Scenario:Kaguya - Light at Dawn

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Light at Dawn

Appearing out of a bamboo stalk, a woman named Kaguya offers to fulfill the crew's wishes as a token of her appreciation. After the crew turns down her offer, Kaguya discovers (Captain)'s reason for traveling and insists on joining. The next morning, the crew finds out that a greedy landlord has been pushing a woman and her son to the brink of death. Kaguya brings the landlord to justice and saves the woman, explaining that families deserve to live happily.

(Captain) and the crew receive a request from a village to investigate a bamboo tree that was glowing red.
After finding a stone containing a primal beast inside the tree, they move it to a safer location deep within the forest, and leave it there...
Vyrn: There's b-b-bambooo!
Lyria: What's happened? Why are you yelling—
Lyria: Oh my gosh! It's the same primal beast from yesterday!
Lyria: How did it get here?
Vyrn: Gaaah, it's too bright!
The stone begins shining intensely, blinding everyone in the room. A few moments later, the light weakens, revealing the figure of a woman.
???: ...
(Captain) and the crew stare in shock as the mysterious woman slowly begins to speak.
Kaguya: I am Kaguya.
Kaguya: I... have come here to express my gratitude for your assistance earlier...
Vyrn: I kinda guessed that's what this is all about, but geez, what an entrance...
Lyria: Ahaha... It was definitely surprising, but thank you for coming all the way to see us.
While the shock quickly abates on Vyrn and Lyria's end, Kaguya puzzles over their words.
Kaguya: Why do you thank me?
Lyria: Um... Well, it's the right thing to do, I suppose...
Kaguya: How intriguing...
Kaguya: When you heard about my ability to grant longevity, were you not interested? I can offer it as a token of my appreciation...
The crew shake their heads in unison upon hearing Kaguya's proposal.
Kaguya: I see that is not what you wish for...
Kaguya: Perhaps you're looking for wealth or fame?
Once again, the crew shake their heads, leaving Kaguya speechless.
Vyrn: Did ya come here to try and fulfill our wishes in return for us savin' ya?
Kaguya: Correct. I was observing...
Lyria: Observing? What do you mean?
Kaguya: Whether you would use my powers for good or evil.
Despite Kaguya throwing a sharp look at the crew, their relaxed demeanor doesn't change. The primal beast finally lets go of the tension in her face.
Kaguya: I see there are no intentions to use my abilities for evil. Very well then... allow me to ask one more question.
Kaguya: It appears that you are travelers. What is the purpose of your journey? Are you searching for longevity or treasure?
Vyrn: Nah, we're just lookin' for (Captain)'s dad.
Kaguya: Your father?
Kaguya turns her attention to (Captain) and listens to the reason for the crew's travels.
Kaguya: My goodness...
As she listens to (Captain)'s story, tears begin rolling down her eyes, prompting Lyria to run over with a handkerchief.
Kaguya: Ah... The bonds of family surpass all... I, too, once experienced such bonds...
Lyria: Did you also have family?
Kaguya: As a primal beast who governs "fortune," I offer divine protection in the form of longevity and endless wealth.
Kaguya: Despite descending from a different lineage, I was raised by Humans.
Vyrn: Wait, what? You had Human parents?
Kaguya: Correct. They raised me as one of their own, even though we had no blood ties.
Kaguya: My parents have long since passed away, and I have been left with no family.
Kaguya: I... have never been able to connect with anyone besides my parents. Of course, this worried them greatly.
Kaguya: Their dying wish was for me to find people I can live in harmony with, people that won't take advantage of my powers...
Kaguya: And I believe I can finally fulfill their wish by being with you...
Kaguya gazes deeply at (Captain) through tears.
Kaguya: I believe that fate has brought us here together.
Kaguya: Allow me to join your quest. I pray you will reunite with your father and spend many joyful days together until the heavens call for you...
Vyrn: Welp, she's said her piece. You okay with all this, (Captain)?
(Captain) pauses to gather some thoughts after this turn of events.
It's evident Kaguya has been targeted for nefarious reasons, as shown by the incident earlier.
Her safety will vastly improve if she stays with the crew.
Kaguya: What do you think?
(Captain) makes a decision after seeing the anxiety in her eyes.
  1. Welcome to the crew.

Choose: Welcome to the crew.

