Walder (Holiday)/Lore

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Game Strategy Lore Voice
This page is a Lore stub. Please help us expand it by contributing relevant data.
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Official Profile

Age 18
Height 172 cm
Race Human
Hobbies Landscape painting
Likes Forests, woodland animals
Dislikes Crowds, big cities
Character Release
Source [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 18歳
Height 172cm
Race ヒューマン
Hobbies 風景画を描くこと
Likes 森林、森の動物達
Dislikes 人ごみ、大きな街
Character Release
Source [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]




Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy birthday!
Today is your day! Let's celebrate!


Happy! Birth! Day! To you!
Heheheh! How do you like this pose? Pretty cool, huh?
It's my birthday present to you! You can strike this pose anytime you like!


Happy birthday, (Captain)! I've saved up my best lines for you on this special day!
Are you ready for this? Ahem.
A free-spirited warrior who soars above the clouds and captures the hearts of every ally ever met! A young hero with clearly no equal in any nook of the vast blue expanse!
The one! The only! Sky Ranger... (Captain)!
Huff... Huff... Phew, ran out of breath putting everything I had into that one...
It'd totally make my day if you got up on the big stage and showed off that pose I gave you last year!


Happy birthday, (Captain)! Let's make this day a super-duper-awesome fun day!
And that calls for a super-duper-awesome present. Which I have right here!
Ta-da! It's a bandana. Jasmine made it for you. Vyrn did his share too of course.
Someday me, Jade, you, and Vyrn will don our bandanas and form the ultimate ranger squad!
Hahaha! Man, I just can't wait!


(Captain), happy birthday! Prepare yourself for a present like you've never seen before!
Ta-daaa! Get a load of this! I drew you a picture!
Look, there's me and you and Jade and Vyrn. We're rangers, protecting the forest! Heh heh. It's my greatest masterpiece!
Cause usually, I only draw scenery. Took me a bajillion tries before I got this one down pat!
Soon, we're gonna be great heroes, just like in this picture! Am I right, or am I right!

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy New Year!
There's kite flying, badminton, and pin the tail on the donkey... Your pick! I won't lose!


Happy New Year!
And many more to come!
Mmm! Feels like a fresh start!
I heard that people like to visit shrines or get new year's fortunes to celebrate.
Heheheh! I'll show you luck of a wild spirited, valiant woodland warrior and forest ranger!
Whoa! I got the luckiest fortune!
I'm the best! Did you see, (Captain)?


Happy New Year! Come on, let's go pull our fortunes for this year!
My fortune came out as super good luck last year. You think I can't pull it off again two years in a row? Hey, you know I don't play by the rules!
Heh-heh-heh! I'll show you how I roll!
Whoa! Did... did I really just get the same awesome luck twice?
I'm the man! And I'm also a little scared! What do you make of this, (Captain)?


Happy New Year! Something tells me this one's gonna be jam-packed with adventure!
Heh! It's the first day of the year, but it's already filled with excitement.
I wanted to give New Year's money to all the kids on the ship, and more than last year too. But then I realized that would totally clean me out.
But a ranger never gives up! So I decided to have a giant New Year's cash blowout.
Sigh, I wanted a new scarf for myself...


(Captain), happy New Year! You ready for an adventure? 'Cause that's our first order business!
Heh-heh-heh. 'Course, the first dream I had this year was all about adventuring. It's only natural for a great ranger like me!
Man, it was awesome. I was so wild and free—running through forests, climbing up mountains, and rafting down rivers...
Hm? Well, look at that face. You can hardly wait to set out!
All right, then! Let's turn my dream into reality! Off to the forest we go!

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

It's Valentine's Day! Doesn't chocolate sure taste great?
So, you know, you could give me some if you'd like!


I love chocolate whether it's sweet milk chocolate or rich dark chocolate!
I'll take whatever you've got, (Captain)! So let's have it!


