Yngwie (Yukata)/Lore

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Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy birthday. Heh, strange, isn't it?
I forgot my own birthday, but somehow I remember the birthdays of my friends.
So believe in yourself. Live tough.


Your birthday, huh? That reminds me of this old dude we had in my group. He was tough as nails, a real adventurer's adventurer.
But every year he'd get all smiley for his grandkid's birthday.
You'd never expect it from him. I'd laugh so hard seeing that stupid grin.
Heh. Guess I'm the old one now. Never thought I'd get a kick outta seeing the younger generation grow.
Happy birthday, (Captain). I'm glad we get to celebrate it with you.


Happy birthday!
Bravo, (Captain)! You're a real show-stopper with the way you've been growing.
That's how you gotta do it when you're young.
But don't get the idea that I'm about to bow out quite yet.
I'm not kidding when I say I rock on for life. What do you say we see who can grow more this year?


Hahaha! You seem to be in high spirits on your birthday!
There are no bounds to the latent powers you keep inside you, (Captain).
And I'm sure that over the course of our journey to Estalucia, we'll see much more of what you've yet to exhibit. Heh, I'm looking forward to it.
But growth isn't something only for those who are young like you!
I'll show you just how much a man like myself can grow as well. You know you can always depend on me, every step of the way.
Bravo, (Captain). Have a splendid day!


Hm, lookin' swell, (Captain). Of all the crew captains I've ever rubbed shoulders with, there's no doubt that you're the cream of the crop.
Hahahah! I'm not propping you up just because it's your birthday—that's not my style.
I use my mouth to speak my mind.
Just like when I whisper sweet nothings into a hot babe's ear, I mean every word I say.
We've come a long way in our journey to Estalucia.
Whatever obstacles lie ahead, I'm sure you'll be standing ready to chew bubble gum and kick ass, (Captain).
Our destination's set—just gotta get there in one piece. Andiamo!

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Nothing better than seeing the first sunrise of a new year from the deck of a ship.
Never thought about it growing up, but the beauty of it all really hits you at my age.
If one thing stays the same, it's your appetite. I'll always take meat over salad. Carnivore for life.


New Year's... Sure brings back some memories. Say, ever heard of the Twelve Divine Generals?
One of the most amazing crews there ever was, I tell ya. And I ain't talkin' about just their fightin' skills. Never have I had my young, hot-blooded rump handed to me by a more stunning squad o' beauties.
Hmm, heard that one of the lead girls retired a while back. Livin' a quiet life somewhere...
... (Captain). I'll be headin' out for a while. Might be a few days. Oh, nothing. Just... off to light some fireworks.


Hey, (Captain). Did any letters come for me?
Last year I got so many from women spanning the skies.
There was even a time when I got a whole ship's worth which caused my vessel to tilt a little.
But this ship should be fine! Hahaha!


That's quite the serious face you're making there for New Year's... What's the matter, (Captain)?
You're in love, aren't you?
You don't have to deny it so quickly.
Love makes you see the world through rose-colored glasses, turning it into a beautiful place. There's absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about.
It wasn't love? Ah, so you were thinking about your new year's resolution.
Everything starts with a plan. This is a good opportunity to consider what is important to you.
Hm? My resolution? Well, that's easy—Amore. Enough said.


I'm real grateful I get to ring in another year with you, (Captain).
Heh, you know when I was young... I'd always spend New Year's Eve flirting with the ladies.
By the time the sun came up, I'd be fast asleep.
Missed out on the sun's first rays of the year a lot of times... I'd kick the me from back then if I could.
But today's a beautiful day, and we've got plenty of celebrations left to have.
How about pounding some mochi? We can make it smooth and soft as a lady's skin if we work at it enough.

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Chocolates? You went out of your way to get these? Shoot. Shouldn't have.
You're really that into me? Rest of the guys aren't going to like that.
Anyway, thanks. I don't care what they think. This means a lot to me.


Whoa there, you've even got some chocolates for me? Thanks, but I've gotta warn ya.
No matter how well along in years they are, men can be foolish creatures—lead 'em on with chocolate every year, and they might get the wrong idea.
Anyways, I'm just letting you know. I'm lookin' forward to next year, heh.