Kaguya: ...!
Lyria: Yay! Welcome aboard!
Kaguya: You are all very fortunate... It is a blessing to be by my side...
Vyrn: That's right...
Vyrn: Hold up, shouldn't it be the other way around?
And so, another trustworthy ally has joined (Captain)'s crew.
Vyrn: Oh, here it is! This is where we found Wallflower Girl bein' all shiny!
Lyria: Let's put back the bamboo that Kaguya brought with her.
After the crew finishes restocking supplies, they decide to make a stop at the forest to return the bamboo.
As for Kaguya herself...
Kaguya: ...
Vyrn: Ya ended up turnin' back into stone again. I would've never guessed ya do that when ya feelin' shy around others.
Lyria: You said that you aren't used to people besides your parents, right?
Kaguya: I have no qualms against you all, but... there have been so many unfamiliar faces on the airship that this is the only way I can calm down...
Vyrn: I suppose bein' a rock grounds ya.
Lyria: Do whatever you need to make yourself comfortable!
Kaguya: There's no need for your concern. I'm perfectly at ease being carried around in (Captain)'s pocket.
Vyrn: All right.
Maybe instead of callin' you Wallflower Girl, should I call you Boss or somethin'?
Vyrn: But doesn't it get heavy carrying her around all the time, (Captain)?
Kaguya: ...!
Kaguya stiffens in response to Vyrn's words, and peers up from (Captain)'s pocket anxiously.
  1. Nope, not at all.

Choose: Nope, not at all.

Hearing (Captain)'s response, Kaguya relaxes and settles down comfortably in the fabric.
But then, at that moment...
Woman's Scream: Ahhhh!
Vyrn: Wh-what was that scream?
Without hesitation, the crew runs toward the source of the voice.
Woman: Nnghh... Sob...
Lyria: What happened? Why are you holding a knife while crying?
Woman: Who are you?
The woman falters for a moment, but soon words of bitterness come tumbling out.
Woman: I make a living from harvesting bamboo. But lately...
Woman: Landlord! How am I supposed to take care of my family if you keep lowering the prices?
Landlord: I already told you—no one's buying! The market's flooded with bamboo and demand's at an all-time low!
Woman: But...
Landlord: The merchant refuses to pay more than this.
Landlord: I was barely able to talk him into buying. You should be grateful for my help.
Landlord: So after subtracting rent, this'll be your payment...
On behalf of the merchant, the landlord leaves a measly sum of money and takes the bamboo away.
Woman: This has been going on for so long that my son is starving...
Woman: I can't close the shop that my husband left me and there's nowhere for me to go...
Woman: The only choice I have left is to end my son's life with these hands and follow him to the grave!
Kaguya: ...!
Woman: But... I can't kill my own child... I just simply can't...
Vyrn: I'm glad you stopped yourself, ma'am... There's gotta be another solution.
Woman: What should I do... Oh please, tell me...
As the woman crumples onto the ground sobbing, Lyria bends over and rubs her back.
Kaguya: ...
Kaguya: We must help those who have been wronged.
Vyrn: Huh? Wallflower Girl?
To Vyrn's surprise, he finds himself facing Kaguya's mortal form as she stands there with tears rolling down her face.
Kaguya: To hear that a mother and child would be pushed to the brink like this...
Kaguya: Children and parents deserve to live their lives in peace. This is what my parents demonstrated to me, time and time again.
Kaguya: How dare this cruel, heartless brute snatch away their joy...
Kaguya: He must be punished!
Vyrn: Wha...
Vyrn: Whaaaat?
As soon as Kaguya finishes speaking, she speeds away, with the crew running after her in a hurry.
Landlord: From now on, I'll be fetching higher prices elsewhere for this bamboo by handling all of the negotiations.
Merchant: Did... Did she really request that of you?
Landlord: That's rude. You don't believe me? Come on now, I'm no heartless monster. Give me a better figure, and I'll even reconsider your bid...
Maid: M-Master, excuse me for interrupting you during your conversation...
Landlord: What is it? Can't you see I'm in the middle of business negotiations?
Maid: Yes, but... there is someone that demands to see you...
Kaguya: So it's you—the brute who decided to put his hands on an innocent mother and her child.
Landlord: Who the hell are you?
Kaguya: I am connected to the bamboo forest. But more importantly, I govern over fortune itself.
Kaguya: Shall I offer some "fortune" to you? May the heavens bless you with a good harvest...
Kaguya: And bestow lightning upon you!
Landlord: Eeeek! Wh-wh-what's going on?
Kaguya: Now, will you reveal the truth to this merchant, or will another ray of "fortune" befall you?
Merchant: Wh-what are you hiding from me? What kind of mess did you pull me into?
Landlord: I-I-I have no idea!
Kaguya: ...
Landlord: Eeek!
Kaguya: The bamboo harvester has told me that the landlord has been forcibly lowering the prices.
Merchant: What? You didn't tell me that!
Landlord: That's not...
Kaguya: Because of his actions, the value of bamboo has been degraded to nothing but scraps...
Landlord: Gah...
Merchant: Impossible! Have you been trying to swindle both me and her?
Kaguya: How foolish. Your greed has pushed a mother and her child to the brink of death...
Kaguya: Unforgivable.
Landlord: Eeeek!
Vyrn: Wh-what the heck's goin' on in here?
Several other crimes are brought to light as the landlord receives apt punishment for his actions.
Woman: So that's what happened... How should I thank you? You've done so much for a complete stranger...
A moment of sadness flashes across Kaguya's face before she answers.
Kaguya: I believe... that parents and children should live happy, fulfilling lives.
Kaguya: My father and mother deeply cared for me and gave me unconditional love.
Kaguya: They taught me what a healthy family should look like.
Kaguya: It is my deepest wish for all the families across the skies to experience that sort of joy...
Vyrn: Wallflower Girl...
Kaguya: The life spans of skydwellers are so short, but so precious... Cherish the time that you have while you have it...
Kaguya: Because one day, the heavens will call for us...

