Scenario:Michael - The Right Response

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The Right Response

Following a monster-hunting mission with a knight order, Michael learns that their young captain had requested reinforcements out of concern over his lack of experience. When the knight captain confesses that he's been frightened since his first battle ended in disaster, Michael takes him elsewhere for a talk.

One day, (Captain) and the crew set out with a local order of knights on a monster-hunting mission.
Knight 1: Our targets are just ahead! All units, advance!
Knights: Chaaarge!
Michael: (Captain), let us follow their lead.
Michael: Forward!
Monster: Grah!
(Captain) and Michael make a grand showing, taking down monsters one after another.
With the pair firmly holding the upper hand from the outset, the battle progresses without incident.
Knight 1: All of the designated monsters have been defeated. In other words, mission accomplished! Well done, everyone!
Michael: Hm?
Knight 1: Michael? Is something wrong?
Michael: Well... Were those really all the monsters we were asked to take down?
Knight 1: Yes. In fact, thanks to your assistance, we were able to surpass our initial goal.
Michael: Hm...
Michael: There were many requests for reinforcements in addition to us, but our forces seemed to number far more than was necessary.
Michael: But why? Your order's skill and leadership seemed to be more than sufficient to handle those monsters.
Knight 1: Well, you see... that was the wish of our captain.
Michael: Your captain? If memory serves me, the one overseeing this operation was...
Knight Captain: ...
Michael: That gentleman?
Knight 1: That's correct. Our young captain is still quite concerned about his lack of experience. Thus he felt your assistance was necessary.
Michael: I see...
Vyrn: Y'know, I'm impressed you were able to tell that gloomy guy was the captain. He didn't exactly look the part.
Michael: In truth, I had my doubts as well. However, the attention of the knights was unquestionably focused on him.
Michael: I noticed him meekly waving his banner out of the corner of my eye. To think the commander of a knight order would be so faint of heart—
Knight Captain: ...!
Michael: Speak of the devil.
Knight Captain: Ah, I-I'm sorry... I didn't intend to eavesdrop...
Michael: No, it is I who should offer you an apology. Speaking ill behind someone's back is in poor taste.
Michael: My first order of business should have been to discuss this matter with you directly. Forgive me.
Knight Captain: Please, that's not necessary...
Michael: I'd like to speak with you briefly. Could I have a moment of your time?
Knight Captain: I knew it... I was too timid...
Michael: Yes, indeed. With such fine manpower and leadership, what is there to be frightened of?
Knight Captain: I'm not the type of person who can command them... and I feel guilty about that...
Michael: Did you not hear my words? When I spoke of fine leadership, I was referring to you.
Michael: I witnessed your ability to command firsthand. There is no reason to doubt yourself.
Knight Captain: You're too kind... Maybe I made the right call downplaying the fact that I'm a second-generation knight captain after all.
Michael: Second-generation? Then the previous captain was one of your parents?
Knight Captain: Yes, my father. He was a great leader.
Knight Captain: I wanted to be just like him, so I studied various military subjects such as battle strategies and tactical maneuvers. However...
Knight Captain: I made a mistake in my first battle as captain... and many of my soldiers were wounded.
Knight Captain: Thanks to my father's efforts to regroup, no lives were lost... but I can't let something like that happen to them again.
Michael: ...
Knight Captain: I'm glad I asked you all to lend your assistance. I couldn't have managed alone.
Michael: The question is what to do...
Knight Captain: Huh?
Michael: (Captain). I'd like to speak with the captain for a while longer. Go ahead and rest at the inn.
Michael: Come along, Captain.
Knight Captain: What!
Taking the knight captain by the arm, Michael marches him off at a swift pace.
Vyrn: Wh-where are you takin' him?
Vyrn: Aaand they're gone. Wonder what she wanted to talk to him about?
Though unsure what Michael hopes to achieve, (Captain) and company heed her instructions and return to the inn.

The Right Response: Scene 2

After arriving at a restaurant, Michael tells the knight captain about how she once allowed her soldiers to rebel, and he confides in her as someone with similar regrets. Explaining that she was only able to recover due to the support of her comrades, she convinces him to get to know his knights better.

