Scenario:Mimlemel - In Deep Water

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In Deep Water

Turtleton invites the crew to visit his homewaters, where Mimlemel puts on an impromptu bugle concert for his brethren. Distracted by the sight of the sea creatures dancing joyfully to the music, the crew fails to notice two suspicious men watching from afar.

Some time into their stay in Auguste, Mimlemel has acclimated to the ocean, and Turtleton has grown into his own as her chariot of sorts.
The day once again finds Mimlemel merrily playing her bugle, floating across the waves atop her new ride.
Mimlemel: Tweedle-deedle-doo!
Bugleena: Ahh... Nothing better than singing out on the open water!
Turtleton: Despite going unplayed for some time, your tone is still as magnificent as ever. I admire your youthful spirit.
Bugleena: Ehehe. Well, Ms. Hornby asked me to take good care of Mim, so that's what I'm going to do!
Bugleena: I have to do my best to sing in a nice voice so Mim enjoys it!
Turtleton: Ohoho, I see.
Oh, what's this? It seems even the fish below have recognized your efforts.
School of Fish 1: ...
School of Fish 2: ...
Lyria: Hehe. Looks like Mimlemel's music is popular with the fishies too!
Mimlemel: Huh? Wait. The fish can hear this?
Vyrn: Haha, look at her blush!
Mimlemel: Can it, lizard. I'm not blushing.
Mimlemel: Toot-toot!
School of Fish: ...
The fish bask in the midday sun, their scales glistening as they enjoy the sound of the bugle.
Turtleton: (Ahh... I can feel the melody from the top of my head to the tippers of my flippers.)
Turtleton listens attentively to the music as he swims along with Mimlemel securely on his back.
Turtleton: (Reminds me of the past, back when my brethren and I used to dance the night away to the sway of the waves.)
Turtleton: (Ever since our run-in with those human hooligans, we've done our best to lay low...)
Turtleton: (But I bet if they could hear this little lady's song, they'd be able to have a jolly old time, just like before.)
Turtleton: Hmm... I wonder if she'd be willing to come put on a performance for my brethren.
Bugleena: Ooh, you mean in your homewaters? I'd love to visit there too!
Bugleena: I bet if you asked Mim and the others, they'd be happy to come along! Let's try inviting them!
Turtleton: Ohoho. You think so? Then I suppose it wouldn't hurt to ask.
Encouraged by Bugleena's words, Turtleton signals with his flippers for (Captain) and company to climb aboard.
Lyria: Huh? The turtle looks like it's waving its flippers.
Mimlemel: Think it wants you to climb on. It's waving four times—for me, you, (Captain), and the lizard.
Vyrn: So it wants us to hop on its back too, huh? Whaddya think, (Captain)?
  1. Sounds fun! Let's go!
  2. It must have something in mind...

Choose: Sounds fun! Let's go!

The turtle bobs its head happily at (Captain)'s enthusiastic agreement.
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: It must have something in mind...

Despite not knowing the turtle's goal, (Captain) realizes it must have a reason for inviting them along.

