Scenario:Paris - Sincerely

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(Captain) and company arrive at Verona for the first time in a while. They bump into Anthony, a popular actor at the Rose Theater, who asks for their help for a performance at a school the next day. Meanwhile, Paris is reflecting on his own feelings toward Verona as he sits at his desk, a blank piece of letter paper in front of him. A knock sounds at his door, and Rosalind comes in to request his company.

One sunny day.
Lyria: Wow! It's been a long time since we came to Verona, hasn't it?
(Captain) and company are stopping by for a visit after completing some errands nearby.
Vyrn: Yeah! I'm glad the town's lookin' so lively!
Lyria: Me too! I hope everyone's doing well.
Vyrn: We've got time, so maybe we can go see 'em again before we leave.
Lyria: Look, Vyrn! It's the Rose Theater!
The Rose Theater is a performance space Juliet had worked hard to establish.
She had it built intending for it to be a place that could heal the hearts of those hurt by the war—and sure enough, the theater has been one of the main spots for entertainment in Verona since.
Vyrn: It has been a while. I kinda wanna go see a show!
Lyria: That's a great idea! I wonder if there are still tickets available... I hope they're not all sold out.
Vyrn: They might be...
Vyrn: Hey!
???: Hm?
Lyria: Oh, Anthony!
Anthony: (Captain)! All of you are here! It's been so long!
Anthony is the most popular face at the Rose Theater.
The crew met him when Verona was still on its way to becoming a republic.
Lyria: It's great to see you!
Vyrn: Perfect! We were just talkin' about how we wanted to go see a show at the Rose Theater.
Anthony: Ah, then I'm just the man for you!
Well, that's what I'd really love to say, but...
Anthony: Today's actually our day off.
Lyria: Oh, I see... That's too bad.
Anthony: Sorry about the bad timing.
Vyrn: Nah, it's not your fault! Are you rehearsing for a new show or something?
Anthony: Actually, no...
Anthony: We're performing at a school tomorrow, so we've closed the theater today to prepare for it.
Vyrn: Performin' at a school? That's cool!
Anthony: Yeah, we're really hoping we can bring a fun time to the kids.
Anthony: After the show, we plan to give them a workshop on how we do things.
Anthony: Not just looking at the acting, but also at how we make the set, do stage direction, and stuff like that. Anything to get them interested in theatre.
Lyria: That sounds wonderful!
Anthony: Right? We've got a lot planned, so preparing for it's been quite some work...
Anthony: Oh yeah! How long will you all be in Verona for?
Vyrn: We haven't decided yet.
Lyria: We don't have anything urgent, so we're thinking of taking our time here!
Anthony: Ahh. In that case, would you be interested in giving us a hand?
Vyrn: Hm? You sure you're okay with us helpin' out?
Anthony: Of course! See it as an official request for your crew.
Lyria: Hehe. We gladly accept!
Anthony: Haha, awesome! Grateful for the help!
Anthony: Oh, I should mention this.
Anthony: We may be performing at a school, but we plan to make it the same quality as a show at the Rose Theater, so look forward to seeing that!
While (Captain) and the others are in town talking with Anthony...
Paris: ...
Paris is in his room, frowning down at a blank piece of paper.
Paris: (I was really happy when I read the letter... but somehow, I'm finding it difficult to think of what to write in reply.)
Paris: Sigh...
The pen in Paris's hand continues to hover above the page, failing to touch it.
Paris: What have I been doing recently?
Paris's schedule is, of course, always packed with things for him to do—so much so that it would be impossible for him to write everything down.
Though his days have undoubtedly been productive, he still finds it hard to pinpoint what to write.
Paris: No matter how I write it, the letter is sure to end up being only about Verona.
Paris: (Does that say anything about me personally though?)
The more he thinks about it, the harder it is to bring his pen to the paper.
Paris: (Verona is a place that Romeo and Lady Juliet love very much.)
Paris: (Now it is a precious place to me as well—as close to my heart as my hometown. That I know for certain.)
Paris: Still, for some reason...
Paris: (When I think about how to put these thoughts into written words, I just don't know how to explain where the feelings are coming from...)
Paris: (Do I treasure Verona because it is a place that the ones I love treasure? Or is it because I love this place myself?)
Paris: And here I thought I had this figured out...
Another sigh escapes Paris as he mulls over his feelings alone.
Paris: Come in.
At the sound of a knock at his door, Paris puts down his pen.
Rosalind: Pardon me, Count Paris.
Paris: Ah, Rosalind. What's the matter?
Rosalind: I've come with a request. It is my understanding that you do not have any council meetings scheduled for tomorrow.
Paris: That's correct...
Rosalind: Excellent. Then will you be so kind as to take a break from your work and accompany me for the day?

