Siero's Mascot: Let's Goooo!/Story

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Siero's Mascot: Let's Goooo! - Opening

Sierokarte reveals to the crew her plan to build a theme park, the first step being the creation of an adorable mascot. She looks to Vyrn specifically for advice, then decides to travel to Erste for advice from Orchid and Lloyd.

Sierokarte: Hello! I have the package you guys requested!
Vyrn: Whoo! You just made our day, Knickknack!
Lyria: We always appreciate the help, Siero!
(Captain) and company welcome Sierokarte with a warm greeting.
They see her often enough that this greeting has come to feel like a daily routine for the crew.
Sierokarte: Aww, you're too good to me! I'm just as thankful for your patronage!
Sierokarte: You can trust me to keep my customers satisfied!
Lyria: You seem a lot more lively today than usual, Siero!
Sierokarte: Oh my, is it that obvious?
Vyrn: More than obvious. You're practically oozin' with enthusiasm.
Sierokarte: Teehee. Given our relationship, I'll let you in on a little secret.
Sierokarte: The truth is, I'm in the initial planning stages for a theme park.
Lyria & Vyrn: A theme park?
Sierokarte: You guys remember Alohas? Well, think of that, but an outdoor version.
Sierokarte: It's going to have an outdoor pool bigger than even the one in Alohas!
Sierokarte: And a ritzy restaurant that offers a picturesque view of the entire island! Of course, we can't forget the attractions that deliver high speeds, deep dives, and amazing thrills at every turn!
Sierokarte: I have so many incredible ideas like that for the place!
Vyrn: Sounds like a load of fun! Can't wait to pay a visit once you've got it up and runnin'!
Sierokarte: And I'd be glad to have you all as my guests!
Sierokarte: But I have a big hurdle to overcome before all that.
Vyrn: Lemme guess... You can't find a good location for your theme park?
Sierokarte: Oh, that won't be a problem, because I plan on building it on my very own deserted island.
Sierokarte: The first thing I'll need is a large, autonomous doll to serve as the theme park's mascot.
Lyria: A large doll? That sounds fun!
Vyrn: I bet you've got something way cool in mind.
Sierokarte: That's certainly one direction to take it.
Sierokarte: Personally though, I'd rather have a cute mascot that's loved by everyone...
Sierokarte: Hm...
Vyrn: Hey, whatcha lookin' at me for?
Sierokarte: I was hoping to hear your thoughts specifically about this.
Sierokarte: A cute mascot loved by all...
Sierokarte: In (Captain)'s crew, no one fits that description better than you, Vyrn!
Vyrn: Wh-wha?
Lyria: That's right! We all love you so much, Vyrn!
Vyrn: As a dragon, I prefer to be thought of as badass. But I suppose cute's good too.
Sierokarte: From your point of view, Lyria, what is it about Vyrn that makes him so lovable?
Lyria: For one thing... Just look at how approachable he is!
Lyria: He's incredibly caring and can get along with anyone!
Lyria: And have you seen how adorable he is when biting into an apple?
Sierokarte: Oho... A combination of friendliness and innocence, huh...
Sierokarte: Tell me, Vyrn! What's your secret to the magical formula?
Vyrn: Magical formula? It's not like I go outta my way to get people to like me...
Sierokarte: I suppose that's true...
Vyrn: Sorry, wish I could be more helpful.
Sierokarte: Oh, you definitely were!
Sierokarte: Though I could use a second opinion. Hm, who else should I ask...
Lyria: Um... How about Lloyd?
Lyria: He might not exactly be cute, but when you mentioned a "large doll," I immediately thought of him.
Lyria: Not to mention Orchid also keeps a separate cute little plushie around!
Lyria: So maybe you can ask her for her thoughts on what would be cute too!
Sierokarte: Lloyd, huh... He's a type of golem, yes?
Sierokarte: Maybe if I study up on the movement of golems, I could apply some of that knowledge to my mascot.
Sierokarte: Good idea, Lyria. I'll go drop by for a visit right away.
Lyria: Happy to help! Please tell them I said hello!
Sierokarte: You got it!
Sierokarte: Thanks for the talk, you two!
Sierokarte: And the Knickknack Shack appreciates your patronage as always!

Siero's Mascot: Let's Goooo! - Chapter 1: Mascot's Requirements - Episode 1

At Erste, Orchid and Orchis encourage Sierokarte to visit Alspia—the technician who handles Lloyd's maintenance at the golem research facility—in order to learn more about Lloyd's structural makeup.

Sierokarte: Hello, may I come in?
Orchis: Please do, Siero! I've been waiting for you.
Days after her discussion with the crew, Sierokarte pays Erste Kingdom a visit.
She had sent Orchis a letter to inquire about Orchid's whereabouts.
As Orchid and Apollonia were scheduled to stop by soon, the queen arranged for them all to meet.
Orchid: Um... Sorry I'm late.
Sierokarte: Please, don't be! I just arrived myself.
Sierokarte: Long time no see, Orchid. How have you been?
Orchid: I'm well. Since I get to spend plenty of time with Orchis and Apollo, every day has been a joy.
Apollonia: It's been a while, Sierokarte. Last we met, you were helping with Mephorash's reconstruction.
Apollonia: I remain incredibly grateful and indebted to you for that.
Sierokarte: Oh, it was nothing at all!
Sierokarte: Let's not forget we're comrades in arms who overcame a difficult series of battles together.
Apollonia: You mean the time we worked together to stop Freesia's plan? That brings back memories.
Sierokarte: Exactly. Given our history together, I wouldn't mind if you got a bit more friendly and called me "Dearest Siero."
Apollonia: Er, I don't know about the "dearest" part...
Apollonia: But I can call you Siero. And you can address me as Apollo.
Sierokarte: Will do then.
Orchid: Um... So what did you want to talk about? Though I'm not sure if I'd be of much help...
Sierokarte: You absolutely would, Orchid. In fact, I sought you out specifically for your opinion.
Sierokarte: Well, you and Lloyd, to be precise.
Lloyd: ...
Apollonia: Since you asked for Lloyd to be present as well, I take it this is a matter of some peril?
Sierokarte: No, no, it's nothing like that.
In the same way that she had brought it up to the crew earlier, Sierokarte mentions the mascot.
Apollonia: Ah, a golem's inner workings... Seems I jumped to the wrong conclusion.
Orchid: Haha...
Orchis: Hahaha...
Apollonia: I-I'm just worried about you all...
Orchid: Yeah, I know... Thanks, Apollo.
Orchid: So what would you like Lloyd and I to do?
Sierokarte: I hope I don't come across as too forward, but would you mind if I touched your body?
Orchid: Um... Go right ahead...
Sierokarte: Why, thank you. Well then...
Apollonia: Wait. I know she gave you permission, but you'd better not take things too far.
Sierokarte: What do you mean?
Apollonia: She is a pure maiden. You may both be women, but seeing that you're not exactly a doctor, I'm not sure I approve of you getting handsy—
Orchis: Apollo... You sound just like a doting mother.
Orchid: Or a weirdly overprotective father.
Apollonia: Urk!
Apollonia: P-please don't compare me to him, of all people!
Orchid: That's not what I meant... Also, I probably won't get married anyway.
Sierokarte: Oh, no worries. I only meant to study your joints for a bit.
Orchid takes a step forward, allowing Sierokarte to study her knee with great curiosity.
Sierokarte: Oho... The spherical shape of your points of articulation gives you greater range of motion, I see.
Sierokarte: This type of framework allows for significantly more complex movements.
Sierokarte: Next I'd like to see Lloyd, if you don't mind.
Lloyd: ...
Sierokarte examines Lloyd in the same manner as she did Orchid.
Sierokarte: Oh? You're built very differently from Orchid.
Orchid: Oh, he's definitely not your standard golem.
Sierokarte: While I can make out the overall structure, the finer details are impossible for me to identify based on appearance alone.
Apollonia: Given that Lloyd was originally built to run on Akasha as his engine, it's only natural that his construction is out of the norm.
Orchid: While we're both golems, Lloyd is built specifically for battle.
Orchid: So I couldn't tell you his details either...
Sierokarte: Yes, I get that.
Sierokarte: But then who is it that performs repairs and maintenance on him?
Sierokarte: Because you'd only be able to work on him if you understood how he's built.
Orchid: Oh, we have someone for that—usually a golem researcher.
Sierokarte: Ah, so you have experts on the matter. That's reassuring to know.
Orchis: Would you like to pay them a visit? This could be considered a divulgence of military secrets, so there's normally a formal process...
Orchis: But since it's you who's asking, Siero, it'll probably be okay if you show them a letter from me.
Sierokarte: Much appreciated!
Sierokarte: Though, would it be a bother if I simply showed up out of the blue?
Orchid: I'll write a letter too. With two letters, I think you'll be okay.
Orchid: If they still turn you down though, then... I'm sorry.
Sierokarte: Oh, there's nothing to apologize for. I'm more than grateful that you're willing to put in a good word for me.
Orchid: Okay.
Orchid: Siero, is there anything else I can do to help you make the mascot?
Orchid: I'm interested in seeing another doll that's different from myself.
Sierokarte: I was hoping you'd ask! I could always use another pair of hands!
Sierokarte: I'll let you know when the time comes, Orchid.
Orchid: Thank you... I'll be waiting.
Sierokarte picks up her letters from the two before going on her way.

Siero's Mascot: Let's Goooo! - Chapter 1: Mascot's Requirements - Episode 2

After receiving a lesson on golem technology, Sierokarte has a chat with Alspia about coffee and cuteness. She then goes off to find someone who might have ideas on good mascot design.

Sierokarte finds the person she's come to meet at the golem research facility.
???: Ah, you made it.
Sierokarte: Nice to meet you. I'm Sierokarte.
Alspia: Likewise. I'm Alspia.
Alspia is a technician for the Erste Kingdom's golem research facility.
Ever since an incident revolving around Lloyd and the dagger Parazonium, she's taken on maintenance duties for both Orchid and Lloyd.
Sierokarte: Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to speak to me.
Alspia: Nah, it's all good. Not like I could turn down a request from the queen or Orchid anyway.
Alspia: Sides, I'm at an impasse at the moment. Figured a bit of chitchat would be a nice change of pace.
Alspia: So word is you wanted to know about golem mechanisms for your mascot thingy?
Sierokarte: Right, I was hoping to tap into your vast knowledge of the subject matter.
Alspia: Sure, that's what I'm here for. Heck, you've even got Her Majesty's permission.
Alspia: All right, lemme start by giving you a basic rundown.
Alspia pulls out a blueprint from a stack of papers and spreads it across the desk.
Using the diagram as a reference, she explains the ABCs of golem mechanics.
She then moves on to the specifics of Lloyd's particular framework.
Alspia: Welp, that about sums it up.
Alspia: I hope I didn't lose you in all that technical mumbo jumbo.
Sierokarte: No, I understood you perfectly. What a fascinating talk that was.
Alspia: Heh, color me impressed. You've got potential.
Alspia: Ever thought about becoming a golem researcher? We could use always use more talented personnel here.
Sierokarte: As much as I appreciate the offer, I enjoy my job as a merchant too much to change vocation.
Alspia: Oof, turned me down in a heartbeat. Hey, I tried at least.
Alspia: My throat's parched from all that talking. You up for a cup of coffee?
Sierokarte: Yes, I'd love that.
Alspia: Mm, so good. I live for this stuff.
Sierokarte: I'm not surprised. You're pretty committed to brewing quality coffee, aren't you?
Alspia: You noticed, huh.
Alspia: Since I'm basically a shut-in, I find that much more joy in the simple pleasures of life.
Sierokarte: That so? I could recommend you a few coffee blends.
Sierokarte: In fact, why don't I send you some as thanks for today.
Alspia: Woo-hoo-hoo! That would be the best present ever!
Sierokarte: You know, there's someone in a crew I'm on good terms with who brews amazing coffee...
Sierokarte: He and I even got to talk about coffee from 2,000 years ago.
Alspia: Coffee goes that far back, huh? Interesting to know.
The two briefly shoot the breeze about coffee.
Alspia: Now that was a good talk.
Alspia: So good, in fact, that my mind's too filled with coffee to do any work for the rest of the day.
Sierokarte: ...
Alspia: Huh? Is there something on my face?
Sierokarte: Oh, I just thought the relaxed look you always have on is quite adorable.
Alspia: Adorable? I'm hardly the age to be called that.
Alspia: When I hear "adorable," I think big eyes, short limbs, and a round body shape.
Alspia: And it's often said that a short stature accentuates the cuteness aspect...
Alspia: The baby-face overgeneralization effect, you might call it. Incorporating these psychological factors into your mascot design might help.
Alspia: It just so happens I have a book about that lying around...
Alspia: Where is it...
The moment Alspia gets up, she trips on a part of her white robe that was dragging along the ground.
Sierokarte: A-are you okay?
Alspia: Yep. Definitely not the first time that's happened.
Alspia: Shucks, I ruined the book I was gonna give you. It's drenched in coffee.
Alspia: Just goes to show how important it is to wear clothing that doesn't restrict you.
Alspia: Wait, what am I talking about? We were discussing what's considered cute.
Sierokarte: Er... Did you hit your head maybe?
Alspia: Hm, maybe... All the more reason for me to rest up.
Alspia: Thanks for giving me an official reason to take the day off.
Sierokarte bids Alspia farewell before departing from the facility.
Sierokarte: My, what an interesting character she was. Though I do worry about her...
Sierokarte: Anyway, I've learned what I can about golem mechanisms.
Sierokarte: Next is design, which Alspia also taught me a thing or two about.
Sierokarte: Hm, who should I ask...
Sierokarte ponders for a bit on who to visit next, then moves on.

Siero's Mascot: Let's Goooo! - Chapter 1: Mascot's Requirements - Episode 3

Sierokarte offers Bobo a cartload of vegetables as thanks for providing mascot inspiration. Due to a series of unfortunate misunderstandings, Sierokarte and Abby end up thinking that Bobo hates vegetables when he actually loves them.

