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Game Strategy Lore Voice
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Official Profile

Age Unknown
Height 135 cm
Race Primal Beast
Hobbies In search of them
Likes Cosmos, starry skies
Dislikes Changing clothes, walking
Character Release
Source [1] [2]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 不明
Height 135cm
Race 星晶獣
Hobbies 探し中
Likes コスモス、星空
Dislikes 着替え、歩行
Character Release
Source [1] [2]





Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

It's so lively on the ship today because of your birthday, (Captain).
Everyone must really like you.
I like you too, so I wanted to do something special for you but couldn't think of anything...
That's why I thought I'd just ask you directly.
There's not much I can do, but tell me anyway.
Huh? Is that all?
Okay then...
(Captain), happy birthday.


Happy birthday, (Captain).
Another year of experiences has been added to your life.
How long will it take for us to be the same age, I wonder?
Ah, that's right. Time flows for me as well, so our years will never align.
Time can be a real pain.
But if it lets me celebrate your birthdays, then it's not all bad.


Happy birthday, (Captain).
Celebrating your birthday has made me think a little.
I began to wonder when my own birthday was, you see...
Was it when I was created together with Cosmos by the Astral Realm?
Or was it when I came to be in this body and was first named "Yuni" by Cosmos?
Either way, I'm glad I was born. I'm glad I can be here now.
And I'm glad that I can wish you a happy birthday like this, (Captain).

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Huh? What's this?
The New Year's money that children usually get?
You're giving some to me too? But I've been alive for two thousand years...
Then again, as Yuni, I suppose I'm like a newborn child in many ways.
Okay then. Thank you for the gift, (Captain).


Good morning, (Captain).
No, today's different. I meant to say "Happy New Year."
I came to watch the first sunrise too. As much as I like stargazing...
The sun is beautiful in its own way as well.
This year, I hope to experience much more beauty and fun the world has to offer.
Mm-hm. I can't think of a better way to accomplish that goal than by traveling with you and the crew.

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

(Captain), happy Valentine's.
I heard today's a day to give chocolate to those dear to you.
I made these with Satyr and Medusa.
You're special to me, (Captain), so I'd like you to have some.
You're happy?
Strange. I feel happy too, almost as if your joy has spread to me.
Maybe that's the point of Valentine's.
To revel in joy with a special someone.
I'm going to give Lyria some chocolate too.
See you later, (Captain).


Here, (Captain). I made you chocolates again this year.
Good. I had a feeling you would like them.
Look, I made lots of other batches too. I didn't realize how many friends I've come to make in a short period of time.
To tell you the truth, I was looking forward to Valentine's Day.
So many friends, so many opportunities to bring out their smiles.
That makes me feel warm all over.
I have to go now.
I need to give everyone their gifts before my warmth melts the chocolates.

White Chocolate Cake
White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Is this for White Day?
Mm-hm. Zooey told me.
She said not to be surprised if any tasty treats come my way.
But even if it's not tasty, I'll treasure it all the same because it's from you, (Captain).
Huh? It'd be weird to "treasure" something I'm going to eat?
Oh, I see what you mean.
Thank you, (Captain).


Thank you, (Captain).
I appreciate the White Day gift.
I'm happy if you're happy, but are you really?
I see. Well, since you are happy, then like I said, I'm happy too.
Hm... It's as if our happiness is connected like a Mobius strip.
That connection is such a wonderful thing to have between us.


It's White Day today... isn't it?
To be honest, I've been feeling a little restless since this morning... because I knew today was White Day.
I found myself wondering whether you would come find me with a present...
I'm a little... embarrassed.
But I'm happy you came. Thank you, (Captain).

Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

What's in the bag, (Captain)? Candy?
I'd like a red one and a blue one... Because those are the colors of Cosmos's eyes.
Huh? I can't get the candy like I normally would?
Oh, so I have to say the magic words...
Trick or treat.
Can I get my treats now?


I think I made a mistake during last year's Halloween.
The trick-or-treat spell only works for costumed children, right?
This time I will hand out treats instead.
I brought a lot of candy with me of all colors and flavors. What would you like, (Captain)?
Oh, wait. I'm not allowed to give away a treat to simply anyone who asks—not even you.
If only you were a child in costume who spoke the magic words.
What to do...

