Scenario:Jessica - Changing Myself

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Changing Myself

Noticing that Ayer has become increasingly more sociable lately, Jessica also vows to change by being less clingy of a big sister. Korwa offers ideas on a more physical makeover as well.

Two figures are seen walking down the halls of the Grandcypher one evening.
Ayer: Catch you later, Deliford.
Deliford: Yes, I'll see you around.
Jessica: Welcome back, Ayer. You went to the sauna with Deliford?
Ayer: Not exactly. We bumped into each other at the sauna and just happened to come back at the same time.
Jessica: Haha... Siegfried was looking for you by the way.
Ayer: Siegfried? What for?
Jessica: He wanted to spar barehanded with you. I think he's still in the mess hall.
Ayer: All right, I'll go take a look. Thanks, Sis.
Ayer makes his way to the mess hall alone.
Jessica lights up at her little brother's reaction.
Jessica: (I never imagined Ayer being sociable with so many people...)
Ever since accepting the persona known as Bowman within himself...
Ayer has become more personable with his fellow crew members.
Jessica: (I'm so glad the two of us were able to join this crew.)
Jessica: Maybe I can take this chance to watch them spar and learn a thing or two.
With that in mind, Jessica trails behind Ayer.
The following day, Jessica is at a storage room which has practically become Ayer's private quarters.
Jessica: Ayer, are you awake?
Ayer: What's up, Sis?
Jessica: It's almost lunchtime... If you're still tired from yesterday, I guess that means you'll spend the day in bed?
Ayer: Not exactly... I'm just cleaning up here.
Jessica: Cleaning? How rare! Usually it doesn't even cross your mind unless I bring it up!
Ayer: At the sauna, Deliford asked me if I clean my room.
Ayer: Doing so helps you organize your thoughts and even makes a difference in battle, apparently.
Ayer: It's true I never really took cleanup seriously, so I figured I might as well give it a shot.
Ayer: Especially with all the baggage I've got from Bowman.
Jessica: Are you going... to throw that all away?
Ayer: Nah, just gonna set it aside. Could come in handy someday.
Jessica gasps at seeing Ayer's serene expression.
Jessica: (Ayer... I had no idea you've absorbed so much from speaking to all sorts of people...)
Jessica: (I guess you have your own ideas about things and are growing in your own way.)
Jessica: Okay, you keep tidying things up while I scrub the floors!
Ayer: Sis, I can do that myself.
Ayer: It's just kind of lame if I need your help cleaning up all the time...
Jessica: Oh, I see what you mean...
Jessica: I guess I got in the way... Sorry, Ayer...
Ayer: Hey, I'm not trying to shoo you away—
Jessica: Well, don't forget to eat your meals!
Jessica runs out of the storage room, leaving a somewhat perplexed Ayer to his lonesome.
Jessica: Sigh... I did it again.
Jessica: I haven't changed at all... I swore I'd let go, but old habits really do die hard...
Jessica: You see, I used to be so worried about Ayer that I would follow his every move.
Jessica: But he's grown up and can take care of himself now, so he doesn't need me to look out for him anymore.
Jessica: That's why I keep telling myself I have to let go. I've been trying to do that, but...
Jessica: Here I am, coming to check on Ayer again today...
Jessica: It's time I made some big changes.
Jessica: Just like Ayer is moving ahead, I have to do the same.
Jessica: By looking for something new to dedicate myself to.
Jessica walks around the Grandcypher, muttering to herself all the while.
Though determined to change herself, Jessica isn't quite sure how to go about it.
Jessica: Hm, I can't think of anything...
While Ayer has taken up the sauna as a new hobby, Jessica struggles to come up with something similar.
Jessica: Hrrmmm...
???: Well, looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of bed today. Best not let your happy ending get away from you.
Jessica: Korwa!
Korwa is a world-famous fashion designer who happens to love the idea of happy endings.
Korwa: Sorry to butt in, but I couldn't help myself when I saw you all lost and sighing to yourself.
Korwa: Is something on your mind? I'd be more than happy to listen if you want to talk about it.
Jessica: The truth is...
Korwa: Okay, so you're looking for a new hobby to define the new you... Hm, that can be a tough one.
Korwa: There are some hobbies that require lots of equipment to even get started, which can end up being a huge waste if you later find you're not actually into the activity.
Jessica: I know what you mean, but... I really, really want to try something new!
Korwa: Hm... Why not try changing up your fashion? That's something you can start easily enough.
Jessica: My fashion?
Jessica looks wide-eyed at Korwa in response.
Her advice is a pristine strand of wisdom amid a tapestry of darkness.