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Game Strategy Lore Voice
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Official Profile

Age 25
Height 92 cm
Race Harvin
Hobbies Working in the fields, weaving, pickling
Likes Sun, good weather, the smell of laundry that's been left to dry in the sun
Dislikes Hot weather, intense sunlight
Character Release

Source [1]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 25歳
Height 92cm
Race ハーヴィン
Hobbies 畑仕事、機織り、漬物作り
Likes 太陽、晴れ、日干しした洗濯物の匂い
Dislikes 暑さ、強い日差し
Character Release

Source [1]




Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

I wish you a very happy birthday, (Captain).
It really is wonderful to be able to celebrate your birthday while travelling together.
I know that you will continue your journey heartily and healthily for many years to come.
For the sun and I will always shine down on you.


As you live on, there will be many things you do that you never would have imagined yourself doing.
When I was young, I never imagined I would do battle with primal beasts.
Surely throughout your adventures you've experienced all kinds of things.
There may be times when your heart battles with sad and painful situations that will leave you feeling down.
But I never want you to give up.
For even where there is rain, sunlight is never far behind. As long as you never give up, you can always make it to sunrise.
If you are ever feeling weak, I will be there for you. Let me be your strength.


(Captain), happy birthday.
You shine so brightly to everyone in this crew; you are quite like our own sun.
Although it's certainly splendid, isn't constantly shining tiring?
I'd like to support you so that your light never goes out.
After all there's still a long way to go on our journey, and there are times when clouds will cover the sun.
It is during those times I want you to call upon me for support.
It's okay. No matter how much you protest, I am priestess of the sun—this is part of my duty!
Hehe. I assure you I'm sturdier than I look. So, plesae, lean on me from time to time.


Happy birthday, (Captain). I'm happy I can be by your side this year too. There are four more candles on your cake than there were when I joined your crew. As their light increases, so too do your memories. I can't think of anything I want more than to be here every time another little light joins the others atop your cake. Oops. The longer I talk, the closer we get to a lot of wax in our frosting. All right, (Captain). See if you can blow them all out in one breath!


Oh dear, (Captain). You look very sleepy. Have you been busy?
Here... Come lay your head on my lap.
There's still some time before your birthday party.
I'll wake you up before it starts.
(Captain), you always act so valiantly as our captain.
But you're still young. It's okay to rely on us from time to time. Understand?
You want me to pat your head? Of course I will! Come, lie down now.
There you go, sweet child. Happy birthday, our hardworking captain.

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

(Captain)... You can't go around wearing such thin clothing. You'll catch a cold!
Hehe. So did you see the first sunrise of the new year?
As the Sun Maiden, I must see the sun's first rising to fulfill my duties.
Come closer now. I'll warm you up.


Yawn... Dear me! I'm sorry. How very shameless of me to act like this in front of you.
I'm staying up late to prepare for the countdown.
I'm just not used to burning the midnight oil, so around this time I tend to get sleepy.
But it's so embarrassing. Please, don't tell the crew.
As thanks, you can eat whatever you want from my New Year's treats, (Captain).


It's beautiful, isn't it, (Captain)? The first light of a new year...
As a priestess of the sun, I give my praise to the heavens every day.
But there's something about this day that makes it feel extra special.
Looking at the shining sun, I just get so excited for the possibilities present in a new year. Don't you?
Hehe. Let's make this a year we won't forget, (Captain).


(Captain), care to have some mochi soup with me?
It's cooked with vegetables taken fresh from a garden. Here's a bowl for you.
Oh, make sure you chew slowly and thoroughly. We wouldn't want any mochi getting stuck in your throat.
Haha, the soup's not going anywhere, so take your time.
I cooked a big pot, so eat to your heart's content.


Happy New Year, (Captain). It's hard to believe the first day of a brand new year is upon us!
I plan to offer prayers to the sun in hopes of protecting you and everyone else over the year.
Such is my duty as a priestess of the sun.
Of course I won't just pray for protection.
If you or anyone else is troubled by anything, I will do everything in my power to come up with a solution.
Hehe, the beginning of the year is a great time to start over and center yourself. I look forward to growing with you this year.
Oh no, (Captain)! That sneeze was awful. Do you feel feverish perhaps?
It wouldn't do if you caught a cold. Here, drink this hot tea. It should warm you up..

