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Official Profile





Special Cutscenes

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Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

It'll Leave a Mark: Choose Where

Gintoki, Shinpachi and Kagura put their heads together in thinking how they can create the best memories of their time in the Sky Realm. (Captain) and the crew suggest the trio lend their skills to the Crew of Enforcers to really get their names out there. They begin their work with visions of grandeur, but soon realize that a lot of the day-to-day work of the Crew of Enforcers revolves around paperwork and mundane tasks. Having realized this harsh reality, they begin to search for another way.

Despite some bumps and detours along the way, Gintoki, Shinpachi, and Kagura have managed to reunite in the Sky Realm.
Having joined forces with (Captain), they await the arrival of the remaining crews accompanying them on their mission to exterminate the mysterious monsters.
Gintoki: You know, we really ought to make the most of this downtime to think things through.
Shinpachi: Wait, huh? I never expected those words to come out of your mouth.
Shinpachi: Are you saying we should use this chance to think up a strategy for beating those monsters?
Kagura: Look at you all gung-ho, Gin-chan. It's like you're finally starting to realize we're in the middle of a collab here.
Gintoki: Funny you should mention that...
Gintoki: Bum buh-da bum! Time for a brainstorming session on how to milk this collab for all it's worth!
Shinpachi: That's what you meant?
Shinpachi: You were worried about something pointless like that instead of coming up with a battle plan?
Gintoki: It's hardly pointless. This is a matter of life and death.
Gintoki: When we first got here, it was beyond awful. We had to eat slime to keep from starving to death.
Gintoki: In order to overwrite that horrible memory, we've got to take advantage of our status as this collab's main characters.
Kagura: Yeah! We came all this way from another world. I demand VIP treatment!
Gintoki: We worked like dogs last time around.
Gintoki: This time I just want to sleep, eat good food, and rack up enough treasure to cover a few months of rent.
Kagura: I'd like to taste pickled seaweed from different islands and wear cute clothes, all while being fanned by a bunch of servants!
Shinpachi: You too, Kagura-chan?
Kagura: What's with the cold feet, Shinpachi? Were you content being a punchline in the first half? That's just sad.
Shinpachi: Well, it's true opportunities like this don't come around every day...
Shinpachi: But we know basically nothing about this world, so we can't just expect special treatment all of a sudden.
Gintoki: Yeah, Shinpachi has a point. Last time we came here, we didn't get any of the extra perks you might expect for collab protagonists...
The trio think back on recent events, a far-off look in their eyes.
Kagura: So how do we become VIPs?
Shinpachi: Hmm... What if we asked (Captain) to introduce us to a big-name organization?
Shinpachi: We won't get anywhere without making more connections in this world first.
Shinpachi: If we can gain publicity as part of a legit group and do a good job handling requests...
Shinpachi: We should be able to boost our reputation in no time.
Gintoki: So basically, the same thing we do back in Edo. Ugh, I don't want to have to toil away during a collab too.
Shinpachi: Says the guy who's always lazing around!
Shinpachi: Besides, isn't a collab the perfect chance to show off our cool factor a little?
Shinpachi: You don't want to have to eat any more slimes, right, Kagura-chan?
Kagura: Geh... I'll never be able to wipe that taste from my mind...
Gintoki: Guess you're right. This world is pretty unforgiving, even if you've come over for a collab.
Gintoki: Doesn't seem like we can get away with just messing around, so let's give it a try.
Kagura: Sounds like a plan! Come on, let's go ask (Captain) for some leads!
At another table in the tavern, (Captain) and the crew are discussing with Sierokarte what comes next.
Gintoki: Hey, sorry to interrupt your strategy session, but do you have a sec?
Vyrn: Huh? What's up?
Kagura: We want to know more about this world.
Kagura: Tell us all about the strongest, coolest guys here!
Vyrn: Wh-where'd that come from? Uh, lemme think...
Lyria: Hmm, it's a little hard to answer off the top of my head...
(Captain) and the crew think carefully about Kagura's sudden question.
Lyria: Actually, the members of the Crew of Enforcers are pretty cool, right?
Lyria: They travel all over the skies, and they seem to have lots of fans...
Shinpachi: The Crew of Enforcers is the group that handled the guy who brought us here, right?
Vyrn: Uh-huh. They're always out solvin' big-time cases that affect the whole skydom.
Kagura: Yeah, they definitely sound cool!
Gintoki: If we make a good showing with them, our reputation should go through the roof.
The Crew of Enforcers is an organization that maintains public order throughout the skies.
As of today, three promising newcomers have joined their ranks.
Lecia: Good morning. You three are the new recruits, correct?
Lecia: I believe you're here on (Captain)'s recommendation...
Gintoki: Yes, ma'am! I have over fifteen years experience as the main character of an anime series!
Kagura: And I can crush huge monsters with one hand!
Shinpachi: Oh, uhh...
I-I'm confident in my comedic comebacks!
Lecia: I-I see... I'm not sure I followed all that, but it's a pleasure to have you with us.
Lecia: Now then, I'll show you where you'll be working for the time being.
Shinpachi: I wonder what kind of work it'll be?
Shinpachi: Maybe we'll expose a serious crime that could shake an entire nation? Or take down a villain wreaking havoc across the skies?
Shinpachi: Now that we're actually doing this, I'm starting to get nervous...
Kagura: There's nothing to worry about. No matter what comes our way, I'll send it flying!
Gintoki: Hey, Kagura. Don't start running wild from the get-go. Let's see what we're up against first.
Shinpachi: Um... Sorry, but where are we?
Lecia: As you may have guessed, this is the crew's archive. Petitions we've received from all over the skies are kept here.
Kagura: Hey, Sarge! Jockeying papers around a desk isn't exactly a noble effort!
Gintoki: The villain of the century could show up here, and he'd just be knocked out by dust!
Shinpachi: So just to be clear, our job isn't to catch criminals?
Lecia: Correct. Your task today is to sort these statements based on whether or not they should be handled by the Crew of Enforcers.
Saying this, Lecia drops a thick stack of documents in front of the trio.
Lecia: There's a lot of paperwork, so we can't just pass it all on to the captain...
Lecia: That's why I'm going to have you do the first round of filing in accordance with our regulations.
Kagura: Ugh, this is like watching grass grow! I was hoping for a full-on firefight!
Lecia: In order to properly enforce order, it's important be fully prepared before going out into the field.
Lecia: Besides, we can't very well send new recruits into danger on their first day.
Lecia: First you need to use this work to gain experience and develop a sense of sound judgment!
Lecia dismisses Kagura's protests, clearly unwilling to take no for an answer.
Three days have now passed since the Yorozuya trio was so cruelly abandoned to a mountain of documents.
Gintoki: Slow and steady may win the race, but this is ridiculous!
Gintoki: What's with this newfangled training arc! Are we supposed to be devoting ourselves to the art of processing paperwork?
Gintoki: A manga series like this would get cancelled after its first chapter!
Kagura: I'm already sick of this. I've okayed so many documents, the stamp's starting to look like a box of pickled seaweed.
Gintoki and Kagura grumble loudly, scattering papers around the room.
Shinpachi: Sheesh, you two get bored way too easily. Besides, people who've just been slacking off have no right to complain!
Shinpachi: Oh, I'm done with this pile by the way, so would you mind taking it to Lecia?
Gintoki & Kagura: Don't roll over and accept this!
Gintoki: Gasp!
Gintoki: Not good... At this rate, Shinpachi's clerical talents will just continue to bloom...
Shinpachi: Y-yeah... I was this close to spending the rest of my life in that archive...
Kagura: All that filing and maintaining order stuff is way too lame for us. Time to find another job!
The Yorozuya gang is able to return from their supposed fantasy world in the nick of time.
Deciding to give up on the Crew of Enforcers, the trio begin to search for another way to make their collab dreams come true.

