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Game Strategy Lore Voice
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Official Profile

Age Around 20 (in mortal form)
Height 210 cm (in mortal form)
Race Human
Hobbies Cooking
Likes Doing things fair and square
Dislikes Dispiritedness
昨年の12月末~今年の1月頭に開催されましたイベント「OLD BOND」で大活躍だった六竜の『朱』ウィルナスが火属性のリミテッドシリーズとして登場です!

Source [1]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 20歳前後(ヒト型時)
Height 210 cm(ヒト型時)
Race ヒューマン
Hobbies 料理
Likes 正々堂々
Dislikes 意気消沈
昨年の12月末~今年の1月頭に開催されましたイベント「OLD BOND」で大活躍だった六竜の『朱』ウィルナスが火属性のリミテッドシリーズとして登場です!

Source [1]





Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Singularity. I heard today is the day you celebrate living to see another year!
Mortals are truly fragile, and always so busy. You have to eat and sleep every day—there are so many things you have to do to stay alive!
And since you're trying to reach Estalucia with the girl in blue and the red dragon, you have your own set of difficulties.
Well done surviving all this time. You deserve praise! Bravo!
Wilnas smiles and ruffles (Captain)'s hair.
How was that, Singularity? Did it feel nice?
Words alone are not enough to commend someone, after all! So I've been practicing how to properly praise mortals!
I wouldn't want to accidentally pop your head off, would I? Here comes another one, (Captain)! Well done! I'm proud of you!


Hurrah, hurrah! Happy birthday, Singularity! 'Tis the anniversary of your coming into this world.
It seems only the blinking of an eye since our first meeting. But in that time, the trees have four times donned and shed their seasonal livery.
What have you done this year, Singularity? What places have you been, what sights have you seen, what feats have you accomplished?
(Captain) recounts the year's events.
Oh-ho. That is a long list of achievements for so short a time.
Though the rivers of mortal life are brief, they run fast and deep. You have been on grand adventures while I... Well, I yet struggle in the kitchen.
Listening to your tales, I feel both joy and sorrow. For it is the brightest candles that burn out the fastest.
Even if we must part some day, I hope that time will be far in the future. You have brought much light to my existence.
Take care of yourself, Singularity. So we may celebrate many birthdays to come!


A call for standing ovation! Happy birthday, Singularity! You're another year older now!
For us Six Dragons, a year is a mere fraction of a second...
But, for some odd reason, the more I spend time with you and other mortals, the more significant a year becomes.
Rather than wandering about aimlessly, being with you warms my heart.
When I think about the many days we've spent together, I realize how many fascinating things have transpired!
You've colored my life in ways I never thought imaginable. Gratitude, gratitude!
On the other hand, I'm not sure what I can possibly do for you in return...
I fear that lending my powers will only cause more trouble than good...
But, I hope that spending time with me ignites a spark in your life, for mine has certainly changed!
Here's to another grand year together, Singularity!

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Oh, Singularity! Wait just a moment. My flames made a mess, and I'm still cleaning it up!
Apparently water can't get hotter than a certain temperature! I thought using boiling water would be a simple way to heat ingredients...
Hahaha! But it went straight past hot water and evaporated! Ahh, how foolish of me!
I've heard that mortals risk their lives to eat "mochi" at this time of year, so I wanted to give it a try, you see.
Choose: Want to make some with us?
Oh, I appreciate the invitation! I'd love to join you, Singularity!
Hm? Wait, did you come all this way just to invite me? That must have taken a lot of time and effort.
You really are a delightful individual! I'm glad you're the one who turned out to be the singularity.


I see, I see. The black beans represent the sprouting of industry. The seaweed—lithe dancers of the ocean—represents joy...
And the fertile herring expresses a wish for many children.
Wonder wondrous! This food has been transformed from a mere tool for survival into art, ambition—hope for the future!
Mortal culture is a thing of beauty. It is like a long, unbroken tapestry, woven of many shorter threads and colors.
The world it depicts stands in stark contrast to the world that my constant, immortal eyes see. Neither is truer or lovelier than the other. They are simply different.
Joy joyous! There is still much I wish to savor about the sky realm. May its glory last for many years to come!

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Hello, hello! Pardon the intrusion, Singularity!
I thought you might be in need of chocolate monsters, so I brought one along! This is what you mortals call a "fad" right?
Oh? It's not a fad? There's an event where you use them to make chocolate, you say?
I see! So that means you cook chocolate too, Singularity?
In that case, I'd like to watch the process! I'm still not very good at it myself, so I'm sure I could learn a lot from you.
Oh, you'll let me taste test? That's quite the responsibility! I'll carry it out to the best of my ability!
But you mortals certainly are clever! Even without powers, you've mastered all sorts of skills, cooking included.
I have to say, I admire your devotion!


What? Is this... Valentine's chocolate?
Ah! Many thanks, Singularity!
Oh? Oh-hoh! Most astounding, Singularity! To think your warrior's hands could make such an exquisite thing.
This shimmering surface... This gossamer bow...
Wonder wondrous! With deepest gratitude, I shall now partake—
Choose: You can't eat the wrapper!
Aaah—hm? Are these frills and sparkles not part of the chocolate?
I see, I see. So the cloth and parchment are ornamentation, which protects the contents from dirt and rot.
What generous creatures you mortals are. To take something as simple as food, and turn it into an art that brings endless joy...
I wonder, how long will it take until my senses are refined to such a delicate state? It may be many centuries yet...
Well, at least to start with, I shall make a meal fit for your mortal stomach! Diligence, diligence!