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Could I speak with you for a moment? Well, you see... Today's Valentine's, and I...
Um... I wanted to know if you would like this...
I'm sorry it's not something cute you might find in a store. I made it myself.
I bet you get all kinds of things from the younger members of the crew.
But, well! I'm glad you're so willing to have this too, hehe.


(Captain), umm... Do you have a moment to spare? You do? Oh, wonderful.
Today is, umm... Valentine's Day, right?
So I was thinking... maybe I could give you something for that.
I'm sure you get things from the other members of the crew, but would it be a bother if I did the same?
You'd be glad to receive something? Then I'm glad I made these.
I made them by hand, and they're a little deformed, but I trust they show you how I feel.
Hehe. I guess that's what makes it so... sweet?


Um, (Captain)... I made you some sweets this year.
Would you mind accepting them?
Ah... Thank you. I was so nervous to give someone a gift.
And doubly so because it was you, (Captain).
You always do so much for me. I was worried about how to best show my gratitude.
Oh truly! That makes me so relieved that you would say that, (Captain).
Hehe. Thanks for everything you do.


(Captain), happy Valentine's.
Um... I prepared chocolate this year too. I hope you like it...
Haha, thanks. That smile on your face makes it all worth it.
I made another type actually, using pickles as a main ingredient... I came up with the idea on a whim.
Would you like some of that too?
Yeah, I actually went ahead and made some... I was inspired by how you always take on new challenges, (Captain).
Oh, it's definitely safe to eat. Lyria tried some earlier, and she loved it.


Well hello, (Captain). Please accept these Valentine's chocolates.
This year I added honey-soaked ginger as an accent flavor.
This cold weather will continue for some time, after all. The nutritional value of honey and the warming quality of ginger should prove helpful.
When I taste-tested them, I found the flavor to be agreeable. I just hope you feel the same.
How are they?
Oh, good! I'm relieved you find them delicious.
Hehe, sometimes it's fun to take cooking adventures.
They're even more enjoyable when they lead to your delight, (Captain)!

White Chocolate Cake
White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

"Why, hello, (Captain). Did you want to discuss something with me?
What's that?
Dear me, a present! Thank you so very much!
Hehe. I'm so happy to know you've been thinking of me.


Hello there. Is something happening today, (Captain)?
Dear me! A present? You shouldn't have!
I can tell you really put some thought into this. I'll be sure to enjoy it.
Whenever you get something nice, you should consider it a reward for your own good deeds.
Hehe. So next time I'll get you something that I know will make you happy.


(Captain), what ever are you doing? Oh, is this for the gift I gave you one month ago?
Well, thank you very much! I'm glad to receive your gift!
Um, it's time to eat, and I have some snacks here...
Would you care for tea?
I hate to put you on the spot if you're busy, but I would love to spend more time with you.
Haha! In that case, let's stop by the kitchen first!


Oh my! The room's all spick-and-span!
My laundry's done and my vegetables are tended to. Who could have...
Ah, (Captain)... Haha, thank you.
Oh, you'll massage my shoulders too?
I appreciate the gesture, but I'm a bit tied up at the moment... Huh, a White Day present?
Wow, you're giving me so much, (Captain)...
Thank you for it all. I consider myself blessed.


My, my! So you've gotten me White Day presents once again? Look how many there are!
They all look so delicious. And the packaging is so cute. It's almost a waste to eat them.
Of course I don't think I could resist trying them. Would you care to try them with me?
Hehe. Very well. Let's make this into a full-fledged snack time! I'll make some tea.
Oh, come now. I love it when you do things for me,(Captain).
But I also love doing things for you in return.
So I insist—allow me to fetch the tea! You sit tight and look forward to our snacks.

Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Eek! Whew, that was a surprise.
Hehe, I'll give you this treat. So let's put an end to the tricks, okay?


Heehee. It's such a wonderful day. Everyone seems to be enjoying Halloween.
I have candy to hand out as well—eek!
Dearie me! Oh, (Captain)! Here I was certain that I'd fall, but you caught me!
Sorry if I worried you!
Please take this candy as an apology. Go on, enjoy!


