Young Cat (Event)/Lore

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Official Profile

Age Slightly older than 1 year
Height About 60 cm
Race Cat
Hobbies Naps, strolls
Likes Freedom, sleeping, birds
Dislikes Humans, getting too much attention, restrictions
Character Release
イベント「猫島狂詩曲(ミーツェノス・ラプソディ)」にて加入する「猫」。 勇気と愛嬌を武器に小さな騎空士が参戦!
Source [1] [2]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 1歳と少し
Height 60cm程度
Hobbies 昼寝、散歩
Likes 自由、寝ること、小鳥
Dislikes 人間、過剰に構われること、束縛
Character Release
イベント「猫島狂詩曲(ミーツェノス・ラプソディ)」にて加入する「猫」。 勇気と愛嬌を武器に小さな騎空士が参戦!
Source [1] [2]




Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

(Young Cat): ...
(Young Cat) is watching (Captain).
(Young Cat): Myeeew...
The feline slides up against (Captain)'s leg.
It would seem the captain has been granted petting privileges, at least for a short while.
(Young Cat): Mrrrow...
Furless can be quite dense when it comes to interpreting their furry friends' intent, but (Captain) is wise enough to recognize a blessing when it comes a-cuddling.


(Young Cat): Meow
Seizing the few moments (Captain) is finally alone, (Young Cat) climbs onto the captain's lap.
He then gently places in (Captain)'s hand the small white flower tucked in his mouth.
The feline appears to have taken great care in transporting the flower, as there is not a single blemish on it.
(Young Cat): Mreow.
Pleased to see (Captain) so graciously accept the flower, (Young Cat) curls up in (Captain)'s lap.


(Young Cat): ...
A familiar furry friend carries something in his mouth.
He drops it into (Captain)'s hand. A closer inspection reveals that it is a specialty cake made for cats.
(Young Cat): Meow.
The cat stares at (Captain) as if to signal that he is giving the cake as a present.

  • Choose: This was made for you though.
    (Captain) tries to hand the cake back.
    (Young Cat): Meow!
    As if understanding (Captain)'s words, (Young Cat) curls up by the captain's side and digs into the cat cake.
  • Choose: I guess if you insist...
    Unable to turn away the furry companion's act of kindness, (Captain) takes a bite of the cake.
    (Young Cat): Meooow.
    Though the cake tastes and smells strongly of fish, the captain feels that the bond between them has grown stronger through the shared meal...

(Young Cat): Meooow.
(Young Cat) jumps onto the bed where (Captain) is seated and nuzzles close.
(Young Cat): Meow.
He then sprawls out in the captain's lap, showing off his paws.
The feline seems to be offering (Captain) the special privilege of squishing his toe beans.
(Young Cat): Meow meow...
As the captain obliges, (Young Cat) meows softly, evidently a bit ticklish.


(Young Cat): Meow?
(Young Cat) approaches the captain and drops a large bone before the captain's feet.
The bone appears to be the remainder of a large piece of meat that was to be served at (Captain)'s birthday party.

  • Choose: Is that for me?
  • Choose: Thanks.

It's a rare sight indeed for (Young Cat) not to finish such an exquisite piece of meat.
(Captain) was sure he'd have eaten it long ago.
(Young Cat): Purr...
The young cat presses his whiskers against (Captain)'s head.
He then pats the captain on the knees.
(Young Cat): Meow!
(Captain) doesn't quite understand.
And although (Captain) has no way of knowing for sure, it was almost as if (Young Cat) wanted to wish the captain a happy birthday.

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

(Young Cat): ...
(Young Cat) is sacked out under the kotatsu.
(Young Cat): Mewww...
He lets out the occasional sleepy meow, but shows no signs of stirring.
Perhaps his New Year's resolution is to immigrate to Kotatsu Land.
Not wanting to disturb him, (Captain) backs out of the room and gently shuts the door.


(Young Cat): ...
(Young Cat)'s eyes are fixed on the snowman situated in a corner of the Grandcypher's deck.
(Young Cat): Purr...
Landing a haymaker cat punch on the snowman, (Young Cat) leaps away in surprise at how cold it is.
He then dashes toward the nearest room containing a kotatsu, diving under it for warmth.


(Young Cat): Meooow.
Shivering from watching the sunrise outside, (Captain) comes back to find (Young Cat) curled up in the captain's bed.

  • Choose: Were you cold?
    (Young Cat): Meow...
    The comfy cat appears to answer with an affirmative.
    (Captain) crawls into bed as well, deciding that they could both stand to be warmer.
  • Choose: What a tempting sight...
    (Young Cat): Meow!
    The alarmed cat shrieks as (Captain) dives into the bed.
    He forgives the captain only after a considerable amount of back rubs and head pats.

(Young Cat): Meow...
Captain and cat begin to relax as warmth fills them both.
Soon enough, they drift off into a comfortable slumber.


(Young Cat): Meow.
(Captain) awakens to see (Young Cat) holding his right paw out on the pillow.
Upon closer inspection, the captain notices a dried fish under it, likely swiped from the ingredients for the New Year's feast.

