Scenario:Tanya - Smooth Talker

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Smooth Talker

Tanya worries that her lack of skill with words is causing trouble for her friends. Walder and Vyrn respond that she should try to project more confidence when speaking. Lyria seems to have an idea, too, but monsters suddenly appear.

After completing a request in one town, (Captain) and company are heading through a forest to return to their airship.
Along the way, Tanya asks for advice from everyone.
Lyria: Huh? You want to be able to hold a conversation better?
Tanya: Y-you know how I'm not good with words? So I cause a lot of trouble for everyone...
Walder: Really? I never thought of you as a troublemaker at all!
Vyrn: Yeah, I think you're overthinking things. But if you want advice, we'll give it to you! Right, (Captain)?
Tanya: Thank you! Th-this just doesn't seem like something I can deal with alone.
Lyria: Hmm... How to become better at speaking...
Walder: You know, you could start by speaking with a bit more confidence!
Vyrn: That's right. You just seem so nervous every time you talk!
Tanya: I-I'm sorry... It's just that I am nervous. I wouldn't want to offend anyone.
Lyria: No need to worry about that. And since you feel nervous, how about—
Monster: Groar!
Tanya: L-looks like we're surrounded. I should have been paying more attention.
Vyrn: Monsters this weak are hardly even worth paying attention to! Get 'em, (Captain)!

Smooth Talker: Scene 2

Lyria suggests that Tanya imitate Walder. Tanya thinks his speaking style is bold and admirable, but imitating him proves too embarrassing for her. Walder tries to help her continue, but they're suddenly forced to deal with monsters.

Lyria: Um... If you don't feel confident, how about imitating how Walder talks?
Tanya: Hm? B-but that's—
Vyrn: Uhh, you sure about this? I kinda feel like we might be missin' some sorta point here.
Lyria: You've got to fake it till you make it, or so I've heard!
Tanya: I-it's true that Walder has a cool way of talking. But doing that seems kind of... embarrassing.
Vyrn: Walder's catchphrases are definitely cool!
Tanya: Still, I hope I can be as confident as him one day...
Walder: It's sure nice to be appreciated once in a while!
Walder: But trying to keep up with me is a lot of work! Start by just repeating my words!
Tanya: W-wait just a second! I didn't say I would—
Walder: I am the daring warrior of the woods, Forest Ranger Walder! Okay... Your turn!
Tanya: D-do I have to? I can't!
Lyria: Yes you can! You have to challenge yourself! Come on, Tanya!
Tanya: Um... Ugh!
Tanya: I-I am the daring... warrior of the woods...
Tanya: I just can't do it! Please don't make me!
Walder: Well, I suppose the path to becoming a forest ranger is a bit too long and treacherous for some.
Vyrn: I don't think she's trying to become a forest ranger.
Lyria: Hmm... Let's see... How about...
Tanya: There's more? A-at least start with something I have a chance at.
Monster: Groar!
Walder: Monsters! And right when it was getting good! They'll pay for this!
Vyrn: It was getting good? Anyway, we better take them out! Let's move, (Captain)!

Smooth Talker: Scene 3

Lyria and the others encourage Tanya to try imitating a wide variety of people, but nothing works out. Tanya decides to try improving herself little by little instead of overdoing it.

After defeating the monsters, (Captain) and company exit the forest and return to their airship.
Lyria and Walder continue trying to get Tanya to imitate people.
Lyria: Well done, Tanya! You sure imitated lots of people!
Tanya: B-but that was so embarrassing—I feel like I might faint...
Vyrn: Hey. You okay?
Walder: Hm... But none of those speaking styles were quite right for you.
Vyrn: I'm with him. I think you should just be yourself. Right, (Captain)?
Tanya: I-I've always hated the way I am, but maybe you have a point.
Tanya: I shouldn't force anything. I need to accept my faults and make gradual improvements.
Lyria: I think you're absolutely right!
Tanya: Wait? W-were you two hoping I'd realize this?
Walder: Guess you saw right through me.
Vyrn: I think they were just playing around, Tanya.
Thanks to Lyria and Walder, Tanya realizes how important it is to just be herself.
But this isn't the last time her two friends put her through the wringer.