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Hey, look. Something white's falling from the sky.
Is this... snow?
It really melts when you touch it...
Ah... I hope you're not feeling too cold, (Captain).
I understand that mortals have a tendency to get sick in the face of overwhelming cold. Do be careful, (Captain).
This tingling I feel in my hands...
Perhaps this is what it means to be cold.


After seeing how excited Zooey gets around this time of year, I'm guessing holiday cuisine is no ordinary fare.
I would like to try some myself.
I won't know what kinds of food I will enjoy if I don't even taste a bite, right?
What is this? It has a pleasant smell.
Hm, it is a type of meat. I can tell that much.
Lately I have begun taking to meat over vegetables.
What are some meat dishes you recommend, (Captain)? Please introduce me to new foods, especially ones reserved for the holidays.

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

My Name

When the singularity is destroyed, Cosmos awakens from her slumber and gives her two dragons a new form and the name Yuni, then asks her to find out the singularity's will. Yuni is happy to be given this role but also fears the possibility of Cosmos disappearing.

Cosmos: ...
Cosmos: Perhaps it was the right choice to hide me here ever since my creation...
Cosmos: A place far removed from the skies, a secret hidden within the Astral Realm...
Cosmos: Empathy for the primals I view as my brethren. The yearning to form a deeper connection with mortals. Disgust toward the never-ending misery.
Cosmos: It all weighs down on me.
Cosmos: Cosmos must detach herself from this world while taking the meaning of "heart" into account. That is the only way to ensure the swift execution of her duty.
Lucifer: In other words, you're announcing your return to the Astral Realm.
Cosmos: Yes. This version of me will vanish, and Cosmos will continue watching over the Sky Realm from the Astral Realm.
Cosmos: Going forward, the Sky Realm's arbitration will happen absent of my will.
Cosmos: To ensure that this continues as long as I exist...
Cosmos's Envoys: ...
Cosmos: Your role will be paramount once my consciousness enters hibernation.
Cosmos: The moment the scale begins to tip, I will be informed through you.
Cosmos: My surrogates will manifest in the Sky Realm in response.
Cosmos: I trust you can handle this task.
Cosmos's Envoys: ...
Cosmos: The next time we are able to talk like this...
Cosmos: (Either I or the world will be ending.)
Cosmos: ...
Cosmos: I shall be entering my slumber now. Until the fated moment arrives.
Cosmos's Envoys: ...
Cosmos: Perhaps this is the ideal time for that expression...
Cosmos: Good night.
Cosmos's Envoys: ...
Cosmos's envoys exist on the precipice between the skies and herself...
All the while, the envoys share with her the various emotions they see in mortals.
So that she may know what is going on from her Astral hermitage, connected to the Sky Realm by the power of arbitration.
Everyone's collective experiences over time build up within Cosmos.
This goes on for hundreds of years.
Until eventually...
Cosmos: ...
Cosmos's hazy consciousness awakens after a long slumber.
Cosmos: It is time...
Cosmos: It is done. The singularity has been purged through arbitration. However...
Cosmos: The world cries out.
Cosmos: What's more...
Cosmos: ...
Cosmos: Is it because I chose to distance myself from the Sky Realm?
Cosmos: Oh, Lucifer... How this weighs on my heart...
Cosmos: Yet you are no longer here to judge me.
Cosmos: In that case...
The two dragons under her command merge together, taking the form of a young girl.
???: ...
Cosmos: My envoy...
Cosmos: Go and confirm the singularity's wishes in my stead.
???: Yes, Master.
The girl's throat and chest quiver as she utters her very first words.
Cosmos: The Sky Realm, Cosmos's power of arbitration, and the singularity...
Cosmos: The distinction between right and wrong. Which should perish so that the other may live on?
Cosmos: May the answer finally be made clear...
Cosmos: I'm counting on you.
???: Yes... I promise to fulfill my role.
Cosmos: Oh, one more thing...
Cosmos: Yuni.
Yuni: What... is Yuni?
Cosmos: Your name.
Yuni: ...
Cosmos: You'll need a name for when you speak to the singularity.
Yuni: But I...
Cosmos: Go now, Yuni.
Cosmos: Separate yourself from my role of arbitration so that you may carry out your own duty.
The girl descends upon the precipice.
Yuni: I am Cosmos's envoy... My name is Yuni.
Yuni: Yuni...
Yuni: (Will the singularity ask my name?)
Yuni: (I can simply respond with the name Cosmos has given me, but...)
The meeting with the singularity happens before long.
Lyria: Um, excuse me, but... who might you be?
Yuni: I am Yuni.
Lyria: Yuni...
Still coming to grips with her new name...
Every breath the girl takes tickles her body.
Yuni: (I really do exist with this body and name now...)
Yuni: (Cosmos, I shall fulfill my role.)
Yuni: (Even if the singularity's answer should dictate that you must disappear...)
Yuni: ...
Yuni: (What is this sensation... It's as if my body's being torn apart from within.)
Yuni: (Perhaps I'm still getting used to having only one body instead of two... I'm sure it'll start to feel normal soon enough.)
The girl does not yet know the name of the emotion that tugs on her heartstrings.
To be continued in Created by the Stars, Loved by the Skies.