It'll Leave a Mark: Choose Where: Scene 2

Hearing that Gintoki and friends are after a more fast-paced experience in the realm of skyfaring, (Captain) and crew suggest they join the Mercenary's Guild. Gintoki, once again enamored by the prospect of working within a glamorous organization, begins to flirt with the influential Sturm as they work together. However, it would seem that his voice reminds her a bit too much of a certain other man, and she begins to stab him mercilessly. Gintoki's yelps of pain echo through the forest.

Intent on getting the hero treatment they deserve, the Yorozuya gang searches for an organization where they can really shine.
Having abandoned the idea of joining the Crew of Enforcers, they discuss what they've learned so far.
Gintoki: Ahh, nope, no dice. I'm just not cut out for dull work like that.
Gintoki: It takes way too long to rise up the ranks from a desk job.
Shinpachi: Yeah. The Crew of Enforcers does seem like a pretty strict organization.
Shinpachi: I don't think they'd be too happy with newbies like us going around getting into fights.
Kagura: I want a place where I can let loose and tear things up right away.
Kagura: Hey, (Captain). Tell us about a group where we can rampage to our hearts' content and get famous!
Vyrn: U-uh... That's a pretty disturbing way of putting it...
(Captain) and the crew lose themselves in thought, pondering Kagura's question.
Vyrn: So basically you're looking for a place where everybody does whatever they want, instead of something like the Crew of Enforcers.
Vyrn: In that case, how 'bout the Mercenary's Guild?
  1. Sounds perfect.
  2. What's it like again?