  • Choose: A New Year's gift for me?
    (Young Cat): Meooooow.
    (Young Cat) puffs out his chest and responds with a triumphant sound.
  • Choose: I feel luck coming my way.
    (Young Cat): Meooooow.
    (Young Cat) responds with a meow that sounds somewhat more dignified than usual.

(Young Cat): Meow meow.
He then tugs at (Captain)'s collar, eager to get started with the day.


(Young Cat): ...
(Young Cat) doesn't seem to want to budge from (Captain)'s lap.
Choose: Uh, (Young Cat)?
(Young Cat): ...
Despite the captain's attempt to get the young cat's attention, it's only met with a flick of his tail.

  • Choose: You're kinda heavy...
    (Young Cat): ...
    (Captain)'s complaints fall on deaf ears.
    (Young Cat) lets out another sleepy yawn before returning to his gentle slumber.
  • Choose: Ah, so warm...
    (Young Cat): ...
    (Young Cat) swishes his tail, sharing the same sentiment with (Captain).

The two decide to spend New Year's day sharing their warmth with one another.

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

(Young Cat): Mrow!
(Captain) enters the kitchen to find (Young Cat) jumping and reaching his paw over the edge of the counter, trying to swipe one of the chocolate tarts cooling there.
(Young Cat): Mrow! Mrrrow!
(Captain) remembers that chocolate is poisonous to cats.
(Young Cat): Meeeww...
(Captain) gently scoops up the frustrated feline and carries him out of the kitchen.


(Young Cat): Mrow! Meow!
Choose: It's from everyone on the ship.
(Captain) places a basket filled with a vast assortment of cat treats before (Young Cat).
(Young Cat): Purr...
(Young Cat) clings to the captain, as if asking for a favor.
(Captain) responds by taking one treat off the massive pile and removing its wrapper.

(Young Cat): ...
As the cat's mouth opens up wide, (Captain) nudges the candy toward him.


(Young Cat): Meow!
(Young Cat) excitedly circles around a treat pile even larger than last year's.

  • Choose: Want me to feed you?
    (Young Cat): Meow.
    The feline tilts his head forward expectantly.
  • Choose: One treat at a time, okay?
    (Young Cat): Meow...
    The feline gives (Captain) an indignant, yet understanding stare.

Pointing his nose at the treats, (Young Cat) places an insistent paw on the pile.
(Captain), taking the hint, chooses a single piece and brings it to the feline's mouth.
(Young Cat): Meoooow.


(Young Cat): Meooow!
(Young Cat)'s tail stands in excitement as he sizes up the mountain of cat treats before him again this year.

  • Choose: You're as popular as ever!
    (Young Cat): Meow...
    (Young Cat) lets out a meow of resignation at the plethora of treats piled up before him.
  • Choose: Wow, I'm envious!
    (Young Cat): Meooow.
    (Young Cat) responds with a consoling meow at (Captain)'s words.

(Young Cat) takes a single treat from the heaping pile and passes it to (Captain).
(Young Cat): Meow.
(Young Cat) offers a gentle meow, as if attempting to rally the captain.


(Young Cat)'s pile of treats for Valentine's Day is as large as ever this year.
Choose: (Young Cat)?
(Young Cat) himself is missing from the scene.
Choose: Where'd he go?
(Captain) worries for a moment before a familiar meow reaches the captain's ears.
(Young Cat): Meow!
Meow, meow!
It's (Young Cat), but he's not alone—he's joined by a number of cats, perhaps from the island where the Grandcypher is anchored.
(Young Cat): Meeeow.
(Young Cat) approaches the mountain of treats alone and looks up at (Captain).

  • Choose: You're gonna share them?
    (Young Cat): Meow!
    (Young Cat) lets out a cheerful meow to beckon the others.
  • Choose: Dig in, everyone.
    (Young Cat): Meeeow!
    And right on cue, the other cats make a mad dash for the pile of treats.

It seems that the cats will have a Valentine's Day party of their own this year.

White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

(Young Cat): Mrrr!
(Young Cat) is holding a curled-up mouse carefully between his teeth.
He seems to be presenting it to (Captain).

(Young Cat): Mrrooow.

  • Choose: (G-gross, a mouse...)
    (Captain) makes a face at the offering.
    (Young Cat): Mya.
    (Young Cat) drops the mouse and eagerly pushes it forward, clearly wanting (Captain) to take it.
    With a pained smile, (Captain) accepts the gift.
  • Choose: Wow, is this for me?
    (Young Cat): Meooow.
    "You see anyone else here?" (Young Cat) seems to say.
    He places the mouse into (Captain)'s outstretched hand.

His gift delivered, (Young Cat) trots off, tail held high.


(Young Cat): Mew.
Just like the year before, (Young Cat) places a nice, plump mouse before (Captain).

  • Choose: Oh, what a joy.
    (Young Cat): Mrow.
    (Young Cat) purrs with great satisfaction.
  • Choose: Wow, this is even bigger than last year's...
    (Young Cat): Meeoow.
    Construing (Captain)'s words to be wholehearted praise, (Young Cat) purrs in a proud voice.

