Scenario:Nehan - Sunny Clinic

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Sunny Clinic

A rampant cold in Stardust Town has left Nehan with no medicine. With a dire need to refill his supplies and improve his medical knowledge, Nehan decides to ask for Rei's permission to temporarily leave Stardust Town. In response, Rei requests a member of (Captain)'s crew to act as Nehan's guard, to which Seofon suggests Seox take the job.

Despite winter's end nearing, icy temperatures continue their hold on Stardust Town.
At a certain infirmary is Nehan, carefully examining a young boy.
Nehan: Let's take a look at your throat. Open wide for me.
Sunny Scott: Aaah...
Nehan: All right, you can close your mouth now. Looks like the inflammation's gone down.
Mugen: Body temperature is... umm, average!
Sunny Scott: Which means I'm totally recovered! You're such a worrywart, Doc!
Mature Mia: And who was it exactly that caught the same cold twice?
Mugen: Cold very bad. Need to make full recovery. Very important.
Sunny Scott: Sorry... I know it's not good to keep getting sick. All I'm doing is giving Doc more work.
Nehan: Not really. I don't mind.
Nehan: But what I am concerned about is this rapidly spreading virus.
Mature Mia: When I caught it I got better pretty fast, so I was really worried when the others started getting fevers!
Mugen: Mugen glad Mugen strong. Use power to help people.
Nehan: Both of you were a great help today. Thanks.
Mugen: Ehehe...
Mature Mia: Chopping up some medicinal herbs is nothing. You can call me anytime!
Nehan: I appreciate it. Having extra pairs of hands around here allows me to direct all of my attention on treating patients.
Nehan: Even so, the common cold has been taking quite a toll this winter.
Nehan: I can administer general remedies to prevent the symptoms from worsening, but supplies are dwindling.
Mugen: No more medicine. Need to buy...
Mature Mia: All of the local areas have been hit hard by the same strain of virus.
Nehan: Which means that we're looking at a shortage.
Mature Mia: Yeah... The staff in charge of replenishing supplies have been struggling.
Nehan: The situation's not looking good. Even though the first wave of the epidemic is over, the temperatures are expected to remain low for a while.
Nehan: With all these vulnerable children, a second wave is bound to be on the horizon.
Mugen: For instance, medicine on far island. No?
Nehan: True. We may still find medicine on islands that haven't been affected by the epidemic.
Nehan: I assume we'll have to go through a different trade route than the one we usually use at Stardust Town.
Mugen: Trade route...
Nehan: ...
Nehan: I suppose I'll go ask.
Later that evening, Nehan drafts a letter and asks Tien to mail it for him.
Nehan: Excuse me.
Lively Jill: Coming! What can I get—
Lively Jill: Oh, Nehan! Welcome!
Nehan: I'm not here to buy anything. I came to check up on you.
Lively Jill: You traveled all the way here just to do a home visit? I'm grateful, but it's not good to push yourself!
Nehan: Looks like you've recovered, since you have the energy to worry about me now.
Lively Jill: Yup! My throat doesn't hurt anymore, fever's gone, and my stomach's all back to normal.
Nehan: That's a relief to hear, but just in case...
Mugen's Voice: Nehaaan!
Nehan: Hm? What's the matter, Mugen?
Mugen: Letter came! To Nehan! From Rei.
Nehan: From Rei, huh... I didn't expect such a quick response.
Lively Jill: Oh, it sounds like something important! Nehan, do you wanna read it in the back of the store?
Nehan: That won't be necessary because I have nothing to hide from you two.
Nehan: I asked for permission to leave Stardust Town and if Rei could connect me to someone who can help.
Mugen: Leave Stardust Town...
Many years ago, Nehan was purchased by the Magasin mafia family to work as a slave.
After selling out the Magasin to the Crew of Enforcers, he was taken in by the Suo mafia family.
The head of the Suo family, Rei, oversees Nehan and has allowed him to take shelter in Stardust Town.
As such, Nehan cannot leave Stardust Town without Rei's explicit permission.
Lively Jill: You need to leave town for something? Oh, you must mean restocking the medicine!
Nehan: Correct.
Lively Jill: I'm sorry that our trade routes can't bring in large quantities...
Lively Jill: And with low supply and high demand, sellers may try to scalp us, especially once they know they're dealing with vulnerable kids.
Mugen: Mugen go with you to buy? Mugen make scary face. Maybe help.
Lively Jill: Hmm, that might be a good idea...
Nehan: We're looking at a potential long-term business partnership here. It wouldn't be wise to resort to intimidation.
Lively Jill: Well, if you say so, then I suppose you're right.
Mugen: Okay...
Nehan: And plus, Rei's connected me with the supplier.
Nehan: We can use the Suo family's channels to procure medicine instead of Stardust Town's.
Lively Jill: It's true that no one has better connections than the Suo family.
Lively Jill: I'm grateful for their help, but for some reason, it feels a bit frustrating.
Nehan: It's good to possess the spirit of competitive entrepreneurship. Besides, I sought Rei's help for something in addition to medicine.
Mugen: Addition?
Nehan: Yes. To put it simply, I've found gaps in my knowledge of medicine. I've done my best up until now, but it's not enough.
Nehan: For instance, if a new viral variant were to appear, I could potentially administer the wrong treatment.
