The Art of Mercy/Story

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Event Story Gallery

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These tabs contain full Event cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the plot and characters. View these tabs at your own discretion.

The Art of Mercy - Opening

On an island in the corner of the skydom, the countries of Erdeni and Zilantos are at war. With his country on the verge of defeat, King Leonis of Erdeni sends his aide, Zawra, to seek out the Silver Strategist for help.

Erdeni Soldier 1: Ergh...
Zilantos Soldier 1: Heh... Erdeni's nothing but a sad excuse for a country after all.
Zilantos Soldier 1: Forward! We won't rest until we conquer every last corner of the earth! For Zilantos!
Even the rules of war are no longer respected on this battlefield gone mad.
It is flooded with soldiers fueled by nothing but their undying thirst for blood regardless of the battle's outcome.
This terrible spectacle is no longer a war, but a cold-blooded massacre.
Erdeni Messenger 1: Shura! We've received news that Prince Erik has departed from the east district and is headed for the front!
Erdeni Messenger 1: The prince and a large of number of his men are currently marching toward us. Unit 6 and Unit 7 are holding them back as we speak.
Shura: To think the heir to the throne himself would come out to the front lines... It seems they're taking us too lightly.
Shura: (They're confident that they've already won this battle... Though I hate to admit it, it may not be far from the truth.)
Shura: We'll abandon the northeastern front. Send Units 10 through 13 to reinforce Units 6 and 7.
Shura: Have our second mage unit move from the center to the east district as backup. We'll concentrate our forces there.
Erdeni Messenger 1: Yes, ma'am!
???: Shura! So Prince Erik's left for the front?
Shura: He's making his way here from the east district. Polaris, we'll need you and your unit to cover for us as well.
Shura: We won't be able to win by virtue of numbers, but if we succeed in capturing Erik, that may even the odds somewhat.
Polaris: Hah, perfect! I'll make sure he regrets sticking his royal nose into this battle!
Desperate, the small country of Erdeni has no choice but to focus its remaining forces on what will bring them the maximum result.
Despite their losses, Erdeni's spirit continues to burn bright, with its military strategist, Shura, and General Polaris determined to turn the battle around.
However, that is easier said than done.
Shura: ...!
W-what was that?
Polaris: It came from the west district. Don't tell me Zilantos had something else up their sleeve...
Shura: (This is bad! So Prince Erik was just a decoy... Their real target was here all long!)
Erdeni Soldier 2: N-no... It can't be...
The soldier stands in a daze as the streets crumble into nothing but heaps of rubble within mere seconds.
This horrific scene is not the result of the mundane ravages of war, but of a single blow from one man.
???: ...
Erdeni Soldier 2: G-get away from me! You monster!
???: ...
The man lifts his weapon and casually swings it at the fleeing soldier.
The impact of the blow shakes the entire battlefield once more, as if to announce Erdeni's impending defeat.
Erdeni Messenger 2: Your Majesty!
Erdeni officials have gathered at the castle in the capital. The door to the conference room bursts open.
All eyes turn to look at the breathless soldier who has interrupted their meeting.
Important Official: Such impudence! Is this the behavior of an Erdeni soldier? Know your place, man!
Erdeni Messenger 2: M-my deepest apologies! I come with urgent news...
???: At ease. What happened?
Erdeni Messenger 2: We have just been notified that the city of Zaha has fallen...
Important Official: You're certain of this?
Erdeni Messenger 2: Y-yes.
Erdeni Messenger 2: Zilantos's General Luhua penetrated Zaha's defenses and has taken out approximately half of our troops.
???: So he's shown himself at last...
Important Official: King Leonis, may I urge you to put aside personal feelings when exercising judgment in this matter?
Leonis: What's personal? He is the sworn enemy of all of Erdeni.
Although the king's voice remains calm, his seething hatred for the enemy is clear.
Leonis: Continue. I believe Shura and Polaris are supposed to be in Zaha.
Erdeni Messenger 2: Both Shura and Polaris are unharmed.
Erdeni Messenger 2: They have retreated from Zaha and evacuated to our fort located in the Nuph Moors.
Important Official: I see... How many of our troops do we have left?
Erdeni Messenger 2: Of the thirty thousand soldiers deployed, those who successfully retreated to the fort number about... eight thousand.
Leonis: Eight thousand...
Erdeni Minister: Curses! Erdeni cannot win the war without Zaha!
Erdeni Bureaucrat 1: Zaha is our country's most prosperous city and largest port—our lifeline, so to speak!
Erdeni Bureaucrat 1: This is what happens when you let some riffraff from Sui command the troops! If we had left it to Commander Zawra from the beginning...
Leonis: This is Luhua we're talking about. Even with all of our remaining troops, we won't stand a chance against him.
Erdeni Minister: Wha... Your Majesty, are you suggesting that we simply sit and watch as our country crumbles to ashes?
Leonis: That is not what I mean. If we cannot win as we are now, we have no choice but to seek help from outside.
Leonis: We must make haste, Zawra. Bring me the Silver Strategist.
Zawra: The Silver Strategist! Indeed, he just may be able to turn this around...
Leonis: With our port city under siege and Luhua on our heels, the Silver Strategist is our only hope.
Leonis: I leave this in your hands. No matter the means, see that you secure his cooperation.
Zawra: Your wish is my command. I swear on my loyalty that I will bring you the Silver Strategist.
Grasping onto this sliver of hope, the king decides to entrust the fate of his country to the Silver Strategist. He dispatches an envoy immediately.
This is how the outcome of a prolonged war and the future of a nation come to depend on one young man.

The Art of Mercy - Chapter 1: Refuge for the Fugitive - Episode 1

Zawra finds Altair in the library of a small town and requests his assistance. Altair replies that since he now belongs to a skyfaring crew, the decision lies with (Captain). (Captain) agrees to help Erdeni, and the crew heads toward the Ayuul Mountains where the Erdeni troops await.

In a peaceful city, far from the tumult of war, a young man sits in the corner of a library, quietly reading a book.
As he hovers over the pages, a tall Draph quietly approaches, his expression stern.
Tall Draph: Pardon my interruption. It has been a while, Altair.
Altair: You're the Erdeni commander... Zawra, if I remember correctly.
Zawra: Indeed, that is my name. I come to you today with a request.
Altair: The fact that the king's right-hand man himself came all the way to a foreign land to find me... is rather unsettling.
Zawra: Allow me to get straight to the point. I came to ask for your help in saving our country of Erdeni.
Zawra: As you know, for the past several years, we have been at war with Zilantos, our neighboring country.
Zawra: Erdeni's port city, Zaha, has recently fallen, and I'm afraid defeat is fast approaching.
Zawra: King Leonis sent me to find you and request your assistance in our time of crisis.
Altair quietly listens to Zawra's plea before replying without the slightest change in expression.
Altair: My apologies, but... I'm afraid I cannot be of assistance.
Altair: I am currently traveling as a member of a skyfaring crew. To act of my own accord, much less involve myself in a war, would be out of the question.
Altair: Not to mention, I am an outsider. To insert myself among your troops would only cause backlash.
Altair: For these reasons, I cannot accept your request.
Assuming the conversation concluded, Altair returns his attention to the book in front of him. However, Zawra is undeterred.
Zawra: I've heard you have a deep interest in the creation myth and how these skies came to be.
Altair: Indeed. But what does that have to do with anything?
Zawra: As you may well know, many relics associated with the creation myth have been excavated in Erdeni.
Zawra: This is strictly confidential, but...
Zawra: A stone monument with engravings relating to the creation myth was recently found and excavated in one of our cities.
Altair: Oh? That is some rather delightful news.
Zawra: However, this monument included, the majority of the documents and artifacts excavated are kept in Zaha, the very city that has been taken over in the ongoing war.
Zawra: Zilantos is a country that focuses on innovation and does not value history for what it is worth.
Zawra: If Erdeni, a nation dedicated to preserving such historical treasures, falls, not only the artifacts in Zaha, but many more relics will be lost along with it.
Zawra: For the sake of history and what it can bring to the next generation... I beg you to lend us your strength.
Zawra bows his head. The silver-haired young man remains quiet for a moment, pondering to himself.
Altair: ...
Zawra: (His Majesty told me to say this if we couldn't get him to agree straight away, but I didn't think it'd actually be this effective...)
After a stretch of silence, Altair turns to Zawra with his answer.
Altair: I'm sorry, but even so, I'm afraid I cannot accept your request.
Zawra: Most unfortunate... It appears nothing I say will sway your decision.
Altair: As I said earlier, I am now a part of a skyfaring crew.
Altair: As such, if you wish for assistance, you will need to make your request to the crew and not to me personally.
Zawra looks up in surprise.
Zawra: Does this mean... that you will help us?
Altair: That is for the captain of the crew to decide.
Altair: I can show you the way. The captain should be on our ship which is docked at the port.
Altair takes Zawra to the Grandcypher. Upon meeting (Captain), Zawra gives a deep bow.
Zawra: To put it plainly, Erdeni is on the verge of being conquered by another country.
Zawra: We desperately need the help of Altair and your crew to turn this war around.
Zawra: I'm begging you... Please lend us your assistance.
Vyrn: Whoa, whoa... That's a pretty tall order.
After listening to Zawra's story, (Captain) and the crew are unsure of what to make of this news from a land so far away.
Altair: (Captain).
Altair speaks up after a long silence.
Altair: To be involved in a war means that you will witness many lives being taken and lost.
Altair: Even if you choose not to accept this request, Erdeni will not blame you for your decision.
Altair: With this in mind, I leave the decision in your hands.
Curious, (Captain) asks Altair about the country of Erdeni.
  1. You know about this country?
  2. So this place has a lot of ancient relics?

Choose: You know about this country?
Altair: A little, yes. A large number of relics relating to the creation myth have been excavated in Erdeni.
Altair: I've visited on a number of occasions to see them for myself.

Choose: So this place has a lot of ancient relics?
Altair: Yes, that is one of the things for which the country is known.
Altair: I've visited Erdeni on a number of occasions to see them for myself.
Continue 1
Vyrn: In that case, I guess we'd better do somethin' to help, huh?
Vyrn: I mean, obviously Erdeni disappearing would mean trouble for a lotta people besides just Altair.
Lyria: Yeah. If there's someone who needs us, we should go help them!
(Captain) nods in agreement.
Altair: Good grief... I suppose this is only to be expected of (Captain).
Altair: But if you intend on accepting this request, then I have no reason to reject it either.
Zawra's shoulders sag in relief, and he gives another bow.
Zawra: (Captain), Altair... Skyfarers. From the bottom of my heart, you have my gratitude.
Altair: Would you be able to provide us with more details on the situation?
Altair: Once I have a good grasp of it, I can begin coming up with a plan on our way to Erdeni.
Zawra: Then please allow me to explain, starting from our troops' current status.
Several days ago, the Erdeni army was driven out of Zaha, an Erdeni port and the second most important strategic stronghold following the capital.
Many lives were sacrificed during the fight, and the Zilantos army continued to pursue the remaining Erdeni soldiers even as they retreated.
Zawra: Suffering defeat after defeat, our troops on the front line fell back to our last remaining fort in the Ayuul Mountains.
Altair: The Ayuul Mountains... They're well known for being a natural fortification for the capital.
Zawra: Indeed. And the fort located at the peak is where the last of our troops currently are.
Zawra: If this fort falls, then we will have no fortification or manpower to protect the capital... In other words, it will truly be the end of Erdeni.
Altair: Losing your port city is a major blow to your supply lines... How much do you have left in terms of resources?
Zawra: Looking at the number of people, we have enough food and medicine for a month and a half... Two months if we use them sparingly.
Vyrn: Hey, that doesn't sound good at all...
Altair: Those with control over supplies have control over the battlefield. We should prioritize seizing back the city of Zaha.
Altair: However, Zaha is located too far from the Ayuul Mountains.
Altair: Troops marching from the capital would be open to ambush from the rear, and at this stage, that would spell calamity.
Altair: We will need to start from the mountains and take back the territory gradually, ensuring ourselves a safe route to Zaha.
Vyrn puts on a slightly disappointed expression.
Vyrn: I thought you'd storm in with some crazy plan... but that actually sounds pretty normal.
Altair: It's unfortunate that my plans did not meet your expectations, but a plan of that nature should only be implemented as a last resort.
Altair: This is a war, not a gamble. Establishing a proper plan is the shortest and most reliable way to victory.
Zawra: Then I shall take you to the Ayuul Mountains.
Zawra: If we take the sea route by way of the capital, we should be able to enter the fort without interference from Zilantos.
With that, (Captain) and the crew embark on their new mission and make their way toward the Ayuul Mountains, where the Erdeni troops desperately await them.

The Art of Mercy - Chapter 1: Refuge for the Fugitive - Episode 2

(Captain) and company arrive at the base to see the soldiers defeated and discouraged. The Erdeni general Polaris explains the situation to the crew, and Altair begins to relay his plans to the others.

South of Zaha, beyond the Nuph Moors, the Ayuul Mountains form a towering wall around the capital.
Thick forests and mist shroud the mountains, completing this natural stronghold.
(Captain) and the crew part ways with Zawra, who leaves to report back to the king, and arrive at the fort located at the peak.
Polaris: Welcome, Altair. Skyfarers. We've been waiting for you.
Polaris: My name is Polaris. I serve as one of the commanding generals in the Erdeni army.
A spirited Harvin greets the crew and bows her head respectfully. She raises her gaze once more, her eyes filled with hope.
Polaris: Nothing could be more reassuring than receiving the assistance of the esteemed Silver Strategist.
Polaris: I was thoroughly surprised by the reports on your skyfaring crew as well.
Polaris: It seems you've managed to escape death on many occasions despite your young age.
Vyrn: Heh! Takes more than a scuffle or two to scare us!
Polaris smiles warmly at (Captain) before opening her arms in a dramatic fashion.
Polaris: Welcome to the front lines of war. We are most glad to have you here with us, young skyfarers.
In contrast to the cheery general, however, the bitter looks of the soldiers around them send a chill down the crew's spines.
Only resignation remains in the listless eyes of the soldiers⁠—both those who had fought bravely at the front, and those who had worked behind them ceaselessly.
Altair: The air is heavy and stings with defeat. I suppose that is why you decided to seek me out...
Altair: Almost all of the soldiers here have already given up on this battle. This is something that must be addressed before we can begin any new operations.
Polaris: They can't help it... All of us have been through hell and know that we don't stand a chance against that kind of overwhelming violence.
Polaris: Even with our best and most desperate efforts, our friends continue to die.
Polaris: On the battlefield, we are only leaves on a tree that can do nothing but bend to the wind.
Polaris: In the face of such power, we can't even decide for ourselves whether to live or die.
Lyria: ...
Shocked at Polaris's grim account of events, the crew is at a loss for words.
Sensing their hesitance, Polaris changes her tone.
Polaris: But I'm proud of all of them.
Polaris: Even in their fear and desperation, not a single person abandoned their comrades.
Polaris: Even now—they might not exactly be up and chirping, but not one of them has decided to desert.
Polaris: The fire inside them has yet to be extinguished. That's what I believe.
Polaris's determination and faith in her allies shine bright and clear in her eyes.
Polaris: That's enough of standing around. Let's get inside and I'll explain the rest.
Polaris escorts the crew further into the fort.
Feeling the numerous, vacant eyes and looks of suspicion on them, Lyria and Vyrn move closer to (Captain).
The crew shuffles quickly through the fort and into a room, eager to escape the tension in the air.
Polaris: Now then... Have you already heard about our situation from Zawra?
Polaris takes out several maps and spreads them on a large desk. (Captain) and the others nod.
Polaris: Then as all of you know, Erdeni is currently short on both resources and military power, and we're nearing the end of our wits.
Polaris: We're only able to hold this position at the moment thanks to the nature of these mountains... and one other thing.
Polaris's finger slides over the map and stops halfway down the mountain.
Polaris: Right now, the units headed by our military strategist are holding back the Zilantos forces here. That's how we're still in this fight.
Under Polaris's finger are a jumble of lines and scribbles, no doubt outlining some sort of tactics.
Altair peers at the scribbles and nods in approval, having swiftly deciphered their meaning.
Altair: A commendable approach. It appears you have an excellent tactician in your army.
Polaris: Yes, she's an admirable strategist indeed, though she could use a bit more confidence.
Polaris: I hear she also worked in Sphiria once, just like you, Altair. Maybe the two of you know each other.
The nation of Sphiria is where Altair made his name as a strategist.
Altair is surprised to hear Sphiria come up here.
Altair: May I ask for the name of this strategist?
Polaris: Her name is Shura. Have you heard of her?
Altair: Shura? Yes, she was my subordinate when we served in the Sphiria army.
Altair: (That's strange. As far as I know, she shouldn't have any connections with Erdeni...)
Lyria: Is something wrong, Altair?
Altair: No... I'm sorry, it appears we've strayed from the topic at hand. Let's return to the current situation.
Altair shakes his head and turns the conversation back to Erdeni. The crew shift their gaze to the map in front of them.
Altair: So you're using the mountains' topography and mist to confuse the enemy's senses and impede their movement.
Polaris: That's correct. Needless to say, this tactic will only hold for as long as the mist stays. They'll see through everything once it clears up.
Altair: Hm...
Altair looks silently down at the map on the desk.
He spends some time collecting his thoughts before turning to Polaris with a question.
Altair: Polaris, how familiar are the Erdeni soldiers with these mountains?
Polaris: Well, that's a silly question! The people of Erdeni know the Ayuul Mountains like the back of their hand.
Polaris: We often come here for training. I'd say any soldier who isn't familiar with the mountains is unfit to be in the Erdeni army.
Altair: Splendid. In that case...
Altair: How long has it been since the Zilantos soldiers first entered these mountains?
Polaris: Oh, I would say... a little over ten days.
Altair: Thank you. That's more than enough.
With a clear grasp of the situation, Altair solidifies his plans and begins to give directions.
Altair: Polaris, please select approximately twenty soldiers who know the terrain well and have them stand by.
Altair: We will depart in an hour and join up with Shura's troops.
Polaris: Twenty? That shouldn't be a problem, but are you sure you only need twenty people?
Altair: Yes, twenty soldiers will be enough.
Altair: We must take what is given, and seize the opportunities we have.
Altair: We'll start small and test out the plan. At this point, any victory will become the energy the soldiers need to continue this battle.
Altair speaks confidently, sure of his plan to put Erdeni and its army back on their feet.
His eyes flash with a purposeful light as he envisions the victory his tactics will bring to the battlefield.

The Art of Mercy - Chapter 1: Refuge for the Fugitive - Episode 3

With the recapturing of the city of Zaha as their goal, the crew make their way to the middle of the mountains where the front lines of the Erdeni troops are located. There, Altair is reunited with Shura, who once worked with him in Sphiria and now serves as Erdeni's military strategist.