Oooh... Oh? Ohhh! Hoho...
Wilnas watches with rapt attention as (Captain) wraps up a bunch of chocolates to give as gifts.
Splendid, splendid! To think that this average box could be transformed into such a marvelous presentation...
Singularity, what magic did you use to twist and knot this thread into such a fashion?
Oh... I see, so if you keep working at it like that, it starts curving! No magic required at all!
You mortals continue to surprise me day after day with all of your fascinating techniques!
And you don't stop at just tying the knot... You give it a little oomph to make it look better... Impressive, impressive! Although I don't get it at all!
Choose: Do you want to try, Wilnas?
You'll allow me? Thank you, thank you! I'd love to make an attempt at this!
But... The responsibility of making sure your gifts look good is a hefty weight on my shoulders... Will I handle this?
Wilnas takes hold of the ribbon and works at it diligently with the help of (Captain)'s step-by-step instructions.
I did it... I did it, Singularity! I thought it was all for naught when I couldn't get it to lay horizontally!
As the mortals often say, practice makes perfect... Inspirational! Truly inspirational!

White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Oh, you're here, Singularity! I'd like to be a hospitable host, but I'm afraid they're no good!
The candy, I mean! I've heard that if you use the right quantities and sequence they'll always turn out right, but doing so is very difficult for me.
It would be insulting to believe that a skill honed by mortals over the course of history could be learned overnight...
But still, it's like... How should I put this? They look like something else I've seen before that's definitely not chocolate...
Well, they're full of my magic, so maybe they'll still be useful somehow! Feel free to take them with you, Singularity.


My, my! Singularity! What exquisite timing!
Look! I boiled water without the whole pot going up in steam!
Twas quite a struggle. First, I roasted a stone at just the correct temperature so it didn't turn to molten lava. A very delicate art.
Then I dropped the stone into this pot of water, thereby heating it. And if you peer closely—lo and behold—a thimbleful of liquid at the bottom of the vessel!
Victory, victory! I heard that if you cook food in hot water, you will not scorch it!
I have finally stepped from my cave of ineptitude into the light, Singularity! And there, on a distant mountaintop, I see it sparkling—a vision of me as master chef!
Alas! At the moment, all I have to offer you is boiled water and soot... Will you partake?


It's perfect... Perfect!
Behold, Singularity! I boiled water by placing it over heated rocks...
And then I added a bowl of chocolate over the water to create beautifully melted chocolate!
Now we dip some sliced fruit...
And enjoy our chocolate fondue!
It was a long, arduous journey... Cooking truly takes great time and effort...
I gave Wamdus a lot of trouble, failed to handcraft chocolate on my own, and created a monster...
Nevertheless! Here are the fruits of my labor, Singularity!
Now, come! Indulge to your heart's content!
Although... A bit of hot water might've splashed in, but the flavor wasn't affected... At least not to my tongue!

Burnt Crisp
3rd year:
Chocolate Fondue
Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Oh... Oho!
Singularity! The mortals on your ship are excellent at cooking! I'm glad I asked for permission to watch them in action.
It was truly incredible! From solids to liquids, they made all kinds of foods out of a single pumpkin!
And there was a huge variety of flavors too, from sweet to salty! You mortals come up with the best ideas.
Those pumpkins to munch on lining the streets are quite impressive too...
What? The pumpkins on the streets and the ship's deck are lantern decorations, not food?
Really? Isn't putting a fire inside to roast them a cooking technique?
By the way, Singularity... One of the lanterns on the deck is missing. I hope that's not a problem...


Treat or Treat! Singularity, might I present you with a pumpkin?
Wilnas thrusts a monstrous pot at (Captain). The pumpkin inside is so mangled, it looks like it traveled halfway through a giant's digestive system before being vomited back out.
I, er... was trying to make a "jack-of-lantern." But, alas, failure reared its ugly head again...
This pumpkin can no longer be used as ornamentation. But what waste it would be if we were to consign it thus to oblivion!
It deserves a second chance at existence—a revival as a delicious treat! However... You know all too well my ineptitude in the kitchen.
Shame, perdurable shame... That is why I have come to borrow your cooking arm!
I beseech you! Help this pumpkin ascend into the realm of delectability!
Choose: じゃあ、一緒に料理しようよ
Hear, hear! Well said, Singularity! I am forever in your debt!

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Singularity, is there a Harvin in your crew with time on their hands?
I'm not looking to put them in any danger! I simply want to use their appearance as a reference for my own vessel.
Hm? Since this current form is only temporary, I'd like to make it smaller for this evening.
Choose: Why's that?
Well... I was hoping to observe in the kitchen as they prepare the food for the feast...
But my current form is so large that I'd be in the way no matter how much I tried to avoid it!
That's why I'm searching for a Harvin to be the model for my vessel!
I could make myself smaller without a reference, but I'm sure I'd end up looking strange and distract everyone in the kitchen.
I hope you'll introduce me to someone, Singularity! Anyone will do!


