Scenario:Kaguya - Bamboo Guardian

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Bamboo Guardian

One day, while the crew are searching for a strange, glowing bamboo stalk, they come across the presence of a primal beast. Their investigations lead them face-to-face with a pair of bandits in search of the same stalk that would grant longevity and wealth. After defeating the duo, the crew relocates the plant to a deeper part of the forest and returns to the ship. As everyone goes to sleep, a large bamboo stalk appears in the middle of (Captain)'s room.

Vyrn: Hey! Isn't this the bamboo forest those villagers were talkin' about earlier?
Lyria: Whoa, there's so much bamboo here! Look at the size of them!
Lyria: But it looks like the deeper we go, the darker it'll be... Feels a bit creepy...
Katalina: It'll definitely be creepy if we find something casually glowing in the midst of such a thick forest.
According to the request received from a village, a strange bamboo tree that glows red lurks somewhere in the depths of the forest.
Fearful that it's a sign of incoming disaster, the villagers have asked the crew to investigate.
Vyrn: Well then, what're we waitin' for? Let's start lookin'!
While Vyrn casts his gaze around, Lyria stares intently in one direction.
Lyria: Huh? This feeling...
Katalina: Lyria? What's wrong?
Lyria: I think... it's this way. It's really faint, but I can sense the presence of a primal beast over there.
Following Lyria's lead, a dimly glowing bamboo tree comes into the crew's view.
Vyrn: Whoa, it's actually shinin'. But wait a sec, are ya sayin' this piece of bamboo is actually a primal beast?
Lyria: I suppose so... I can definitely feel something coming from inside it. It seems very quiet though.
Lyria: Hello? Is anyone there?
???: ...
Lyria: No reply... Maybe it's sleeping.
Katalina: I see... But what in the skies is this light though...
Vyrn: Hm?
Suddenly, Vyrn looks up from his investigation and grabs everyone's attention.
Vyrn: Hey, you guys! Look at this! It's been cut open. All the light's spillin' out from inside!
Katalina: Where?
Katalina: Aha...
Lyria: Wow!
The rest of the crew gather around Vyrn and peer into the bamboo—and sure enough, they find the center emitting a warm glow.
Katalina: It looks like there's something inside... A red stone? I see, this must be the source of the light.
Vyrn: So is the stone the primal beast?
Lyria: Yeah, that's the feeling I'm getting from it...
Lyria: Excuse me! Can you hear me?
???: ...
Katalina: Any luck?
Lyria: No...
Vyrn: What about the disaster those villagers mentioned? Any chance that'll happen?
Lyria: I don't sense any threat... It's really quiet.
Katalina: I suppose we can take the silence as good news then... Either way, what should we do about this?
While (Captain) and the crew rack their heads, the primal beast stiffens up with tension.
???: (People...)
???: (They're... so close...)
???: Who could they be...
The skyfarers immediately freeze in response to the voice.
Vyrn & Katalina: It talked!
It really talked!
???: ...!
Katalina: I heard a woman's voice. I wonder if we can try to get her to speak to us again.
Vyrn: Hey, you in the red stone! Will ya talk with us? We're not gonna do anythin' bad.
Katalina: We're investigating the forest for a glowing bamboo stalk on behalf of some concerned locals.
Katalina: We promise we won't hurt you. We just want to ask you a few questions.
???: ...
Lyria: ...
Vyrn: She got quiet again...
Katalina: Yeah. Just when I thought we had finally reached her...
Lyria: I think she wants us to leave her alone.
Vyrn: Yeah...
Katalina: I wish we could ask her for more details at least...
???: (The tone of their voices...)
???: (They remind me of... Mother and Father...)
???: Please... I beg of you... Stay with me for a little while more...
Woman: We're sorry... We've had long and fulfilling lives thanks to your powers.
Woman: Please forgive us for not being able to last any longer than 150 years...
???: Sob... What am I going to do all by myself...
Man: Listen carefully. It doesn't matter where you came from, or if you're not a person...
Man: It doesn't change the fact that you're our beloved daughter.
???: Sob... Father...
Man: And because you've been raised by people, it'll be hard for you to live alone.