Light at Dawn: Scene 2

The crew finds Kaguya crying on the airship's deck while gazing up at the night sky. Kaguya reveals that she was sent by an Astral to learn about skydwellers' emotions. She recounts her loving relationship with her late Human parents, and how she increased their life spans using her powers at one point.

Kaguya: ...
Kaguya stands alone on the deck of the airship, lost in thought.
Seeing her crestfallen expression, Lyria calls out to her.
Lyria: Kaguya... Why are you crying?
Upon hearing Lyria's voice, Kaguya briefly glances over before returning her gaze to the moon.
Kaguya: ...
Vyrn: Hey, we just wanna check in on ya and find out what's goin' on.
Kaguya: I see...
Without looking away from the moon, she begins speaking in a quiet voice.
Kaguya: I am not a person, therefore I do not understand the inner workings of a person's heart.
Kaguya: But, I was raised by them...
Kaguya: Once upon a time, in skies far, far away, lived an Astral.
Kaguya: One day, the Astral asked, "What emotions do the skydwellers feel? What does death mean to them?"
Kaguya: Curious, the Astral sent a primal beast to the skydwellers to gather information.
Kaguya: As the skydwellers raised the primal beast like one of their own, the primal beast formed a personality, emotions...
Kaguya: And experienced unconditional love.
Kaguya's Mom: I'm so sorry... I couldn't give birth to our baby...
Kaguya's Dad: It's not your fault. What's most important is that you're still here, alive.
Kaguya's Mom: But... I won't be able to have children anymore...
Kaguya: The lady who would come to be my mother suffered from a stillbirth. She had always been frail, so becoming pregnant was nothing short of a miracle.
Kaguya's Dad: It's okay. We can spend the rest of our lives together, just the two of us.
Kaguya: As grief snatched hope away from the couple, I entered their lives.
Kaguya's Mom: Look at how cute those ears are... She must be an Erune.
Kaguya's Dad: But is she really an abandoned child? Look at the way she's dressed...
Kaguya's Dad: Do you see this? There are even jewels on the fabric.
Kaguya's Mom: Oh my... How beautiful.
Kaguya's Dad: Hmm...
Kaguya's Mom: Let's adopt her. She showed up in front of us for a reason.
Kaguya's Dad: But...
Kaguya's Mom: Don't you think this is a gift from the gods?
Kaguya: At that period of time, finding an abandoned child was not rare.
Kaguya: Although my father hesitated, he made up his mind upon seeing my mother's loving expression.
Kaguya's Dad: We need to give her a name.
Kaguya's Mom: You're right... Do you have any ideas?
Kaguya's Dad: Well, with the way her clothes sparkle beautifully under the moon...
Kaguya's Dad: Why don't we call her Kaguya?
Kaguya's Mom: Kaguya... What a wonderful name!
Kaguya: From that day forward, I was raised by Human parents.
Kaguya's Mom: Dear, don't you think that Kaguya might not be Erune?
Kaguya's Dad: You're right.
Kaguya's Mom: She's only six months old, and yet she's walking all by herself...
Kaguya's Dad: Just like you said, she probably is a gift from the gods.
Kaguya's Mom: Hehe...
Kaguya: Despite knowing I wasn't an ordinary person, my parents continued raising me with the utmost care.
Kaguya: I began bringing them good fortune as a token of my appreciation.
Kaguya: When I gave a couple of jewels on my clothing for my parents to sell, they would earn enough money to cover all of Mother's medical expenses.
