Vikala (Event)/Lore

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Official Profile

Age 14
Height 145 cm
Race Human
Hobbies Wild flights of fancy
Likes Herself with the mouse ears on, cheese
Dislikes Herself without the mouse ears on, the world
Character Release
普段はおとなしく、陰の世界の住人として生きるビカラですが…ネズ耳をひとたび付けることで夢の国 陽トピア(ゆ~とぴあ)の住人として立派にお役目を果たしています!
Character Release
Source [1] [2] [3]
* This is an unofficial, amateur translation.
Age 14歳
Height 145cm
Race ヒューマン
Hobbies 妄想
Likes ネズ耳をつけた自分、チーズ
Dislikes ネズ耳を外した自分、世の中
Character Release
普段はおとなしく、陰の世界の住人として生きるビカラですが…ネズ耳をひとたび付けることで夢の国 陽トピア(ゆ~とぴあ)の住人として立派にお役目を果たしています!
Character Release
Source [1] [2] [3]





Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

Vikala (Yintopia): Um, (Captain)... Today is an auspicious day, so... Uhhh...
I... I'm sorry... I completely forgot what I was going to say...
I'm... really grateful that you and Lyria recognized me back at the Rat Temple...
No one ever had before... I wonder why that is... It's so weird...
But because you did, I'm a part of the crew now...
Thank you... for finding me...
Ah, I forgot the most important part! Happy birthday, (Captain)!


Vikala (Yangtopia): Your birthday parties are always such a grand affair.
Can you give me a second though? I've got something I'd like to say...
Vikala (Yintopia): U-um, so... Happy birthday, (Captain).
I'm really g-glad I'm here for another year of celebrations.
You know, I never thought I was cut out to be one of the Divine Generals... I felt more like a rat hanging on for dear life.
B-but I think traveling with you has made me a little more confident.
So thank you. I never would've grown without you.
I figured it'd be better to tell you that as me—not as Vicky... Ehehe...


Vikala (Yintopia): Oh, (Captain). I didn't know you were out here.
Um, are you going back inside? It is your birthday party after all.
Me? Yes, I'm heading over there too. S-so let's go back together...
Oh, but before we do, c-can I talk to you about something?
E-ever since I came aboard the Grandcypher, I got to celebrate your birthday every year.
It feels like... Um, sort of like... how a family would celebrate together.
I know firsthand that you can't really celebrate someone's birthday by yourself...
Th-that's why it'd fill me with joy if I could continue to wish you a happy birthday.
Um, I had to get that off my chest.
Please have a happy, happy birthday, (Captain).


Vikala (Yintopia): U-um, (Captain)! H-h...
Happy birthday! H-here's your p-present!
I also w-wanted to say... thanks for always looking out f-for a failure of a Divine General like me...
I don't know wh-what I'd do without you... I know I need to try harder...
Even though e-every time I do, I just make things worse...
At the very least, I-I hope you can laugh a-at my mistakes and think I'm funny or something...
Ah, s-sorry, that's hoping for too much, isn't it?
I'll just stick t-to trying even harder from now on...


Vikala (Yintopia): Um, (Captain)!
H-happy birthday!
I'm so happy for the opportunity to celebrate your birthday again...
Your birthday... Everyone's birthday... Even my birthday... It's always a special occasion.
I'm starting to get used to life on the ship, and I think it's changed a bit for the better...
I-I just want to thank you for inviting me into your crew, (Captain)...
I was thinking of things I could do for you to show my appreciation, and...
And there's not much I can do, but if you have any favors you'd like to ask of me, just let me know...
I-I'm here for you, (Captain)...

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Happy New Year, (Captain)!
The party last night was a real blast! Man, hanging with a skyfaring crew is the best!
Hm? What's up with that face? A-haaa... I know what you're after. A little New Year's present, am I right?
How can I say no to those puppy-dog eyes? Here ya go! Your own rat-ear headband! Now you're a bona fide citizen of Utopia!
What? You wanna see me without my rat ears?
Wh-whaddya want something like that for? Nothing... nothing fun about that...
Anyway... Uh... Let's make it a good year, (Captain)...


Ahaha! Did I scare you?
Sorry, sorry! I saw you heading out and couldn't resist.
Happy New Year though! Looking forward to spending it with you!
Huh? I seem like I'm in a good mood?
Well, you're the first person I got to see this year!
It's a sign that the next few months are going to be good ones!
Where are you going, by the way? Early morning walk?
Let me tag along!
Haha! This month is already starting out strong.