My Likes

The defeated Cosmos awakens in the precipice where Yuni is. Following a heartfelt conversation, Cosmos's final wish is for Yuni to see the world's future in her stead. Yuni manifests beside Lyria on the Grandcypher.

After a long trek through time and a showdown with Cosmos, the crew secures a future for the Sky Realm.
Cosmos: This completes my role... I shall now fade away without regret.
Cosmos: It's a shame I won't be able to see the world in all its purity, free of arbitration.
Zooey: I find it equally unfortunate.
Cosmos: Zooey, Geo.
Cosmos: You have nothing to worry about.
Zooey: Huh?
Geo: ...
Cosmos: You'll realize it soon enough.
Cosmos raises her right hand.
Cosmos: Goodbye, incarnations of myself...
Zooey: Cosmos!
Zooey reaches out, but Cosmos disappears before she can make contact.
And then...
Cosmos: ...?
This is... But why...
Yuni: The world of the precipice, cut off from both sky and star.
Cosmos: So I see...
Cosmos: Because you, who showed the singularity and girl in blue the sky's history, still remained here...
Cosmos: I must have been drawn to this space.
Yuni: Cosmos, I...
Cosmos: It appears I've been spared an early demise and granted a few extra moments to speak with you.
Cosmos: You did well, Yuni.
Cosmos: By tracing the history you've chronicled and sharing it with the singularity and girl in blue...
Cosmos: You helped them come to a decision that will allow the Sky Realm to live on.
Yuni: Are you happy about this outcome? With the world remaining instead of you?
Cosmos: The heart is a complicated thing. I cannot tell if I'm happy, but I do feel lighter with the great burden lifted.
Yuni: I see...
Yuni: Um, Cosmos... I'm grateful for the chance to chat with you like this.
Cosmos: Yuni...
Yuni: And it makes me really happy to have you call my name.
Yuni: Although I've been by your side for a remarkably long time and we've always shared a connection...
Yuni: I was never able to do anything.
Cosmos: That's not true. I was only able to carry out arbitration through you.
Yuni: Even so... that was the extent of it. I was simply there.
Yuni: So many thoughts flowed into you, stacked atop each other, often laden with contradiction...
Yuni: I knew you were suffering...
Yuni: But I could do nothing about it.
Yuni: I'm so sorry, Cosmos. If only I were me as I am now...
Cosmos: It was our Astral masters who defined your existence.
Cosmos: And I simply accepted that without question. You have nothing to apologize for.
Cosmos: But I see what you mean. Any life in isolation is bound to stagnate.
Cosmos: The mortals and primals of the Sky Realm, too, change by interacting and communicating with each other—even if there may be conflict at times.
Yuni: Yes, I've seen that too.
Cosmos: Hm, perhaps you can go on to see the future as well...
Yuni: Cosmos?
Cosmos: I gave you a name and separated you from arbitration.
Cosmos: And now that I've lost the role myself, I can make you free.
Yuni: Cosmos, wait.
Cosmos: Yuni... I would like you to watch over the Sky Realm's future in my place.
Yuni: Cosmos...
Cosmos: Listen well, Yuni. This is not an order, nor is it a role I'm placing upon you.
Cosmos: Rather... Consider it my wish.
Lyria: Hng... Yawn...
Lyria: It's morning?
Yuni: Girl in Blue.
Lyria: Huh? Yuni?
Lyria: In my room?
Yuni: When I came to, I found myself here.
Yuni: I might have been drawn to you since you can communicate with all manner of primal beasts.
Lyria: But how... Am I dreaming?
Lyria: Wait, this is real...
Yuni: Mm-hm, this is no dream.
Yuni: Although I've never slept, so I'm not sure what a dream is like.
Lyria: I-is that really you, Yuni?
Yuni: Uh-huh. That's the name Cosmos gave me.
Lyria recalls parting with Yuni in the mysterious place covered by a milky white fog. Yet here she is on the ship.
Lyria: Eeep! Yuni!
Hearing Lyria's shriek, (Captain) and company soon rush into the room.

