Scenario:Redluck - Eat and Be Merry

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Eat and Be Merry

The crew hears about a goup of bandits north of a small town and goes to investigate. Redluck hopes to find a certain family there, but they're nowhere in sight. Before the crew can ask him what's up, the bandits attack.

Vyrn: Hmm... There's not much going on here, is there?
Redluck: Nope, and that's just gonna make it all the more exciting.
Vyrn: So you're seriously going to do it here too?
Redluck: Of course!
(Captain) and the crew have reached a quiet town out in the country.
Redluck plans to hold an eating contest here.
Redluck: Don't act so surprised. I've held a bunch of eating contests with you guys already. I'm a competitive eater, you know.
Vyrn: Yeah, but aren't you actually a monk?
Lyria: Hee-hee... And now you're a skyfarer too!
Redluck: That's right, I'm a competitive eatin' skyfarer! Oh, and I guess I'm a monk.
Vyrn: Hey! Whaddya mean you guess you're a monk?
The town has little in the way of entertainment, so the residents welcome Redluck's idea.
Many people show up at the battle, and they cheer for the competitors.
Redluck: Nom nom!
Contestant: L-look at the way he eats! I can't eat another bite...
Redluck: Ha-ha! Bring me another plate!
Commentator: Redluck doesn't just win—he wins big! It's all over but the crying, folks!
Redluck: Rawrrr!
Redluck: Can't anyone out there put up a fight?
Vyrn: Man, I still can't believe how much he can put away. And—
Redluck: Ha-ha! No takers? I'll even give myself a handicap.
Redluck: I'm not even full yet! It's time for the next round! Anybody? Come eat with the beast!
Vyrn: Ugh... It's like he's a different person when he's doing this eating contest thing.
Redluck: ...
Lyria: Huh?
Vyrn: What's wrong?
Lyria: Um... Redluck is acting a little strange.
Vyrn: Really? I guess he does seem kinda restless.
Lyria: I wonder what's wrong. It's almost like he's searching for someone.
Townsperson: Hey, Redluck!
Redluck: Yes?
Townsperson: You really devoured your opponents! I've never seen an eating contest before, but it was so exciting!
Redluck: Thanks. You should join in next time.
Redluck: You mind if I ask you a question?
Redluck: There used to be a mother living with her child on the ridge north of the town, right?
Townsperson: Huh? Oh, well...
The man's face falls in response to Redluck's words.
Townsperson: Actually... bandits recently established a stronghold up there.
Townsperson: We haven't heard anything from the family there since the bandits showed up.
Redluck: What?
Vyrn: Hey, big man!
Lyria: I'm sorry, but we overheard your conversation.
Redluck: Oh, it's you two...
Vyrn: What's wrong? We heard something about bandits.
Townsperson: Oh, let me explain.
(Captain) and the others listen to the story about the bandits on the ridge.
Vyrn: I see. We can't just ignore this, (Captain).
Lyria: Yeah, we should go and see if they're okay.
Lyria: Oh no...
The crew arrives at the house only to find it has been ransacked by the bandits.
Vyrn: How awful. I don't see the family anywhere.
Redluck: ...
Ever since they left the town, Redluck has kept silent, wearing a grim expression.
Lyria: Um... Redluck, do you know the people living here?
Redluck: I...
Lyria: Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to pry. You don't have to answer if you don't want to.
Lyria: But you've been lost in thought for a while now, and I was worried.
Lyria: At least let us try to help you!
Redluck: Right, I'm sorry. We're friends. You deserve to know.
Just as Redluck begins to explain, a loud noise reverberates outside.
Vyrn: Whoa! What was that?
Bandit 1: Hey, what do we have here? I wonder where these ones were hidin'.
Bandit 2: Let's get 'em tied up and thrown in with the rest!
Redluck: Ha! That'll be the day. Let's go, (Captain)!

Eat and Be Merry: Scene 2

When Redluck tries to question one of the bandits about the whereabouts of the family, he calls Redluck Daiza. Redluck tells the crew about how the family saved his life, and they storm the bandit hideout.