Michael: Now then.
Knight Captain: Er... What did you need to speak with me about?
Michael: There's no need to rush. We should place our order first. Is rose hip tea all right?
Knight Captain: Y-yes...
After ordering for them both, Michael turns to the knight captain.
Michael: There is one pressing matter that I wish to discuss, and that is—your behavior as the commander of a squadron.
Michael: How can someone so perpetually frightened expect to lead others?
Knight Captain: Urgh...
Michael: But I suppose if simply hearing those words was enough to change your frame of mind, you wouldn't be in this position.
Michael: Surely you have already battered yourself with such accusations.
Knight Captain: ...
Michael: Even if an unfavorable situation is successfully resolved, the regrets take root in your heart and torment you forever...
Knight Captain: Do you harbor such past regrets as well?
Michael: Indeed I do. I, too, was once in a position to lead an army.
Michael: However, unaware of a treasonous plot, I allowed my soldiers to rebel...
Michael: In the end, they became my enemies, and I steeled myself to slay my companions with my own hands...
Knight Captain: ...
Michael: Those regrets never fade. Therefore, after witnessing your distress, I could not turn a blind eye.
Knight Captain: And that's why you called me here?
Michael: Yes. A bit of tea should help to loosen your tongue, yes?
Michael: Regrets are toxic when repressed, but it can be difficult to reveal them to those closest to you. Why not try venting to me instead?
Michael: As your wounds are similar to my own, you can trust that I will not rub salt in them.
Knight Captain: Thank you...
Knight Captain: To be honest, I do believe that as the leader of a knight order, I should command everyone in a dignified manner.
Knight Captain: But each time I try, my previous failure ends up popping into my mind and saps me of my nerve.
Michael: Are you frightened?
Knight Captain: Yes... What can I do to transform myself into someone as commanding as you are?
Michael: Well...
Michael: I think perhaps a timid individual has a better chance of winning a battle than someone who possesses nothing but bravery.
Michael: In the past, I knew no fear. As a result, I was unaware of the snakes in my midst and allowed them to destroy me.
Michael: I cannot help but wonder how things would have turned out if I had possessed your sense of caution.
Knight Captain: Mine? Really?
Michael: Yes. Fear is an excellent predictor of danger. In other words, your character could serve to protect your brethren.
Knight Captain: I see...
Michael: However, none of that matters if you are too afraid to take action. So what then...
Knight Captain: How were you able to recover after that incident in the past?
Michael: Hmm...
Michael: It was all thanks to the support of my comrades. Because we believed in each other and shared our burdens between us.
Knight Captain: Maybe this all came about because I lack faith in both myself and my companions.
Michael: I don't believe that to be the case. It may simply be that there are many things you don't know about each other.
Michael: Even in our earlier battle, the soldiers you led were moving in perfect coordination. That in itself is proof of their faith in you.
Michael: Your troops trust in you more than you think. That's what it boils down to.
Knight Captain: They do?
Michael: Fear is a product of the unknown. If you and your soldiers get to know each other well, your fear may very well diminish.
Michael: Knowing your enemy as well as yourself is the key to victory. But it is essential to know your troops first.
Knight Captain: That makes sense. It could be that I still don't understand everyone since we haven't been able to face each other head-on...
Michael: Indeed. So what will you do?
Knight Captain: I'll tell everyone how I feel and ask them to be open with me as well. Thank you, Michael.
Michael: Heh. Save your thanks for your soldiers.

The Right Response: Scene 3

The knight captain expresses his true feelings to his knights, inspiring Michael to thank (Captain) for helping her in the past. With the knight order now able to move forward, (Captain) and the crew continue on their journey.

Knight Captain: Everyone, I have something I'd like to say!
Knights: ...!
Knight Captain: I lost a great deal of confidence after my past blunder... and I've been frightened ever since. I'm sure that has made you all uneasy.
Knight Captain: Please accept my apologies!
Michael: ...
Knight 1: Not at all! If anything, we put too much pressure on you!
Knight 2: Our injuries then were the result of our own inexperience.
Knight 3: We knew you were distressed all this time, yet we never spoke up... Forgive us!
Vyrn: Wow, that knight captain did a complete one-eighty after Michael talked to him.
Michael: I only told him what I know.
Michael: I understand the anguish of being bound by one's own obligations, unable to act.
Knight Captain: Thank you, everyone! I hope you'll continue to fight alongside me!
Michael smiles with relief as she watches the knights and their captain clearing the air between them.
Michael: I should offer my thanks as well. You have my gratitude, (Captain).
Vyrn: Huh? Where'd that come from?
Michael: Both the supreme primarch Sandalphon and I were once in a very similar position...
Michael: Without the crew, he and I would have likely been crushed by our responsibilities. So thank you.
Seeing Michael's broad smile, (Captain) can't help but grin back.
Vyrn: Aha, I knew that's what you were talkin' to that captain about.
Michael: Heh... So you were listening in. That's in poor taste, I'll have you know.
Vyrn: Er, no, you see... We just happened to pick the same shop. We didn't mean to eavesdrop or anything.
Vyrn: But I gotta say, it was pretty cool the way you were all ears hearin' him out. I couldn't help but admire it.
Michael: Good grief. And there I was telling him that some topics could be difficult to share with your companions.
Michael: Well, no matter. How was the souffle cake you ordered?
Michael: I was a little curious about it myself, but eating in that situation wouldn't have been appropriate.
Vyrn: Oh yeah, it was pretty tasty. I think it'd go well with rose hip tea.
Michael: Then what say we return to the restaurant?
Michael: It seems there is no need to worry about this knight order any further.
Saying this, Michael hurries off.
Exchanging sheepish smiles, (Captain) and Vyrn follow after her.