Whoa, Whoa! Did you forget what I warned you about last year?
Even after all that... You still insist on giving me chocolate?
Humph! Do whatever you want. I guess I can't say no to chocolate if you're prepared to pay the price.
People after your heart are going to want my head on a platter, right, (Captain)?


Ah... I guess it'd be rude of me to have you wait any longer.
I can feel the intense passion and thought you put into this chocolate, (Captain). I appreciate it.
Come, it's time we told the others in the crew about our relationship.
Don't worry. If anything happens, I'll take full responsibility.
I'll defend you from any obstacle that may stand in our way, (Captain).
Now, trust me, and take my hand.


Valentine's chocolate? Can I take this to mean you're dead serious about us being a thing?
Grazie. Even if you see me wavering in the eleventh hour this year, I won't stop.
More like I can't stop. After all, you're the one who set my heart ablaze.
(Captain). Take my hand so we can scream our feelings toward the azure skies together.

White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Take these chocolates, (Captain). They are full of my gratitude.
I don't know what kids these days like, so I went to a store where royalty shop.
Let me know if you like them. There's more where they came from, (Captain).


Hold on just a sec, (Captain). I got you a little somethin' for White Day.
I had it made by an old friend of mine, a retired patissier, just for you. I had a taste of it myself, and his talents still hold up.
If you'd like some more, just let me know. You see, he's got a bit of a competitive streak—there's no way he'll deny a request, especially after hearing that I've come out of retirement!


Hey, (Captain)? Do you have a minute?
Today's White Day, so I got the best thing I could offer you.
I made a reservation at the most popular restaurant on this island. And it's almost time for us to go.
You can get whatever sweets your heart desires.
I reserved the whole place by the way. That means you can eat anything and everything you want.


Can I have a moment, (Captain)?
Oh, come on. You don't have to be nervous.
Heh, I would never do anything you wouldn't like. I'll wait until you're sure about your own feelings.
Today's White Day. I have a present for you.
this sweet chocolate that melts in your mouth is the overflowing love I harbor for you. And this here is a bouquet of mimosa.
The mimosa symbolizes secret love. Don't you think it suits us perfectly?


You couldn't be more deserving of this bouquet of brilliant red roses, (Captain).
I take it you already know the word for "rose" in the floral language?
Actually, one look into my eyes should give you the answer. Don't you know? Eyes speak louder than words.
The older guys of my generation don't like speaking their mind. We find it a virtue to keep our deeper thoughts to ourselves.
But I'm different, (Captain). I can't wait to shower you with my overflowing emotions.
Call me uncouth if you want, but I choose to stay true to myself. Amore, (Captain).

Chocolate Biscuits
Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Vyyyrn? Lyriaaa? Come out, come out, wherever you are!
Oh, it's you, (Captain). Old Yngwie's got some tricks and treats for you.
There! Full Metal Beaaaaam!


Vyyyrn! Lyyyria! Where are you hiding?
This full metal demon's gonna find you!
Oh, it's you, (Captain). Here's your special Halloween tip for the year: sometimes playing the bad guy can be fun.
Ah! There you are!
Full Metal Missile!


Whoooa! Full Metal Candy!
Oh, it's you (Captain)! I did some custom modding to the armor this year.
Squeeze tight and candy pops out of the joints.
You young kids really eat up these off-the-wall surprises.
Keep moving on! Full Metal Cookie!


Roooar! Any crying children out there? Any kids up to no good?
Vyrn! Lyria! Come out, come out, whereever you aaare!
Oh, it's you, (Captain). Looks like you're enjoying Halloween as usual.
Hm? Ah, the shouting just now?
I was pretending to be a monster from some traditional folklore that's passed down on an island in the east.
I thought it'd be perfect for Halloween and gave it a shot... The kids loved it.
How about it, (Captain)? You wanna give it a try too?


