Scenario:Philosophia - What is Will

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What is Will?

A few days have passed since Philosophia and Laguna had a falling out, and Philosophia can't stop thinking about how she hurt Laguna's feelings. Philosophia's top, Crypton, suddenly stops spinning; to make matters worse, Philosophia can no longer hear its voice.

It's been a few days since Laguna and Philosophia had a falling-out. The Harvin is floating high in the air, plagued by intrusive thoughts.
She can't shake the words Laguna left her with.
Laguna: This is just my opinion, but I believe you should take a few moments to consider the feelings of others. That is if you have the will. And a soul.
Philosophia: If I have the will or a soul?
Philosophia: Sniff... If only I'd paid more attention to Laguna's feelings.
Philosophia: I finally made a friend, and I was mean to her. She hates me now... But...
Philosophia: I was only asking questions like I normally do. I was curious about whether Crypton and Omar possess their own will.
Philosophia: Sob...
As the insecure thoughts roil inside her, she is beset by more misfortune.
Crypton, which she's been riding, stops spinning for no discernible reason.
Philosophia: Huh? What's wrong, Crypton?
Philosophia: Wh-wh-whoa!
No longer sustaining any momentum, Crypton falls to the deck of the Grandcypher with Philosophia following close behind.
Philosophia: Waaaah!
Lyria: Oh no! Philosophia's falling, (Captain)!
Vyrn: Hehe, so what else is new? I bet she'll conjure up some magic to land safely like she always does.
  1. Something's not right this time.
  2. There's nothing to worry about.

Choose: Something's not right this time.

Vyrn: What do you mean?
Lyria: Look! She's not riding Crypton anymore! And it's like she's flailing around in a panic!
Lyria: We have to do something, (Captain)!
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: There's nothing to worry about.

Vyrn: Yep. The Harvin that cried wolf. She's probably trying to prank us again—
Philosophia: Aaaiee!
Vyrn: Uh, do you think she's taking this act a bit far? No, wait, something's not right here!

Continue 1

(Captain) nods and dashes toward Philosophia's expanding shadow.
The captain makes the saving catch.
Philosophia: Huff... Puff... Th-thanks, (Captain).
Vyrn: What was that all about? Were you testing out a theory or something?
Philosophia: I was really flying, wasn't I?
Philosophia: Ack, no! That's not it!
Philosophia: I fell because Crypton suddenly stopped moving.
Lyria: Huh? It stopped? How come?
Philosophia: I don't know. As long as thoughts are spinning in my head, Crypton should keep spinning too. This has never happened before.
Vyrn: Hm, so you couldn't cast your magic circle to catch yourself because of all that confusion.
Philosophia staggers to her feet and wobbles over to touch the motionless Crypton.
It doesn't budge, but that's only the half of it.
Philosophia: No! What is the meaning of this?
Vyrn: Uh-oh, that doesn't sound good!
Philosophia: I can't hear Crypton's voice anymore!
The quiver in her voice is all that's needed to convey the severity of the situation.

What is Will?: Scene 2

Vyrn suggests asking Laguna for help in regards to Crypton, but Philosophia feels too much guilt to face her. Instead, she requests to go back to the ruins where she found Crypton to look for clues. Unfortunately the only thing they find at the ruins is monsters—Laguna arrives unexpectedly to help fight off the creatures.

Philosophia: Get up, get up!
Philosophia: Ooh... Crypton...
No matter how many times Philosophia gets on Crypton, no matter how often she begs it, the top won't move.
None of the crew members have ever been able to hear Crypton's voice.
So they have no idea what could be causing Crypton's condition.
But one thing is certain.
Philosophia: What happened to you, Crypton?
They've never seen the young woman in such a distressed state.
Suddenly an idea pops into Vyrn's head.
Vyrn: Hey, do you think Laguna might know something about this?
Lyria: Oh, maybe she does. Laguna's weapon is kind of similar to Crypton after all!
Philosophia: ...
Philosophia: No, I can't ask her for assistance. Because I... I hurt her feelings.
Philosophia: How can I expect her to help me after what I did.
Vyrn: Well, do you have a better idea?
Philosophia: Ah, that's it! There's probably a clue in the ruins where I found Crypton!
Lyria: The ruins?
(Captain) and the others remember their previous visit to the ruins Philosophia is referring to.
(Captain) reminds her that there wasn't anything of value left behind.
Philosophia: Y-yeah, I know we didn't find anything that time, but this is all I've got right now! I have to go back there!
Philosophia: Please, (Captain)? Won't you take me to the ruins?
Attempting to calm Philosophia down, (Captain) turns the airship for the ruins.
Laguna: ...
Laguna observes this exchange without being seen.
Before long the crew lands in the ruins.
As expected there's nothing there. Philosophia's panic begins to surface again.
Philosophia: N-now what? We came all this way, and nothing's happening.
Philosophia: Why? Why won't you speak to me, Crypton?
Vyrn: Uh-oh. I think we oughta get going...
Philosophia: Huh?
Monster: Grrr...
Vyrn: Sigh... Looks like the monsters made themselves at home since no one else bothered to.
Monster: Grooar!
Lyria: Yikes! Let's leave, Philosophia!
Philosophia: B-but what about Crypton!
Vyrn: It sucks, but we should head back for now—
Vyrn: Whoa! Behind you!
Philosophia: Huh?
Philosophia, in her frantic state of mind, fails to notice a monster silently creeping up from behind.
(Captain) sprints over to save her, but the monster is quicker on the draw.
Philosophia: Eeek!
Lyria: Philosophia!
Monster: Guurgh...
Philosophia: I'm still alive?
Instead of tearing off flesh, the monster gets a mouthful of a spear's handle.
Vyrn: Hey, it's—
Philosophia: Laguna! What are you—
Laguna: Question. What is will?
Philosophia: Um, well... It's being able to speak your mind. Like having a conversation, or...
Philosophia: Oh!
Laguna: Do you get it now, Sophi? You have will. Why didn't you come talk to me?
Laguna: You should have asked for my help.
Philosophia: I couldn't face you after hurting you!
Laguna: I see. We'll talk after we take care of these monsters!