Sincerely: Scene 2

The next day, the crew is reunited with Paris at the elementary school. As (Captain) and company tell Paris about their recent adventures, the count begins to think about what the difference between him and the crew is. After preparations are complete and the performance successfully comes to an end, Paris walks to the back of the school to take a break when he spots a little boy sitting by himself, looking worried. Without introducing himself as the count, Paris asks why the boy is alone.

The next day.
Rosalind: Count Paris! Would you carry this curtain for me, please?
Paris: Of course. This one?
Rosalind has taken Paris with her to the school that the actors of the Rose Theater are performing at for the day.
Benvolio: Count Paris, wait! Please take this with you too!
Paris: Very well!
Paris: This is... quite the hard labor...
Having finished with carrying the heavy props, Paris lets out a deep breath. He looks up to see some familiar figures nearby.
Paris: Isn't that...
Paris: Vyrn. Lyria. (Captain).
Lyria: Oh, Paris!
Vyrn: Hey, Paris! You're here too?
Paris: Yes, I was asked to help out for the day. What about all of you? I wasn't aware that you were in Verona.
Lyria: We just arrived yesterday!
Vyrn: Yeah, we had business not too far from here and decided to drop by.
Vyrn: That's when we bumped into the theater mister at the Rose Theater.
Lyria: Hehe. When we heard about the show today from Anthony, we just had to come help too!
Paris: I see.
Lyria: We were hoping to go see you and Juliet after we're done here!
Vyrn: Yeah! Who'd have thought that we'd bump into you here instead? How've ya been?
Paris: As usual, I've been involved with the council...
Paris: No matter how I write it, the letter is sure to end up being only about Verona.
Paris: (Does that say anything about me personally though?)
Paris: ...
Lyria: Paris? Is something wrong?
Paris: Never mind... Nothing's changed for me. How about you?
Lyria: We're doing great as always!
Vyrn: Yeah! We've been goin' around to places all over!
Vyrn: Speakin' of which, we went to Port Breeze for a request the other day...
Lyria: The shop owner was so happy after. It made us really glad to have helped too!
Vyrn: For sure! Bet you were especially happy about the food he treated us to for helpin' him out, right, Lyria?
Lyria: Oh, Vyrn! Well, it was very delicious...
As Lyria and company continue to talk excitedly about their recent adventures, Paris can't help but crack a smile.
Paris: I see... I'm glad nothing much has changed for you.
Paris: (Would I be able to talk about what I've done as sincerely as them?)
Paris: (What makes me different from them?)
Lyria: Oh, yes! Paris!
Paris: Yes?
Lyria: Actually, we heard from Anthony earlier...
Lyria: You were the one who proposed to have this school built, weren't you?
Vyrn: That's right!
Vyrn: We heard that because schools were located in either the former Montague or Capulet districts...
Vyrn: A lotta them still had remnants of the time when Verona was divided.
Lyria: But this school is built where the wall dividing the districts used to be, isn't it?
Lyria: So now, children from both the former Montague and Capulet houses go to the same school!
Vyrn: The theater mister was talkin' about how incredible this was!
Paris: I simply thought that this was necessary for the future of Verona.
Paris: The adults that lived in the age when Verona was divided carry many biases from that time.
Paris: As a result, they still have to be careful where they step.
Paris: But I hope that it can be different for the children, and that they can grow up with an undivided Verona as the only home they know.
Paris: I believe that this school will be an excellent support in building up a new age in Verona.
Lyria: That's wonderful... Verona will definitely become an amazing place.
Vyrn: With Paris here, there's no doubt about it!
Paris: I'm only doing what I can for Verona...
Paris: (That's easy to say. But how much of it is genuine? How do I really feel... about Verona?)