An hour later, a handful of soldiers stand by as per Polaris's orders.
Altair positions himself in front of the soldiers.
Altair: My name is Altair, and I am here by the request of King Leonis and Commander Zawra.
Altair: You will be acting under my instructions as part of our next operation.
Altair: Our goal is the recapture of Zaha. First, we will need to make a clean sweep and clear the mountains of the Zilantos troops.
Erdeni Soldier 3: Is Polaris being serious? I can't believe we hafta follow the orders of some guy they just pulled outta nowhere...
Erdeni Soldier 4: From what I hear... he's the famed Silver Strategist.
Erdeni Soldier 5: Oh yeah? Well let's see what he's got then. If he manages to turn this around, it's gonna go down in history.
Erdeni Soldier 3: Yeah right, as if that's gonna happen.
Overhearing their murmurs of distrust, Polaris raises her voice in warning.
Polaris: I'm going to say this one more time. Altair is acting as commander on behalf of King Leonis, who requested his assistance personally.
Polaris: To look down on our guest would be equal to insulting His Majesty himself. Is that clear?
At Polaris's words, the soldiers turn pale and cease their grumbling.
However, Altair remains unruffled and continues his speech.
Altair: You are quite correct to have reservations about an outsider, while all of you have been fighting ceaselessly for your country.
Altair: I once worked as a military strategist, though I have left that career behind.
Altair: As a strategist, I strove to put my wisdom and technique toward a cause worth living for.
Altair: And at this very moment, there are people who are in need of my services.
Altair: That only leaves me with one choice—to take up the role of strategist once again so as not to tarnish what I once believed in.
Altair states his intentions in a clear voice.
Altair: I will depart for the front lines as well. Rest assured that we are all in this together.
Altair: If you choose to disregard my orders and stray from the plan, then I, too, will perish on the battlefield.
Altair: But if you are willing to follow my directions, I will lead you to victory, and I will make sure that every single person comes back alive.
Altair: I swear on my reputation as the Silver Strategist.
Altair's quiet words surprise the soldiers. They exchange glances before looking down guiltily.
Taking the soldiers' silence to signify consent, Altair turns to Polaris.
Altair: Then I will be borrowing your soldiers, Polaris.
Polaris: May luck be on your side. I await good news from you.
With that, Altair, (Captain), and the crew depart with the Erdeni soldiers for the battlefield.
Lyria: Um, Altair...
The crew and the soldiers have been trekking through the forest for some time when Lyria decides to break the silence.
Altair: What's the matter?
Lyria: I was thinking... Why don't we use the power of the primal beasts?
Lyria: Everyone looks so unhappy... I can see how painful this war is for all of them.
Lyria: If we ask Yggdrasil to help us, I'm sure we can chase the enemy out without anyone getting hurt. Then we can take the city back...
Altair gently shakes his head at Lyria's suggestion.
Altair: I do not intend to make use of the primal beasts.
Lyria: B-but...
Altair: The power of the primal beasts is godly. Too extreme for a battle between mortals.
Altair: If this were a conflict against some great evil, on which the fate of the world depended, I would ask for your assistance without any hesitation whatsoever.
Altair: But this is a war between two countries—neither of which is necessarily in the right.
Lyria: But... I'm worried. What if we don't win?
Lyria: I'm scared that something will happen to you, or (Captain), or...
(Captain) walks over to Lyria and gives her an encouraging pat on the back.
Altair watches and sighs softly. He looks straight at Lyria.
Altair: I suppose you haven't often seen me acting in this capacity.
Altair: My byname, the Silver Strategist, is not simply for show. I can assure you that even without the help of primal beasts, I will lead us to victory using only tactics.
Reassured by Altair's confident words, Lyria finally nods.
Lyria: Okay. Then at least let me help with something.
Lyria: I still want to do what I can even if we're not using the power of the primal beasts!
Altair: Let's see... Then may I ask you to assist with support?
Altair: We will need someone to treat injuries and distribute rations.
Lyria: Got it! Leave it to me!
Altair: One more thing. In the case that Zilantos decides to make use of any primal beasts...
Altair: Will you lend us your power then? After all, it is only appropriate to counter foul play with foul play.
It takes them nearly an hour to reach the area where Shura's troops have set up camp.
Shura: Altair?
Shura: I heard from a messenger that Erdeni requested external backup, but I didn't expect it to be you...
Altair: Save the talk for later. Can you update me on the enemy's status?
Shura straightens up at Altair's brusque tone of voice and proceeds to explain the situation.
Shura: We have new information from the scouts we sent out earlier.
Shura: Approximately four kilometers from here, an enemy platoon is making its way toward us from two o'clock.
Shura: The main army is located at ten o'clock with one troop and three smaller units on standby.
Altair: The platoon at two o'clock are scouts?
Shura: Yes. Considering their number and formation, we can conclude that they are the enemy's scout unit.
Shura: However, with the mountain roads and the mist, it appears they are having trouble carrying out their duties.
Altair: That is good news indeed. Everything is according to plan.
Altair briefly explains his plans to Shura.
Shura: I see... In other words, we just need to lure their scouts here.
Altair: Yes. There isn't much time—we need to begin immediately.
Not far from where Shura's troops are located, a troop of Zilantos soldiers trudge down a mountain path.
The soldiers move forward slowly, remaining vigilant.
Zilantos Soldier 1: Stop! Who's there?
Erdeni Soldier 5: ...
Zilantos Soldier 2: Enemy attack! Repeat, enemy attack! The Erdeni rats are here!
The scout makes out the figures of several Erdeni soldiers in the mist and calls out to his allies.
Shura: All units! Proceed according to plan and retreat to the designated location!
Zilantos Soldier 3: After them! Don't let a single one of them get away!
Without a moment's hesitation, the Erdeni soldiers lead the fleet of Zilantos scouts into the depths of the forest.
The enemy soldiers reach a small clearing surrounded by tall trees.
But despite the close pursuit just a moment ago, the Erdeni soldiers are nowhere to be found.
Zilantos Soldier 2: Wha... Where'd they go?
Altair: Now then... You will serve as the final key to my plan and lay the foundations of our victory.
Zilantos Soldier 3: Who are you!
Altair: How good of them to play right into our hands. Let's continue with the plan.
At Altair's word, the camouflaged Erdeni soldiers reveal themselves and surround the enemy in the blink of an eye.
Zilantos Soldier 3: Ergh... It was a trap!
Altair: Now, all units! Silence the targets!
Erdeni Soldiers: Haaaah!

The Art of Mercy - Chapter 1: Refuge for the Fugitive - Episode 4

Under Altair's instructions, Erdeni successfully drives the Zilantos troops away from the Ayuul Mountains. The Erdeni soldiers are overjoyed at their small but much-needed victory. Altair asks Shura why she is in Erdeni when her home is in Sui, but Shura avoids the question.

Deep in the Ayuul Mountains, situated at ten o'clock from Shura's troops, is the Zilantos main army.
The soldiers stand by as they await a report from their scouting unit.
Zilantos Corporal: What are our scouts doing! What's taking them so long?
Zilantos Corporal: Augh, if it wasn't for this damn fog, we'd have squashed the pests and gotten outta here by now!
Zilantos Soldier: Sir! We have received news that the scouting unit has become deranged and their numbers are being depleted by friendly fire!
Zilantos Corporal: What! What is the meaning of this?
Zilantos Soldier: I-I cannot confirm the details, but word is that our soldiers began to attack one another after hearing the roar of a certain red lizard...
Zilantos Corporal: A red lizard? Are you screwing around with me?
Zilantos Soldier 4: S-sir! Patrol units 2 and 3 have been hit!
Zilantos Soldier 4: Assailants are confirmed to be Zilantos soldiers... A number of our troops appear to be deranged!
Zilantos Corporal: I don't believe it... Did that red lizard or whatever it is really make our soldiers go mad?
Just then, something red flashes through his periphery.
Zilantos Corporal: Y-you... The red lizard!
Vyrn: ...
Zilantos Corporal: What was that just now... Could it be that Erdeni has a new weapon?
Zilantos Corporal: Those who hear its roar go mad...
Zilantos Corporal: Damn it! To think that Erdeni would play a dirty trick like this!
The corporal stiffens as the bizarre report he received earlier slowly becomes reality.
Zilantos Soldier 5: Pant... Pant... Damn it, what is going on!
Zilantos Soldier 5: Now we can't distinguish between friend or foe!
Zilantos Corporal: You there!
Zilantos Soldier 5: Eek! Y-you've got it wrong, I'm not... I'm not mad!
Zilantos Corporal: Relax! Did you see the red lizard? Where is it now?
Zilantos Soldier 5: T-the red lizard was flying over there just a minute ago...
Zilantos Soldier 5: W-wait! Does that mean... you've gone mad too?
Zilantos Corporal: Don't be ridiculous! Show some respect to your corporal! What makes you so sure you haven't gone mad yourself?
Zilantos Soldier 5: I-I'm not falling for your tricks! I'm the one who's sane... I'm not falling for it!
The half-deranged soldier whips out his sword and raises it high over his head.
Zilantos Corporal: Wha... Stop it! That's an order!
The Zilantos soldiers continue to wander in the mist, taking each other down one by one until, at last, none remain standing.
Vyrn: I did what you said and just flew around those guys... You sure that's all you want me to do?
Altair: Yes, that's perfect. The soldiers should be growing more and more paranoid and thinning out their own numbers by now.
Altair: It appears we were correct in capturing the scouting unit alive.
The one who reported on the soldiers going mad was none other than Altair himself.
Under Altair's instructions, the Erdeni soldiers disguised themselves in the armor of the captured Zilantos scouts.
Their attacks were thus mistaken for friendly fire, creating mayhem among their enemies.
Vyrn: Y'know, when you first told us your plan, I thought they'd see through it for sure... but they fell right for it, huh?
Altair: The hindering mist, the unfamiliar mountain paths, and most of all, the fact that this is a battlefield...
Altair: Under these conditions, their mental states were unstable to begin with.
Altair: The red lizard served as a trigger that set off the festering madness in their minds.
Altair: It was the right combination of circumstance and environment that contributed to this favorable result.
Erdeni Messenger 3: Sir! We have succeeded in the annihilation of the Zilantos troops present on the mountain.
Erdeni Messenger 3: Their numbers have been greatly depleted, and the remaining few survivors have begun to retreat on their own.
Altair: Understood. Tell the intercepting unit and Shura's troop to fall back to the fort.
Erdeni Messenger 3: Sir, if I may... Wouldn't this be the perfect chance to pursue the enemy and take them down once and for all?
Altair: The mist will be clearing soon, making it impossible for us to hold up this simple farce any longer.
Altair: The enemy's main force has already been destroyed. It would be unseemly of us to chase them any further.
Erdeni Messenger 3: Understood! I will relay this to both units.
Altair sees the messenger off before turning to (Captain).
Altair: As there is no reason to stay any longer, we should make our way back to the fort as well.
(Captain) nods and follows Altair back to the mist-shrouded fort where the others await.
Erdeni Soldier 6: Who would've thought that we'd be able to send those Zilantos bugs packing... None of us even got so much as a scratch.
Erdeni Soldier 7: Yeah... Ah, the taste of victory! It's been too long!
The success of the mission has gained Altair admiration and respect among the Erdeni army.
Feeling the shift in mood, (Captain) and Vyrn exchange looks of relief.
Lyria: (Captain)! Is everyone all right?
Vyrn: You betcha! Both (Captain) and Altair are as lively as ever!
Lyria, who had returned to the fort with the support unit earlier, relaxes and smiles.
Shura: Altair!
Shura: Your command of the battlefield was as impressive as ever. The troops are thrilled about our long-awaited victory.
Shura: I was surprised to see that your friend also exhibited extraordinary competence for battle.
Shura: So you are the famous captain with whom Altair is working now.
Shura: I apologize for not introducing myself earlier. My name is Shura, and I serve as the military strategist for Erdeni.
Shura: We sincerely thank you for your assistance. The strength you demonstrated despite your young age was most fascinating to observe.
Shura: It is reassuring indeed to have both you and the Silver Strategist on our side. We greatly appreciate your support.
Shura reaches out to shake (Captain)'s hand before turning her gaze on Lyria and Vyrn.
Shura: Polaris informed me earlier about you as well. I hear you are skyfarers belonging to (Captain)'s crew.
Lyria: It's nice to meet you! My name's Lyria, and this is Vyrn!
Shura: Lyria and Vyrn. You are most welcome here.
Curious, Lyria looks back and forth between Altair and Shura.
Lyria: Come to think of it... the both of you know each other from before, right?
Altair: Yes... Shura was one of my subordinates back in Sphiria.
Altair: However, I recall Shura having gone back to her own country of Sui when I left Sphiria.
Altair: Although Erdeni and Sui have good relations, I don't believe they have an established military alliance. Why are you here in Erdeni, Shura?
Shura hesitates.
Shura: There were some... complications, you see.
Altair: ...
Erdeni Soldier 4: Altair! Pardon my interruption. There is something we'd like to discuss with you...
Altair: Very well. We can also go over my next set of instructions for our plans from here on out.
For a moment, Altair looks as if he had something to say to Shura before reluctantly following the Erdeni soldier out of the room.
Shura: ...
Conscious of Altair's curious gaze, Shura shifts uncomfortably as she looks away, her expression bemused.

The Art of Mercy - Chapter 2: Recovery before the Return - Episode 1

The Erdeni army makes its way to Uden Bridge, where the entrance to the Nuph Moors is located. Polaris and her unit infiltrate the watchtower and take out the commanding officer, securing another victory for Erdeni.

The Erdeni troops have successfully forced Zilantos to retreat from the Ayuul Mountains.
At the foot of the mountain is the Uden Bridge that serves as the only route to the Nuph Moors.
With Zaha situated on these moors, gaining control of the bridge is crucial to the recapture of the city.
Erdeni now sets its sights on its next target—the watchtower located in front of the bridge that also serves as a military base.
Shura: In that case, a hill along the mountainside would be optimal.
Shura: That way, we can spread our units out and the watchtower will be within range for our mage unit.
Shura and Altair are in a room inside the headquarters in the mountains, discussing their next move.
However, Shura is unsure of the nature of their next target.
Shura: On the other hand, positioning ourselves on a hill will have us in full view.
Shura: After all, the tower is purposely situated where it can have a clear view of both the mountains and the bridge.
Altair: That's fine. But we will need to ensure a safe escape route ahead of time.
Altair: Also, please round up all the damaged equipment that can no longer be used.
Altair: We will carry this operation out at night... Let's see what we can make before then.
As the skies grow dark and the sun sinks just below the horizon, the Erdeni army begins to make its move.
Their plan kicks off with a barrage of magical attacks by their mages, which lights up the sky like fireworks.
Zilantos Soldier: Enemy attack! Repeat, enemy attack! Incoming attack from the Erdeni army!
Zilantos Soldier: Their target appears to be the watchtower. The assault is confirmed to be magic and the main army is fast approaching!
Zilantos Colonel: Those fiends plan to ambush us while their mages keep us busy...
Zilantos Colonel: Judging by the range of their attacks, the mage unit should be hiding about halfway down the mountain!
Zilantos Colonel: Find them! Look for where they're shooting from!
Zilantos Soldier: There they are! Signs of the enemy have been confirmed—they're located approximately halfway up the mountain!
Zilantos Colonel: Foolish rats... We'll counter their attacks with our own mages! The rest of you, take down the main body!
Zilantos Colonel: They won't know what to do once we take out their mages...
Erdeni Soldier: Sir! Our units at the midway point are currently being targeted by enemy mages!
Erdeni Soldier: It appears the enemy is focusing all of their magic into their attacks. The force is overwhelming...
Erdeni Soldier: Silver Strategist! It's just as you predicted!
Altair: ...
The Zilantos troops continue to bombard the mountains with their magic.
However, not a single Erdeni soldier is in the area.
The Erdeni mage unit retreated from the area immediately after firing its first volley.
The soldiers the Zilantos army saw were merely decoys built from the equipment scraps that Altair had collected earlier.
It was for this reason that the Silver Strategist chose to attack at night—to prevent the enemy from getting a clear view of the decoys.
Altair: We've only outsmarted one out of many other enemy units. We must not let our guard down.
Erdeni Soldier: Yes, sir!
Altair: (The soldiers are quite ecstatic... Perhaps this is just what they needed after so many losses.)
The Erdeni troops reach the base of the watchtower in the dead of night, and the two armies finally collide.
With its mages still in the mountains, the Zilantos army finds itself at a significant disadvantage against Erdeni.
Zilantos Colonel: Tch... They're pushing pretty hard...
Zilantos Soldier: Sir! The enemy mage unit in the mountains appears to have been completely annihilated!
Zilantos Colonel: Now we're talking! Get our mages to come back to the front line to back us up. We'll push these monsters back into the mountains where they belong!
Altair: It's time.
Altair: All units proceed to phase two of the plan. Prepare to retreat to the mountain.
Erdeni Soldier: Yes, sir!
Altair: (The enemy shouldn't realize our intentions if we pull back at the same time they push...)
Altair: (Our troops will then prioritize pursuing our enemies over defense and finish them off.)
Altair: (That should do it...)
Zilantos Soldier: Sir! The Erdeni troops have begun to retreat!
Zilantos Colonel: Heh, called it... They're no match for us at full force.
Zilantos Soldier: They've already cleared out of the area... Your orders?
Zilantos Colonel: All units after them! Chase them until they're completely cornered!
Zilantos Colonel: And while you're at it, wipe out those pests hiding at the peak once and for all!
Zilantos Soldier: Yes, sir!
The soldier dashes off to relay the colonel's orders to the troops.
Zilantos Colonel: Heh heh heh... If we gain control of the mountains, we'll pretty much have the capital for good.
Zilantos Colonel: Once the city falls, it'll be a big one for me. I'll get that promotion and finally become a general...
Zilantos Soldier: C-Colonel! We're in trouble! An Erdeni platoon has breached the tower's defenses and is headed straight toward us—
The panicking soldier stops mid-report. His expression slackens and he crumples to the ground without a sound.
Polaris: So you're the commanding officer at this tower, hm? Your head is as good as mine.
Zilantos Colonel: Wha... I-I don't believe it!
Zilantos Colonel: We had the advantage in this battle... How'd you make it past our soldiers?
Polaris: Your troops moved exactly how we'd predicted. Our plans were bigger than yours—simple as that.
Polaris raises her weapon, bringing it down on the colonel in one swift movement.
Polaris's successful capture of the tower turns the battle in Erdeni's favor.
Suffering the loss of both their colonel and their base, the Zilantos army begins to crumble, drained from the long fight.
With the majority of the Zilantos army as their prisoners, Erdeni is one step closer to seizing back their capital.
Shura: (We made it all the way to the Uden Bridge in such a short time...)
Shura: (Such an adept usage of movement and strategy... Compared to Altair, I really do lack the knowledge and experience needed for this battle.)
Witnessing the success of this battle has left Shura feeling the weight of her incompetence as a strategist. She lets out a long sigh and looks up into the sky.
Shura: (I must use this opportunity to learn from the Silver Strategist and polish my own skills...)
Shura: For myself... No, for Erdeni.
Shura can't help but feel frustrated when she compares her abilities to the genius of the Silver Strategist.
She straightens, determined to take away what she can from this experience and use it to steel herself for what is to come.