Woman: One day... I'm sure the right folks will appear in your life... Those that you deeply care about...
Woman: Those that you will help when in need.
Man: Until then, you must be careful around others. Don't let anyone take advantage of your powers.
Woman: It's also too dangerous to stay in one place for too long.
Man: I know it's tough, but... go on a journey and take care of yourself.
???: But I... What should I... Sob...
Woman: Everything's going to be okay. We'll always be watching over you, our precious daughter...
Male Bandit: Back off!
Female Bandit: That's our treasure!
???: ...?
Loud, angry voices yank the primal beast back into reality.
A tense situation unfolds as the crew square off with two unwelcomed guests.
Male Bandit: You're a bunch of hunters gunnin' for the shiny bamboo, aren'tcha? Word on the street says it gives ya longevity and riches!
Vyrn: Longevity and riches? What the heck are ya yappin' about?
Male Bandit: Shut the hell up, ya damn lizard!
Female Bandit: Hm?
The woman looks past (Captain) and the crew and bursts into a wide grin when she sees a dim glow behind them.
Female Bandit: Looks like you guys already found it, so lemme cut straight to the chase—how about handing it over?
Male Bandit: Heh, now we're talkin' business. Step aside if ya don't wanna get hurt!
???: (Such vulgar and brutish people... They have no right to stand before me...)
???: (It seems that my time in this forest has drawn to an end...)
As the stone calmly observes the scene, a figure suddenly obstructs its view.
Lyria: No, don't!
Katalina: Lyria!
Using her own body as a shield, Lyria stands firmly in front of the stone.
???: (This girl...)
Male Bandit: Oh c'mon, gimme a break! Ya wanna get hurt?
Lyria: She's just trying to live her life peacefully! Leave her alone!
???: (Is she... trying to protect me?)
Female Bandit: "She"? Stop messing around with us!
Unfazed by the woman's attempts at intimidation, Katalina and (Captain) stand next to Lyria and hold their ground.
Female Bandit: I'm done playing games with you! You asked for it!
The stone shakes in fear as the bandits draw their weapons, tension climbing to a peak.
Katalina: Geez... You guys don't know how to gauge your opponent's strength at all, huh?
Katalina: (Captain)! Let's go!
Female Bandit: Wha!
Male Bandit: Dammit! Why the hell are you guys so strong?
The battle is decided in the blink of an eye, and the pair runs for the hills.
Vyrn: Hmph! They're all talk, no show!
Lyria: Hey, it's safe now!
???: (These people... protected... me?)
Vyrn: What should we do with her? Seems like she's just mindin' her business and bein' shiny.
Lyria: Yeah... She's definitely not a danger to anyone. I want to make sure she can live in peace.
Katalina: Hmmm... In that case, we should move her to a place where no one will find her.
The crew picks up the stone and begins heading deeper into the forest.
Lyria: I wonder if this girl has been hiding inside the bamboo this whole time.
Katalina: Based on what just happened, it sounds like people are trying to hunt her down for longevity.
Vyrn: Then we better find a great hidin' spot for her!
Eventually, the crew arrives in a secluded area seemingly untouched. They place the stone inside a sturdy bamboo tree.
???: (They protected me even after discovering my ability to grant longevity... I must thank them!)
???: (I must... I...)
???: (Ngh...)
???: (I need to take a deep breath first...)
???: Inhale... Exhale...
???: (Nnggh... I'm so nervous...)
Lyria: Looks like this is the perfect spot!
Vyrn: Yup! All right, let's start headin' back.
Katalina: Yeah. We should report to the villagers and get back on the airship.
???: ...!
???: (No... Wait... They're going to leave at this rate!)
???: (But I... I wanted to get to know them more...)
???: (These people must be the ones Mother wished for me to meet...)
The stone's light dims and glows several times in a panic as it watches Lyria and the crew finish packing up.
???: (Hnngh...)
???: (Courage...)
???: (I can't... find the courage!)
Vyrn: See ya later, red stone! Don't shine too brightly now, or else people'll find ya again!
  1. Take care.

Choose: Take care.

???: ...
Later that night, while the crew is sound asleep...
Vyrn's Voice: Whaaa!
Stirring awake from Vyrn's yell, (Captain) looks around blearily.
Vyrn: There's b-b-bambooo!
A single, towering bamboo stalk stands squarely in the room.