Continue 1

Turtleton: Thank you, (Captain). Now then—time to set sail for my homewaters!
Turtleton: Greetings, my brethren. I'd like to introduce you all to the little lady I've decided to serve, as well as her friends.
Turtleton's Pal 1: ...!
Turtleton's Pal 2: ...?
Vyrn: Huh? There's a bunch of 'em comin' this way...
Lyria: It looks like they're all saying hello to Mr. Turtle here!
Mimlemel: You the bossman or something?
Mimlemel: Toot-toot!
Turtleton's Pal 1: ...!
The moment Mimlemel begins to play her bugle, every living creature in the area turns to face her in unison.
Turtleton: Ohoho, they must be amazed by the beauty of the melody.
Turtleton: It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say this little lady's music is the finest in all the skies. I brought her here because I wanted you all to hear it.
Turtleton: Now then, little lady. Would you mind playing your song for them?
Although she can't understand Turtleton's words, Mimlemel begins to play as though hearing his request.
Mimlemel: Taran-tara!
Turtleton's Pal 1: ...
Turtleton's Pal 2: ...
Lyria: Wow, that's amazing! They're all dancing to Mimlemel's song!
Lyria: Looks like a lot of fun. It kind of makes you want to join in and dance your cares away, doesn't it, (Captain)?
Turtleton: I never thought I'd see this sight again... I'd better make the most of it!
Bugleena: Ahaha! Make sure to dance carefully so Mim and the others don't fall overboard!
The sea creatures dance and swirl in time to Mimlemel's tune.
(Captain) and company delight in the performance as they watch the wondrous scene unfold before them.
???: Hey, is that the kid with the crazy power you were talkin' about?
???: Yep, that's the one. I thought she was just controllin' the turtle, but get a load of all those fish!
???: If we could get our hands on that power, we'd be the rulers of these seas!
Captivated by the impromptu concert, (Captain) and company fail to notice a solitary boat drifting nearby.
A pair of shady men stand on the deck, peering at Mimlemel with appraising eyes.

In Deep Water: Scene 2

A pair of poachers interrupt the performance and abduct Mimlemel, believing she has the power to control sea creatures with her bugle. Turtleton alone manages to board the ship as it speeds away, but the poachers spot him and lock him in a room with Mimlemel and Bugleena.

Mimlemel: Taran-tara!
Upon arriving in Turtleton's homewaters, Mimlemel wastes no time in engaging the resident turtles with her bugle-playing.
Drawn by the music, fish begin to gather in the area one by one, until they form a massive swarm.
Turtleton: Ahh, the little lady's music is truly in a league of its own...
Turtleton murmurs to himself as he surrenders to the melody echoing across the waves.
But all of a sudden, the peace is shattered.
Turtleton: I sense trouble!
Turtleton's Pal 1: ...!
Turtleton's Pal 2: ...!
Poacher 1: Gyahaha! Look out, comin' through!
Poacher 2: Hah! Never seen so many fish in one place! I'd love to drop some nets, but now ain't the time...
Poacher 2: After all, we didn't come here for a bunch of measly fish. We're after her!
Mimlemel's eyes widen with shock as the poachers grab her arm and begin pulling her onto the ship.
Mimlemel: What!
Lyria: Mimlemel!
(Captain) instinctively reaches out to save her but is a split second too late.
Turtleton: Oh no... It seems I'll have to take matters into my own flippers!
Turtleton: Everyone, look after the crew for me!
Turtleton kicks off the water, launching himself onto the ship and hurling (Captain) and company into the sea in the process.
Lyria & Vyrn: Whoa!
Turtleton's Pal 1: ...!
Seeing the skylubbers fall into the sea, the other sea creatures immediately swim to the rescue.
Vyrn: Did that turtle seriously just go after her?
Lyria: Oh no! It's too dangerous to go alone!
Turtleton's Pal 2: ...!
Turtleton's brethren nod in agreement and take off after the boat, with (Captain) and company seated securely on their backs.
Meanwhile Mimlemel finds herself in a cabin of the ship, cornered by the two poachers.
Mimlemel: Bring it on. I dare you.
Poacher 2: We ain't gonna hurt ya. We just want ya to tell us the secret to that power of yours.
Mimlemel: Power? What're you talking about?
Poacher 1: Don't play dumb. We saw you controllin' that turtle. And the fish too.
Mimlemel: Uhh, no. I wasn't controlling them.
Poacher 2: You don't know when to give up, do ya? We'd make a killin' if we could round up a bunch of fish and snatch 'em in one go. So spit it out.
Poacher 1: We used to make bank around here, but lately there haven't been any fish. Plus, there are all these new rules... Needless to say, business has been slow.
Poacher 2: And then, lo and behold, we came across you. A gal with the power to control animals and bend 'em to your will.
Mimlemel: Like I said, I can't do that. Have some common sense. That's the stuff of fairy tales.
Poacher 1: Give it a rest, kid. We've seen it with our own eyes. Just look.
Turtleton: F-forgive me, little lady...
Mimlemel: Huh? Showcasing your animal cruelty?
Poacher 1: Hey, this turtle climbed aboard all on its own. You made it come save you, ain't that right?
Poacher 1: If you teamed up with us, we'd have all of Auguste dancing in the palms of our hands! So whaddya say? Not a bad deal, right?
Mimlemel: Toot...
Poacher 1: Yo, what's with the lukewarm answer?
Mimlemel: Huh. So you can hear me.
Mimlemel: You weren't listening, so I thought maybe your ears were full of seawater.
Poacher 2: Dumb brat! You don't seem to grasp the situation you're in right now!
Poacher 2: You don't have the luxury of sayin' no. We'll give you a nice, long while to think over your answer!
Mimlemel: I said I don't have a power like that.
The poachers' footsteps fade as they walk away from the door.
A very puzzled Mimlemel finds herself locked in the room, with only her bugle and a turtle for company.