Choose: Sounds perfect.
Lyria: Oh, that's the guild Sturm and Drang belong to, right?
Lyria: Good idea. If I remember correctly, the members all work however they want to!
Vyrn: You'll probably get tons of work, and it's a lot like what you guys were doing back in your world, right?

Choose: What's it like again?
Lyria: If I remember correctly, it serves as a go-between for mercenary work.
Lyria: I think Sturm and Drang are members too!
Vyrn: Those two seem like they're everywhere at once, so the Mercenary's Guild must give its members a lot of freedom.
Vyrn: You'll probably get tons of work, and it's a lot like what you guys were doing back in your world, right?
Continue 1
Lyria: Yeah! And Kagura's really strong, so I'm sure she'll be a natural!
Gintoki: Hey, I like the sound of that! It's exactly what we were looking for.
Gintoki: And I don't know why, but I feel like I could get in pretty good with this Mercenary's Guild.
Gintoki: I could be like... the guy who's so aloof you can't tell if he's friend or foe, but he'll help you out in a pinch...
Gintoki: Oh, and the weapon he always carries is a mysterious, powerful-looking orb.
Gintoki: My voice would fit a strong character like that, don't you think?
Shinpachi: That was a really specific description! You definitely based it on someone, didn't you!
Kagura: Pappy's a mercenary too, so I already get the gist of what they do. Should be easy peasy.
Gintoki: We're wandering mercenaries. No matter the request, we'll handle it flawlessly.
Kagura: But it all depends on the reward. You'll have to come up with something that'll satisfy us first.
Shinpachi: Quit messing around, and let's hurry to the meeting place.
Shinpachi: We need to join up with the person we're working with today.
Sturm: I assume you're my partners for the day.
Sturm: The job is transporting cargo. Every second counts, so let's get started.
Kagura: Wait, that's it? Tch.
Kagura: Guarding a bunch of bigwigs or something would be way more exciting.
Sturm: That's a job for more experienced and trusted mercenaries. You're not ready for that yet.
Gintoki: Sigh... Guess we're in for another boring training arc.
As Gintoki grumbles to himself, a shadowy figure suddenly jumps out of the tall grass in front of them.
Bandit: Kyahaha! Don't move a muscle!
Bandit: This cargo belongs to us now! If you wanna live to see another day, you'd better—
Sturm: Shut up.
Bandit: Bwlegh!
Shinpachi: Wow, she defeated them all in the blink of an eye!
Shinpachi: Looks like Sturm's a pretty skilled fighter! Don't you think, Gin-san? Kagura-cha—
Gintoki: Hyaaaaah!
Kagura: Chaaaaah!
Shinpachi turns to see Gintoki and Kagura relentlessly pursuing the breathless bandits.
Shinpachi: Hey! What the hell are you two doing!
Gintoki: Huh? We're protecting the precious cargo from these bandits, obviously.
Kagura: It's just basic self-defense.
Shinpachi: This is overkill no matter how you slice it! It's nothing short of excessive force!
Shinpachi: And besides, Sturm already took them all down herself! Why'd you even have to get involved!
Gintoki: Come on, don't you get it, Pachi boy?
Gintoki: Judging by her strength, she must be a big shot in the guild.
Gintoki: So if we can get on her good side now, it should help get our name out there.
Kagura: What he said. No harm in sucking up as much as we can.
Sturm: Hey, what are you three whispering about? Let's get moving.
Gintoki: Yes, ma'am! Right away! We're here to serve you, so your wish is our command!
Shinpachi: Hey! That's too much brownnosing! You're going to give her the creeps instead!
Sturm: What's with you? Sorry, but I'm all full up on servants and partners at the moment.
Gintoki: Come on, don't say that! I'll devote myself to following you from this moment on!
Gintoki: Sturm... No, Lady Sturm! Master Sturm! I look forward to a fruitful relationship together!
Sturm: ...
Sturm: Shut up.
Gintoki: Yeeeowch!
Gintoki: Hey, what the heck! You just poked me with your sword, didn't you!
Gintoki: Are you the type that doesn't take well to compliments? Or... Don't tell me... Did you hear what we were talking about earlier?
Sturm: Actually, I don't know what came over me.
Sturm: Hearing you say my name in that foolish voice reminded me of a certain irritating guy I know.
Sturm: Suddenly I felt the urge to stab you no matter what.
Gintoki: You almost gave me a second bumhole because of that?
Shinpachi: At this point, I'm pretty sure she's not going to be taking us on.
Kagura: If Gin-chan gets stabbed every time, he's going to end up covered in buttholes. I don't think this is going to work out.
Shinpachi and Kagura sigh as they watch Sturm ready her blade once more.
For some time, the only sounds in the forest are Gintoki's anguished cries echoing through the trees.