Abby: Hurry it up, Bobo! One, two! One, two!
Bobo: Bobo... (Guh, this is making me sick... Why is this my life...)
Abby: I need you to swing those arms at full speed too! Gotta shed some weight if you wanna stay fit!
Bobo: Bobo! (You're killing me here! Heck, I'm not even fat to begin with!)
Abby and Bobo are running laps around the forest.
For some reason, Abby seems to be under the misconception that Bobo has gained weight recently.
Abby: Bobo! Next is push-ups!
Bobo: Bobo! (Darn it... The sooner I get this done with, the better!)
Abby: What's that? You can do a thousand without breaking a sweat?
Abby: And if you can't, then you'll skip lunch? Love the stoic attitude, Bobo!
Bobo: Bobooo! (Stop putting words in my mouth!)
Bobo: Bobo? (Then again, since insects are on today's menu, it's a lose-lose situation...)
Sierokarte: You two seem to be enjoying yourselves!
Bobo: Bo? Bo! (What a wicked thing to say! I'm practically dying here!)
Abby: We sure are! Care to join us?
Sierokarte: As much as I'd love to, I need to focus on just observing you for now.
Abby: You're trying to make some kind of mascot, I heard?
Sierokarte: You heard right. I figured Bobo fits the description of a mascot perfectly.
Sierokarte: Big, adorable eyes...
Sierokarte: A fluffy and cuddly round figure...
Sierokarte: A dynamic combination of childish energy and great strength in a single package...
Sierokarte: Arms are a tad bit long, but the legs are just about the right shortness. Bobo couldn't be more ideal!
Sierokarte: And the way your body wobbles around as you walk and gesticulate is the very definition of endearing. This has been incredibly informative!
Abby: Hear that, Bobo? I always knew you were the best!
Bobo: Bobo! (I can't be sure if they were all compliments, but I'll take 'em...)
Sierokarte: Thank you so much. I have the perfect image in mind right now.
Sierokarte reaches out to Bobo for a handshake.
Bobo: Bobo. (No worries. Glad to be of help.)
Sierokarte grips Bobo's large paw and shakes it many times over.
Sierokarte: Ooh, what an impressively thick coat of fur. It's so warm and soft to the touch.
Sierokarte: I was always curious about this. It's nice to finally get confirmation.
Bobo: Bobo! (Goodness, you've calculated this meeting down to the last detail, you bear in sheep's clothing!)
Sierokarte: Coming to see you was the right choice after all. Let me give you something as a way of showing my appreciation.
Sierokarte: Is there anything you like in particular, Bobo? As a merchant, I deal in all sorts of curious items.
Abby: Insects!
Bobo: Bobo... (Sigh... I knew she'd say that... I've given up getting angry about it.)
Sierokarte: Sadly, while I don't deal in insects themselves...
Sierokarte: I do have a bountiful supply of leafy greens chewed by insects.
Bobo: Bobo! (Did I hear that right?)
Sierokarte: Since I can't exactly sell this produce anymore, the entire batch on the carriage is yours.
Bobo: Bobooo! (That's right up my alley actually!)
Sierokarte: Whoa!
Abby: Slow down there, Bobo! Didn't know you were that hungry.
Sierokarte: I guarantee you that they're ripe and taste great, so please help yourself.
Bobo: Bobooo! (Wooo-hoo-hoo!)
Bobo: Bobo! (I take back anything bad I said about you! You are my lord and savior! My god!)
Bobo leaps onto the vegetable-laden carriage and transports whatever his paws land on into his mouth.
Bobo: Bobooo! (Yuummmyyyyy! I'm in heaven!)
Bobo: Bobo! (Ahh, pure bliss! What a day to be alive!)
Bobo: Bobo! (Maybe seeing me like this will make Abby realize that veggies are my one true love—)
Bobo: Bo? Bo! (Yikes! I swallowed too fast and got some leafy greens stuck in my throat!)
Bobo: Boo... (Help... me...)
Abby: What's wrong, Bobo? Your face is all pale!
Abby: Hang in there!
Abby slaps Bobo hard on the back, the impact causing him to spit out a throatful of vegetables.
Bobo: Bobo... (Talk about a close call. I was almost a goner there...)
Bobo: Bobo. (Okay, I should really chew my food slowly.)
Abby: I'm so sorry, Bobo. I should've stopped you...
Bobo: Bobo? (What?)
Abby: I mean, it's obvious you hate veggies. That's why you spat them back out, right?
Bobo: Bobo? (Uh, I think you've got the wrong idea...)
Sierokarte: My sincerest apologies, Bobo... I had no idea you were averse to vegetables.
Bobo: Bobo! (No, no! That's not true at all!)
Abby: You forced yourself to graze on the produce because you thought it would be rude to turn down Siero's generosity. You're so kind, Bobo. That's why you're my favorite bear.
Bobo: Boboo! (Gah, you don't get me at all!)
Abby: Rest assured that I'll be extra careful to keep you away from vegetables from now on, Bobo!
Bobo: Bo? Bo! (Please, no! The very thought of never being able to taste those juicy green morsels ever again...)
Bobo: Bobo... (This can't be... How did things turn out like this..)
Bobo: Bobo! Bobo! (I hate my liiiife!)
The tragic cry of Bobo's soul echoes throughout the entire forest, yet is recognized by no one.

Siero's Mascot: Let's Goooo! - Chapter 1: Mascot's Requirements - Episode 4

Wanting advice on the type of fur to use for a mascot, Sierokarte seeks out Daetta next. She offers to bring back some pseudo-chinchilla fur and returns days later with only a small portion. However, Sierokarte is elated to receive the gift, remarking that it will be helpful in spotting counterfeit fur in the market.

Daetta: Thank y'all!
Daetta receives a standing ovation for her vocal performance at the bar.
Sierokarte: Bravo! You did wonderful!
Daetta: Siero! What brings you here?
Sierokarte: (Captain) told me that I might be able to find you here.
Although Daetta's always been fond of songs, she has hesitated to sing in front of others because of her lisp.
But after much loving encouragement from (Captain) and others, she decided to give it a go and was surprised to see such warm reception.
Ever since then, she has been regularly practicing on the Grandcypher, occasionally showcasing her talent at venues run by familiar faces.
Daetta: How embarrassing for you to hear me... Now I feel like I'd rather be a fly on the wall...
Sierokarte: Haha, I found your singing to be incredibly soothing. Made my trip here all the more worth it.
Daetta: So what brings you here anyway? Didja have something in mind?
Sierokarte: I have a favor to ask of you, Daetta.
Daetta: A favor?
Sierokarte explains her decision to create a mascot, and that she's already spoken to a few people.
Sierokarte: Meeting Bobo the other day gave me the idea of using fur for my mascot.
Sierokarte: That's when I remembered you're probably extremely knowledgeable about fur, and I was hoping to pick your brain a bit.
Daetta: Oh, that makes sense! I'mma tell you everything I know!
Daetta: For starters, what type of fur are you lookin' for?
Sierokarte: Hm... Something soft to the touch would be good.
Sierokarte: Particularly something that makes you incredibly relaxed just by touching it.
Daetta: Hm, soothing fur...
Daetta: Oh, I know! I've got just the thing in mind!
Sierokarte: I'm all ears!
Daetta: Pseudo-chinchilla fur! Just one touch, and it'll feel like you're climbin' the stairs to heaven!
Sierokarte: It's that good, huh?
Sierokarte: Thing is, I don't see much of that material even in the marketplace.
Daetta: Pseudo-chinchillas are so rare that they're almost on the level of cryptids. Makes sense that their fur's just as rare.
Sierokarte: I'm not much of a fighter, so procuring them through combat is a no-go for me...
Daetta: ...
Daetta: Siero! I'mma get some of that fur for you!
Sierokarte: Oh, I couldn't possibly trouble you with this...
Daetta: I owe you this much, Siero! You got me my precious morning star back after all!
Daetta: It's my turn to return the favor! Let me do this!
Daetta bows deeply, and the smiling Sierokarte places a hand on her shoulder.
Sierokarte: Well, if you put it that way, I suppose it would be rude of me to refuse...
Sierokarte: Very well then, Daetta. Can I ask you to do this?
Daetta: You bet!
Daetta: Now I'm all fired up! Rawrawr!
Daetta: This mascot's going to be the only one of its kind!
Days after setting out in search of pseudo-chinchillas, Daetta shows up at the Knickknack Shack.
Daetta: Siero, I'm back...
Sierokarte: Well, you're looking a bit down in the mouth. Did you have trouble finding the fur?
Daetta: Um, about that...
Daetta apologetically offers up a small coat of fur to Sierokarte.
Daetta: I could only find one...
Daetta: I know I was an eager beaver about doin' this right, but here I am a disappointment... Sigh...
Sierokarte: That couldn't be further from the truth. You've been a tremendous help, Daetta.
Daetta: You think so? But no matter how you slice it, this isn't enough fur...
Sierokarte: True, but this is more than sufficient for a sample.
Daetta: A sample?
Sierokarte: I can acquire the necessary amount through my regular trade.
Sierokarte: But because there are many counterfeits of rare materials like this in circulation, a keen eye is needed to spot fakes.
Sierokarte: But a keen eye doesn't matter if we don't know what the genuine article looks like to begin with!
Sierokarte: That's why this little coat of fur you've brought back is absolutely invaluable.
Sierokarte: What we have here is the golden standard to compare to what's out there on the market.
Sierokarte: I'm pretty good at spotting counterfeits, so I won't let your efforts go to waste, Daetta.
Daetta: Whew, what a relief! That's great to know!
Daetta: I'm sooo glad I got to help you out, Siero! Gwaaar!
Sierokarte: I'm planning a big reveal event when the mascot's ready. I hope you'll be there, Daetta.
Daetta: You can count on me to be there! I can't wait!
Sierokarte waves goodbye as Daetta bounds away with glee.

Siero's Mascot: Let's Goooo! - Chapter 2: Mascot's Creation - Episode 1

After gathering all the materials necessary to build the mascot, Sierokarte and her old friend Karteira celebrate at a tavern. Just as Karteira prepares to leave, she notices their belongings have been stolen.

Karteira: Boy howdy, been a long time since you took on such a huge project!
Karteira: Wouldn't blame ya if you're feelin' plumb tuckered out, Siero.
Sierokarte: I do feel a bit of fatigue, but I'm also feeling fantastic after closing such a good deal.
Sierokarte: Now I just need someone to make me an offur I can't refuse, and then I'll be set furever. Teeheehee.
Karteira: No way, you can't sell the fur! You need the stuff!
The two are chatting in good spirits as they walk down the road.
Ever since gathering the necessary info from Daetta, Sierokarte has endeavored to collect fur.
Realizing she could use some extra help, she approached her old friend Karteira.
And just moments ago, they closed their last big deal and now have all the fur they need.
Karteira: Would ya look at the time. Tell me I'm not the only one hungrier than a tic on a teddy bear, Siero.
Karteira: We might as well grab some drinks to celebrate.
Sierokarte: Sounds good to me. Would be a good chance for us to catch up too.
Having stopped at a nearby tavern, the two raise their glasses.
Karteira: Glug...
Karteira: Phew! Nothin' like a glass of whiskey to unwind after a day's hard work!
Sierokarte: Mm, that hit the spot.
Karteira: Hm, feels criminal seeing you say that with a drink in hand.
Sierokarte: Hey now, I'll have you know I'm a proper adult!
Karteira: Of course! I'm only kidding!
Karteira: Still though, I'm not sure I'll ever get used to the sight of you downin' the good stuff.
Sierokarte: You've had years to get used to it! How many times have we had this exact conversation?
Karteira: Aww, don't be like that. I'm just staying true to the way we communicate.
Sierokarte: I've heard that one before too. You haven't changed a bit since the day we met, Karteira.
Karteira: You'd be surprised how often that's a good thing!
Karteira: You've gotta admit I've gotten better as a salesperson at least! Heck, I might even be better than you now!
Sierokarte: Now those are fighting words. You would do well not to take me lightly.
Karteira: What say we make a competition of this?
Sierokarte: You're on.
Karteira: ...
Sierokarte: ...
Karteira: Bwahaha!
Sierokarte: Pfft. Haha.
Unable to contain themselves anymore, the two simultaneously double over with laughter.
Karteira: Can't help myself! I always go back to my old self when sharin' a drink with you, Siero!
Karteira: Sure brings back memories though. Bein' equally proud merchants each in our own ways, we'd break into quarrels over the tiniest things.
Sierokarte: Time and time again, we'd settle our differences over a sales competition.
Karteira: Which reminds me, you remember the old fur trade deal that fell through?
Sierokarte: Oh, that? How could I ever forget.
Sierokarte: It nearly landed us in prison.
Karteira: Woulda been all fine and dandy if we were just dealin' in phony animals...
Karteira: Instead, we were caught handlin' animals legally protected from poaching.
Sierokarte: In retrospect, it was really amateurish on both our parts to not realize what we were doing until it was too late.
Karteira: That's why we were branded the "Overoptimistic Karte Sisters."
Karteira: Except we're not sisters in any which way, even if it would be nice to have our very own assisters!
Karteira: Gah, all your punning's had some effect on me, Siero...
Sierokarte: At the very least, it makes for pleasant memories to look back on.
Sierokarte: What's more, the comments of those rubberneckers did strengthen our bonds and our conviction to do even better.
Sierokarte: Wouldn't you say we're successful today because of all the hard work we've put in up till now?
Karteira: Yeah, no denying that. We've definitely come a long way since we first started out.
Sierokarte: I appreciate your help with this fur business, Karteira. It sure is nice to have reliable friends.
Karteira: Aw, cut that out! You're makin' me blush redder than a shepherd's sunset!
Sierokarte: What can I say? I'm just in a really good mood today. Hahaha.
Karteira: Guh, you're windin' me up... It's all good though.
Sierokarte: Teehee.
Sierokarte: Yawn... Zzz...
Perhaps affected by the buzz of the alcohol, Sierokarte appears to be in dreamland.
Karteira: This might just be the first time I've seen her fall asleep in the middle of a chat.
Karteira: (She must be so excited to see her mascot coming together little by little.)
Karteira: (After all, she always did say she wanted to make something that would make everyone happy.)
Karteira: As much as I'd hate to interrupt the sweet dream you're probably havin'...
Karteira: We've gotta let 'em close shop, Siero.
Sierokarte: Zzz...
It's on the house...
Karteira: Doesn't look like she'll be waking up anytime soon.
Karteira: Guess I can start by gettin' our belongings in order—
Karteira: Wait, I was sure we'd put it all here...
Karteira surveys the surroundings, but their possessions are nowhere to be seen.
Karteira: Gosh, please, no!
It's all gone!
Karteira: Villainous vultures and vanilla wafers! Who in the skies took our stuff!

Siero's Mascot: Let's Goooo! - Chapter 2: Mascot's Creation - Episode 2

Karteira goes out into an alleyway in search of their belongings and spots Blue Poppet and Brown Poppet—whom Sierokarte usually keeps around for protection—punishing the thief. She stops them before they deal any serious damage. Though pleased to recover their possessions, Karteira can't help but wonder if the mascot will turn out okay.

