Scenario:Nezha - Tradition Reborn

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Tradition Reborn

Nezha visits the Hall of Knowledge to learn more about the yukata he had acquired. His attempts to learn of its origins come to a standstill, at which point (Captain) shows up with a letter in hand. Written by the shopkeeper who had sold the outfit, the letter reveals the town where the yukata had been made. As Nezha digs deeper into the area's unique history, he discovers that it was once worn to a special festival—but that festival is no more.

One day, early in the afternoon, (Captain) and the crew make a trip to the Hall of Knowledge.
The moment they step foot on the premises, (Captain) is greeted by none other than Arusha, whose legs waver under the weight of a massive pile of books.
Arusha: Well, if it isn't (Captain)! Welcome to the Hall of Knowledge!
Arusha: What brings you here today? Looking for a book, I'm sure.
Lyria: Hi, Arusha! Actually, it's not a book we're looking for, but a person.
Vyrn: Have you seen Nezha around here? When we asked that ribbon lady, she said that we'd find him here.
Vyrn: He got this letter, so we're here to deliver it!
Arusha: Hm, I see... Well, if it's Nezha you're looking for, you're at the right place.
Arusha: In fact, I was just in the middle of giving him these books he requested. Right this way!
Arusha: Nezha, I found the documents you wanted!
Nezha: Thank you, Arusha. The resident librarian never fails to impress, does she?
Arusha: Ehehe, I wouldn't go that far...
Arusha: A-anyway, there are some visitors here looking for you.
Nezha: Visitors? Ah, it's you, (Captain).
Lyria: We're here to deliver you this letter, Nezha! It'd be awful if you missed anything important.
Nezha: I see. I must say, I wasn't expecting it to arrive so soon.
Nezha: In any case, you have my thanks. I needed this for my research, so your delivery is much appreciated.
Vyrn: What are you lookin' up anyway? It must be pretty serious for you to be at the Hall of Knowledge...
Lyria: Do you need any help? We'd love to assist you in your research. Right, (Captain)?
Nezha: That'd be great, actually. I still have a lot of documents to go through.
Nezha opens the newly received letter and lays its contents out for (Captain) and the rest to see.
Nezha: If you all recall the yukata I bought the other day, I was seeing if I could find out more regarding its origins.
Nezha: It had a very unique design, so I suspected I would have to do a lot of digging to find any information on its history, production, and what have you.
Nezha: Arusha, however, recommended I avoid broad searches if I wanted to find out more about it.
Arusha: There are a vast number of idiosyncratic outfits and festivals unique to each individual island, so you'd be hard-pressed to find any sort of comprehensive data here.
Arusha: I figured the first step to finding out more about the yukata would be to determine from what exact area this garment originates.
Nezha: Agreeing, I decided to send a letter to the shopkeeper while I continued my research.
Nezha: If I could ascertain this yukata's island of origin, I'd be able to reduce the scope of my search to that one location.
Lyria: So the letter we brought you today is the response, right?
Nezha: The very one. Arusha, sorry to keep bothering you, but do you mind checking the letter's contents for me?
Arusha: Ah, not at all! If you'd allow me one moment to give it a quick read...
Arusha: Hm... I see... So that's how it is...
Arusha: How fascinating! They've included information not only of the yukata's island of origin but also its whereabouts thereafter.