Vyrn: Paris? You okay?
Lyria: Are you feeling a little tired?
Paris: No, I'm fine.
Paris: I should go. I'll have Rosalind to answer to if I loiter for too long.
Lyria: Ah, I'm sorry we started talking to you when you were in the middle of something!
Vyrn: We should get back to work too!
Paris: Whew... Most of the preparations seem to be done.
As everyone is scrambling about trying to get ready before the start of the show, someone calls out to Paris.
Anthony: Count Paris.
Paris: Anthony... Is it not almost time for you to stand on stage?
Anthony: Yes, thankfully. We wouldn't have been able to make it in time without your help.
Anthony: I never expected that Count Paris himself would come to assist us.
Anthony shrugs his shoulders, almost theatrically, before his gaze grows slightly more serious.
Anthony: Were you able to clear your mind a little, Count Paris?
Paris: What?
Anthony: Forgive me. It's just that, to me, it seemed as if there was something on your mind today.
Paris: ...
It is to my knowledge that you are the star of today's show.
Paris: I'm surprised you still had the mental capacity to watch other people that closely.
Anthony: Watching other people is the lifework of an actor—at least that's what I believe.
Anthony: Putting that aside...
Anthony: In my opinion, you've been secluding yourself too much, Count Paris.
Anthony: You should go outside more often and move your body regularly.
Anthony: Of course, you were a big help to us with the preparations today. But I'm thinking...
Anthony: Perhaps you'd like to try your hand at acting?
Paris: You think I would be a suitable actor?
Anthony: Not at all.
Anthony: But there are things that you don't know unless you try.
Anthony: Let me know when you are so inclined. You'd be most welcome.
Giving the count a dramatic bow, Anthony straightens his costume.
Anthony: It's almost showtime. If you'll excuse me, Count Paris.
Anthony takes his leave, walking toward the side of the stage to stand by.
Paris: Outside, huh?
Anthony: This was brought to you by the Rose Theater. Thank you for watching.
Excited Child: That was so cool!
Awed Child: It was so fun to watch!
Paris: ...
After the successful performance, Paris is at the back of the school building to take a break. He breathes a sigh of relief.
Paris: I certainly moved a lot of muscles I don't usually use today... Hopefully the soreness will cure itself by tomorrow.
Groaning as he rubs his arms, Paris turns and catches a glimpse of someone's head near some secluded stairs a ways away.
Paris: (Is that... a student? Everyone from the school should be at the workshop around now...)
Young Student: ...
Paris walks closer to find a young boy sitting with his arms wrapped around his knees.
Paris: What's the matter? What are you doing here?
Young Student: Ah! I'm sorry, I...
The boy hurriedly tries to stand up, but Paris puts a reassuring hand on his shoulder. The count drops down to a crouch beside him.
Paris: I'm not here to bring you back. I... simply want to take a break, just like you.
Young Student: A break?
The student hesitates before sitting back down.
Paris: You go to this school, don't you? How did you find the show just now?
Young Student: It was really cool. I liked the part where they fought with swords.
Paris: Yes, that was splendid, wasn't it? I couldn't take my eyes off it either.
Young Student: Yeah! How do they move so quickly like that?
Paris: If you want to know, you should join the workshop.
Paris: The actors from that scene should be there for you to talk to.
Young Student: Right... But...
His expression clouds over, and the boy hangs his head.
Paris: You know... I'm not a teacher at this school, or an actor from the Rose Theater. I'm just a regular passerby.
Young Student: Huh?
Paris: Even if you were to tell me something, I have no reason or means to tell anyone who knows you.
Paris: So... if there is something you'd like to talk about, you can tell me. What brought you here all by yourself?