Karteira: Hoo boy, this is real bad!
Karteira: We're in deep water, Siero! This is no time to be gettin' shut-eye!
Sierokarte: Zzz... That tickles...
Karteira: Gah, just when I need you the most! Guess I'll have to figure things out alone somehow!
Karteira: If our stuff wasn't taken too long ago, I should still be able to catch up!
Karteira: Wherever you are, you're not gettin' away!
Karteira storms out of the shop, relying on her instincts to tell her where the culprit might be.
Unfortunately her instincts can only tell her so much.
Karteira: No point runnin' around like a headless chicken... But there's gotta be something I can do!
Karteira: (Never mind our other belongings, but we worked too hard to get that fur, only to have it lifted from right under our noses!)
Karteira: (Siero's gonna be in for a rude awakening when she wakes up...)
Karteira: I can't lose heart yet! Just you wait, thief!
Karteira: I'll personally make sure you get what's comin' to ya!
Mysterious Voice: Hraaah!
Karteira: ...!
That sounded like Siero just now...
Karteira: It came from the back alley. I'd better go take a look.
Brown Poppet: Brown strong. Brown give beatdown.
Blue Poppet: No escape.
Thief: L-let me go!
Karteira: I'd recognize that bag anywhere! So you're the thief!
Karteira: And those dolls are the ones Siero carries around for self-defense.
Karteira: I was sure they were in the shop... They must've come out to seek justice themselves the moment they heard of the theft.
Thief: I'll give back what I stole, so please...
Brown Poppet: Apology unnecessary. Atone for your crime.
Blue Poppet: Enemy locked on! Bzzzt!
Blue Poppet: Papapapapapa!
Brown Poppet: Bam-bam-bam-bam!
Thief: Urgh! Nhg!
Karteira: Oof, a thrashing from both sides? Now that's gotta hurt.
Blue Poppet: The night is still young.
Thief: Aiiee!
Karteira: Gracious, this has gone catawampus!
Karteira: Hold it right there, poppets! You've taken things a step too far!
Karteira: I was gonna smack him myself, but now I actually feel sorry for him!
Karteira: We got our stuff back already, so what say we just pardon him for my sake?
Blue Poppet: Are you an enemy too?
Karteira: Way off! Don't tell me you don't remember seein' me with Siero!
Poppets: Huh?
Karteira: Ya have the memory of a goldfish or what!
Blue Poppet: Bzzt!
Karteira produces a paper fan and smacks Blue Poppet over the head with it.
Karteira: Whoops! Knee-jerk reaction on my part!
Blue Poppet: ...
Karteira: (She's starin' right at me! Gosh no, please don't hurt me...)
Blue Poppet: Paper fan, Karteira.
Paper fan, Karteira.
Brown Poppet: Karteira is ally. Haha, heehee.
Karteira: D-did you just call me an ally?
Blue Poppet: Apologies. We almost buried you six feet under.
Karteira: Well, that's one heck of an apology if I ever heard one...
Karteira: For starters, how is it you came to your senses after a smack on the head with a paper fan!
Karteira: Eh, all's well that ends well... Suppose we better hand the crook over to the authorities.
The local guards show up shortly after to detain the thief.
Karteira: Phew... I'm bushed.
Karteira: I'd better head back. Still gotta wake up Siero...
Blue Poppet: Blue will protect you.
Brown Poppet: Brown will protect you, better than blue.
Karteira: Th-thanks...
Karteira: (I'm startin' to have doubts about whether Siero's mascot is gonna turn out okay...)
Karteira follows closely behind the puppets, a tinge of anxiety in her heart.
She later piggybacks Sierokarte, who remains happily asleep, back to their lodgings.

Siero's Mascot: Let's Goooo! - Chapter 2: Mascot's Creation - Episode 3

The next day, Sierokarte and Karteira visit the tailors Lala and Lolo to make a fur processing request, in addition to another small favor.

The next day...
Sierokarte and Karteira visit a workshop operated by close friends to ask about processing the fur they've gathered.
Sierokarte: Hello! Good to see you!
Lala & Lolo: We've been waiting, Sierokarte.
Lolo: How goes the production of your mascot?
Lala: Please feel free to leave the design work to us!
Karteira: Well, aren't you precious. They your apprentices by any chance, Siero?
Sierokarte: Nuh-uh. They're only my favorite tailors.
Karteira: Oh, wow!
Karteira: Sorry I got the wrong idea...
Lolo: Not at all. We get confused for her helpers so often that it's become a bit of a running joke.
Lolo: Ah, where are my manners. The two of us run this place. I'm Lolo.
Lala: And I'm Lala. It's a pleasure to meet you.
Karteira: Lolo and Lala, huh? I'm Karteira, and the pleasure's all mine!
Lolo: We've heard so much about you from Sierokarte.
Lala: It's nice to finally meet you in person.
Karteira: Oh yeah? Now you've got me curious.
Karteira: Did she make any funny comments about me? Like maybe that I've got golden nuggets for eyes?
Lolo: No, nothing of the sort.
Lala: She said you're an incredibly cheery person who's as bright as the sun.
Karteira: She really said that?
Sierokarte: Why, aren't you a skeptical one! You must think me an awful person.
Karteira: Not in the least! You know how you just doubt yourself sometimes when you get praise?
Karteira: Anyhoo... How'd you two come to be acquainted with Siero?
Karteira: This place is built in such a far-off place that it might as well be a safe house.
Karteira: Doesn't seem like the kinda place you'd casually drop by during a jaunt through town.
Lala: Yeah, that's for sure. Hm, where should we start from?
Lolo: I suppose we can start with our everyday lives before we met Sierokarte.
Lolo: We make outfits based on the specifications provided by customers. In other words, we're bespoke tailors.
Lala: We trust the customer, and in turn, offer an article of clothing that garners their trust. That's our motto.
Lolo: But some of our customers aren't the most reasonable...
Lala: When we hand them the finished product, they tell us that they can't afford to pay.
Karteira: Now that's just plain dirty. Must be an awful feeling to work your butts off for customers that expect you to work for free.
Karteira: Can't you just refuse them their product and shoo 'em away?
Lolo: If only that were a viable option...
Lala: Lolo and I try to avoid scuffles when we can...
Lala: Perhaps partly because of our meek appearance, some of the wilder clientele have no qualms about running away with the merchandise in hand.
Lolo: While chasing after such a customer one eventful day...
Lala: Sierokarte—in all her dashing splendor—suddenly showed up to restrain the wrongdoer and return our merchandise to us.
Karteira: In all your dashing splendor, eh? I'd expect no less from you, Siero.
Sierokarte: Oh, I just happened to be in the area. Anyone else would have the done the same in my position.
Lolo: But the fact remains that you did us a big favor that day.
Lala: Incidentally, it was around that time that we'd considered giving up the tailoring business.
Karteira: Huh? How come?
Lolo: With the increasing number of customers who would try to skip the bill, we were finding it difficult to stay afloat.
Lolo: While our motto has always been to trust the customer, there was a limit to how far we could take that.
Lala: When we opened up to Sierokarte about our troubles, she offered a suggestion.
Sierokarte: You mean when I offered to become your liaison?
Sierokarte: I figured if I introduced to you only customers that I trust myself, you wouldn't have to worry about the non-paying types anymore and could focus solely on your craftsmanship.
Lolo: Yes. It's thanks to Sierokarte that we've been able to stay in business so long.
Karteira: Ah. So that's how it all started, huh?
Lala: Lolo and I were eager to get started with this latest request, seeing as it came directly from Sierokarte herself.
Lolo: We take it you've brought the fur with you as discussed? May we take a look?
Sierokarte: Of course. Here it is.
Sierokarte and Karteira empty their backpacks, placing the fur on a stand.
Lolo: Thank you.
Lolo: My, this really is something special. Let's see...
Lolo: ...!
Could it be!
Lolo: The ever elusive fur of pseudo-chinchillas?
Lolo: Wow! Wow, wow, wowie!
Karteira: Catfish and cornballs! What's gotten into you?
Lala: Sorry about that. Lolo tends to get incredibly excited when it comes to rare materials.
Lolo: The cotton-like sensation devoid of stinging hairs, as warm as the sun...
Lolo: Ah, this is pure bliss. What have I done to deserve such happiness?
Lala: Lolo, snap out of it. We have guests.
Lolo: Ah!
Lolo: My apologies! How unsightly that must have been...
Karteira: No worries, it's proof of the love you have for your work. Shows me that I can trust you.
Sierokarte: Agreed. I look forward to seeing what you do with this.
Lala: It's an honor.
Lala: Lolo and I will do our best to make sure that you're absolutely pleased with the end product.
Sierokarte: Glad to hear it.
Sierokarte: Oh, and one more thing.
Lala: Yes, Sierokarte?
Sierokarte: Psst, psst...
Lala: Yes... Understood. We gladly accept.
Karteira: You had another matter to discuss, Siero?
Sierokarte: Teehee, it's a secret.
Sierokarte: Well, I have business elsewhere to tend to as well, so I'll be taking my leave now.
Lala: It was nice seeing you. Have a safe trip back, Sierokarte.
Lolo: We hope for your continued patronage in the future.
After a polite exchange of farewells, Sierokarte and Karteira depart from the workshop.

Siero's Mascot: Let's Goooo! - Chapter 2: Mascot's Creation - Episode 4

Having received the necessary parts from Lala and Lolo, Sierokarte enlists Orchid's aid in assembling the mascot. They work non-stop for days before finally completing Cendrillon.

Orchid: This part goes... here?
Sierokarte: Yes, that seems right. Press it into the hollow, and it should click into place.
In a warehouse next to the Knickknack Shack, Sierokarte and Orchid are putting together a mascot.
The essential material for its construction arrived days ago from Lala and Lolo, allowing Sierokarte to proceed with the next step.
She called for Orchid as promised, and the two have been working nonstop since.
Sierokarte: Orchid, do let me know if you're feeling tired.
Orchid: Thank you, but I'm okay.
Orchid: I've never done anything like this before, so it's kind of exciting.
Orchid: Have you already decided on a name for her?
Sierokarte: I sure have. It wasn't easy narrowing it down to one...
Sierokarte: But I eventually went with "Cendrillon."
Sierokarte: She's a character from a picture book who just so happens to match the image of the mascot I envision.
Orchid: Cendrillon... That's a nice name.
Orchid: It won't be long now, Cendrillon. I can't wait to say hello to you.
Orchid continues to follow Sierokarte's instructions as they make steady progress.
Orchid: ...
They continue well into midnight, by which time Orchid is fast asleep from the pent-up fatigue.
Sierokarte: I should've been a little easier on her. We've worked nearly two entire days in a row now.
Sierokarte: You did well, Orchid. Leave the rest to me.
Sierokarte gently drapes a blanket over Orchid.
Sierokarte: Thanks to her help, things have progressed much faster than originally scheduled. I should be done by sunrise.
Sierokarte: Okay, this is the last part! The finish line's in sight now!
Sierokarte: This goes here... and I connect these...
Sierokarte: These parts stick together...
Blue Poppet: Do you need help?
Brown Poppet: Brown will help too.
Sierokarte: Nah, I'll be fine!
Poppets: Shock!
Sierokarte: Come now, I'm not trying to shoo you away or anything.
Sierokarte: I've been looking forward to this for the longest time, so I'd like to apply the finishing touches myself.
Sierokarte: Cendrillon, let's make this theme park a huge success!
Sierokarte continues to work briskly through the night as she mutters to herself.
Come morning time, Orchid awakens and helps to put clothing on Cendrillon.
Work on the mascot is now complete.

Siero's Mascot: Let's Goooo! - Chapter 3: Cendrillon's Growth - Episode 1

By Mahira's recommendation, Joy serves as Cendrillon's teacher, helping her to learn about language and emotion. Cendrillon shows remarkable growth in a short period of time, bringing her one step closer to being a good mascot.

Cendrillon: Hel... lo...
Joy: Hello! Joy is pleased to make your acquaintance!
Mahira: So this is Cendrillon, huh.
Hoping to hear Mahira's and Joy's thoughts about Cendrillon...
Sierokarte calls on them after they've completed their New Year's duties.
Mahira: So you finished building Cendrillon, who is like a newborn baby in many ways...
Mahira: And when thinking of how to teach her language and emotion...
Sierokarte: I immediately thought of you two.
Mahira: From what I understand, the relationship you two share is a lot like that of mine and Joy's.
Mahira: Okay, I get the gist of it. I'll help.
Sierokarte: Thank you so much. Especially when you must be tired having just completed a big job...
Mahira: No, no, what you have here is quite fascinating.
Mahira: Now then, to start... Can I ask about Cendrillon's structural makeup?
Sierokarte: To put it simply, she's a self-automated mechanical doll that incorporates a bit of golem technology.
Sierokarte: Thanks to her memory circuits, she should have no trouble learning new things.
Mahira: I see. In that case, Joy should be a useful reference.
Mahira: A lot of Joy's education comes from (Captain)'s crew actually.
Mahira: Although Joy is naturally brimming with curiosity, Cendrillon seems comparatively less so.
Mahira: I recommend being proactive in speaking to Cendrillon, giving her as much input as possible.
Sierokarte: So down-to-earth communication over time is the key, huh?
Sierokarte: That could be a lot harder than it sounds...
Mahira: Yes. Joy takes initiative when there's anything it doesn't understand, which definitely makes a big difference...
Mahira: ...
Joy: Mahira? Is something the matter?
Mahira: I have a proposal.
Mahira: How would you like to be a teacher, Joy?
Joy: A teacher?
Sierokarte: Joy as a mentor, huh?
Mahira: You've worked incredibly hard to get to where you are right now...
Mahira: But when I first put you together, your knowledge base was roughly the same as Cendrillon's is right now.
Mahira: That's why I think you'd make the perfect teacher, Joy.
Mahira: Since a lot of what you've picked up is still fresh in your mind, you'd be a better judge than most of what the most useful facts, thought processes, and emotions are.
Joy: Joy... sharing knowledge?
Joy: That sounds fun! Joy can't wait to be a teacher!
Mahira: As a chance to utilize everything it's learned thus far, I think it'd prove to be an invaluable experience for Joy.
Mahira: What do you think?
Sierokarte: That's a very interesting idea.
Sierokarte: As long as Joy is okay with playing the role of teacher, I'm completely open to it.
Joy: Hooray! Leave everything to Joy!
Joy remains by Cendrillon's side, striving to communicate with her all the while.
Joy: Happy? Fun? Jump and spin!
Joy: Sad? Lonely? Shudder and shake!
Joy: Do you get it? Was that difficult?
Cendrillon: Jump! Jump! Happy! Happy!
Joy: Yaaay! Good job!
Joy: Is learning fun? Exciting? Do you want to jump?
Sierokarte: Cendrillon is learning quickly thanks to Joy.
Mahira: I guess having Joy be her teacher was the right call after all.
Cendrillon: I want to know Joy better.
Joy: Okay! Joy is going to show you something special!
Joy: Gooong!
Joy: Well? Isn't Joy's transformation amazing?
Cendrillon: Wow! Surprising... Tense...
Joy: Um... Joy hopes that wasn't scary...
Cendrillon: No... Very cool! Joy very shiny and glittery!
Cendrillon: I want to be like Joy!
Sierokarte: I'm sorry to say you aren't equipped with the ability to transform.
Cendrillon: Can't... transform?
Cendrillon: Bzzt!
Joy: Bzzt!
Mahira: They're perfectly in tune. I could watch them all day.
Cendrillon: I can't be... like Joy...
Shudder and shake...
Joy: Don't be sad! Give up, and you'll have nothing!
Joy: Hey, Cendrillon, do you know about dreams?
Cendrillon: Dreams?
Joy: Things you want to do or become—those are dreams.
Joy: Joy was brave and worked hard to become a skyfarer!
Joy: Do you have a dream, Cendrillon?
Cendrillon: A dream...
Sierokarte: Cendrillon, let's make this theme park a huge success!
Cendrillon: I want the... theme... park... to succeed.
Cendrillon: Is this... a dream?
Sierokarte: It's a wonderful dream! And to make it come true, we have to make sure you're well-prepared!
Cendrillon: O-kay! I will do my best to learn!
Joy's lecture continues for some time afterward.
Cendrillon: I am Cendrillon! Here with Siero... to make you smile!
Cendrillon makes remarkable progress through her interactions with Joy.

