Scenario:Vajra - One's Own Trial

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One's Own Trial

Vajra forces Garjana to reveal why he's hesitant about Vajra's participation in the trial. He's worried that if her spirit channeling evolves into soul channeling, she'll lose her own consciousness forever. The crew, always pillars of support for the guardian, worry for her safety, while Vajra herself seems to harbor deeper concerns.

Vajra has returned to her hometown to undergo the Trial of the First to become a full-fledged war deity.
She gives a final look at the equipment spread over her bed.
Vajra: That should be everything.
Vajra: Are you ready, Gar?
Garjana: ...
Vajra: Ah, we should do something about those injuries though.
Vajra moves her faithful companion's head around by his scruff, examining his wounds.
Vajra: I put some ointment on them already, but these still look painful.
Cuts, grazes, and bite marks cover Garjana's body, evidence of his scrape with Shanamka.
Vajra: Seriously, every time you two get together, you always end up fighting.
Garjana: ...
Vajra: You want to tell me that Shan instigates it, don't you?
Vajra: But, Gar, it's partly your fault too. You never stand up for yourself, you know?
Garjana: ...
Vajra: Gar, you don't want me to do this trial, do you?
Garjana: ...
Vajra: I knew it.
Vajra: I had an inkling before, but what's the problem?
Vajra: Do you think I'll fail the trial?
Garjana: That's not it.
Vajra: Then why?
Garjana: ...
Vajra: If you keep that muzzle sealed forever, this trial's going to be a lot more difficult, mister.
Vajra: You know it's not too late for me to switch to Shan, don't you? Is that what you want?
Garjana: If that's what you wish, Master.
Vajra: ...
Vajra: Gar, you oaf! You big, silly sack of kibble!
Lyria: What's the matter, Vajra? Gar?
At Vajra's outburst, (Captain), Lyria, and Vyrn—who had been passing through the hall—come running into the room.
Vajra: Hey, guys... Sorry for scaring you.
Vyrn: I've never heard you shout like that. What gives?
Vajra: I was upset because Gar refuses to talk to me. It's like he doesn't want to open up.
Garjana: I need only serve you, Master. If I am a hindrance to your cause, then I shall willingly withdraw my service.
Vajra: Hey, wait!
Vajra gives Garjana a soft swat on the head before leaning in closer to the pup.
Vajra: We were raised together. Even if you refuse to speak, I still know what you're thinking.
Vajra: But some stuff should be said out loud! So spill it, pup. Why don't you want me to take the trial?
Garjana: ...
Vyrn: I get it, Big Dog. You're worried about Vajra. But maybe you should have a little more confidence in her?
Lyria: If there's something you're worried about, maybe we could help figure it out. Please tell us, Gar.
Garjana: ...
Vajra: Gar, you still won't talk? Even with Lyria and Vyrn begging you?
Garjana: ...
Garjana: The reason I am against you taking the trial, Master, is a simple one. You are still able to conduct spirit channeling, despite your age.
Lyria: Spirit channeling.
Garjana: I would prefer my master to refrain from using spirit channeling.
Garjana: For it to work, one needs not only a sound mind and body, but also a strong heart.
Garjana: In other words, the complete trust and willingness to make yourself entirely vulnerable.
Garjana: My master gives herself over too easily.
Lyria: Gar did say that he didn't like that.
Vyrn: But isn't channeling something that every war deity goes through?
Vajra: Not really. It seems only a select few of the war deities throughout the ages have been able to do it.
Vajra: And even then, I've heard that when they reach the age of ten or so, they lose the ability.
Vyrn: You've got some kinda special power compared to all the other war gods, don't you, Vajra?
Garjana: Power might not be the word for it.
Garjana: As I explained previously, channeling requires a certain mindset.
Garjana: Normally speaking, bodily growth and the strenghtening of the self leads to being unable to hear the voice of the spirits. And thus one loses the ability to channel them.
Lyria: So Vajra hasn't changed at all since she was a child?
Garjana: In terms of being pure, uncorrupt, and innocent, you could say that.
Garjana: Of course I can't be certain why she still has this ability. But the problem isn't why.
Garjana: There has never been a war deity who has undergone the trial while still possessing the ability.
Vyrn: I get that it's a new situation, but is that the only reason you're scared to let her do the trial, Big Dog?
Vyrn: You got any concrete proof things could go bad?
Garjana: Elder believes that Master could one day invoke the soul of the first.
Garjana: Invoking a soul, and not a spirit, would allow her to gain the first's strength, and become the strongest war deity in clan history.
Vyrn: That sounds pretty awesome to me!
Garjana: But the first was mortal. We don't know what will happen to Master's own soul should she harbor the first's.
Lyria: Ah, I see...
Vajra: Defilers of the peace we hold dear in these lands...
Vajra: Shall know the watery retribution of my blade.
Lyria: It's true that when she channeled that spirit, she lost her own personality.
Garjana: Yes. The spirits of nature have fainter egos than mortals.
Garjana: So when my master released the spirit, her own consciousness returned.
Garjana: However, soul channeling means retrieving the soul of a mortal. And this would be no mere mortal... It would be the first war deity herself.
Garjana: I fear that if she succeeds in channeling the first's soul, Master will never come back.
Lyria: What do you mean by "come back"? What would happen to her?
Garjana: ...
Garjana lowers his head.
Garjana: I fear the worst.
Garjana: Vajra's power means her connection to the world is tenuous at times. She may leave us for good.
The weight of Garjana's revelation passes through all present.
Vajra: Umm...
Vyrn: Whoa, Vajra. What's with that silly grin? Didn't you hear what Big Dog said?
Vajra: Hrrm...
Vajra: Just who the heck am I?
Lyria: Huh?
(Captain) and the rest turn toward Vajra, looks of stunned silence on their faces.