Arusha: With this, we can trace the outfit's steps—even if it leads us to an island that differs from where you bought it...
Arusha: That's it! If you could wait just a little bit longer, I need to retrieve a few additional papers. I'll be right back!
Arusha: Aaand that's the last of it! I'm sorry if it's a lot to take in.
Arusha: This area was relatively peaceful during the War, and as such, it enjoyed a plethora of cultural exchanges throughout the years.
Arusha: That same peace is likely why so many of these documents avoided destruction and remain to this very day.
Lyria: Books, papers, scrolls... There's so much of everything! I can't believe you were able to find all of this so quickly, Arusha!
Arusha: Ahaha, if I were to be completely honest, these documents were recently unarchived, so finding them wasn't a problem at all.
Arusha: Regardless, with this many resources, I believe you'll be able to find what you're looking for!
Nezha: And all thanks to you, no doubt. Well, let's get started, shall we? I hope everyone's ready. We may be here awhile.
Lyria: Ready as ever! C'mon, Vyrn! (Captain), you too!
(Captain) and the others begin poring their eyes over line after line of text.
After what seems to be an eternity, Nezha suddenly breaks the silence.
Nezha: I've found it. Surely this is the right yukata.
Vyrn: Really? What does it say?
Nezha: This book serves as a record of skyfarers who've attended the area's various festivals. Take a look right here.
Nezha holds up the book for everyone to see and points to a particular section of the page.
Nezha: "The main event of this village's festival is what would best be described as a magnificent yet moving sword dance."
Nezha: "The dance is performed by the village's most courageous warrior—donning a yukata made specifically for this purpose."
Nezha: "The specially made gown is woven for maximum maneuverability and only by the most seasoned craftsmen. This yukata serves as their magnum opus."
Lyria: Wow! This has to be about the yukata you bought, Nezha!
Arusha: This text matches nearly perfectly with what the shopkeeper told you.
Arusha: It's no wonder why that shopkeeper is so successful. They certainly have an eye for what's valuable.
Vyrn: Anyway, I'm glad you found what you were lookin' for! Why not give the yukata a whirl after all it's been through?
Nezha: Hm... That may prove a bit difficult.
Lyria: Huh? Why's that? Is the festival only held once every few years or something?
Nezha: Quite the understatement. This particular festival has long since been put to rest.
Nezha continues to read from the dusty book.
Nezha: "By the time I returned to the village, the festival had already fallen out of public opinion."
Nezha: "Following the end of the War, these cultural festivities were left by the wayside as many of the island's more culturally inclined individuals left seeking bluer skies."
Nezha: "The flow of tourists declined accordingly, and the festival was indefinitely put on hiatus. As it died, so too did the craftsmen and art they had perfected."
Lyria: No way...
Arusha: It appears the contents of this book were compiled about a century ago...
Arusha: So the festival likely met its end around then as well...
Nezha: Indeed. This yukata wasn't made to be put aside...
Nezha: Rather, it was made in hopes that the festival would someday return—its weaver's last hurrah, one could say.
Nezha puts down the yukata he had been holding and mutters something incomprehensible under his breath.
(Captain) and the others silently look Nezha's way, not knowing what to tell him as he casts a forlorn gaze on the abandoned outfit.