My Likes: Scene 2

As a member of (Captain)'s crew, Yuni has trouble adjusting to the mortal form and customs. When Lyria finds her floating naked in her room one day, the crew decides to take her shopping for clothing.

Vyrn: So you're the girl that (Captain) and Lyria met in that strange place, huh?
Lyria: I thought it was goodbye forever, so I couldn't be happier to see you again, Yuni!
The crew is gathered at the dining hall for an explanation from Yuni.
Zooey: You must be the two dragons that had always stuck around Cosmos.
Zooey: Similar to Dyrn and Lyrn.
Dyrn & Lyrn: ...
Zooey's dragons flutter around her raised arm as if in agreement.
Yuni: Mm...
Lyria: Yuni? What's wrong?
Yuni: I just...
Vyrn: Not feelin' too well?
Yuni: That's not quite it...
Yuni: Is it okay if I stand?
Vyrn: Sure.
(Captain) and company turn wide-eyed as Yuni leaps up from her seat.
Lyria: Yuni?
Yuni: This feels...
Vyrn: Holy moly! She's floating!
Yuni: There... I feel more comfortable this way.
Zooey: Hm... I suppose you need more time to adjust to the mortal form.
Vyrn: Weird.
Lyria: You seemed okay when we met you by the waterside though...
Yuni: The sensation I get here is quite different from that place.
Zooey: You met in a space that exists between life and death.
Zooey: And just the same, Yuni probably wasn't a complete being there.
Yuni: I think so too. That must be why I feel heavier now.
Vyrn: It's all cool if you wanna stay floating though. Heck, I do it all the time.
Vyrn: Anyhoo...
Vyrn: Can't you just change back to your dragon form if that'd be more comfy?
Yuni shakes her head.
Yuni: Now that I've accepted the name "Yuni"...
Yuni: There is no going back. Not as long as I remain in the Sky Realm.
Zooey: I suppose you'll simply have to get used to it then.
Lyria: If you ever need help understanding anything, feel free to ask.
Yuni: Thank you.
Zooey: You must be hungry...
Vyrn: I like where this is going!
Yuni: I'd like to know the sensation of enjoying food.
Zooey: Yes, it's important to stay satiated. Of all the things I've experienced since manifesting...
Zooey: Eating is definitely one of the greater joys!
Vyrn: So what are we gonna have? How 'bout apples?
Lyria: I want apple pie!
Vyrn: Me too, Lyria, but let's see what Yuni wants.
Zooey: Apple pie is great!
Zooey: But something not so sweet may be better for a first meal...
Zooey: Something like... beef and tomato pie!
Vyrn: Isn't that just what you want, Miss Flippy-Hair?
Lyria: Haha. So what would you like to eat, Yuni?
Yuni: Hm...
Yuni: I wonder what sort of food Cosmos would like.
Zooey: I wonder if she's ever eaten anything.
Yuni: No. Her duplicate that went over to the Sky Realm after the War drank coffee on occasion...
Yuni: But the original Cosmos never consumed anything.
Yuni: So I'm just wondering what Cosmos might find appetizing if she were to have a meal right now.
Zooey: I wish I could tell you...
A day passes.
Lyria: ...
Vyrn: Yawn...
Vyrn: Mornin', Lyria.
Lyria: Vyrn, (Captain). Good morning.
Vyrn: Whatcha up to? Not gonna go for some grub with us today?
Lyria: Actually... I was waiting at the dining hall earlier, but Yuni didn't show up...
Lyria: I got worried and thought I might go check on her.
Vyrn: Yuni overslept, huh? We'll tag along.
The three make their way to Yuni's room.
Lyria: Hey, Yuni! It's morning!
Yuni: Lyria?
Lyria: Are you up? Is everything okay?
Yuni: Mm-hm, come on in. The door's open.
Lyria: Coming in.
Lyria: Good mor—
Lyria: Eek!
Lyria can't help but scream at the sight before her.
Yuni: What's wrong?
Yuni is floating, without a single piece of garment to cover her.
Vyrn: Right back at ya! What are you thinkin'?
Yuni: Huh? What do you mean?
Lyria: (Captain)! Vyrn! You're not allowed to see this!
Vyrn: Urk!
Lyria shoos (Captain) and Vyrn out of the room in a flustered panic.
Yuni: Lyria?
Lyria: Y-Y-Yuni! Where are your clothes?
Yuni: I took them off and couldn't figure out how to put them back on. It's more comfortable this way anyhow...
Lyria: Nuh-uh, that won't do!
Yuni: Hm?
Lyria: You see... You can't be naked when you meet people!
Yuni: Hm... I suppose you're right. Mortals do wear clothing when they go outside.
Lyria: That's right! And you don't want to catch a cold either!
Lyria: We should get you dressed right away! I'll help!
Yuni: Okay, thanks.
With a nod, Yuni descends before Lyria.
Lyria: Um... I've never been a dragon myself, so I'm not sure what it's like, but...
Lyria: Does clothing feel very restrictive?
Yuni: Restrictive? More like it makes me uneasy.
Lyria: I guess you're just not used to it yet...
Lyria: There we go. Not too bad, I hope?
Yuni: I'm my usual self again. Thank you, Lyria.
Lyria: You're welcome.
Lyria: I'm more than happy to help with anything you might need, but...
Lyria: If that outfit makes you uneasy, maybe you can try out other clothing.
Yuni: Other clothing?
Lyria: Uh-huh! We can find something looser-fitting and easier to change into!
Lyria: The ship's going to stop by an island this afternoon. We can take the opportunity to go shopping.
Yuni: Shopping... I'd like that.
Lyria: Great! Let's go into town together!