Siero's Mascot: Let's Goooo! - Chapter 3: Cendrillon's Growth - Episode 2

At a kids' event hosted by (Captain)'s crew, Cendrillon learns to interact with children and receives advice from Anre on what it means to have strength. She is more determined than ever to become Sierokarte's ideal theme park mascot.

Cendrillon: Wow! So many people!
Sierokarte: Haha, you seem to be enjoying yourself, Cendrillon!
Sierokarte and Cendrillon are at an event for kids hosted by (Captain)'s crew.
Because Sierokarte had previously asked them for advice about mascots...
(Captain) thought engaging with children would be a great opportunity for Cendrillon and so invited the two over.
Cendrillon: Big people, small people too... Why?
Sierokarte: For one thing, people come in all different types. But most of the small people you see today are children!
Cendrillon: Ooh! Children! How cute!
Sierokarte: This is a good start! My wish is for you to become someone who's loved by all children!
Sierokarte: And we have the perfect opportunity for you to socialize with them today!
Cendrillon: Okay! I can be friendly!
Sierokarte: But first... We ought to go thank (Captain) for inviting us.
Sierokarte: If only I could find them... The fairgrounds here are quite large.
Anre: Oh? If it isn't Siero.
Sierokarte: Ah, Anre. Long time no see.
Anre: A coincidence... this might not be.
Anre: Judging from the amount of merchandise you're packing, it doesn't seem like you're here for work.
Anre: I take it you're here by (Captain)'s invitation?
Sierokarte: You're as astute as ever, Anre. I could never hide anything from you.
Cendrillon: Siero, who's this?
Sierokarte: This is Anre, an old merchant friend of mine.
Sierokarte: Nowadays, he's one of the ten Eternals, a group of very strong people.
Cendrillon: Strong?
Cendrillon: Shudder and shake...
Anre: There's nothing to be afraid of.
Sierokarte: It seems she's taken the word "strong" to mean something that should be feared.
Anre: What's her name, Siero?
Sierokarte: It's Cendrillon.
Anre: Cendrillon, I must apologize for frightening you.
Anre: Strength is something that can present a threat—which can work for or against us. I understand why you might be alarmed.
Anre: But strength in itself is not a sin. Take a knife, for example; while it can be incredibly dangerous, it's also rather inconvenient to not have one.
Anre: If you ask me, what truly matters is for whom or what the strength is going to be used for.
Cendrillon: For whom...
Anre: Haha... Sorry if that came off as a boring lecture.
Cendrillon: I want to be... loved by everyone!
Cendrillon: I'll do my best!
Anre: That, too, is a magnificent display of strength—diligence, if you may.
Sierokarte: You're on the fast track to praise, Cendrillon.
Cendrillon: I'm happy! Praise makes me grow!
Anre: She's much brighter than I took her for. Why did you decide to create her, Siero?
Sierokarte briefly explains the theme park she hopes to build.
Anre: Haha, you always did have interesting ideas for new ventures.
Anre: Your mercantile instincts never fail to impress.
Anre: Oh, I didn't mean to take up your time. Were you looking for someone?
Sierokarte: Yes, we were hoping to say hello to (Captain).
Anre: Well, that probably isn't going to be very easy.
Anre: Because the venue for today's event is particularly large, each area is being watched over by different crew members.
Anre: (Captain)'s group is supposed to be in the area east of here...
Anre: But as the host of the event, (Captain) also has the responsibility of making the rounds in each area.
Sierokarte: Meaning there's no telling where the captain might be at any given time...
Anre: I'll pass on the word that you've come when I get the chance.
Anre: I would suggest that you focus on simply enjoying the event. In addition to being invited today, surely you also had some other purpose in mind?
Sierokarte: Yes, I thought this would be a fantastic opportunity for Cendrillon to interact with children.
Cendrillon: I want to play with children!
Anre: Maybe you can hand these out to the children.
Anre: Gift-wrapped candy. Though this may seem a somewhat shallow approach, it's rather effective for getting children to warm up to you.
Cendrillon: Ooh! Thank you so much!
Anre: Now to just announce that you'll be giving them out—
Eventgoer Boy: Hey, what's going on over there?
Eventgoer Girl: So adorable and fluffy! She'd be nice to touch!
Anre: Looks like we don't need an announcement after all.
Eventgoer Boy: Wow! She's so much bigger up close!
Eventgoer Girl: Is it okay if I touch you, miss?
Cendrillon: Sure! Please... Help yourself!
Eventgoer Girl: Yay!
Anre: Cendrillon, here are the candies I mentioned earlier. Now's your chance to give them out.
Taking advantage of the opportunity, Anre slips Cendrillon the bag of candy while the children are completely entranced.
Cendrillon: Okay!
Cendrillon: Candy for everyone!
Eventgoer Boy: Hooray!
Eventgoer Girl: Thank you, miss!
Satisfied with the gift and their interaction with Cendrillon, the children run off elsewhere.
Sierokarte: Nice assist there, Anre.
Anre: It was nothing. I simply advised her on the fastest way to please the children.
Sierokarte: Your ability to think ahead combined with your thoughtfulness isn't something everyone has.
Sierokarte: You know, it's not too late for you to return to the life of a merchant.
Anre: Haha... A tempting offer, to be sure.
Anre: But I chose to go down the path of an Eternal because of what I have to offer. And for now at least, I'd like to prioritize that.
Cendrillon: I have a priority too! To make children smile! It's great!
Anre: That's why we must protect the present, so that there will be a future to live in.
Anre: Siero, if we were to speak in broader terms, the excitement you often talk of is precisely this.
Anre: Man needs more than just bread to subsist. Excitement for the future is integral to all of our survival.
Sierokarte: You just might be right.
Cendrillon: Siero's dream! I'll help!
Cendrillon: I'll study harder to help you, Siero!
Engaging with the children proves to be a valuable experience for Cendrillon.

Siero's Mascot: Let's Goooo! - Chapter 3: Cendrillon's Growth - Episode 3

Wanting Cendrillon to learn what it means to deliver hopes and dreams to others, Sierokarte brings her to Lilele's concert. After a brief chat with Lilele, Cendrillon decides she would like some stans for herself.

Lilele: Four sparkling stars dancing in the rippling water,
the dream I had that day refusing to fade.
Lilele: Those stars still dance deep in my heart,
shaking with the rhythm of our future.
Do you remember me?
Cheer Squad Capt.: L! O! V! E! That's our lovely Lilele! Another beautiful day, another beautiful Lilele!
Cheer Squad Mem.: We're fans for life!
Cendrillon: This is amazing! So much excitement!
Thinking that singing and dancing would be useful skills for a mascot...
Sierokarte has brought Cendrillon to one of Lilele's concerts.
Cendrillon: Lovely song! Cute dance!
Cendrillon: I want to do it too! But can I?
Sierokarte: I have faith in you, Cendrillon.
Sierokarte: But as important as being able to perform is...
Sierokarte: What I really want you to focus on is the ability to deliver hopes and dreams.
Sierokarte: Lilele, as an idol, strives to please the fans who cheer her on.
Sierokarte: While you, as a mascot, will be striving to please the guests who come to the theme park.
Sierokarte: The customer always comes first... Remember that.
Cendrillon: Customer first! Okay, I'll remember!
Sierokarte: That's enough serious talk for now. Let's enjoy the concert!
Though the stage performance ends shortly after, the excitement in the air lingers for some time.
Cheer Squad Mem.: Whoo, that was too awesome! I'm so lucky to be a Lilele fan!
Cheer Squad Capt.: You can say that again! Nothing makes me happier than stanning for Lilele!
Cheer Squad Mem.: I'll follow you wherever you go, Lilele—even if it means I have to cross the Grim Basin to cheer you on!
Cheer Squad Capt.: Heck yeah! As Lilele stans, it's our job to make sure she becomes the number one idol in all the skies!
Cheer Squad Mem.: Whoo!
Cendrillon: Stan?
Cendrillon: Siero... what is a stan?
Sierokarte: Oh, that? It's a term that's become popular only fairly recently...
Sierokarte: A stan is an extremely devoted and enthusiastic fan who goes to great lengths to support their favorite person.
Cendrillon: Devoted... Enthusiastic...
Cendrillon: I want stans too! I will become everyone's favorite!
Sierokarte: That's the spirit!
Lilele: Good to see you, Siero!
Sierokarte: Why, you're—
Cendrillon: Ah! Are you... the real Lilele?
Lilele: Sorry, we'd stand out too much here. Would you mind following me backstage?
Lilele: Now then...
Lilele: Princess of peace, Lilele, here!
Cendrillon: Ooh, you're the real thing! Amazing, Siero!
Lilele: I looked out across the audience, and one fan in particular caught my attention.
Lilele: And what do you know, sitting next to that fan was you, Siero! I thought I'd go say hello!
Sierokarte: So that's how you picked me out. Why, thank you.
Lilele: I take it you two are good friends?
Sierokarte explains her recent mascot endeavors, along with the reason for their visit.
Lilele: Cendrillon, what a beautiful name! Thank you sooo much for coming to my concert today!
Lilele: I hope you'll continue to support me!
Cendrillon: Look, Siero, look! I shook Lilele's hand!
Sierokarte: Lucky you! Cherish the memory!
Cendrillon: I want to be like Lilele! I want stans!
Cendrillon: How do I do that?
Lilele: Good question. There's a lot that goes into it, but...
Lilele: The most important thing is the inner drive to bring smiles and happiness to your fans!
Lilele: When I get up onstage and fans cheer me on...
Lilele: It gives me the motivation to push myself that much harder to put on the best performance for them.
Lilele: The feeling of solidarity and mutual respect leads to the idol-stan relationship.
Lilele: Doing the best job I possibly can is my way of giving back to them!
Lilele: And seeing smiles spread across the entire audience is the greatest feeling!
Cendrillon: Happy audience... Very lovely!
Sierokarte: Spoken like a true pro. I learned a thing or two myself.
Lilele: Haha, thank you.
Cendrillon: Lilele's words hit me hard!
Cendrillon: I will do my best! Please support me, Lilele!
Lilele: Of course! Best of luck to both of us!
Having learned the concept of a stan, Cendrillon sets new goals for herself.

Siero's Mascot: Let's Goooo! - Chapter 3: Cendrillon's Growth - Episode 4

Sierokarte and Cendrillon take a trip to Alohas Super Resort next for theme park ideas. At the pool, an interaction with children leads to Cendrillon rampaging after accidentally falling into the water. Sierokarte begins repairs immediately.

Cendrillon: Ah! Fire! Fire all over!
Sierokarte and Cendrillon are watching a demonstration of the fire knife dance at the Alohas Super Resort's indoor theater.
Cendrillon: That was flashy! So pretty!
Sierokarte: It might be a dance all the same, but it sure gives off a very different impression from Lilele's concerts.
Cendrillon: Can I do that too?
Sierokarte: Not without a lot of practice.
Sierokarte: Just remember: where there's a will, there's a way.
Cendrillon: I'll practice lots! For you, Siero!
After watching the fire knife dance, the two take a short break, then go for a scalp massage.
Massage Therapist: How does that feel, miss?
Sierokarte: Absolutely fantastic.
Sierokarte: My head feels so soft that I could just fall asleep like this.
Massage Therapist: And you, miss?
Cendrillon: Mm... That feels nice.
Massage Therapist: Good to know...
Massage Therapist: (I have no idea where her pressure points are! Is this even working?)
Massage Therapist: (Well, as long as she's happy...)
One soothing massage later, the duo make for the heated indoor pool.
Cendrillon: Wow! The water is moving! People are floating!
Cendrillon: Siero, look! Over there! Woosh, down the slide!
Sierokarte: That's called a water slide. It sure is impressive when you look at it up close.
Sierokarte: I wouldn't mind trying it out myself at least once.
Cendrillon: But not today?
Sierokarte: That was the plan, but...
Sierokarte: Since you're not particularly adept in the water, me taking a dip in the pool would mean making you wait...
Sierokarte: And that would be completely unfair to you.
Cendrillon: Siero... You're too kind!
Sierokarte: Besides, we came here to study up on what would work for the theme park.
Sierokarte: And you're a huge part of that, Cendrillon.
Sierokarte: The many families you see here aren't too different from the type of visitors you'd see at a theme park.
Sierokarte: Try getting acclimated to this sort of atmosphere, and maybe try interacting with some of the guests.
Cendrillon: Oh! Okay, I will try!
Swimsuit Girl: Hey, come play with me, miss!
Swimsuit Boy: Nice costume. You're an in-pillow-ee, right?
Sierokarte: This is your chance to practice what Anre taught you the other day!
Cendrillon: Hello there! What would you like to play?
Swimsuit Girl: I want a hug! Pretty please!
Swimsuit Boy: Me too, me too!
Cendrillon: Leave it to me!
Cendrillon raises the children up high in each of her arms.
Swimsuit Girl: Whee! I'm up so high!
Swimsuit Boy: Whoooa!
Cendrillon: Was that fun?
Swimsuit Boy: It sure was!
Swimsuit Girl: Thank you! We'll come play with you again someday!
Cendrillon: Play... again?
Swimsuit Boy: If you're an in-pillow-ee, then you're always here, right?
Cendrillon: I am a guest. So I'm only here today.
Swimsuit Girl: You mean we'll never see you again?
Cendrillon: Please don't be sad. This isn't goodbye.
Cendrillon: I will be at the theme park... as soon as it's built.
Cendrillon: When that time comes, we can play again!
Swimsuit Girl: Okay, I'll remember that! I'll definitely come visit!
Cendrillon: I'll be waiting! For sure...
Cendrillon: Ah! Could this be...
Cheer Squad Mem.: I'll follow you wherever you go, Lilele—even if it means I have to cross the Grim Basin to cheer you on!
Cendrillon: I have stans now!
Swimsuit Girl: Huh? Stans?
Cendrillon: This is what it feels like to have stans... Ah, how nice!
Cendrillon: I won't let you down! So please stan for me!
Cendrillon: That will be the push I need to work harder!
Swimsuit Girl: So... you need us to push you? I can do that!
Swimsuit Boy: I'll help too! Here goes!
Cendrillon: No, wait! That's not what I—
Cendrillon: Gl-gl-gl-glug...
Sierokarte: Cendrillon! Are you okay?
Cendrillon: Guh-guh...
Cendrillon: ...!
Cendrillon: Bzzt... Bzzt... Bzzzzt!
Swimsuit Boy: Uh-oh! Run!
Swimsuit Girl: Eep! This is scary!
Sierokarte: Calm down, Cendrillon!
Cendrillon: Whiirrr!
Sierokarte chases after Cendrillon as she leaps out of the pool.
Sierokarte: Huff... Huff... Cendrillon, how about we dial things down a notch?
Cendrillon: Fshoo! Fshoo!
Sierokarte: Well, this isn't getting us anywhere...
Sierokarte: But no worries... I'll get to fixing you up right away!