Oh, (Captain)! G-good morning... Thanks for yesterday.
The Eccentrical Parade was a s-success with your help...
Are you ready to party? We're going to go all night long! But first, it's time to count down!
Three, two, one...
Happy New Year! Wahoo!
It was so m-much fun... But we stayed up so late, I'm still super sleepy...
I can't wait to spend... another year together...


Eep! (Captain)?
H-happy New Year...
I-I don't have my ears on yet... I'm still getting them ready.
Huh? My resolution for the year?
I guess... it'd be to scrape by without getting into trouble...
Hey, (Captain)! Happy New Year!
My New Year's resolution this time around is to make everyone in all the skies as happy as can be!
Huh? What do you mean by "scrape by without getting into trouble"?
Haha, I wonder who'd have such a depressing goal like that! Couldn't be me!
It's a brand new year! You have to aim big and chase your dreams!


Hey, (Captain)! Happy New Year!
You're an early riser! That's a good thing!
And I'm a super happy girl for being the first person you saw this year, (Captain)!
So have you decided on a New Year's resolution yet?
Hahah! Me? My resolution is to entertain everyone more than I did last year!
I know I make the same resolution every year, but it's really, really important to me!
But guess what? I also have a second resolution this year!
It's to become better friends with you than ever before!
Let's make this year count, (Captain)!

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Oh, uh, hello there, (Captain)...
It's, um... You know what day it is, right? So...
I want you to... to...
To wait here a sec! I'll be right back!
Heya, thanks for waiting! Ready for your valentine? Then here ya go! Chocolaty goodness!
You're always looking out for me, so I thought this'd be a good chance to give you a token of my appreciation!
Oh, are you headed out somewhere? Look both ways before you cross the street, then! Later!
(Hurgh... That was harder than I thought...)


Okay... This year for sure... I'll give it to (Captain) as my true self!
Good day, (Captain). I hope this Valentine's celebration finds you well. Accordingly, I brought you a gift...
No, that's all wrong. There has to be a better, more Yangtopian way...
Wahey! What's good, (Captain)? I've got V-day chocolates for you!
Nuh-uh... Not happening.
Sigh... (Captain)! How long have you been standing there? D-did you s-see...
Ah... Um... V-Valentine's... Ch-choco... late...
H-here! Take it!
Since today's... V-Valen... You know... So... I made...
A-anyway, see you!


U-um, this is for you! I hope you d-don't mind!
T-today's the, um... Valentine's-iest day of the year so I wanted to get you something!
(What am I saying...)
It's not a-anything super special, so, um...
I'm not trying to fish for a White Day gift... and I'm definitely not trying to get any favors from you...
Promise, I've got no ulterior motives...
Pinky swear! I-it's perfectly safe...
A-anyway, I better get going!


(Oh, (Captain)'s alone on the deck... Talk about timing...)
(B-but I'm not ready yet... and I don't think I'll ever be... so I just have to get it over with.)
(Just need to act natural... and normal... That's not so hard, right?)
(N-no turning back!)
U-um, (Captain)... This is f-for you!
It's chocolate! Since, you know, it's Valentine's Day today...
And it's um... well... I don't mean anything by it, but... I also don't not mean anything by it?
J-just take it!
Anyway, see you l-later!
Pant... That was totally normal... right?


Um, (Captain)? Th-this is for you!
It's Valentine's chocolate... This is my way of saying thank you for all you do...
I'm definitely not doing this out of obligation...
Ah, wait, no! That doesn't mean I have feelings for... Ahem!
I-I'm just saying that there's no need to read too deeply into this... It doesn't necessarily mean our relationship has evolved or anything like that...
The important thing is...
I worked hard to make these, and I hope you like them!
Ahaha... There, I said it...

White Chocolate Cake
White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

All right! Let's knock this mission outta the park! No matter what happens, (Captain), you can count on me!
Hm? What's this package?
A return gift for Valentine's Day? Is today... Wh-White Day?
Th-thank you! I didn't... I had no idea... you'd get me a gift in return...
Yeah, um! That was quite a surprise! Anyway, I guess I'll take this off your hands! Thanks!
Haha! White Day isn't half bad!