The feline then stacks another mouse atop the first one.
Done paying his courtesies to (Captain), (Young Cat) takes off with a fleet foot.


(Young Cat): Meow, meow!
Biting down on the captain's ankle and pulling, (Young Cat) drags (Captain) toward the ramp.
The feline hops off the ship, and (Captain) follows.
Before long, they arrive at an alleyway filled with rats.
(Captain) quickly realizes this is prime hunting ground for a cat.
(Young Cat): Meow!
Perhaps wishing to gift (Captain) with fresh prey, (Young Cat) begins chasing energetically after furry rodents.
The captain watches with interest as he runs this way and that.


(Young Cat): Meooow.
Encouraging (Captain) to accompany him, (Young Cat) and the captain disembark the Grandcypher.
(Young Cat): Meow.
The two soon reach a hill showered in warm rays of sunlight.
(Young Cat): Meooow.
(Young Cat) signals for (Captain) to take a seat and places the wild strawberries he had gathered to the side.
The pair enjoy their temporary respite by snacking on wild strawberries while leisurely bathing in the sunlight.


(Young Cat): Meow...
(Young Cat) approaches (Captain) holding a flower in his mouth before dropping it before the captain's feet.
Choose: For me? Thanks!
(Young Cat) scurries off.
However, he returns with something else.
(Young Cat): Meow!
This time, it's a red fruit.
(Young Cat): Meow!
Followed by a small ball.
(Young Cat): Meow!
And a mouse.
(Young Cat): Meow...
The young cat has created a mountain of small trinkets for (Captain).

  • Choose: All this for me?
    (Young Cat): Meow!
    The young cat cheerfully mews in agreement.
  • Choose: You must be pooped.
    (Young Cat): Meeeow.
    The young cat snuggles up against (Captain), as if to request praise for his hard work.

(Captain) spoils the young cat with plenty of pets in return.

Tasty Macaroons
Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

(Young Cat): Meeyooow!
(Young Cat) gallops up to (Captain) as if pursued by ghouls. There is a witch's hat perched on his furry head.

  • Choose: Don't you like your hat?
    (Young Cat): Meow-row...
    "Do I look like a dog to you?" he seems to say.
  • Choose: You look so cute!
    (Young Cat): Mrrrowww!
    "Flattery will get you nowhere!" he seems to say. "Get this travesty off me!"

(Captain) plucks the offending accessory from (Young Cat)'s head.
With a grateful meow, (Young Cat) turns and vanishes into the darkness.


(Young Cat): Mrow! Meyow!
(Young Cat) purrs at (Captain) as if expecting something for the occasion.

  • Choose: You want a treat?
    (Young Cat): Myow!
    (Young Cat) gleefully pounces at the cat food that (Captain) produces.
  • Choose: You want a trick?
    (Young Cat): Meow!
    Noticing that (Captain) is not in the most charitable of moods, (Young Cat) leaps toward the captain's pockets.
    (Young Cat): Meeow!
    Quickly digging up a bag of goodies, the content cat goes on his way.

(Young Cat): Hiss...
(Young Cat) glares at a pumpkin with a face carved into it.

  • Choose: It's okay. It won't attack.
    To prove as much, (Captain) taps the pumpkin a couple of times.
  • Choose: It's just a pumpkin.
    (Captain) twists the pumpkin around to show the side without a face.

(Young Cat): Meow!
The cautious cat slowly approaches the orange decoration.
(Young Cat): Meeeooow.
He sniffs the pumpkin, then confidently begins to sharpen his claws.


(Young Cat): ...
In a town bustling with Halloween revelers, (Young Cat) stares down a dark alley.

  • Choose: Is something there?
    (Young Cat): Meow...
    The feline responds with a meow that sounds much like a warning.
  • Choose: Did you spot a mouse?
    (Young Cat): Meooow...
    The feline responds by slowly shaking his head.

(Young Cat): Meow meow.
He then nudges (Captain)'s leg as though trying to push the captain away from the alley and back toward the main thoroughfare.
(Young Cat): ...
As they return to the festivities, (Young Cat) continues to stare silently in the direction of the empty alley, seemingly on guard.


(Young Cat): Meow, meow! Meeeow!
A white bundle of cloth charges at (Captain)'s legs.

  • Choose: A ghost!
    (Young Cat): Meeeow!
    However, (Captain) quickly notices that (Young Cat) is struggling underneath the cloth and pulls the cloth off of him.
  • Choose: (Young Cat)!
    (Young Cat): Meow... Meow!
    (Captain) removes the white cloth to reveal (Young Cat) underneath.

It appears that the young cat got into a tangle with some of the Halloween decorations.
(Young Cat): Meow...
Seeing that (Young Cat) is still visibly shaken from the ordeal, (Captain) gives him plenty of pets to calm him down.

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

(Young Cat): ...
(Young Cat) gazes at the roast chicken (Captain) is carrying as if sizing up his prey.

