Scenario:Main Quest - Chapter 30: The Dawn of Truth - Episode 3

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Act 1: Girl in Blue - Chapter 30: The Dawn of Truth - Episode 3

Lecia and Monika leave the crew to change the situation on Amalthea Island.

Lecia: Haaah!
Imperial Soldier 1: Urgh! Over here! Get over here quick!
Imperial Soldier 2: What happened?
Lecia: Tch. We won't get anywhere like this!
Monika: Things are looking bad, but we'll have to pull through somehow.
Monika: Lecia, leave this squadron for (Captain) to handle. We have to go command our own troops!
Lecia: Right! But what about the Black Knight?
Monika: (Captain)'s crew is strong—both in body and character. They won't turn her over so easily.
Io: Maybe. Maybe not...
Monika: Hah. Anyway, Lecia, let's move out!
Lecia: R-roger!
Lecia and Monika leave the room to fix the situation on Amalthea Island.
Tzaka the Great: Now then, Black Knight Apollonia, let's proceed—
Black Knight: Really? With the questioning? Everything is just as those two girls recounted.
Tzaka the Great: Lies.
Black Knight: How do you—
Tzaka the Great: Those charges. You didn't have all that much to do with them, did you?
Io: Master, what are you implying? This evil woman was pulling the strings the whole time...
Tzaka the Great: Oh. Looks like we have company. We'll have to settle this matter later.
Tzaka the Great: We'll talk after securing the location. Look alive, (Captain)!

Act 1: Girl in Blue - Chapter 30: The Dawn of Truth - Episode 3: Scene 2

Tzaka the Great affirms that the Black Knight is not likely guilty of the incident in the Valtz Duchy.

Rackam: What makes you think the Black Knight didn't commit those atrocities?
Eugen: Not that I think you would, but you're not tryin' to cover up for her, are ya?
Tzaka the Great: No. I'm not that soft-hearted. I have no intention of showing mercy to someone who threatens Valtz.
Io: Then why defend her!
Tzaka the Great: I said, to someone who threatens Valtz.
Tzaka the Great: Black Knight. Do you understand what I'm getting at?
Black Knight: ...
Tzaka the Great: Io, listen carefully.
Tzaka the Great: I suspect that the one who threw Valtz into disarray is, in fact, not the Black Knight.
Rackam: Right—I mean the one who made that giant hunk o' metal was you.
Rackam: But that was all because the Black Knight was controllin' you, right?
Tzaka the Great: No, I don't think so. It's not likely that the Black Knight was who led me astray.
Black Knight: ...
Io: There's no way that's the case! Like... there was no one else there!
Katalina: Tch. More troops are drawing near.
Katalina: Let's get them before they know what's happening, (Captain)!