Siero's Mascot: Let's Goooo! - Chapter 4: Cendrillon's Show - Episode 1

Though repaired before things got too out of hand, Cendrillon is still ashamed about what happened. Eager to make up for it, she practices something in secret for her upcoming reveal event.

Sierokarte's quick handling of the situation prevents things from getting out of hand with Cendrillon.
Because no one could have foreseen this unfortunate mishap, Sierokarte is able to smooth things over with the Alohas staff.
Cendrillon, however, remains greatly disheartened by her own behavior even after leaving Alohas.
Cendrillon: I'm sorry...
Cendrillon: I didn't mean to cause trouble... I'm a bad mascot...
Sierokarte: There, there. Don't be too hard on yourself.
Sierokarte: No one blames you for what happened. And fortunately, no one got hurt either.
Cendrillon: But... I...
Sierokarte: ...
Sierokarte: Cendrillon, never underestimate the importance of a mascot's smile.
Sierokarte: Make like me and raise the corners of your mouth. Now smile with your eyes.
Sierokarte: There, doesn't that feel uplifting?
Cendrillon: Smiling... soothes my heart...
Cendrillon: Sniff... Siero, you're so kind!
Cendrillon: No more brooding! I will be helpful to Siero!
Sierokarte: That's more like it, Cendrillon!
Sierokarte: Now that you're feeling better, let's talk about our plans going forward.
Cendrillon: Our plans?
Sierokarte: Cendrillon, up till now you've had experiences with all kinds of people and events.
Sierokarte: It's given you the chance to mature, which had led to a much better understanding of what a mascot does.
Sierokarte: In a way, what you've done up until now is practice. And I believe you're ready to take things to the next level.
Sierokarte: I plan on holding a reveal event to introduce you to the world at large.
Sierokarte: And I'd like you to liven up the event as best you can as a mascot.
Cendrillon: Yay! I get to show off mascot power!
Cendrillon: I will practice what I've learned!
Sierokarte: Nice to see you so gung-ho about it, Cendrillon. Gives me something to look forward to!
Cendrillon: Leave it to me! I do this for you, Siero!
Later, when everyone has fallen asleep...
Cendrillon: I will strive to meet Siero's expectations!
Cendrillon: I failed today, but I can make up for it!
Cendrillon: Oh, yes! There's something I can try!
Cendrillon: What a surprise it'll be! Siero will be pleased!
Cendrillon burns the midnight oil in preparation for the upcoming event.

Siero's Mascot: Let's Goooo! - Chapter 4: Cendrillon's Show - Episode 2

Everyone who was involved in Cendrillon's creation shows up at her reveal event. Orchid is clad in fashionable new attire, created by Lala and Lolo at Apollo's request via Sierokarte. Knowing that Orchid helped to construct her, Cendrillon wishes to become friends with her and proposes that they put on a performance together.

Days later...
Karteira: Welcome, welcome!
Karteira: Plenty of mouthwaterin' treats to go around for everyone! Take your time!
Abby: Bobo! Let's go check out the goodies they're selling down there!
Bobo: Bobo! (I loooove grilled corn!)
Daetta: With so many options, I can't make up my mind on what to buy!
Lala: What a lively event. And with the fair sun shining down on us, I couldn't be in a better mood!
Lolo: Careful, Lala—it's too easy to get separated if you walk alone. Let's hold hands.
Those who assisted with Cendrillon's creation are enjoying themselves at the fairgrounds.
Cendrillon: Whee! So many visitors today!
Cendrillon: I love this event! Lots of smiles!
Sierokarte: Teehee, I know exactly what you mean! Seeing everyone in good spirits puts a smile on my face too!
Sierokarte: And you being here makes it even better, Cendrillon!
Sierokarte: After hearing about that plan you had, I set up a stage for you.
Sierokarte: Hope it helps you stand out for your performance!
Cendrillon: Siero, thank you! I won't disappoint!
Gran is the Main Character

Lyria: There you are, Siero!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Lyria: There you are, Siero!
Sierokarte: It's nice to see you all!
Vyrn: Heard from Anre that you showed up at our event last time.
Sierokarte: Yes, thanks for inviting me. I was hoping to say hello that day, but...
Lyria: It's okay! We were moving all over the place anyway, so it would've been hard to find us.
Vyrn: So, Knickknack, I take it that's your new mascot?
Cendrillon: I am Cendrillon! Nice to meet you!
Lyria: Cendri... Cendrillon!
Lyria: Ahaha... I caught myself before I said it wrong...
Vyrn: Yeah, might need some practice!
Cendrillon: C-e-n-d-r-i-l-l-o-n...
Cendrillon: Maybe you can call me Cendy!
Vyrn: "Cendy" sounds kinda like someone we know. His name's spelled differently though.
Cendrillon: I see. How about the end of my name, Llon?
Lyria: Llon! I like that!
Cendrillon: Siero, I am Llon now!
Sierokarte: That's great! Having a cute nickname makes you that much more endearing!
Taking note of this cheery conversation, other crew members start to gather around.
Abby: Wow, she's big! I wonder if she could beat Bobo in a fight!
Bobo: Bobo? (Does it matter?)
Daetta: I'm surprised you managed to get the whole wagonload of pseudo-chinchilla fur it must've taken to make her, Siero!
Sierokarte: To be fair, I had some help from Karteira.
Karteira: Mm-hm! You really know your fur to tell between genuine and faux, huh, Daetta! Maybe you can show me how you do it next time!
Lala: Cendrillon, how do you like the outfit we made you?
Cendrillon: I adore it! It's very frilly and cute!
Lolo: Glad to hear it! Nothing makes us happier than satisfied customers!
Lyria: Look how popular you are, Llon!
Lyria: Wait, Siero... Is this everyone you invited?
Lyria: Wasn't Orchid going to come too?
Sierokarte: Mahira, Joy, and a few others let me know beforehand that they wouldn't be able to make it.
Sierokarte: Orchid didn't say anything of the sort though, so I'm expecting her to show up soon.
Alspia: Sorry to keep you waiting. Orchid is right here.
Orchid: Long time no see, Lyria.
Lyria: Orchid! You look adorable in that outfit! It suits you so well!
Lyria: Where did you buy it?
Orchid: I got it from Apollo as a present.
Sierokarte: Apollo asked me for advice on what to give Orchid as a show of gratitude.
Sierokarte: I mentioned that I'd invited Orchid to this event—that's when the idea of gifting her some fashionable attire for outings came up.
Sierokarte: I went to discuss it with Lala and Lolo, and the rest is history.
Karteira: Ahah, so that's what you were whispering to them about that day.
Lolo: Just like with Cendrillon's attire, we came up with a design we could be proud of.
Lala: And to see you so pleased with it tells us we did our job right!
Cendrillon: It's lovely! You look great!
Orchid: Thank you, Cendrillon.
Cendrillon: Huh? Did I introduce myself?
Cendrillon: Are you a psychic?
Sierokarte: Actually, Cendrillon, this isn't Orchid's first time meeting you.
Sierokarte: She was there to help when I was putting you together.
Cendrillon: Wow! I had no idea!
Sierokarte: After all, your framework is based on that of golems.
Sierokarte: Orchid definitely helped in more ways than one!
Cendrillon: Orchid is a lifesaver!
Cendrillon: I want to be good friends with Orchid!
Orchid: That would be nice. I'd love to get to know you better, Cendrillon.
Cendrillon: Maybe you can join me on the stage.
Orchid: The stage?
Sierokarte: I prepared a stage for Cendrillon's upcoming performance.
Sierokarte: It's going to start soon, so she'll have to be on standby.
Orchid: I'm interested, but I don't know if I can do it...
Cendrillon: I'll take the lead! Just do what I do!
Sierokarte: Ever the reliable Cendrillon!
Lyria: I think you should give it a try, Orchid!
Lyria: I'd love to see a performance from you! All you'd have to do is follow Llon's lead!
Alspia: Experience is everything, as they say. I'm sure you'll have a blast too while you're at it.
Orchid: ...
I guess you're right.
Orchid: Is it okay if I join?
Cendrillon: Of course!
Sierokarte: We'd best get ready then!
Cendrillon and Orchid follow Sierokarte to the stage.

Siero's Mascot: Let's Goooo! - Chapter 4: Cendrillon's Show - Episode 3

The duo's performance is a resounding success. Cendrillon proceeds with an encore, which happens to be the fire knife dance she saw at Alohas. Unfortunately she ends up setting the venue on fire and stirring panic, to her own dismay.

Cendrillon: La-lala-lala! Laa-lalala!
Cendrillon's smooth singing voice fills the venue as the performance begins.
Lyria: Llon! You're doing great!
Once she finishes her song, Orchid joins her onstage for a dance.
Cendrillon: Cha-cha! Cha-cha-cha! Woosh!
Cendrillon: Orchid! Let's hold hands!
Orchid: Okay.
Orchid does her best to imitate Cendrillon's graceful movements.
Cendrillon: Tap-tap! Fwoosh!
The crowd breaks into raucous cheer as Cendrillon blows confetti all over, her hand still gripping Orchid's.
The performance ends on a high note, eliciting warm applause from the audience.
Sierokarte: You did great! That was a wonderful show!
Cendrillon: Everyone smiled! They cheered me on!
Cendrillon: I'll never forget this feeling!
Orchid: I had fun too. That was a memorable experience.
Sierokarte: It's nice to have accomplishments under your belt!
Sierokarte: You've proven yourself as a successful mascot, Cendrillon! I look forward to—
Cendrillon: Wait, Siero. I have a surprise!
Sierokarte: A surprise?
Cendrillon: There's something else I practiced! In secret!
Sierokarte: Wow, I wasn't expecting that. You really have come a long way!
Sierokarte: Today's event is dedicated to you, so please do whatever you feel will help liven things up!
Cendrillon: Okay! Watch what I can do!
Cendrillon gets up on the stage again, this time with a prop in hand.
Cendrillon: Over here, everyone!
Vyrn: Huh? There's more to the show?
Lyria: Hm, what's that in her hand?
Cendrillon: It's time for the encore! Please watch!
With those words, Cendrillon lights the prop on fire.
Cendrillon: Fire!
Cendrillon: Enjoying yourselves, everyone?
Vyrn: Whoa-ho! Definitely didn't see that comin'!
Lyria: Llon can really do anything she sets her mind to!
Sierokarte: The fire knife dance, huh? I guess it did make a big impression on her at Alohas.
Sierokarte: Though I can't say I'm not worried... Doing that dance right is supposed to take a ton of practice...
Cendrillon: (Everyone's happy! I make them smile!)
Cendrillon: Here we go!
Cendrillon rapidly swings her rod in what is supposed to be a magnificent display of showmanship.
Cendrillon: Ah!
But due to her overzealousness and lack of proper training, the rod slips out of her hands and off the stage.
Karteira: Is it just me, or is something burnin'?
Karteira: Why, I do declare! The whole darn place is on fire!
Karteira: We've gotta put it out fast! Water! We need water!
Passerby 1: The fire's spreading to the neighboring shops! Run for it, everyone!
Passerby 2: Eeep! Heeelp!
Vyrn: This is bad... We've got mass panic!
Lyria: We should help too, (Captain)!
Jumping out from the spectator seats, the crew rushes to extinguish the fires and evacuate the crowds.
Cendrillon: Ah... Ahh...
Cendrillon can do little more than watch the scene unfold before her—a result of her own mishap.

Siero's Mascot: Let's Goooo! - Chapter 4: Cendrillon's Show - Episode 4

That night, Cendrillon overhears the words "disposal" and "destruction" exchanged between Sierokarte and Karteira. She interprets this to mean that they intend to do away with her, and so absconds.

Cendrillon: Shudder and shake...
Hours have passed since the fire broke out.
Fortunately the damage is minimal, with only a few shops being partially scorched and a few minor injuries.
First Alohas and now this. Ashamed, Cendrillon shuts herself off from everyone.
Cendrillon: I am the worst...
Cendrillon: I ruined the event... Stirred trouble for everyone...
Cendrillon: I took away their smiles... I'm a failed mascot...
Sierokarte: Cendrillon...
Sierokarte: I'll admit you could have used a bit more consideration before pulling off such a dangerous act.
Sierokarte: But I'm the one who signed off on it without knowing what exactly you had planned.
Sierokarte: So I'm just as much as responsible for what happened today.
Cendrillon: No... It's not your fault, Siero!
Sierokarte: As your guardian, I take this matter very personally, Cendrillon.
Sierokarte: From the moment I decided to create you, I was prepared to take responsibility for anything that might happen.
Sierokarte: Since failure is a part of life, you could say that something like this was bound to happen sooner or later.
Sierokarte: And now that you know what failure feels like, you should be able to take on bigger challenges.
Cendrillon: Siero...
Sierokarte: Like I said before, never underestimate the importance of a mascot's smile.
Cendrillon: Sniff... Siero...
Sierokarte: Haha, you're making it hard to breathe.
Sierokarte: Let's you and I keep pushing forward together, okay?
Cendrillon: Okay!
Cendrillon: La-di-doo!
Her spirits lifted again, Cendrillon takes a stroll around town at night.
On her way back...
Cendrillon: (Siero's kindness has no limits. I want to be like her!)
Cendrillon: (But it's strange...)
Cendrillon: (She's almost too kind... She never gets angry...)
Cendrillon: (Am I getting special treatment... because I'm a mascot?)
Cendrillon: (But I can't be relying on Siero all the time!)
Cendrillon: (Please watch, Siero! I'm going to make you proud!)
???: ...for... help...
???: ...need... indeed...
Cendrillon: (Ah, Siero!)
Cendrillon: (Siero looks serious... What are they talking about?)
Cendrillon hides in the nearby brush and perks up her ears.
Sierokarte: ...damage... people...
Karteira: ...doing... down...
Cendrillon: (Ah, it's about the event...)
Cendrillon: (Siero forgave me. But maybe I should apologize again...)
Sierokarte: ...disposal...
Cendrillon: (Huh? What was that?)
Cendrillon: (Dis... posal? Did I hear that right?)
Sierokarte: ...destruction...
Cendrillon: (Disposal... Destruction... Oh no...)
Cendrillon: ...!
Cendrillon: (Why! I thought you forgave me, Siero!)
Cendrillon: (Maybe she wants to get my guard down...)
Cendrillon: (So that I won't resist when the time comes...)
Cendrillon: ...
Cendrillon: (I believed in you, Siero. You and your kind words.)
Cendrillon: (But...)
Sierokarte: Make like me and raise the corners of your mouth. Now smile with your eyes.
Sierokarte: Let's you and I keep pushing forward together, okay?
Cendrillon: (Was that... all a lie? I trusted you, Siero!)
Cendrillon: (I see who you truly are! I see behind that smile!)
Sierokarte: ...?
Karteira: Something wrong, Siero?
Sierokarte: I thought I heard something in the bushes...
Sierokarte: Eh, it's probably just my imagination.

