Unite and Fight/November 2022/Story

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Event Story
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These tabs contain full Event cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the plot and characters. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Unite and Fight: November 2022 - Opening

Tsuchinoko arrives to the legendary island where primals are known to rest. However, a couple of opportunists soon find it, eager to capture and sell the legendary cryptid for profit. When backed into a corner, a mysterious voice grants Tsuchinoko power to avenge the primals who have suffered at the hand of skyfarers, giving it a new form: Nozuchi.

Tsuchinoko: Gulp...
So this is the island the rumors speak of...
Shrewd Man: Look, over there! That's a Tsuchinoko!
Greedy Man: Gyahaha! If we catch this bad boy, we'll be living large for the rest of our days!
Tsuchinoko: Ssssheee! I've been spotted!
The Two: Hold iiiiit!
Shrewd Man: Heh-heh... Nowhere to run, little Tsuchi.
Tsuchinoko: Sssheee... I can't believe I'm gonna let these losers catch me... If only I were stronger!
???: Shall I lend thee strength?
Tsuchinoko: Huh? Who's that talkin' in my brain?
Tsuchinoko: The heck am I lookin' at here? Memories of monsters and primals?
Tsuchinoko: How terrible! The inhabitants of this island... They're trapped in a cycle of slaughter by the hands of mortals!
Tsuchinoko: Cornering a harmless creature like me just ain't enough for them, huh! Grrr...
Tsuchinoko: You heartless demons!
Greedy Man: What the... It's glowing!
Greedy Man: Graaaugh!
Vyrn: What was that just now! An explosion?
???: It is your time to awaken. Avenge us... We wretched who would be hunted for sport...
Nozuchi: I am Nozuchi! Your pleas have not gone unheard, for I have been reborn!
Nozuchi: Your reign of terror has gone on long enough, foolish skydwellers! Perish before my power!
Nozuchi: Sssheee!

Unite and Fight: November 2022 - Ending

After a prolonged battle for the ages, Nozuchi's form suddenly returns to that of Tsuchinoko. After hearing about Rackam's plans to indulge in some dried squid and drinks to celebrate, it follows the crew in hopes of joining the festivities.

Tsuchinoko: Phwee...
Vyrn: Wait, where'd the big guy go? All there's left is a little snake-lookin' thing.
Tsuchinoko: I ain't no snake! My name is Tsuchinoko! Get your facts straight, lizard!
Vyrn: Hey! I ain't no lizard! And by the looks of it, you're the lizard... Lizard!
Tsuchinoko: Why, you!
Rackam: All right, calm your tails, you two. So was that flash of light your doing?
Tsuchinoko: Hmph! As if I'd tell a stinkin' mortal!
Tsuchinoko: (Wait. The voices from earlier... they're gone. Was I able to properly avenge everyone?)
Rackam: Fine, be that way.
Looks like everything's back to normal for now, so I'd say our work here's done.
Tsuchinoko: Huh? Aren't you gonna try and capture me?
Lyria: Why would we do that?
Tsuchinoko: Because I'm the legendary Tsuchinoko! The amount of coin I'd fetch on the black market would blow your mind!
Lyria: So that's why, huh...
Lyria: But don't worry, we wouldn't do something like that!
Tsuchinoko: For real? Ssssheee! I misjudged you folks!
Tsuchinoko: Anyone who sees me is blessed with extraordinary luck, you know, so you're welcome! I'm out!
Vyrn: There it goes...
That reminds me, I'd say it's about time we collect our bounty!
Rackam: Good call. I could definitely go for some dried squid and a drink, for starters. How about we celebrate with the crew tonight?
Tsuchinoko: Celebration and drinks? Dried squid? My favorites!
Tsuchinoko: Sssheee! Hold on a sec! Let me in on this too!
Peace has once again returned. As the dust settles, a single mysterious creature can still be seen bouncing about the island.