What is Will?: Scene 3

Once the monsters are defeated, Laguna and Philosophia apologize to each other and reconcile. Laguna says that Crypton is sulking because Philosophia said it didn't have a will, so Philosophia makes another apology, and the placated Crypton starts spinning again. Everyone returns to the Grandcypher, where Philosophia and Laguna's friendship picks up where it left off.

(Captain) and company successfully ward off the monsters.
Silence returns to the ruins. Laguna awkwardly scratches her cheek.
Laguna: If having will means choosing to speak up, then I probably have some work to do too.
Philosophia: Huh?
Laguna: What I said to you... I didn't realize how much it bothered you. Sorry. I was being overly critical.
Philosophia: No, it's not like that! I was completely in the wrong.
Philosophia: I got so caught up in the excitement of making a friend.
Philosophia: At the time, it didn't occur to me that I said things I shouldn't have said.
Philosophia: I'm sorry, Laguna.
Laguna: It's okay, Sophi. I know you aren't the mean-spirited type.
Laguna: But there's someone else you should apologize to.
Philosophia is confused, so Laguna points her spear at Crypton.
Philosophia: You don't mean...
Laguna: Yes, I do.
Philosophia: You're right. Crypton, up until recently you've always entertained me with queries.
Philosophia: You kept me company when things got lonely. You most certainly have a will.
Philosophia: Yet I had the nerve to claim you didn't.
Philosophia: I'm sorry, Crypton.
Philosophia droops her head in apology. Lo and behold, Crypton starts to spin again.
Philosophia: Crypton! You forgave me... Thank you!
The grinning woman eagerly hops onto Crypton, and they both take to the air.
This development leaves the crew scratching their heads.
Vyrn: Um, what exactly just happened?
Laguna: Occasionally Omar will decide to fluctuate his weight without warning, making him impossible to use.
Laguna: It usually happens when I don't take his opinions seriously enough.
Laguna: Hehe. Crypton was acting out in the same way.
Vyrn: Um... So you're saying...
Lyria: Ahaha. Crypton was just pouting?
Laguna: Yeah, that's it.
Vyrn: Sigh... Give me a break.
Philosophia: Hahaha. I didn't realize it at all either.
With a sheepish smile, Philosophia thanks the crew for bearing with her.
A few days later.
Philosophia: Okay, here's a question for you. What makes a doughnut, a doughnut? Is it the hole, or is it the actual doughy part?
Laguna: Um... It would be the doughy part, right?
Philosophia: But isn't the hole a doughnut's defining feature?
Laguna: Er, then I guess the hole is the doughnut?
Lyria: Hehe, it looks like those two patched things up.
Vyrn: Yep. If anything I think they're even better friends now than before.
Laguna: Wait, wait. How can a doughnut even exist if it's just an empty hole?
Philosophia: Aha-ha. I can't get enough of the cute expression you make when your brain works overtime.
Laguna: Would you stop teasing—oh.
Laguna: Haha. Okay, Sophi. I might not know the answer to your question, but I do know one thing to be true.
Philosophia: Aha-ha. And what is that?
Laguna: Milk goes with doughnuts like jam and bread.
Philosophia: Huh?
Laguna: Bon appetit. Om.
Philosophia: Nooo! That was the last one! Lagunaaa!
Vyrn: So much for patching things up, eh?
Lyria: Hehehe, it's okay. They're just having some fun.
Philosophia and Laguna's laughter brings a smile to the watching crew members' faces.
They decide to join the party, and a grand old time is had by all.