A g-gift for me?
I can't believe you got me something so nice... Th-thank you!
Before I joined your crew, I never celebrated Valentine's Day or White Day.
I always thought it was something only true Yangtopians could enjoy...
B-but now I know that was totally wrong! It's an amazing experience for anyone and everyone!
Thanks to you, I know how awesome it is to give and be given to!
Ehehe... Seriously, I'm glad I got to meet you...


H-hey... You're giving me a g-gift in return for Valentine's?
Oh gosh...
Thank you...
(Captain)! Appreciate the White Day present!
Haha, I figured I should give you a proper show of gratitude!
Want to eat this together? We can go outside and sit on the deck!
I'll even feed you, and you can feed me back!


Haha, yes! I got a present from (Captain)!
This is a return gift for Valentine's Day, right?
Thanks, (Captain)!
Just as the captain is about to leave as well, Vikala reappears.
U-um, s-sorry to bother you, but I opened the present...
A-are you sure you should give something so nice to someone like me?
Y-you got it especially for me? I'm sorry to make you go through the trouble...
You say you want to thank me, b-but I should be the one thanking you for all you do.
Really, I'm super thankful for your help, and your support, and everything...


Ooh! A White Day gift?
Hahah! Thanks, (Captain)!
I gave you something for Valentine's, and now I get something back for White Day...
This give-and-take relationship is a lot of fun! It makes me one happy rat!
As long as you're cool with it, (Captain), I hope we can continue to trade gifts for a long time to come!
Huh? You want to know exactly how long that'd be?
Hahah! What a silly question! How about "forever"?
After all, ending the tradition would just be sad! No reason to cut a happy thing short!

Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Of course, I'm familiar with Halloween...
Kids get candy, and Yangtopians everywhere party it up...
Ah... I bet you're thinking I've never properly enjoyed Halloween, aren't you, (Captain)?
Don't underestimate me... I haven't been a complete stick in the mud...
After all, I always have my handmade rat-ears on...
They count as a costume... right? So I could party it up... if I felt like it...
(So there!)


Trick or treat! Better feed me or I'll eat you right up!
Haha! Did I scare you?
Are you heading into town? Mind if I join you then?
Thanks! I plan on spreading the good word of Utopia and showing everyone a fun time!
(All right... I invited myself along pretty smoothly, right?)
Let's go! Come on, come on! We're wasting time!


Hahaha! Did I make you jump, (Captain)?
That's Halloween for you! Just a small, harmless prank, wouldn't you agree?
Feel free to turn the tables on me today, (Captain)! Having fun is the name of the game!
Now let's go paint the town red! There's a bunch of candy with our names on them!
Vikala enthusiastically pulls the captain by the hand, which suddenly sends her tumbling forward.
Aaaah! N-noooo! Y-your hand! It... It...
Huh? It's a fake?
G-geez! Wh-who wouldn't be shocked by that?
I wasn't ready for you to get me back so quickly...
Well, that was a pretty good prank... So good in fact that maybe you can lay off for the rest of the day?


Haha, there are costumes and candies everywhere! Halloween's just the best!
Huh? I acted the exact opposite earlier?
Am I going out for Halloween? N-no, I think I'll stay on the ship...
Oh... You want me to come with you? If you're sure...
Did that happen? I already forgot! It's my policy to never reflect on the past!
Besides, it'd be a waste to stay cooped up for a celebration like this! Come on, (Captain)!

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

It really is bustling today, isn't it, (Captain)?
This is my first time spending a holiday with friends, so I'm really looking forward to our party!
Hm? How did I celebrate before?
Hm... I think I just spent the night making the rat-ear headbands we sell at Utopia. I do those all by hand.
But while I was quietly working in my room, I'd listen to all the music and happy voices outside...
And I'd imagine how much fun they were having... And get jealous of all the merrymakers...
Whoa... Flashback city. Anyway, who cares what I was thinking about back then? It's in the past!
Let's get our shopping done and hurry back to the ship! Yep, that's what we should be doing, so chop-chop!


It's almost that time of year again... A special holy night for Yangtopia.
The feast is ready for the party... Cake and presents too. Just have to make sure I keep the good spirits up when it starts.
I've been looking forward to spending a fun time with (Captain).
Better get moving...
Ta-da! Happy holidays!
Come on, (Captain)! Hope you're ready to join me in Holytopia!
Tonight's party is going to blow you away!