One's Own Trial: Scene 2

It's time for Vajra and Garjana to enter the Cave of Trials. They head deep into the caverns, defeating monster after monster along the way. Vajra reveals that she's still searching for the reasons he chose Garjana over Shanamka, but she's resolute that she made the correct decision. A few moments later, they stop at the final chamber, where they encounter the soul of the first of the Twelve Divine Generals. He tests Vajra through combat.

Lyria: Um, Vajra? Don't you know who you are?
Vajra: Obviously I'm the Canine Temple guardian, a war deity in training, master of Gar, and friend to (Captain)'s crew, right?
Vajra: There's already a lot to me. If I were to harbor someone else's soul and lose all of what I am, who would that make me?
Vyrn: Uh, never heard you sound so philosophical before.
Lyria: Well... Vajra, you're Vajra.
Lyria: There might be a few different versions of you, but because you're the one channeling them, they're still you.
Vajra: Really? You think so? This is getting complicated.
Lyria: Ooh... (Captain), how should we explain it?
Though (Captain) understands Lyria's feelings, it's a struggle to communicate them to the war deity.
Shanamka: Lady Vajra, forgive me for barging in during your conversation.
Shanamka: The elder is calling for you. Have you finished your preparations?
Vajra: Already time, huh? Let's get to it, Gar!
Garjana: ...
Despite the overwhelming aura in the room, Vajra puts on a carefree smile and bounds out of the room with Gar.
Vajra: All right, we're heading out. We'll figure out why those monsters appeared from the cave!
Vyrn: Okay, take care, you two!
Vajra: Shan, you keep the fort while I'm away!
Shanamka: Of course! Please watch yourself.
Vajra: We're off now!
With an energetic wave goodbye, Vajra and Garjana enter the cave's maw.
Lyria: There they go. Vajra... I hope she'll be okay.
Elder: The only thing we can do now is wait and see what happens, come what may.
Elder: But I truly believe the power that Vajra stands to inherit is necessary for this world.
Elder: Our clans, which work to rear the Twelve Divine Generals, act as watchmen of the Astral Realm.
Elder: I'm not certain if the Astral Realm will ever pose a threat to us again.
Elder: But change is upon the Sky Realm. Of that, we can be sure.
Lyria: Elder, you do know about Vajra's spirit channeling, right?
Lyria: What if she's unable to return to her body? Aren't you scared for her?
Elder: To say that I am not worried for my beloved granddaughter would be a lie.
Elder: But there will be a time when we must call upon the power of a true war deity.
Elder: Thus I pray that Vajra discovers the true meaning of the trial. And obtains power that can rend the conflict of this world.
Vajra: I knew there were monsters living in here!
Vajra: But they've never gone outside of the cave until now. What do you think happened earlier?
Garjana: ...
Vajra: Maybe fighting them is part of the trial? Let's keep blasting these suckers away while we explore!
The pair continues to fight off the monsters while making their way further along the cave path.
Vajra: Your field of vision is wider than mine, and you predict my movements perfectly. It's a relief having you guard my tail.
Garjana: ...
Vajra: Look, I didn't pick you as my partner just because of our synergy in battle. There's a better reason.
Vajra: Shan's like me—whenever we get into the fighting spirit, we build each other into a frenzy, even when we're up against a whole crowd.
Vajra: But he's also strong enough to hold his own one-on-one, which means he's a great guard dog for the Canine Temple.
Vajra: That's why I wanted Shan to wait with Elder.