  • Choose: Seasoned chicken isn't good for cats!
    So saying, (Captain) sets a piece of unseasoned, boiled fowl in front of the hungry feline.
    (Young Cat): Myaaa...
    (Young Cat) gives the offering a cautious sniff, then chomps down on it and carries it away.
  • Choose: This piece here is just for you.
    (Young Cat): Mrrrow?
    (Young Cat) tilts his head quizzically, regarding this poultry offering.
    With a wistful glance at the roast chicken (Captain) still holds, he chomps down on the boiled piece and trots away with it.

(Young Cat): Meow!
(Young Cat) plays with a ball of yarn under the holiday tree.
(Young Cat): Mrowrow...
It isn't long before (Young Cat)'s body gets tangled up in all the yarn.
(Young Cat): Mew, mew!
Starting from (Young Cat)'s legs, (Captain) undoes the knots that has him in a bind.


(Young Cat): Meow, meow...
Inside (Captain)'s dresser, (Young Cat) rummages around.
(Young Cat): Meow!
Finding what he is looking for, the determined feline drags the object back to his bed and hides it.
Late into the night, (Captain) peers into (Young Cat)'s bed.
(Young Cat): ...
By his side is one of (Captain)'s socks.
A look inside reveals that the sock is packed full of cat treats.


(Young Cat): Meooow.
(Young Cat) is energetically sharpening his claws on the holiday tree.
(Young Cat): Meow.
Once he's satisfied, he steps back and emits a small sound of approval.

  • Choose: Let's get decorating.
    (Young Cat): Meow!
    (Young Cat)'s eyes sparkle as he stares at the decorations in (Captain)'s hands.
  • Choose: Claws nice and sharp?
    (Young Cat): Meooow.
    (Young Cat) responds by showing off his now pristine claws to (Captain).

And as the captain sets to work hanging ornaments on the tree, (Young Cat) helps by playfully batting at a strand of tinsel.


It's a cold winter morning.
(Young Cat): Zzz...
(Captain) awakens to find that something seems to have crawled into a large sock on the ground.

  • Choose: A present for me?
    (Captain) graciously picks up (Young Cat), sock and all.
    (Young Cat): Meow...
    The captain brings the young cat into the warmth of the bed covers.
  • Choose: Now how'd you get in there?
    (Captain) smiles and wraps the furry bundle into a warm blanket.

(Young Cat): Me... ow...
(Young Cat) wiggles his paws, apparently dreaming of something.
(Young Cat): Zzz...
But the moment soon passes, and the cat would return to his gentle slumber.

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

When Cats Fly

Freed from the shackles of Mao Mera's Cage, a young cat heads for the Grandcypher in order to leave Micenos Island. Along the way he reflects on his purpose for leaving. The crew welcomes the cat aboard, and so the little skyfarer's quest for his own brand of freedom begins.