The Art of Mercy - Chapter 2: Recovery before the Return - Episode 2

The consecutive victories give a boost to the morale of the Erdeni soldiers. Setting his sights next on the Tatar military base situated on the moors, Altair asks Lyria to gather information on Zilantos cuisine for his next plan.

Erdeni successfully seizes the tower and advances to the Uden Bridge.
This victory not only moves Erdeni closer to regaining control over its territory, but also greatly boosts the morale of the soldiers.
Polaris: Phew... Everyone looked hopeless just a few days ago, so this is just unbelievable.
Shura: Once Zaha fell, we suffered loss after loss.
Shura: I'm deeply ashamed of my incompetence as a strategist...
Altair: If you're regretting only for the sake of regret, then leave it for later. There is still plenty for us to do.
Altair: We will need to move forward as much as we can while the soldiers are in high spirits.
Altair: Our next objective is to capture the Tatar base.
The city of Zaha is situated beyond the Uden Bridge, at the northern tip of the Nuph Moors.
However, a long distance extends between the watchtower, where the Erdeni soldiers are currently situated, and the city.
Thus, the capture of the Tatar military base located midway is essential in ensuring safe passage to Zaha.
Altair: What information do we have in regards to the Zilantos troops present at the Tatar base?
Polaris: According to our scouts, Zilantos's Division 15 is keeping watch over the Nuph Moors.
Polaris: Albeit a small division with approximately twenty thousand soldiers, it seems they're feeling some pressure after losing control over the Uden Bridge.
Shura: In addition, Zilantos's notorious general was not mentioned in the report.
Shura: Seeing that they are situated just in front of the city, it's likely that the division is purely for defense.
Shura: It may be difficult to draw them out of their base with a feint as we have done so far.
Altair: That is good to hear. It's actually better for us this way.
Unfazed by a seeming disadvantage, Altair puts a finger on the map in front of them and proceeds to relay his next set of instructions without so much as batting an eyelash.
Altair: Distribute the soldiers in Units 1 to 3 so that they have the military base completely surrounded.
Altair: These units will issue attacks on the base at predetermined times.
Altair: However, time the attacks so that they are hard to predict for the enemy, and leave one significant interval between attacks.
Altair: The break should come exactly at the brightest time of day.
Altair: Avoid unnecessary combat. Our goal is to make sure the enemy has no opportunity to rest—we need them constantly vigilant.
Polaris: But... why give them any respite at all?
Polaris: Shouldn't we just attack incessantly until they're exhausted and take them out then?
Altair shakes his head solemnly.
Altair: Even if we manage to exhaust them, we don't want a direct confrontation with all the troops present at the base.
Altair: Our goal is Zaha. We cannot afford any losses before we reach our target.
Altair: Furthermore, by ceasing our attacks at that particular time, it will encourage the enemy to let down their guard at that time of day.
Altair: They will likely use that time to let their soldiers rest.
Shura: So you want us to act predictably enough to get the enemy used to a certain attack pattern.
Shura: Then we'll know exactly when they've let down their guard, and we can bake them or boil them however we like...
Altair: No... There is still one last thing we must do.
Altair: And for that... I will need to ask for your assistance, Lyria.
Lyria: Huh?
Lyria looks surprised as the conversation suddenly turns in her direction.
Lyria: B-but... weren't you saying earlier that you didn't want to use the power of the primal beasts?
Altair: Not the primal beasts. There is information I would like you to extract from our Zilantos hostages.
Lyria: Information?
Altair: Yes. I would like information on their country's cuisine.
(Captain) and the others can't help but scratch their heads at Altair's strange request.
Oblivious, the Silver Strategist continues plotting their next move in preparation for their march on Tatar.

The Art of Mercy - Chapter 2: Recovery before the Return - Episode 3

The Erdeni troops move according to Altair's plan and continue to attack the Tatar military base for days. During a break between attacks, a handful of Erdeni soldiers follow Altair's orders and dress up as traveling merchants selling ingredients. They infiltrate the base and successfully take it over from the inside.

The Nuph Moors are situated along the border between Zilantos and Erdeni.
Tall, thick grasses gently sway in the wind, hiding the bottomless crevices that lurk beneath them.
The Erdeni army moves in toward the center of these moors where the Tatar military base is located and begins its next set of operations.
Three days into their incessant attacks on the base, as Altair had predicted, both armies fall into somewhat of a routine.
Shura: According to the latest report from our scouts, it appears the enemy is indeed utilizing the time between our attacks to rest.
Altair: Over these past three days, we have continued to attack day and night.
Altair: The time we have allowed between our attacks is the only opportunity for them to put down their weapons.
Altair: Even without orders, the average soldier would be inclined to let his guard down, even if only for a moment.
Looking into the distance at the quiet base, Altair gives his next orders to the soldiers standing by beside him.
Altair: Send a message to our special forces. Please tell them to commence the final push.
Erdeni Soldier: Yes, sir!
Zilantos Soldier: Hey, merchant! Over 'ere!
At the Tatar military base, a Zilantos soldier hurries along, using the time between the enemy's attacks to replenish supplies.
Spotting several horse-drawn carts in the distance, he waves at whom he assumes to be traveling merchants and signals for them to come closer.
Zilantos Soldier: You're merchants, aren't ya? Saw you comin' from Zaha.
Zilantos Soldier: I'm telling ya, it's been rough these few days with the endless fightin'. We haven't got 'nough food.
Merchant: Is that right? We could hear the gunfire all the way from Zaha.
Merchant: That's when we thought you might be needing some extra provisions.
Merchant: I've brought a couple of things, so if you'd like to take a look—I'll let them go for cheap.
Zilantos Soldier: Yaaawn... Sorry 'bout that, it's just... those Erdeni soldiers have really been crackin' down on us...
Zilantos Soldier: We can't afford to sleep even at night, so we've been pryin' our eyes open this whole time. And, boy, does that get ya hungry...
Zilantos Soldier: But it looks like those rats always take a break 'round this time.
Merchant: Golly gosh, that sounds dreadful. How about this right here? A small bite should give you the energy you need.
Zilantos Soldier: Whew, you've got some pretty sweet stuff 'ere! I'll take these veggies and some of that jerky there. Oh, and some of this spice...
Zilantos Soldier: This is great! With this, we should be able to cook up some dishes from back home.
Zilantos Soldier: We've all been pretty burnt out, see. But some grub from home should do the trick!
The soldier happily sifts through various products before deciding on several boxes of goods.
Zilantos Soldier: Yaaawn... All right, can ya carry these boxes 'round to the kitchen in the back?
Merchant: Are you sure you don't want to finish looking through them all before you buy?
Zilantos Soldier: Nah, they're all 'bout the same, right? S'okay if there's a dent here and there. Anyway, just get the stuff back to the base as quickly as you can.
Zilantos Soldier: Those Erdeni rats are gonna start up again soon. Y'all should hurry back before you get caught up in it.
Zilantos Soldier: Well, the guy at the kitchen might be catchin' some shut-eye too, so you can just leave the stuff 'round there.
Merchant: Got it. Thank you for your patronage!
Merchant: ...
The merchants make their way into the base, carrying a number of boxes and barrels with them. They signal to one another.
Merchant: Polaris, we've successfully infiltrated the base.
Polaris: Seems like it. It's awfully quiet here though.
Merchant: From the snores, it appears most of their soldiers are resting at the moment, save a few.
Stepping out from one of the wooden boxes is none other than the Erdeni general, Polaris, herself.
While some of the boxes in the carts contain food, others conceal pieces of armor and other equipment.
The merchants gradually empty the boxes and dress themselves in their armor.
Erdeni Soldier: Polaris, we await your orders.
Polaris: Good. Well then, let's not waste this chance. Time to wrap this up nice and clean.
Erdeni Soldier: Yes, ma'am.
Polaris: (Everything is just as Altair said...)
Altair: The Zilantos soldiers will grow desperate after suffering attacks day and night.
Altair: Desperate for food, and for some kind of comfort.
Altair: The longer the soldiers fight, the more food they will need to consume.
Altair: In a case like this, it is very likely that they will call in merchants from Zaha for extra provisions.
Altair: I would like you and our special forces to infiltrate by hiding among the goods that the merchants bring into the base.
Polaris: Is this really going to work? No matter how hungry the soldiers are, all of them are trained to be cautious.
Altair: Indeed. That is why we will offer them what they want most—comfort.
Altair: More specifically, comfort food.
Altair: In an unfamiliar place with no time to rest, they will be thoroughly exhausted both physically and mentally.
Altair: That is when merchants will come bringing ingredients that will allow them to create dishes reminiscent of home.
Altair: What do you think you would do if you were in their situation, Polaris?
Polaris: I'd buy it without a second thought. Nourishment will boost the troops' morale, after all...
Altair: Yes... And they will not have much time to spare before the next expected attack.
Altair: Their exhaustion and lack of sleep will hinder their judgment...
Altair: Taking this into consideration, we can assume that their examination of the goods will be minimal.
Thinking back to the earlier conversation when Altair first informed them of his plan, Polaris can't help but shiver.
Polaris: (So this is the power of the Silver Strategist... It's like everything is in the palm of his hand.)
Polaris and her unit weave around the sleeping soldiers and make their way through the quiet military base.
Some time later, the soldiers at Tatar wake up to find that their commanding officer has been captured by Erdeni.
The Erdeni army seizes control of the military base and manages another victory—this time, without bloodshed on either side.

The Art of Mercy - Chapter 2: Recovery before the Return - Episode 4

A celebration is held to commemorate Erdeni's victory at Tatar. In the midst of this, Shura comes to talk to (Captain) and the others and explains her reason for being in Erdeni, as well as her connection to a certain Zilantos general.

The Erdeni army is elated from their newest victory at Tatar.
That night, they decide to hold a celebration at the military base to honor their recent achievements.
Erdeni Soldier 1: This is all thanks to the Silver Strategist! Who woulda thought that we'd be able to recapture Tatar so fast?
Erdeni Soldier 2: I thought they were exaggerating when they said he was a genius who brings in nothing but victories, but I guess it's true!
Erdeni Soldier 3: It's gotta be true. We haven't lost a single battle since he came... Nothing but wins!
Erdeni Soldier 1: As long as we have the Silver Strategist on our side, beating Zilantos is gonna be a piece of cake!
Erdeni Soldier 3: Look who's talking. All we did was lose in the beginning, remember?
Hearing soldiers laughing all around, Vyrn gives a small sigh of satisfaction.
Vyrn: Whaddya know... Specs is all everyone's been talkin' about!
Lyria: Yeah... It feels completely different than when we first arrived.
Altair, however, remains as calm as ever, his expression cool and impassive.
Altair: We've only gotten through the preliminaries. One wrong move here and we will never be able to seize back the city.
Altair: But seeing the soldiers in high spirits upon tasting victory is indeed a wonderful thing.
Vyrn: So next we're finally gonna take back that Zaha place, right?
Altair: The fact that Zilantos was able to stock up on so much food has worked in our favor.
Altair: But in the end, we need to resolve this war as soon as possible.
Altair: Zaha is vital to Zilantos in conquering Erdeni.
Altair: It is unlikely that we will be able to win with clever tactics alone from here on out.
Sensing a fierce battle ahead of them, (Captain) nods.
It is then that Shura comes up to the crew holding a bottle.
Shura: I've been looking for all of you.
Shura: This is from Polaris. It's a bottle of fruit juice she saved for you. And this is from me.
Shura: It's a type of snack made from dried fruit. I'm sure all of you are quite fatigued from battle. Eat this and relax, even if just a little.
Lyria: Wow, thank you so much! I'll have to go and say thank you to Polaris later too!
Seeing (Captain) and the others revel in their small treat puts a faint smile on Shura's lips. But a grim expression soon replaces it.
(Captain) notices Shura brooding and looks over curiously.
Vyrn: Hey, what's with the gloomy face all of a sudden?
Shura: ...
Shura: Next is the recapture of the city of Zaha. It will no doubt prove a crueler battle than what we have faced so far.
Shura: With this in mind... there is something I must tell all of you.
Altair: Is it the reason you are here fighting for Erdeni?
Shura: That, and one other thing. I must warn you of a particular enemy general we may meet in Zaha.
Shura begins to tell Altair and the crew her story.
Shura: Bordering Erdeni is the mercantile nation of Sui. That is where I was born.
Shura: I grew up in a family of four, consisting of my parents, myself, and my younger sister Renfa.
Shura: My family was poor and barely had enough to raise both my sister and myself.
Shura: I went out to look for work at an early age, and was invited to join the Sphiria army.
Shura: Fortunately enough, Renfa was adopted by an affluent family.
Shura: She was soon engaged to a high-ranking official in Sui.
However, the situation took a complete turn when a guest of Renfa's fiance, a certain general from Zilantos, visited Sui.
Shura: The man fell in love with Renfa at first sight and was determined to get his hands on her by any means.
Shura: He killed Renfa's fiance and brought my sister back with him to Zilantos.
Shura: With one of their officials slain, Sui decided to take revenge on Zilantos and launched an attack, causing a war to break out between the two countries.
Shura: I returned to Sui soon after this and joined the Sui army as their strategist in order to rescue my sister.
Shura: However...
One day, in the midst of the war, Renfa appeared on the battlefield.
She was seen commanding the Zilantos troops and ordering an attack on the Sui army.
Shura: As it turns out, Renfa had not been forcefully kidnapped...
Shura: She had betrayed her country and chosen Zilantos of her own free will.
Shura: Furthermore, she had been extracting confidential information from her fiance and passing it to Zilantos all along.
Shura: I'm sure Altair knows this well—once internal information is exposed to the other side, the war is over.
Outraged at this act of betrayal, the people of Sui turned on the traitor's sister, Shura.
After suffering harsh torture at the hands of her own people, Shura managed to escape to Erdeni.
Shura: It was then that Polaris saved me. She persuaded Erdeni to allow me a place to stay, and I have served them ever since.
Lyria: ...
After hearing about Shura's gruesome past, a heavy silence falls over (Captain) and the others.
Shura: The reason I'm fighting is to punish my sister for her crime, and to destroy the country that caused this strife once and for all...
Shura: This way, I can repay Polaris and His Majesty for the kindness they have shown me. That is why I fight.
After listening attentively, Altair finally breaks the silence.
Altair: I see. So that is the full situation... and the reason you are fighting for Erdeni, Shura.
Shura: Quite selfish of me, isn't it? In the end, it is not for the people but for myself that I am fighting.
Altair: Each person has his or her own reason to fight. Whatever the reason, the fact is that you are fighting now. On the battlefield, that is all that matters.
Shura: Huh?
Altair: Regardless of why you are fighting, you are a strategist.
Altair: A strategist must not succumb to emotion. He or she must prioritize the lives of the soldiers and give appropriate instructions.
Altair: If you are aware that your motive for fighting is a selfish one, then you must bear this in mind.
Altair: As strategists, we are responsible for the lives of the soldiers. A strategist's judgment, tactics, and instructions determine the fate of many—whether they live or die.
Shura: ...
Altair pauses and lowers his gaze.
Altair: Time and time again, I have witnessed lives being lost as the result of a strategist's wavering emotions.
Altair: I would hate to see you, someone I once worked with, make the same mistake.
As Altair says this, a faraway look in his eyes, Shura lifts her hand and puts it close to her heart.
Shura: I won't forget your words.
Shura: And... I'm sorry for having kept the truth from all of you up until now.
Shura bows deeply to the crew.
When she raises her head again, a newfound determination is clear in her eyes.
Altair: Now, Shura...
Altair: The Zilantos general in Zaha whom you spoke of earlier...
Shura: He is the very man who triggered Sui's downfall and used his overwhelming power to seize Zaha...
Shura: Luhua... It is him that we will most likely face in the upcoming battle.
Upon hearing the name of their next formidable enemy, (Captain) and the crew brace themselves.
It won't be long until their unavoidable clash with the enemy—and when that time comes, they will be ready for it.

The Art of Mercy - Chapter 3: Grave of the Fallen - Episode 1

(Captain) and the others look around the base for Altair and find him relaying instructions to a messenger. Their silver-haired friend explains that he is making additional arrangements as a precaution.

Lyria: I've finished checking our food supply, Shura!
Vyrn: Our gunpowder stock's lookin' good too!
Shura: Thank you, (Captain). You too, Vyrn, Lyria. I appreciate the help.
A few days have passed since their successful infiltration of the Tatar military base.
The Erdeni soldiers are busying themselves with checking their supplies at the base as they prepare for the capture of Zaha.
Vyrn: Anythin' else ya want me to do?
Lyria: Please let me know if I can help with anything too!
Shura: Haha, thank you very much.
Shura: Then may I ask you to pass this on to Altair? It's a written report on our current status.
Shura: I suspect he should be at the command center.
Lyria: Okay! Let's go, (Captain)!
(Captain) and the others run off to deliver the report. Shura lets out a sigh and shifts her attention to the documents in her hand.
Shura: As long as they still have the capital, they'll always have the upper hand...
Shura whispers this softly to herself as she scans the area.
Soldiers run to and fro, readying themselves for the upcoming battle.
Despite the bustle, the soldiers don confident expressions as they hurry about, as if the hopelessness they had felt a short while ago is already long forgotten.
Shura: I can only hope that their high spirits won't backfire...
(Captain), Lyria, and Vyrn walk around the base looking for a sign of their silver-haired friend.
Lyria: Hmm, where could Altair be...
Vyrn: They did say he was at the command center just a while ago, but no one's seen him since...
As they continue their hunt, they hear a familiar voice nearby.
Altair's Voice: Yes. Keep an eye on their movements and make the necessary arrangements...
Vyrn: Huh? Hey, isn't that Altair talking?
They follow the voice to the back gate of the base that leads to the Uden Bridge.
Altair: Please pass on the message.
Erdeni Messenger: Yes, sir!
The messenger salutes Altair and runs off toward the bridge. (Captain) calls out to Altair.
Altair: Ah, (Captain). Was there something you needed from me?
Vyrn: That guy sure was in a hurry... Somethin' wrong?
Altair: No, not yet. It's merely a precaution... Or rather, insurance for when we need it.
Lyria: Insurance?
Altair: As they say, better safe than sorry. It is important to make countermeasures ahead of time for every possible situation.
Altair: In any case, this is only another form of preparation. Ideally, everything will go according to plan.
Altair: Let's hope there will be no need to implement anything further than that...
Altair gazes into the distance toward Zaha, a blazing conviction in his eyes.
(Captain) and the others follow his gaze, squinting at the distant outline of the city as they hold their breath in anticipation.

The Art of Mercy - Chapter 3: Grave of the Fallen - Episode 2

In the heart of Zaha, Zilantos's strategist Vitali and Prince Erik discuss upcoming battle plans. Zilantos's strongest general, Luhua, arrives and convinces Erik to refrain from going out onto the battlefield, much to the prince's disappointment.