My Likes: Scene 3

Yuni bumps into the primal pals in town, who advise her that in addition to observing the world's future, she should also consider her own personal wants and desires. Yuni takes the advice to heart, and joins the primal pals at Satyr's suggestion.

Later in the day, the crew takes Yuni for a tour through town.
Lyria: Ooh, another apparel shop! Let's go take a look!
Yuni: ...
Lyria: Yuni?
Vyrn: Everything all right? You seem dazed.
Lyria: You must be tired from all the crowds.
Yuni: Nuh-uh, I'm not tired. I'm just... overcome by a strange sensation.
Lyria: Do you want to talk about it?
Yuni: I watched the Sky Realm for a very long time, but I've never actually been here until now.
Vyrn: That reminds me: you're doin' okay today walkin' on your own two feet.
Yuni: Well, just like mortals don't normally float...
Yuni: I thought it'd be better if I don't stand out too much in such a crowded place.
Vyrn: Makes sense... I wouldn't worry too much about it myself though.
Lyria: Yeah, you could probably pass it off as a bit of magic or something.
Lyria: Oh, but having clothing is definitely very important!
Vyrn: That's for sure.
Vyrn: On that note, anything catch your eye yet?
Yuni: Not quite...
Lyria: The town's really big, so I'm sure there are still plenty of shops left to see!
Vyrn: All right, guys! Chop-chop!
Lyria: Let's go!
In trying to catch up with the others, Yuni has to consciously change her bodily direction.
Yuni: Oh no...
Noticing she's about to levitate, Yuni forces her body to the ground.
Yuni: Ah...
Elderly Woman: Oh dear.
Yuni: I'm sorry I bumped into you. Are you okay?
Elderly Woman: Right as rain here. And I apologize too.
After bowing at Yuni, the senior citizen makes off to grip the hand of a small child.
Girl: Look, Grandma! It's a cat!
Girl: Isn't it just adorable?
Elderly Woman: Sure is. Just don't go off chasing it on your own.
Girl: Huh? But why not?
Yuni: ...
Yuni watches the animated girl tugging on her grandmother's hand.
Boy: I'm starving, Grandma! Can you buy me some candy?
Elderly Woman: How about we have a little snack when we get back?
Boy: But I wanna eat now!
Elderly Woman: I'll whip you up a nice, fluffy pancake.
Boy: Really? I can't wait!
Elderly Woman: Let's head on back then.
Yuni's eyes remain fixed on the elderly woman as she shuffles off, holding a grandchild's hand on each side.
Yuni: Mortals' expressions change so quickly and so often. It must be a result of all the emotions they feel...
???: That goes for more than just mortals, you know?
Yuni: Huh?
Satyr: Yuni!
Yuni: Satyr?
Satyr: Check this out.
Medusa: Hm, let's see...
Satyr points to Medusa, who is eyeing the contents of the bag in her hand.
Medusa: I'm not a big fan of this kind; Baal can have them. And...
Yuni: What's Medusa doing?
Satyr: We just bought a bag of assorted candy, and Medusa's picking out her favorite ones.
Medusa: Hrm, why are there so many of this kind? Then again, Nezha did say he likes them...
Yuni: There are different types of candy?
Satyr: Mm-hm. They come in all different colors and flavors.
Yuni: Oh...
Satyr: Haha! Primal beasts have their preferences in all things too, you know.