Tradition Reborn: Scene 2

Having learned of the festival's demise, Nezha is overcome by a wave of melancholy. Suddenly, Arusha remembers that someone else had come to the Hall of Knowledge in search of similar information and was trying to bring back the long-lost tradition. This new development piques Nezha's interest, and he reaches out to the man via the bespectacled archivist. Upon meeting the village leader, Nezha—together with the help of (Captain) and the crew—decides to assist in the festival's revival.

Nezha, delighted to have discovered more on the yukata's origins and its surrounding festival, has been relishing in his findings.
His satisfaction is short-lived, however, when he discovers the festival is no more.
Nezha: To think the festival faded to irrelevance nearly a century ago...
Nezha: How does one wear a yukata to an event that no longer exists?
Lyria: Yeah, too bad it's gone... It would've been nice to wear it there.
Vyrn: Hrm... What can we even do? That festival went poof over a hundred years ago.
Vyrn: Our only options are either to give up or wear it to some other shindig, right?
Arusha: That seems to be the case. I doubt we're going to make any new revelations concerning a century-old event...
Arusha: W-wait... I feel like I'm having deja vu...
Nezha: Arusha?
Arusha: That's it! I remember now!
Vyrn: Gah! That was right in my ear! Watch where you're yellin'!
Arusha: Ah, my apologies for the sudden outburst...
Arusha: I remembered who checked out this book before Nezha, and I couldn't control myself.
Nezha: Someone other than us was researching this yukata? Is that true?
Arusha: Yes, although it wasn't exactly the yukata he was looking for...
Arusha: If I recall correctly, the man mentioned something about wanting to revive a long-lost festival...
Arusha: He wasn't able to find much on the topic back home, so he came to the Hall of Knowledge in search of a lead.
Lyria: I wonder if his village was where the yukata was made...
Nezha: Tell me, do you know anything else about this man?
Arusha: Under normal circumstances, sharing our clientele's information is strictly forbidden.
Arusha: But this particular individual left his contact information before leaving.
Arusha: And I quote, "If someone who knows more about the festival comes around these halls, could you direct them my way?"
Arusha: Nezha, the yukata you're wearing, surely it was crafted in that village. Maybe he would like to see it.
Nezha: It does sound like I could be of some assistance in his quest.
Nezha: Hm... Perhaps this is more than mere coincidence. Indeed, we find ourselves at the precipice of fulfilling this outfit's true purpose.
Nezha: Sorry to keep pestering you with requests, Arusha, but do you think you could contact this man for us?
Arusha: But of course! I'll be sure to relay your message to him.
Nezha: Thank you. I appreciate the help.
Nezha: And, (Captain), after we've made contact with the man, could you give me a ride on your airship?
(Captain) happily agrees to Nezha's request with a nod, elated to see the usually stoic warrior excited about something for once.
At the behest of Nezha, Arusha has sent word to the archive's previous patron.
Soon thereafter, Nezha receives a letter containing a short message: "I welcome you to come to my village to discuss this matter in depth." The crew sets out at once.
Upon arriving, they're met by a vibrant but scholarly man in the prime of his life.
???: Ahhh, I presume you are the ones Arusha mentioned in her message. Thank you so much for making the time to visit.
Nezha: Not a problem at all. 'Tis the thirst for knowledge that brought me here. Are you the one who sent this letter?
Scholarly Man: That's right. I was looking for some way to revitalize this dying village.
Nezha: And you think this yukata is the key to saving it?
Scholarly Man: I do indeed. According to records left by our elders, the local sword dancing festival would fill the audience with vitality.
Scholarly Man: Not to mention people from all over would come to our village to lay eyes on these garments and their remarkable craftsmanship.
Nezha: But when the festival died out, so too did the craftsmen's art.
Scholarly Man: Precisely. Deprived of travelers, the village grew poor, and everybody was so busy making ends meet... Passing on traditions was the last thing on their minds.
Scholarly Man: But written in these pages are acclamations for that beautiful festival—and lamentations over its demise.
Scholarly Man: I couldn't ignore these cries from the past, and so I set out on a journey to somehow resurrect this long-lost tradition.
Nezha: You would resurrect the past? Then our goals are one and the same.
Nezha: I wish to pay this yukata the respect it deserves. And to do that I must don it in the manner it was meant to be worn.
Nezha: If I work in tandem with your village, we may yet have the chance to fulfill that wish. What must we do in order to revive this festival?
Scholarly Man: Words cannot express my gratitude, my dear sir. First, if you could leave me your yukata to study, that would be greatly appreciated.
Scholarly Man: Besides that, we would need to secure a location, as well as think of ways to attract visitors...
Lyria: This is starting to sound like fun! Do you mind if we join in and help?
Vyrn: If we all pitch in, I'm sure we can get the festival up and runnin' a lot sooner! C'mon, everyone! Let's do this!
Nezha: Right. Now that we're all in high spirits, we should be able to make quick work of these tasks.
Nezha: Quite the adventure we've discovered—all from a yukata.
Seeing (Captain) and the others excitedly discuss the festival plans, Nezha quietly grins.
He sees what the others cannot: a seed of the forgotten past, budding into the fruits of an unwritten future.

Tradition Reborn: Scene 3

With festival preparations underway, Nezha finds out that he is to star in the main event—the sword dance. He accepts the request but has trouble deciding on what to perform. During this moment of uncertainty, (Captain) suggests that Nezha come up with a brand new dance. After the festival, a group of villagers approach the performer in hopes of learning this wonderful new tradition. Nezha happily acknowledges their wishes and begins to teach them—and so a new tradition is born.

