Scenario:Metera - Forlorn Metera

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Forlorn Metera

A troubled Metera confides in (Captain) how she can't tell what her sister Sutera is thinking. Before the conversation can go any deeper, Aster delivers bad news that Sutera was severely injured protecting their village from crazed monsters, and Metera drops everything to return home immediately.

Metera: ...
Metera stares forlornly into the sky, all alone, on the deck of the Grandcypher.
But as soon as she hears (Captain)'s voice calling, her familiar playful smile returns.
Metera: Ooh, how can I help you, (Captain)? Did you want to play with me?
  1. Let's chat.
  2. I think I'm good this time...

Choose: Let's chat.

Metera: Chat? Is that all?
Metera: C'mon, if it's fun you're looking for, I'll be your everything...
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: I think I'm good this time...

Metera: Hm? What was that? Looking for a good time?
Metera: Don't be shy now. Come. Here.

Continue 1

To Metera's chagrin, (Captain) expresses concern that she doesn't seem to be her usual cheerful self, and she drops the act.
Metera: Haha. Am I that easy to read? I must be losing my touch.
Metera: Well, since you're already here, why don't I spoil you a bit?
With a flick of her tongue and a wink of her eye, Metera engages (Captain) in conversation.
Metera: So you know how I'm a genius, right? Yeah, I'm used to people who don't get me because of that.
Metera: But these days I just can't figure out what's going on in Sutera's head.
No version of Sutera in crew

Metera's sister, Sutera, is four years younger and her polar opposite in terms of personality. Whereas Metera is a free spirit, Sutera is prim and proper.
Metera: We're sisters, sure, but we might as well be total strangers. I'm not saying we need to be reading each other's minds or anything.
Metera: It's more like... if only she'd scooch over to the carefree side like I do, I think she'd have more fun.
Metera: Sigh... Why'd we have to be born with such different personalities?
Metera: Yeesh, I need to snap out it. Since when do I let this stuff drag me down?
Before (Captain) can respond, Metera brushes it all off as nothing serious.
At that moment a small figure darts onto the deck, huffing and puffing with worry.
Aster (Event) is a crew member

Aster: Huff... Huff... Metera!
Metera: Aster? What's gotten into you?
Aster: It's Sutera! She... she... she suffered a really bad injury while taking care of guardian duties!
Aster (Event) not in crew

???: Huff... Huff... Metera!
Metera: Aster? What's gotten into you?
Aster is a guardian from the same village as Metera and Sutera. Though not blood-related, she's adored like a sister.
Aster: It's Sutera! She... she... she suffered a really bad injury while taking care of guardian duties!
Metera: What! That idiot!
A few days earlier, a letter was delivered to the Grandcypher addressed to Sutera and Aster.
For some unknown reason, monsters are running amok, and the villagers are at wit's end.
As some of the best guardians, Sutera and Aster are asked to return to their village to help.
Sutera: This is terrible! We have to hurry home.
Aster: Right! I'll come with you too, Sutera!
Metera: What, don't they have other guardians on the bench? You can probably just ignore them.
Sutera: Sister, you know I'm a guardian.
Sutera: If my home faces danger and needs me, then I must answer the call immediately.
Metera: Humph. You do you.
Sutera gives Metera a quick salute and springs into action.
Sutera: Aster, let's make preparations for our return.
Aster: Okay! I'll go find an airship we can use!
Sutera: Then if you'll excuse me, I need to inform (Captain) of our temporary absence.
Sutera: What are you going to do, Sister?
Metera: I'll take a pass. My choice, right?
And so Sutera and Aster parted from Metera for the time being.
Aster: So if we have you with us, Metera—
Metera: I got it. I'll go. Take me to her quickly.
Aster: Okay! Thank you for understanding!
Metera turns to (Captain) and bows with a forced smile.
Metera: Sorry, (Captain). I need to leave for a bit.
She immediately turns away without waiting for a goodbye, the smile replaced by sobriety as she and Aster depart for her homeland.

Forlorn Metera: Scene 2

Metera visits the injured Sutera in a treatment center and grows increasingly frustrated at how the guardians are forced to bear too much responsibility by the village, lashing out at complicit villagers. Metera storms away to defeat the monsters herself, cryptically remarking that she will "tear everything down."