It'll Leave a Mark: Choose Where: Scene 3

Gintoki and his companions quickly give up on the mercenary lifestyle. Sierokarte suggests they help out at a beach snack bar in Auguste, but that, predictably, does not work out very well either. It soon dawns on Gintoki that the fastest way to make his name known is simply to join (Captain)'s crew in an official capacity. Shortly after taking on his first job though, Gintoki realizes the crew is so full of colorful characters that even he's going to have a hard time standing out from them.

Gintoki: I still don't get how she could so vividly imagine being annoyed by a total stranger...
Gintoki: But anyway, guess we'll have to look for another way.
Kagura: Guess so...
(Captain), do you guys have any other good ideas?
Lyria: Y-you need more ideas?
Lyria: Umm...
Vyrn: There are lots of groups out there, but you can't just join a knight order or something off the cuff...
Unsure of where to start, (Captain) and company begin racking their brains for ideas.
Just then, a small hand shoots up beside them.
Sierokarte: If it's success you're looking for, why not work for the chamber of commerce?
Sierokarte: Traveling the skies to buy rare goods and hunt for new business opportunities is quite a lot of fun, you know.
Gintoki: Ooh, sounds like good money.
Shinpachi: That's a lot like the kind of work Sakamoto-san does, right?
Shinpachi: His main business is trade, but apparently he still suffers big losses more often than you'd think.
Shinpachi: That's not going to work for people like us who are always in the red.
Kagura: I don't want a job that's all math either. Sounds boring.
Kagura: I want something more fun, where we get to, like... go on vacation or eat gourmet food!
Sierokarte: Hehehe. Then how about helping out at a beach house in Auguste?
Sierokarte: There are a number of rare food stalls in need of taste testers. It's a very lucrative job!
Kagura: Taste testing? Woohoo!
Kagura: That settles it—Auguste, here we come!
Gintoki: Ahh... Feel that breeze...
Gintoki: I may have lifeguard duty, but I've heard the locals take care of accidents themselves.
Gintoki: And there aren't any dangerous thugs on the beach either. It's so peaceful you could take a nap.
Gintoki: Oh, that reminds me. They said the beach house would be providing staff with its patented shaved ice.
Gintoki: Shaved ice at a famous tourist spot, huh? Let's see if it lives up to the hype. Heh heh heh.
Sierokarte: Now, don't be shy—eat to your heart's content!
Kagura: Munch, munch... You don't have to tell me twice. Leave all the taste testing to me.
Kagura: I'll eat up every single new menu item and reign as queen of Auguste. Burp.
Shinpachi: Phew, looks like I'm just about done inflating the swim rings...
Bikini-Clad Girl: Excuse me! One swim ring, please!
Shinpachi: C-coming right up! Er, here you are!
Bikini-Clad Girl: Hehe, thanks.
Bikini-Clad Girl: Oh, now that I get a good look at you, you're pretty cute. I love a guy in glasses.
Bikini-Clad Girl: Hey, if you wouldn't mind... Could you show me how to use this swim ring?
Shinpachi: O-of course! It would be an honor!
The trio thoroughly enjoy their work, all the while feeling like they're on vacation.
But suddenly, a panicked Sierokarte comes running up to them.
Sierokarte: We've got trouble, everyone! A massive monster has appeared offshore!
Sierokarte: Please help the guests evacuate as quickly as possible!
Gintoki: Evacuate? Why do that when we can just take out a boat and defeat it in a snap?
Kagura: Leave it to me! Tuna monster, urchin monster—whatever it is, I'll turn it into a side dish for dinner!
Shinpachi: I'm in! I have a banana boat ready to go!
Spirits high, the trio slip past Sierokarte and begin heading toward the water.
However, Sierokarte firmly moves to block their path.
Sierokarte: I'm afraid you can't do that. The chamber of commerce prioritizes its customers first and foremost.
Sierokarte: And on top of that, it has partnerships with skyfarers and mercenaries for monster-hunting requests.
Sierokarte: You can't just swoop in and take their jobs without a second thought.
Gintoki: Urgh! This oppressive force is telling me it'd be a bad idea to go against her!
Kagura: Talk about intense... She's no ordinary person, that's for sure...
The three of them are stopped in their tracks by Sierokarte's overwhelming pressure.
Offshore Monster: ...!
Lyria: Now's your chance, (Captain)!
Vyrn: Let 'em have it!
(Captain): ...!
Offshore Monster: ...!
The monster is defeated in an instant by (Captain).
All Three: Whoa...
The Yorozuya gang watches from the shore, their mouths agape.
Gintoki: Wait, we ended up being background characters again!
Kagura: That's weird. Things were going so well at first...
Shinpachi: There goes our dream of playing to the crowd here on the beach...
Lyria: Wh-what's wrong, you guys?
Vyrn: They just started shoutin' and lookin' gloomy all of a sudden. Kinda weird...
Sierokarte: Hehehe. My, what an interesting bunch.
Gintoki: Oh, er... Sorry, we've just got a lot on our minds. Haha...
Vyrn: Well, whatever. Why're you so set on joinin' a big-name organization in the first place?
Vyrn: You guys gotta go back to your own world soon, right?
Gintoki: G-gulp...
Shinpachi: What're we supposed to say, Gin-san? We can't exactly tell them we're doing it for special treatment!
Kagura: We'll just have to fool them with a good reason. Something like... if we don't make a name for ourselves, we'll break out in hives.
Gintoki: I don't want people thinking I've got some weird illness!
Gintoki: B-but let's see...
Gintoki: Well, the thing is... Even if it's just for a short time, we're still part of this world...
Gintoki: So that's why, as proud members of Yorozuya, we want to make ourselves useful, you know?
Kagura: Y-yeah, that's it! We're definitely not trying to stand out or anything!
Shinpachi: Hey, Kagura-chan!
Shinpachi: Er... Anyway, we thought if we joined a famous organization, we'd be able to help a lot more people out...
Sierokarte: I see. That's very noble of you.
Sierokarte: In that case, I know the perfect place. Isn't that right, (Captain)?
(Captain) nods enthusiastically in response.
  1. You're always welcome to join us!
  2. Let's all help people together!