Having followed the yukata to its birthplace, (Captain) and the crew decide to help the village restore its long-lost festival.
They work together with the villagers to prepare the many necessities required to hold such a lively event.
Crafty Villager: A special festival deserves a nice center stage.
Crafty Villager: The question is, how big do we make it?
Nezha: How big indeed. Vyrn, kindly fly down and get a good look from below. We need to consider the vantage point of our guests.
Vyrn: Sure thing! Be right back!
Scholarly Man: Hmm... So you're suggesting we spread the word to other islands via skyfaring merchants?
Lyria: Yep! Like the guy who sold Nezha his yukata. He seemed super interested in the festival.
Lyria: Siero said she wanted to set up a stall here too!
Lyria: Even the chamber of commerce said they would help, as long as we provide an area for their stalls!
Lyria: Not to mention we can use the Grandcypher to visit any nearby islands and tell them about the festival!
Scholarly Man: Our means are limited when it comes to travel, so I appreciate all the help. Thank you.
Artsy Villager: Sorry to interrupt, but I wanted to ask a few questions regarding this yukata design.
Artsy Villager: I figured you all could offer a few suggestions since you know what's popular outside this island.
Lyria: Of course! Let's call Nezha over to help!
Lyria: He's good at coming up with all sorts of ideas—and at drawing too!
(Captain)'s crew and the villagers make good progress as they prepare for the upcoming festivities.
While the villagers take a short break to catch their breath, they approach Nezha with a certain request.
Nezha: Me? Perform the sword dance?
Scholarly Man: It's thanks to you that we're able to hold this festival at all.
Scholarly Man: It'd be an honor to have you as the festival's centerpiece—its main attraction.
Nezha: Hrmm... I can't say I have much experience in the way of sword dancing...
Village Child: It'll be fine, Nezha! You'll look cool no matter what!
Village Child: Besides, aren't you here 'cause you wanted to make the most of that yukata?
Village Child: What better way than to dance in the spotlight!
Hearing the child's encouraging remarks, Nezha begins to think to himself.
Nezha: (It is true that I came all this way in order to fulfill this yukata's original purpose.)
Nezha: (But to stand at the festival's center stage... Is it my place to take on such an important role?)
Nezha: (I suppose since I'm the one who pompously declared that I'd fulfill the garment's purpose, I should keep my word and follow through.)
Nezha: You speak the truth, young child. I'll be sure to display the full glory of this yukata.
Nezha: If I'm to dance at all, I promise to do my utmost to ensure it is a performance worth remembering.
Scholarly Man: Thank you, Nezha!
Nezha: With that said, I'd like to return to the Hall of Knowledge to do some more research on this dance.
Nezha: I'd appreciate it if you would accompany me in my studies, (Captain).
Vyrn: No worries 'bout that! Of course we'll help! We're used to divin' through book after book by now!
Nezha: Thank you. I shall take my leave then. There's still much ground to cover.
Scholarly Man: Wonderful! I'll watch over the ongoing preparations until your return.
Nezha: Thank you again. (Captain), let us be off now.
After the villagers see off (Captain) and Nezha, the crew makes the journey back to the Hall of Knowledge.
With Arusha's help, the gang is quickly able to gather the necessary information to begin choreographing the dance, but their planning soon grinds to a halt.
Nezha: Hm. Something's not right. This maneuver doesn't fit the choreography. The sword and body are completely out of sync.
Lyria: Well, I know you don't have any issues swinging a weapon around, Nezha...
Lyria: I guess it's hard to do while dancing?
Nezha: That's not quite it. What's difficult is performing in a manner that's both coordinated and bedazzling.
Nezha: When dancing, the sword's movements must be graceful and pleasing to the eye, not aggressive or ferocious like a weapon drawn in battle.
Nezha: But the one performing this sacred ritual is the village's most courageous warrior. Restraint is not an option.
Nezha: Our only chance at restoring this tradition is by finding a balance between valiance and elegance alike.
Nezha: As regrettable as it sounds, I lack the requisite knowledge to do this dance justice.
Nezha: At this rate, it won't be a grand tradition we revive... but a farce.
With a troubled complexion, Nezha lets out a quiet groan.
(Captain) catches sight of the stressed primal and decides to offer some advice.
  1. Maybe we don't have to re-create it perfectly?
  2. Let's go with something that defines you.

Choose: Maybe we don't have to re-create it perfectly?

The captain suggests to Nezha that he invent his own unique dance.
Lyria: The villagers said they wanted you to dance.
Lyria: In which case, wouldn't it be okay if you came up with a dance that works for you? I'm sure they wouldn't mind!
Nezha: That's a bold suggestion. It would mean deviating from the traditional steps.
Vyrn: Yeah, but it's not like anybody would know any better! We haven't found anything on the dance so far, and even if we did, who could tell?
Vyrn: Might as well just make something from scratch and start a new tradition, right?
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: Let's go with something that defines you.

Nezha: Something that defines me? What do you mean, (Captain)?
Seeing the primal's conflict written on his face, (Captain) replies, "We shouldn't rewrite history, but we can contribute to it. You can do this, Nezha."
Vyrn: Yeah! When you think about it, we're the ones who built the festival stage and came up with the yukata design.
Vyrn: I mean, why not create one more little thing?
Nezha: But could the villagers accept such a lack of authenticity?
Lyria: All they said was that they wanted to see you dance, Nezha!
Lyria: I'm sure they'll be happy to see you perform, no matter what you do!
Vyrn: What Lyria said! Besides, who knows? Maybe your dance will become part of history itself!