In Deep Water: Scene 3

Just as Turtleton is about to give up hope, he and Bugleena hear the sounds of (Captain) and company coming to their rescue. Heartened by this, Turtleton succeeds in breaking down the door, allowing Mimlemel to escape and join the crew in confronting the poachers.

Mimlemel sits in a locked room aboard a poachers' ship.
Mimlemel: Toot!
Turtleton: What to do, what to do...
As Mimlemel plays her bugle absentmindedly, Turtleton frets enough for the both of them.
Turtleton: Here I came to save the little lady, and I ended up getting myself caught along with her.
Turtleton: Stumpeye and the others put their faith in me to take care of her, and I let them down. At this rate I'll never be able to face them.
Bugleena: Come now, there's no reason to talk like that!
Bugleena: You can't throw in the towel yet! We're the only ones who can save Mim!
Turtleton: Hmm... I suppose you're right.
Turtleton: But what could an old barnacle like me possibly do to help?
Bugleena: There has to be something! So don't give up! Let's brainstorm together, okay?
In search of a way to escape, Bugleena and Turtleton glance around the room.
Bugleena: Hmm. Maybe you could... break down the door or something! Would that work?
Turtleton: Well, I might've been able to in my prime, but I'm not sure about now.
Turtleton: These flippers and shell used to be my pride and joy. Way back when, I would've already used them to defeat those hooligans and escape.
Bugleena: Huh... In other words, it'll be all over if we get caught. This is a toughie...
Bugleena: My song carries far and wide out on the water, but that probably wouldn't work in this room.
Turtleton: Yes, I'd imagine not. If only there was another fishing boat or something nearby...
Turtleton: But as boorish as those fellows are, they don't seem foolish enough to approach another ship.
Bugleena: Yeah. All I can hear outside is the sound of the waves...
Bugleena: Wait, what's that? Do you hear a strange noise?
The pair fall silent, straining to hear what's happening outside the room.
Turtleton's Pal 1: ...!
Turtleton's Pal 2: ...!
Vyrn: There it is! Get 'em!
Lyria: M-make sure to stay safe, everyone!
Poacher 1: Gyaaah! What the heck's goin' on? Is there a storm comin'?
Poacher 2: No—it's a huge school of fish! The ship's under attack by fish!
Poacher 2: And they're not alone. That brat's friends are with 'em too!
Bugleena: Did you hear that? (Captain)'s crew and your sea creature friends came to save us!
Bugleena: This is our chance to take Mim and escape!
Turtleton: I don't believe it. They all joined together to save the little lady without any concern for their own safety.
Turtleton: Well then! I can't very well fall victim to fear and let this opportunity go to waste!
Turtleton: Don't you worry, little lady—I'm going to knock down that door and get you to safety!
Turtleton: Augustean seas... Breathe your life into this old shell of mine!
Turtleton: Hyah!
Turtleton slams his body into the door with all his strength, bursting it open in an instant.
Mimlemel: Don't hurt yourself, old man.
Actually, isn't it kinda noisy? Wonder what's happening.
Mimlemel: Toot-toot!
Bugleena: That's right—keep playing me, Mim! I'll do my best to let everyone know where we are!
Turtleton: We need to regroup with (Captain) and the others. Hold on tight, little lady!
Mimlemel: Tweedle-deedle-doo!
Lyria: Listen! That's the sound of Mimlemel's bugle!
Vyrn: Got it! Head toward the sound!
Poacher 1: Argh! Hurry up and catch those intruders!
Poacher 2: Urgh... All this rockin' back and forth is gonna make me puke...
Poacher 1: Could you have picked a worse time to be seasick? We need to grab that girl and have her calm 'em down right—
Mimlemel: You rang?
Lyria: Mimlemel! I'm so glad you're okay!
  1. Are you hurt?
  2. Let's get out of here.