Sincerely: Scene 3

The little boy tells Paris that he has been unhappy about the lingering discord between the former Capulets and Montagues. Seeing the boy's kindness and sadness, Paris is reminded of dreams he once had—both for Verona and for himself. Paris finally makes a decision to walk a new path toward his dream. Thinking back to the letter he received from his teacher, he looks forward to writing about his new resolution in his reply.

Young Student: You know, I started going to this school 'cause my dad told me to.
The boy hesitates for a moment before continuing.
Young Student: My mom and dad were Capulets.
Young Student: But there are some students at this school who were Montagues, right?
Paris: Yes... there are.
Young Student: My best friend—I mean... someone I saw as my best friend was from a family who used to be Montagues.
Young Student: So... My mom, she...
Paris: Did she say something about it?
Young Student: No... She hasn't said anything, but... she doesn't seem very happy about it.
The little boy balls his fists.
Young Student: So... I've been...
Paris: Do you not like your friend anymore?
Young Student: No... I do. I like him. I want to play with him...
Young Student: I really like my friend. My teacher used to belong to the Montagues too, and his classes are always so fun.
Young Student: But I love my mother... and I don't want her to be sad...
Young Student: I just don't know what to do anymore...
When the boy buries his face in his knees, Paris reaches out to put a hand on his head.
Paris: You're very kind.
Young Student: Kind? Why's that?
Paris: You considered your mother's feelings, and also thought about your friend and your teacher.
Young Student: But I've been avoiding my friend recently... I might've hurt his feelings.
Paris: Hm... Maybe, but that doesn't mean you aren't kind.
Paris: If everyone only thought about themselves, our society would crumble in no time.
Paris: People who are kind and can think like you are very important.
Young Student: You... think so?
Paris: But because you're so kind, you're forced to carry the burden all by yourself. To me...
Paris: That's too sad to bear.
Paris smiles wistfully, almost in a self-mocking manner. The boy peers over at the count.
Young Student: Are you sad... because of me?
Paris: No. You're not to blame at all.
Paris: Rather, you have my thanks. You reminded me of something very important.
Young Student: Something... important?
Paris: I have a dream, you see.
Paris: I wish for a Verona where it doesn't matter where one comes from—whether they were once a Montague or a Capulet.
Paris: I wish for a nation where no one cares about such things.
Paris: (Yes. Without a doubt, that is my dream.)
Young Student: Where no one cares about it... Does that mean I wouldn't have to worry about who I'm friends with?
Young Student: No one's gonna be sad?
Paris: That's right.
Young Student: Who's going to make Verona that way?
Paris: You are.
Young Student: Huh? Me? I'm just a kid though.
Paris: Of course, we adults will also do our best to help. But what we can do is limited.
Paris: The ones who can truly change this country and help it grow are all of you—the kids who grow up with it.
Young Student: Us?
The little boy's expression is serious as he contemplates Paris's words.
Young Student: What... should I do?
Paris: You don't have to do anything difficult.
Paris: You can simply talk to someone about what you just told me—what you're worried about, and what you're thinking.
Paris: I am certain that there will be people willing to listen and understand what you are going through.
Rosalind: Count Paris.
After saying goodbye to the boy, Paris is on his way back to where everyone is when Rosalind—who had been patiently waiting—calls out to him.
Rosalind: To think the count would run away to a place like this.
Paris: I was simply taking a break.
Rosalind: Hehe, I am merely jesting. Benvolio has been searching for you—he says he would like to express his gratitude for your help.
Paris: There is no need...
Paris: Rosalind, did you see how the children's eyes sparkled when they looked upon the stage?
Rosalind: Yes... They seemed so happy. They looked like they were enjoying it so much that it made me glad too.
Paris: Yes, truly. Their smiles are our country's future... Seeing that is enough for me.
Rosalind: Count Paris...
Rosalind: You truly love this country, don't you?
Paris's eyes widen at Rosalind's half-exasperated, half-affectionate words.
Paris: Do you... think so?
Rosalind: Whatever are you talking about? I believe you know the answer to that best.
Paris: Yes... You may be right.
Rosalind: Not only that...
Rosalind holds up one finger, signaling that she has more to say.
Rosalind: I agree with what you said earlier, Count Paris.
Paris: Earlier? What did I say?
Rosalind: Why, you told the little boy just now that there is a limit to what we can do.
Paris: So you were listening...
Rosalind: Hehe.
Rosalind: I think you are exactly right. So... in my opinion, you have done enough already.
Rosalind: Even if you take a step back now, this country will continue to grow.
Paris's breath catches at Rosalind's words. After a pause, he lets out a small sigh.
Paris: I recently received a letter from my teacher back home.
Rosalind: What a wonderful relationship, to still be exchanging contact after all this time!
Paris: It had been a while before this.
Paris: I wasn't sure what to write in response... but I've finally remembered something from the past.
Paris: I once aspired to become a teacher.
Rosalind: Hehe. Yes... I can see you as a spectacular teacher.
Paris: Is that so?
Rosalind: Without a doubt. After all, you've already poured so much effort into guiding the people of this country in the right direction.
Rosalind: A teacher may be slightly different, but in a way, it is still a role in which you guide others.
Rosalind: But hm... I do think...
Rosalind: You could try a little more with your smile.
Paris: I shall do my best.
He gracefully takes in Rosalind's playful yet thoughtful words.
His thoughts wander back to the blank paper left on his desk.
Paris: (My teacher... Yes, I would very much like the chance to meet again. And I'm eager to share...)
Paris: (The decision I've made for myself going forward.)
Paris is now confident that he will know exactly what to write the next time he sits down at his desk.