Vajra: If he's back home protecting all of our loved ones, then we don't have anything to worry about during the trial. We can really focus.
Vajra: Ah, but keep that a secret from Shan, okay? It'll give him a big head, and he won't stop yapping for weeks.
Vajra: Getting carried away is his fatal flaw—not that he gets carried away all the time, I mean.
Garjana: You are also very careful of your surroundings.
Garjana: You command your fellows and adjust to their actions appropriately.
Vajra: I have you to thank for that, Gar. I learned from the best.
Garjana: ...
Vajra: Aww, Gar, you're such a good boy.
Vajra comes to a halt and turns to her companion.
Vajra: I know I've already apologized, but I'm sorry for getting upset earlier.
Vajra: It's a comfort knowing that you, (Captain), and all the others are worried about me.
Vajra: But I have my own path to follow, you know? There are things I have to accomplish.
Vajra: Including proving to you why I chose you as my partner.
Vajra: Don't worry—I didn't select you because I wanted to see a runt grow up healthy.
Vajra: I saw the goodness in your heart. I couldn't ignore that.
Garjana: ...
Vajra: Let's do our best on this trial, okay?
Vajra: Hah! Though I guess we're already stuck in the middle of it!
Vajra chuckles before continuing the trek through the narrow cave path.
They proceed through the dark road without problem until, at last, they reach the final chamber.
Vajra: Is that an altar? Look sharp, someone's standing there.
???: Welcome, tenth of the Divine Generals.
Vajra: Huh? Are you the first?
The First: Hahaha! Vajra, you pin down my identity so quickly and yet you speak with such undeserved familiarity.
Vajra: You know my name already? Should've seen that coming.
Garjana: ...
As Vajra trades words with the first, Garjana anxiously shuffles on his paws.
Vajra: Wait, the first was a boy?
The First: Indeed.
The First: It seems that those who bear the role of the Twelve have changed a bit since my time.
The First: Long ago, male Divine Generals were a common sight.
Vajra: You don't say? I've only ever met girl Generals, so that's news to me.
The First: We did not dance or conduct rituals. We sought only the strongest, so we could thwart the advances of the Astral Realm.
The First: But now the Divine Generals serve a different purpose, correct? To free the people from their suffering and to release their Kleshas?
Vajra: That's the gist of it. The Astral Realm doesn't attack our world anymore, but Kleshas have begun to wreak serious havoc.
The First: A fitting change for our role. Might is no longer the only applicable talent; one must also have leadership, composure.
The First: Such is the common law of this world. People and customs must change with the times. It is inevitable.
Vajra: I guess so...
Vajra: But the first Divine Generals are legendary! I wish I could meet all of you!
The First: Hahaha! The strongest of them stands before you now! Let us hope I am enough to sate your curiosity.
The First: Are you ready to begin my trial?
Vajra: Sure am! What do I have to do?
The First: It is not in my nature to bother with mere chores. You will fight me to prove your worth.
Vajra: Works for me. You'll see that Gar and I make the best team!
Vajra slips into a fighting posture; Basara unsheathes his katana.
Basara: You stand before Basara Kongou, the first deity of war. Now, Divine General... prove your worth!

One's Own Trial: Scene 3

Basara, the first of the Twelve, congratulates Vajra for completing his trial. He then mentions he was the one who sent the monsters after Vajra—a "pretest" to see if she was still capable of spirit channeling. Noting her abilities, he asks her to attempt soul channeling, which, much to the chagrin of Garjana, she does not hesitate to try.

