Scenario:Vanzza - Faith is Bittersweet

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Faith is Bittersweet

(Captain) and company are asked to figure out why rare forest animals are disappearing. During their investigation, they see some suspicious men who Vanzza says belong to a gang led by his rival. When Vyrn raises his voice in surprise, the gang finds them.

(Captain)'s crew receives a request from a village.
The villagers explain that they started seeing suspicious men at around the same time that rare animals began disappearing from the forest.
Suspecting that the men are poachers, the crew heads into the forest to investigate.
Lyria: I'm sorry, Vanzza. I know we haven't found any clues about the person you're looking for, and here we are asking you for help.
Vanzza: I don't mind. As I've been telling you, I can find him myself. There's no need for you to go out of your way to help me.
Lyria: But we really want to help!
Lyria: Um... So what's he like?
Vanzza: Sigh...
Vanzza: He's the man I trust the most. We used to train together, and I guess you could call him my rival.
Vyrn: Rivals, huh? Did you guys have a big fight to see who was stronger and stuff?
Vanzza: That sounds about right.
Vanzza: ...
Vyrn: ...
Lyria: ...
Lyria: Um... When we're done with this request, why don't we all have some cake?
Vyrn: Uh... Yeah! I vote for apple cake!
(Captain) nods at their suggestion.
Vanzza: You're all really sweet kids.
Lyria: Hehe...
Vanzza: As I've said before, I don't make promises lightly.
Vanzza: But I guess I can promise to go have some cake.
Lyria: Yay! We'll hold you to that!
With their promise made, they go back to searching the forest.
After a while, they discover several suspicious-looking men.
Vanzza: ...?
Lyria: What's wrong, Vanzza?
Vanzza: Those men are members of Acorazada's gang. He's that rival I told you about.
Vyrn: No way! Why are they here?
Lyria: Shh! Vyrn, keep your voice down!
Gang Member: Huh? Who's there? Show yourself!
Vyrn: Oops... My bad.
Vanzza: It's fine. It would have come to this sooner or later.
Vanzza: (Captain), ready your weapon and prepare for a fight!

Faith is Bittersweet: Scene 2

During the battle with (Captain)'s crew, one of the gang members recognizes Vanzza and tries to buy time by taunting him with talk of his past. But Vanzza is unmoved and corners the gang member. The desperate villain calls for reinforcements, who rush in and attack.

Gang Member: Not bad... I must admit...
Vanzza: Give it up. You know you're no match for us alone.
Gang Member: Damn it... But wait...
Gang Member: No way! The broken horn, the tonfas... I know you... You're Vanzza!
Vanzza: That's right. Now where's your boss, Acorazada? Is he here?
Gang Member: Ha! Nope. Tough luck.
Vanzza: All right... Then tell me where he is.
Gang Member: No idea. The boss doesn't show himself to us low-ranking members.
Gang Member: Why are you still fighting with those tonfas anyway?
Gang Member: The way I heard it, you lost to the boss because of those.
Lyria: Wait... What does he mean?
Vanzza: The tonfa happens to be my weakest weapon.
Vyrn: Seriously?
Gang Member: You really are dumb. If you hadn't used the tonfas, you could have beat the boss.
Gang Member: Heh heh... And your main squeeze wouldn't have gotten caught in the middle!
Vyrn: Huh? What's he mean?
Gang Member: Let me tell you a little story. This big lug lost a fight against our boss, so he should've been killed.
Gang Member: But our boss is the nicest guy you could ever hope to meet, so he let this loser live.
Gang Member: Hahaha! But he poisoned his girlfriend instead, and now she's in a coma!
Lyria: Oh no! That's terrible...
Vanzza: ...
Gang Member: Heh... But rumor has it that you still trust the boss. Is that true? Don't you realize that you were betrayed?
Vanzza: ...
Gang Member: Hey! Don't you have anything to say for yourself? Come on!
Vanzza: I have no rebuttal to make. I lost because I was using tonfas. That's a fact, and I can't change it.
Vanzza: However, that is precisely why I use tonfas.
Gang Member: What?
Vanzza: Carolla was always against me fighting. She always said how it was savage and dangerous.
Vanzza: The one thing she could tolerate was my use of the tonfas. I guess she liked the way I swung them around.
Vanzza: You asked if I still trust Acorazada? Of course I do!
Vanzza: Even if he betrayed me, I'll continue to trust him! I don't care if people think me a fool. That's what it means to trust!
Vanzza: And that's why I will put an end to it all. With my own hands and these tonfas!
As he finishes speaking, Vanzza hurls one of his tonfas into the shadows between the trees.
Underlings: Eek!
He flings it with such force that it buries itself in the ground, handle vibrating, directly in the path of a group of men carrying a cage.
Vanzza: You thought I wouldn't notice that you were just trying to buy time?
Gang Member: Damn it! Well then, you asked for it!
Gang Member: Hey! You guys! Take them down!