Hubris, hubris! Now I know what all the mortals mean when they say "this is flippin' grody, man."
Ah, Singularity! Happy holidays! I regret to inform you there shall be no winter banquet tonight. That is, unless you have a hankering for crisp bones and burnt meat.
For shame, for shame! I tried my claw at cookery, but unfortunately, my flames were too awesome a force...
I have dishonored my ingredients. I was just about to eat everything in repentance when you arrived.
Choose: Need another mouth?
My thanks, my eternal thanks! However, I fear this offal is not meat for mortal consumption.
I would not, for the skies, give you food poisoning on such an auspicious occasion! This feast of repentance is meant for me and me alone.
One day, I shall cook a meal that won't lay waste to your weak stomach. But until that time comes... Perseverance, perseverance.

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Woes of a Higher Being

One day, while visiting the Grandcypher to deliver vegetables, Wilnas expresses frustration at his inability to cook due to how different he is from mortals. But encouraged by Lyria, he resolves to tackle the challenges before him.

Hoping to claim the power that Vyrn had accumulated throughout his travels, the Six Dragons imposed a series of trials upon (Captain).
Since then, (Captain) and the crew have continued interacting with them from time to time in their mortal forms.
Wilnas: Greetings!
Vyrn: Whoa!
Vyrn: Yeesh, almost had a heart attack...
Hey, if it ain't Wilnas!
Wilnas: The one and only! I've come for a visit!
Lyria: Hello, Wilnas! What can we do for you?
Wilnas: Well, I've been busy harvesting vegetables from the land the singularity tilled during my trial!
Wilnas: I'm here to share the bounty, as promised! They're a bit on the small side though!
Lyria: Wow, thank you! Look, eggplants!
Vyrn: Wait, eggplants? Are those even in season this time of year?
Wilnas: With Galleon and Lu Woh lending their power, I'm able to control the soil and light at will!
Wilnas: That island is set apart from the climate and natural law of the Sky Realm, so a few tweaks shouldn't cause any problems!
Vyrn: Man. Everything you guys do, you do big, huh?
Vyrn: But we can definitely put these to good use. Thanks!
Wilnas: My pleasure. Just hearing you say that makes it worth the effort!
Vyrn: With a crew as big as ours, we can never have too much food on hand.
Vyrn: We always try to stock up before we leave an island, but you never know what's gonna happen out there.
Wilnas: Mortals must fill their stomachs twice a day in order to survive, correct? Quite an inconvenience, if you ask me.
(Young Cat): Meow.
As (Captain) and Wilnas are carrying the eggplants to the kitchen, a cat scampers past their legs.
Wilnas: Ah, I see! So you raise beasts for slaughter right here on your airship!
Vyrn: Huh? S-slaughter?
Wilnas: Is that not the purpose of that creature? I believe you mortals call them... livestock?
Lyria: N-no, that was a cat! We don't eat those!
Wilnas: Oh? I'm not sure I follow. Considering it has a place on this airship, it must have its own role to play.
Wilnas: And mortals and beasts can't exactly communicate efficiently. What purpose could it possibly serve other than food?
Vyrn: Hmm... It's kinda hard to describe...
Lyria: That cat is like family to us.
Vyrn: Yeah, it's not like he has a job to do or anything. It's just fun havin' him around, I guess...
Wilnas: So he's here for entertainment then? That much I can understand.
Wilnas: The creatures of this realm are strong, yet fragile. You must nourish the heart and soul as well as the body.
Wilnas: It sounds as though this little one is doing a fine job at his role.
Lyria: Yeah, just watching a cat is so relaxing somehow. Don't you think, (Captain)?
(Captain) nods, tongue clicking lightly to call the cat over.
(Young Cat): ...
Ear tilted slightly, the feline flicks his tail. He then yawns and stretches before finally gracing the captain with his presence.
Vyrn: Heh, looks like he's learned to come when he's called!
Lyria: Hehe. He has a soft spot for (Captain) in particular!
Smiling, (Captain) squats down to scratch under the cat's chin.
(Young Cat): ...
Lyria: Would you like to pet him too, Wilnas? He's so nice and fluffy!
Wilnas: I must say, I'm intrigued by this notion of nourishment for the soul! I'd love to see what it's all about.
Crouching down, Wilnas slowly reaches out to stroke the cat's fur, but...
(Young Cat): ...
Wilnas: Hm?
Vyrn: Hey, you don't have to be so skittish! There's nothin' to be afraid of!
(Captain) fetches some cat jerky from the kitchen and hands it to Wilnas to give to the cat as a peace offering.
(Young Cat): ...
Vyrn: Welp, there he goes. Wouldn't even get close for a treat, huh? Talk about a fickle friend...
Wilnas: Ah...
Vyrn: Oh well, don't let it get you down! That's part of what makes cats so cute to begin with. Right, Lyria? (Captain)?
Lyria: Yeah! Maybe he'll let you pet him another time...
Wilnas: Actually, the cat may have made the right choice by running away.
Vyrn: Huh? What do you mean?
Wilnas: Unfortunately this vessel is but a mere imitation of a mortal... a human, specifically.
Vyrn: And a pretty huge one at that. But I guess you Six Dragons can't tell much difference between the four main types of people, huh?
Wilnas: It's very difficult to mimic everything all the way down to the minute details.