Kaguya: But they never tried to sell more than what was necessary. My parents cherished the jewels because they belonged to me.
Kaguya: When I grew a bit older, I was allowed to accompany my parents on trips to the town.
Kaguya: During our walks, we often found valuable things on the ground that fetched high prices.
Kaguya's Mom: Our lives have completely changed thanks to Kaguya, but...
Kaguya's Dad: You're worried about the neighbors, right? It's true that our wealth has been attracting some unwanted attention.
Kaguya's Mom: They're already asking about Kaguya... I'm worried...
Kaguya's Dad: We shouldn't let her play outside by herself anymore. It's better that we stay with her if she goes out.
Kaguya: Although I began spending the majority of my time indoors, my parents always made sure I wasn't bored.
Kaguya: One day, when I was admiring the flowers in the garden with my mother...
Kaguya's Mom: Oh my, this flower is wilting. I wonder if bugs have been eating it...
Young Kaguya: Wilting?
Kaguya's Mom: Wilting means that the flower is dying.
Young Kaguya: Dying... If the flower dies, will Mother be sad?
Kaguya's Mom: Yes, because I won't be able to look at the pretty flowers anymore.
Young Kaguya: Will you be happy if the flower keeps living?
Kaguya's Mom: Good question. I think so, yes.
Young Kaguya: ...!
Kaguya: If Mother was happy, then I was happy. Unaware of my primal beast powers, I brought the flower back to life.
Kaguya's Mom: Oh my goodness! Look at this, dear!
Kaguya's Dad: What? Did something happen?
Kaguya: After using my powers, I began to recall the reason for my existence.
Kaguya: I remembered that I am the primal beast of fortune, and that I came here for a single purpose...
Kaguya: That purpose being the Astral's experiment... And once it's over, my memories will be wiped and I'll be taken back. I explained everything.
Kaguya's Mom: My word... How could they take you away from us...
Kaguya's Mom: Agh... Cough, cough!
Kaguya's Dad: Sweetheart, don't push yourself. There's no need to worry. Kaguya is our child. She's not going anywhere.
Kaguya's Mom: Kaguya... Our sweet daughter... Our treasure...
Kaguya: Three years had passed since my parents adopted me. While I quickly grew into a full-fledged adult...
Kaguya: My mother had become entirely bedridden.
Kaguya's Mom: Kaguya... I'm so thankful I got to see you grow up before I go... Cough, cough.
Kaguya: Mother, please don't leave me... I want you to stay here...
Kaguya's Mom: So do I... To think that I would leave you—who can't be with someone else—and your father behind...
Kaguya's Mom: But in the end, no matter what... the heavens will call for us...
Kaguya: Please, no... I hate this... Sob...
Kaguya's Dad: Oh, Kaguya... I wish that the three of us could live together forever...
Kaguya: That is all I want as well! So please, let me...
Kaguya: And so, with my powers as a primal beast, I extended the life spans of my mother and father.

Light at Dawn: Scene 3

Kaguya grieves over the loss of her parents, recounts their dying wish to the crew, and explains that her stone form is due to her cautiousness around strangers. The crew consoles Kaguya and reminds her that she's no longer alone. Kaguya realizes that the skyfarers' feelings match her parents' wishes. With the wall finally broken, Kaguya fully embraces her new friends in her heart.