Yuni: Yes, I've noticed that too through my observations.
Satyr: Meddy tends to be a bit more picky than most...
Satyr: But that's what I love about her!
Medusa: Satyr! Found your favorite kind in the bag!
Satyr: For me? Aw, thanks a ton!
Medusa: Well, if it isn't Yuni. You're alone? I thought you came out with (Captain) and them.
Yuni: We must've gotten separated.
Satyr: Can't be helped with this many people out here.
Medusa: No worries, just stick with us and you'll be fine.
Medusa: And you're in luck—I've got candy for you. Here, take your pick.
Medusa: Anything catch your eye?
Yuni: ...
Presented with the bag of treats, Yuni shakes her head.
Yuni: I can't say since I've never eaten any of these.
Medusa: Ah, makes sense.
Medusa: How about this one then? It's pretty, just like the color of your eyes.
Medusa takes a light purple gumdrop out of the bag.
Yuni: This is the color of my eyes?
Satyr: That's right—they're a beautiful lilac!
Yuni: Ah...
Yuni takes the gumdrop from Medusa and holds it up to the sunlight.
Yuni: It's so shiny... I wonder if Cosmos would've liked this.
Medusa: Sounds like you're a huge fan of Cosmos.
Yuni: A huge fan? Well, I was her envoy after all, so I suppose that's a given.
Medusa: Hrm... You used to be a pair of white dragons, right?
Yuni: Yes. I'm here in this form right now because Cosmos wished it.
Yuni: In order to see the Sky Realm's future—a future that Cosmos herself will never be able to witness...
Medusa: So that's why you decided to tag along with (Captain)'s crew, huh?
Yuni: Yes.
Medusa: That really all?
Yuni: What do you mean?
Satyr: To go back to something Lyria said...
Lyria: Duty, hopes, aspirations... It's okay to have them all!
Yuni: Have them all...
Satyr: That's right. Think of it as stuff you have to do, stuff you wanna do, and stuff you just plain like in general.
Satyr: Point is, there's more than one thing to live for.
Satyr: Wanting to fulfill Cosmos's final wish is admirable, but don't forget to look out for yourself too.
Yuni: I'm still not sure...
Yuni: But I believe Cosmos's wish matches up with my own.
Yuni: So I'm not doing this to fulfill my duty or Cosmos's orders... It's something I genuinely want to do as well.
Medusa: All the better then.
Satyr: You're so fond of Cosmos. She must have been very important to you.
Satyr: I can feel the love.
Medusa: How you were created is only the start.
Medusa: I love my sisters, and that's definitely not just because we were created as sisters.
Medusa: It's okay to go out and find things that you like on a personal level!
Yuni: Hm, you may be right.
Satyr: Here's hoping you find lots of stuff to like, Yuni.
Yuni: You mean other than Cosmos?
Satyr: Oh yeah!
Satyr: The more things you have that bring you joy, the more fun life is!
Medusa: Just look at Nezha. He's picked up a buttload of hobbies, not unlike your typical mortal.
Satyr: He's the type to go in real deep, and he does that for every one of his hobbies.
Medusa: He loves reading, but would you believe he even reads every last word on tourist pamphlets?
Medusa: He mentioned wanting to paint. I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up holding a private art exhibition one day.