Graaah! Wait up, you little rugrats...
Oh, (Captain). Thought I'd play the role of zombie this year, but things aren't working out too great.
I give myself a ten out of ten in the scare factor, but I'm one of those slow-moving zombies that can only shamble along, so there's no catching up to the kids.
Huh? Zombies these days can run at full throttle, you say?
Grazie, (Captain). The info is much appreciated.
Time to chase after the kiddies and give em' a taste of Full Metal Candy & Cookies.
Graaaah! Full Metal Zombiieee!

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Never even occurred to me that this ship would be having a holiday party.
Do you know how my crew celebrated?
Because I sure don't. I always went into town to have fun.


Hey there, (Captain). What's the word on the holiday party? I've brought a little special something this year—a gigantic fir tree!
I'm not too familiar with some of these customs, but do as the youngsters do as I always say. You've gotta stay young at heart, you know what I mean?
The weight of the tree might be throwing the Grandcypher off balance, but no worries! I'm sure Rackam's got it all under control. Hahaha!


(Captain), I'm here as your escort. To the party of course.
Come on. No one wants to start it without you.
Once you're a member of the crew it all makes sense, but nothing is the same without you.
When I was captain of my own crew, I would just head out with a woman by my side on nights like this... Now I know why my second-in-command was always mad at me.
It's good to know some things do make more sense with age. Getting old isn't so bad after all.


Hahaha! You want to have a snowball fight with me? Is this a proposal I'm hearing?
My dear madamoiselle and me, cuddling beside the window in a stylish cabin as we gaze out at the fluttering snow...
That was how I'd imagined spending the perfect holy night... But your words bring back memories.
Memories of when I was but a boy, when my friend and I would put our all into competing with each other in a snowball fight.
Heh. I suppose it wouldn't be so bad to let loose and run around like in the old days.
Of course, I won't be taking it easy on you. That all right with you?


With this much snow, it's bound to get especially chilly tonight.
Make sure you tuck yourself in tight so you don't catch a cold in your sleep.
Haha, you don't need to worry about me. I've never caught a cold in my life.
You wanna know why? Well, the reason's simple.
A guy like me is always burning hot after daily doses of fiery love. Amore is the key to a healthy life, (Captain).

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Full Metal Man V: Warrior's Time Off

The crew travel to Tranquil Wellness as part of their vacation. Yngwie tries to chat with Ayer, who has chosen to soak in the same bath, and gives the young man advice for taking care of his body. Opening up a little, Ayer asks Yngwie about the legends surrounding his past, but quickly grows exasperated once he realizes all of the older man's stories revolve around women. Despite Ayer's sighs, the two grow closer than before as they continue to relax in the hot water.