Wilnas: During the singularity's trial, I displayed far greater strength than a mortal despite taking the appearance of one, if you recall.
Lyria: Now that you mention it... you were plowing the ground at an incredible speed.
Wilnas: It's actually more challenging to generate a small amount of power than a large amount. Take Lu Woh for example...
Wilnas: He's relatively dexterous, but even now he still fails at minimizing the amount of force at his fingertips. It truly is difficult.
Vyrn: So that's why you were moving so slowly just now...
Wilnas: I'd feel terrible if I injured the little beast!
Wilnas: And it's not just physical strength. To me, there isn't much difference between a hundred degree flame and a thousand degree one.
Vyrn: There's that crazy Six Dragons power again. I can't even imagine the damage a thousand degree flame would do to a normal person...
Wilnas: That's just it. All the heat in the entire sky could never hope to harm me.
Wilnas: Be it boiling water or even lava, I could swallow them equally as easily.
Lyria: W-wow, that's amazing!
Wilnas: Not exactly! If my hardiness separates me from mortals, that means my senses are detached as well.
Wilnas: Take spiciness for example—there's a facet of pain to it... but not many things can cause me pain.
Wilnas: This vessel's senses are too dulled to get a proper taste of mortal food, and culture too for that matter.
So saying, he pops the jerky (Captain) handed him into his mouth.
Wilnas: ...
Vyrn: H-hey! That's for cats!
Wilnas: Hm? Did I do something wrong?
Vyrn: I mean, it's not really wrong... Argh, why's everything gotta be so complicated!
Lyria: Jerky is as unhealthy for cats as it is for people, so we give them dried meat without the added salt.
Lyria: That's why if we were to eat cat jerky, we'd probably find it a little bland.
Wilnas: I see. Yes, I can taste that it has a savory flavor, but I can't tell that it needs more salt.
Wilnas: It's no wonder Galleon and Wamdus disapprove of my cooking.
Wilnas: I'd like to help out at the soup kitchen in the town that was scorched when I materialized, but alas...
Vyrn: Oh yeah, that's why you built that food stall in the first place.
Wilnas: Right. But its potential has remained untapped. Currently it's no more than a meeting place for my fellow dragons to engage in idle conversation.
Vyrn: I mean... that's pretty amazing in and of itself.
Wilnas: Mortals do everything so quickly. By the time I'm able to help, the soup kitchen won't even be necessary anymore.
Wilnas: Just because you have a lot of power, that doesn't mean you're able to do anything you want to do.
Vyrn: Galleon's worries were so above and beyond that I didn't really understand 'em.
Vyrn: But even though you're one of the Six Dragons too, I kinda get what you're sayin'.
Wilnas: In the end, we're all fellow inhabitants of the Sky Realm. Our fates and lives aren't all that different from one other.
Wilnas: When the skies end, so will our existences. And our concerns will converge as well! You could almost call it a pleasant thought.
Wilnas: No, I suppose that's not quite right...
Wilnas: The complexity of the technology produced by mortals is both admirable and formidable...
Lyria: Hmm... Yeah, it would probably be hard to master cooking right away.
Lyria: There are so many things you have to learn in order to make tasty food.
Wilnas: There certainly are. The tremendous effort you mortals put forth deserves endless praise!
Lyria and Wilnas nod at each other in agreement.
Lyria: I didn't know anything about cooking at first either. I caused a lot of headaches for everyone in the kitchen...
Lyria: But after learning from the others and practicing a lot, I can make simpler things like sandwiches with no issue!
Wilnas: Most impressive. That is the fruit of your labor, Girl in Blue!
Lyria: Ehehe. Thank you!
Lyria: So don't worry, Wilnas. It might take some time before you're happy with your cooking, but I'm sure you'll get there!
Lyria: And either way, delicious food is always a good pick-me-up.
Lyria: Even if you don't make it in time for the soup kitchen, as long as you keep practicing, you'll be able to apologize with a tasty meal!
Wilnas: Oh... Oh, yes!
Wilnas: Indeed! You speak the truth, Girl in Blue.
Wilnas: If I tried to help at the soup kitchen now, the mortals would no doubt be disgusted by the food I cooked up!
Wilnas: It could cause a tragedy even worse than scorching the town.
Wilnas: Even if it's too late, it would be better for me to wait until I can make a proper meal.
Vyrn: Heh. Just keep picturing their smilin' faces in the meantime. That'll be good motivation!
Vyrn: And besides... Gross food is, well... definitely not good for the soul...
Seeing Vyrn's forlorn expression, the captain is reminded of Katalina's cooking and nods sagely.
Wilnas: So in addition to sustaining life, food can also provide nourishment for the soul in the form of pleasure.
Vyrn: That's right! You got it!
Vyrn: So who cares if you end up takin' a little more time? It's all good!
Wilnas: Understood. I appreciate you sharing your viewpoints—Singularity, Girl in Blue, Red Dragon!
Wilnas: That being said, if I'm not careful, a hundred years will pass in the blink of an eye...
Wilnas: I'll just have to train so I can feed them while they're still alive! Diligence is key!
Encouraged by Lyria, Wilnas is ready to tackle the challenge of cooking.
The Vermillion of the Six Dragons is filled with interest and respect for the beings that survive despite their inherent weakness.