Well, well, (Captain). Today is Halloween, so allow me to play a little prank.
First, would you kindly eat this pickle?
Come on, open uuup.
How is it? It's good, isn't it?
I knew it would be. Hehe. I'm glad.
Now. On to our next prank. Please come sit over here.
I'll selfishly give you a massage!
Oh dearie me, even though you're so young, you have so many knots. This will be effective in getting your muscles relaxed.
Hm? How in the skies are these pranks, you ask?
Isn't a Halloween full of these kinds of pranks a good thing?


Happy Halloween, (Captain).
Would you like to try some of the stewed pumpkin I made?
Here, say "ahh!"
Hehehe. How is it? I've got pumpkin spice cookies and pumpkin pie too.
Next, I'd like you to lie down on your tummy on this blanket.
Now I'll just climb up onto your back...
You're carrying a lot of tension in your neck, shoulders, and back, but I'll knead it right out!
That's right... Just relax.
This is a treat and treat for our hard-working captain!


Happy Halloween, (Captain)! Did you receive a lot of candy this year?
Oh me, oh my! It seems your bag is positively bursting with candy! Hehe, I bet you're glad.
I was afraid of being tricked this year, so I took it upon myself to prepare some treats.
Pumpkin quiche, pumpkin soup, pumpkin burdock salad, pumpkin and red bean fish...
Hehe, have I taken you by surprise? I knew you would get a lot of sweets.
So I decided to prepare saltier dishes to complement your saccharine trove.
Eat your fill, take a break, and come trick or treating for your next helping!

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Season's greetings!
Hey, Captain, let's try to finish up our work early today! We've gotta be up early tomorrow!
Hehe. After all, Santa's coming tonight!
Aw, what's the matter? You think you're not a kid anymore?


Huh? What's the matter? Do you need something from the kitchen?
Hehe. It's pretty astounding to see all the food-obsessed crewmates here in the kitchen to prepare tonight's special meal.
And it seems we're nearly out of table space for all the food! Oh dear!
Now, (Captain), you can't go nibbling on the food before the big meal!
Wait for everyone to sit first! If we all sit down and eat together, everyone will feel warm and welcome.
Eat your fill, talk the night away, and go to bed, satisfied and waiting for Santa Claus.


(Captain)! You've made your way here to the kitchen. Care to lend me a hand with the cooking?
Hehe. Thank you. I plan on making a lot, so I appreciate the extra manpower.
Oh, that vegetable is something I got from my hometown.
Let's all give thanks to the blessings of nature as we feast to celebrate this season.
However, we must also remember to go to bed early. Because you've been a good kid all year.
One would assume Santa Claus will be paying you a visit tonight.


Ah, happy holidays, (Captain).
We're having a gift exchange at tonight's party, right?
Haha, I wove a tapestry in preparation for that.
I tried to fashion it in the image of the yuletide night... I wonder if it'll be a popular gift.
You think it will? That's great to know. And it's even greater to get a compliment from you, (Captain).
With your seal of approval, I'm sure my gift will be a big hit at the party.
At first I was worried about presenting something that catered too greatly to my tastes.
I wonder what everyone will choose... I'm getting all excited just thinking about it!


(Captain), have you already finished setting out your stocking? If not, please take this.
Santa Claus will fill it with presents, so I thought you could use one.
Oh, there are stockings for Lyria and Vyrn as well.
It's just the pattern may not be current with today's customs. I'm not very familiar with such things after all.
So long as you find them acceptable...
You do? Oh, thank goodness. That's quite the relief.
Even after this festive season passes, the weather will surely continue to be cold. I suggest wearing these stockings to bed on especially frigid nights.

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

She Who Wields the Stars

Zahlhamelina sees Lyria absorb the power of Leviathan and is wary. However, when she learns that (Captain) and crew are good people, she joins them to make sure no one takes advantage of their kindness.