Choose: Are you hurt?

Mimlemel: I'm fine. Not a scratch on me.
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: Let's get out of here.

Mimlemel: Sounds good. This boat's a real drag. And all that swaying's making me sick.

Continue 1

Turtleton: Little lady, (Captain). It's time to disembark. But first—
Poacher 1: Hold it right there! Don't think we're lettin' you off this boat without a fight!
Poacher 2: You're gonna pay for messin' up our boat!
Turtleton: I won't let you lay a hand on the little lady! It's time for me to show what these old flippers can do!
Bugleena: Bad boys like you deserve a good spanking!
Get 'em, Mimlemel! (Captain)!
Mimlemel: Fine. Somebody needs to take care of these losers.
As though sensing the turtle and bugle's will to fight, Mimlemel decides to join the fray.
With (Captain) by her side, she stands to face the poachers in battle.

In Deep Water: Scene 4

The crew defeats the poachers and hands them over to the Fisherman's Guild. As they prepare to depart from Auguste, Mimlemel realizes she must leave her sea turtle friend behind. But when she plays her bugle, Turtleton's skin is mysteriously hydrated, allowing him to join (Captain) and the crew on their journey.

Poacher 1: Urgh... Cursed brats...
Mimlemel: Hmph. Had it comin'.
Lyria: W-we did it...
Vyrn: Wait, there were more of 'em?
What do we do now, (Captain)?
Turtleton: I'll handle this! Hurry and hop on my back!
Vyrn: Huh? That turtle's flappin' its flippers again.
Mimlemel: Nice. I get it. It wants us to climb on so we can jump overboard.
The turtle bobs its head up and down, as though agreeing with Mimlemel's words.
Bugleena: Okie-dokie! Let's go, go, gooo!
Turtleton: Hold on tight! We're abandoning ship!
Turtleton: Haaaaah!
Lyria: Wh-whoa! Is everyone okay?
Mimlemel: All good.
Turtleton: Okay, the ship's all clear. Do it now!
Turtleton's Pals: ...!
At Turtleton's command, a countless number of fish leap at the boat in unison, breaking its mast in half.
Having lost their sail and, consequently, their means of movement, the remaining poachers scramble around the deck in confusion.
Mimlemel: That seafood's got a real kick.
Vyrn: I'm thinkin' we oughta let the Fisherman's Guild figure out what to do with 'em.
Mimlemel: Nice.
Turtleton: In that case, we'll propel their boat to shore.
Listen up, my brethren! It's time to push like you've never pushed before!
Mimlemel: Tweedle-deedle-doo!
Turtleton's Pals: ...
Turtleton and his brethren push the ship along the surface of the water in time to Mimlemel's bugle melody.
When they finally arrive back at shore, (Captain) and the crew hand the poachers over to the Fisherman's Guild.
Some time later, the day comes for the crew to depart from Auguste.
Mimlemel: Heave-ho... Heave-ho...
Phew. All set.
Lyria: Umm... Do you really plan to take the turtle along with us, Mimlemel?
Mimlemel: Sure do. Never had a ride like this before.
Mimlemel: I can get his food at the Knickknack Shack. And I've got a bucket full of ocean water. All good to go.
Vyrn: Can the turtle even fit in that tiny thing?
Whaddya think, (Captain)?
  1. Might be pretty cramped.
  2. We're going to need a bigger tank.