Struggle for Survival

One day, the crew heads for an island full of poisonous plants and animals on a request, joined by Wilnas and Elmelaura. But when their borrowed airship crashes, they are forced to survive on the island until help arrives.

Within Phantagrande, there are several archipelagoes made up of small islands clustered together.
Thick, black clouds of smoke rise from one of these islands near the Grim Basin.
Lyria: Cough, cough.
Vyrn: Lyria, (Captain), Knife Girl! You guys okay?
Wilnas: We should find a place where the temperature is lower! Everyone, take hold of me!
(Captain) and the crew flee from the area of burning trees and arrive safely in a clearing.
Elmelaura is a crew member

Elmelaura: Sigh... We certainly got caught up in a big accident.
Elmelaura: I suppose this means bigger isn't always better. I'd have much preferred a smaller one.
Elmelaura not in crew

???: Sigh... We certainly got caught up in a big accident.
???: I suppose this means bigger isn't always better. I'd have much preferred a smaller one.
Heaving a great sigh, the Harvin chef known as Elmelaura sits down on a rock.
A skilled cook who utilizes even monsters in her dishes, she is traveling with the crew in search of yet undiscovered ingredients.
Wilnas: The important thing is you're all safe and sound! Even a meager blaze like that is enough to snuff the life out of any mortal.
Lyria: Thank you so much, Wilnas. It's lucky you were with us...
(Captain) wipes a bit of soot off Lyria's face and thinks back on the events that led to their current predicament.
The crew had accepted a request from a researcher at a certain laboratory.
Vyrn: Huh... A vegetation survey? Does that mean you want us to bring back some plants?
Researcher: Actually, I'd like you to gather soil samples. The archipelago in question possesses a rather unique environment, you see.
Lyria: Unique?
Researcher: Yes, quite so. It's home to an abnormally large number of poisonous plants and animals.
Vyrn: Poisonous! S-sounds like this job's gonna be riskier than I thought...
Researcher: Well, there shouldn't be any ferocious beasts there that will attack you...
Researcher: But be careful not to let the poison enter your body. I'll provide you with an antidote just in case, but it's not very effective.
Vyrn: Yikes...
Elmelaura: In other words, you're doing research to create a more effective antidote.
Researcher: That's right. Fortunately the area is far removed from any conflicts, so it's quite easy to conduct research there.
Wilnas: It sounds as though you've been making a lot of steady effort! How admirable.
Vyrn: Gyah!
Researcher: Hm? Is it my imagination, or are there more of you than before...
Vyrn: D-don't worry about it! He was just late getting here from the airship, that's all!
Vyrn: Wilnas! Don't just pop out like that! You'll scare people!
Wilnas: Oh, forgive me. I came to bring you some perilla leaf I harvested, but it seems you're busy.
Researcher: Ah, speaking of airships, please feel free to use the skyskimmer I've prepared for this occasion.
Researcher: I'd like to prevent toxic soil, leaves, and whatnot from sticking to your airship and being carried elsewhere.
Vyrn: Got it! That's fine with us, right, (Captain)?
Researcher: I apologize for asking so much of you, but I hope you'll lend your assistance for the sake of pharmaceutical development.
After listening to the earnest researcher's explanation, the crew had made their way to the island in the borrowed ship. However...
Lyria: Urgh, I can't believe the skyskimmer ran into a swarm of monsters...
Elmelaura: Well, it was heavily used, and an older model to boot.
Vyrn: Sigh. Katalina crashed a skyskimmer with us on board before too. I'm gonna end up havin' a complex...
Smiling grimly at Vyrn, (Captain) thanks Wilnas for rescuing them from the now-mangled aircraft.
Wilnas: Think nothing of it! It was no scales off my back!
Wilnas: It's fortunate that I decided to accompany you in order to learn more about these "skyskimmers."
Elmelaura: I'm just glad we all seem to have made it out unscathed!
At Elmelaura's words, Lyria covers a small cut on her leg with her hand and inspects it.
Lyria: (There's no blood, so it should be fine... right?)
Lyria: (We can't afford to waste supplies treating something so minor, and it doesn't hurt anyway...)
Vyrn: You okay, Lyria? You don't look hurt, but did you hit your head or somethin'?
Lyria: Oh! No, I'm fine! No need to worry about me!
Wilnas: You mortals are far more fragile than I am. I'm relieved you're all unhurt!
Elmelaura: The only problem is, we lost all our food and water along with the ship...
Vyrn: If we're late gettin' back, I'm sure the rest of the crew or the researchers will come to our rescue.
Vyrn: But we can't exactly go without food or drink until then.
Elmelaura: We should be able to manage food-wise, since I can distinguish what's safe to eat.
Elmelaura: But since there's poison in the soil, I'm not sure we can trust any water we might find.
Wilnas: Poison, is it? I can take care of that!
Vyrn: Really?
Wilnas: Yes indeed! My flames have the capacity for purification. So removing toxins is a simple matter!
Elmelaura: Goodness! So we don't even need to worry about poison? All hail the Six Dragons!
Elmelaura: Actually... would it be possible for you to rid all the island's soil and water of the poison it contains?
Vyrn: Ooh, good idea! I bet that'd be a piece of cake with your power, huh, Wilnas?
Wilnas: It certainly would be a trivial matter. However...
Wilnas: If I removed the toxins, the entire nature of this island would change. The previous ecosystem would be no more.
Wilnas: Not only that, but it would also squander the achievements of the mortals who were gradually analyzing the poison.
Wilnas: Considering you all would only reap the benefits for a few days, I'd prefer not to.
Lyria: That's a good point. And who knows? There might be animals here that can only eat poisonous plants.
Elmelaura: Oh my! Disturbing the island's ecosystem is certainly not a good idea! I take back what I said!
Wilnas: Hahaha! But it was an interesting thought!
Vyrn: Okay! For now, let's go hunt for water. C'mon, (Captain)!
The captain nods at Vyrn, and the group sets out in search of water, intent on surviving the next few days.