The Erste Empire's development of weapons for war has led to the pollution of the sea. Auguste takes up arms against them to put a stop to the destruction of the environment.
Meanwhile the primal beast most intimate with the ocean, Leviathan, swallows one of the empire's battleships in its own revolt.
The strife within the sea caused by the soldiers of the empire brings chaos to the people of Auguste.
Fisherman: Dagnabbit! My boat's gettin' carried off. I have to get her ashore somehow.
Monster: Groar!
Fisherman: Aahh! What's a monster doin' here?
The monster bears down on the horror-stricken fisherman, but someone else is watching.
???: Look out!
Fisherman: Y-you saved me! Thank you!
???: I'm just glad I made it in time. Are you hurt?
Fisherman: I'm fit as a fiddle! Hey, aren't you that girl who came to buy fish? You're a priestess, right?
Zahlhamelina: That's correct. My name is Zahlhamelina.
Fisherman: Once all this settles down, I'll bring some fish to the inn where you're staying! As my way of saying thanks!
Zahlhamelina: Oh! Well, thank you very much.
Fisherman: Now, I better do something about these boats.
The fisherman hurries off to protect others like himself and their boats.
After the fisherman leaves, Zahlhamelina gazes at Leviathan's vengeful ascent.
Zahlhamelina: I thought Leviathan was known for the peace it brought to the Auguste sea.
Zahlhamelina: But with such rage, it now brings only fear and confusion to the people, animals, and even monsters.
Zahlhamelina: The great power of the primal beasts really is frighteningly dangerous.
With a stern look upon her face, Zahlhamelina continues watching Leviathan until she sees something unexpected.
Lyria: I'm sorry! That hurt, didn't it? But it's okay now. Come with me, Leviathan.
Zahlhamelina: ...!
That girl... Is she absorbing Leviathan's power?
Zahlhamelina: Is taking control of a primal beast even possible?
Zahlhamelina: If it is, then she's extremely dangerous. I can't even imagine what a person could do with a primal beast as their puppet.
Zahlhamelina: I can only hope that girl and those accompanying her are of a sound conscience.
As Zahlhamelina considers the situation, she sees the damage done by Leviathan, and her expression grows even bleaker.
Zahlhamelina: Great Astrals! Look at the destruction left in the beast's wake. I wonder if there's anything I can do to help.
Zahlhamelina joins the townspeople in the cleanup of the wreckage.
Zahlhamelina: Oh goodness. Look at this broken glass. I better move it all before someone steps on it.
Stall Owner 1: I'm so sorry. Here you are visiting Auguste, and now you find yourself helping with its cleanup.
Zahlhamelina: Please don't worry about me. I only mean to make myself useful.
As Zahlhamelina helps, a cheerful voice reaches her ears.
Vyrn: Hey, mister! Is this the bag you were looking for? It was caught on something over here!
Stall Owner 2: Yes, that's the one! You're a lifesaver, little lizard!
Vyrn: I ain't no lizard! But I can fly, and finding your bag from the air was no sweat!
Stall Owner 2: I appreciate it, little lizard. And you too, friendly skyfarer! Thanks for all your help!
Vyrn: Heh-heh! You would have done the same for us.
Zahlhamelina: That lizard... I think I saw it with that blue-haired girl.
Stall Owner 1: Oh, you must mean the lizard who hangs out with the skyfarers! What was his name... Varn?
Stall Owner 1: Those skyfarers are with Eugen. They help him patrol or something.
Stall Owner 1: They're young, but they're hardworking, and so well-mannered. I wish my fool son would take a page out of their book.
Zahlhamelina: I see. So they're good people.
Stall Owner 1: Yes, they're terrific!
Well, this area's all cleaned up. Thank you so much for your help!
Zahlhamelina says goodbye to the stall owner and walks off in search of anyone else who could use her assistance.
Zahlhamelina: Hm? Is that a child crying?
Boy: Waaah! Waaah!
Lyria: Are you all okay? Did you hurt yourself?
Boy: Sob... Mommy? Maaa-mmee! Where's Mommy?
Lyria: Oh! Have you lost your mommy?
Lyria: Let's go find her together, okay?
Boy: Sniff... Okay.
Zahlhamelina: There she is again!
Zahlhamelina stops in her tracks, surprised at the sight of Lyria and the boy walking off.
Lyria: Excuse me! Has anyone seen this boy's mother?
Boy: Maaa-mmee!
Lyria walks around with the boy for some time, but his mother is nowhere to be found.
Lyria: What do we do? I could really use (Captain) and Vyrn at a time like this.
Lyria: Sob... Where did everybody go?
Boy: You looking for somebody too?
Lyria: Uh-huh... You see, I got separated from my friends.
Lyria: Oh! But don't you worry! I'll get you back to your mother! I promise!
Boy: Okay. Thank you.
As Lyria and the boy walk closer together and continue their forlorn search, Zahlhamelina calls to them.
Zahlhamelina: Um... Excuse me. Would you two happen to be lost?
Lyria: Yes, we are. I think I can probably find my friends if I can get to the airship docks, but...
Lyria: I forgot how to get there.
Zahlhamelina: I see. The docks... I can show you the way if you like.
Lyria: Really?
Zahlhamelina: Yes. And you're looking for your mother, right, little one?
Boy: Y-yeah...
Zahlhamelina: I'm certain the townsfolk set up a place for lost items. There should be many people there.
Zahlhamelina: Let's go and ask if anyone has seen your mother.
Boy: Really? Do you think we'll find Mommy?
Zahlhamelina: Of course! So cheer up, all right? Both of you!
Boy: Okay!
Lyria: Okay!
Zahlhamelina shows them to the lost and found. One of the townspeople there recognizes the boy and reunites him with his mother.
After profusely being thanked by mother and child, Zahlhamelina and Lyria head for the docks.
Lyria: Oh! There! That's our airship!
Lyria dashes toward the ship, and (Captain), who has been looking for her, sees Lyria and runs in her direction.
Vyrn: Lyria! Where were you! You had us worried!
Vyrn: We just got here ourselves. We thought maybe you'd come back to the ship.
Lyria: Really? I'm so sorry...
Lyria: Sniff... But I'm so glad I found you!
Lyria: When I was lost, I started worrying that I'd never see you guys again. I was so scared!
Lyria sheds tears of happiness as (Captain) gives her a hug and lets out a deep sigh of relief.
Zahlhamelina: Hee-hee. I'm happy for you, Lyria.
Lyria: Thanks!
Oh, this is Zahlhamelina. She showed me how to get here!
  1. We owe you one!
  2. Lyria might need a pet tag.

