Scenario:Seruel - Sought Out Truth

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Sought Out Truth

(Captain) and company battle a giant monster in a remote cave. During their fight with the so-called master of the mountain, Seruel feels that something is off.

Monster: Groargh!
Vyrn: All right! Just a little more, (Captain)!
(Captain) and company receive a request from a certain village to hunt a monster.
They end up in front of their powerful target in a remote cave.
Seruel: This is quite a mighty monster for such a peaceful little village.
Lyria: It seems to be the strongest one around here... You have to be careful, (Captain).
Seruel: I suppose we could call it the master of this mountain given its abode.
Seruel: It's definitely a difficult opponent, but something feels wrong about all this...
Vyrn: There's no time to think about it now! It's coming! Get ready, (Captain)!

Sought Out Truth: Scene 2

(Captain) and the crew defeat the powerful monster, but Seruel has a bad feeling and suggests hurrying back to the village. When they arrive there, they find a horde of monsters and are forced to fight them off.

Vyrn: Victory! Now we just need to tell the villagers.
Lyria: Phew... We won somehow, didn't we, (Captain)?
Seruel: ...
Vyrn: What's wrong, Seruel? Do you sense more monsters?
Seruel: No... After we defeated that last one, all the others went off somewhere.
Seruel: But there seems to be something wrong...
Seruel: I have a bad feeling about this. Let's get back to the village as soon as possible, (Captain).
Seruel: If I'm right, the village could be in real trouble...
With Seruel spurring them on, (Captain) and company hurry back to the village.
But they don't find any cheering villagers waiting for them there.
Monster: Groargh!
Villager 1: Somebody, help us! The monsters are closing in!
Vyrn: But this can't be! We defeated the monster as requested...
Seruel: We can figure out what's going on after we chase these monsters out of the village!

Sought Out Truth: Scene 3

Seruel learns that the villagers wanted the monster taken care of even though it never actually attacked the village. He tells them this caused the other monsters to go out of control.

Villager 1: We have no idea what happened... Monsters that never bothered us before just suddenly swarmed the village.
Seruel: And I suppose the monster you had us hunt never attacked you either? Then why send out the request?
Villager 1: Why wouldn't we? Sure, it never caused any trouble for us, but if a monster that strong ever did come to our village...
Seruel: I see... I suppose that it's only natural for you to think that way, though it's somewhat cowardly.
Villager 2: Hey! There's another horde of monsters outside the village!
Vyrn: Again? This is getting tough with just us.
Seruel: But we have no choice. I assume everyone is ready? Let's go, (Captain).
Villager 2: Is this the end of our village?
Seruel: Now is no time for grief. Besides, your request caused all of this.
Villager 2: Huh?
Seruel: Unnecessarily hunting one monster caused the others to go out of control. You need to get that through your heads.
Villager 2: No way...
Seruel: But don't worry. We're partially responsible for accepting the request, so we'll stop the monsters.
Seruel: And I refuse to let tragedy repeat itself. This time I'll protect the people!

Sought Out Truth: Scene 4

Seruel's former homeland was destroyed because a knight hunted down Deirdre, an overseer of monsters, which allowed them to go berserk. He tells the crew he's looking for the missing knight to discover the truth behind this event.

After a fierce battle, (Captain) and company manage to defeat the monsters attacking the village.
Lyria: Phew... Good job, (Captain)!
Vyrn: Yeah... But that was a close one...
Vyrn: And I sure didn't think Seruel would get so hot-blooded!
Seruel: I really didn't want to fail this time. I've experienced something similar in the past, you see.
Seruel: That time... I arrived far too late to do anything.
With that, Seruel begins telling the tale of his homeland, the Irestill Kingdom, and its demise.
Seruel: Next to the capital was a mountain where a powerful dragon named Deirdre kept the island's monsters in check.
Seruel: Deirdre and the monsters didn't threaten our nation, and for a long time, the dragon watched over the city.
But while Seruel was out hunting a primal beast, far away from his kingdom, he received some alarming news.
He heard that someone had defeated Deirdre.
And without Deirdre to control them, the monsters went and destroyed Irestill.
Seruel: And now I am looking for the man who killed Deirdre.
Seruel: Based on what the survivors said, he hunted down the dragon in the name of personal glory.
Seruel: That is what my father, the king, also said before his death.
Vyrn: So your country was destroyed because of that knight...
Seruel: I don't think so. You see, he was among the greatest of knights and served my father loyally.
Seruel: I am, therefore, quite certain that he would never endanger his people or his nation for personal gain.
Seruel: That's why I'm looking for him. To learn the truth... and to tell him about our country's current situation.
Vyrn: But I thought you said Irestill is gone...
Seruel: Ha! Do not underestimate the people of my kingdom.
Seruel: The kingdom is still small compared to its days of glory, but we've gathered the people and vassals and have already started rebuilding.
Seruel: And I need to tell him that, wherever he might be.
Lyria: Ha-ha... I hope you can tell him personally someday.
Seruel renews his resolve to learn the truth behind the destruction of his country and tell the once great knight about its restoration.