Basara: Hmm. Your performance was just as expected.
After a furious duel, Basara sheathes his blade.
Vajra: Huh? Does that mean I passed the trial?
Basara: Under normal circumstances, yes. But there is one more task I require of you.
Basara: Vajra, despite your age, you are capable of channeling, are you not?
Vajra: You already know I can. You know my name, my abilities—everything there is to know.
Basara: My consciousness lives within this island. I know all that transpires here.
Basara: Earlier, I thought to judge your powers, so I sent a pack of monsters after you.
Basara: But it wasn't enough to force you to invoke a spirit.
Vajra: Monsters? Wait, you were the reason monsters came bursting out of the cave?
Vajra: That was dangerous! Shouldn't you know better?
Basara: Hahaha! Do not chastise me. I had full faith in your abilities. Besides...
Basara: It seems that I am not the only one who understands the full... merit of your talent.
Basara, eyes icy and calm, steps lightly toward Vajra.
Garjana: ...
Basara: Vajra. Are you not the slightest bit curious what would happen if you channeled my soul?
Vajra: Here? Now?
Basara: Yes. The elder is waiting. You do not wish to disappoint him, surely?
Vajra: It... it's not just about what Elder wants.
Vajra glances toward Garjana.
Garjana: ...
Basara: I have resided here for hundreds of years, beckoning generation after generation of war deity.
Basara: But you are the first to take this trial with so pure a heart—so pure as to retain the ability to channel spirits.
Basara: Of course, it has been hundreds of years since I have entertained a mere conversation. My voice is similar to a spirit's, unable to reach common ears.
Vajra: Huh? Really?
Basara: Look at your partner. He cannot hear nor see me.
Vajra: Gar, is it true? Can you not hear the first's voice?
Garjana: ...
Garjana cocks his head to the side in confusion, unwittingly confirming Basara's statement.
Vajra: Well, that explains why Gar's been staring at me like I've lost my mind.
Vajra: He thinks I've been talking to myself this entire time.
Basara: You see now? You are extraordinary. I wish to experience your power.
Basara: Invoke my soul. Once you tether my being, then you will have passed my trial.
Basara: I think you shall enjoy wielding true strength. Do hurry, won't you?
Garjana: ...
Garjana lowers his body and stares warily at the empty space where Vajra's eyes are locked.
Vajra: Hmm... To channel the first deity...
Vajra: Well, I do want to complete the trial, and if I become stronger, the clan will feel safer.
Vajra: Fine! I'm sure it'll feel different than spirit channeling, but what's the harm in trying soul channeling!
Garjana: ...!
Basara: You shall stand down.
Basara's command pierces Garjana's soul, freezing him in place.
Garjana: ...!
Vajra: Gar!
Basara: Do not fret. I have merely made him obedient.
Basara: But if he resists, I cannot guarantee the safety of his soul.
Garjana: ...
His movements sealed, Garjana casts a pleading stare at Vajra with his eyes. But his master returns his expression with her signature smile.
Vajra: I can see you staring at me, Gar. I know you're scared.
Vajra: But it's okay! Trust me!
Garjana: ...
Basara: Shall we begin?
Vajra: Yep. Here goes.
Vajra: ...
Vajra closes her eyes and deepens her breathing. Basara's body begins to glow with a faint light.
Garjana: ...!
Color begins to fade from Basara's form, his essence dematerializing and floating softly into Vajra's body, as if riding on her breath.
Vajra?: ...
Vajra?: How amusing. It is just as if I had never died.
Garjana: ...!
Vajra?: There are some differences in the joints, proclivities which I shall learn over time.
Though Vajra's voice is coming from her mouth, her expressions and words are anything but her own.
The founder war god, Basara Kongou—the soul trapped inside the Cave of Trials for hundreds of years—has completely taken control of her body.
Basara: Can you finally hear my voice, Garjana?
Garjana: What of my master?
Basara: She is behaving herself within this form. A praiseworthy girl, indeed.
Basara: Hehe... Superb. It seemed so easy for her to surrender her own body to another being.
Basara: You had the greatest understanding of all, Garjana. Should the soul channeling be successful, the host will completely disappear!
Garjana: ...
Basara: Hehe... Hahahahahaha!
Basara raises his hands in triumph as a bellowing laugh bursts from his belly.
Basara: This body is mine! I have once more gained flesh! I have returned to the Sky Realm!
Basara: I thank you, Vajra! I have waited so long for this day! For hundreds of years, long have I been trapped in that wretched cave!
An arrogant expression, entirely unlike Vajra, twists across the poor girl's face—proof of Basara's triumph over mortality.

One's Own Trial: Scene 4

Completely possessed by Basara's soul, Vajra is only awoken back to her own consciousness when Garjana tosses her body around. Basara and Vajra then discuss the merits of soul channeling the first of the Twelve, but the Canine Temple guardian ultimately decides she should find her own path to power—which comes seconds later, as she accidentally flings her sword through Basara, sealing the soul-bound warrior into her blade. Imbued with a new partner and new strength, Vajra exits the cave and enters a new stage in her life.