Happy holidays! Welcome to the holy night special Eccentrical Parade!
Featuring the Grandcypher as today's stage!
Not my typical spot, but we'll definitely make it work! Let's get this show on the road!
Or... something like that. Wh-what do you think? Can I use the deck for a parade?
Ah... S-sorry, I don't mean to pressure you into it! Just forget I said anything...
Huh? You're fine with it?
Th-thank you so much... You're too kind, (Captain).
U-um... I'll do my best not to disappoint!
But maybe keep your expectations low...


(Someone please end meeee!)
(It's not like I planned to head home together with only (Captain) after the Eccentrical Parade finished...)
(Now we're surrounded by c-couples... I wonder if other people think we're a c-couple too?)
(I didn't ask for a holy night present like this...)
(Wait... I haven't said anything this whole time we've been walking... The captain must be super bored by now...)
(I have to strike up a conversation, but... what do I even say?)
(Probably something festive? But it's not like I know what people usually do for the holidays... I can barely handle a normal conversation besides...)
H-huh? You want to take the long way home? I-I don't mind, but...
You wanna see the town? O-oh! Yeah, that's a good idea since everything's all decorated...
(I'm happy to spend more time with (Captain), but... I still haven't figured out what to talk about! What do I doooo?)

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.


On a day off, (Captain) and crew catch Vikala on the Grandcypher's deck. She explains that she needs to buy materials for a new rat-ear headband, then leaves alone for town. After making a successful purchase, she notices the Lowain gang pass by and debates greeting them. She decides to simulate an interaction inside her head, but loses sight of the group upon returning to reality.