The Erdeni army is in the middle of preparations for their next battle.
Meanwhile, in the center of Zaha, a constant wailing echoes from a room within the Zilantos military headquarters.
???: Dear me. It seems you have quite the temper today, Prince Erik.
Erik: Oh, it's you.
Erik: What do you want, Vitali? As you can see, I'm in an incredibly bad mood right now.
Vitali: I'm afraid we can't have you torturing our hostages like this, even if you are the prince.
Vitali: How are we supposed to handle the criticism after? Accidental death certificates are quite a pain to forge, Your Highness.
Erik: That's your job, isn't it? If you're so unhappy about our prisoner here, how about you take his place?
Erik: Besides, you're always using our prisoners for your strange experiments anyway.
Vitali: Please don't say it like that. That is also part of my job as a strategist. I'm simply making practical use of them.
Erik: Whatever. In any case, don't go telling me what to do.
Erik: So? What're you doing here? Don't tell me you came just to waste my time with your useless commentary.
Despite Erik's obvious irritation, Vitali remains unruffled, shrugging nonchalantly before making his report.
Vitali: The Erdeni army has regained control of the Uden Bridge watchtower as well as the Tatar military base.
Vitali: It seems our troops have suffered fairly heavy losses...
Erik: We had a lot of them, didn't we? Even if they were all garbage. How can we have lost both the tower and the base?
Vitali: Quality over quantity, or so they say. But I suspect the reason lies elsewhere.
Vitali: Do you know of the man called the "Silver Strategist," Your Highness?
Erik: The hell is that?
Vitali holds back a sigh at the prince's disinterest and continues.
Vitali: Altair, the Silver Strategist... There is no military strategist in all of Phantagrande who doesn't know his name.
Vitali: Rumors say that after his service in Sphiria, he retreated from the battlefield and became a skyfarer instead.
Vitali: I don't know how they managed it, but the strategist behind Erdeni's tactics this time is none other than the Silver Strategist himself.
Erik idly listens as he continues with his tasteless entertainment. He suddenly turns to Vitali.
Erik: That guy sounds like a bother. Should we kill him?
Vitali: Indeed, Your Highness! The Erdeni army may be rejoicing now, but we can—
???: Prince Erik. You are to remain here.
???: Vitali, don't go giving the prince any wild ideas. You and I will receive no mercy if anything happens to His Highness.
Vitali: W-well, well... If it isn't General Luhua.
Vitali quivers slightly at the sight of the large man coming through the door. On the other hand, Erik begins to throw a tantrum.
Erik: But why, Luhua! I thought this was supposed to be a war! I'm a general too, you know!
Luhua: Protecting one's base is also the job of a general. Leave the Erdeni army to me.
Luhua: Zaha is vital to Zilantos. We've focused much of our efforts into our defenses thus far, but to think it would crumble so easily...
Luhua: It is time for us to show them what a true Zilantos soldier can do.
Erik: No! It'll be over as soon as you step onto the battlefield, Luhua!
Erik: That's no fun! I came all the way out here, but I haven't even had the chance to fight anyone with a sword yet!
Luhua: We have yet to seize the capital itself.
Luhua: I will push their troops back into the Ayuul Mountains. The spotlight will be on you after that, Your Highness.
Luhua: The strongest Erdeni general, Zawra, is waiting at the capital. His head will be yours to take.
Erik: Hmph... Fine.
Erik: Man, and I was looking forward to finally fighting someone...
Still somewhat dissatisfied, Erik continues to pout as he reluctantly shuffles out of the room.
Vitali: Luhua... I'm surprised you've decided to depart for the front yourself. Are you that unhappy with our current situation?
Luhua: That isn't all of it. I hear Erdeni has asked outsiders for assistance.
Luhua: The one they call the genius Silver Strategist... along with the captain of his skyfaring crew.
Luhua: Both are proving to be a dangerous threat to Zilantos and should be annihilated immediately.
Vitali: I see... All right.
Vitali: Well, I don't really mind who goes out onto the battlefield as long as I see Erdeni reduced to ashes.
Vitali gives a theatrical shrug. Luhua glances coldly at Vitali before turning to face the other direction.
Luhua: Renfa.
At Luhua's call, a slender woman steps out from behind him.
Renfa: At your service. How may I assist, Luhua?
Luhua: You heard everything. Begin the preparations.
Renfa: As you wish.
Renfa bows once before sliding past Vitali and out the door.
Luhua: The Silver Strategist...
Luhua: I'll crush anyone who stands in Zilantos's way—in my way.
Luhua mutters to himself under his breath, balling his fists tightly.
The city of Zaha sits dangerously on the edge as both Zilantos and Erdeni prepare for an assault.
A fearful clash between the two countries is about to begin.

The Art of Mercy - Chapter 3: Grave of the Fallen - Episode 3

Four days after the capture of Tatar, the Erdeni army heads out onto the Nuph Moors once more. However, the army's front lines are soon destroyed by Luhua. Altair orders the soldiers to retreat, but Renfa, a Zilantos general and Shura's sister, stands in their way.

It is early morning, four days after the Erdeni army's infiltration of the base.
Erdeni Soldier 2: Altair! W-we're in trouble!
Altair: What's the matter? Quite the ruckus so early in the morning...
Erdeni Soldier 2: Our scouts have returned from investigating the capital...
Erdeni Soldier 2: It seems they were found by Zilantos. Those who returned suffered severe injuries, while the others have been captured by the enemy.
Altair: ...!
Upon hearing the soldier's report, Altair hurries to the infirmary.
Altair: How does the situation look?
Shura: The injured have been attended to and are stable.
Polaris stands at the soldiers' bedside.
Polaris: They're sleeping now. They've told me what happened, so let them rest in the meantime.
Altair: I see. Then if you can relay the details...
Altair and the others leave the infirmary to give the soldiers some peace and continue their conversation outside.
Polaris: Zilantos has set up camp just in front of the city.
Polaris: It seems their headquarters are inside Zaha, but it's mostly the officers that are staying there.
Shura: That means... the actual battle will most likely take place in the Nuph Moors.
Altair: Unlike the fort and this military base, many civilians from both Erdeni and Zilantos inhabit the city of Zaha.
Altair: A city is made up of its people. Although capturing the city is our goal, we cannot afford to have the city serve as the battlefield.
Altair raises a hand to his chin and thinks, his expression unusually tense.
Altair: It can't be helped... We'll depart immediately.
Altair: In the worst-case scenario, our information may have already been leaked to the enemy. We need to make a move now.
Altair: Our scouts need to be rescued as well. Let's make haste.
Polaris and Shura exchange a quick glance and nod.
Soon after, the Erdeni soldiers depart for Zaha, and their plan to take back the city begins at last.
Altair: This mission will be solely to gauge the enemy's strength. Your priority will be to gather information.
Altair: If any of you become caught up in battle, aim for minimal conflict and retreat as quickly as possible.
Erdeni Soldiers: Yes, sir!
The soldiers receive their instructions from Altair before hurrying back to their posts.
Vyrn: So the real showdown's finally gettin' started, huh?
  1. Let's give it our best.
  2. Now I'm getting nervous...

Choose: Let's give it our best.
Altair: Your support is reassuring, (Captain), but be careful not to get too ahead of yourself.
Altair: Please don't forget that, on the battlefield, survival is most important.

Choose: Now I'm getting nervous...
Altair: To be vigilant essentially means staying wary of your surroundings.
Altair: As anything can happen on the battlefield, being nervous is far better than being careless.
Continue 1
The Erdeni army slowly makes its way through the Nuph Moors while remaining on the lookout for the enemy.
About halfway to Zaha, Vyrn sees something strange in the distance as he flies overhead.
Vyrn: Huh? What the heck?
Vyrn: Hey, I see a guy walking from the direction of the city... and he's comin' our way!
Altair: A single person? Can you tell me anything more about him?
Vyrn: A reeeally big guy! Probably a Draph...
Vyrn: Wait, I don't see any horns, so maybe not...
Altair: (A man big enough to be mistaken for a Draph?)
Altair: (...!
Could he be...)
Sensing a terrible danger up ahead, he calls for the soldiers to stop.
Altair: Halt! All units prepare for an attack—
But it is too late.
Luhua: Haaaah!
A mad howl followed by the sound of a heavy collision echoes from the front line.
Luhua's blow leaves an immense, gaping hole in the ground. Soldiers are scattered around the area, heavily wounded from the sudden assault.
Erdeni Soldier 3: W-what's going on?
Erdeni Soldier 4: It's him... The man who single-handedly captured the city...
Luhua: ...
Erdeni Soldier 1: Damn it! It won't be so easy for him this time! We've got the Silver Strategist on our side now!
Altair: ...!
No! Draw back at once!
Altair's cry falls on deaf ears as several soldiers charge recklessly at Luhua.
Erdeni Soldier 1: Raaaagh!
Luhua: Heh!
Luhua's swing only grazes the soldiers, but it is enough to slaughter all of them. The soldiers drop wordlessly to the ground.
Luhua: Pathetic... How disappointing.
Erdeni Soldier 3: Eek...
Altair: (The front line has completely collapsed from his first attack...)
Altair: (His abnormal strength is overwhelming... Our soldiers are in no condition to stand up against it.)
Altair swiftly scans the situation before making a decision. He raises his voice.
Altair: All units retreat! You have permission to break formation! Save yourselves!
At Altair's orders, the soldiers scatter like ants and race back toward the military base.
But the enemy had predicted Erdeni's retreat. As the soldiers retreat toward Tatar, they are met with another obstacle.
Renfa: I cannot let you pass. Everything will be as Luhua commands!
Shura: Renfa! You...
Shura is shocked to see her sister, who once betrayed their home, standing in their path once again as a general from the enemy country.
A surge of emotions wells up inside Shura. Her hand trembles as she grips her weapon, glaring at her sister with vengeance in her eyes.
Erdeni Soldier 5: Sh-Shura! At this rate, we will be caught in a pincer attack! Your orders!
Shura: ...!
Shura: (What am I doing... And right after I was told not to get caught up in my own emotions...)
Shura: Join up with the vanguard! We'll form a column and push past the enemy!
Erdeni Soldier 5: Y-yes, ma'am!
Renfa: ...
Meanwhile, Luhua continues demolishing the Erdeni army with each blow.
Luhua: All that remains is the Silver Strategist, and children playing skyfarers.
Luhua: Do you really think the likes of you can stand up against the great Luhua?
Vyrn: Heh... You're gonna regret ever lookin' down on us just 'cause we're small!
Vyrn: (Captain)'s stronger than any of those guys you just knocked out!
Luhua: A red lizard... I heard about you from the soldiers that came running back from Ayuul.
Luhua: They were blabbering on about it being Erdeni's new weapon... Whether that is true or not, you're nothing but an eyesore.
Luhua: I'll crush you to a pulp, lizard!
Vyrn: Eek!
  1. Vyrn!

Choose: Vyrn!
At a speed unbefitting his size, Luhua grabs Vyrn and swings his arm up, ready to smash him into the ground.
(Captain) makes a mad dash forward, but Vyrn is just barely out of reach.
It is then that a deafening sound of metal against metal rings out across the war-ravaged moors.

The Art of Mercy - Chapter 3: Grave of the Fallen - Episode 4

Commander Zawra and King Leonis appear just in time to stop a fatal blow from Luhua. Leonis advances toward Luhua in the heat of the moment, but Altair stops him. (Captain) and the others distract Luhua to buy time for the Erdeni soldiers to retreat.

Zawra: Nnnnngh!
Vyrn opens his eyes to find Zawra in front of him, blocking Luhua's heavy blow with his sword.
Vyrn: Mister!
Luhua: ...!
Zawra: Hrnnngh!
Zawra: Pant... Pant...
Zawra: Your superhuman strength is as the rumors say... Revered hero of Zilantos, Luhua.
Luhua: And you must be the king of Erdeni's right-hand man, Zawra.
The two men prowl around each other, maintaining a wary distance, eyes locked.
Altair notices a figure approaching and raises his eyebrows in surprise when he recognizes the man.
Altair: King Leonis...
Leonis: It seems we made it, albeit barely.
Leonis: Well met, Silver Strategist. How many years has it been since we last saw each other?
Altair: Why are you here? I believe I called for reinforcements...
Leonis: The elite forces you sent for are currently backing up the other troops. I came here for another reason.
Leonis turns to stare icily at Luhua.
Leonis: Luhua... I hope you haven't forgotten the unsettled debt we have between us.
Luhua: ...
Leonis: Today is the day I put an end to your existence. Long have I waited for this moment...
Leonis: This moment when I can finally avenge my father... whom you betrayed and sent to the grave, Luhua!
Leonis raises his voice and readies his weapon, fingers trembling as he tightens his grip. Altair decides to step in.
Altair: King Leonis. Stand back.
Leonis: Don't try to stop me. I'll rip him to shreds...
Altair: You are the king. If you die, your country dies with you.
Altair: Is this how Erdeni comes to an end? An inescapable death for its people following their king's suicide?
Leonis: ...!
At Altair's admonishment, Leonis bites his lip in frustration before lowering his blade.
Leonis: I expect all of you to return—alive. After all, it's your duty to win this battle.
Altair: Certainly. Rest assured—I am well aware of that.
Shura: Your Majesty! Altair! The rear guard has successfully re-established its formation.
Shura: All that is left is Renfa's unit. I believe our remaining troops will be enough to handle it.
Leonis: Shura. I will deal with Renfa. Can I leave this to you?
Shura: As you wish, Your Majesty!
Casting one last glance at Luhua, Leonis turns and heads to where the other troops are, taking the injured soldiers and Zawra with him.
Altair: You are quite the devoted soldier. What is your objective aside from annihilating Erdeni?
Luhua: I have a score to settle with Erdeni's king. Our fates are undeniably linked.
Luhua: I simply hesitated to conclude this story of ours here.
Luhua: As such, I have no reason to hold back. I assume you are ready to meet your end.
As Luhua lifts his blade once more, Altair leans over to whisper to (Captain) and Shura.
Altair: It will be difficult for us to defeat Luhua in our current condition.
Altair: We will buy time for our troops to retreat, and withdraw when the opportunity presents itself. Have I made myself clear?
(Captain) gives a firm nod before turning to face the colossal warrior in front of them.

The Art of Mercy - Chapter 4: Resentment of the Wretched - Episode 1

(Captain) manages to wound Luhua while the Erdeni troops finally break through Renfa's unit. Zilantos decides to draw back in the meantime, allowing (Captain) and the others to also return to their base.

(Captain) leaps forward and slashes Luhua in the side. The large soldier drops onto one knee.
Luhua: Urgh...
Luhua: It seems I misjudged what you're capable of...
Luhua struggles back onto his feet despite the wound at his side and looks down ruthlessly at the crew.
Luhua: So they made it past Renfa's unit... Any more fighting will be useless.
Luhua: We'll settle this another time. No doubt this battlefield will serve as a grave for one of us.
Luhua: I look forward to when that time comes.
Luhua signals for his soldiers to cease their pursuit. He turns to head back toward Zaha without another word, taking his men with him.
With their enemy out of sight, (Captain) and the others retreat back to the base.
Lyria: I'm so glad all of you are all right!
Back at Tatar, Lyria welcomes (Captain) and company back from their mission.
Lyria: I knew (Captain) was still alive thanks to our connection, but...
Lyria: I was worried that some of you might have gotten badly injured...
Shura: My apologies, Lyria. I hate to put (Captain) through this...
Lyria: Not at all... I'm really glad that you're safe too, Shura.
Altair: Lyria. Have you seen King Leonis or Commander Zawra?
Lyria: I saw Zawra getting his injuries treated at the base, but he left soon after that.
Lyria: He said something about taking a few soldiers to patrol the area...
Lyria: I think Leonis went with him as well.
Altair: Thank you. We have the commander to thank for our survival... Still, I cannot understand why the king would need to come out to the front lines himself.
At Altair's exasperated sigh, Shura hesitates for a moment before speaking up.
Shura: King Leonis fought at the front lines before his enthronement, you see...
Shura: Seeing His Majesty on the battlefield seems to have given the soldiers some courage as well.
Shura: That said, we have suffered considerable losses. And the soldiers' fear of Luhua has increased immensely...
Shura shakes with frustration at their situation. Sensing the negative tension in the air, Altair takes the opportunity to relay his next set of instructions.
Altair: Shura. Can you check the status of all of our personnel? I will handle the supplies.
Shura: Understood.
Shura: Lyria, can you handle first aid for (Captain) and the others?
Lyria: Of course!
Come on, the infirmary's this way.
Lyria takes (Captain)'s hand and leads her friends to the infirmary to treat their injuries. Shura lets out a small sigh.
Shura: If we are to take back Zaha, then facing Luhua will be unavoidable...
Shura: But can we really stand up against that monstrous power and overcome it?
No matter how many times Shura witnesses it, Luhua's unnatural strength shocks her to her very core.
With this seemingly impossible task in front of them, she cannot help but feel discouraged.

The Art of Mercy - Chapter 4: Resentment of the Wretched - Episode 2

Luhua is summoned to the capital by the king of Zilantos. The king blames Luhua for Zilantos's failure to invade Erdeni as other country officials look down on him from the shadows. After sending Luhua away, the king calls for Vitali, who proceeds to offer the king his insights.

Several hours have passed since the clash between Zilantos and Erdeni in the Nuph Moors.
Summoned by the king, Luhua pays a visit to the royal castle in Zilantos's capital city to make his report.
King of Zilantos: Luhua. I have already received reports on the recent battle.
King of Zilantos: It seems we drove our way to the Ayuul Mountains, only to be pushed back and have Tatar robbed from right under our noses.
King of Zilantos: You're the one responsible for the invasion of Erdeni, are you not? How do you plan to compensate for our losses, Luhua?
Luhua: ...
King of Zilantos: I hear that the king of Erdeni, Leonis himself, appeared on the battlefield.
King of Zilantos: How did you let this opportunity escape? You may or may not lose your head, depending on your answer.
Luhua: I assure you that I can have the Erdeni king's head anytime. I merely prioritized annihilating the outsiders from this battle.
King of Zilantos: You mean the Silver Strategist and his skyfaring crew? But you didn't even manage to bring me a single head.
King of Zilantos: Your achievements thus far have been admirable. Erdeni has resisted us for many years, but you managed to gain control over them in such a short amount of time.
King of Zilantos: There is none stronger than you on this island, Luhua. However, that doesn't excuse your failure.
Luhua: Your Majesty, I beg for your forgiveness. I swear that it will not happen again.
Luhua quietly bows his head in apology. Around him, Zilantos officials mutter to one another.
Zilantos Official 1: What do you expect? Even if he's strong, he doesn't have the finesse or intelligence needed, much less manners.
Zilantos Official 2: He was born a servant, after all. No better than a beast that can only survive on instinct and eat whatever it can get.
Luhua: ...
King of Zilantos: We don't have time to play with the weak. I expect to hear good news in the next report.
Luhua: As you wish.
Luhua gives another deep bow before exiting the room.
The other officials follow suit until only the king remains. A quiet sigh escapes him.
King of Zilantos: Vitali.
Vitali: At your service.
At the king's call, Vitali appears in front of him out of nowhere.
King of Zilantos: How is Erik?
Vitali: He has been complaining about not being able to fight at the front lines, but is obedient to Luhua as always.
The king of Zilantos heaves another sigh, his brow furrowed.
King of Zilantos: That fool... My royal blood runs in his veins, and he would pay his reverence to a servant-born soldier. He may as well have spit in my face.
King of Zilantos: As much as I recognize Luhua's strength, one cannot deny his lowborn status.
King of Zilantos: Regardless, he made some bold moves this time. I hear he ordered the troops to pull back on his own judgment.
Vitali: Indeed. He refuses to listen to even my advice as of late.
King of Zilantos: And just when we already have our hands full with the civil war caused by my idiot of a son...
King of Zilantos: We cannot afford to lose any more of our soldiers. Training them isn't free, after all.
Vitali: Then we will recruit men from the lower social classes as temporary soldiers. They can at least serve as a moving shield for us.
Vitali bows humbly and is about to exit the room when he remembers something.
Vitali: Oh yes, one more thing, if I may. Renfa is staying as close as ever to Luhua.
Vitali: Luhua never strays far from her either. He must treasure her a great deal.
King of Zilantos: The stubborn clod doesn't plan to let go of Renfa, does he... I had my eyes on her first.
Vitali: Then you will just have to take her from him—simple as that. He may be a hero, but even a hero cannot go against the king's wishes.
King of Zilantos: Heh... I suppose you have a plan in mind? You were always a quick-witted one, Vitali.
Curious, the king of Zilantos listens intently as Vitali explains his manipulative ideas.
With such impure motives at work, this tragedy can only multiply.