Yngwie: ...
Ayer: ...
Yngwie: ...
Ayer: ...
Yngwie: Hey, Ayer.
Ayer: What is it?
Yngwie: Why're you huddled in the corner all the way over there?
Ayer: Huh?
Yngwie: Spending some quality naked time with a pal ain't so bad, y'know? But if you're not up for it, that's fine too.
Ayer: I just happened to pick this spot, that's all.
Yngwie: Is that right? Guess it's pretty natural to avoid open space when you're not used to feeling exposed.
Yngwie: You're missing out on the breeze over here though. Really cools off the noggin and clears the mind.
Ayer: Uh-huh...
Ayer: Maybe later, thanks.
Yngwie: Suit yourself.
Yngwie leans back as he enjoys the gentle wind and steaming water of the Port Breeze bathhouse.
The crew has stopped by the establishment to unwind and enjoy a well-deserved rest.
By coincidence, Yngwie and Ayer have chosen to bathe in the same pool.
Ayer: Sigh...
Ayer: I'm done for now.
Yngwie: Leaving already? You've barely dipped your toes in.
Ayer: What? I never stay in longer than this.
Yngwie: Either you're not a fan of hot water, or I've been more of a bother than I thought. Not comfortable with a stranger like me?
Ayer: I'd hardly consider you a stranger after hearing the others talk about your exploits. Honestly, I'm just not one for loitering in the bath.
Ayer: Feels like a waste of time, sitting around when I could be doing something more productive.
Yngwie: Oh yeah?
Yngwie: Think I'm starting to put the pieces together now.
Yngwie: Ayer, could you come over here for a sec?
Ayer: Uh... Sure?
Ayer: ...
Yngwie: Give me a nice, moderate flex.
Ayer: Huh? Like, show you my biceps?
Ayer: I mean, I don't mind, but...
Folding his hand into a fist, Ayer raises his arm and bends it at the elbow.
His arm muscles bulge out like two bulky mountains.
Ayer: Heh...
But Yngwie, legendary skyfarer and experienced adventurer, merely shakes his head and sighs.
Yngwie: What a sad sight. Your body's been taxed to hell and back.
Ayer: Say what?
Yngwie: Not that it's any of my business, but you probably shouldn't leave yet.
Ayer: Hold on... What's wrong with my body?
Yngwie: It's obvious you've been pushing it to the limit every day. You're far too thin.
Yngwie: Your muscles are crying for a chance to heal.
Ayer: Huh...
Yngwie: See, muscles bulk up by taking a beating and repairing the damage after.
Yngwie: You've gotta give them the chance to rest after every training session.
Yngwie: Otherwise—
Ayer: I get it, okay? I wasn't born yesterday.
Yngwie: I just wanna make sure you remember that your body's less sensitive to pain after a good workout.
Yngwie: You might feel like you've rested enough, when in reality your muscles still need an extended soak in some hot water.
Ayer: ...
Ayer: Damn it... Fine.
Yngwie: Heh... Nice to see you'll listen to reason even when you're giving me the stink eye. Looks like you're not a lost cause.
Ayer: Oh, put a sock in it. If someone's making a good point, I'll hear them out.
Ayer: ...
Ayer: Hey... Mind if I ask you something?
Ayer: Those stories about you paving the way through uncharted skyways... Are they all true?
Yngwie: Beats me. There are too many tales to keep track of. Besides, plotting those routes wasn't my main gig.
Ayer: Wait... So then what were you doing in the first place?
Yngwie: Voyaging for the novelty of it, of course.
Yngwie: Out there in the clouds, there're countless adventures and paramours waiting to be found...
Yngwie: Just so happened that my pursuits took me through safe and speedy skyways.
Ayer: Are you telling me you were on the hunt for women?
Yngwie: Doesn't every man's adventure start out that way?
Ayer: Whatever you say...
Ayer: Hmm... Another question then: what really happened during that martial arts tournament you were in?
Ayer: All the skies' strongest fighters in what was supposed to be the competition of the century, and it ended with nobody knowing the conclusion.
Yngwie: That'd be because the whole arena wound up in a huge brawl. I was the only one standing when the dust cleared.
Yngwie: The audience and sponsors even got involved at one point, and the prizes were pulled from the table.
Ayer: How in the world did you get yourself into a mess like that?
Yngwie: Fell for the woman I faced in my first round.
Yngwie: I was young—couldn't keep my feelings bottled up—so I blurted out a confession, and her man came charging into the ring.
Ayer: Again with the women... Can't believe you ruined a whole tournament over that.
Yngwie: Hey, when it comes to love, I get taken out in one hit.
Ayer: Right...
Ayer: Sigh... I thought the truth about those rumors would be more spectacular, but I'm starting to see a pattern.
Yngwie: Hey now, don't you think you're jumping to conclusions? C'mon, sit back and ask me about something else.
Ayer: ...
Ayer: What was the cause of the first skyfarer war?
Yngwie: So the leader of the enemy forces was supposed to be my lady—
Ayer: Okay, forget I even asked.
Ayer: It's always women with you... But that's not the part I care about.
Yngwie: Listen, you're not gonna get much outta old tales. What matters is how you create your own legacy.
Yngwie: And to do that, you've gotta take care of your body and avoid extreme training from now on.
Ayer: All right, all right.
Ayer: Since you're so insistent... Is there a secret to this whole "train and rest" thing?
Yngwie: Sure there is, but before I can tell you, I gotta ask: do you got a woman in your life?
Ayer: Ugh, why do I even bother...
Ayer: Sigh... Now I know why you've got heaps of people calling you a fool even though you're strong.
Ayer: Are you aware that everyone thinks you sired a bunch of kids with dozens of women?
Yngwie: That's some slander, that is. Pains me to hear it.
Yngwie: I've had hundreds of sweethearts—not dozens. Don't you forget it.
Ayer: Uh-huh. You could form the strongest crew in the sky if you had that many kids.
Yngwie: Kids, huh...
Ayer: Yngwie?
Yngwie: Hm...
The experienced warrior and young fighter have quickly overcome the air of awkwardness that originally hung in the air.
Both men lean back and relax into the soothing hot water of their private bath.