Struggle for Survival: Scene 2

After securing water, Elmelaura sets to work preparing food from a wild boar, aided by Wilnas who asks her to teach him how to cook. The pair successfully create a fine meal, with Wilnas learning to consider the people who will be eating his cooking along the way.

Vyrn: Phew, good thing we came across a river pretty quick!
Lyria: You can say that again! There was a bird drinking from it earlier, so maybe...
Wilnas: That bird seems to have acquired a form that allows it to do so. The water would harm you all if you ingested it as is.
Wilnas: So let me know before you drink the water you've scooped out!
Lyria: Okay! Thank you so much!
Elmelaura: Now that we've procured a water source, the next step is to build a fire!
Wilnas: If it's kindling you need, look no further! I can supply as much as you need.
Elmelaura: That would be wonderful! In that case, I'll handle building the stove!
Wilnas: A stove.. Ah, a tool to control fire! Is it really possible to make one so easily?
Elmelaura: It sure is! I can make a perfectly usable one just by stacking rocks!
Elmelaura: That being said, the stones I can carry would be a little too small, so could you help me transport them?
Elmelaura: It would be ideal if they were around, let's see... this size.
Wilnas: Understood.
With Elmelaura's directions in mind, (Captain) and Wilnas set out to gather appropriate stones from around the area.
Elmelaura: The stone you just brought can go here, and the little one will fit into this gap...
Wilnas: I come bearing a gift! I hope it proves useful!
Vyrn: Gyah! A-a boar!
Wilnas: Mortals are able to eat boars, correct? I happened to stumble upon a group of them, so I brought one back with me!
Elmelaura: What a magnificent find! I've heard the blood of the boars on this island isn't poisonous.
Elmelaura: Nevertheless, we should probably avoid the internal organs. But the meat should be perfectly edible!
Vyrn: Woohoo! This boar's so gigantic, we'll still be munchin' on it when help arrives!
Vyrn: Thanks a bunch, Wilnas! You're a lifesaver!
Wilnas: Hahaha! It was nothing, nothing at all! But if I prepare the meat, I'm afraid I'll end up ruining it...
Elmelaura: Never fear! You can leave the cooking to me!
Vyrn: Heh, glad we brought Knife Girl along for the ride!
Lyria: You said it!
Wilnas: Oho, so that's how you pile the stones...
Wilnas: You can't simply arrange large rocks like this instead?
Elmelaura: No, you want to trap in the heat while simultaneously allowing the right amount of air to flow in!
Wilnas: Ah, that makes sense. The goal is to keep the combustion process going, after all.
Elmelaura: All right, the stove should be ready for action now!
Wilnas: Ooh...
Elmelaura: The next order of business is to prepare the boar so it's edible!
(Captain) offers to help, but Elmelaura says to leave it to her and finishes in the blink of an eye.
Elmelaura: Phew! That about does it!
Wilnas: Well, well! Very impressive, mortal!
Elmelaura: It's too early to be impressed! This is where the real cooking begins!
Wilnas: The discipline you mortals possess is a tremendous thing! I'd appreciate it if you'd teach me your ways!
Elmelaura: Hehe. There's no cutting corners when it comes to cooking practice. Do you think you can keep up with me?
Wilnas: I'm ready to try!
Elmelaura: Then let's start with mincing the meat! By doing so, even the tough flesh of a wild beast can be made delicious!
Wilnas: I just need to grind the meat, correct? All right...
Wilnas sets to work under Elmelaura's supervision, using a flat rock as a cutting board.
Vyrn: Whaddya say we gather firewood while we wait, (Captain)?
The captain nods at Vyrn, and they head over to a nearby thicket with Lyria.
Wilnas: The meat has been ground! How did I do?
Elmelaura: Hmm... You still have a long way to go!
Wilnas: What!
Elmelaura: The pieces are far too large! It would be impossible for us to fit them into our mouths.
Elmelaura: You always have to consider the people who will be eating the food!
Wilnas: That's true! I won't be the only one eating it, after all...
Wilnas: ...
Wilnas: To fit into the mouths of the girl in blue and the red dragon, the pieces need to be around this size...
Elmelaura: ...
Elmelaura: Now then, let's light the stove!
Wilnas: All right! Do you need my power?
Elmelaura: Yes please!
Actually... I don't think we should use magic flames this time around.
Wilnas: Hm? Why is that?
Elmelaura: The fire you produce might be too dangerous. It's powerful enough to melt the stones and turn them into lava, right?
Wilnas: Oh... Very true. Generating a small amount of heat is quite difficult.
Elmelaura: That being the case, I'll use friction to start a fire instead! If I just rub this branch against the dry wood like so...
Wilnas: Isn't this grueling work for a mortal? Allow me to do it.
Elmelaura: Hehe. Be my guest!
Elmelaura: Oh, you're getting pretty good at mincing meat! Here, I'll take care of the rest.
Thanks to Elmelaura's careful instructions, the pair are able to successfully prepare a fine meal.

