Scenario:Ragazzo - What Is Freedom

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What Is Freedom?

Having trouble fitting in with the crew due to lingering feelings of guilt, Ragazzo sets out to find a place among them to belong. Randall tells him to enjoy his newfound freedom, but this confuses him even further, and he decides to focus on what's in front of him for the time being.

During the clash with Navis involving the Horoscopes...
Ragazzo fought against (Captain) and company as an enemy.
But in the midst of the battle, he was betrayed by Ferdinand, a man who was like a father to him.
After being saved by the crew, he took it upon himself to crush Ferdinand's ambitions, seeing it as his filial duty.
Following the battle...
Feather: Don't be a stick-in-the-mud! Just come with us!
Ragazzo: Wha?
Randall: Well, this guy's off his rocker, but I'm with him on this.
Randall: It's not like you've got anywhere else to go, right? Plus Navis might come after you, so you should be sticking with your friends.
Ragazzo: Friends...
With nowhere left to go, Ragazzo accepts Feather and Randall's invitation to join the crew.
Ragazzo: Ugh... I'm at a total loss here.
Vyrn: Well, this is new. I don't remember you bein' the ponderin' type.
Ragazzo: What's that supposed to mean? I'll have you know I'm a sensitive guy who cares about the little things.
Ragazzo: So how's somebody like me supposed to suddenly act all buddy-buddy with the other crew members?
Lyria: But you're our friend now. There's no reason to worry about things like that!
Ragazzo: Even if you and the rest of this happy-go-lucky crew aren't bothered, I wanna do things right!
Vyrn: Sigh... You're a lot more serious than ya look.
Ragazzo: The heck, man! Didn't anybody ever teach ya not to judge a book by its cover, lizard?
Vyrn: Hold up! I ain't no lizard! I'm a dragon!
Ragazzo: What! You seriously expect me to believe that? One look at ya tells me all I need to know—
Vyrn: Hey! You just said not to judge a book by its cover!
Ragazzo: Hmm? Did I?
Seeing that Ragazzo's face is still etched with disbelief, Lyria offers an understanding smile.
Lyria: It's a common mistake, but Vyrn really is a dragon.
Ragazzo: Wait, for real? Is this a "Seven Wonders of the Crew" type situation or something?
Vyrn: Sigh... What happened to caring about the little things?
Fiorito's Voice: Come on, Ragazzo. Stop giving Lyria and Vyrn a hard time.
Ragazzo: What do you want? Thinking about you being around throws me off my game.
Fiorito: In case you've forgotten, I joined before you, Ace. Or should I be calling you "Newbie" now?
Ragazzo: Tch...
Fiorito: That being said, we're in the same boat here. I understand exactly how you feel.
Fiorito: The lingering guilt and all that, I mean.
Ragazzo: ...
Fiorito: But I'm not an Auditor for Navis anymore.
Fiorito: You can't let yourself forget that you're a member of this crew now. Okay?
Looking down at his prosthetic arms, Ragazzo nods quietly.
Ragazzo: I guess there's no use shilly-shallying.
Fiorito: Exactly! We've got to keep looking forward.
Ragazzo: In that case, I gotta start by finding a place to belong.
Ragazzo: And after that, I'll pay you guys back for all the trouble I caused!
Vyrn: Heh, that's the spirit!
Feather: Hey, Ragazzo! Ready to cross fists with me?
Ragazzo: Ugh, this guy again.
Fiorito: Feather's just looking out for you in his own way. He wants to help you fit in with the crew as soon as possible.
Ragazzo: Feather... And here I thought you had a one-track mind—
Feather: What're you talking about? I just wanna duke it out one-on-one, that's all!
Ragazzo: Seriously? I know ya march to the beat of your own drum, but come on!
Feather: Heh, thanks!
Ragazzo: That wasn't a compliment!
Ragazzo: (A place to belong, huh... But where am I supposed to start?)
Encouraged by the others, Ragazzo sets out in search of information that might help him find a place for himself in the crew.
He ends up turning to the person who seems most approachable—Randall.
Randall: Well, look who the cat dragged in. It's our resident wallflower, Ragazzo.