Choose: Might be pretty cramped.

Lyria: Yeah... That turtle's lived its whole life in the great, big sea of Auguste.
Vyrn: Don'tcha think it might be best to leave it behind? For the turtle's sake.
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: We're going to need a bigger tank.

Lyria: D-do you think Siero would have a tank big enough for him to swim around in?
Vyrn: Even if she did, there's no way we could fit it on the ship!

Continue 1

Mimlemel: Well...
Stumpeye: She looks crestfallen. Mim must've really taken a likin' to ya, Mr. Elder.
Pun-Kin: Is there really no way you can come along? If you need a place for your tank, you're welcome to share my storage room!
Hornby: Please consider joining us. I know you were only supposed to be with us for the summer, but we hate to see you go so soon.
Turtleton: Ohoho... It warms this old codger's heart to know you enjoyed our time together.
Turtleton: But alas, I wouldn't be able to survive for long outside the ocean.
Turtleton: Take a gander. After being on shore for so long, the tips of my flippers are drying up, and my movement is becoming more hindered.
Turtleton: The little lady's power was able to help me move freely in the water, but I'm afraid it won't be enough on land.
Bugleena: Is this really goodbye, then?
Turtleton: I'm afraid so. Though we were only together for a short time, it was a true joy. I hope you'll keep looking after the little lady from here on out.
Reluctant to leave, Turtleton takes one step toward the shore and looks up at Mimlemel.
Turtleton: Take care of yourself, little lady. I'll never forget these summer days we spent together.
Turtleton: Should our paths cross again, I'll be happy to give you another ride out to sea.
Mimlemel: You...
Mimlemel locks eyes with the turtle and nods, seeming to understand what he's trying to say.
Mimlemel: All right. I get it. I won't stop you.
Mimlemel: Taran-tara!
Turtleton: (Ahh, her tone is more refined and beautiful than ever before.)
Turtleton: (It's like the dryness has left my flippers—as though they're back on their maiden voyage, gliding through the ocean blue.)
Turtleton: Wait, I'm not just imagining it... My skin has hydrated itself somehow!
Bugleena: Wooow, you're right! It must be the power of Mim's song!
Turtleton: To think her song would be capable of such a thing... This way, I should have no trouble living on land.
Stumpeye: Heh. Guess that means she solved your worries once again.
Stumpeye: Now there's nothin' left to keep ya from yer journey. So I'll ask ya once more...
Stumpeye: Will you come along and help us protect her?
Turtleton: Of course I will. Both times I've given up, it was the little lady who opened up a new path for me.
Turtleton: My pride insists that I return the favor. I'll try to do what I can to support her from now on.
Saying this, the turtle approaches Mimlemel and leans over, prompting her to climb on his back.
Lyria: Oh? I think Mr. Turtle's going to come with us!
Vyrn: Hang on—is he gonna be okay? He looks healthy enough, but still...
Mimlemel: Think he'll be fine. Right?
Turtleton nods excitedly in response to Mimlemel's question.
Vyrn: Hmm. Well, I guess if he says it's okay, then it's okay!
Lyria: I'm not sure I understand, but you both look really happy! Don't they, (Captain)?
Mimlemel: Anchors aweigh.
Mimlemel: Tweedle-deedle-doo!
Mimlemel climbs nimbly onto the turtle's back and happily begins to play her bugle.
The melody is bright and cheerful, as if in celebration of the brand-new member added to her family.