Redluck: Hey, you're still conscious, right?
Bandit 1: Ugh...
Redluck grabs one of the barely conscious bandits by the lapel and interrogates him, his voice icy.
Redluck: Where are the people who lived here?
Bandit 1: G-guh...
Redluck: Answer me! My patience is wearing thin!
Bandit 1: Well, um... Wait... Huh?
As the bandit stares up at Redluck from the ground, his eyes widen in surprise.
Bandit 1: No way... Daiza?
Redluck: ...!
Lyria: Huh? What's a Daiza?
Bandit 1: Damn! I gotta run!
Vyrn: Hey! Where'd he go?
Taking advantage of Redluck's hesitation, the bandit breaks away and escapes in the blink of an eye.
Redluck: Well, that sucked.
Redluck: Sorry about that. Daiza is my name.
Vyrn: Huh? I thought you were called Redluck?
Redluck: That's the name I go by now. On account of all the red I wear, which I'm sure you've noticed.
With a smirk on his face, Redluck begins to talk about his past.
Redluck: When I was a kid, I lived in poverty. Never had enough food. I was always so hungry.
Redluck: I did anything I could just to stay alive. Come to think of it, I was just like that kid we rescued when you and I first met.
Vyrn: Right. You said the thugs were using him as a gofer, right?
Redluck: Yeah. Somehow I managed to survive and grow up by doing that kind of stuff. I was even a bandit myself for a while.
Redluck: I guess that guy knew me from back then. Not that I remember him.
Lyria: Goodness... It sounds like you've been through a lot.
Redluck: You could say that. But the only reason I'm here to tell the tale is because of the people who lived up here.
Redluck tells the story of a poor mother and child who saved him when he collapsed outside their home with near-fatal injuries.
Never asking who he was or where he came from, this humble family nursed Redluck back to health.
Redluck: I still remember how happy they were to see me enjoying the meals they cooked.
Vyrn: Wow! So that's why you decided to become a competitive eater?
Redluck: That's right... Though I've always had quite an appetite, so I guess everybody wins.
Redluck: The old me died that day, and I was reborn.
Redluck: The woman who lived here is also the one who suggested I follow the teachings of Zeyen.
Lyria: Ah! They're the ones who say that our pasts will light the way to a happier future, right?
Redluck: That's right. That's how I came to be as I am now.
Vyrn: Hmm... There's more to you than meets the eye.
Vyrn: Okay, (Captain), let's get after those bandits and save that family!
(Captain) and the crew chase the bandits to their hideout.
Bandit Leader: Huh? Who the heck are you guys?
Redluck: I won't be holding back! Prepare yourselves!

Eat and Be Merry: Scene 3

Redluck saves the family from the bandits and holds another eating contest just for them. The crew notices that he always donates his winnings to charity, and he reveals that he's working for a world where no one ever has to go hungry.

(Captain) and the others rescue the people held prisoner in the hideout.
???: Thank you so much! You saved us!
???: Daddy, can we really go now?
???: Yes, we're safe. These people—
???: Huh? I-is that you?
Redluck: Hey there. It's been a while. You've gotten so big.
Lyria: Is this who you were talking about?
Redluck: Yep. He saved my life. And he was only a little tyke back then.
Vyrn: What? How long ago did all this happen?
Redluck: Must be fifteen years now. Looks like you grew up to be a fine man. Is this your daughter?
Redluck's Friend: Yes, that's right. I never thought I'd see you again!
Redluck's Friend: What have you been doing all these years?
Redluck and the man who saved his life spend some time catching up.
Redluck's Friend: An eating contest in town, huh? Sounds like fun. I'm sorry I didn't get to see it.
Redluck: Really? Then we'll just have to hold another!
Vyrn: Are you serious? You sure your body can handle another round of that?
Commentator: And Redluck wins again! He's an eating machine! Can anyone out there beat him?
Redluck: Ha-ha! Anyone's welcome to try! Bring it on!
Girl: Whoa, that guy's amazing!
Redluck's Friend: Right? Amazing... strong... cool... Take your pick!
After watching the second eating contest, the crew resumes its journey.
Lyria: Hee-hee. So, Redluck, will you be donating this prize money to an orphanage too?
Redluck: Oh, darn. You knew, huh?
Vyrn: Heh-heh. It's obvious that you're more than just some food-worshipper.
Lyria: Yeah! We can see it in the way you compete in the eating contest and how you spend your winnings...
Lyria: You're always doing your best to keep the people around you smiling.
Redluck: Heh, if you say so.
Redluck: But my true purpose goes beyond that...
Redluck: I want to make the world a place where no one ever has to starve.
Lyria: That sounds wonderful!
Vyrn: Yeah, it's a great dream!
Redluck: Indeed. And above all...
Redluck: I want to see a tomorrow where plenty of people can eat their fill and laugh merrily!
Redluck's joyous laughter rings out across the clear blue skies.
His dream has become a part of the future (Captain) and the crew are all striving to create.