One day, after wrapping up a request, the crew takes some time off on a nearby island.
Though most have already disembarked, (Captain) spots a single girl who looks nervously at the gangplank.
Vikala: ...
Lyria: Vikala? What are you doing?
Vikala: Huh? Oh, hello... Um... I was thinking of g-going out for a bit...
Vyrn: By yourself?
Vikala: Y-yeah...
Lyria: Oh... Where's your headband?
Lyria refers to the rat ears that Vikala, one of the Twelve Divine Generals, wears to transform herself into a cheerful, outgoing person.
It is rare for the crew to see her without them on.
Vikala: It... b-broke... But I heard this town has a lot of interesting shops, so I'm hoping to find materials to make a new one...
Lyria: Oh! Going shopping? Do you mind if we tag along too?
Vikala: Huh?
Vyrn: Good idea! Leaving her to fend for herself without those ears doesn't sit right with me either!
Vikala: Oh... Um...
(Captain) and companions look expectantly at Vikala, sure that she will accept their offer.
Vikala: A-actually... I wanted to go alone today...
Vikala: I-if you'll excuse me...
Vyrn: Wha—hey!
In the blink of an eye, Vikala scurries off the ship.
Lyria: She said no... I guess we probably would've been in the way...
Vyrn: Nah, sometimes we all need some time alone. Besides, Dormouse is with her, right? She'll be okay.
Standing at the edge of the deck, they watch as Vikala hastily leaves the port and heads into town proper.
Vikala finds herself enjoying her solo shopping trip despite her earlier nervousness.
Vikala: Oh, that's cute... Dorrie, what do you think of the brooch? Maybe it'll look good with my other outfit...
Dormouse: ...!
Vikala: Huh? (Captain) and the others?
Vikala: It's f-fine... They wouldn't have had a good time anyway... I'd feel bad if they wasted their day off with me.
Shopkeeper: Welcome! Can I help you with anything?
Vikala: ...!
Ah, uh, th-th-this...
Vikala thrusts the brooch at the shopkeeper, who stares at it in confusion.
Shopkeeper: Should I take this to mean you'd like to check out?
Vikala: Th-that would be nice... Definitely...
As soon as her purchase is paid for, Vikala zips out the store. Her expression is filled with triumph.
Vikala: I really b-bought it... My first time buying in person... alone...
Vikala: What a Yangtopian move... Don't you think so, Dorrie? I even managed to speak with the shopkeeper...
Dormouse: ...!
Vikala: No, no, I'm serious. That was progress, right? Super Yang in my opinion...
Vikala: Today just might be my day... Should try walking around town a bit more...
A few energetic steps later, familiar voices catch Vikala's attention.
Lowain: Bwahahaha! Tommy, that joke is hilarious! You gotta bust it out on the ship!
Elsam: Booyah! A certified riot! Gonna laugh so hard we forget to breathe!
Tyre: Ahaha! It will prove to be entertaining, I'm sure!
Tomoi: All right! The peeps have spoken! It's goin' down on the ship tonight—no backing out now!
Vikala: Eep!
The instant Vikala spots her fellow crewmates, she ducks into an alleyway.
Vikala: (Th-that was... Lowain, Elsam, Tomoi, and Tyre...)
Dormouse: ...!
Vikala: Wh-why'd I hide? Because there's no way I can talk with them...
Dormouse: ...!
Vikala: W-well, yeah, I did before, but that was because...
Vikala: Haha! Put 'er there—handshakes for all! Wahey!
The Three: Wahey!
Lowain: Gahaha! Yangtopia for the win! For realsies!
Tyre: Haha, indeed! Vikala's words alone are enough to brighten any mood!
Vikala: I had my headband then... But right now...
Vikala: What should I do? Doesn't feel right to leave without saying something...
Vikala: I know they're all good people, but I... I just...
Vikala: Being alone is nice, but I don't want anyone to know I'm spending my day off by myself.
Vikala: Especially not by a big group. I'd feel like a fifth wheel... Really blues me out...
But instead of avoiding all contact like her words suggest, Vikala hops from one alley to the next as she follows her crewmates down the street.
Dormouse: ...!
Vikala: That's a good point... Okay, I'll say hi at least. But that's it...
Vikala: W-wait a sec... I should put my honed imagination skills to good use and simulate it first...
Vikala: H-hello...
Lowain: Huh?
Vikala: F-funny running into you h-here... Ehehe... Ehehehe...
Lowain: Um... Who're you?
Vikala: Guh!
Dormouse: ...!
Vikala: I'm okay. Just took some damage from how real that felt...
Vikala: Honestly, the way I am now, they probably wouldn't even notice me... Maybe there's no point in trying...
Dormouse: ...!
Vikala: If they did remember me? Couldn't hurt to see how that'd play out...
Lowain: Heeeya! Whassup, Vika-V!
Tyre: Hello, Vikala! What a coincidence! Are you out for some shopping?
Vikala: H-hi... Yeah, something like that... Ehe...
The Four: ...
Vikala: ...
Vikala: Well, um... I guess I'll be going...
Elsam: Yo, hold up! Not often we run into you, Vika-V! How about we hit up a cafe together?
Vikala: Huh?
Tomoi: Having tea with you would, like, make it divine since you're a general, right?
Vikala: P-pretty sure the tea would be normal, so you shouldn't expect anything...
Lowain: You've already blessed us with a buff though. Look at Ty. He's standing up thirty percent straighter than usual!
Tyre: You really should join us! Spending time together can only strengthen bonds of friendship.
Vikala: Er, that's... I-I... I was actually... planning on returning to the ship right now...
The Three: Pretty please?
Vikala: (Ah...)
Faced with the puppy eyes of her crewmates, there's only one response she can give.
Vikala: Wa... Wahey...
The Three: Wahey! Vika-V, thanks for the wahey! One blessing right after the next!
Lowain: That's that then! Time to hang!
Tyre: This will be so much fun! If you get tired, I shall make it my duty to carry you back!
Vikala: Eeek! P-p-please, there's no need...
For the rest of the day, Lowain and friends drag Vikala here and there throughout the town.
Vikala: A definite no-go... If I greet them, I'll never get away...
Vikala: Nothing's harder than rejecting someone who's being nice...
Dormouse: ...!
Vikala: Huh? Er... Where did they go?
Too focused on her simulation, she realizes she has lost track of her fellow crew members.
Vikala: What's wrong with me... I'm kind of relieved they're gone...
With zero motivation to keep shopping, the depressed girl begins to wander aimlessly through the streets.
Unbeknownst to her, however, Vikala's day out has only just begun.

Vika-Vika-Vikala: Scene 2

Vikala sees Chloe, Korwa, and Lilele nearby, and tries to picture how she should greet them. Before she can ready a strategy, the group notices her and learns that she is the normally outgoing Divine General. They invite her to join their girls' night, curious to get to know her better. Immediately after, (Captain), Lyria, and Vyrn are caught following them, having tailed Vikala since she left the ship. Despite being mortified at the revelation, Vikala is glad to have found people who will accept her, with or without rat ears on.