He's a brave warrior of the forest and glorious chocolate connoisseur! The one! The only!
Sweet-Tooth Ranger Walder!
I've been waiting for this, (Captain)! Thank you as always!
Seriously, I gave up chocolate for a whole month for this moment!
As I watched the ranks of our crew grow, I thought to myself: maybe I'll get nothing this year. The feels, you know? The feels...
Boy am I glad I trusted you all along! Time to clog my heart with chocolate!


H-huh! Chocolates for me again this year?
I never would've thought that (Captain) could think of me as more than a...
Wait... Don't get carried away. This is a place for Ranger Deep Breathing!
Wheeew! (First I should say thanks and make small talk to see what's really going on here...)
(But what about me? What am I even trying to do here?)
Ah...Gaaasp! Darn, I held my breath too long...


Wh-what! (Captain)! Again? For me?
C-could it be? Does (Captain) feel that way... About me?
Huh? What? It's nothing! Look! Here's my appreciation pose!
Thank you, (Captain)!
(I-it's no good! Doesn't feel as sharp as usual... Why won't my body listen to me!)
(My heart's beating fast... My face is heating up... Just what does my body think it's doing?)

White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Today is White Day!
So here's a White Day present from your favorite forest ranger! Go on and take it!
Do you like it? Glad to hear it!


You see... I wanted this to express how much I care about you. So please take it!
We're close friends now, (Captain), but telling you that still makes my cheeks turn red!


He's a brave warrior of the forest and rememberer of important dates! The one! The only!
Gentleman Ranger Walder!
Here you go, (Captain). I ventured into the city again to buy you this White Day present.
I was in a hurry, you know? Still haven't gotten used to all the crowds and stuff, so I didn't actually look at the price tag when I grabbed it...
Um, well, what I'm trying to say is it's super nice! Don't let the cost hold you back from eating them!


(Captain), I brought you something for White Day! This year you get Ranger Sweetums!
I bake egg whites, sugar, and almond, then stick two together with cream filling. They come in all different colors.
H-huh? Macarons? You mean they're already a thing?
Heh... Then I'll rename mine Ranger Macarons! They're as tasty as it comes!


(Captain)! Hold out your hands!
Heh. You know who I am, don't you?
Yes, I am none other than he! The valiant woodland warrior... Forest ranger Walder!
This year's Ranger Sweets are really something to behold! They're bursting with goodies from the forest.
I'm talking pies chock full of fruits and nuts from trees, cookies overflowing with honey from flowers... You won't find anything tastier!
If you want, I can make you more any time! Don't be shy, okay?

Tasty Macaroons
5th year:
Crunchtastic Cookie
Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Trick or treat!
Do you give me candy, or do I lay my special forest ranger traps? The choice is yours!


Halloween Ranger Walder has finally arrived!
Come at me with all you've got! I'll defend this candy with my life!


He's a brave warrior of the forest and unholy trickster!
The one! The only! Halloween Ranger Walder!
Heh... Our airship has a lot of kids, but compared to them I'm a real monster.
Why you ask? Because I have an insatiable appetite for sweets! I want more! More! Mooore!
Let the assault on the doors of the adult's rooms commence! Rangers away, (Captain)!


Heh, nothing beats Halloween. It gives me a chance to polish my reconnaissance skills!
See, I could hide on that street corner there, lie in wait for potential victims, and then jump-scare them at the right moment—
Huh? Looks like there's already some thing standing on the corner...
Whoa! I-it just moved!
Waaaugh! A ghoulie! Somebody save meee!


(Captain)! Trick or-
Choose: Trick or treat!
What! You one-upped me!
Candy? Ha! I was born to eat candy! I don't just give it away.
I-I guess I don't have a choice. Alright, (Captain). Hit me with your best trick!
And so Walder is gallantly pranked by (Captain).
The two friends let loose peals of laughter that go ringing into the night. But the Halloween festivities are only just beginning...
You... have no intention of forgetting about that prank, do you?
Wehh... Go easy on me, pretty please!