Choose: We owe you one!
Zahlhamelina: It was nothing. Helping those in need is what any decent person would do.
Zahlhamelina: Hee-hee... Just as you helped the townsfolk, I'm sure you would have aided anyone who was lost.

Choose: Lyria might need a pet tag.
Vyrn: I can't believe you couldn't even remember how to get to the docks. You'll probably get lost again soon.
Lyria: No, I won't! I learned my lesson. I don't want to go through that ever again... Sniff...
Zahlhamelina: Oh no, Lyria! There, there. Don't cry.
Continue 1
Vyrn: I guess we owe you one for helping Lyria! How can we thank you?
Zahlhamelina: Oh, you don't need to.
Zahlhamelina tries to refuse, but (Captain) insists.
Zahlhamelina: Well, in that case, would you allow me to join you on your journey?
Lyria: What? You're a skyfarer?
Zahlhamelina: I wouldn't call myself a skyfarer, but I do journey the world to broaden my horizons. Would you be willing to take me on as an apprentice?
Vyrn: I don't see why not. We travel all over the place. If you wanna broaden your horizons, we got you covered!
Zahlhamelina: Thank you! I look forward to your company, (Captain).
Zahlhamelina: I hope to learn from your experience as well, Lyria. Please teach me all there is to know about being a skyfarer.
Lyria: Okay! I'll start by giving you a tour of the ship!
Zahlhamelina: Thank you very much. Hee-hee, you've really brightened my day.
Zahlhamelina: I can tell how close you all are, and I'm sure our adventures together will be exhilarating!
Thus Zahlhamelina joins the crew, and Lyria enthusiastically shows her around the airship.
Lyria: Zzz... Zzz...
Zahlhamelina: Hee-hee, what a lovely sleeping beauty. It's been a long day, so she must be exhausted.
Zahlhamelina: ...
Zahlhamelina: Lyria... And (Captain) too. They really are such kindhearted people.
Zahlhamelina: I'm sure they're trying to use their power to do what's right.
Zahlhamelina: But people may try to take advantage of their pure hearts for their own twisted purposes.
Zahlhamelina: I have to watch over them to make sure that doesn't happen; to make sure they never lose their sunny smiles.
Zahlhamelina makes a quiet resolution as she gazes at Lyria's peaceful face.
Unaware of the priestess's silent vow, (Captain) and Lyria dream blissfully on.

She Who Basks in Blessings

After (Captain) and company finish a hard delivery job, Zahlhamelina invites them to her hometown for some rest. They happily accept and head there.