Vikala: And here I was thinking of being proactive...
After losing sight of Lowain and friends, Vikala wanders until she hears another set of familiar voices.
Chloe: Ehehe! Thanks a bunchies for showing me that shop, Korwa! Snagged me, like, the best goodies ever!
Korwa: Hehe, glad you liked it. I'm excited to see what outfits you'll come up with!
Vikala: Th-that's... Chloe and Korwa...
Vikala: So cool... F-fashionable people are Yangtopians of the highest order...
Vikala: Pretty too... I'm just a shabby mess in comparison.
Dormouse: ...!
Vikala: N-no way, I can't do that... Sure, hanging around them might help me learn how to be more Yang, but...
Vikala: Look at how much fun they're having. I'd smother them like a wet blanket.
Vikala: My whole life, I've never walked up to the cool kids and said "let me in."
Vikala: You wouldn't understand, Dorrie, but popping in like that is just so bold. Way too advanced of a technique for me.
Vikala: Let's just buy some cheese... Go back and eat it in the ship's hold...
The moment she decides to return to her hiding den, a new figure walks up to Chloe and Korwa.
Lilele: Chloe! Korwa! Hello!
Chloe: Oh? Lilele! What's good?
Korwa: Hello there. Out for a shopping trip too?
Lilele: I'm looking for a new stage outfit. What about you two? If you aren't busy, do you want to come with?
Vikala: ...!
Chloe: Totally down! Ooh, and once we clear out the must-buy list, let's pick a place to do a girls' night!
Korwa: Sounds great! Today's going to be a fun one!
Vikala: (Lilele, a popular idol... Casually, without hesitation, inserts herself into the club with great success.)
Vikala: I c-can't even... three confident beauties... they're almost too blinding to look at...
Vikala: If I could join them somehow, I might transform too...
Vikala: And on top of that... a real, honest-to-goodness girls-only social... As Yangtopia as it gets...
Keeping her distance behind them, she follows from the shadows.
Vikala: But someone as gloomy as me will never manage to bloom even where the sun shines...
Dormouse: ...!
Vikala: Lowain and bros? They're wahey beyond wahey. Waheytopians to the core.
Vikala: Tyre, though... Wonder if he joined them as easily as Lilele did here...
Dormouse: ...!
Vikala: You think I can do it too? Just like them... Are you sure?
Vikala: It would be amazing if I could... be a part of their world...
Vikala: H-hey, guys... Browsing around?
Chloe: Huh? Haven't I seen you on the G. Cyph before?
Lilele: Oh, you're the girl that looks just like Vikala! Never caught your name since you always ran away...
Korwa: Now that I think about it... I've seen you speaking with (Captain) on occasion.
Vikala: (Have to introduce myself before trying to mingle... N-naturally... Smoothly...)
Vikala: U-um... Er... I'm... Vi... V-Vi... V-V-Vi... Vika... Vika...
Korwa: You okay? Sounding like a broken record there...
As Chloe, Korwa, and Lilele peer curiously at her, Vikala's nerves begin to fray completely.
Vikala: Urk...
Vikala: Ugh... Puking in my own simulation...
Vikala: Saying hi and then immediately vomiting? What kind of first impression is that?
Vikala: Let's just take our leave, Dorrie. Yintopia's the place for me...
Grabbing Dormouse, Vikala starts to head for the ship.
Lilele: Um... Did you need something?
Vikala: Ahh!
Whipping her head around, Vikala finds the real versions of Lilele, Chloe, and Korwa staring at her with puzzled expressions.
Chloe: Huh? Haven't I seen you on the G. Cyph before?
Lilele: Oh, you're the girl that looks just like Vikala! Never caught your name since you always ran away...
Korwa: Now that I think about it... I've seen you speaking with (Captain) on occasion.
Vikala: Ah... Ahhh...
Lilele: I thought you might've been a fan of mine, considering how long you were looking my way, but I guess that's not the case.
Chloe: So what's up? Got something to tell us after all that peeping?
Vikala: (Oh n-no, no, no... I'll throw up for real if this keeps up... Have to escape...)
Dormouse: ...!
Lilele: You're... Dormouse—Vikala's friend! Why are you here?
Vikala: (Dorrie, you traitor!)
Korwa: Oh? That can only mean...
Chloe: Yeah, it means... Um, what does it mean?
Vision spinning, Vikala flounders for an answer.
Vikala: I-I'm, um... I'm a-actually... Vika... V-Vika... la...
The Three: ...
Vikala: (Couldn't manage to introduce myself without messing up...)
Vikala: (This is the end of Yangtopian Vikala... Now they've seen me for the Yintopian I truly am...)
She slaps a hand over her mouth, prepared to suppress any unwanted ejections.
Chloe: Like, no joke? Wait... Nuh-uh. Your makeup's a bajillion times more on point than mine!
Lilele: Amazing! So switching into Divine General mode is kind of like your version of a stage persona?
Korwa: Can't say I expected this! As a designer, I can only dream of sewing up a personality-changing outfit like yours...
Vikala: Wha...
Chloe: So like, the greatest idea literally ever just came to me. Let's skip the shopping and kick off the girls' night with our newest gal pal!
Lilele: Oh, I am totally on board with that! I've got a lot of things I wanna ask her!
Korwa: Hehe, this is the beginning of some fun-filled stories, I can tell. Now, let's find a nice place to dine at!
Vikala: An actual g-girls' night... Are you sure... you want to include me?
Chloe: Yeye! (*´∀`*) Ain't a G. Cyph story without all the characters, especially our main one today: you!
Vikala: (Not how I envisioned it, but... Am I dreaming?)
Vikala: (S-someone pinch me...)
As the group gathers to leave, Lilele pauses for a moment.
Lilele: Huh... Wait a minute. Why do I still feel like we're being watched? Could it be Lilele fans this time?
She scans the buildings nearby.
Vyrn: Gah! They spotted us!
Lyria: Oops... Cat's out of the bag now.
Lilele: (Captain)? Vyrn and Lyria too!
Vikala: Huh? What are you guys doing here?
Emerging from a nearby alley, (Captain) and company sheepishly approach the group.
Vyrn: Er, y'see... (Captain) was worried about you, and one thing led to the next...
Lyria: Ahaha... We've actually been following you since you left the ship.
Vikala: R-really? I completely didn't notice... Sorry for causing you trouble.
Vyrn: We're just glad that you seem to be gettin' along fine.
Vikala: ((Captain)'s a good person... I was only thinking about myself this whole time...)
Vikala: ...?
Vikala: W-wait... Did you say you've been following me the whole time?
Vyrn: Yeah, uh... Yep...
Vikala: !
Shopkeeper: Should I take this to mean you'd like to check out?
Vikala: Th-that would be nice... Definitely...
Lowain: Bwahahaha! Tommy, that joke is hilarious! You gotta bust it out on the ship!
Dormouse: ...!
Vikala: Wh-why'd I hide? Because there's no way I can talk with them...
Vyrn: We didn't see nothin' though—not you buying stuff or stalking the Lowain gang!
Lyria: Yeah! What Vyrn said!
  1. Our eyes were zipped.
  2. Sorry, but we caught it all.