Choose: You're always welcome to join us!
Gintoki: Huh. Making a name for ourselves in (Captain)'s crew might work...
Shinpachi: Wouldn't that be a lot better than the roundabout way we were doing it?
Gintoki: Man, why didn't we think of this earlier?

Choose: Let's all help people together!
Shinpachi: (Captain)'s crew does get a lot of requests, meaning they have plenty of chances to look good.
Kagura: Sometimes you can't see the trees for the forest, I guess.
Gintoki: You'd have to be an idiot not to see trees in a forest...
Gintoki: But either way, I can't believe the answer was right under our noses the whole time.
Continue 1
Gintoki: Okay, I'm on board!
Lyria: Yay, welcome to the crew! I think we just got a request to transport cargo, right?
Vyrn: Yeah, and it just so happens we're shorthanded.
Gintoki: All right, count us in!
Kagura: Yeah! Even if it's just carrying cargo, with (Captain) involved, it's sure to be a big spectacle!
Gintoki and Kagura are delighted to have found a place to distinguish themselves.
But Shinpachi folds his arms, seemingly still unsure.
Shinpachi: By the way, there'll be other members joining us on this request, right?
Shinpachi: I wonder if a nobody like me will be able to fit in with (Captain)'s crewmates...
Gintoki: Come on, have some confidence, Pachi boy. You're the only glasses stand here from another world.
Kagura: Sure you're lacking in the individuality department, but just hang in there, and someday you'll find your shine.
Shinpachi: You didn't have to say it like that! And anyway, I'm more concerned about you two causing problems for the other members!
Vyrn: Haha, don't worry! We've got a lot of characters in the crew, but I'm sure you guys can handle 'em!
Lyria: Let's see... I think Seruel, Albert, and Ferry are the ones who'll be helping with the request.
Lyria: You'll be fine—they're all really nice!
Vyrn: They're a former prince, a knight captain, and a ghost, so they might seem intimidating, but they're a good bunch!
Gintoki: Wait... A former prince, a knight captain, and a ghost?
Gintoki turns to Sierokarte, his expression filled with determination.
Gintoki: Hey, Siero. How long will it take for everyone else to get here?
Sierokarte: Hmm, well... I imagine they'll arrive in a few hours.
Gintoki: Got it.
All right. Until then, it's time to do some brainstorming.
Gintoki: I've to figure out how to land the leading role in a party full of freaky characters!
Kagura: Roger that! But I'll be the one to steal the spotlight!
Shinpachi: This is turning into an endless loop! Enough is enough already!
Shinpachi's full-body retort echoes throughout the tavern.
Meanwhile (Captain) and company look on, unable to conceal their curiosity.

Side-scrolling Quotes

This character does not have side-scrolling quotes.