Struggle for Survival: Scene 3

As the crew enjoys the meal, Wilnas learns the joy of serving the food he has cooked. Later it comes to light that Lyria has been poisoned through a wound on her leg, and Wilnas, finally realizing the group wants to leave the island, creates a portal to send her for treatment.

Lyria: ...
  1. What's wrong, Lyria? Tired?

Choose: What's wrong, Lyria? Tired?
Lyria: Oh! No, I'm fine! I'm probably just feeling sleepy from the warmth of the fire...
Elmelaura: Don't sleep just yet! First you need to enjoy this survival meal carefully crafted by yours truly!
Vyrn: Whoa, this is crazy! There's steak, soup... It's hard to believe you made all this with basically zero tools or ingredients!
Wilnas: Her technique was truly magical! It was like witnessing the creation itself!
Elmelaura: Not so fast now. I'd rather you save the compliments until after you've tasted everything.
Elmelaura: I discarded the potentially poisonous sections and had Wilnas purify the edible parts just in case!
Elmelaura: So let's eat and build up our strength while we wait for help to arrive!
Vyrn: Sounds good to me!
Vyrn: In that case, time to dig in!
Lyria: Munch...
Lyria: Wow! This is delicious!
Vyrn: Sure is! And there's no gamey smell or anything. Ahh, the warmth is spreadin' right through me!
Wilnas: ...
Elmelaura: Hehe. Did you get a taste of the true joy of cooking?
Wilnas: Hm?
Elmelaura: It's not just about making food, but serving it too. That way you get to see the smiles on the faces of those who eat it.
Elmelaura: There's no greater joy than that!
Wilnas: I see what you mean...
Wilnas: Yes, that's very true. It's always a thrill when others are pleased with what I've created.
Wilnas: I'm sure that applies equally to both elements and dishes.
Wilnas: Actually, cooking might have the upper hand because of all the care that goes into it.
Elmelaura: Well, I'm not sure about that...
Elmelaura: But if that's the way you feel right now, you'll no doubt become a wonderful cook!
Wilnas: Oh! Do you really think so?
Elmelaura: I sure do! Huge amounts of stamina and motivation are essential for a chef.
Elmelaura: And there aren't many others who can match you in that respect!
Wilnas: I see...
Wilnas: I see!
Wilnas: Allow me to thank you for your kind words, as well as for imparting your wisdom upon me, mortal!
Elmelaura: You're more than welcome! And I'll be sure to keep the lessons flowing for the remainder of this little survival game!
(Captain) smiles at the sight of Wilnas expressing his gratitude to Elmelaura.
Thus their first day of being stranded goes off without a hitch. Or so it seems...
Lyria: ...
Vyrn: Lyria? What's up?
Hearing Lyria's labored breathing in the middle of the night, (Captain) jumps up to check on her.
Lyria: N-nothing... I'm fine...
Vyrn: Like heck you're fine! You're sweatin' buckets!
Elmelaura: Let me check something...
Touching her palm to Lyria's forehead, Elmelaura's expression suddenly becomes serious.
Elmelaura: You have quite a high fever. Do you think poison could have entered your body somehow, Lyria?
Elmelaura: Perhaps it was the food... No, considering none of us have developed the same symptoms, it must have been something else...
Lyria: I-I'm sorry...
Lyria: When we escaped from the skyskimmer, I... got a small cut... but it was so tiny, I didn't think it was worth mentioning...
Vyrn: We were all pretty freaked out after that crash. Sorry, Lyria. That probably made it hard to tell us.
Lyria: No... I'm the one who should be sorry... for hiding it from everyone...
(Captain) asks Wilnas to purify some water so Lyria can take the antidote they received from the researcher.
Elmelaura: Would it be possible to remove the toxins within her body as well?
Wilnas: Yes, I could clear out the poison itself. However, reversing the damage would be more Wamdus's area of expertise.
Wilnas: After all, you mortals—including the girl in blue—are composed of mostly water.
Vyrn: Dang. Guess there's no way it'd be that easy...
Vyrn: Argh, if only we could get back to the Grandcypher! Do we really have to wait around for somebody to come get us?
Wilnas: Hm?
Elmelaura: The fire in the skyskimmer has probably died down by now, so it might be worth searching for some tools we can use...
Wilnas: Wait just a second!
Vyrn: What's up, Wilnas?
Wilnas: Do you all want to return to your airship?
Vyrn: Huh? 'Course we do! But we can't, so that's why we're just sittin' on our hands here...
Wilnas: Really? I knew you were waiting to be picked up, but... I see...
Wilnas: In that case, the answer is simple! I'll open a portal to send you there!
Vyrn: A portal...
Vyrn: Oh!
Vyrn: Th-that's right! With Wilnas around, we can teleport back to the Grandcypher!
Wilnas: Of course!
Wilnas: Further discussion can wait, Singularity, Girl in Blue!
Putting the details aside for now, (Captain) takes hold of Lyria and steps through the portal created by Wilnas.
Researcher: ...
Vyrn: Hey, mister!
Researcher: Whoa!
Researcher: Huh? Wait, when did you all—
Elmelaura: We'll explain later! Please tend to Lyria here!
Researcher: ...!
Of course! Right this way...
And so Lyria is whisked away to the facility's examination room where she receives careful treatment.