Continue 1

Nezha: But that would mean... I would be the one creating skydweller culture...
Nezha: I see. I didn't think of it that way. It doesn't seem easy, but it might be worth a shot.
Ready for the challenge ahead, Nezha puts down his research material and abruptly stands.
Nezha: Thank you, (Captain). Your advice was very constructive. I think I know what to do now.
Nezha: It's time to close the books and pull out the sword. I'd like to begin practicing at once.
Nezha: While I do that, could I leave the festival promotion up to you guys?
Lyria: No problem! We'll do whatever we can to handle the rest!
Nezha: I have every confidence you will. Let us give our everything to this festival. Good luck, everyone.
Leaving Nezha to his own devices, the crew make their way around the neighboring islands to publicize the festival.
And so arrives the big day. Sounds of brisk footsteps and loud voices fill the air—a result of (Captain) and the crew's efforts.
Satyr: Wooow! This is amaaazing! There are so many people here today!
Satyr: You're gonna perform in front of all these people, Nez? How are you this cool!
Medusa: A bit uncharacteristic of him, though. It's hard imagining Nezha under any sort of spotlight.
Medusa: I wonder if the villagers here were begging him to help.
Baal: Who knows? Nezha has his own way of doing things.
Baal: Maybe meeting new people in all these different places changed him somehow.
Satyr: Well, I'm not sure what happened, but whatever it is, I think it's nice!
Satyr: Hey, Nez's here now! Looks like he's gonna start soon!
As Nezha climbs atop the festival's center stage, he is greeted by the welcoming clamor of an eager audience.
Nezha: (The crowds look far larger from up here. I have to hand it to the crew—what excellent promotion.)
Nezha: (Ah, speak of the devil, (Captain) and the others are standing over there. And I see the primal pals have come to support me too, while the locals seem to have gathered at the stage front.)
Nezha: (I'm still unsure whether or not the dance I've created befits this yukata, but I'll do my utmost regardless.)
Nezha: Behold! Cast your eyes on a warrior god's might!
Satyr: Neeezzz! Nice dancing! You were sooo freaking cool!
Nezha: I appreciate you all coming to see me. Thankfully, I was able to finish the act without any major mishaps.
Satyr: Without mishaps? You killed it! It's like we were watching a hero in the middle of an actual battle!
Baal: I agree. It was a magnificent performance—not too forceful, yet not distractingly graceful either. To me, the dance brought out your best qualities.
Baal: I also heard from (Captain) that the decision to use a spear, instead of a sword, was yours.
Nezha: That's correct. I thought I could take the dance to another level if I used a more familiar weapon.
Nezha: (Captain) reminded me that I could contribute in my own way, and so I did.
Medusa: Wait, are you telling me that you came up with all of that?
Medusa: But you don't even dance! Color me impressed.
Nezha: Words of praise from Medusa? Now I've seen everything. This is truly an auspicious occasion.
Medusa: Wh-what? Are you making fun of me? I'm never saying anything nice to you again!
Satyr: Meddy's cute little eyes were on you the entire time! I don't think she blinked once during the show!
Medusa: Not true! Cut it out!
Scholarly Man: Superb performance, Nezha! That yukata couldn't look any better if you tried!
Scholarly Man: This is precisely how the garment was meant to be worn.
Nezha: If my dancing has not tarnished this village's reputation, then that is satisfactory enough for me.
Nezha: The question now is how do we continue this tradition moving forward...
Scholarly Man: Ah, well, about that... You see, the villagers were very insistent that I ask you a certain favor...
Village Child: Nezha, sir! Could you teach me your cool spear dance before you leave?
Village Child: I wanna be as good as you! I'll practice super hard 'cause I really wanna wear a yukata and perform in front of everyone next year!
Crafty Villager: If you don't mind, I'd also like to learn the dance... It'd be wonderful if we could do this again next year!
Artsy Villager: You gotta teach it to all of us so we can keep the tradition going!
Artsy Villager: Please, Nezha! Teach us everything you know!
Nezha: It appears my worries were unfounded.
Nezha: I don't mind in the slightest. In fact, I'd be honored to teach you all.
Nezha: But I won't be going easy on any of you. I hope you're all prepared.
Villagers: Yes! Yes, we are!
Nezha: I'm glad to hear it. You shall all make worthy pupils.
Nezha: (How strange. I've always studied skydweller culture from afar, but now here I stand, forging new traditions aside them.)
Nezha: (Is this... change? Am I changing?)
Nezha: (It's hard for me to tell, but I do know that I'm enjoying myself. And surely that is worth something...)
Though deep in thought, Nezha begins to teach the villagers his trademark dance.
As the villagers struggle to keep up with the complex choreography, (Captain) can't help but crack a smile at the warrior god's newfound enthusiasm.