Scenario:Pholia - Casual and Comfortable

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Casual and Comfortable

After experiencing her first sauna with Deliford and the others, Pholia grows fond of her sauna poncho and decides to use it as casual wear, much to Bai Ze's chagrin. One day, while reading a magazine, she comes across an article introducing a new sauna being built in Agastia. She immediately plans to head over, hoping to introduce the others to the spot later.

One sunny day, as the Grandcypher sails leisurely through blue skies, a certain crew member chats privately with her loyal companion.
Pholia: Hmm, the popularity of saunas has yet to show any signs of slowing down...
Pholia: No doubt in thanks to how well Unite and Sauna has done for itself. Though we played no part in its reconstruction, I feel proud of how far it's come.
Bai Ze: While I, too, am overjoyed to see its success... My sovereign, may I trouble you with a question?
Pholia: You may.
Bai Ze: Are you certain it's proper for you to wear a sauna poncho outside of a sauna?
In response, Pholia lifts the magazine in her hands and displays one of its pages to Bai Ze.
Pholia: It says here that the breathable material of a sauna poncho makes it suitable for casual wear as well.
Bai Ze: I've no doubt that it's comfortable. However, I worry that it may be improper...
Pholia: Hmph, is that something a simple village girl should be worried about?
Pholia: Besides, at the time of purchase, you were the one that said this poncho seemed suitable for everyday wear.
Bai Ze: That... I did.
To prepare for her trip to the Cerulean Spa, Pholia goes sauna poncho shopping ahead of time.
Bai Ze: My sovereign, I believe they sell these ponchos at our travel destination...
Pholia: They do. Izmir showed me what she bought there before.
Pholia: It wasn't bad, but I would prefer something more to my tastes.
Bai Ze: I see. That's why you chose a specialty store here in Auguste. They'll certainly have a wide variety available.
Pholia: Since I'm unfamiliar with this article of clothing, I thought it would be best to see what catches my eye and go from there.
For a fleeting moment, Pholia frowns to herself. This doesn't go unnoticed by Bai Ze.
Bai Ze: Are you still worried about the structure of the sauna?
Pholia: I am simply... concerned, as most saunas are cramped and dark.
Pholia: However, Deliford should have chosen somewhere that even I can enjoy.
Pholia: I must have confidence in him. With (Captain), Meg, and the others at my side as well, I have nothing to fear.
Pholia: It's our chance to enter the sauna together—I won't let it go to waste.
Bai Ze: I'm relieved to hear it. For a moment, I was afraid I would have to find some way to join you in that stifling heat.
Pholia: Hmph, you needn't treat me like a child.
Pholia: But that does bring up a good question. What will you be doing while we're inside?
Bai Ze: I was thinking of inspecting the facilities...
Pholia: You should keep out of sight. Despite your ability to speak, you still look like a dog... You'll be chased off the premises.
Bai Ze: Though I am no dog, I understand your concern.
Bai Ze: (It seems that I needn't have tested her resolve.)
Bai Ze: (I didn't expect her to be so enthusiastic about the outing...)
Bai Ze: (But this certainly serves as proof that there was meaning in our journey after all.)
As Bai Ze looks fondly on at his sovereign, Pholia picks a single poncho out from the rest.
Pholia: Well, what do we have here...
Bai Ze: Did you find something suitable?
Pholia: I did! Wait here—I shall try it on right away.
Bai Ze: Sigh... My sovereign...
Pholia: Well?
Bai Ze: You look wonderful. The poncho fits well enough that you could use it as everyday wear.
Pholia: Regardless of what I try on, you always give me the same compliment, more or less.
Bai Ze: I simply state the truth.
Pholia: I forgot that you have no eye for good fashion.
Pholia: Though in this case, I do look quite good. This shall be the one!
Pholia: Oh!
The sudden exclamation startles Bai Ze out of his reminiscing.
Bai Ze: My sovereign, is everything all right?
Pholia: Take a look at this article. They're opening a sauna in a rather unexpected location.
Pholia: What's more, they took inspiration from Unite and Sauna and built various facilities utilizing the latest in technology.
Bai Ze: Should we invite the others and pay a visit?
Pholia: No, we should have a look ourselves first.
Pholia: Then, I'll be able to properly introduce Deliford, Meg, and the others to it later!
Bai Ze: A wonderful idea, to be sure.
Pholia: Isn't it? We should make preparations to leave at once!
Bai Ze: As you wish. Where are we headed?
Pholia: Agastia, the old capital of Erste!
Without further questioning, Bai Ze takes Pholia toward her next sauna experience.