The crew accepts a job from the Knickknack Shack to make deliveries to various islands.
Due to the number of islands to visit and items to deliver, the crew finds itself quite busy for many days.
Vyrn: Whew, that was the last of the stuff we needed to deliver, right?
Zahlhamelina: Yes, I've just double-checked, and we've completed every errand.
Lyria: Wonderful! Then we've done everything Siero asked us to.
Vyrn: Yeah, and it sure was tricky to make sure that all the right things got to the right places!
Lyria: But everyone was so happy when they received the deliveries!
Lyria: Still... I am a bit tired, to tell the truth.
Zahlhamelina: The inn's just a little further, Lyria! When we get there, you should rest.
Zahlhamelina: You don't look all that bright-eyed either, (Captain)... Don't push yourself too hard, okay?
Vyrn: Yeah. Let's take a nice, long break.
Zahlhamelina: Working too much is bad for your health. I think some rest would do us good.
Zahlhamelina: Oh, that reminds me! If it's okay, why don't we all head to my home island?
Zahlhamelina: The typical pace there is conducive to resting well. I think it would be a great place to unwind.
Lyria: Oh! I would love to visit your home island!
Zahlhamelina: And it should be harvest season right about now, which means I can cook you a nice meal with fresh vegetables.
(Captain) accepts her proposal and points the ship toward Zahlhamelina's hometown.

She Who Basks in Blessings: Scene 2

(Captain) and company wonder why Zahlhamelina is called the Sun Priestess. A villager starts to explain, but a sudden scream from Lyria interrupts them. They rush out to find monsters devouring their vegetables, and they ready their weapons.

Zahlhamelina: Here we are. This is my village, and that house over there belongs to me.
Vyrn: Wow! This place seems nice and quiet. Kinda like Zinkenstill.
Villager: Oh my goddess!
The Sun Priestess! The Sun Priestess has returned!
Zahlhamelina: It's good to see you all! I just thought I'd come relax in the village for a bit.
Villager: Haha. What a wonderful idea! This place is great for relaxing. And are these your friends?
Lyria: Yes! I'm Lyria. We're traveling together.
Villager: It's so nice to have visitors! I'll bring you some freshly picked vegetables later.
Zahlhamelina: Thank you so much.
Zahlhamelina leads (Captain) and the others into her house.
Zahlhamelina: It's been some time since I've returned, but it seems the villagers have kept the place aired out. I'm glad it's not musty.
Zahlhamelina: Please, (Captain), make yourself at home. I'm heading out for a bit.
Lyria: Huh? Where are you going, Zahlhamelina?
Zahlhamelina: Since I'm here, I'd like to help with the harvesting.
Lyria: Oh! Do you think I could join you? I'd like to try!
Zahlhamelina: You'd be very welcome! Hee-hee. Let's go together then.
Lyria: Yay! See you later, (Captain).
(Captain) sees them off to the fields and then sits down to rest.
Villager: Sun Priestess! I brought you the vegetables I mentioned! Oh, she's not here?
Vyrn: She just left to help in the fields!
Villager: Well, I'll be! The priestess is as hardworking as ever. I do wish she'd slow down.
Vyrn: By the way, why do you guys call her the Sun Priestess?
Villager: Oh? She hasn't told you? Well, it all started when she was a little girl...
The villager begins telling the story of Zahlhamelina's past, and Vyrn and (Captain) listen with interest.
The villager says that a primal beast that could wander through time and space came to the idyllic little island long ago.
The primal beast apparently caused a long spell of bad weather that inflicted much damage on the island.
Villager: Our fields were ruined, and we didn't know when the primal beast would get tired of playing with the weather.
Villager: The islanders were up against the wall, and some even gave voice to a belief that we would be saved if we offered up a sacrifice.
Zahlhamelina—a young girl at the time—heard this idea.
She thought she could save the island if she sacrificed herself, so she set out to confront the primal beast alone.
Vyrn: Wow, that's really something. She was just a little kid, right? To think she had the courage to do that...
Vyrn: Wait... So how come she's still alive?
Villager: Well, that's what makes our Sun Priestess so incred—
Lyria: Aahh! Stop!
Vyrn: That's Lyria! We better get out there!
Startled by the screams, (Captain) runs outside and heads for the nearby fields.
Lyria: Stop! No! Don't eat those!
Monster: Uweee!
Zahlhamelina: By the Astrals! It's eaten all the vegetables we had.
Lyria: Noo... I was looking forward to those! Oh! (Captain)! Help us chase them away!
Zahlhamelina: Sorry to bother you while you were resting, (Captain). Think you could lend a hand?
(Captain) nods at the clearly frustrated Zahlhamelina and begins chasing away the monsters.