The Art of Mercy - Chapter 4: Resentment of the Wretched - Episode 3

Luhua returns home, and Renfa rushes out to greet him. Exhausted from the fight and his audience with the king, Luhua drifts off into sleep, where he relives dark memories from his past.

Renfa: Luhua!
Luhua returns to the army's headquarters in Zaha after his audience with the king.
Renfa rushes to see him, a look of worry on her otherwise gentle face.
Renfa: Did His Majesty summon you again?
Luhua: It was just the usual. There's nothing for you to worry about.
Renfa: Just the usual... Blaming you for everything...
Renfa: Even though you're fighting so hard for this country...
Luhua: Let him say what he wants. It doesn't change what I need to do.
Luhua stretches out on the bed and slowly closes his eyes, allowing himself to be enveloped in the calm darkness.
With the harsh battle and his audience with the king behind him, Luhua soon falls fast asleep.
Well-Dressed Man: You pathetic excuse for a monster! I can't believe you have the nerve to put even a scratch on our precious client's kid!
Luhua: (Ah, yes. I remember this...)
Luhua realizes that he is reliving a memory of his past.
Luhua was born into a poverty-stricken family in Sui.
Due to his extraordinary strength and large frame, he was forced to work as a laborer from a young age.
Well-Dressed Man: What's with the filthy look in your eyes? You're just dying for a good beating, aren't you? Tie him up!
Controlling his strength was difficult for Luhua, and getting on his boss's bad side would earn him a thrashing. His days were filled with nothing but agony and humiliation.
Luhua's parents never tried to protect their son. Instead, they blamed Luhua for being born an unnatural freak.
Without a single friend, Luhua's only solace was his sister, who was two years younger than him.
Luhua's Sister: Luhua! Did you get some ouchies again? Are you okay?
Luhua: (I didn't want to worry my sister. That's why I put up with everything and did my best not to hurt anyone.)
Luhua: (But those monsters beat me whenever they felt like it. They didn't even consider their servants people.)
Luhua worked ceaselessly to save up money for his sole purpose in living—his younger sister, who was his only friend and support.
But the more he saved, the more his parents took for their reckless spending.
This was the kind of life Luhua lived, until a certain incident when he was ten years old.
Luhua's Mother: Oh, we sold her off. They said they were looking for a girl.
Luhua's Father: We never had enough money to raise two kids at the same time anyway.
Desperate for money to waste, Luhua's parents had sold his sister to a slave dealer while Luhua was out one day.
Luhua: (That's why I made them tell me the name of the family that bought my sister.)
Luhua: (I was so angry at them for selling off my sister. I thought them inhumane.)
Luhua's parents begged him for mercy, but consumed by his rage, Luhua could not find it in himself to spare them.
Luhua: (Seeing them beg for their lives like that after torturing me for a decade was almost humorous.)
After killing his parents, Luhua stole into the house of the family that had bought his sister.
However, what he found at the house was a mangled body—what was left of the only person who ever showed him any affection.
The moment he laid his eyes on her body, he lost all consciousness and was filled with nothing but blazing, white fury.
Luhua: (I felt nothing but rage. I had only hatred—for the world, for myself, for everything.)
With his power, Luhua massacred all of the house's inhabitants that very night.
Dreaming in the present day, Luhua stares at the tragic scene burned into his memory long ago.
Luhua: (I was weak. Even with my strength, I couldn't stand up against an authority that proved stronger than me.)
Luhua: (You can't protect anything if you don't have power. You can't continue living in this world if you don't have power.)
Luhua: (That's why I'll do anything to gain power and authority. That is what I decided then.)
He watches his past self clutching his sister's lifeless body, wailing into the night.

The Art of Mercy - Chapter 4: Resentment of the Wretched - Episode 4

Luhua wakes up in the middle of the night with Renfa sleeping next to him. He is reminded of Renfa's resemblance to his sister and swears to win the war against Erdeni once and for all.

Luhua wakes in the middle of the night, the sky outside a pale gray.
Feeling a warm presence beside him, Luhua props himself up on one arm and turns his body slightly.
Luhua: Renfa...
Renfa is curled up next to him, fast asleep.
Her sleeping face looks so innocent that Luhua's own expression relaxes as he watches her.
An image of his sister comes to mind, just as he remembers her from before she was taken away from him.
Luhua: You really do resemble her...
Like him, Renfa had been born into a poor family in Sui.
Her family lived a modest life on the money her older sister earned as a soldier.
However, one day, she was forcibly adopted by an affluent family in Sui as their daughter.
Her new family used her as a pawn to climb up the social ladder by promising her to a top official in the country. The two were soon engaged.
That was when Luhua first met Renfa.
Hearing of the cruel circumstances under which she was living, Luhua saw a resemblance between Renfa and his sister, as well as himself.
Feeling the rage that he experienced from his sister's death once again, Luhua decided to take Renfa away with him.
Renfa: Ngh... Luhua?
Luhua: Sorry. Did I wake you?
Renfa: No, it's all right.
Renfa: Is something wrong? You look rather pale.
Worried, Renfa sits up to take a closer look at Luhua's face.
Luhua: It's nothing. I just had a bad dream.
Renfa: Are you sure?
Luhua: Yes. Sorry to make you worry.
Luhua takes Renfa's hand in his and pulls her into an embrace.
Luhua: Soon, our dream will come true. We just have to endure a little longer until this war ends.
Luhua: Once I defeat Erdeni, they'll give me a position at court. Then you and I will finally become people.
Renfa: Okay...
Renfa: Whatever happens, I will always follow you. Please don't forget that.
Luhua: Yeah...
Luhua: (I won't let them take what's precious to me. Not anymore.)
Luhua: (No matter how much blood stains these hands, they'll never be able to strip anything away from me again.)
Luhua: (I'm going to do this. No matter the sacrifice...)
His arm around Renfa tightens.
Within the darkness, the two desperately cling to one another, with nothing but the moonlight as their guide for the future.

The Art of Mercy - Chapter 5: Elegy for the Valorous - Episode 1

At Tatar, Altair asks Leonis about his connection with Luhua. Leonis proceeds to tell the crew about his past and reveals that he and Luhua were once brothers. With this new information on the enemy, Altair predicts that Luhua will prioritize himself and betray Zilantos sooner or later.

At the Tatar military base, (Captain) and the others gather in the command center to decide on their next plan of action.
Shura: It seems witnessing Luhua's power firsthand had a large impact on our troops.
The soldiers stationed at the base have been in comparatively low spirits for the past several days.
Some are reminded once again of their utter defeat in Zaha, trauma rendering them unable to take up their swords.
Altair: To win a battle, you must know your enemy and yourselves...
Altair: Your Majesty. May I inquire about this connection between you and Luhua?
Altair shifts the attention to Leonis, who is seated directly in front of him.
Leonis: I can only tell you what he is like as a person.
Leonis: We were once brothers, though not by blood.
Leonis: It all started when my father—the king of Erdeni— took him in.
It happened twenty years ago.
There were rumors of a young orphan near the border between Erdeni and Sui who made a living as a thief.
That orphan was Luhua.
Canopus, the previous king of Erdeni, took great interest in him and accepted Luhua into his family as his adopted son.
Leonis: However, there were many who did not like the idea of an orphan being adopted into the royal family.
Leonis: My father received harsh criticism for his decision, but still, he continued to treat Luhua with affection.
Canopus made sure Luhua was educated and well fed. He did his best so that Luhua would be acknowledged and respected by others.
Leonis: My father was a great man... He wished for a world where people aren't bound by their pedigree or social status.
Leonis: Taking in Luhua also served as an example for his people.
Leonis: My father told me to take care of Erdeni together with Luhua once I became king.
However, this never came to be. Ten years ago, Zilantos became caught in a cold war and made a preemptive attack on Erdeni in their desperation.
Despite this, King Canopus conducted peace negotiations with Zilantos and managed to reach an agreement with them.
Leonis: It was then that my father was suddenly murdered... and by none other than Luhua himself.
Leonis: He betrayed us for Zilantos and brought the head of my father, who had raised him like his own son, to the enemy...
Leonis: After inheriting the throne, I demanded Luhua be brought to me immediately. I had intended to put him on trial for the assassination of the king.
However, Zilantos refused to hand over Luhua and began their attacks on Erdeni again, triggering a full-scale war between the two countries.
Luhua proved himself to be a shameless criminal by taking the life of the very man who saved him.
That is who the country of Erdeni understood the man named Luhua to be.
Altair: I see...
Altair: Perhaps it is his past rather than his exceptional strength we should be focusing on.
Leonis: What do you mean by that?
Altair: It seems to me that Luhua is a man who prioritizes self-interest over debt or obligation.
Altair: This means it is likely that Zilantos does not have full control over Luhua either.
Leonis: Are you saying that Luhua might betray Zilantos, just like he did Erdeni?
Altair: There is a possiblity. He is simply too strong...
Altair: Zilantos would be helpless against his power if Luhua were to betray them.
Altair: Although it is merely a possiblity... it would be wise to keep the threat of his existence in mind.
Having grasped Luhua's situation, Altair goes back to devising their next plan for recapturing Zaha.
Altair: As outsiders belonging to neither country, we will handle Luhua.
Altair: It would be best to leave his case with people like us who neither hate nor fear him and can remain unbiased.
Altair: Do we have your consent, Your Majesty?
Persuaded by Altair's words, Leonis solemnly nods.
Leonis: If I were to be completely honest, I would prefer to deal with Luhua myself.
Leonis: However, I am the king. I will go with whatever option will allow my country to prevail.
Leonis: We'll follow your plan, Altair.
Altair: I am relieved to see you remember your responsibilities as the king of Erdeni, Your Majesty.
Altair's barb about the earlier battle earns a wry look from the king.
Leonis: Good heavens... You're as sarcastic as ever, aren't you!
Leonis: Well, it was my fault that I even thought to fight Luhua back there...
Leonis turns to (Captain) and the crew and bows his head.
Leonis: Please accept my apologies, (Captain). The truth is that I did not entirely believe you had the strength necessary.
Leonis: That's why I was reluctant to leave things to you.
He pauses for a moment and raises his head to gaze at (Captain), a sincere look in his eyes.
Leonis: But your capability as captain of your crew was made clear to me in the last battle.
Leonis: I apologize for any offense I may have caused. Will you lend Erdeni your power once again?
  1. Of course. It's our job!
  2. You owe me one.

Choose: Of course. It's our job!
Leonis: Hahaha! Ah yes, I did make an official request to your crew, didn't I? Then we'll need to treat it like a job.
Leonis: In that case, I will make sure you are thoroughly rewarded once your mission is complete.

Choose: You owe me one.
Leonis: I certainly do. And I swear I will pay back this debt.
Leonis: However, I'm afraid you'll have to wait until after this war is over, if that's all right with you.
Continue 1
Leonis and (Captain) shake on it, acknowledging one another as equals on the battlefield.
They turn back to the desk to continue their preparations for the upcoming battle.

The Art of Mercy - Chapter 5: Elegy for the Valorous - Episode 2

Polaris's troops face off against Prince Erik and his soldiers at the front line, and a fierce battle between the general and the prince begins. Erik sacrifices one of his own soldiers and fatally wounds Polaris, but the Erdeni general pushes back and manages to inflict a serious injury on Erik before the Zilantos army finally retreats.

Several days later, the Erdeni army heads out toward the city of Zaha once more.
Just as they had feared, the army's supplies have begun to run low and are now reaching their limit.
Seeing this as the optimal time to march on the city, the troops depart once again, with Leonis and Lyria staying behind to watch over the base.
Polaris: The Zilantos army is within sight. Looks like they're ready to give us a warm welcome... Can't say I'm too happy about that.
Shura: No doubt the enemy foresaw this and made the appropriate preparations for our inevitable arrival.
Polaris: Yes... This is probably the last chance for us to make a move.
Polaris stares icily at the enemy as she stands at the front line, her resolve unwavering.
Polaris: Shura, you should hurry back to our main unit. Leave this here to me. You have your own work to do, don't you?
Shura: ...
Polaris: Shura?
Shura: Please be careful, Polaris.
Shura: Just as it is a vital point for Erdeni, Zaha is also essential for Zilantos in this battle.
Shura: If they have Luhua at the ready, Zilantos must be getting desperate as well.
Polaris: Then all the more reason to give this battle all that we've got.
Polaris: The day that Zaha fell, I lost many of my subordinates…
Polaris: The time has come to avenge them.
However, Polaris's firm words fail to reassure Shura, whose frown only deepens.
Sensing the tension, Polaris smiles wryly.
Polaris: Oh, come on, Shura! You're going to get everyone nervous with that face you're making. You're the strategist here!
Shura: Oh... I-I'm sorry!
Shura: I'm just worried—no, uneasy—about engaging the enemy in our current state.
Polaris: Yes... It's true that our soldiers are feeling less than positive, and there's a lot we need to work around.
Polaris: But that doesn't mean we've lost just yet! We have to keep fighting for what we believe in until the very end!
Shura relaxes a little at Polaris's confident tone.
Shura: Look at me, hardly able to contain my own insecurity... yet I call myself a strategist. It seems I still have much to learn.
Polaris: I see it as one of your strong points, Shura. The insecurity that you feel will prevent you from ever making any reckless decisions.
Polaris: Let's win this no matter what. For us, and for the future of Erdeni!
Polaris: And once this war ends, let's hold a big celebration! I have just the perfect bottle of fruit wine saved up for us!
Shura: That sounds excellent! I'm looking forward to it.
Reassured by Polaris's words of encouragement, Shura gives a firm nod, the look in her eyes no longer wavering.
Polaris nods back in approval with a wide smile on her face before starting her march out onto the battlefield.
Polaris and her front line troops collide with the enemy soldiers under Prince Erik's command, and the battle commences.
Intimidated by the enemy's hostile looks, the Erdeni troops falter. Zilantos takes this opportunity to make their assault.
However, Zawra's unit moves in from the east side, with Altair and the others closing in from the west. The Erdeni soldiers swiftly surround the enemy according to plan.
Playing the main role in their strategy, Polaris's unit gets ready to charge.
Polaris: Our target is Prince Erik of Zilantos! Soldiers, follow me!
Erdeni Soldiers: Raaaah!
However, a single enemy soldier suddenly moves to stand in front of Polaris's troops.
Mysterious Soldier: Ahh... Hel....p... me...
Polaris: ...?
Dazed and off guard, the soldier staggers toward them. His body begins to emit a faint light.
Polaris: ...!
Quick! Get back, everyone!
Mysterious Soldier: Ah...
A pillar of light engulfs the Zilantos soldier and explodes, the impact of the explosion threatening to obliterate both friend and foe.
Polaris's troops escape the explosion by a hair's width. The general stares at where the soldier had stood just a moment ago, speechless.
Polaris: What... have they done...
Erik: Well, darn, that didn't work. I was hoping he'd have a little more stamina than that...
Erik: Man, this is boring... It ended so fast. That's no fun.
Erik swiftly deflects Polaris's attack and looks dubiously at her.
Erik: That was close... Who the hell are you? What got you so worked up?
Polaris: Erik... Third in line to the Zilantos throne. That soldier just now... Was that your doing?
Erik: Sure was. Pretty amusing, right?
Polaris: Amusing?
The Erdeni general widens her eyes at Erik's words. She grips her hammer, her arms shaking with anger.
Polaris: Erik... You fail to possess even a fragment of moral character or intellect. The world would be a much better place without scum like you.
Erik: Hm. Cheeky thing, aren't you?
Polaris: This is a battlefield. I can't tell you what's right or wrong...
Polaris: But what I can tell you is that what you just did is absolutely unforgivable.
Polaris: I'll have you die here... by my hand!
Erik: Hah! Let's see you try, you pathetic runt!
Polaris lunges at Erik, bringing her hammer down on him. The prince raises his own sword to block her attack.
Polaris is small, but swift—she swings at the prince again and again, allowing him no time to recover. Erik clicks his tongue in frustration.
Erik: Arrrgh! The little shrimp keeps moving around and getting on my nerves!
Polaris: ...!
But the prince has no time to complain when up against Polaris's incredible speed.
Polaris: (It's over!)
The Erdeni general moves in the split second Erik takes his eyes off of her. She swings her weapon up, ready to finish him.
Scared Soldier: Eeeek! P-Prince Erik! What are you—
Polaris: ...!
The prince thrusts one of his soldiers in front of him as a shield. Polaris twists her body just in time, weakening her swing to avoid killing the innocent man.
Erik: You're way too soft.
Polaris: Augh!
Scared Soldier: What... Prince... Erik?
Erik runs his sword through the soldier and sinks it deep into Polaris.
Satisfied that his thrust has landed, the prince yanks his sword back with all his might.
Polaris: Ergh!
Erik: Ahahahaha! Miserable filth! And what were you saying before this?
Polaris: Ugh...
Erik: See you later, half-pint. You made a trash general, but I guess it was fun while it lasted—
Polaris: Haaaah!
It was too soon for Erik to gloat. Polaris seizes the opportunity and uses her remaining strength to strike a final blow.
Erik: Augh!
Erik: You're... kidding... You're nothing but... trash!
Polaris lands a solid blow, her hammer sinking deep into the side of Erik's stomach.
Erik: What the hell... What the hell is this! How dare you hurt me like this! I'm gonna kill you! I'll rip you to pieces!
Zilantos Soldier: Prince Erik! If you move like that, it will exacerbate your wound! We must retreat!
Erik: Shut up! Don't tell me what to do!
I'm gonna kill you... I'll massacre the whole lot of you Erdeni scum!
Despite the blood pouring from his wound, Erik is determined to fight, his eyes burning with hate.
The soldier restrains him, pulling him back by force. They retreat from the battlefield and out of sight.
With their general no longer on the field, the Zilantos troops begin to draw back. Polaris stands by herself, watching the enemy slowly retreat to the city.
Polaris: Heh heh... Serves you right... Too bad we didn't manage to... capture him though...
Polaris: Sorry, Shura... Zawra... Leonis...
Polaris: Looks like we... won't be able to... enjoy that bottle I saved... for us...
Polaris: What a... waste...
Polaris whispers softly as her eyelids droop, the light slowly disappearing from beneath them.
A single tear rolls down her cheek from her vacant eyes.