Siero's Mascot: Let's Goooo! - Chapter 5: Sierokarte's Melancholy - Episode 1

Seeing how dispirited Sierokarte has been ever since Cendrillon's disappearance, the crew assists in searching for the mascot. However, it isn't until an indignant merchant walks into the Knickknack Shack that they have a lead.

Cendrillon disappears without a word on the night of her reveal event.
Some time after that...
Sierokarte appears to be her usual cheerful self at the Knickknack Shack.
Sierokarte: Thank you for your patronage. Please come again!
Sierokarte: Phew...
Sierokarte lets out a sigh after each stream of customers she tends to, revealing a rarely seen side of herself.
Lyria: This is the first time I've seen Siero looking sad...
Vyrn: Yeah, it doesn't seem like Knickknack without her usual cheer.
Ever since the fire incident, the crew has frequently dropped by to check in on Sierokarte out of concern.
Lyria: I'm guessing it's because Llon isn't around anymore?
Karteira: Heck, it's the only reason I can think of.
Karteira: You wouldn't believe how excited she was about building her mascot.
Karteira describes to the crew how delighted and bubbly Sierokarte was when talking about Cendrillon at the tavern.
Vyrn: Knowing that, it makes a lotta sense for her to be so bummed out.
Karteira: Bein' the ace merchant that she is, Siero doesn't let it affect her job...
Karteira: But I bet deep down, she's itchin' to go look for Cendrillon.
Lyria: Where could Llon have gone...
Patron: I think I'll take this.
Sierokarte: Sure! Thank you for your purchase!
Patron: Um, I don't think this is the right amount of change...
Sierokarte: Oops, sorry about that!
Similar mistakes happen multiple times as the crew remains nearby.
Karteira: My stars and garters, I can't watch this anymore. It's time I did something to help.
Lyria: Count us in too!
Vyrn: Yeah, might as well make ourselves useful.
Karteira: Siero, anything we can do to lighten your load?
Concerned about Siero, (Captain) and company reveal that they've been watching over her.
Lyria: We're happy to help if you need it!
Vyrn: Heheh! Consider us yours for the day!
Sierokarte: Karteira... Guys...
Sierokarte: I suppose I'll take you up on the offer.
Sierokarte: You might've noticed that I give a picture of Cendrillon to each customer that walks in.
Sierokarte: Could you all help me with that?
Karteira: Sounds easy enough! Leave it to us!
Lyria: Let's hand out lots of pictures!
The crew hands out pictures of Cendrillon and requests info about her, but no customer seems to know anything.
Vyrn: No leads, huh...
Lyria: If only we could get just one person who's seen her...
Vyrn: It's been a while since Cendrillon ran away. You've kept this up the whole time, Knickknack?
Sierokarte: Well, yes. It's the least I can do.
Merchant: There you are, Siero! I looked all over for you!
Sierokarte: Ah, it's good to see you too.
Merchant: Pssh... Acting all casual after what you've done to me and my shop!
Sierokarte: Huh? What did I do?
The Crew: ...?

Siero's Mascot: Let's Goooo! - Chapter 5: Sierokarte's Melancholy - Episode 2

The merchant says that Cendrillon made a mess of things at his store, then dropped Sierokarte's name before storming off. Worried about any further damage Cendrillon might cause, Sierokarte and the crew decide to prioritize their search for her.

Sierokarte: Um, I'm a bit lost here...
Merchant: Stop playin' dumb! The mess at my shop is entirely your fault!
Merchant: The mascot in that picture you've been givin' out showed up outta the blue to trash my place!
Merchant: Her last words before stormin' off were, "Ask Sierokarte!"
Merchant: There's no way you're not involved.
Lyria: Picture... Do you mean this one?
Merchant: Yep! That's her!
Merchant: I heard she went missing, but why would a missing mascot come after my wares! Doesn't make a lick of sense!
Merchant: I've got a family to feed, you know! If you can't give me a good explanation, I'm gonna have to contact the authorities.
Sierokarte: (Cendrillon's been found... That's a relief.)
Merchant: You even listenin', Siero?
Sierokarte: Ah, s-sorry!
Sierokarte: For starters... I sincerely apologize for what's happened.
Sierokarte: As for why my mascot raided your shop, I haven't the slightest clue.
Sierokarte: The fact that she would do such a thing suggests she bears ill will toward me, but I can't think of any reason for her to feel that way...
Sierokarte: And I haven't mentioned this to anyone yet, but...
Sierokarte: Shortly after she disappeared, I found traces of my own shop being raided as well.
Lyria: Could that have been Llon's doing?
Sierokarte: Quite possibly... At the time, I didn't consider that she might be responsible...
Sierokarte: But given what we know now, I can't discount that possibility.
Sierokarte: By the way, where did you see this picture of her?
Merchant: Had it posted outside my shop actually. Thought maybe a customer might have seen her.
Merchant: Your mascot tore the picture up on her way out though.
Sierokarte: I see...
Sierokarte: It's possible that the very sight of the picture made her aggressive.
Sierokarte: Cendrillon tearing it up suggests she might have mistaken it for a wanted poster.
Karteira: That's the weird part. Ain't no reason for her to think we'd be targeting her.
Vyrn: Exactly. It might have to do with why she ran away in the first place, but things just don't add up.
Sierokarte: Whatever her motivations, the fact remains that I am the root cause of it all.
Sierokarte: As such, I'll pay for all damages incurred.
Sierokarte: Once again, I am truly sorry...
Sierokarte bows extra deep, her head nearly touching the ground.
Karteira: Siero...
Merchant: Er... To be honest, I didn't want to pin all the blame on you, Siero.
Merchant: As long as you're willing to meet me halfway, I'd rather not make a big deal out of this.
Agreeing to discuss the compensation details at a later date, the merchant takes his leave.
Karteira: Well, this kinda puts a burr in our saddle.
Vyrn: Yep, this is no time to kick back and relax.
Lyria: There could be other victims too while we're here...
Sierokarte: My thoughts exactly...
Sierokarte: ...
Sierokarte: Things could very possibly get out of hand if we don't step in and handle the situation.
Sierokarte: I'm going to close up shop for the time being and prioritize my search for Cendrillon.
Sierokarte: But there's only so much I can do alone...
Sierokarte: Can I ask for your help, everyone?
Lyria: Of course! I'd really like to see Llon again! We have so much to talk about!
Vyrn: Can't very well turn down a request from our favorite Knickknack! Right, (Captain)?
  1. That's what friends are for.
  2. Cendrillon, here we come!

Choose: That's what friends are for.
Sierokarte: (Captain)...
Sierokarte: Thank you. How could I forget something so basic.

Choose: Cendrillon, here we come!
Sierokarte: Yeah, we need to have a good, long chat with her.
Continue 1
Karteira: Uh-huh, don't be a stranger. We're here for ya!
Karteira: So lighten up and smell the hibiscus, Siero!
Karteira: Cause if you're not happy, ain't nobody happy!
Sierokarte: Karteira...
Sierokarte: You're right. This isn't the face I want to greet Cendrillon with.
Sierokarte: Let's go get her back together, everyone!
Having regained her optimism, Sierokarte sets out with the crew in search of her beloved mascot.

Siero's Mascot: Let's Goooo! - Chapter 5: Sierokarte's Melancholy - Episode 3

Orchid reveals that a military skyskimmer from a small nation near Erste has been reported stolen by someone greatly resembling Cendrillon. Sierokarte takes this to mean that she's made her way to the deserted island where the theme park is set to be constructed.

(Captain) and company have begun a full-scale search for Cendrillon.
But to everyone's disappointment, they fail to come up with any promising leads.
Amid this setback, Orchid brings a glimmer of hope.
Lyria: Orchid! Is it true you found something that can lead us to Llon?
Orchid: I believe so...
Karteira: Ya found something that even our massive merchants' information network couldn't pick up? What wondrous wizardry is this!
Sierokarte: I'm all ears. Tell us about it.
Orchid: Where should I start...
Orchid: As I was asking around in town while handing out pictures of Cendrillon...
Orchid: I received word from Orchis that she may have some information for us.
When Erste was welcoming the ambassador of a nearby nation who was visiting for a goodwill mission...
One of the ambassador's guards saw a picture of Cendrillon and noted that she looked familiar.
It turns out that their nation's military recently had a skyskimmer stolen.
That guard, who happened to be at the scene of the crime, said the thief bore a strong resemblance to Cendrillon.
Sierokarte: So that's what happened.
Karteira: Ah, it figures. We don't have very many military connections.
Lyria: That explains why we haven't heard anything until now...
Vyrn: 'Cept this also means the thing we were worried about came true.
Karteira: An international conflict's the last thing we want... We're gonna be stuck in our craws like hairs on a biscuit if we don't find her soon.
Vyrn: But why would she steal a ship to begin with?
Karteira: Easiest answer is she just needed a means of transportation.
Karteira: What boggles the mind is that she didn't do anything other than take the ship.
Sierokarte: I was wondering about that too.
Sierokarte: To get from the island where we held Cendrillon's reveal event to anywhere near Erste, you'd have to take a few flights.
Sierokarte: And to travel that whole distance with no damage done and not a single eyewitness account means...
Sierokarte: She must've snuck aboard a commercial airship or something similar and transferred a few times.
Karteira: For her to take the risk of stealin' a military ship when she was bein' more careful than a squirrel in an alligator marsh...
Karteira: Must mean she was in pretty dire circumstances... Wouldn't you say?
Sierokarte: Seems like a fair assumption.
Lyria: What could those circumstances have been. Hm...
Vyrn: A civilian airship would've been a much easier target—not that I'm advertisin' stealing though...
Orchid: That's all true, but...
Orchid: The skyskimmer was taken from a very remote region of the nation.
Orchid: And that army base is only there for security reasons...
Vyrn: Must be a place with no airships around usually. Makes me wonder...
Karteira: Why would she go to such a backwater island to begin with? It's practically a dead-end.
Sierokarte: ...
Sierokarte: (Captain), do you mind if I borrow your Sky Map?
Sierokarte lays out the Sky Map on the table and takes a moment to observe it.
Sierokarte: Hm-hm... Ahah, it's all so clear now.
Lyria: What did you figure out, Siero?
Sierokarte: Take a look over here.
Vyrn: Looks like some small, deserted island. Doesn't even have a name.
Sierokarte: Yes. And I own it.
Lyria: Ah, isn't that the island where you were planning to build your theme park?
Sierokarte: Orchid, can you point to the nation that had its ship stolen?
Orchid: I believe this is it...
The crew turns wide-eyed at the spot Orchid points to.
Karteira: It's practically a neighbor to your island, Siero!
Sierokarte: Bingo!
Sierokarte: She simply needed a way to get to the island next door.
Sierokarte: And that skyskimmer was her one ticket to doing so. At least that's my theory.
Karteira: Plus a skyskimmer's got just enough fuel to cross that distance one-way.
Vyrn: A one-way trip shouldn't be a problem if she didn't plan on going back.
Sierokarte: When telling Cendrillon about the theme park, I showed her the location and explained that it's a deserted island.
Sierokarte: She must have remembered that and figured it'd be the perfect place to hide.
Karteira: Bingo-bongo! Let's hop to it!
Vyrn: Yeah! Not like we've got any other leads anyway!
Orchid: Siero... Is it okay if I come along?
Sierokarte: You're interested, Orchid?
Orchid: I... consider myself Cendrillon's friend.
Orchid: She's incredibly honest and hardworking... I can't imagine how she could have turned out like this.
Orchid: I'd like to ask her why in person...
Orchid: That is, if you don't mind...
Sierokarte: Oh, you're more than welcome! In fact, I'm glad you asked!
Lyria: I'm sure things will go much smoother if Orchid's with us!
Orchid: Thank you.
Vyrn: All righty, let's head out!
The crew boards the Grandcypher and blazes off in the direction of Sierokarte's private island.

Siero's Mascot: Let's Goooo! - Chapter 5: Sierokarte's Melancholy - Episode 4

The crew arrives at Sierokarte's private deserted island and spot the stolen skyskimmer, which indicates Cendrillon's presence. They proceed through a forest to find a village populated by poppets—a sight most inexplicable.

The crew makes landfall at Sierokarte's island.
They find a military skyskimmer—likely the stolen one—docked at the edge of the island.
Karteira: Bull's-eye.
Lyria: Llon's somewhere on this island...
Vyrn: What could she possibly have to do all the way out here?
Sierokarte: We'll just have to ask her directly.
Orchid: Cendrillon... We're coming.
The crew treks through a dense forest before arriving in what looks to be an artificially cleared open area.
Vyrn: This area feels different, like someone might actually live here...
Karteira: Yep, sure does feel like home sweet home for someone. Is this a part of the theme park?
Sierokarte: No, I don't recall this particular place...
Brown Poppet?: ...
Lyria: Hey, aren't those your dolls over there, Siero?
Karteira: No kidding. How'd they end up here?
Brown Poppet: Brown is here.
Blue Poppet: Don't forget Blue either.
The brown and blue poppets, who have been accompanying the crew as bodyguards of sorts, take a step forward.
Lyria: Yeah, they were walking behind us the whole time.
Vyrn: Who are they then?
Vyrn: Uh-oh! Here come more of 'em!
Karteira: What in tarnation! Siero, I thought your poppets were one-of-a-kind!
Sierokarte: They're supposed to be, but... I don't know...
Vyrn: Oh crud! What's that now!
Blue Poppet: Lots of blue here.
Lyria: This is getting confusing...
Among the large swarm of poppets are some in a different color.
Karteira: What are those...
Wild Blue Poppet: Heave-ho!
Wild Poppets: Heave-ho!
Wild Blue Poppet: That concludes the morning greeting. Return to your stations, everyone.
Wild Brown Pop. 1: Heave! Ho!
Wild Brown Pop. 2: Doo-doo-doo! Doo-doo-doo!
Lyria: They're hard at work chopping down trees and digging holes...
Karteira: Sweet strudels and multiplying moppets... I'll never wrap my head around this...
Sierokarte: Cendrillon... What's the meaning of all this?
A makeshift forest village of mass poppets.
The crew does not know what to make of this unbelievable sight.