Full Metal Man VI: Voltage

Yngwie visits the Valtz Health Center and finds Eugen being massaged by a massage therapist. After playing a prank on Eugen, Yngwie is surprised to recognize the therapist as a mechanic that once served his crew, the Debonair Daredevils. The therapist is just as surprised to see his previous captain, and is initially at a loss for words.

In Valtz there is a highly-rated health center, complete with its own bathhouse.
Yngwie decides to pay it a visit, as part of his time off.
Yngwie: Huh...
Yngwie: Been a while since I've stopped by, but everything still looks to be top-notch.
Yngwie: Hm? That's a familiar-looking figure over there.
Eugen: Aaaghh!
Massage Therapist: Oho? Seems like your liver's not in the best of shape.
Eugen: My liver? How'd you figure that out just from touching the back of my leg?
Massage Therapist: When there's a problem in one area, there's pain in another. Everything's linked. I'm moving on to your other leg now.
Eugen: Gaaah!
Massage Therapist: Yep, same deal on this side too.
Eugen: Y-you sure you're not pressing down at all?
Massage Therapist: I promise I've only been lightly poking with my fingers.
Massage Therapist: Let's have you lie facedown again, and I'll gradually increase the pressure.
Eugen: Sigh... Go easy on me, will ya?
Massage Therapist: You're in good hands. Now just relax—
Yngwie: ...
Eugen: Yeaaarrrgh!
Eugen: Guh... Augh...
Massage Therapist: Eugen! Are you okay?
Yngwie: Hahaha, I don't think the other customers appreciate the noise, Eugen.
Eugen: You son of a gun... Yngwie... Did you really just pound my pressure point...
Yngwie: Your own fault for neglecting your body and ending up in this sorry state, friend.
Eugen: Shut yer trap... How 'bout I give you a taste of that medicine? Cry all you want—I'll still force it down the hatch.
Yngwie: Give it a try. Go on, use your full strength—I don't mind.
Eugen: All right then, tough guy. Even a legendary skyfarer like you will eat those words.
Eugen: But before that... Recognize this massage therapist, Yngwie?
Yngwie: Huh?
Massage Therapist: Captain Yngwie!
Massage Therapist: It's me! I was a Debonair Daredevil mechanic!
Yngwie: Wait... You that greenhorn we found in a shipwreck up north?
Massage Therapist: Yessir! I was actually just chatting with Eugen here about you. I never expected he'd be your friend...
Massage Therapist: Or that I'd be able to see you again!
Yngwie: Hahaha, you've gone from greenhorn to old man in a flash.
Yngwie: Wrinkles aside, you been doing well for yourself?
Massage Therapist: Oh, I have, in part thanks to you! The time I spent in your crew helped me prepare for the hardships in life.
Massage Therapist: As you can see, I'm running a therapeutic massage parlor here in this establishment.
Yngwie: A mighty fine calling in life. How long's it been since I last saw you? Ten years? Twenty?
Massage Therapist: Since the day that you left the crew.
Massage Therapist: And what a day it was... Nobody knew what was happening. It was pure chaos...
Eugen: After treatment like that, I reckon you deserve to serve him one big knuckle sandwich.
Massage Therapist: Now that you're right in front of me again, I'm honestly not sure what to say...
Yngwie: Mm...

Full Metal Man VI: Voltage: Scene 2

Receiving a massage from the massage therapist, Yngwie asks him why he stopped being a mechanic. The therapist explains that he met a legendary sauna master who introduced him to the wonders of saunas and massages—the same master who instilled Yngwie with a love of saunas too. As the massage continues, the therapist notices something wrong with Yngwie's right arm and, upon being told the arm's muscles were suffering from an old injury, offers a method to treat it.