Kaguya: I lived with my parents for over a hundred years, but they began to grow weary of living.
Vyrn: Weary of living?
Kaguya: Although I increased my parents' life spans, I wasn't able to change my mother's body.
Kaguya: My mother kept falling ill and was bound to her bed.
Kaguya: To make matters worse, my parents witnessed the deaths of many of their acquaintances.
Kaguya: We also had to relocate because the neighbors grew suspicious of my permanent youth.
Kaguya: But the longer my parents lived, the more uncomfortable they were...
Kaguya: I couldn't understand why they felt that way... Perhaps my existence as a primal made it difficult for me to grasp...
Kaguya: As they approached the end of their lives, I offered to extend their life span once more.
Kaguya: But neither my father nor my mother wished to continue living. They chose to end their time in this world... and I was left all alone.
Lyria: How did you end up becoming a stone in the middle of some bamboo?
Kaguya: There was a period of time when my parents desperately sought a husband for me so that I wouldn't live my life in solitude.
Kaguya: None of them were decent beings... One even went so far as to try and physically hurt me.
Kaguya: While fleeing from danger, I ended up turning into a piece of stone.
Kaguya: Seeing this, my parents' concern for me outweighed their desire for a son-in-law and so they gave up searching.
Kaguya: The three of us decided to spend the last few precious years of our lives together happily.
Kaguya: Before their passing, my parents often reminded me to take care of myself by observing those around me carefully.
Kaguya: And that's why being a stone has its benefits.
Kaguya: This is the story of my life up until now that you all wanted to know.
Lyria: You've been through a lot...
Vyrn: But I gotta say, I've never heard of a primal beast turning into stone when there's danger...
Kaguya: The stone is called a "primal crystal." It's one of the materials used to create primal beasts.
Kaguya: Unfortunately, I'm unaware of all of the details surrounding my creation, so I can't explain everything.
Kaguya: What I do know is that I'm able to turn into stone at will.
Kaguya: But now that I'm looking back, don't you think it's a bit strange?
Kaguya: To think that people would transcend boundaries and love a primal beast as their own child...
Kaguya: And yet, in the end I... Nngh...
The deck quiets down once more, save for the sounds of Kaguya's sobs. Determined, Lyria decides to speak up.
Lyria: It's not strange at all!
Kaguya: Girl in Blue...
Lyria: You said that you don't understand people because you're not a person yourself, but I don't think that's true.
Lyria: Even though you're a primal beast, you think like a compassionate person. You've shown us how kind you are.
Vyrn: Yep, and based off your story, it sounds like your mom and dad were great parents!
Vyrn: So all that stuff 'bout where ya came from doesn't matter one bit!
Kaguya: Sob...
Vyrn: Hehe. Ya really know how to cry, Wallflower Girl!
Lyria: Thank you for sharing your story with us, Kaguya.
Lyria: But it's not enough! We wanna get to know you eeeeven better!
Vyrn: That's right. We're all friends here.
Vyrn: So it's okay to cry and talk 'bout it with us. Don't feel like ya need to hold back.
Lyria: Exactly! We're always here for you!
  1. You're not alone anymore.

Choose: You're not alone anymore.

Kaguya: (Captain)...
Kaguya: Ahh... Ahhh! You really are the people I've been waiting for this entire time...
Kaguya: I'm certain that I've made the right choice coming with you, (Captain).
Kaguya: I don't think I'll have any regrets joining your crew and traveling the skies together.
Kaguya: And until the day that the Astrals come back for me and erase my memories...
Kaguya: I will embrace everything and live my life to the fullest with you.
Vyrn: Don't worry, Wallflower Girl!
Lyria: Exactly! We're in the same boat as you, Kaguya—you matter a lot to us!
Vyrn: And if the Astrals try to pull somethin' funny, we'll kick 'em back to where they came from!
Lyria: So don't worry about anything and just stay with us!
Kaguya: Yes...
Father... Mother...
Kaguya: I've finally found a new bond!
Vyrn: But y'know, ya got a bit of a wild side. Whatcha did earlier was crazy...
Kaguya: Huh?
Lyria: You've got a point! I couldn't believe my eyes when we showed up at the landlord's house! You were really cool back there!
Vyrn: What happened to you bein' all shy and quiet, huh?
Kaguya: ...!
Vyrn: Um, Wallflower Girl?
Kaguya: ...!
Vyrn: W-Wallflower Girl?
Kaguya: Oh... What have I done...
Vyrn: Hey... Are ya scared or somethin'?
Lyria: I think she's feeling embarrassed...
Kaguya: Gaaah...
Ever since that night, Kaguya has often taken her mortal form to spend time with (Captain) and the crew.
Even though there are days when she hides as a stone, and nights when she cries while gazing at the full moon...
She knows that she now has friends who will gently wipe away her tears.