Siero's Mascot: Let's Goooo! - Chapter 6: Cendrillon's True Feelings - Episode 1

Cendrillon appears before the crew, looking very different from before. It turns out she has recycled many of her own body parts to create a poppet haven. Cendrillon runs off deeper into the forest without explaining herself further.

The crew has come to a mysterious village populated by poppets.
Though surprised, they are more puzzled by why Cendrillon is nowhere to be seen.
Sierokarte: This definitely isn't something that comes about naturally...
Sierokarte: I think it's safe to assume that Cendrillon's involved, but...
Orchid: Um... I have a question for everyone.
Wild Blue Poppet: Who are you?
Orchid: I...
Orchid: I'm Cendrillon's friend. I heard she was here.
Wild Blue Poppet: Master Cendrillon?
Orchid: Master Cendrillon?
Wild Blue Poppet: She is very busy.
Wild Blue Poppet: Do you have an appointment?
Orchid: Um, no, but...
Orchid: I have to find her no matter what... Please let me see her.
Wild Blue Poppet: Then...
Mysterious Voice: You called?
Wild Blue Poppet: ...!
Wild Poppets: ...!
The poppets immediately enter formation in response.
Vyrn: What the...
???: Haah!
???: It's been a while, eh? Good job making it all the way here.
Orchid: ...
Gran is the Main Character

The Crew: ...
Djeeta is the Main Character

The Crew: ...
???: Why the surprised look on your faces?
Orchid: Who are you?
???: Gaaah! I can't believe you forgot!
Cendrillon: It's me! Cendrillon!
Lyria: Huh? You're Llon?
Vyrn: What's goin' on here! You couldn't be more different from the mascot we know!
Sierokarte: Now this is a surprise...
Karteira: Boy howdy, I don't even know where to start...
Orchid: Cendrillon... Is that really you?
Cendrillon: It's me, all right! I know my body's changed, but...
Cendrillon: How cold of you all to forget my face!
Orchid: I mean, your face has changed too...
Cendrillon: Huh... You think so?
Orchid: Um... Have you not seen your own face?
Cendrillon: Well, it's not exactly like I have a mirror lying around.
Cendrillon: So what does my face look like now then?
Orchid: You're... cuter than before. You're a pretty woman.
Cendrillon: Me? A pretty woman?
Cendrillon: No way... I ought to make a mirror to see for myself...
Karteira: She claims she's Cendrillon, but I don't know her from a can of paint.
Lyria: Then again, the poppets did call her "Master Cendrillon."
Vyrn: What's your relationship with them anyway? And how'd you get so many poppets on the island?
Orchid: Tell us. What is all this?
Cendrillon: Say hello to my paradise!
Cendrillon: Surrounded by friends, with no threats to our peaceful way of life!
Cendrillon: I built up this sanctuary from scratch!
Cendrillon: I labored hard to give birth to all these children!
Cendrillon: In other words, I reused parts from my own body to create them! That's why I'm so much thinner, and I don't regret it one bit!
Cendrillon: I'm just a happy mother living with my children in peace!
Sierokarte: Ah, that makes sense. You and the poppets are cast from the same mold, so producing them is definitely possible if you know their inner workings.
Karteira: I hear ya, Siero, but aren't you taking this a bit too calmly?
Sierokarte: Maybe, but I'm not entirely convinced.
Sierokarte: For instance, there was hardly enough mass on Cendrillon to create this many poppets, and how did she know their inner workings to begin with?
Sierokarte: But that's besides the point. I didn't come all the way here to talk about that.
Karteira: True... We'd be here till the cows come home if we were to point out every little discrepancy.
As if to take Orchid's place, Sierokarte walks up to Cendrillon.
Sierokarte: Cendrillon, it's been a while.
Cendrillon: Sierokarte...
Cendrillon: Humph, didn't think I'd have to see your face again.
Sierokarte: ...
Sierokarte: You really have changed.
Cendrillon: Of course I have. I've learned despair.
Sierokarte: Is that despair what led you down this path?
Sierokarte: You disappeared all of a sudden and caused trouble for so many people...
Sierokarte: I came looking for you to find out why.
Sierokarte: Could it be related to why you're angry with me?
Cendrillon: You want to know why, huh...
Cendrillon: What a riot, coming from you.
Sierokarte: What do you mean...
Cendrillon: Why don't you ask yourself!
Sierokarte: I did. I've been asking myself every day, in fact.
Sierokarte: But I can't figure it out.
Sierokarte: That's why I was hoping you could tell me.
Cendrillon: Still playing dumb at this point, huh?
Cendrillon: I don't think we have anything more to talk about. I'm going.
Sierokarte: Wait! I really don't—
Cendrillon: If you want to know the reason that bad, you're gonna have to beat my poppets and come find me deeper in the forest!
The poppets line up beside Cendrillon, forming a wall.
Cendrillon: Prove your strength and bravery in battle against them, and I just might talk to you!
Cendrillon: Until then!
Cendrillon leaps up to a tree branch and scuttles away through the trees.
The poppets, too, take off and scatter into the forest.
Sierokarte: Cendrillon...
Vyrn: Phew, this is wild...
Karteira: Siero... You okay?
Sierokarte: Yeah... Getting to talk with her cleared up a few things for me.
Sierokarte: I suspect there's some sort of big misunderstanding between the two of us.
Sierokarte: I'll need to talk to her some more to figure out what that is though.
Orchid: I want to talk to her more too.
Orchid: I get the feeling she still hasn't shown us her true self.
Lyria: Okay then! Let's go after Llon!

Siero's Mascot: Let's Goooo! - Chapter 6: Cendrillon's True Feelings - Episode 2

Sierokarte's blue poppet fights it out with a wild blue poppet. The heated match ends in a draw, allowing the crew to press onward.

The crew proceeds cautiously through the forest.
Wild Poppets: ...
Vyrn: Looks like we've got some action already.
Karteira: Watch out. There's no tellin' what they might do.
Wild Brown Pop. 1: Tatata!
Wild Brown Pop. 2: Tatata!
Wild Poppets: Tada-dah!
After scattering off, the poppets come back to form lines on both sides of the crew, letting them know which way to proceed.
Vyrn: Welp, doesn't look like they're gonna attack...
Lyria: Are they telling us to go this way?
Karteira: Could be a way of getting us to drop our guard before dishing out the pain.
Orchid: I think they want us to go there.
Orchid points to a ring-like pattern in the distance.
A wild blue poppet awaits in the center.
Karteira: Well, I'll be. How considerate.
The crew moves along the path to the wild blue poppet.
Wild Blue Poppet: I've been waiting.
Wild Blue Poppet: Let us duel, fair and square.
Wild Blue Poppet: You can choose how to die.
Karteira: Geez, bless your heart too.
Vyrn: A duel, meaning one-on-one? Who's up for the challenge?
Blue Poppet: Blue will go.
Vyrn: You?
Blue Poppet: Would that not work?
Vyrn: I guess it's all right, but...
Vyrn: Wouldn't it hurt to beat yourself up, since you two kinda look the same?
Blue Poppet: That is irrelevant.
Blue Poppet: I am your ally. The other is an enemy.
Blue Poppet: I eliminate the enemy. That is all.
Sierokarte: Ever the reliable poppet.
Sierokarte: Well, I wouldn't want to turn down your generous offer. So let's see you do your thing.
Blue Poppet: Blue will win. Just watch.
With that, the blue poppet steps into the ring.
Wild Blue Poppet: You? A fitting opponent.
Blue Poppet: My thoughts exactly.
Wild Blue Poppet: Are you ready?
Blue Poppet: More than ready.
Wild Blue Poppet: ...
Blue Poppet: ...
Vyrn: Gulp... I'm on tenterhooks...
Lyria: How is this going to turn out...
Karteira: (We're waiiiitiiing! Shake a leg, you two!)
Orchid: They're moving.
Wild Blue Poppet: ...!
Blue Poppet: ...!
Wild Blue Poppet: Papapapapapa!
Blue Poppet: Papapapapapa!
Both Poppets: Papapaaa!
Wild Blue Poppet: ...
Blue Poppet: ...
Wild Blue Poppet: Splendid... I lose...
Vyrn: Whoo! We won!
Lyria: Congratulations, Blue!
Orchid: Lyria, Blue's no longer...
Lyria: Huh?
Blue Poppet: ...
Sierokarte: Looks like they knocked each other out...
Lyria: Oh no...
Karteira: Can't we call this a win? I mean, the wild one said itself that it lost.
Karteira: Heck, maybe we should see what the other poppets think—
Karteira turns around to find that the wild poppets have all vanished without a trace.
Karteira: Urk! Where'd they go!
Sierokarte: Maybe they figured it best to withdraw the moment they saw their leader poppet get beaten.
Karteira: Great, let's call it a win and move on! Not like we've got anything to gain by standin' around anyway.
Vyrn: Yeah, we wanna catch up to Cendrillon before she changes her mind about talkin' to us.
Brown Poppet: Brown will stay. Worried about Blue.
Sierokarte: Okay. I'll be back to pick you two up later, so hang on until then.
Having defeated their first opponent, the crew presses onward.
Wild Blue Poppet: Thank... you... for... giving... it... your... all...
Orchid: ...?
Wild Blue Poppet: ...
Orchid: ...
Lyria: Orchid? What's wrong?
Vyrn: C'mon, time to go.
Orchid: Ah... Sorry.
Orchid ruminates over the wild blue poppet's last words.

Siero's Mascot: Let's Goooo! - Chapter 6: Cendrillon's True Feelings - Episode 3

A green and red poppet confront the crew next. The green one summons monsters, while the red one self-destructs. After a close call, the crew is ready to proceed, though something about the poppets' behavior has Orchid curious.

Lyria: We've covered a lot of distance since that battle.
Vyrn: Sure hope something happens soon.
Mysterious Voice: Ahh-aah!
Karteira: Huh? Anyone else hear that?
Orchid: I heard it too.
???: Ahh-aah!
(Captain) and company look up to find a green poppet swinging from vine to vine.
???: Ah...
Upon noticing the crew, it lets go of the vine to make a graceful landing.
Sierokarte: Looks like we've found our next opponent.
Green Poppet: Aah.
Karteira: You alone? No friends like the blue one had?
Green Poppet: Aah.
Karteira: We've practically brought our whole household, so it's only fair you do the same.
Green Poppet: Aah.
Karteira: Swat my hind with a melon rind! Is that a "yes" or a "no"?
Vyrn: Seems like this one's only capable of makin' a single sound.
Karteira: Guh, what a bother...
Green Poppet: Ahh! Aah! Aah!
Lyria: It seems really happy to see you, Vyrn.
Orchid: I'm not sure why, but it's taken a liking to Vyrn...
Karteira: This here's our chance! Get buddy-buddy with it, and maybe it'll let us through!
Vyrn: Eh, guess I've got no choice...
Vyrn: Heya! Name's Vyrn!
Green Poppet: Aahh! Aahh!
Vyrn: Whoa!
Vyrn: D-don't touch my wings! Gyahaha, that tickles!
Lyria: Vyrn's a big hit with the poppet. It has all the curiosity of a newborn baby.
Sierokarte: Oddly enough, it is a newborn baby in a way since not much time has passed since its creation.
Karteira: I'm rootin' for ya, Vyrn!
Vyrn: Gwahaha, y-you got me good!
Vyrn: But now it's payback time!
Green Poppet: ...
Green Poppet: Aahh!
Vyrn: Wh-whoa!
Green Poppet: Ahh-aahh-aahh!
The green poppet lets out a shriek, alerting nearby monsters to come and surround the crew.
Karteira: What did ya do, Vyrn!
Vyrn: H-hey, don't blame me! We were just playin'!
Sierokarte: I take it the poppet wasn't too fond of having its chin poked.
Karteira: You want a fight, you got one! Let's go!
Karteira: Hraah!
Orchid: Yaah!
(Captain), Orchid, and Karteira work together to make quick work of the monsters.
Monster: Gwooo...
Karteira: All right! Just one more to go!
Orchid: Leave it to me.
Orchid: Haah!
Orchid unleashes her metal threads on the last monster.
Green Poppet: Aahhhh!
Orchid: ...!
Green Poppet: Aah...
The green poppet jumps in to defend the monster, only to be knocked off the cliff by the impact.
Orchid: ...
Vyrn: Phew, definitely wasn't expectin' it to call for monsters to come at us...
Karteira: Welp, we took care of the opposition! All's well that ends well!
Lyria: True, but... Why did it go out of its way to defend the monsters?
Sierokarte: Yeah, that is strange, isn't it?
Karteira: Eh, I wouldn't think too hard on it. I'd just chalk it up to wacky sensibilities.
Orchid: ...
Karteira: You good? This got you wonderin' too, Orchid?
Orchid: Sorry, I'm okay... Let's move on.
???: ...
Lyria: Look! Isn't that...
Following Lyria's line of sight, they find a red poppet standing in silence.
Vyrn: It's standin' perfectly still.
Karteira: The green one was so wild that this quiet one actually gives me the heebie-jeebies...
Red Poppet: Head touch, please.
Karteira: Ooh, it talks.
Vyrn: Er, is it asking for a head pat?
Lyria: I think so...
Karteira: I dunno about this...
Lyria: I don't sense any hostility from it though.
Sierokarte: Yes, well, that's the scary part.
Lyria: It's coming toward us.
Vyrn: Watch out, Lyria!
Red Poppet: Head touch, please.
Lyria: Aw, the poppet has really taken to us!
Lyria: I know this isn't the time or place to say this, but...
Lyria: Just looking at the adorable poppet is so soothing.
Karteira: I know the feeling, but don't forget it's an enemy.
Red Poppet: Pretty please. Head touch.
Lyria: Aw, how could I refuse! I'll be right back!
Lyria: There. Feeling better?
Red Poppet: Blip.
Vyrn & Karteira: Blip?
Red Poppet: Detonation switch activated.
Red Poppet: Detonating! Three... two... one...
Lyria: Huh?
Orchid: Lyria!
Sensing imminent danger, Orchid pulls Lyria in with her metal threads.
(Captain) also jumps in front of Lyria to shield her from harm.
Red Poppet: Bzzt...
Lyria: What a surprise...
Orchid: Lyria, are you okay?
Lyria: Y-yeah, luckily...
Lyria: Orchid, (Captain), thank you so much for saving me!
Red Poppet: Hea... tou...
Red Poppet: ...
Orchid: ...
Orchid: Just as I thought.
Lyria: Orchid, what do you mean?
Orchid: Um...
Orchid: I'm not entirely sure yet, so I'd rather not say.
Sierokarte: ...
Vyrn: Talk about a close call. I'm not gonna last if that sorta thing keeps happenin'...
Karteira: If the poppets we saw at the village were all of 'em, that should've been the last one.
Lyria: Meaning we'll finally get to see Llon.
Vyrn: Even if any more poppets do show up, we won't be fooled again!
Determined to reach Cendrillon, the crew continues on.