Choose: Our eyes were zipped.
Vikala: That m-means you were watching!

Choose: Sorry, but we caught it all.
Vikala: O-oh, geez, so you did see everything!
Continue 1
Chloe: Ahaha! Think I'm startin' to see how Vikala vibes on the daily.
Vikala: Ahh... Just bury me now...
Contrary to how she imagined the other side of her personality would be received, Vikala is warmly accepted by her friends.
The Grandcypher, she realizes, may just be a place where she can walk comfortably without relying on rat-ear headbands.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
なんであたしが…… Why me...
全空最弱なんです……悲しいことに…… I'm the weakest in all the skies... Sorry...
ネズ耳、どこ……? Where did my rat ears go?
十二神将なんです……ほ、本物なんです…… I'm a Divine General... S-swear I'm not lying...
ネズ耳がないと、あ、あたし…… Without my rat ears, I...
あたしの陽トピア、どこ……? Will I ever find Yangtopia?
大丈夫です……(ゲボ吐きそう……) I'm fine... (I'm going to be sick...)
(主人公)さん……全面的におまかせします (Captain)... They're all yours...
あたし、先に帰っても……あ、なんでもないです…… You know, even without me here... Ah, never mind.
(主人公)さんは陽トピアのお方ですね (Captain)'s a Yangtopian if I've ever seen one.