Randall: If you're still scared of the other crew members, I'd be happy to be your wingman.
Ragazzo: Now I gotta put up with flak from you too? You tryna make me cry?
Randall: So what's up? Considering you're going out of your way to talk to me, I assume you've got a good reason.
Ragazzo: Uhh... Well, yeah, you know.
Ragazzo: I'm legit grateful to (Captain) and you guys for inviting me to join the crew.
Randall: Never thought I'd hear you say that. Color me impressed.
Ragazzo: There's a proper order when it comes to repaying debts, right? You know, like you gotta start at the top and work your way down.
Ragazzo: So can you start by filling me in on the factions and ranks in the crew? If I can get 'em in my head—
Randall: Hah! Ragazzo, are you really that clueless?
Ragazzo: Wha?
Randall: Have you forgotten who the captain of this crew is? We're all working together to make it to Estalucia.
Randall: There are no factions or ranks here. That goes for rules and orders too.
Ragazzo: Huh? No way...
Randall: It's probably tough to get your head around that since you're used to a strict chain of command, but that's how we do things.
Randall: We're a one-of-a-kind crew built on mutual acceptance and support.
Ragazzo: So you're telling me (Captain) treats every member with respect and still somehow manages to hold this huge group together?
Ragazzo reels with shock at the jarring difference between (Captain)'s crew and the Navis system.
Randall: You've been released from Ferdinand's curse, haven't you?
Randall: That means it's time to relax and enjoy your freedom.
Ragazzo: Freedom...
As a child, Ragazzo was thrown into a magic school, forced to study like mad, and at times punished—severely.
As a member of Navis, he took orders from Ferdinand and made decisions based on what would gain his approval.
Having lived his entire life in submission to others, the concept of freedom is difficult for him to grasp.
Ragazzo: Telling me to enjoy my freedom is all fine and dandy, but I still don't have any idea what to do.
Ragazzo: Feels like my shackles are tighter than ever, honestly.
Randall: Sheesh, you're a real pain, you know that?
Ragazzo: Now that I think of it, maybe paying you guys back was only part of it. Maybe I was really just looking for approval again.
Ragazzo: Like, I wanted to be needed by the crew.
Randall: ...
Ragazzo: I mean, I've lived my whole life caring what other people think. So where do I go from here?
As Ragazzo looks up at the ceiling, he hears the unmistakable sound of a stomach rumbling.
Ragazzo: Look, I'm tryna have a moment here. Could you maybe not spoil it?
Randall: That wasn't me. Look behind you.
Kolulu: Ehehe... Whoopsie.
Ragazzo: Well, if it ain't Miss Munch-a-Lot herself.
Kolulu: First things first. I happened to hear about your problem, Ragazzo.
Ragazzo: I came off looking lame again, didn't I?
Kolulu: Not in the least. Honestly, all that talk about freedom and such is too much for me—it goes right over my head.
Kolulu: But I think the way you're feeling is very understandable.
Kolulu: Much like you, I had lost my family and was living in poverty when (Captain) took me in.
Kolulu: During that time, I learned that when you're feeling down, the first thing you should do is fill your stomach!
Kolulu: With both your body and mind in tip-top condition, you'll be able to think more flexibly!
Kolulu: So let's put these complicated matters aside for now and get something to eat!
Randall: Hah! Kolulu's right. A good meal is the perfect place to begin.
Randall: And we can invite some of the other crew members so you can get to know them better.
Randall: Then we'll have a bigger think tank to work with. Two birds with one stone, am I right?
Kolulu: Ooh, a magnificent idea indeed!
Ragazzo: Mutual acceptance and support, huh...
Ragazzo: Yeah... that sounds pretty good. Can't say I mind this vibe.
Ragazzo is simultaneously touched and embarrassed by Randall and Kolulu's thoughtfulness.
For the time being, he decides to avoid dwelling too much on the future and instead focus on what's in front of him.