her hand.
Girl: It's warm... Nice like the sun...
Girl: Thank you... Goodbye.
With a smile, the girl fades into light particles which then accompany the soulfish upward.
They join the other souls and flames in the sky as they ascend. In reverent silence, the crew watches them all until they fade out of view.
Zahlhamelina: Hm?
Vyrn: Huh? Weren't we just in the forest?
In the blink of an eye, the crew find themselves suddenly in the middle of the bustling town.
The burnt trees, broken gate, and thick forest are nowhere to be seen.
  1. It's like we just woke up from a dream.

Choose: It's like we just woke up from a dream.
Vyrn: This is super weird... The rain stopped at some point too.
Lyria: You're right. The skies are so clear, it's like it never happened...
Lyria: Oh, look! A rainbow!
Sure enough, a bright ray of colors stretches across the sunny skies.
Lyria: Everyone from the forest made it up there, right?
Zahlhamelina: With all this brilliant sunlight to brighten the way, I'm sure they did.
Zahlhamelina: They can rest freely now, free from the dark and cold rain.
Lyria: Yeah... Good night, everyone...
She folds her hands in a small prayer as she looks up.
Vyrn: Can't help but feel hungry, now that we're in the clear.
Zahlhamelina: Haha, we did run an awful lot. I'm feeling a bit hungry myself.
Lyria: Let's get food from the stalls! I saw a lot of them selling some tasty-looking dishes!
(Young Cat): Meow!
Vyrn: Hey! Head starts are no fair!
Lyria: Wait for me!
Zahlhamelina: You shouldn't run, or else you'll take a tumble!
Zahlhamelina: We should hurry after them before they get lost, (Captain).
Zahlhamelina holds her hand out. With a nod, (Captain) takes it.
Beneath the rays of the shining sun, a warm breeze blows through the blue skies.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
(主人公)さん、忘れ物はないですか? (Captain), you didn't forget anything, did you?
無理は禁物ですよ、(主人公)さん You shouldn't push yourself too hard, (Captain).
はぐれないように……さぁ、手をどうぞ Let's hold hands. It'll be harder to get separated that way.
ルリアさん、疲れていませんか? Lyria, are you feeling tired?
あら?ここはどこかしら…… Hm? Where am I...
ふふっ、頼りにしていますビィさん! Haha, I'm counting on you, Vyrn!
どんな暗闇でも、私が明るく照らします No matter how dark it gets, I will light the way.
あの子達は何があっても私が守ります……! I'll protect these children against any harm!
彩魚を見ているだけで何だか涼しく感じますね I feel a little cooler just watching the goldfish swim around.
どんな時でも、お天道様はきっと味方してくれます The sun will always be our ally.