Yuni: That...
Yuni: Sounds like fun.
Satyr: Aah!
Medusa: Gah! Can you not scream out of the blue, Satyr!
Satyr: I just thought of a great idea!
Satyr: You ought to join us in the primal pals, Yuni!
Satyr: We can find things we enjoy together!
Yuni: Primals pals... Is that what you call your circle of friends?
Yuni: Though I'm not really sure if I can be categorized as a "primal."
Satyr: Haha! You're technically born of the stars, so it's all good!
Satyr: If mortals and primals can become friends, then us becoming besties ought to be real simple!
Yuni: You think so?
Satyr: I sure do!
Medusa: Just so you know, Yuni, there's no debating Satyr once she gets like this.
Medusa: Besides, finding fun stuff to do is practically her forte.
Satyr: Aww! I had no idea you saw me in such a positive light, Meddy!
Satyr: You make me sooo happy!
Medusa: Urk! I could do without the hugs in the middle of town!
Yuni: Satyr, do you like Medusa?
Satyr: I looove Medusa!
Yuni: And you, Medusa? Do you like Satyr?
Satyr: She definitely loves me!
Medusa: Ugh, don't answer for me!
Satyr: Wait, you mean you hate me?
Medusa: I don't recall ever saying I hated you!
Yuni: Which is it?
Satyr: Meddy's the perfect example of what's commonly known as tsundere.
Satyr: Don't worry, you'll get used to it!
Medusa: Gaaah! Enough about me already, Satyr!
Yuni: You two are a lot of fun.
Satyr: And we wanna have fun with you too! We'll help you find stuff you really like!
Yuni: Um... I came to town to shop for new clothing...
Yuni: But I'm really fond of this outfit Cosmos chose for me. So I think I'll stick with it for the time being.
Satyr: Sure! You certainly look adorable in it!
Yuni: And so far... I think other than Cosmos, I also like (Captain) and Lyria.
Yuni: And... I like the both of you as well.
Satyr: Eep! You're making me blush so hard!
Yuni: Ah...
Medusa: Nice job startling her.
Satyr: Sorry, Yuni. Hope I didn't make you drop your candy.
Yuni: I still have it.
Yuni: About the candy...
She raises the light purple gumdrop to her face once more.
Yuni: I think I like this too.
Medusa: You're supposed to say that after trying it.
Yuni: It's okay to eat this?
Medusa: Duh. That's why I gave it to you.
Yuni: Okay then...
Yuni: Nom...
Satyr: Well? What do you think?
Yuni: Mm... It's sweet.
Rolling the gumdrop around in her mouth, Yuni's lips curve into a slight grin.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
浮いてても、いい? Is it okay if I hover for a bit?
服、脱ぎたくなってきた…… I feel like taking off my clothes...
お腹がぐるぐるって鳴るのこれ、なんだろう…… What's this strange rumbling sound my stomach's making?
サテュロスは好きなものがたくさんあってすごい I'm impressed that Satyr's found so many things to like.
ゾーイのドラゴンの名前は、ディとリィ…… Zooey's dragons are named Dyrn and Lyrn...
ルリア、今度歌を教えてほしい Lyria, can you teach me a song next time?
コスモスはきっと(主人公)に感謝してる I'm sure Cosmos is grateful to (Captain).
メドゥーサは私のことが好きなの?嫌いなの? Does Medusa like me? Or does she hate me?
明るい蒼空も濃紺の星空も、綺麗 The brightness of the azure sky and the darkness of the starry sky are equally beautiful.
(主人公)も飛べたらいいのに…… I wish (Captain) could float too...