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy holidays!
Did you get any presents from Santa? I sure did!


The city sure is bustling with cheer this evening!
And the decorations everywhere look great!
I can't wait to show Jade one day... Oh! That's right!
Hey, (Captain). Wanna decorate my forest back home next year for the holidays?
The forest is pretty big! It'll be plenty of fun!


Hey, (Captain). Do you remember what I said last year?
I asked you to help me decorate my forest so that Jade could see a winter wonderland.
Well, things are kinda different now. I want to ask you guys again, but not until we can get Jade on the decoration team.
That'd be awesome. With Vyrn and Lyria and Jade working together... Yeah, it'd be the greatest winter celebration of all time.
Ho, ho, ho! Can't wait for fun times ahead!


(Captain), perfect timing! Would you mind helping out?
I want to give some holiday presents to the kids in the crew... But I noticed a little problem.
To do things the traditional way, you need to climb down a chimney and sneak the gifts into stockings.
But this ship doesn't have a chimney... That's why I've decided to add on a chimney to everyone's quarters! You can help me lay the bricks.
Hm? That would push the ship over the weight limit? And it's weird to sneak into people's rooms in the first place?
Waaaugh! That makes sense when you put it like that. So how should I hand over the presents?


Ha-hah! I sure love strollin' around town during the holiday season! We're all havin' so much fun! Ahahaha!
Haha... It's so shiny and sparkly... And there's a sea of people... Weeh...
I-I'm fine! A little crowd's not gonna scare me!
Why, you ask? Well!
I am an agent of the holidays, charged with the grave task of retrieving goods for the party...
Yes! I am none other than the great party ranger, Walder!
Let's head out, (Captain)! Preferably at a fast clip!

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Tree of Joy

It's the merriest time of the year, and Walder has designed a tree costume to become one with the forest. However, the children mistake it for a festive tree and start decorating it with ornaments. Walder realizes that it's his mission to bring more smiles to the town.

The day when Santa Claus will give presents to all the good children is drawing near.
Walder is working hard to make sure that he doesn't end up on the naughty list.
Walder: All right! My new costume is complete!
Walder: Hahaha... By putting this on I can become one with the trees of the forest!
Walder: When people see how I've been reborn, they'll call me the Ghillie Ranger!
Girl: Hey... You sure seem busy over here. What's going on?
Walder: How good of you to ask! What you see here is nothing other than—
Boy: Wow! That's a holiday tree, isn't it? Are you gonna put this up in your house?
Walder: Not exactly...
Girl: That's no good! You need to hurry up and decorate! Santa will be here before you know it!
Boy: Okay! We'll hook you up with some ornaments from our house! They're really pretty!
Walder: Um... Could you listen to me for a min—
Walder: H-hey! Watch it! Don't go sticking ornaments on costumes that don't belong to you!
Walder: Oh. You know... This actually doesn't look too bad.
Boy: Heh-heh! Right? You put the star on top!
Walder: Will do! Thanks!
Walder: There we go! Time to go show my new costume to (Captain) and the others!
After watching the children head home, Walder picks up his costume and goes back to the crew.
Lyria: Hey, Walder! Welcome ba—Um... What's with the suit?
Walder: I'm Walder the Ghillie Ranger!
Lyria: Wow! That's adorable!
Walder: Adorable? You mean cool, right?
Vyrn: Um... Cool? Uh...
Walder: What? You mean you can't see how cool I look?
Walder: What do you think, (Captain)? It looks cool, right?
  1. It's cute.
  2. I guess it looks cool... Maybe.

Choose: It's cute.
Walder: Oh man... Even you think it's cute...

