Scenario:Krugne - The Die Is Cast

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The Die Is Cast

While visiting the casino liner, Krugne is informed by Richard and Christina that (Captain)'s crew is being restrained in a illegal gambling den. Upon learning that the gamblers there are using rigged dice, Krugne is filled with rage and sets out for the den with Richard in tow.

Krugne continues on his journey to create true rune dice.
He makes a point of stopping by the casino liner on a regular basis in order to obtain clues and funds for his travels.
Krugne: (Hmm, which table should I visit today...)
As always, Krugne scans the tables for a dice game.
Suddenly he hears a voice from behind.
???: Hey! Hey, you! Krugne, I'm talking to you!
Krugne: ...?
Hearing someone calling his name, Krugne turns around.
There he sees Richard, looking incredibly flustered.
Krugne: Well, if it isn't Richard. What's got you so frazzled?
Richard: Phew, thank goodness I caught you. I'll explain later. For now, come with me!
Krugne: H-huh?
With that, Richard grabs Krugne's hand and takes off running.
Krugne finds himself in front of Christina, the casino manager, who seems to have been expecting him.
Christina: Sorry for calling on you so suddenly. But there's a certain matter I need your assistance with.
Krugne: Me? Judging from Richard's behavior, it must be something serious.
Christina: Yes, I'm afraid it is. I'd like you to look into an illegal gambling den for me.
Krugne: An illegal gambling den?
Krugne appears deeply confused by Christina's words.
Krugne: I'm not sure I'm cut out for such a dangerous job, if I do say so myself.
Krugne: I think there are countless other people you could ask who'd be better suited to the task.
Krugne is a crew member

Go to "Continue 1"

Krugne not in crew

Go to "Continue 2"

Continue 1

Krugne: Like (Captain)'s crew, for instance.
Christina: Actually, the thing is... I already asked (Captain)'s crew to infiltrate the gambling den as well.
Christina: But it seems they lost all their funds gambling, so now they're being restrained there.
Krugne: Restrained? Are they all right?
Christina: Yes. According to my own undercover agent, their lives don't seem to be in danger.
Christina: But at this rate I don't see them ever being released. We'll have to rescue them ourselves.
Christina: And that's why I had Richard bring you here so I could ask for your help.
Richard: That's right. What we need isn't strength—it's gambling ability.
Richard: You know all the ins and outs of dice gambling, right? That's why we thought you'd be the most qualified.
Richard: I'll lead the way there, but I'd like you to come along and back me up if push comes to shove.
Krugne: I think I have a grasp of the situation. If (Captain) and the crew are in danger, I can't stand idly by.
Go to "Continue 3"

Continue 2

Krugne: For example... Wasn't there a skilled skyfarer here on the casino liner that you're on good terms with?
Christina: Oh, you must mean (Captain). The thing is, I actually already sent (Captain)'s crew on the same mission.
Christina: But it seems they lost all their funds gambling, so now they're being restrained there.
Krugne: Restrained? That's not good. Are they all right?
Christina: Yes. According to my own undercover agent, their lives don't seem to be in danger.
Christina: But at this rate I don't see them ever being released. We'll have to rescue them ourselves.
Christina: And that's why I had Richard bring you here, so I could ask for your help.
Richard: That's right. What we need isn't strength—it's gambling ability.
Richard: You know all the ins and outs of dice gambling, right? That's why we thought you'd be the most qualified.
Richard: I'll lead the way there, but I'd like you to come along and back me up if push comes to shove.
Krugne: I see... If that's all you need me for, I can probably make it work.
Christina: Sorry about all this. I'll make sure you're rewarded handsomely for your efforts.
Krugne: Really? In that case, I'd appreciate it if you'd help me gather information about rune dice.
Christina: Very well. We have a number of guests with impressive connections here in the casino, so I'll try reaching out to them.
Krugne: It's a deal then. I'm concerned about the safety of (Captain)'s crew too, so we ought to depart as soon as we can.

Continue 3

Krugne accepts Christina's request out of concern for the crew's well-being.
But as his gaze falls on the dice in his hand, he suddenly frowns.
Krugne: Hold on... (Captain) and the crew were restrained because they lost at gambling.
Krugne: That means it was a consequence of the game—in other words, their fate was determined by the roll of the dice.
Krugne: In that case, by intervening we'd be opposing the will of the dice... And doesn't that go against reason?
Krugne asks himself the question, but Christina is the one to answer.
Christina: Hm, I see. You make a good point. A person should always take responsibility for the outcome of his or her own match.
Christina: Heh... But that only applies to a fair fight.
Krugne: Are you saying the game (Captain)'s crew participated in was rigged?
Christina: That's right. To put it plainly, the gambling den is not only illegal, but fraudulent as well.
Christina: Foul play, rigged dice, and the like are rampant there.
Krugne: What?
Krugne's expression changes completely at Christina's explanation.
Krugne: Did you just say... rigged dice?
Christina: Yes, that's what I said. Apparently there are a wide range of rigged dice used there.
Krugne: Ha... Hahaha... I see...
Krugne: Dice are not tools to deceive others!
Richard: Whoa, you scared me! Where'd that come from?
Krugne: Isn't it obvious? They've shown contempt for dice everywhere!
Krugne: A polyhedral shape that's pleasing to the touch! An unchanging center of gravity! Pips designed to avoid altering the balance!
Krugne: All of that together brings forth perfect randomness! That is the true glory of dice!
Krugne: And that's precisely what makes them beautiful! They're no less than sublime!
Krugne: To think those fiends would take those magnificent dice and defile them with slovenly tricks...
Krugne: Their actions merit death!
Krugne: Richard! Tell me you agree!
Richard: Huh? Oh, uh... Sure...
Krugne: I accept the mission. Let's leave at once to rescue (Captain)'s crew and punish those swindlers.
Krugne: Richard, you know the location of the gambling den, right?
Richard: Well... Yeah...
Krugne: Good, then there's no time to waste. Let's get going.
Krugne grabs Richard by the scruff of the neck and hurries off.
Richard: Huh? H-hang on!
Krugne: No need to worry. I'll obliterate those deceitful gamblers by my own hand.
Krugne: I refuse to let those villains spread their rigged dice throughout the world!
Richard: Stop, stop! I can't breathe... Wait, that's the part that bothers you?
Richard's protests fall on deaf ears as Krugne continues to drag him along.
Traveling at a breakneck pace, the pair depart from the casino liner in search of the gambling den.