Struggle for Survival: Scene 4

With Lyria on the mend, Elmelaura and Wilnas decide to make a light meal of porridge for the crew. Seeing Wilnas's motivation, Elmelaura happily continues to instruct him, helping Wilnas make further strides toward improving his cooking skill.

Vyrn: Phew...
Elmelaura: (Captain)! How's Lyria?
Vyrn: Oh, the researcher guy said she'll be fine as long as she takes it easy for the rest of the day!
Vyrn: But just in case, he wants her to stay in bed here so he can monitor her.
Elmelaura: Ah... I'm glad to hear it!
Wilnas: What a blunder...
Wilnas: Singularity. My lack of understanding has caused unnecessary strain. I'm truly sorry.
Vyrn: Don't apologize! You really saved the day by bringin' us all this way!
Vyrn: There's a lot you still don't understand about how people operate, so we should've explained things better.
The captain also speaks up to share responsibility, having been shaken up by the crash at the time.
Wilnas: Mm...
Elmelaura: Well, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to return to the ship to make preparations in the kitchen!
Elmelaura: I know Lyria and the rest of you must be exhausted! What you need right now is a breakfast that's easy on the stomach.
Vyrn: Hang on. You've gotta be wiped too, right, Knife Girl? Don't push yourself too hard!
Elmelaura: Hehe. In that case... perhaps I'll ask Wilnas to assist me.
Wilnas: Oh, I'd be happy to! With my huge amount of power, there's more than enough to spare.
Elmelaura: All right, (Captain), we're off. Make sure to get some rest in the meantime.
Elmelaura and Wilnas set out for the Grandcypher that sits docked near the research lab.
Elmelaura: When you need a light meal that will pep you up, there's nothing better than porridge!
Wilnas: Porridge? What's it made from?
Elmelaura: This version is a dish consisting of rice that's been cooked until it's soft! The key is to stew it rather than simply boiling it.
Elmelaura: You use soup stock to create the basic flavor, but provide lots of condiments so the person eating it can determine the final taste!
Wilnas: Oho! So it's a dish that isn't completed by the chef. How intriguing.
Elmelaura: Hehe. It's fun to cook that way sometimes!
Elmelaura gives Wilnas a thorough lesson in porridge-making before moving on to prepare the condiments.
Wilnas: Let's see... The water and rice are added in a specific order...
Elmelaura: Do you remember?
Wilnas: Of course! But I was wondering...
Wilnas: Would it be possible to grind the rice before stewing it for this dish?
Wilnas: If the goal is to make it easy to digest, wouldn't it be better for a mortal's stomach if it was finely ground?
Elmelaura: Well, would you look at that! You remembered to consider the people who will be eating the food!
Wilnas: Practice makes perfect. It's all thanks to your careful instruction!
Elmelaura: It helps to have a student who's quick and eager to learn! And actually, there is a way to make porridge by grinding rice.
Wilnas: Is that so! Compared to the long history of mortals, my own knowledge is insufficient.
Wilnas: This is all truly fascinating! I hope you'll continue to teach me!
Elmelaura: Hehehe... All right, I won't hold back!
Seeing Wilnas's enthusiasm, Elmelaura happily continues to instruct him in the ways of cooking.
Though the dragon still has much to learn, with his huge amount of motivation, he'll surely improve his cooking one step at a time.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
灯はいつ何が起こり消え去るかわからんものだ You never know when or why a light might go out.
自我を得、器を得、眺める空の世界は実に興味深い! Having gained a sense of self and a mortal vessel, the skies around me are truly fascinating!
用心、用心…下手に力を使えば焼き尽くしてしまう Beware... Power used poorly will burn the wielder to a cinder.
料理は良い! 料理が可能な状況もまた良い! Cooking is superb! As is any situation where one can do it!
屋台を作ってはみたのだが活躍しやがるのは先の話だ I built a food stall, but it will be some time before it's actually worth anything.
ワムデュスは味見をしてくれてな! 感謝、感謝! I'm very grateful to Wamdus for offering to taste test!
特異点……その名だけがお前を示す訳ではあるまい Singularity... That name alone is not enough to describe you.
空の世界そのものが特異点を求めるのか…? Does the Sky Realm itself seek out the singularity?
生存競争は破壊の神の願うところ、か Does the god of destruction desire a battle for survival, I wonder?
発見、発見! これは料理の具材と出来そうだ! What a discovery! This could make for a fine ingredient!