The Art of Mercy - Chapter 5: Elegy for the Valorous - Episode 3

The Erdeni soldiers withdraw and return to the base with news of Polaris's death. Altair instructs everyone to prepare to attack the enemy at full force. Zawra asks Altair for permission to deal with Erik himself in their next fight and makes a vow to come back alive.

Vitali: Well, this is a pain... To think the king's right-hand man would be this difficult to shake off!
Zawra: This day will be your last!
Erdeni Messenger: U-urgent message to all units!
Erdeni Messenger: General Polaris... General Polaris was killed in action against Prince Erik of Zilantos and his troops!
Zawra: ...!
Polaris... is dead?
Erdeni Messenger: Yes, sir! Prince Erik is also confirmed to have suffered heavy injuries, and his troops have retreated from the battlefield.
Vitali: Oh dear. Dear, dear me... If Prince Erik is no longer on the battlefield, then I suppose this will be it for me as well.
Vitali: Let's call this a draw, since we've both suffered our own losses. We'll settle this another time.
Zawra: Wait!
Before Zawra can take another step, Vitali is enveloped by a blinding light.
Zawra: Curses... A smoke screen!
Vitali: I'm afraid standing at the front lines is not my forte. Well then, until next time.
By the time the light disappears, not a single Zilantos soldier is to be seen.
Zawra makes a frustrated sound and turns to his own troops with his orders.
Zawra: We will retreat for now. With Polaris's unit out of action, we'll need to rethink our strategy.
Erdeni Messenger: Yes, sir!
Zawra: (Polaris... So you've gone on without us...)
Both armies retreat to their respective bases.
At the Erdeni headquarters, Polaris's body is laid on a simple stretcher, a cloth placed over her.
Shura: ...
Vyrn: You're kidding, right... No way...
Altair: This is something I will never grow accustomed to no matter how many times I experience it on the battlefield...
Zawra: ...
Speechless, they can only stand in disbelief as they mourn the loss of their friend.
It is then that Zawra reaches a decision within himself and quietly steps forward.
Zawra: Altair. Will you grant me the permission to deal with Prince Erik alone?
Altair: ...
Altair: Erik is the third prince of Zilantos.
Altair: Since we have wounded one of the royal princes, it is likely that Zilantos will retaliate, with the intention of annihilating us completely.
Altair: In other words, they will bring their full strength to bear... with Luhua at the front line.
At the mention of Luhua's name, Shura quivers slightly.
Shura: It will be a terrible battle... even more so than any we have experienced thus far.
Zawra: That is exactly why we will need to focus however much power we can afford on Luhua.
Shura: No, wait! I believe it would be better if we work as a single body rather than divide our military power.
Shura: We can focus our resources on defeating the enemy one at a time, whether it be Prince Erik or Luhua...
Altair casts a sideway glance at Shura, his expression grim.
Altair: Focusing all of our military power and crushing the enemy step by step is not a bad idea.
Altair: However, the one we need to be wary of is not the prince, but their strategist, Vitali.
Altair: Considering the number of unknown variables in this equation, it would be wise to split up our forces so that we are better able to respond to unexpected developments.
Zawra: Silver Strategist... What are you hesitating for?
Zawra: It is not me whom you should protect. It is the people and their king. Wouldn't you agree?
Seeing Zawra stand firmly in his belief, Altair asks a single question.
Altair: When you face the prince in battle...
Altair: Can you promise that you will act not out of revenge, but calmly and unswayed by emotion?
Zawra: There is no right or wrong on the battlefield. One's reason to fight is purely based on one's own emotions and beliefs.
Zawra: However, I can swear that this sadness I harbor will only serve as fuel for the fight. I will not be overcome by it in battle.
Shura: Commander Zawra...
At Zawra's temperate words, Altair relaxes and finally nods.
Altair: I understand. Then I will leave Prince Erik to you, Commander Zawra.
Zawra: Thank you, Altair. I appreciate it.
Altair: I trust you to stand firm in your beliefs and not be rattled by the enemy, no matter what actions they take.
Altair: According to our hostages, Prince Erik is a man who does not treat other people as equals, be they friend or foe.
Altair: And as far as I can see, Vitali is also someone very capable of such inhumanity.
Altair: Do not let it shake you. Even if you are to witness people used as shields and thrown away, you must stay strong.
Zawra: Understood. I will keep your advice in mind.
Zawra: I swear on my name that I will bring down Erik and come back victorious.
(Captain) and the others take in a sharp breath, feeling the tension in the air as they prepare for the final battle.
The battle for Zaha slowly approaches its end as the winding paths around it twist and converge into one.

The Art of Mercy - Chapter 5: Elegy for the Valorous - Episode 4

The battle resumes the next day, and Zawra cuts through the Zilantos soldiers to where Erik is. Once again, the prince attempts to use one of his men as a shield, but Zawra foresees this and dispatches Erik in one swift movement. However, Erik's body begins to emit a deadly magic, and the area is hit with a blinding explosion.

The morning after, Erdeni and Zilantos meet once again on the battlefield.
Luhua: ...
Luhua is among the Zilantos troops facing them, just as Altair predicted.
Though wounded from his previous engagement, Erik also stands at the front line.
Erik: The pain's gone now...
Erik: What exactly did you do, Vitali? Are you sure this is going to be okay?
Vitali: Your Highness, as I explained before the procedure...
Vitali: I did not heal your wounds. I simply applied a slightly... different kind of magic of my own invention to your wounds and your body—
Erik: Hmph... Well, whatever, as long as I can move.
Erik: I can't believe they even dared to put a scratch on me... I'll make sure they pay for their crimes... with their lives.
Vitali: My, my. Not even going to listen to the rest of my explanation, are we?
Vitali: (I suppose that works in my favor...)
Luhua: Prince Erik, are you certain you want to participate in this battle with your wounds still fresh?
Luhua: It would be best if you stayed in Zaha until you've received proper treatment—
Erik: Shut up, will you! They hurt me! I'm royalty!
Erik: I'm going to teach those Erdeni slugs that standing up against me is a huge mistake...
Erik: So what's it gonna be? If you try and stop me, Luhua, that'll be the same as rebelling against me.
Luhua: ...
Luhua: Very well. Do as you wish, Your Highness.
Luhua: Then if you will return to your own unit. Our front lines will soon be engaging the Erdeni troops.
Meanwhile, the Erdeni army stays vigilant, watching the enemy in the distance closely.
Shura: Luhua, Prince Erik, Vitali, and Renfa are all confirmed present.
Shura: We were right in our assumption that Zilantos will be focusing all of their forces on this battle.
Zawra: I'm surprised Prince Erik is already coming out onto the battlefield...
Zawra: I expected him to stay with the main unit, not stand at the front lines...
Altair: According to the accounts of Polaris's soldiers, Prince Erik should have suffered a serious injury.
Altair: To have healed under normal methods of treatment would be inconceivable...
Altair: Just as I thought... This must be Vitali's doing.
As Altair ponders this, Zawra's calm gaze sweeps over the enemy troops.
Zawra: In any case, what we have to do remains unchanged. We must stay vigilant on the battlefield and be ready for anything.
Zawra: This time, I will defeat Prince Erik. For Erdeni...
Zawra: And for our dear friend.
Soon, the deafening cry of soldiers echoes across the moors, signaling the start of battle.
Taking the thunderous roar as a sign, Zawra tears toward the Zilantos army, determined to put an end to the prince once and for all.
Zawra: Haaaaah!
Zawra plows through the multitude of incoming Zilantos soldiers, striking them down one by one as he makes his way toward Erik.
Zawra: Prince Erik of Zilantos! Today, you shall perish by my hand!
Erik: Shut up! I'm the one who's going to win!
Zawra and Erik's blades clash over and over again in a test of strength and swordsmanship.
Unable to get close, the Zilantos soldiers can only hold their breath as they stand back to watch the furious exchange of blows.
Erik: (Damn it, he's so strong... At this rate, he's eventually going to win!)
Erik: No... I won't allow it! I'm the one who's strong! Not you!
Zawra: Indeed, you are strong... But a blade that lacks conviction will never be able to cut me down!
Erik: Wha!
Zawra wrenches his blade sharply upward, knocking back Erik's sword and upsetting his balance.
Erik: (No... No, no, no! Lose? Me?)
Erik: (No way! As if I'd let that happen!)
Erik: I'll never lose... Never!
Erik kicks at the ground in frustration. He reaches out to grab one of his soldiers to use as a shield, just as he did in his fight against Polaris.
Erik: Eek!
Having predicted Erik's next move, Zawra makes another slash, grazing the prince's outstretched fingers.
Zawra: It was plain to see that this is what you would resort to in your desperation. That is who you are.
Zawra: It ends here.
Erik: Blegh...
Outsmarted, Erik is frozen in disbelief as Zawra's blade slices his stomach open.
Erik: But... why? I'm... I'm strong... I'm supposed to be... special...
Dazed, Erik sputters his last words as he sinks to his knees and collapses into a pool of his own blood. Zawra stands watching in silence.
Life slowly fades from the prince's eyes until it is completely gone.
Zawra: Your death has been avenged, Polaris.
After a moment of silence, Zawra turns his back on Erik's body to face the surrounding soldiers.
Zawra: Listen to my words, soldiers of Zilantos. Your leader is dead. If you resist any further—
Just then, Zawra senses an ominous presence from behind and spins around.
Rising from Erik's body, now but a vacant shell, are the threatening traces of a deathly magic.
Zawra: No...
The moment Zawra grasps what is happening, a deafening explosion fills his ears, followed by a white light that swallows up the entire battlefield.

The Art of Mercy - Chapter 6: Fight to the Death - Episode 1

(Captain) and the others witness a pillar of light and are informed of Zawra's and Erik's deaths. Meanwhile, Luhua is summoned by the king of Zilantos once again, where he finds out that the king and Vitali had been deceiving him all along. He murders the two and heads out to battle once more, determined to attain his own freedom.

Shura: What is that? It's coming from that direction...
The pillar of light emitting from Erik's body catches the attention of (Captain) and the others from afar.
Shocked by the ominous glow and explosive roar, the crew fears the worst.
Erdeni Messenger: Shura! Altair!
A panicked messenger comes running to report on the situation.
Erdeni Messenger: It appears there was some sort of trap hidden in Prince Erik's body.
Erdeni Messenger: After Commander Zawra successfully took down Erik in combat, there was a massive explosion...
Erdeni Messenger: Commander Zawra and the Zilantos soldiers in the immediate proximity of the explosion are presumed to be dead.
Altair: So they had expected Prince Erik to perish in battle and thus planted a trap that activated after his death.
Shura: How cruel... Who could possibly have done this?
Altair: My guess is their strategist, Vitali. I heard from Zawra that he is well-versed in sorcery.
Altair: Devising plans that use people as pawns, and throwing their lives away without a second thought...
Altair: As much as I hate to acknowledge him as a member of my own profession... he certainly is a formidable tactician.
Meanwhile, the Zilantos troops are also observing the pillar of light from afar.
Luhua: (That must be one of Vitali's spells... A cruel act, even if for the sake of victory...)
However, the loss of a single platoon does not affect Luhua's troops as they continue to return fire.
Luhua: (Leaving things to Vitali will only cause more unnecessary losses...)
Luhua: (Looks like I have no choice but to tear out Erdeni's heart myself.)
Determined to put an end to this war, Luhua places his hand on the hilt of his sword. Just then a soldier comes running up.
Zilantos Soldier: G-General Luhua! We have just received a message from the capital. You have been summoned by the king!
Luhua: What?
Zilantos Soldier: General Renfa was also summoned and has gone on ahead. It would be best to hurry.
At the mention of Renfa's name, Luhua turns pale.
Luhua: Very well...
Luhua: We still have the upper hand in terms of numbers. Tell the commanding officer of each unit to switch to defense and buy as much time as possible.
Zilantos Soldier: Yes, sir!
Luhua departs from the battlefield and hurries to where the king awaits him at the capital.
Arriving at the castle, he opens the door to find the king of Zilantos and Renfa, her eyes cast downward. Vitali stands beside them.
Luhua: Luhua, at your service.
King of Zilantos: Well? What is your excuse?
Luhua: Excuse?
King of Zilantos: Erik is dead. Do you know what that means, Luhua?
Luhua: Your Majesty, His Highness took it upon himself to—
King of Zilantos: Who is responsible for this war? It's you, isn't it?
King of Zilantos: Thus the responsibility for Erik's death also lies with you.
Luhua: ...!
Luhua bears the king's oppressive words, balling his fists tightly as he keeps his head down in respect.
Vitali: It can't be helped, Luhua.
Vitali: Royalty is royalty, and servants will always be servants. The status you are born with determines the value of your life. That's just how it works.
Luhua: Vitali... You're one to talk.
Luhua: You're the one who invited me here and persuaded me to offer my power to this country!
Luhua: You told me that in Zilantos, a person with power will have his rights!
Vitali: Silence. You're rather noisy for something so useless.
Vitali: It's about time you realized that you will never be anything but a tool, used for the ends of those above you.
Luhua: What... did you just say?
Vitali: You possess a very great power. There is no one on this island who would be able to win against you.
Vitali: The king wished to use your power. That is why I approached you and drew you away from Erdeni to us.
Ten years ago, on the night before the peace treaty between Erdeni and Zilantos was to take effect...
Vitali had snuck into the country of Erdeni and secretly approached Luhua.
Vitali: There may not be much discrimination in Erdeni, but only those born into a respectable bloodline have power here.
Vitali: So why do you think King Canopus would adopt an orphan like you into the royal family?
Vitali: The answer is obvious. He only wants you for your extraordinary strength.
Luhua: No... You're wrong.
Luhua had been living as part of Erdeni's royal family at the time, after King Canopus took him in.
However, it was not an easy environment for an orphan like Luhua to survive in.
Due to his lowborn status, he suffered constant abuse from the people around him who had held power since the day they were born.
Even so, Luhua trusted Canopus and believed that the king's display of benevolence was genuine.
But in the end, his faith in the king was broken by the words of a stranger.
Vitali: Did you not find it strange that he picked someone not even from his own country to adopt into the royal family?
Vitali: You are merely being raised as a shield for Leonis.
Vitali: It is so easy to make people born into poor circumstances like yourself pledge their allegiance just by showing a bit of kindness.
Vitali: A small price to pay for a loyal shield... I applaud Canopus for his clever thinking.
Shocked by Vitali's words, Luhua grits his teeth in disbelief.
Vitali: Zilantos, however, is different. Those who have power will have rights. It is a country where extraordinary strength is more valuable than lineage.
Vitali: High achievements in our country will earn you a life equivalent to that of a noble's, no matter how poor of a family you were born into.
Vitali: No one will ever call you a servant or abuse you ever again.
Vitali: I have come to offer you this freedom... and true salvation.
Luhua: Is what you're saying the truth?
Vitali: Why, of course. There is just one condition.
Vitali: Bring us the head of King Canopus. That is the condition.
Luhua: ...!
Vitali: What are you so surprised about? There is no need for hesitation.
Vitali: The man has tricked you with his virtuous disguise and plans to use you for the entirety of your life.
Vitali: To put it simply, his murder would only be an appropriate act of revenge.
Vitali: Now... what will you do?
Luhua: You mean... all of that was a lie?
Vitali: What was? Ah, you mean Canopus.
Vitali: What is a lie and what is the truth? Who knows.
Vitali: I merely pointed out the possibilities. How you interpret them is up to you.
Vitali: Well, Canopus certainly was a soft-hearted man, almost to an illogical extent...
King of Zilantos: How foolish. In the end, what determines a person's life is their lineage.
King of Zilantos: No matter how much a servant achieves, the filthy blood running through their veins will never change.
King of Zilantos: Luhua, I cannot let your failure this time go unpunished. As for the price, I've decided to have Renfa pay for part of it.
Luhua: Wha... Why! Renfa has nothing to do with this!
King of Zilantos: That is for me, the king, to decide. Not you.
King of Zilantos: Just as your strength is valuable, the beauty Renfa possesses is also greatly appealing to me.
King of Zilantos: Servants like you are no more than mindless cattle, born to serve until the day you die.
Luhua's lip trembles with fury at the king's heinous words.
Luhua: So you were using me from the very beginning...
King of Zilantos: Of course. You're a servant—it's what you were born for. Rather, you should be grateful that you were able to serve a king as great as myself.
Luhua: ...!
Luhua: You monsteeeer!
With a scream of rage, Luhua leaps to where the king is sitting in the blink of an eye.
As Luhua wraps his hands around the king's neck, he realizes its frailty and wonders what he had ever feared from this man. Without another word, he cleanly snaps the king's neck in one swift movement.
Vitali: Do... Do you realize what you've done?
Failing to see the point of any further conversation, Luhua seizes Vitali by the throat next.
Luhua: ...
Vitali: You're nothing... but a beast... A servant... That is what... you will always—
Luhua: Silence.
With the slightest tightening of Luhua's grip, Vitali is rendered silent, never to speak again.
Luhua tosses Vitali's corpse onto the floor and looks over at Renfa.
Luhua: Renfa... Do I scare you?
Renfa: No... Not at all.
Luhua: Am I a monster?
Renfa: No. You are a person, Luhua. The only person that I love.
Renfa shakes her head and walks to where Luhua stands motionlessly.
Luhua: I'm going to crush Erdeni. And Zilantos after that.
Luhua: I'll acquire the freedom I want with my own hands.
Luhua: These hands are already stained with the blood of many. What comes after this will make no difference.
He quietly turns to leave the room, Renfa at his side.
Hopelessness and resentment are reflected in his eyes as his heart burns with a dark, raging flame.

The Art of Mercy - Chapter 6: Fight to the Death - Episode 2

With both sides suffering losses, the battle between Erdeni and Zilantos reaches a stalemate. Altair and the others hear of Luhua's coup d'etat. Seeing this as the perfect opportunity, the Silver Strategist instructs the others to ready themselves for a final battle.

The Nuph Moors grow strangely silent as the battle comes to a stalemate.
The Zilantos troops ceased their attacks all of a sudden and switched to a defensive position.
It is plain to see that the enemy is stalling for time, although the reason is unclear to the Erdeni soldiers.
Erdeni decides to stay on the offensive while a number of their soldiers head back to the headquarters to recuperate.
Shura: ...
  1. Are you all right?
  2. Hang in there.

Choose: Are you all right?
Shura: Sigh... O-oh, yes... I'm fine. I'm not hurt.