She Who Basks in Blessings: Scene 3

Zahlhamelina tells (Captain) about how she used her awakened fire magic, which she believes was provided to her by the sun, to drive away the primal beast plaguing the island. A sudden noise draws them outside, and they once again find the monsters going after the vegetables.

(Captain) and Lyria go to bed early that night, worn out by the exhausting work in the fields.
Waking up thirsty in the middle of the night, (Captain) gets out of bed and heads to the kitchen for a drink.
Zahlhamelina: There we go, and—huh? What are you doing awake, (Captain)?
Zahlhamelina: Wondering about the smell? It's rice bran. I was just pickling some vegetables.
Zahlhamelina: Oh, are you thirsty? Then how about some tea? Here, sit down while I make some.
Zahlhamelina steps away from her pickling, washes her hands, and makes (Captain) some tea.
Zahlhamelina: Here you go. It'll warm you up and put you right back to sleep.
Zahlhamelina: What's that? Sacrifice myself? Yes, that's right. I thought it would save the island.
Zahlhamelina: It was hard. I was scared to go see the primal beast, but it was harder to watch everyone on the island suffer.
Zahlhamelina: When I stood in front of it, my legs were shaking. But that's also the moment I discovered I had the ability to conjure fire at will.
Zahlhamelina: It was a long, long battle... For me at least.
Zahlhamelina: I think the primal beast got tired of dealing with my powers. I was just about ready to collapse when it finally left the island.
Zahlhamelina: And when those first rays of light finally broke through the clouds...
Zahlhamelina: I'll never forget how beautiful it was.
Zahlhamelina: The sun brought life back to the withered plants. It truly saved us all.
Zahlhamelina: As for my powers, I think the sun gods lent them to me so I could save my people.
Zahlhamelina: That's why I want to use this gift to help others.
Seeing Zahlhamelina smile, (Captain) understands why she's called the Sun Priestess.
Zahlhamelina: Huh? What's that sound?
The two of them glance at each other and then go outside in search of the source.
Monster: Uwee, uwee...
Zahlhamelina: Oh for a rupie's sake! Don't tell me you're here for more vegetables!
Zahlhamelina: I know you're hungry too, but what do you expect the villagers to eat if you consume everything?
Zahlhamelina: Sorry to keep you up, (Captain), but I need you to help me chase them off again.

She Who Basks in Blessings: Scene 4

(Captain) and company rest before leaving the island. The villagers are sad to see Zahlhamelina go, but she has a duty to fulfill and so sets off with the crew.

(Captain) and Zahlhamelina chase off the monsters and take measures starting the next day to make sure they don't come back again.
Thus their days in the quiet village come to end, but only after a fair amount of excitement.
Villager: It's sad to see the Sun Priestess leave us again.
Vyrn: Heh-heh! Yeah, but I'm starting to miss the thrill of adventure! You too, right, (Captain)?
Lyria: This village was so much fun! Can we come back again sometime?
Villager: Of course! We'll be here waiting for you and our beloved Sun Priestess as well!
Zahlhamelina: Thank you all. I'm so flattered to know you feel that way.
Zahlhamelina: But I have found a duty I must fulfill. And with that I bid you all farewell!
The villagers wave goodbye, and Zahlhamelina once again leaves her home sweet home.
By traveling with and watching over (Captain) and the others, she knows she can spread peace to wherever the sun shines.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
お天道様はいつも見守っていますよ The sun is always watching over us.
無茶や無理は、いけませんからね? We should avoid the absurd and impossible.
戻ったら糠床のお世話をしないと… I must tend to the rice bran upon our return.
私の力は、人々のために… I offer my power to the people.
あらまあ!びっくりしたわ Oh dear! You surprised me.
正しきことを為すために… I must do what is right.
力には必ず責任が伴います With power comes responsibility.
気を抜いてはいけないわね You shouldn't let your guard down.
(主人公)さん、優しさを忘れないでね Never forget to be kind, (Captain).
怪我をしないようにね(主人公)さん Don't get yourself hurt, (Captain)!