Mao Mera's Cage—where the cats of Micenos Island were imprisoned.
Sen visited the island with Dante's cats, only for them to be attacked by Torajiro and confined along with the other cats.
With the cooperation of some of the cats and the crew's assistance, Sen and the others managed to escape.
The old woman controlling Mao Mera's Cage had a change of heart and decided to find a new way to live with the felines.
The former prisoners have gained their long-awaited freedom.
Young Cat: ...
As the newly freed cats mill about aimlessly, one among them steps forth with an air of determination.
He turns his back to the cage and starts walking.
Torajiro: So you're leaving.
Torajiro speaks from the cradle of the old woman's arms.
Young Cat: Yeah.
The young cat stops and turns to deliver his terse answer.
Young Cat: I want to see the big world out there beyond this island.
Young Cat: I'm going to find my own path to freedom, just like that man said.
The cat finds himself recalling how Dante explained his own beliefs.
Dante: The ability to seek one's own path is a respectable form of freedom. I, too, am still only partway along that path.
Young Cat: I'm going to discover for myself just what freedom means.
Torajiro: I see.
At peace with the younger cat's choice, Torajiro snuggles closer to the old woman.
The young cat watches them for a moment before trotting off to find (Captain) and the crew.
He heads toward the place where the Grandcypher is moored.
As he makes his way along the road, a hesitant voice calls out from behind him.
???: Um... Are you really leaving?
The young cat turns to find a smaller cat standing there.
Young Cat: Yeah. I'm going to leave with those guys from beyond the island.
Small Cat: You beat Torajiro.
Small Cat: Doesn't that mean you're the boss cat around here? So why would you leave?
Young Cat: All I wanted to win in that fight was my freedom. I'm not interested in being anyone's boss.
Young Cat: I won, so I'm free to leave.
Small Cat: Oh... I guess if that's the whole reason you fought him...
Young Cat: It's up to all of you to take care of the island now.
Young Cat: I still don't know if you'll be able to get along with the townspeople though...
Small Cat: I understand. We'll do our best.
Small Cat: So... you hang in there too.
Young Cat: I will. See ya round.
The young cat resumes his journey.
His smaller friend's gaze follows his receding form until it vanishes into the distance.
Young Cat: Mrow.
Sen: Oh. Hello, little guy. I didn't notice you following us.
Sen: Ah! Maybe you'd like to join us?
Lyria: Hooray! We've made a new feline friend!
Lyria: We should think up a name, (Captain).
Vyrn: Yeah, it wouldn't be fair if all of Dante's cats had a name except for one.
Dante's cats are getting some much-needed rest in his room.
The young cat enters quietly.
Vapaus: Well, fancy seeing you again so soon. What are you doing aboard?
Young Cat: I decided to come with you.
Vapaus: Oh, then we'll be shipmates. Good to have you along!
Young Cat: Thanks.
Young Cat: Oh, by the way. You can call me—
He tells the other cats the new name (Captain) has given him: (Young Cat).
(Young Cat): (Captain) just gave me that name. I'll answer to it from now on.
Rivera: As easy as that?
Mukuta: I thought you said it was shameful for a cat to have a name.
(Young Cat): What are you saying? You're the ones who told me that a name can't bind you.
(Young Cat): I'll find out whether that's true as I journey across the skies.
Rivera: I see. Well, welcome aboard, shipmate.
(Young Cat): Thank you.
(Young Cat) takes a look around the room and mutters to himself.
(Young Cat): First off, what I need is a sleeping spot suitable for my first voyage as a free feline.
(Young Cat) sets off to find the perfect sleeping spot on the Grandcypher.
After a thorough investigation, he discovers a warm, quiet spot where he is sure he can relax.
He observes for a while before stretching out on his chosen patch of floor, then curling into a ball.
(Young Cat): (I wonder what kind of journey I have ahead of me...)
(Young Cat)'s eyelids drift closed, his sleepy mind filling with dreams of the freewheeling adventures his future holds.
Lyria: What is it you wanted to show us, (Captain)?
Sen: Um... Do you have something special in your room?
Smiling, (Captain) draws their attention to one corner of the captain's quarters.
Lyria and Sen's eyes go wide.
Lyria: Ohh! Look at the kitty all curled up in a little ball, right here in your room!
Sen: Haha. He's out like a light too.
Lyria: Hehe... I think this means he feels safe around you, (Captain).
Sen: That must be it! This kitty knows there's no more relaxing place than by (Captain)'s side.
Sen beams at the sleeping (Young Cat).
(Young Cat): Mew...
Unaware of his crewmates' scrutiny, (Young Cat) rolls over and continues his nap.

A Day in the Life of a Cat

The Grandcypher docks on an island for a mission that should only take one day to complete. (Young Cat) takes this opportunity to go for a stroll in town, but first he must pass through the gauntlet of Lyria's and Katalina's doting hands.

Dawn has not yet broken aboard the Grandcypher.
Most of the crew are still in their bunks. Silence reigns.
But the early-rising ship felines are already about their morning routine along with Dante, who has adapted his habits to their schedule.
Dante: Good morning, Lord Rivera. Your coat is pristine as always. I am thrilled to see you in such fine fettle.
Dante: Lord Mukuta, what would you like for your breakfast? Fish? I will prepare some for you presently.
Dante: You are quite right, Lady Mewmew. There is a definite chill in the air.
Dante: Forgive my lack of consideration. Here, please climb into my coat.
Dante makes the rounds, cordially greeting each cat.
A new cat makes his entrance.
(Young Cat): Mrrrow.
Dante: Well, good morning, Lord (Young Cat). Right this way. Your breakfast awaits.
(Young Cat): Meeew.
(Young Cat) trots over to join all the other cats further inside the room.
Mukuta: Yo, look who's awake. You look like you've got a bur under your tail. What's up?
(Young Cat): Enh... I couldn't sleep. Everyone kept making noise around my sleeping spot.
Afaka: That's rough. I slept like a log!
Vapaus: Oh! Now that you mention it, (Captain) did seem really busy.
Mewmew: Sen too! She didn't even have time to give me a hug when I saw her on deck!
Rivera: It sounds like (Captain) and Sen will be tied up all day with the mission on this island.
(Young Cat): Huh. For people, they get down to work pretty early.
Mukuta: Dante said the ship won't be going anywhere all day, so it must be a pretty big job.
(Young Cat): Really. A whole day, huh?
Mukuta: What? You got an errand to run?
(Young Cat): Not exactly. But it's been a while since I got off the ship.
(Young Cat): I think I'll take a look around town, just to kill time.
(Young Cat) strolls out of the room.
He heads up on deck in order to disembark.
Before he can, two shadows fall over him.
Lyria: Yawn... A mission this early in the morning... Poor (Captain) and Sen.
Katalina: Mm... It seems the monster-infested forest is quite large. It'll take time to clear it out.
Lyria: Hehe, we'll have to tell them what a great job they did when they get back!
Katalina: Yes, they deserve a lot of praise.
(Young Cat): Mrrrow.
Lyria: Oh, kitty! Good morning!
Katalina: If it isn't our newest crew member! How are you today?
Lyria and Katalina hunker down at a respectful distance to talk to (Young Cat).
They beckon the cat to come closer.
(Young Cat): Meew...
Instead of running away, (Young Cat) approaches.
Lyria: Hehe. Can I pet you?
Katalina: So... cute... Ahh... he's so sweet...
Lyria: Ooh, Katalina! Looks like he might let you pet him too.
Katalina: Well, then it would be rude not to.
Ahh... you're so... fluffy...
Katalina: Argh, you're too adorable!
(Young Cat): Meooow...
Lyria and Katalina's attentions become a little too enthusiastic.
(Young Cat): Mrow!
Eventually, (Young Cat) slips out from between their petting hands and leaps over the rail, off the ship.
Lyria: Aww... He left us...
Katalina: Sigh... I had so much petting left to give...
The pair gaze sadly after (Young Cat), the memory of his soft fur dancing across their fingertips.