Choose: Hang in there.
Shura: ...!
I'm sorry, I was just lost in thought...
Continue 1
Vyrn: You sure you're okay? We kept callin' your name, but you didn't seem to hear us.
Shura: My apologies. I shouldn't be spacing out when we still have the last spurt of this battle to get through.
The deaths of Polaris and Zawra have cast a shadow over the Erdeni troops, including Shura.
Tired and frustrated at their situation, Shura looks out at the huddled soldiers.
Shura: Can we really... win this battle?
Seeing the others' pained expressions and realizing what she has just said, Shura gasps and lowers her head in apology.
Shura: F-forgive me! I said something that a military strategist should never be allowed to say...
Vyrn: Well... I don't blame ya for thinkin' that after everything that's happened...
Altair: I heard that. A strategist grumbling on the battlefield is absolutely preposterous.
Shura: Altair!
Altair: I understand wanting to take the time to lament the deaths of Polaris and Zawra. However, the war is not over yet.
Altair: How do you expect to lead an army when your heart is weak?
Shura: I have no excuse. I realize that I simply do not have enough willpower, intellect, or experience...
Shura: Sometimes, I wonder whether I am really fit to be a military strategist...
Shura: Was my judgment correct? Were my orders appropriate?
Shura: I always lack confidence in my own judgment...
Shura folds her arms tightly over her chest, her expression pained as if on the verge of tears.
Altair: It is only natural to feel that way. That is true for me as well—I am always doubting my own decisions.
Shura: Huh?
Altair: The title of strategist is simply a role and duty. When it comes to making a decision for someone else, mistakes are inevitable.
Altair: Still, it is our job to use whatever means necessary and apply our knowledge and wisdom to direct others down the path that we see as the most appropriate.
Altair: To do your best and let nature take its course—this is much easier said than done.
Altair: There were times when I was not patient enough to wait, and resorted to praying instead.
Shura: There were?
At Shura's disbelieving tone, Altair turns his head to look at the white wings on his back, his expression softening.
Altair: For example... these wings began as a superstition.
The first war Altair experienced had been one so hopeless that there was no chance for Altair's side to win without anything short of a miracle.
Altair: At the time, I remembered something from an old book that I had read before.
Altair: The archangels who governed the four elements in these skies...
Altair: Perhaps with their divine protection, I could turn the situation around.
Altair: That is what I thought to myself when I donned these archangel-like wings, in hopes of drawing on their power by doing so.
(Captain) and the others widen their eyes at this unexpected insight into their silver-haired friend.
Altair: Back then, I, too, was young and inexperienced.
Shura: Did... a miracle happen in that battle?
Despite Shura's hopeful tone, Altair shakes his head almost immediately.
Altair: Miracles do not happen no matter how much you pray, and they are certainly not something that strategists should hope for.
Shura: Then your first battle...
Altair: We won. Pushed to our very limits in our desperate situation, we shed blood and tears to come up with a plan that led us to victory.
Vyrn: So much for a miracle...
Altair: Exactly. A miracle is not something that happens when you want it to.
Altair: The moment you pray for a miracle, you lose your worth as a strategist. That is what I learned in my very first battle.
Altair: I put on these wings even now to remind myself of what I learned from that battle.
Vyrn: Wow, and here I was thinkin' you just had 'em on for fashion or something...
Altair: Well, it has become rather like a trademark for me now.
Altair gives a small shrug before turning back to Shura.
Altair: Shura. You must believe in yourself.
Altair: If you believe in yourself and use all the means available to you, even if miracles and angels fail to appear, you will find a way.
Altair: Learning, sympathy, faith, prayer... Taking these and paving a way to victory is the job of a strategist.
Shura: Believe in... myself.
Shura reflects on Altair's firm yet kind words. Her nails dig into her arms as she hugs herself tighter.
Shura: Polaris told me time and time again as well... that I should have more confidence in myself.
Drawing strength from her lost friend's words, Shura lifts her gaze and fixes it on the path ahead of them.
Despite reaching a stalemate, the Erdeni troops wait for their next opportunity as they continue moving in on the enemy.
Hearing about the situation from a messenger, Leonis and Lyria join them at the headquarters to give their support as well.
It is then that another messenger arrives with more unexpected news.
Erdeni Messenger: We have a report from our intelligence unit regarding their investigation of the Zilantos capital.
Erdeni Messenger: It appears Luhua has started a coup d'etat and killed both the king and the strategist Vitali.
Leonis: Luhua... I guess some things will never change.
Shura: The lack of activity among the Zilantos troops must be because of this as well.
Lyria: Th-then... what's going to happen with this war?
Erdeni Messenger: With the sudden death of their king, the anti-monarchy faction took advantage of the situation and started a riot.
Erdeni Messenger: With the possible outbreak of a civil conflict, it is likely that Zilantos is no longer in a position to be at war with Erdeni.
Altair: But the Zilantos army present in the Nuph Moors has not made any moves to retreat.
Altair: The revolution is another reason for them to hold onto an important asset like Zaha.
Altair: However, they do not have enough people to make an aggressive attack on Erdeni from their end.
Altair: Not to mention, the commander of their troops is Luhua himself.
Altair: Under these circumstances, the best they can do is to maintain the current situation.
An understanding dawns on (Captain) and the others upon hearing Altair's interpretation of the situation.
Shura: That means the likelihood of Zilantos support troops coming in is fairly low.
Leonis: In other words... this is the perfect opportunity for us.
Altair: An opportunity that we cannot afford to miss. Even if the enemy predicts our movements, there will be nothing they can do about it.
The others nod, an excitement growing inside them. Altair raises his voice.
Altair: We will leave immediately. All of our troops will come together to make one final advance.
Altair: The war is at its final stage. Begin the preparations and don't let your guard down.
At Altair's command, the army flies into a commotion as they prepare for their last showdown against Zilantos.
As Leonis is busy ensuring the soldiers are ready for battle, Altair quietly pulls him aside.
Leonis: What's the matter? Is something bothering you?
Altair: Yes, just one thing. I would like to hear your thoughts not as the king of Erdeni, but as an individual.
Leonis: The fact that you're choosing to ask this now... must mean that it's not simply a personal matter.
At last, the Erdeni army is ready to face battle once again and makes its departure.
Pushing back the tall grasses as they march, the troops steadily move toward the Zilantos headquarters.
They soon receive notice that a single enemy unit is heading toward them.
The enemy unit is led by none other than Renfa, Shura's sister and Luhua's only ally.
Shura: Altair. Will you let my unit take care of this?
Altair: I was expecting you to ask...
Altair: Do you remember what I told you earlier, Shura?
Shura: Yes. Still, this is my responsibility. If my sister is to fall, I would like it to be by my hand.
Hearing the conviction behind Shura's words, Altair sighs softly before nodding at her.
Altair: All right. However, you must not kill her. I need you to capture her and bring her back alive.
Altair: She is Luhua's sole weakness and, most likely, his only attachment to reason now.
Altair: If she dies, it is difficult to predict what kind of actions Luhua will take as a last resort.
Altair: On the other hand, if she stays alive, we will be able to use her as a trump card if the situation calls for it.
Shura: Understood...
A vortex of emotions churning inside her, Shura closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, steadying herself.
She opens them again and breaks into a run, not a trace of doubt in her rhythmic steps.

The Art of Mercy - Chapter 6: Fight to the Death - Episode 3

The Erdeni army encounters Renfa on the way to Zaha. Shura tells (Captain) and Altair to go on ahead and stays to face her sister by herself. (Captain) and the others reach where the Zilantos troops are and are surprised to see Luhua summon the primal beast Red Hare.

Renfa and her unit reach the Erdeni troops, standing between them and the Zilantos army.
Shura takes charge and urges (Captain) and the others to go on ahead of her.
Shura: Unit 3! Prepare to engage Renfa's unit and pave the way for our main unit!
Erdeni Soldiers: Yes, ma'am!
The soldiers follow Shura's orders and turn to face Renfa and her troops.
Renfa: Leave the woman to me. I'll give them what they want and fight her myself.
Zilantos Soldier 1: Understood. May luck be on your side, General Renfa!
The Erdeni troops bypass Renfa and hurry toward Zilantos's main unit.
Meanwhile, the two sisters step forward to face each other in their long-awaited reunion on the battlefield.
Renfa: Shura, my dear sister. How long has it been since we last talked to each other face-to-face like this?
Shura: Renfa... Why did you betray Sui?
Renfa: Why? That's a strange thing to ask.
Renfa: If I'd stayed in Sui, I would have remained as someone's plaything for the rest of my life.
Renfa: I had neither the intellect nor the talent that you did.
Renfa: I had nothing. That's why all I could be was someone else's toy.
Renfa: But Luhua loved me for who I was. That's why I decided to take his hand and follow him wherever he goes.
Shura: You say you had nothing... That may be true. You possessed nothing of merit.
Shura: But did you ever put in the effort to learn anything?
Shura: You've always been like this, ever since you were little. When Mother patiently taught you how to weave, you immediately gave up and said you'd never be able to do it well.
Shura: When Father brought back books that he thought would suit your abilities, you decided that you couldn't read them without even opening them once.
Shura: You were nothing but a spoiled child. You say you had nothing and that you couldn't do anything, but in truth, you were just running away from it all while making excuses.
Renfa: Is that how you saw it? I suppose that's not surprising. You can do anything you turn your hand to—you'd never understand the feelings of someone who can't.
Renfa: No matter what I did, I'd always be compared to you. You had no idea how frustrating that was!
Renfa: They'd say that I wasn't smart like you, but at least I had the looks. They all said that.
Renfa: They valued you for your talent, but they only saw value in my appearance.
Renfa: There were a lot of people who loved how I looked. But none of them loved me.
Renfa: However, Luhua was different. Even when I had nothing, he loved me!
Renfa: That's why I chose Luhua. That's all there is to it.
Hearing her sister's genuine thoughts for the first time, Shura unconsciously tightens her grip on her weapon.
Shura: You say nobody loved you... That isn't true at all. Father and Mother loved you so much.
Shura: I made you this way... If I'd been a proper sister to you...
Renfa: Foolish sister. That's why I hate you. I hate you so much!
Renfa: You're so arrogant! You blame yourself for everything that goes wrong! Even if it was something that I did!
Renfa: You have no idea how miserable and pathetic that makes me feel!
Renfa: My actions are my own responsibility! Not yours!
Overwhelmed by her emotions, Renfa unleashes attack after attack on Shura like a child throwing a tantrum.
Shura evades all of her attacks and closes the gap between them in a flash.
Her blade whips through the air and stops just before it cuts into Renfa, hovering over her threateningly.
Renfa: What, you can't bring yourself to kill me?
Shura: No. I won't bring myself to kill you. That is my duty.
Renfa: Don't mess around with me!
Renfa pulls out a small dagger hidden close to her heart, but Shura is too fast and knocks it out of her sister's hand.
Shura slams her fist into Renfa's solar plexus.
Renfa: Ergh...
Renfa: I wonder who's... the plaything now... Disgusting...
Renfa spits out the words before losing consciousness, collapsing into Shura's arms.
Shura: No matter what anyone says, I'm Erdeni's military strategist. I will choose whatever will lead us to victory.
Shura leaves her sister with the soldiers, her face hard and expressionless like that of a seasoned fighter.
As Shura and Renfa are confronting each other, Altair and the troops continue moving toward the enemy.
Altair: Unit 1 will distract the right flank and draw them away from the enemy's main unit.
Altair: Unit 2 will lead the center unit toward where our intercepting unit is waiting, then make a pincer attack.
Erdeni Soldier 1: Yes, sir! All soldiers, forward!
The Zilantos troops spread out in an attempt to block the way to Zaha, but the Erdeni soldiers match their pace and counterattack from multiple directions.
The Erdeni troops split up into small units and take advantage of their mobility to confuse the enemy, gradually cutting through them from the outside.
Zilantos Soldier 2: A support unit has been spotted at three o'clock! Approximately fifty soldiers are headed this way!
Zilantos Soldier 3: They think they can stand up against us with just fifty of 'em?
Zilantos Soldier 2: N-no, wait! Other reinforcements incoming at ten o'clock and one o'clock.
Zilantos Soldier 2: Unit 6 on the left is under attack! They've been surrounded by the enemy!
Zilantos Soldier 3: What can they do with just a handful of 'em? We've still got the advantage in numbers! Take 'em down!
The Zilantos army reorganizes itself and tries to use its size to push back the small Erdeni units.
Erdeni Soldier 2: Hah, they bought it! All units stay alert and lead them according to plan!
Erdeni Soldier 3: Don't push any more than you have to, you hear? Our job is to guide them to where we want them to be!
Zilantos Soldier 3: They're retreating? Those rats... Chase 'em! Crush the whole lot before they get away!
The Erdeni units dodge the attacks coming from behind and race toward the grasslands.
Erdeni Soldier 3: Reaching target in eight... seven... six...
Erdeni Soldier 3: All units clear the area!
At their officer's command, the Erdeni units scatter left and right.
Zilantos Soldier 3: Wha!
Zilantos Soldier 2: Whooooa!
Zilantos Soldier 4: A-ack! I'm gonna fall!
Numerous bottomless fissures run across the Nuph Moors.
The crevices are hidden by the tall grasses that cover the moors, making them impossible to navigate around.
These serve as natural pitfalls in Altair's plan as the Zilantos soldiers disappear one after another, swallowed up by the cracks.
Erdeni succeeds in reducing the enemy's numbers on the Nuph Moors.
Luhua: ...
The Erdeni troops finally reach where Zilantos's main army awaits, the remaining enemy soldiers standing behind Luhua as he looms over them.
Altair: Luhua...
Luhua: So even nature bends to the will of Erdeni... or should I say, the Silver Strategist.
Luhua: Since you're so smart, I'm sure you've already figured out what I plan to do.
(Captain) and Altair nod.
Luhua: Then any further talk would be pointless. Our game on this battlefield is over.
Luhua: I will win this fight and attain true freedom.
Speaking in a quiet voice, Luhua stands firmly in front of them.
Luhua: Here is a present from hell. Experience my full power and fall to the bottom of the skies.
Luhua: Now, the time has come! Feast your eyes on my fearsome crimson steed!
(Captain) feels a strong power whipping around Luhua like a tornado.
Vyrn: Something's comin'... Whoa, what the heck is that!
Altair: ...
Luhua: Arise, Red Hare!
Lyria: ...!
This feeling... It must be a...
Leonis: Wait! Where do you think you're going?
Lyria: I can sense it. It's a primal beast... I have to go!
Leonis: A primal beast? Could it be...
Seeing Lyria struggle, Leonis thinks for a moment before coming to a decision.
Leonis: Someone bring me a horse! A fast one!
Leonis: We don't have time! This is an order from your king. I need it immediately!
Erdeni Soldier 4: As you wish, Your Majesty!
As soon as the horse is brought to him, Leonis jumps onto it and lifts Lyria up behind him.
Leonis: We'll fly to where the others are. Hold on tight!
Lyria: O-okay!
Lyria: ((Captain)... Please be safe!)
The horse runs like the wind, across the grasslands and toward the front lines.
Lyria presses a hand to her chest as if to contain her growing anxiety as she prays for her friends' safety.

The Art of Mercy - Chapter 6: Fight to the Death - Episode 4

Luhua combines himself with the Red Hare to become the fearsome Flying General. Altair relays his instructions to the Erdeni troops, and together, they temporarily numb the Flying General's senses. Lyria uses this opening to revert the Flying General to his original form, successfully defeating Luhua.

Red Hare: ...
(Captain) and the others finally face Luhua in a conclusive battle.
But what Luhua has prepared for them leaves them dumbfounded.
Vyrn: W-what's the deal here! What's the Red Hare?
Luhua: Spoils from winning the war with Sui. A proud steed that bends only to the strongest.
Luhua: With my own power, I took it from where it was enshrined in Sui and made it mine.
Luhua: But that isn't all.
Luhua: What will bring an end to you is not the Red Hare nor myself...
Flying General: You will be standing up against a man and his horse unified... The mighty Flying General!
Lyria: There they are! That way!
Together with Leonis, Lyria races to the front lines where her friends are, guided by the growing presence of a primal beast.
Leonis: What... is that?
Lyria and Leonis arrive at the scene to find not a primal beast, but something even further beyond their imagination.
Altair: Pant... Pant...
Flying General: Pathetic... Is this all you've got?
Having attained the power of the Red Hare, Luhua, in his new form, begins to eliminate all the soldiers standing in proximity to him, both friend and foe.
Each swing of his arm creates a gaping hole in the ground filled with hot, blazing flames that swallow their victims. Screams of soldiers fill the area.
The battlefield quickly becomes a living picture of hell as both armies desperately struggle to escape from the scorching fire.
Lyria: Is everyone okay?
Leonis: Altair! What in the skies is that? Is that... Luhua?
Vyrn: Lyria? And what's the king doin' all the way out here?
Lyria: I thought I sensed a primal beast, so I asked Leonis to bring me here!
Leonis: I had doubts when Lyria said it was a primal beast, but looks like it was the right choice to come out here.
Altair: I should really be reprimanding you for coming out to the front lines... but I'm grateful for Your Majesty's decision.
Altair turns to look at the grotesque half-human, half-horse figure in the distance.
Altair: He called himself the Flying General... The combined form of Luhua and the primal beast Red Hare.
Leonis: Combined... with a primal beast? Is that what primal beasts do?
Lyria and (Captain) shake their heads simultaneously.
Altair: It appears this is their first time seeing something like this happen as well...
Altair: Lyria, would it be possible to separate Luhua from the primal beast?
Lyria: I-I'll give it a try!
Lyria closes her eyes and focuses on the primal beast in front of her.
Lyria: It's no good... Luhua has taken complete control of the primal beast's consciousness.
Lyria: If I can find an opening to reach in...
Altair: If the possibility exists, then I believe it is worth a try.
Altair: The question is how we can create that opening...
Shura's Voice: The target is straight ahead! Launch all attacks at full force!
Flying General: Ergh!
At the sound of Shura's voice, the Flying General is engulfed in flames.
Shura: I apologize for the delay! I've brought reinforcements!
Shura: Bombarding him that many times at once should keep him busy for—
Flying General: Keep who busy?
The Flying General glances at Shura before shifting his gaze in the direction she came from.
Flying General: So Renfa was unable to stop you...
His eyes glint with both sadness and anger.
Shura: How did you withstand an attack that utilized all of our resources...
Flying General: A triple attack from all sides using firearms, magic, and explosives... An ordinary person certainly wouldn't be able to dodge an attack like that.
Flying General: But I am the Flying General. Seeing through all of that is but a simple task.
The ground, broken and rugged, shows signs of the attack, but Luhua has dodged all of the strikes without a single mark on him.
Shura: Then we will keep attacking until we land a hit!
Shura: All units, reload and take aim! Fire!
At Shura's command, the sound of countless bullets being fired fills the air.
Flying General: No matter how many times you try, it won't make a difference.
Once again, the rain of bullets misses its target and tears into the ground, clouds of dust blowing up from the impact.
Flying General: Now... merely avoiding attacks won't put an end to this. It's my turn.
Before anyone can even blink, the general is already standing in front of the support unit.
Flying General: I have nothing against you personally, soldiers. Blame yourselves for having been born in Erdeni.
Erdeni Soldier 1: Eek!
The troops move back in fear as Luhua takes one step closer after another.
Erdeni Soldier 1: D-damn it! Take this!
Shaking with terror, a soldier recklessly fires a shot at Luhua. The field is flooded by a blinding, white light.
Vyrn: Wha! What the heck was that?
Shura: It's a flash bomb!
Flying General: Ugh... Aaaaargh!
Flying General: Ergh... Ugh...
Despite the bomb inflicting nothing but a glaring light, the general writhes about in pain. A hypothesis begins to form within Altair as he watches the enemy struggle.
Lyria: ...!
I can sense the Red Hare now!
Flying General: Ugh... Do you really think you can stand up against me with a simple trick like that? You'll all pay for this!
Lyria: Eep!
Leonis: Ugh... You're as strong as ever...
Leonis rushes in front of Lyria just in time to block a heavy blow from Luhua.
Shura: Haaaah!
From one side, Shura knocks Luhua's weapon away as (Captain) comes up from behind him to strike.
Leonis: Altair! Do you have a plan?
Altair: In fact, I have just devised one.
Altair: Everyone, if you would kindly lend me your power one last time.
Altair: Even if my last plan should fail, I swear I will ensure that all of you escape, even if it costs me my life.
At Altair's call, the Erdeni soldiers are seized with determination once more, galvanizing their battered bodies.
Hearing the cries of conviction from the Erdeni troops, the Flying General's face contorts into an expression of annoyance.
Flying General: You insignificant bugs just don't know when to give up... You'll never be able to defeat me, no matter how many times you try.
Gran is the Main Character