Faith is Bittersweet: Scene 3

The gang members are defeated, but one of them poisons (Captain) while the crew's guard is down. Vanzza takes the antidote from the gang members and decides to save (Captain) instead of his girlfriend, who is in a coma due to the same poison. After recovering, (Captain) offers to help Vanzza, and Vanzza gladly accepts.

After a fierce battle, the crew defeats most of the gang.
But the gang member who was taunting Vanzza earlier staggers toward (Captain).
Vanzza: (Captain), watch out!
Vanzza's warning comes too late, and the gang member collapses onto (Captain).
(Captain) feels a sharp pain at the base of the neck and then falls to the ground.
Lyria: Aahh! (Captain)! Are you okay?
(Captain) tries to stand up but can't seem to move. The captain's consciousness gradually begins to slip away.
Vanzza: No! You wouldn't!
Gang Member: Ugh... Heh... Heh heh... Oh, but I would. It's the same poison... And I've got the antidote right here, but only one dose.
The gang member takes out the antidote and throws it to the crew, cackling.
Lyria rushes to pick it up, but Vanzza gets to it first.
Lyria: Huh? Vanzza?
Vanzza: ...
Gang Member: Heh heh... It's useless, little girl. He'll never give that up. Like I told you earlier...
Gang Member: His girlfriend's been suffering from the same poison as that kid lying there.
Gang Member: Heh... That's right... Now you guys... can suffer too.
With those words, the gang member loses consciousness.
Vanzza: ...
Vyrn: Hey... Vanzza...
Vanzza: Hey, (Captain). We're all going to eat cake when this is over, right?
Vanzza: So this is no time for a nap...
(Captain)'s consciousness slips away before Vanzza can finish speaking.
Lyria: Oh! (Captain), you're awake.!
(Captain) wakes up at an inn. They are back at the village where they accepted the mission.
(Captain) has no idea how many hours have passed, but Lyria is seated beside the bed, tears welling up in her eyes.
Lyria: I'm so glad... So, so glad...
Lyria: Huh? You want to talk to Vanzza?
Lyria: Actually... right after we carried you here, he said he wanted to be alone and—
Lyria: Hey! (Captain)!
(Captain) jumps up and rushes out of the inn.
(Captain) searches high and low, and finally finds Vanzza crying beneath the shade of a tree.
Vanzza: I'm sorry... I'm so sorry, Carolla... I... I...
Vanzza: I had the chance to save you, but I—
Vanzza: (Captain)! Were you listening?
Vanzza: What's with the face? You shouldn't be the one feeling guilty.
Vanzza: Even if I'd abandoned you and saved Carolla instead...
Vanzza: Carolla wouldn't be happy. She'd probably even leave me.
Vanzza: ...
Vanzza: Hey, (Captain)... Thanks for coming to find me, but I think I need some more time alone.
  1. I want to help you.
  2. ...

Choose: I want to help you.

Vanzza: You really are something...
Vanzza gently smiles and rests a heavy hand on (Captain)'s head.
Vanzza: You really are too kind... What am I going to do with you?
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: ...

(Captain) gives him a defiant look and sits down next to him.
Vanzza: You really are too nice...
Vanzza: The captain of all softies.

Continue 1

(Captain) looks Vanzza in the eye and tells him that they will all be there to help him.
Vanzza: When I first met you, I thought you were just some helpless kid who needed to be looked after.
Vanzza: How is it that you seem so reliable to me now?
Vanzza: So let me just say thank you. I'll gladly accept your help.
Vanzza holds out his hand.
(Captain) grasps it and gives it a firm shake.
Vanzza: We should probably go back. I'm sure Lyria and Vyrn are worried.
Vanzza: And we made a promise, didn't we? There's a cake with our name on it.
(Captain) smiles at Vanzza.
Vanzza smiles back, and they return to the inn where Lyria and Vyrn are waiting.