A Day in the Life of a Cat: Scene 2

(Young Cat) enjoys the hospitality of the townspeople before catching a whiff of (Captain) and Sen battling monsters in a nearby forest. He keeps his distance, but his rustling in the foliage distracts Sen momentarily, allowing a monster to get the drop on her. (Young Cat) immediately comes to her aid.

(Young Cat) trots through the town, taking in the local scenery.
Exploring this fresh, new territory puts a spring in his step and has his tail standing to attention.
The morning stillness yields to bustle as it draws closer to noon.
Various people call out to (Young Cat) as his curiosity leads him through the streets.
Fishmonger: Hey there, kitty! My fish are so fresh they're practically still swimmin'!
Fishmonger: How about a free sample? This one's so small they shoulda thrown it back, but I can guarantee it's delicious!
(Young Cat): Meeyoow...
(Young Cat) eagerly accepts the fish and gobbles it down with gusto.
Fishmonger: Ohh, it's good, huh? Glad you like it!
(Young Cat): Meeew.
The fishmonger looks on smiling as (Young Cat) contentedly licks his chops. With a meow of farewell, the cat resumes his tour.
Two children walking in the opposite direction spot (Young Cat) and rush over.
Child 1: Look, a kitty! I wanna pick him up!
Child 2: Here, kitty! Here, kitty! Lemme pet you!
(Young Cat): Mrow!
Instinctively, (Young Cat) evades the children's grasping hands and bolts.
Child 1: Ah! There he goes! He wants to play tag!
Child 2: Hehehe. Wait for us!
(Young Cat): Mrrooow!
(Young Cat): Mrow...
(Young Cat) finally loses his young pursuers and lies down to nap off the effects of their impromptu game of tag.
Once he's recovered, he resumes his stroll. His paws lead him to a spot outside town.
(Young Cat): Meow?
(Young Cat) cocks his head to the side, then lifts his nose to sniff the air.
A faint but familiar scent lingers along the road leading to the forest.
(Young Cat): Meeew...
(Young Cat) lowers his nose close to the ground, following the scent toward the trees in the distance.
(Captain) and Sen, meanwhile, are handling their monster-hunting mission.
Sen: One's headed your way, (Captain)! Can you get it?
Sen: Yaahh!
Sen: Phew. I think that should be all the monsters in this area, at least.
  1. This is going to take a while yet.
  2. Some of them got away...

Choose: This is going to take a while yet.
Sen: Yes... These woods are so huge...
Sen: So let's keep up the pace! The monsters' trail leads deeper into the forest!

Choose: Some of them got away...
Sen: Hmm... Some of them ran deeper into the woods, huh?
Sen: Which might mean that's where their nest is... So this was just a warmup!
Continue 1
Sen: Let's go... Meow!
(Captain) and Sen chase the monsters deeper into the woods.
(Young Cat): ...
(Young Cat) follows at a distance.
Sen: We did it! That should be the last monster in this part of the woods!
Sen: Um... Do you want to stop back at the ship? It's time for lunch, and my stomach's rumbling...
Sen: Huh? I thought I saw something between those trees just now...
Just as Sen is distracted by the movement in her periphery—
Monster: Groooar!
Sen: Yeek!
It seems they've missed one monster, which now lunges at Sen from her blind spot.
(Captain) rushes over, weapon drawn, but someone else gets there first.
(Young Cat): Mrow!
Sen: Huh? Little cat?
(Young Cat): Hisss!
Sen: Are you here to help us?
(Young Cat): Meow!
Sen: Got it! Then please lend us a paw!

A Day in the Life of a Cat: Scene 3

(Captain) and Sen successfully exterminate all the monsters with (Young Cat)'s assistance, but (Young Cat) declines Sen's gratitude, opting to quickly return to the airship instead. Later that night (Young Cat) receives gentle ribbing from the other cats after Sen spreads news of his bravery. (Young Cat) bluntly retorts that he doesn't care what the furless think of him, then stalks away and focuses on sharpening his claws, perhaps to hide his embarrassment.

Sen: Hooray! This time our mission really is complete!
  1. That was a close one.
  2. Thanks to this little fella.