Choose: I guess it looks cool... Maybe.
Walder: Maybe? Tell me you're joking!
Continue 1
Walder: After all the sweat and blood that went into this thing, I can't believe you can't see how cool the Ghillie Ranger is!
Rosetta: What's going on here? I heard quite a bit of chatter.
Walder: Hey! Good timing, Rosetta! What do you think of this costume?
Rosetta: Oh? Well... It's quite a glitzy getup. It looks nice on you.
Walder: Grr... That's it! This outfit is definitely cool!
Walder: Come with me, (Captain)! I'll show you how right I am!
An angry Walder heads to the Knickknack Shack, accompanied by (Captain) and the others.
Walder: Tell me what you think of this costume! It looks cool, right?
Sierokarte: Wow... It's really nice!
Walder: Right? You hear that, (Captain)? At least someone gets it!
Sierokarte: You're doing a good job there. May I add some ornaments that we sell here to your outfit?
Sierokarte: Hee-hee... If you walked around town with my ornaments, it'd make for great advertising!
Walder: What? I'm not a billboard!
Sierokarte: I see... But isn't that kind of a waste given how much you stand out?
Walder: Ugh! Why doesn't anybody understand how cool this outfit is?
Crestfallen, Walder leaves the Knickknack Shack alone ahead of the others.
Walder: Why can't anyone see how cool this outfit is?
Walder: Could it be that it's... not cool? No way! Not in a million years!
Boy: Hey! It's you from before! Why the long face?
Girl: Wow! So you weren't trying to make a tree earlier. It was actually an outfit!
Boy: So pretty! Oh my gosh!
Girl: Yeah! It's super pretty! Great outfit!
Walder: You think so?
Girl: Ha-ha... I bet Santa would love to see that! I want to try it on too!
Walder: Heh-heh... I'm sure you would, but this outfit can only be worn by a select few...
Walder: That's right! This outfit was made for me, the Holly Ranger Walder!
Boy: Wow! Amazing!
Walder: That's right.
(Captain) and company follow Walder from the Knickknack Shack and find him chatting with some children with a smile on his face.
Vyrn: We were worried about you, running off on your own like that!
Walder: Oof... Sorry about that.
Lyria: That's fine! You look best when you're happy, Walder.
Lyria: Hee-hee... Your smile really is infectious, you know!
Walder: That's right! The Holly Ranger is a bringer of smiles!
Lyria: Yeah! And being able to make other people smile is the coolest thing ever!
The Holly Ranger delivers the greatest gift of them all: happiness.
Perhaps someday his name will be known across the skies like Santa Claus.
Vyrn: Hey... What's with the grandiose narration all of a sudden?
Lyria: Ha-ha... But this sort of cheery thinking is the best thing about Walder!
Walder: My exploits have only just begun! Watch over me, Jade!
Though he's not without his quirks, Walder is definitely on Santa's list of nice boys and girls.
Being cool isn't about appearances, for true coolness must come from the heart... Probably.

Breaking the Silence

(Captain) and company have a snowball fight with some children. The kids are amazed by Walder's ability to dodge snowballs even while dressed as a tree. But the fun comes to an end when a stray snowball hits a monster.

In a certain village, (Captain) and company are challenged to a snowball fight by some children.
Since they have nothing better to do, they accept the challenge.
Walder: Is that the best you got? You can't even hit me!
Boy: Dang it! How can he even move in that thing, let alone dodge us?
Lyria: Amazing, Walder! You're so agile...
Girl: Ha-ha! You should pay attention!
Boy: Oh no you didn't! I'll get you!
Walder: Heh-heh! Your wimpy snowballs will never hit me!
Boy: Ugh... Take that! And that! And this!
Walder nimbly dodges the flurry of snowballs.
Vyrn: Whoa! A stray snowball... They need to watch where they're throwing those things!
The children suddenly freeze after a stray snowball sails through the air, hitting an unwary monster right on the head.
Monster: Grrr!
Boy: Uh-oh! Th-the snowball... It hit a monster!
Walder: What's that thing doing here? The adults told us there aren't any monsters around here!
Walder: Kids! Get behind me! Let's move, (Captain)!