Arriving at her village, Metera makes a beeline for where Sutera is being treated.
Metera: Sutera!
Aster: She's over there, Metera.
Metera rushes past a number of beds in the large room to where Sutera is peacefully sleeping.
Sutera: ...
Metera: Sutera... How did this happen to you?
Sutera's dominant arm is heavily bandaged and immobilized.
Sensing the presence of others around her, Sutera opens her eyes.
Sutera: Ngh... Aster?
Sutera: Sister! You came!
Metera: Mm, yeah. Glad to see you're still kicking.
Metera: But your arm... Is it gonna be okay?
Sutera: Oh, this... Well...
Sutera: It's not untreatable. Just a bone fracture...
Metera: Then you won't be using your bow for a while.
Sutera: Yeah... Not until these bandages come off.
She glances sullenly at the dressing restraining her arm.
Sutera: Ugh... When I think back to the pompous way I spoke to you...
Metera: I'm sorry for being such a worthless little sister...
Metera: Look, forget it. Just promise me you won't overdo things anymore.
Metera: Got it? Answer me if you do, Sutera.
Sutera: Yes...
Sutera nods in submission as a child would when scolded.
Metera: Okay. So what exactly happened to you?
Sutera: There were more monsters than we originally thought.
Sutera: We needed to rethink our strategy. I acted as a decoy while everyone retreated, and that's how I got into this miserable shape.
Metera: Those monsters must be something else if they did this to you.
Aster: Sutera got hurt shielding the other guardians...
Wounded guardians lie in the many beds around them.
Sutera: This is a disgrace. I'm fully aware of my own deficiencies.
Sutera: If it were you in that situation, Sister, you would've saved the day without fail, unlike me.
Metera: Sigh... C'mon, why are you apologizing?
Metera: It's obvious you're taking way too much responsibility as a guardian.
Sutera: No, that's just part of a guardian's duty.
Metera grows irritated over the fact that, injured as Sutera is, she keeps blaming herself.
Metera: Duty this, duty that. Who cares? Are you okay with dying for your duty?
Sutera: Well...
Metera turns her anger toward the various villagers coming in and out of the room.
Metera: Hey. All of you know how to hold a bow at least, right?
Metera: Quit expecting the guardians to do everything for you! Fight with them!
Villagers: ...
Metera: This is your village too. Aren't you ashamed of freeloading?
The villagers hang their heads but continue to mill around in silence.
Sutera: Sister... The dangers of fighting monsters is nothing like hunting birds or beasts...
Metera: That goes without saying, Captain Obvious!
Metera: It's the fact that guardians are forced to do whatever just because it's a village custom that makes me sick.
Sutera: ...
Aster: ...
Metera: Fine. I'm going to put an end to this.
Sutera: S-Sister?
Metera: Aster, I'm leaving you in charge of things here.
Aster: Huh? Oh, um, okay!
Metera: Guardians? Trials? Useless crap from the past. I'm gonna tear it all down!
Leaving Sutera in Aster's hands, Metera sets out to exterminate the monsters herself.

Forlorn Metera: Scene 3

Metera, still fuming over how she thinks the guardians are treated as lapdogs, exterminates monsters as she progresses toward the altar where primal beast Marduk is sealed. Marduk's power is seeping out of a weakened seal, and Metera prepares to battle this incomplete version of Marduk in order to free Sutera from the expectations of the village.

Metera: Move.
Monster: Guurgh...
Metera: Shoo.
Monster: Uwargh...
Metera: Die.
Monster: Bleargh...
Still seething with anger, Metera handily dispatches the frenzied monsters.
Metera: What the hell. Those village bumpkins won't even lift an arrow, but they're happy throwing guardians into the meat grinder...
Metera: Bunch of lazy butts using guardians for their own gain...
Metera: It's not worth protecting this selfish village.
Metera: So why does Sutera put up with it?
Metera shoots down foe after foe while lost in her anguish.
She eventually discovers the origin of where the monsters went into a frenzy.
Metera: This place...
She stops in front of a cave entrance leading to an altar where the primal beast Marduk is sealed.
Aster (Event) not in crew

It was here that Marduk broke out during Aster's guardian trials but was eventually sealed again—or at least it should have been.
Metera: Let's have a little look...
Metera enters the cave and arrives at the altar containing the sealed primal beast.
???: ...
Metera: Bingo!
There she finds the partial manifestation of Marduk's power seeping out of a weakening seal.
Metera: If it weren't for you, Sutera wouldn't have to be shackled to this island anymore!
Marduk: ...!
Marduk senses Metera's hostility and prepares to fight.
Metera: Oooh... What do we have here? You itching to do me in?
Marduk: ...!
Metera: Sure, hon. I'm feeling pretty pissy too, so I'm gonna pop you right now!

Forlorn Metera: Scene 4

Metera defeats Marduk and triumphantly returns to the village. However, the rage of the monsters in the forest continues to stir.

Marduk: ...!
Metera: I don't give two hoots about "the Forbidding One" or whatever you're called...
Metera pours all of her amplified strength into her magic bow.
The overflowing magical power kicks up a storm that whips up her hair.
Metera: But you'll never ever take my precious things away from me! Not in a million years!
Metera: Haaaah!
Marduk: ...!
The mighty blow strikes the manifestation of Marduk's power square and true, shattering it to pieces.
Metera: Mmm! That hits the spot!
Metera: That oughta shut those villagers up about guardian duties and whatnot!
Having vanquished Marduk's power, Metera heads back to the village in unfettered triumph.
Monster 1: Grrr!
Monster 2: Rrrgh!
But the forest still abounds with more rage-induced monsters ready to go to battle.