Choose: That was a close one.
Sen: Yes. I let down my guard...
Sen: But thanks to (Young Cat), it all turned out okay!

Choose: Thanks to this little fella.
Sen: Yes! I sure owe him one.
Sen: He must've been worried and come to check on us.
Continue 1
Sen: Ehehe. Thanks for your help!
(Young Cat): Meow!
Sen approaches, smiling, only to receive a flurry of cat punches launched with laser accuracy.
Sen: Wah! Why are you punching me?
Sen: Sigh... Did I do something to make you mad?
(Young Cat): Meee-ow.
Leaving Sen to consider her behavior, (Young Cat) turns and heads back the way he came.
Sen: Huh? (Young Cat), are you going home?
Sen: Wait for us! We can go together!
Evening falls.
The kitty crew is assembled in Dante's room for dinner.
Mukuta: I hear you helped Sen today.
Aselia: Really? You must have made her day.
Afaka: She was talking about it to anyone who'd listen. "(Young Cat) saved my life today!"
(Young Cat): It's not like I set out to help her.
(Young Cat): I distracted her, and a monster got the drop on her.
(Young Cat): She could've gotten hurt because of me. I didn't want that on my conscience, that's all!
Vapaus: Reeeally? That's aaall?
(Young Cat): What else would there be!
Rivera: Well, let's leave it at that. Although the rest of the crew will probably believe Sen's story.
Mukuta: Maybe she'll buy you a nice chicken fillet as a reward.
Afaka: Ooh, a reward? Luckyyy!
(Young Cat): Hunh. I don't care what those furless think.
(Young Cat) stalks away and curls up in a corner to claw the floor for a while.
Whether his claws need sharpening or he's trying to mask his embarrassment, even he isn't sure.

Vyrn: So! What're we gonna name this little guy?
Young Cat: Mew...
Lyria: Hm... How about Leo?
  1. I like that one!
  2. Hm... Not quite.

Choose: I like that one!
Lyria: Yay! So we've found our kitty's name?
  1. Yep! It's settled!
  2. Wait... Let's keep thinking.

Choose: Hm... Not quite.
Young Cat: Mew...
Lyria: Okay then... What about Sky?
  1. I like that one!
  2. Hm... Not quite.

Choose: I like that one!
Lyria: Yay! So we've found our kitty's name?
  1. Yep! It's settled!
  2. Wait... Let's keep thinking.

Choose: Hm... Not quite.
Young Cat: Mew...
Lyria: Hm... What do you think of Smokey?
  1. I like that one!
  2. Hm... Not quite.

Choose: I like that one!
Lyria: Yay! So we've found our kitty's name?
  1. Yep! It's settled!
  2. Wait... Let's keep thinking.

Choose: Hm... Not quite.
Young Cat: Mew...
Lyria: Then... Tom?
  1. I like that one!
  2. Hm... Not quite.

Choose: I like that one!
Lyria: Yay! So we've found our kitty's name?
  1. Yep! It's settled!
  2. Wait... Let's keep thinking.

Choose: Hm... Not quite.
Young Cat: Mew...
Lyria: Let me think... Oh, how about Freedom?
  1. I like that one!
  2. Hm... Not quite.

Choose: I like that one!
Lyria: Yay! So we've found our kitty's name?
  1. Yep! It's settled!
  2. Wait... Let's keep thinking.

Choose: Hm... Not quite.
Young Cat: Mew...
Lyria: Um... What about Svoboda?
  1. I like that one!
  2. Hm... Not quite.

Choose: I like that one!
Lyria: Yay! So we've found our kitty's name?
  1. Yep! It's settled!
  2. Wait... Let's keep thinking.

Choose: Hm... Not quite.
Young Cat: Mew...
Lyria: Oh, I know! How about Azadi?
  1. I like that one!
  2. Hm... Not quite.

Choose: I like that one!
Lyria: Yay! So we've found our kitty's name?
  1. Yep! It's settled!
  2. Wait... Let's keep thinking.

Choose: Hm... Not quite.
Young Cat: Mew...
Lyria: Ooh, I've got the perfect name—Lyrio!
  1. I like that one!
  2. Hm... Not quite.

Choose: I like that one!
Lyria: Yay! So we've found our kitty's name?
  1. Yep! It's settled!
  2. Wait... Let's keep thinking.

Choose: Hm... Not quite.
Young Cat: Mew...
Lyria: How about this one then? Vyrn Jr.!
  1. I like that one!
  2. Hm... Not quite.

Choose: I like that one!
Lyria: Yay! So we've found our kitty's name?
  1. Yep! It's settled!
  2. Wait... Let's keep thinking.

Choose: Hm... Not quite.
Young Cat: Mew...
Lyria: Try this one on for size—Radikitty!
  1. I like that one!
  2. Hm... Not quite.

Choose: I like that one!
Lyria: Yay! So we've found our kitty's name?
  1. Yep! It's settled!
  2. Wait... Let's keep thinking.