Garjana: Master!
Basara: Pipe down, would you? No matter how much you call for her, your master will not return.
Basara: I do not expect you to understand this, but once a host begins channeling, they cannot interfere with their own body—even if they retain their perception.
Basara: Forcefully moving the body would result in breaking the channeling. Under normal circumstances, at least.
Basara: But I am my own soul. And I will not be denied by a lesser willpower.
Unable to control himself, Garjana leaps at the possessed Vajra, pinning Basara to the ground.
Basara: Oh? Garjana, you dare harm your master?
Garjana: ...
Basara: Wait! Heel!
The dog, careful to not bite or harm Vajra's body, begins to roll with Basara, intent on shaking the soul loose.
While rolling, he occasionally stops to paw his master's forehead or to kindly lick her stolen face—affectionate movements to check if Vajra has yet to return to him.
Basara: Nrgh...
Vajra: Ahaha, Gar! That tickles!
Garjana: Master...
Basara: Humph. Impressive. I did not foresee this.
The soul channeling broken, Vajra rises to her feet, cheerful as ever.
Vajra: So that's what soul channeling feels like. Definitely not the same as channeling a spirit.
Garjana: ...
Vajra: Everything's okay, Gar. The first was wagging your tail.
Basara: The part about soul channeling being difficult to break was absolutely not in jest. But you will forgive my humor, I hope.
Vajra: Hehe, I'm just happy you wouldn't stop licking until I came back to you!
Vajra: I knew you were the right pup for the final trial. You're my best friend in the whole world, Gar!
Face still soaked from Garjana's unorthodox exorcism methods, Vajra pulls her dog in for a big hug.
Vajra: Oh, Master Basara, what about the trial? Did I pass?
Basara: I would like to say you passed with soaring victory...
Basara: However, you are not fit to be a deity of war.
Vajra: Say what!
Basara: A war god should possess a mind and body of cold steel, to mete out destruction on the battlefield with no regard for casualty or injury.
Basara: Basara Kongou was one such man. But you are entirely the opposite.
Basara: It is true that you can accept any influence, that your flexibility gives you strength. I understand the power this affords you.
Basara: But I cannot permit an innocent being like yourself to take up my mantle.
Vajra: In other words... I've blown it?
Basara: Hm, I would not—
Vajra: Well, them's the breaks!
Basara: Huh?
Vajra: I know that failing the test means I'll never be a real war deity, and now I'll have to give up on my travels, but...
Vajra: Actually, I don't think that's the case after all.
Basara: Hold it, Vajra. I have not even—
Vajra: Traveling with (Captain) has taught me about strength and my position in this world.
Vajra: I've learned about all the potential I have. And all the potential I still have left to explore.
Basara: What in the skies are you going on about? Will you just listen for a moment, I—
Vajra: The way I see it, even if I'm not worthy of your title, I'll figure out my own way to become stronger.
Vajra: Thanks for everything, Master Basara!
Vajra gives a triumphant nod to Garjana, and both turn to exit the cave.
Basara: Stooop right theeere!
Vajra: Huh?
Basara: Don't give me that! Do you realize what you're suggesting?
Basara: Do you realize that you channeled my soul? Do you realize you could become the greatest war deity ever? Do you realize you hold a unique, transcendent power!
Vajra: Soul channeling might not be the only way to become the greatest, right?
Vajra: I want to become great by finding my own path!
Basara: Wait, wait, wait. These antics aside, you'll easily surpass all of your predecessors.
Basara: You want my power, yes? The power of the first? The strongest of all Divine Generals?
Vajra: Uhhh...
Vajra: Not really?
Basara: N-not really?
Vajra: What's wrong? You okay, Master Basara? You're not hungry, are you?
Basara: I am but a big chunk of ectoplasm—how would I get hungry!
Garjana: ...
Vajra: Oh!
Vajra: I get it! Master Basara, do you want to go with me on our journey?
Vajra: When I channeled your soul, I could kind of tell that you were, well, lonely.
Basara: I certainly am not! Stop this, Vajra!
Vajra: You can't trick your host, you know. I saw every part of you.
Basara: Ngh... Were you always such an impertinent lass!
Vajra: If you're lonely, this is your chance to go out into the world. You don't want to be stuck here forever, do you?
Basara: Sigh. I shall make this plain.