As Eugen leaves to seek rehydration, Yngwie takes his place on the massage table.
His former crew member turned massage therapist stands next to the table, fingers working their magic.
Yngwie: Whew... This is heaven...
Massage Therapist: Appreciate the compliment. To be honest, it's kind of surreal to be working on your shoulders, Captain.
Yngwie: Former captain, you mean. Now I'm just another geezer clinging onto a life in the skies.
Massage Therapist: You say that, but your muscles and skin are healthy and pliable... I think you'd give a lot of youngsters a run for their money.
Yngwie: Gotta keep myself busy even in retirement. Besides, I can't disappoint the ladies.
Yngwie: Neither have you. Keeping a body in good shape's not so different from keeping an airship running, yeah?
Yngwie: But why the career change? Tired of skyfaring life?
Massage Therapist: No, not at all. An ankle injury sparked the switch.
Massage Therapist: Captain—
Yngwie... After you left, the crew fell apart and disbanded.
Massage Therapist: I was pretty down from it all and made a careless mistake during a job, leaving myself with a lingering injury.
Yngwie: Sorry to hear that.
Massage Therapist: But life has a funny way of guiding a person forward. Thanks to my search for treatment, I came to Valtz...
Massage Therapist: Ended up becoming obsessed with saunas, and learned how to massage so I could get a job for the employee discount. I've lived here for around ten years now.
Yngwie: Hahaha, you became a massage therapist because of your love for saunas?
Massage Therapist: Hahaha, I wasn't super interested at first, but someone taught me the fundamentals of 'em and got me hooked.
Yngwie: Oh yeah?
Massage Therapist: That someone is pretty famous in this neighborhood—
Yngwie: The legendary saunameister.
Massage Therapist: Oh! You've heard about him?
Yngwie: Heard? He's the one who taught me everything I know.
Yngwie: The guy's traveled to every steamy room in every corner of the skies, imparting his wisdom without a single soul knowing who he truly is...
Yngwie: No wonder you developed a love for saunas yourself.
Massage Therapist: He gave me a thorough education in massages too—
Massage Therapist: Hm?
In the middle of their carefree conversation, the therapist's expression abruptly clouds over.
Massage Therapist: Yngwie... Pardon me for prying, but the muscles in your right arm...
Yngwie: Noticed, did you? Afraid it's a leftover present from an adventure in another skydom.
Massage Therapist: An old wound then... It appears to share symptoms with my own...
Massage Therapist: ...
Massage Therapist: Yngwie, I've got an idea. Will you wait here a moment?
Yngwie: Wonder what this is all about.

Full Metal Man VI: Voltage: Scene 3

The massage therapist returns with needles for acupuncture—an experimental treatment that could either heal the damage done to Yngwie's muscles or injure them further. Despite the risk, Yngwie doesn't hesitate and accepts the treatment. When the acupuncture session finishes, Yngwie's long-standing injury is miraculously cured, and his arm is back to near perfect levels of function.