Siero's Mascot: Let's Goooo! - Chapter 6: Cendrillon's True Feelings - Episode 4

The crew finally catches up with Cendrillon, who reveals that she overheard the plans to dispose of her. Sierokarte explains that this is all just one huge misunderstanding. However, Cendrillon feels that there is no backing down after having come this far and attacks the crew.

Having defeated their second and third opponents, (Captain) and company march onward to their destination.
With no one else to halt their progress, they are able to cover plenty of ground.
Lyria: We've been walking quite a while now.
Vyrn: We should be catching up with Cendrillon any moment now.
Karteira: Unless we done got lost, which would explain why we haven't run into anyone after comin' all this way.
Sierokarte: To be fair, the surrounding greenery has definitely gotten more lush as we've gone along, suggesting we're on the right track.
Orchid: Yeah, I don't think we're lost.
Orchid: Someone's coming.
Cendrillon: Finally. You've kept me waiting long enough.
Sierokarte: Cendrillon...
Cendrillon: To think you only lost a single poppet in coming all the way here. Color me surprised.
Cendrillon: Your tenacity knows no bounds. You really have it in for me, don't you?
Lyria: What do you mean...
Lyria: We only wanted to have a good, long talk with you, Llon!
Orchid: No one here wants to harm you.
Cendrillon: Hah, you'll say anything to lure me out into the open.
Karteira: Boy oh boy, she's madder than a wet hen. A bonk on the head with my fan ought to snap her out of it.
Vyrn: Whoa, slow down there. We just said we wouldn't hurt her.
Sierokarte: Cendrillon, I came after you as promised.
Sierokarte: Along the way, I gave a lot of thought to your words.
Sierokarte: But no matter how far back I dig into my memories, I come up with nothing.
Sierokarte: So please. We need to hear it from you directly.
Sierokarte: Whatever it is that has you so wound up, I want to know. I'll take responsibility for all of it.
Cendrillon: Hah... Sounds like you've forgone all logic to toy with my emotions.
Cendrillon: Eh, whatever. You upheld your promise.
Cendrillon: Consider this your reward. Perk up those ears and listen well!
Cendrillon: The night that I ran away, I happened to overhear a secret conversation between you and Karteira.
Karteira: A secret conversation? What's this about?
Cendrillon: Oh please! Trying to play dumb now, are we?
Cendrillon: You waited until you two were alone to talk about disposing of me! Destroying me!
Sierokarte: Erm... I think you just lost me there.
Cendrillon: Don't even try denying it! Think back to what you said that night!
Karteira: You do realize that was a while back, right?
Sierokarte: I suppose I do remember us having a chat about Cendrillon.
Cendrillon: And there you have it!
Karteira: Hold your horses. All we had was a friendly chat about you.
Karteira: Yeah, now I remember...
Sierokarte: Thank you for all your help today, Karteira!
Karteira: You were a friend in need, and I am a friend indeed, Siero!
Sierokarte: Fortunately it wasn't too bad. Damage was minimal and a lot of people lent a hand.
Karteira: How's Cendrillon doing? Still down with the blues, I imagine?
Sierokarte: She's sorry about how things turned out, but I'm the one who allowed those fire knives to be at her disposal...
Karteira: I hate to bring this up, Siero, but...
Karteira: This ain't the first time she's stirred up trouble...
Karteira: We're fortunate that things calmed down before they got outta hand, but who knows what'll happen next time...
Karteira: Ever consider rebuildin' your mascot from scratch?
Sierokarte: I understand what you're getting at and that you're only trying to help, but...
Sierokarte: Despite the small amount of destruction she may have caused, I still think her heart's in the right place and that she just needs more guidance.
Sierokarte: The more experience she accumulates, the better of a mascot she's going to be.
Sierokarte: I have faith in her.
Karteira: That's the way I remember it.
Sierokarte: Can't be sure it's word for word, but that sounds about right to me.
Karteira: Yep, nothing about hurtin' Cendrillon in our little chitchat.
Karteira: ...
Karteira: Wait, hold on a sec...
Sierokarte: Did you remember something else, Karteira?
Karteira: Well, color me stupid. This might be a bit of a stretch, but...
Sierokarte: She's sorry about how things turned out, but I'm the one who allowed those fire knives to be at her disposal...
Sierokarte: Despite the small amount of destruction she may have caused, I still think her heart's in the right place and that she just needs more guidance.
Karteira: You know, Siero, you did say "disposal" and "destruction."
Karteira: But the chance of misunderstanding that is slimmer than a snake's back.
Karteira: That can't be it, right? Hahaha...
Cendrillon: ...
Karteira: Aw, shucks... Your face tells me I've figured it out...
Vyrn: You mean this was all...
Lyria: A misunderstanding?
Cendrillon: N-no, no, no! I know what I heard!
Sierokarte: But I can't think of anything else that could have possibly upset you.
Cendrillon: Shut up!
Vyrn: Right back at you...
Cendrillon: I won't be fooled by your fairy tale! You made up that whole conversation just now!
Cendrillon: Besides, it's not like I can just go back after everything I've done!
Vyrn: About time you showed us your true self!
Cendrillon: My only choice is now to wipe you all out at once!
Cendrillon: Time for you to scatter off into the corners of the skies along with my shame!
Vyrn: Not much of a listener, is she!
Orchid: It can't be helped... Let's at least try to avoid hurting her too much.
Karteira: Really dills your pickle, don't it! Gal's given us no choice but to beat some sense into her!
Sierokarte: I'll act as support while you guys take her on!
Cendrillon: Running to a safe spot already? For shame!
Cendrillon: Fortunately, it won't matter to me either way!
Cendrillon: Prepare yourselves!

Siero's Mascot: Let's Goooo! - Ending - Episode 1

After Cendrillon hears from Karteira how much Sierokarte cares for her and has a heart-to-heart talk with Orchid, she makes up with Sierokarte. Merchant and mascot set off on an apology tour, though it will not be easy to pay off the massive debt Cendrillon has accrued from damages incurred.

Cendrillon: Augh!
Karteira: Huff... Huff... Hope we spanked some sense into ya...
Vyrn: Ready to keep talkin'? 'Cause our discussion's not over yet.
Cendrillon: I have nothing to talk to you about!
Lyria: Um... So this all started from a misunderstanding, right, Llon?
Lyria: I'm sure if you talk things through with Siero, we can put this behind us...
Cendrillon: Put this behind us? After everything that's happened?
Cendrillon: Nuh-uh, not gonna happen! What could you possibly have to gain from making up with me anyway!
Cendrillon: No matter how hard I try to do things right, at the end of the day I'm nothing but trouble...
Orchid: ...
Cendrillon: I'm a created being. And it'd be all too easy to just scrap and rebuild me for being worthless.
Cendrillon: I refuse to live with this shame! Just dispose of me already!
Sierokarte: Cendrillon... I have no intention of—
Cendrillon: I don't need your pity! Go on, do it!
Karteira: ...!
Karteira: You big ignoramus!
Cendrillon: ...!
Cendrillon: Wh-what's your deal...
Karteira: Goodness gracious, get a grip already! You're as stubborn as an ornery mule!
Cendrillon: This isn't stubbornness. I have my pride to—
Karteira: See what I mean!
Karteira: Truth is, that wasn't the only night I spoke to Siero about rebuildin' you from scratch!
Karteira: But Siero shook her head! Every! Single! Time! Know what that means?
Karteira: She wanted to keep your memories intact!
Cendrillon: My memories?
Karteira: That's right! Nothin' matters more to Siero than all the precious time she spent with you!
Karteira: If she really thought of you as nothin' more than a worthless tool...
Karteira: She'd have agreed with me faster than a bat outta hell about reassemblin' you!
Karteira: Livin' with shame, you said? Who gives a flyin' fart about that!
Karteira: I didn't wanna bring this up, but Siero and I used to live with our shame on our sleeves!
Karteira: "Overoptimistic Karte Sisters," they used to call us. What a riot, right?
Karteira: Your mistakes are cute by comparison! Believe me when I say we've done a heckuva lot worse!
Karteira: There were days when we did nothin' but go around apologizin' up a storm to all the people we wronged!
Karteira: And this time's no different! How many darn times do you think Siero's had to clean up after your messes and then apologize after the fact!
Karteira: Yet you still... Still...
Vyrn: Hey, it's all good, Karteira.
Karteira: Ain't like I meant to cry, y'know...
Karteira: It's just that I know firsthand how tryin' this whole incident's been for Siero.
Karteira: No way was I gonna sit back and watch Siero get flak when she did nothing wrong!
Sierokarte: Karteira...
Cendrillon: But that still doesn't change how I feel inside...
Orchid: This is just a guess on my part, but...
Orchid: I think you simply wanted to be acknowledged, Cendrillon.
Cendrillon: ...!
Cendrillon: Wh-what makes you think that?
Orchid: I heard your voice.
Orchid: As in, I heard your true voice from the poppets we fought.
Orchid: Since you created them, it's only natural that some of your emotions seeped into them.
Cendrillon: Well... What did they say?
Orchid: The blue one said, "Thank you for giving it your all."
Orchid: I took that to mean it was grateful we gave it our full attention.
Orchid: As a mascot, you're easily forgiven no matter how much you fail.
Orchid: You're being spoiled because it'd be remarkably easy to just remake you if you're defective in any way.
Orchid: At least that's how you interpret Siero's kindness towards you.
Orchid: I had a difficult time myself when I and someone dear to me were on completely different wavelengths.
Orchid: Even when you're just overthinking things, it can be incredibly painful to not be taken seriously—I've experienced it firsthand.
Orchid: But because we were ultimately able to confront each other to work out a solution, the two of us live our days in happiness now. Otherwise, I'd have...
Lyria: Orchid...
Cendrillon: I know what you mean. I've thought about my situation from that angle too.
Cendrillon: Just goes to show how awful I am for interpreting kindness in the most delusional way possible, huh.
Orchid: That's not for me to say... Siero is the only one who has the right to judge you.
Orchid: Though because we danced together onstage, there is something that I can say.
Orchid: Deep down, you're incredibly kind and true to yourself.
Cendrillon: Kind? True to myself? Am I hearing you right?
Orchid: The green poppet put itself in danger to protect the very monsters it summoned.
Orchid: In other words, it didn't mind sacrificing itself in order to protect its dear friends.
Orchid: As for the red poppet, the last thing it asked for was a head pat.
Orchid: This could all just be wishful thinking on my part, but...
Orchid: I want it all to be true. Know that you can still start over, Cendrillon.
Orchid: Don't you want to sing and dance with me again? Because I would definitely love that.
With a soft smile, Orchid extends a hand to Cendrillon.
Cendrillon: Why go so far for me...
Vyrn: For one thing, Knickknack seemed really worried and we wanted to help.
Lyria: What's more, you're just too lovable to hate.
Orchid: I agree.
Karteira: The stuff she's done still sticks in my craw, but I'm with you two on that.
Sierokarte: Cendrillon...
Cendrillon: Sierokarte...
Sierokarte: Karteira and Orchid have already expressed my thoughts perfectly, so I have nothing else to say.
Sierokarte: Except for one thing...
Sierokarte: I would be absolutely thrilled for you to come back with me, Cendrillon.
Cendrillon: ...
Cendrillon: What a bunch of softies... You're so soft that my tears won't come out...
Vyrn: I'm pretty sure you're not built to cry in the first place...
Cendrillon: Fine, I'll come back since you insist on it!
Cendrillon: Sierokarte... No, Siero! I'm willing to go on an apology tour with you!
Karteira: Wouldn't hurt to say that in an apologetic tone, you know.
Sierokarte: Haha, I'm looking forward to it.
Cendrillon: But first, I have to say goodbye.
Cendrillon: Come out, you guys!
Vyrn: Wait, those poppets are still around?
Wild Blue Poppet: Master Cendrillon. Will you be going?
Green Poppet: Aah... Aah...
Cendrillon: Sorry, guys... I'll come back to visit regularly, so don't be so down.
Wild Brown Pop.: Brown will protect this place forever.
Cendrillon: Haha, how reliable.
Cendrillon: Take care, everyone.
Cendrillon embraces each of the poppets. They exchange warm smiles as they bid each other farewell.
Red Poppet: Blip.
Red Poppet: Detonation switch activated!
Cendrillon: Ah...
Everyone: Ah...
Cendrillon: Noooooo!
Some time has passed since the incident with Cendrillon.
Cendrillon: Siero, I'm bushed. I don't want to walk anymore...
Sierokarte: Letting yourself off this easy?
Sierokarte: Let's not forget you were the one who brought up the idea of an apology tour.
Cendrillon: That's true, but...
Sierokarte: Besides, I'm the one who's really exhausted.
Sierokarte: I worked through a few nights to fix you up, and then we traveled all over without taking any breaks.
Cendrillon was thought to be done for after getting caught in the explosion.
Fortunately her memory circuits were undamaged, allowing for a complete recovery.
Cendrillon: If I knew things were going to be this difficult, I wish my memory had gone kaput too...
Sierokarte: Now, now, that's not a very nice thing to say to your parent.
Cendrillon: Eh, sorry.
Cendrillon: Why did you choose to bring me back in this form though?
Cendrillon: I thought you liked me nice and round as a mascot.
Sierokarte: Oh, very good question.
Sierokarte: Your initial form was what I thought to be ideal for you.
Sierokarte: Even though your new form came about from very specific circumstances, I figured that's the form you would want to be in.
Cendrillon: You mean... you were just trying to respect my wishes?
Sierokarte: Yep, that about sums it up.
Cendrillon: Siero...
Cendrillon: D-don't expect me to shed any tears now!
Sierokarte: I'm just telling it like it is.
Cendrillon: A-anyway, I get how much you care about me now, Siero!
Cendrillon: You've entrusted me with your love, hopes, and dreams, and I promise I'm not going to let you down!
Cendrillon: Time's a-wasting! Let's pick up the pace, Siero!
Sierokarte: Glad to see you're feeling better already.
Cendrillon: Hahah! I'm not afraid of anything anymore!
Cendrillon: The sooner we get this apology tour over with... Huh?
The moment Cendrillon turns around, a slip of paper blowing in the wind lands on her cheek.
Cendrillon: Gah! What a way to ruin the mood—
Cendrillon: Wait, what's this notice... "Amount Owed by Cendrillon"...
Cendrillon: Ones, tens, hundreds... Oh no...
Cendrillon: S-Siero? Wh-wh-what is the meaning of this?
Sierokarte: It's exactly as you imagine it to be.
Cendrillon: This is a really bad joke, I hope you know... Ahahaha...
Sierokarte: Oh, believe me: I take things veeery seriously when it comes to money.
Sierokarte: That's why I'm looking forward to seeing you pay back the sum in full.
Cendrillon: Gasp...
Cendrillon: Brgwaaaaaaah!
The End