Basara: The only reason I am able to maintain my form in this material plane is because of a special charm placed upon this cave.
Basara: Should I leave the cave, then my existence will be forfeit.
Vajra: Mmm, so no matter how lonely you get, you're pretty much stuck here, huh?
Basara: Indeed...
Basara: Hold it! Lonely this, lonely that—stop spelling out my emotions for all to hear!
Basara: The sheer disgrace... I knew you were a carefree pup, but I never imagined you could be this insensitive.
Vajra: Oh, now I really get it!
Basara: Do you ever! Would you please listen to me for a change!
Vajra: You want to borrow my body from time to time? That way you can escape this lonesome place!
Basara: Please, I beg of you, stop assuming my emotions!
Vajra: You know, you would feel better if you would just be honest with yourself.
Basara: Huh?
Vajra: Look, I'll be your host again. That means I can use your power too, right? Win-win.
Basara: Are you... certain?
Garjana: ...
Vajra: It's all right, Gar. I won't let things get out of hand again.
Vajra: Now then—let's do this.
Basara: Halt, stop! Who said you could take control of me!
Vajra: Whoa!
Garjana, still uneasy from the first soul channeling, pins Vajra as she tries to complete the process.
Basara: Ngh!
As the Divine General lands with a thud, her katana goes flying. It sails through the incorporeal form of Basara, instantly dispelling his body.
Vajra: Bad Gar! Bad! I couldn't finish the channeling!
Vajra: Wait, where did Master Basara go?
Basara's Voice: What has happened to my... my body! Where did it go? Where am I!
Vajra: Huh? Did my katana just talk?
Carefully, Vajra draws her blade to her ear, hearing that, indeed, Basara's voice seems to be coming from it.
Basara: What the devil! Vajra, is that you!
Vajra: Check that out! Master Basara's soul is in my katana now!
Basara: Come again? I'm in your what!
Vajra: Seems like you can possess objects even without soul channeling.
Basara: How preposterous! Such a thing should be nigh impossible. I've certainly never possessed anything.
Basara: Ah, but perhaps...
Basara: Could it be that this blade was made into a worthy host precisely because you wield it?
Vajra: I bet my sword is all kinds of strong now that the first Divine General lives in it. Hurray me.
Basara: You imbecile! Do not think of me as some toy.
Basara: This will not do. I am through here. I am leaving this sword.
Basara: Ngh... Ungh... Nnnh!
Vajra: You okay?
Basara: You shut your lips! Damn it, if I could just...
Basara: Ahh! Finally!
Vajra: Neat! You can pop out of it too!
Basara: Everything impresses you... And what of it? Why should the ability to possess your katana prove of any value?
Vajra: Uh, because if you go inside my sword you can leave the cave, of course.
Basara: I... I knew that! Of course I can!
Basara: Haha! Vajra, you are far more intelligent than I gave you credit for! Forgive me.
Vajra: You think so? Everyone tells me I'm a great fighter, but almost no one calls me smart!
Basara: I imagine they wouldn't...
Vajra: Well, let's get a move on, Master Basara!
Basara: Stop commanding me as if I were your beta... But fine. Lead the way—you have earned my respect.
Vajra: With me and (Captain)'s crew by your side, you'll never be lonely again!
Basara: Infernal little—enough of that already!
Basara: Cough. More importantly, I have something to say.
Basara: Basara Kongou, the first deity of war, resides now in your blade. Draw upon my power as you see fit.
Vajra: Thank you! Can't wait to start working with you!
Basara: And as far as the results of your final trial... You pass.
Vajra: Cool... I had already forgotten about that though. Having you in my sword is way cooler.
Basara: Your passing is more for the benefit of the elder than for you.
Basara: Ahem, I must also demand you lend me possession of your body sometimes. I will carve your enemies into ribbons.
Vajra: Sounds like a deal, Master Basara!
Basara: Humph. If we are to be bound together for all of perpetuity, I have one request.
Basara: Drop the master. "Basara" is fine.
Vajra: Ooh! Then I'm going to call you Brosara!
Basara: Wha... The absolute cheek. Then again I would expect nothing less from a member of our clan.
Though Vajra remains on a quest to discover her true path, her ability to become a bridge between ages results in newfound strength.
Where will that path lead her? Not even the first of the Divine Generals himself can say—though he is eager to find out.