Noticing Yngwie's old injury, the massage therapist announces that he has an idea and runs off.
He returns with a set of tools in hand.
Yngwie: Hmm... Think I know what you're up to.
Yngwie: I've heard the rumors, though this is the first time I'm seeing it in person.
Massage Therapist: These are needles for a process called acupuncture. Not every doctor agrees on its effectiveness, but it's worked wonders for me.
Massage Therapist: It functions similarly to massages in that the purpose is to stimulate the body's natural healing, only with needles instead of fingers.
Massage Therapist: Ah, in case you're worried, I trained on the island it originated from and obtained a license.
Yngwie: Interesting... How much has it helped your ankle?
Massage Therapist: I'm healed to the point where the injury doesn't impact my everyday life anymore. It definitely produces results on wounds long closed.
Massage Therapist: There's only one problem...
Yngwie: Which is?
Massage Therapist: Not much is known yet about how exactly it works, so the results vary from person to person.
Massage Therapist: Depending on various factors, an injury could even grow worse instead of better.
Yngwie: ...
Massage Therapist: I'm sorry. This is why the practice isn't recommended.
Massage Therapist: I understand that for someone on the front lines like you, any changes to your body could spell danger for your life...
Massage Therapist: Which is why I wanted to make sure you fully understood the risks. What do you think about treating your stiff shoulders first to see how your body reacts—
Yngwie: Don't bother. Just stick those needles straight into my arm.
Massage Therapist: Huh?
Yngwie: What?
Massage Therapist: Um... Did you hear the entirety of my explanation?
Massage Therapist: Or was I not clear enough? Let me try again. Acupuncture isn't well understood at the moment, so I'm not sure how things will go—
Yngwie: Life's full of the unexpected. Hell, I could even lose this entire arm tomorrow.
Yngwie: You get what I'm saying, right? A skyfarer's life is always going to be unpredictable.
Massage Therapist: But...
Yngwie: What're you so afraid of? A regular doctor wouldn't be hesitating in fear.
Yngwie: Just do it. I'm not one to turn down an old comrade's aid.
Massage Therapist: Yngwie...
Massage Therapist: No—Captain! Understood! I swear I'll make this treatment a success!
Massage Therapist: Upon the honor of the Debonair Daredevils!
Yngwie: Counting on you.
Despite the potential danger, Yngwie goes ahead with the acupuncture.
The careful ministrations of the therapist ease him into a deep slumber. Eventually Yngwie wakes.
Yngwie: Mngh...
Massage Therapist: Yngwie, are you awake? I can't believe you managed to fall asleep in this situation.
Yngwie: Whew... That was some pretty good shut-eye. Wish I'd woken up next to a pretty lady though.
Massage Therapist: Hahaha... Besides that, how does your body feel?
Yngwie: My body...
Yngwie sits up, clenching his right fist tight and flexing his arm.
Yngwie: Oh?
Yngwie: Well, well... Don't think my arm's felt this sturdy in a long time.
Massage Therapist: Truly? That means that it worked!
Yngwie: Bravo... Can't say it's completely healed, but my tendons are working better than before.
Yngwie: I owe you my thanks. Not sure if the increased blood flow is the cause, but my whole body's feeling energized too.
Massage Therapist: It was my pleasure to help. I'd recommend that you continue treatment until you're fully healed up, but...
Yngwie: I'm in the middle of an adventure, unfortunately. I'll make do though.
Massage Therapist: Hahaha, you'll always be the most debonair of all the daredevils, eh?
Eugen: Yo, Yngwie. About time for my payback, don'tcha think? Show me your leg—
Eugen: Ah...
Yngwie: Eugen, what're you gaping for?
Eugen: That's not the leg I was talkin' about... What happened here?
Yngwie: You really want to know? C'mere. Let's have a good old-fashioned arm wrestle—
Eugen: Wh-whoa, hold it, you crazy coot! Don't get close to me with that thing sticking out!
Yngwie: Hm?
Yngwie: What, you mean this?
Massage Therapist: Hahaha... A side effect of your recovery, I suppose... It's been known to occur.
Yngwie: Hahaha! So even this part of my body's rarin' to go too!
Eugen: This ain't no laughin' matter!
After a chance encounter with an old crewmate, Yngwie has finally found a way to heal the old wound on his arm.
The restored functionality should serve him well on his last adventure throughout the skies.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
邪魔をするな Out of the way.
何か用だったか? Need something from me?
サウナで我慢大会?言語道断の所業だ A big tournament to see who'll survive the longest in a sauna? Sounds ridiculous.
いい風が吹いてる Now that's a nice breeze.
サウナの後は飯が旨いが何より只の水が旨いんだ Food tastes good after a sauna session, but water's even better.
まさかあの若造が按摩師になってたとはな… Never thought that kid woulda become a massage therapist...
確か隣の空域にもいいサウナがあった筈だ If I remember right, there's a great sauna in the skydom next door.
レジェンドサウナーよ…貴方は今どこにいるのか… Wonder where that legendary sauna master is now...
(主人公)もサウナを楽しんでるか? You liking the saunas, (Captain)?
後で(主人公)にサウナハットをやろう (Captain), I'll give you a sauna hat later.