Breaking the Silence: Scene 2

Given how rarely monsters come near the village, Walder suspects something's up and goes to investigate. He learns that some new monster has shown up in the forest, and the crew ends up taking it on.

After defeating the monsters, (Captain) and the others take the children back to the village.
Villager: Thank you! You saved the children... I don't know how we could ever repay you...
Walder: Monsters have never come near the village before, right?
Villager: Yeah... And the monster from earlier should have been hibernating.
Walder: Be that as it may, we'll look into the source of the problem. Besides, we can't finish the snowball fight until this is taken care of!
Villager: Sorry about the trouble... And thank you.
Walder: ...
Vyrn: Hmm... What a quiet forest. Nothing seems out of the ordinary.
Walder: I wouldn't be so sure... All the trees around here have recently been scratched by monsters or animals marking their territory.
Walder: In fact, these marks are all pretty fresh. Maybe a new monster or animal species has come to this forest...
Lyria: Wow! You sure know a lot, Walder!
Walder: Ha-ha! This is nothing for the Ghillie Ranger!
Monster: Groar!
Walder: Wh-whoa! This thing just came out of nowhere... It sure looks angry!
Walder: Judging from its size, it must have made those markings!
Walder: The monsters from this forest must be wandering near the village because this one drove them away!
Vyrn: I see! So if we take this one down...
Walder: Yeah! The monsters should stay away from the village again!
Walder: It's coming, (Captain)! Get ready!

Breaking the Silence: Scene 3

After the crew beats the monster, the children invite them to their snow hut for snacks. Walder regales his audience of bright-eyed children with an enthusiastic tale of the battle.

(Captain)'s crew defeats the trouble-making monster and wins the gratitude of the villagers.
Vyrn: Whew... I'm glad that was taken care of before it got really bad!
Girl: Thank you, mister! You're so strong!
Walder: Ha-ha! Expect nothing less from the Holly Ranger!
Boy: Whoa! How cool!
Girl: Um... We made a snow hut while you were all out in the forest!
Boy: Heh-heh! We wanted to invite you in as thanks for beating the monster!
Walder: Really? I'd love to see it! Let's go!
Boy: All right! That's the spirit. This way!
Lyria: Wow! What a beautiful snow hut!
Vyrn: This is amazing! Wasn't it hard to make?
Boy: Ha-ha! I'm sure it was easier than taking on monsters! Now get on inside!
Walder: Don't mind if I do! Whoa... You even have tables in here!
Girl: Hee-hee... We brought tea and snacks too. Here you go!
Boy: Mister, tell us how you beat the monster!
Walder: You bet! It all started with some strange markings on the trunk of a tree...
The children listen eagerly to Walder's tale.
As he speaks, (Captain)'s crew and the children can't help but smile.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
セイヤーーッ!! Take that!
ギリーレンジャーウェルダー推参! Ghillie Ranger coming through!
どうだこの衣装!かっこいいだろう!? How do I look? Pretty good?
森に紛れて悪を討つ! Get 'em in the cover of the forest!
雪合戦なら負けん! I'm good in a snowball fight!
聖夜のツリーは幸せの象徴だ! The winter tree is happiness!
サンタクロースさんのプレゼントが楽しみだ Can't wait to open my gifts!
ジェイド…寒くて風邪引いてないかな? It's chilly! Hope Jade isn't sick.
(主人公)、後でスキーしないか? (Captain), wanna ski later?
(主人公)もこの服着てみないか? (Captain), wanna try on this outfit?


  1. Cygames, Inc. (2016). GRANBLUE FANTASY CHRONICLE vol. 02.
  2. Cygames, Inc. (2016). GRANBLUE FANTASY CHRONICLE vol. 08.
  3. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, キャラクター紹介!クリスマスバージョン「ロゼッタ」「ラカム」「ウェルダー」について
  4. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, 新キャラクター紹介!「ユグドラシル」「ジャミル」「ウェルダー」
  6. Granblue Fantasy Official Blog Post, 最終上限解放!「ウェルダー」