Choose: Hm... Not quite.
Young Cat: Mew...
Lyria: Okay, Vyrn will love this. Apple!
  1. I like that one!
  2. Hm... Not quite.

Choose: I like that one!
Lyria: Yay! So we've found our kitty's name?
  1. Yep! It's settled!
  2. Wait... Let's keep thinking.

Choose: Hm... Not quite.
Young Cat: Mew...
Lyria: Well, how about Dusty then?
  1. I like that one!
  2. Hm... Not quite.

Choose: I like that one!
Lyria: Yay! So we've found our kitty's name?
  1. Yep! It's settled!
  2. Wait... Let's keep thinking.

Choose: Hm... Not quite.
Young Cat: Mew...
Lyria: Something tougher... Beast?
  1. I like that one!
  2. Hm... Not quite.

Choose: I like that one!
Lyria: Yay! So we've found our kitty's name?
  1. Yep! It's settled!
  2. Wait... Let's keep thinking.

Choose: Hm... Not quite.
Young Cat: Mew...
Lyria: Or he could be... Catman!
  1. I like that one!
  2. Hm... Not quite.

Choose: I like that one!
Lyria: Yay! So we've found our kitty's name?
  1. Yep! It's settled!
  2. Wait... Let's keep thinking.

Choose: Hm... Not quite.
Young Cat: Mew...
Lyria: Something sophisticated! Oliver!
  1. I like that one!
  2. Hm... Not quite.

Choose: I like that one!
Lyria: Yay! So we've found our kitty's name?
  1. Yep! It's settled!
  2. Wait... Let's keep thinking.

Choose: Hm... Not quite.
Young Cat: Mew...
Lyria: Or a cute name, like Fluffy!
  1. I like that one!
  2. Hm... Not quite.

Choose: I like that one!
Lyria: Yay! So we've found our kitty's name?
  1. Yep! It's settled!
  2. Wait... Let's keep thinking.

Choose: Hm... Not quite.
Young Cat: Mew...
Lyria: Let's think outside the box. Fido!
  1. I like that one!
  2. Hm... Not quite.

Choose: I like that one!
Lyria: Yay! So we've found our kitty's name?
  1. Yep! It's settled!
  2. Wait... Let's keep thinking.

Choose: Hm... Not quite.
Young Cat: Mew...
Lyria: He's got those beautiful stripes—Tiger!
  1. I like that one!
  2. Hm... Not quite.

Choose: I like that one!
Lyria: Yay! So we've found our kitty's name?
  1. Yep! It's settled!
  2. Wait... Let's keep thinking.

Choose: Hm... Not quite.
Young Cat: Mew...
Lyria: How about something tough? Verminator!
  1. I like that one!
  2. Hm... Not quite.

Choose: I like that one!
Lyria: Yay! So we've found our kitty's name?
  1. Yep! It's settled!
  2. Wait... Let's keep thinking.

Choose: Hm... Not quite.
Young Cat: Mew...
Lyria: Or maybe he could be Rocky!
  1. I like that one!
  2. Hm... Not quite.

Choose: I like that one!
Lyria: Yay! So we've found our kitty's name?
  1. Yep! It's settled!
  2. Wait... Let's keep thinking.

Choose: Hm... Not quite.
Lyria: Aww...
Vyrn: Geez, Lyria looks like she's gonna blow a fuse. Choose one already!

Choose: Yep! It's settled!
Leo: Meooow!

Choose: Yep! It's settled!
Sky: Meooow!

Choose: Yep! It's settled!
Smokey: Meooow!

Choose: Yep! It's settled!
Tom: Meooow!

Choose: Yep! It's settled!
Freedom: Meooow!

Choose: Yep! It's settled!
Svoboda: Meooow!

Choose: Yep! It's settled!
Azadi: Meooow!

Choose: Yep! It's settled!
Lyrio: Meooow!

Choose: Yep! It's settled!
Vyrn Jr.: Meooow!

Choose: Yep! It's settled!
Radikitty: Meooow!

Choose: Yep! It's settled!
Apple: Meooow!

Choose: Yep! It's settled!
Dusty: Meooow!

Choose: Yep! It's settled!
Beast: Meooow!

Choose: Yep! It's settled!
Catman: Meooow!

Choose: Yep! It's settled!
Oliver: Meooow!

Choose: Yep! It's settled!
Fluffy: Meooow!

Choose: Yep! It's settled!
Fido: Meooow!

Choose: Yep! It's settled!
Tiger: Meooow!

Choose: Yep! It's settled!
Verminator: Meooow!

Choose: Yep! It's settled!
Rocky: Meooow!
Continue 2

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
にゃーん Meooow.
ぐるる…… Grr...
にゃー Mew...
にゃー…… Myaaa...
にゃあ~ Mrrowww.
ゴロゴロ…… Purrr...
にゃにゃっ Meow, meow!
にゃ…… Mya...
にゃーーーっ! Meeeooowww!
にゃ~ん? Mrrrow?


  1. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, 『グランブルーファンタジー』レジェンドフェス開催 &アンチラスキンセット販売のお知らせ