Shura: Did you never learn to always keep your eyes on your opponent? We're not done with you yet!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Shura: Did you never learn to always keep your eyes on your opponent? We're not done with you yet!
While (Captain) and Shura keep the Flying General busy, Altair gives out his instructions to the soldiers.
Altair: I'd like the mage unit to fire at the area around the target—please make your shots as loud and flashy as possible. Hitting the target himself will not be necessary.
Erdeni Mage: Understood!
Altair: Snipers, fire blank shots at the target. I'd like you to focus on the number of shots—the more the better.
Altair: Bullets won't be needed. What I want is noise.
Erdeni Soldier 2: Yes, sir!
Altair: Lyria, please prepare to reach out to the primal beast at any given moment.
Lyria: Got it!
Flying General: (Strange... I find it hard to believe that the Silver Strategist would make a move without the slightest chance of victory.)
The general frowns in doubt as he looks over at the Erdeni troops.
Shura: Eyes on your opponent!
Sensing Shura sweeping in again from his blind spot, the general dodges the attack without sparing even a glance at her.
Erdeni Mage: Shoot away! No need for high-level magic. You heard the strategist—quantity over quality!
Erdeni Soldier 2: Take extra care not to hit Shura or (Captain)! Those who aren't confident in their aim, stick with blank shots!
Immediately, the battlefield is filled with deafening shots of guns firing at the same time, just as Altair instructed.
The thunder of explosives hitting the ground, the din of a million gunshots, and the ear-splitting sound of detonations overwhelm the senses.
Flying General: Ugh...
Flying General: (What is this? It feels like my head is about to split!)
Despite his countless experiences on the battlefield, strangely, the sounds pound into the general's mind like a hammer.
However, the wrenching pain inside his head is not enough to stop him from swinging his weapon.
Shura: (It looks like his movements have slowed compared to before... Now's our chance!)
Gran is the Main Character

Shura: (Captain)!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Shura: (Captain)!
Shura and (Captain) exchange glances.
One look from Shura is enough for (Captain) to understand her message. (Captain) runs at full speed and leaps directly in front of the Flying General.
Flying General: Fool! I've got you now—
Shura: Haaaaah!
Just as the general lifts his weapon over his head, Shura suddenly appears and twists her body, unwinding like a spring to land a full-forced kick to the side of his head.
Flying General: Wha!
The general staggers, his whole world sliding as his vision becomes hazy from the impact.
Altair: Lyria! It's your turn!
Lyria: Okay! I'll separate the Red Hare from him!
Red Hare: ...!
Flying General: I... won't... let you!
Lyria: Ahhh!
Leonis: Are you all right?
Lyria: Y-yes...
Lyria: Altair! I'm sorry, the primal beast rejected my interference before I could pull them apart completely...
Altair: No, well done. At least he is no longer a monster entirely incapable of reason.
Just as Altair says, the general stands up panting, the madness in his eyes now gone.
Flying General: You... What did you do!
Altair: In order to dodge a storm of bullets quickly, most likely two different abilities need to be exercised.
Altair: The first, of course, is the ability to move fast enough to avoid the bullets.
Altair: But the second is the ability to judge, based on your surroundings, exactly where and how to move.
Altair: You could have accomplished this in various ways, but I saw that you had exceptional trouble with a simple flash bomb.
Altair: That is when I realized that your senses are highly attuned to your surroundings—much more so than a normal person's.
Altair: That is why even the sounds of battle you are so accustomed to could overcome your senses. They could be amplified and thus weaponized.
Flying General: You cheeky little... Clever until the very end, are we?
Flying General: I commend you for realizing that in such a short time!
Flying General: But it changes nothing. Nothing! I can't lose to the likes of you!
Flying General: I need to win... for my wish to finally come true, and for myself! Die, insolent fools!
Altair: This will be the decisive battle. Let's fight with everything we have!
Gran is the Main Character

Everyone: Yes, sir!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Everyone: Yes, sir!

The Art of Mercy - Ending

Luhua explains the reasons for his actions and prepares himself for death. Instead, Leonis decides to send him and Renfa to a penal colony in the mountains far away, vowing to turn Erdeni into a place without discrimination from here on out. (Captain), Altair, and the others successfully take back the city of Zaha, finally putting an end to the long war.

Flying General: Aaaargh!
The fierce battle is brought to an end, and the Flying General separates into his two original forms.
Erdeni Soldier: We won...
Erdeni Soldier: We really won!
The soldier's shout triggers the others. The rugged terrain shakes as the troops jump for joy at their victory.
Red Hare: ...
Luhua: Very commendable indeed... I've lost.
As Luhua admits his utter defeat, Leonis slowly walks up to him.
Leonis: Pathetic, Luhua. You killed our father, ruined the country, and murdered your own master in the end.
Leonis: What is your objective? What is it that makes you commit these heinous crimes?
Luhua: I...
Luhua looks up at the sky, his eyes empty.
Luhua: I just wanted to be normal. I yearned to be someone who could spend his days as a normal person.
Luhua: My body, my abnormal strength, my low status, the blood that flows in my veins... None of these were things I wished for.
Luhua: I just want to be a normal person. I want to live normally. Is it a crime to wish for something as simple as that?
Luhua reveals his true wish in a quiet voice that quivers ever so slightly. Biting his lip in anguish, Leonis closes his eyes.
Luhua glances at Leonis before slowly sitting up.
Luhua: As I thought, my legs won't move anymore.
Luhua: How ironic. I've been scorned as a monster all my life, but in the end, I couldn't fully become one.
Leonis: You are a person. You have extraordinary strength, but you were not born to be a monster.
Luhua: No, king. I am not a person. Servants can never be people.
Luhua: Those with no power are never recognized as people. That is how the world is.
Luhua: Having experienced this from the moment I was born, I wanted to reject this idea... So very much.
Luhua: Physical strength does not equal power. True power lies with those who have authority.
Luhua: But physical strength was all I had. That is why I couldn't even protect the one thing that I wanted to protect.
Leonis: Is that why you killed Father and ran to Zilantos? For power and authority?
Luhua laughs bitterly at Leonis's question.
Luhua: No matter how much I worked and groveled, I couldn't go beyond being the servant of those with power.
Leonis: Luhua... You...
Luhua: Since my defeat, I've already lost my purpose in life.
As Luhua whispers these words, he grips a fragment of a broken blade in his hand.
Luhua: All of this will finally end... with my death.
Leonis: ...!
Wait, Luhua!
Luhua points the piece of metal toward himself, ready to plunge it into his own throat, when he suddenly hears a voice.
???: Luhua!
At the sound of Renfa's cry, Luhua stops, his eyes widening in surprise. His lips move in an inaudible whisper.
Luhua turns to see Renfa, bound with a rope.
Luhua: I thought you were dead...
Leonis: We've taken her hostage. Though her crime did not directly affect Erdeni, the fact remains that she caused the ruin of our allied nation.
Leonis: I hear that she is your weakness, and is of significant value to Zilantos as well.
At Leonis's nonchalant words, Luhua's face contorts into a furious expression.
Luhua: No! You plan to make Renfa a tool for your negotiations?
Leonis: Who knows? It's up to us how we want to use our hostages.
Leonis: Not to mention that the decision on what to do with you, murderer of our previous king and our enemy in this war, also lies with us.
Luhua: Ugh...
Leonis looks coldly down at Luhua, who can do nothing but tremble with rage on the ground.
However, Luhua eventually restrains himself and closes his eyes, his face loosening as if he has come to a decision.
Luhua: Renfa is not guilty of anything. I kidnapped Renfa from her homeland—I was the cause of Sui's downfall.
Renfa: Luhua, what are you saying... That's not true—
At Luhua's sharp gaze, Renfa stops mid-sentence. Luhua turns back to Leonis, a strong resolve reflected in his eyes.
Luhua: The fault lies entirely with me. I killed Erdeni's king and led the nation of Sui to ruin.
Luhua: Then I murdered the king of Zilantos, all for my own sake.
Luhua: I am the only true criminal. All sins were committed by me—therefore, it is only right that punishment is given to me alone.
Leonis: You're asking me to let Renfa go in exchange for taking all the crimes upon yourself?
Luhua: Yes. You can execute me as an example, or send my severed head to Zilantos if that is what you want.
Luhua: I've already given up on my life. So do as you please—
In a flash, Leonis's fist connects with Luhua's face, knocking him headfirst into the ground with incredible force.
Leonis looms above Luhua and grabs him by the collar, leaning in close to his face.
Leonis: You imbecile! Who exactly do you think you are!
Leonis: Giving up on your life? What the hell is that! You think you can atone for your sins that easily?
Luhua: ...!
Then what are you going to do about it! Are you going to let me go just like that?
Luhua: I killed your father, Leonis!
Leonis: But it was the people of our country who led you to do that!
Luhua: Wha...
Still gripping Luhua tightly by his shirt, Leonis's hand trembles.
Leonis: Father and I knew... We knew what the Erdeni bureaucrats secretly called you, and how they treated you.
Leonis: No matter how ideal our vision for Erdeni was, the fact remains that we were unable to protect you.
Leonis: We took you in without fully realizing the consequences, and that ended up hurting you. That is the burden I must bear.
Luhua: ...
As Luhua looks down at the ground, stunned, Leonis slowly releases him and heaves a sigh.
Leonis: Luhua, Renfa. For the murder of the king, and your betrayal of the country...
Leonis: I sentence you to exile. You will be exiled to the silent mountains of death between Zilantos and Erdeni... to Halos Ridge.
Luhua and Renfa widen their eyes at their sentence from the king.
Halos Ridge is a penal colony to which criminals have been banished since long ago.
With insufficient resources for food and a long, harsh winter that robs the place of both sound and color, the ridge is famous for driving even the strongest of men to madness, and finally, suicide.
Thus, the place has come to be known as the silent mountains of death. A forbidden place that belongs to neither country.
Leonis: From now on, you will no longer be associated with the country of Erdeni in any way whatsoever.
Leonis: However, if you ever choose to step foot into our country, be warned that you will be treated as a criminal and receive appropriate punishment for trespassing on our land.
His tone indifferent, Leonis pauses between his words and lets out a small sigh.
Leonis: That's all from me... Whether you live or die from here on out is none of my concern.
The message hidden behind Leonis's words is plain.
Realizing this, Luhua is rendered speechless. After a stretch of silence, his lips curve upward slightly.
Luhua: You really are Canopus's son. A soft man who cannot bring himself to be completely heartless.
Leonis: I will not give up on Father's dream.
Leonis: His unfulfilled dream of molding Erdeni into a place of equality... I will make it happen in his stead.
Luhua: Changing the way people think won't be easy. Are you saying that you're still willing to spend your life making this dream come true?
Leonis: Yes. I will definitely make it happen.
Luhua: I see...
Seeing Leonis's serious expression, a wide smile spreads across Luhua's face.
Luhua: Then work hard at it, Brother.
Leonis: That goes without saying. Goodbye, Brother.
And with that, the brothers bid farewell to each other. Somewhere inside himself, Luhua feels a heavy burden lifted.
Soon after, Luhua is bound and put in a carriage headed for Halos Ridge.
Renfa sits in a separate carriage, looking silently out at the sky.
Shura: Luhua has departed for Halos Ridge. This carriage will be making its way there soon as well.
Renfa: Sure.
As she watches her sister stare blankly at the sky, Shura bites her lip in hesitation.
Shura: I'm sorry...
Renfa: Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything.
Shura: My actions and the choices that I made brought you to this.
Renfa: Heh. Well, aren't you full of yourself.
Renfa: I've told you already. I chose this for myself.
Renfa: No matter what you did, I know I would have chosen this regardless.
Renfa: I don't regret it. Even if I am to starve and die a miserable death, if I can be with the person I love, I'm ready.
At last, Renfa calmly shifts her eyes to her sister.
Renfa: This is no longer any of your concern. I've always been alone. I never had a sister.
Renfa's eyes are stubborn, without the slightest waver.
Renfa: You must have mistaken me for someone else. I don't recall ever having a sister.
Renfa: I'm a criminal who tried to weasel her way out of being a servant. Just a girl without family or siblings.
Her tone becomes stern, an edge to her voice that hints at the resolve behind her words.
Renfa: Shura... Your sister is not me. She can't be a corrupted criminal like me.
Renfa: So please, just leave me alone. An upright person like yourself shouldn't associate with criminals.
Shura's breath catches at Renfa's stinging words.
Knowing the reason behind Renfa's attitude, Shura, too, decides to close off her emotions.
Shura: Yes... You're right. Then may I ask you one last thing before you leave?
Renfa: What is it?
Shura: Are you certain you don't regret this?
Shura's voice quivers against her will as she asks her final question. Renfa pauses for a brief moment before nodding.
Renfa: Of course. I have no regrets, because I've finally attained what I always wanted most.
Renfa's delicate lips curve up like a flower blossoming, not a hint of falsehood in her smile.
Witnessing Renfa's genuine smile, Shura purses her lips, sealing them before turning her back to the carriage.
Shura: Then I have nothing else to say to you. Goodbye, Renfa.
Renfa: Shura. I'm certain that your sister is out there somewhere, living a happy life.
Renfa: I hope you can meet her someday. Take care, Shura, strategist of Erdeni.
Hearing Renfa's final words, Shura walks quickly away from the carriage before she can change her mind.
Renfa's carriage soon departs for the mountains, the rumble of its wheels growing fainter and fainter until it disappears into the distance.
A few days have passed since Luhua's departure.
Erdeni drives out the remaining Zilantos troops from Zaha and takes back the city.
With their own country in civil conflict, Zilantos stops their invasion of Erdeni, bringing about a ceasefire.
Leonis: Once again, I commend all of you on a splendid victory!
Two days have passed since Erdeni's recapture of Zaha.
Leonis is outside in the city center, looking around cheerfully as Erdeni prepares to restore the city to its glory.
Leonis: We've lost many things in this war, but we haven't lost everything.
Leonis: (Captain). I am eternally grateful to you for coming to our country's aid.
Shura: Please allow me to convey my gratitude as well. Thank you for all the support you have given us.
Vyrn: Heheh! Glad we could help!
Lyria: I'm sure Polaris and Zawra are also happy that Erdeni's at peace again.
Leonis: Yes. I'll pay a visit to their graves and let them know after this.
Shura: The city of Zaha has taken quite a lot of damage as a result of this war... Restoring it will take time.
(Captain) follows Shura's gaze and looks around at the city.
With the wounds from the war still fresh, the city's ruins stand as a reminder of the hardships the people endured during the war.
Leonis: Will you be leaving soon?
Lyria: Oh, not yet. We'll be staying here until Altair finishes deciphering the code on some stone artifacts.
Vyrn: Boy, was he excited over 'em... Looks like it's gonna take a good while.
(Captain) and the crew chuckle and continue taking in the beautiful cityscape as they wait for their silver-haired friend.
Altair: Achoo!
While (Captain) and the others are chattering in the streets, Altair sneezes somewhere a ways from them.
The magnifying glass he was using flies out of his hand, and he frantically reaches out to catch it before it hits anything.
Altair: That was close... I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I damaged something this valuable.
He turns back to the stone artifact in front of him and gazes at the various engravings on it.
After reporting their victory to Zawra and Polaris at their graves, Altair is now by himself at Zaha's historical archive.
He received permission from Leonis to inspect the rare artifacts as a token of gratitude for leading Erdeni to victory.
The strategist secludes himself in the archive. He meanders his way around the countless artifacts, eager to make the most of his time there.
Upon close examination, Altair can see that the markings engraved on the artifacts do, in fact, describe something in relation to the true meaning of the creation myth.
But Altair suspects that analyzing everything in the archive will take a considerable amount of time.
Altair: I wonder what sort of truths await beyond the deciphering of these markings... Heh heh, I simply cannot wait.
Altair: Next, let's take a look at this part starting from the third line...
Altair peers excitedly at the arcane symbols, clearly more thrilled than he had been on the battlefield.
Helel ben Shalem is a crew member

Altair: Speaker... Is that a name?
Altair: Sealed within a stone block, the Dusk Speaker... The name of the Speaker is...
Altair: Hel... Be... Sha-lem?
Altair: Shalem? Shalem... Shalem... If I recall, there should be someone with that name on our ship...
Altair: No... It must be a coincidence.
The name engraved on the stone artifact reminds Altair faintly of someone.
A mysterious girl (Captain) brought into the crew not too long ago.
Altair: No, I have yet to find any concrete proof. Perhaps there are other parts that can provide a further description of this person...
Altair: Heh heh, things are getting exciting! Once I decipher these stones, I will be one step closer to knowing the truth of our history!
Helel ben Shalem not in crew

Altair: Speaker... Is that a name?
Altair: He... Sha...
Altair: The crucial parts have been scratched off... I can't read any further.
Altair: Perhaps there are other parts that can provide a further description of this person.
Altair: Heh heh, things are getting exciting! Once I decipher these stones, I will be one step closer to knowing the truth of our history!
Altair focuses his attention back on the stone artifacts, serious yet with a quiet enthusiasm.
Altair has once again proved himself a genius strategist by turning the situation around and successfully ending a long war through various clever tactics.
Now he has taken it upon himself as his next mission to dig deep into the endless shadows of history in search of the truth behind the Creation.
Whether he can reach the truth that he yearns to know...
That is a story best left for another time.
The End