Nehan: Given the Suo family's widespread reach, I'm certain they have connections to a medical research group.
Mugen: For instance, Nehan meet doctor and study?
Nehan: That's right. If I could just get my hands on the latest information and technology...
Nehan: Then perhaps I'll become a useful doctor one day.
Lively Jill: I think you're already being plenty useful...
Lively Jill: (But this might be a good chance for Nehan to try something new! Right, Mugen?)
Mugen: (Right!)
While Jill and Mugen quietly discuss on the side, Nehan peers over Rei's letter.
Nehan: ...
Mugen: Rei letter talk what?
Nehan: She wrote that there's a wholesale medicine supplier on an island a bit far away from us. With this, we'll be able to replenish our stocks.
Lively Jill: What a relief! There's still hope then!
Nehan: And on top of that, Rei even found a doctor who's willing to discuss matters with me.
Nehan: But...
Mugen: But?
Nehan: I'm not permitted to leave the town by myself.
Lively Jill: That means...
Mugen: Nehan alone danger. Magasin... still outside.
Lively Jill: True... They still hold a deep grudge against you. It wouldn't be good to cross paths with them alone.
Mugen: Yes. Nehan come home safe. Most important!
Nehan: Did the possibility of me running off and hiding somewhere never come across your minds?
Lively Jill: What? Of course not! You'd never try to do something sneaky like that!
Mugen: Nehan never break promise.
Mugen: And Nehan, Mugen, Stardust Town all family. Nehan won't leave.
Lively Jill: Exactly. Your home is Stardust Town!
Mugen: Yes!
Nehan: ...
Nehan: You're right...
Mugen: Nehan, Mugen go buy medicine together?
Nehan: That's up to you. Rei has already assigned someone to be my guard.
Lively Jill: From the Suo Family? I wonder who it is. Maybe Asha?
Nehan: No, the crew received the request.
Lively Jill: The crew? Oh, it must be (Captain) then! In that case there's nothing to worry about, Mugen!
Mugen: Yes!
Nehan: I suppose...
Mugen: Oh! Nehan. When guard person come?
Nehan: Hm? Well...
As Nehan describes his schedule to Mugen, the giant furrows his eyebrows with worry.
Mugen: Nngh... That time... Mugen made promise...
Lively Jill: Oh! You're right. I asked him to help me out on that day.
Lively Jill: But I know you wanna go with Nehan, so don't worry about our plans!
Mugen: No... Mugen make promise before.
Mugen: (Captain) and friends help Nehan.
Mugen: So Mugen keep promise!
Nehan: That's right. Keeping promises is one of the basic tenets of good manners.
Lively Jill: You two are so upright about things! But I shouldn't be complaining—your help goes a long way around here, Mugen!
Mugen: Together work hard!
Lively Jill: We got this!
Nehan: Sounds like you two have a lot going on. Mind if I ask what your plans are?
Lively Jill: Ehehe, that's a secret! You'll just have to wait and see!
Nehan: ...?
Well, if you say so.
After completing a round of home visits to the other children in town, Nehan begins packing for his trip.
A few days later, (Captain)'s airship docks nearby Stardust Town.
Vyrn: Heeey! We're here to pick ya up!
Nehan: Sorry for the trouble.
Lyria: Are you sure you're going to be okay by yourself, Nehan? What about Mugen?
Mugen: Mugen stay here. (Captain), Lyria, Vyrn. Take care Nehan!
Lyria: Of course! We'll make sure to bring him back safely.
Mugen: Yes! Nehan with crew safe. No worry.
Mugen: Nehan, no push yourself. Come home safe. Most important!
Nehan: I promise. Don't push yourself either.
Nehan: There won't be anyone in town to handle injuries or illnesses while I'm gone.
Mugen: For instance, bad guy hurt people. Mugen stop bad guy. No worry!
Vyrn: Mugen, Tien and Feower are here, and if things go south, they can always call on Wamdus too. Security'll be tight!
Nehan: True. There's no need for me to worry.
Lyria: And Mugen's right—bringing you back home safely is the most important thing!
Vyrn: With us here, everything'll be just fine!
Nehan: You're right...
Nehan: So, who's going to be in charge of guarding me?
Lyria: Right! Well, this time...
Seox: ...
Lyria: We thought we'd ask Seox to do the honors!
Nehan: ...!
Lyria: Rei wrote that she wanted one of the crew's Eternals to take on the task.
Vyrn: So Seofon said to give it to Seox.
Nehan: I... see.
Seox: W-well...
Seox: Thanks for... having me.
Nehan: It's for the children of Stardust Town. Thanks for working with me.
Mugen: Seox take care Nehan!
Seox: R-right! I'll do my best.
Lyria: Now that that's been settled, let me show you where your room will be, Nehan.
Mugen: Take care!
Nehan: Thanks. I'll be back soon.
Seox: ...
And so, with Seox designated as Nehan's guard, the crew sets course for their destination.
Seox: ...
Nehan: ...
While Nehan settles down with a book on medicine, Seox fidgets uncomfortably in a corner.
Nehan: ...
Nehan: Seox.
Seox: Y-yes. What's the matter?
Nehan: Stop being so restless. You're distracting me.
Seox: Ngh!
Seox: Sorry...
Nehan: I can't handle people who are easily bothered by little things.
Seox: I didn't know that... I'll be more careful from now on!
Nehan: It would be child's play for you to simply hide your presence so that I won't notice.
Nehan: Why do you refrain from doing so?
Seox: W-well, I thought that as your guard it's important for me to make my presence known...
Nehan: ...
Seox: S-sorry. I'll do something different.
Nehan: ...
Seox: Ngh...
A wall stands between the two Karm clan descendants as they travel to their destination.
With the mood being neither turbulent nor peaceful, tension hangs thickly in the air.