Scenario:Izmir - To Bigger Thrills

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To Bigger Thrills

Izmir arrives at the Cerulean Spa alongside (Captain) and crew. Much to Izmir's excitement, (Captain) takes her into a steaming sauna, where they run into a less-than-enthused Lunalu. The artist is seeking inspiration through stimulation, but the sauna hasn't been doing much for her. Believing Lunalu to be craving more heat and sympathizing with that desire, Izmir attempts to come up with ways to help her.

This summer's hottest spot in Auguste is the Cerulean Spa.
Crowds of young people flock to its lavish facilities, eager to relax in sauna rooms and pools.
Izmir: Hehe, there are so many people here... Sunbathing on the beach is nice, but this place has its own delights.
Izmir is a crew member

Go to "Continue 1"

No version of Izmir in crew

Go to "Continue 2"

Soaking inside a jacuzzi, Izmir murmurs contentedly as she glances around.

Continue 1

Lyria: Hehe, the bubbles feel really nice, don't they?
Go to "Continue 3"

Continue 2

The woman happily murmuring inside a jacuzzi is Izmir.
Icy powers at her disposal, she is the guardian of a perpetually frozen cave on a snowy mountain.
She froze anyone who approached the cave, earning herself the moniker snow queen from the frightened villagers living nearby.
The crew took on a bounty for her head, but after seeing her kind, pure-hearted nature, gave up their quest. Izmir then asked to join their merry band.
Izmir: I have, in some small way, performed my task. So then, will you take me with you at least until your next mission is complete? No?
From that point onward, Izmir has been accompanying (Captain) and friends on their journey.
Her real name is Larana, though only (Captain), Lyria, and Vyrn know this.
Lyria: Hehe, the bubbles feel really nice, don't they?

Continue 3

Cagliostro: Not only that, but this place is stylish and sheltered from the sun. A girl couldn't ask for more.
Cagliostro: Thanks for the invite, (Captain).
Izmir: I offer my thanks as well, (Captain). This summer is looking to be as thrilling as the last.
Izmir: Can we try that heated pool next? I believe it houses wine instead of water.
Cagliostro: Now that sounds interesting. Count me in.
Lyria: All right, let's...
Lyria: But wait, if we leave, Deliford won't be able to find us when he comes back.
Lyria's concerned words remind the group that Deliford left to order drinks and hadn't come back yet.
Vyrn: Wonder where he is, considerin' the staff members already brought our drinks to us.
Izmir: Maybe he was swept away by the crowd and fell into a pool, or something like that...
Lyria: He might've gotten lost among all the people... (Captain), should we go looking for him?
  1. He'll be fine.
  2. It couldn't hurt to check on him.

Choose: He'll be fine.

Cagliostro: (Captain)'s right. He could be relaxing in the hot springs by himself for all we know.
Cagliostro: We'll run into him eventually if we stick around the facilities.
Go to "Continue 4"

Choose: It couldn't hurt to check on him.

Cagliostro: Hah, that old coot's a fully grown adult who doesn't need looking after.
Cagliostro: Besides, you told him to kick back and enjoy his vacation however he wants to, remember?
Cagliostro: He could be doing just that, so we should focus on having our own fun.

Continue 4

Izmir: Cagliostro is correct.
Izmir: Come, (Captain)... We should seek our own excitement.
Izmir: Hmm...
Floating on the water's surface, Izmir hums to herself in thought.
Lyria: What's wrong, Larana?
Izmir: Nothing is... These pools have been nice, but I find myself craving something more intense.
Izmir: I keep thinking back to the burning rays of the sun when we spent time on Auguste's beach.
Izmir: Another scorching experience like that would be amazing...
Lyria: Hmm, so you want to go somewhere hotter?
(Captain) and friends spend a moment pondering.
Vyrn: Oh, I know! (Captain), you said there's a sauna here, right?
Izmir: A sauna? What is that?
  1. It's a place hotter than the beach.
  2. It's a place that's swelteringly hot.

Choose: It's a place hotter than the beach.

Izmir: Truly? I am intrigued...
Go to "Continue 5"

Choose: It's a place that's swelteringly hot.

Izmir: Hehe, sounds wonderful... I adore those kinds of places, as you might know.

Continue 5

Cagliostro: Guess our destination's decided. (Captain), lead the way.
Following the captain, the group arrives at the sauna.
They find themselves greeted by a familiar face when they enter.
Lunalu: Why hello, everyone. Come to refresh yourselves too?
Lyria: Lunalu! Sorry to barge in like this.
Lunalu: It's totally fine. You're not interrupting anything. I was just doing a bit of thinking by myself.
Lunalu scoots into the corner and sits down again.
Meanwhile, Izmir stands at the entrance with stars in her eyes.
Izmir: So this is a sauna...
Izmir: The hot air sticks to the back of my throat whenever I take a breath...
Izmir: Who knew such a place existed?
Vyrn: Haha, guess Winter Wondergirl likes it here! Good call bringin' us over, (Captain)!
Izmir: If only we could remodel my room so I could sleep in a similar environment.
Lyria: Mmm... Being in here for too long always makes me dizzy though.
Cagliostro: That's because you're not supposed to spend long periods of time in a sauna.
Cagliostro: Usually you leave once you heat up enough, then cool off outside or in a cold water bath.
Cagliostro: That's how you refresh yourself here.
Izmir: I don't understand. Why would you purposely seek out cold water after warming your body?
Cagliostro: It apparently does wonders for your skin and helps you lose weight. Beauty requires patience, after all.
Cagliostro: Though if you don't care about that, I've heard that food tastes more delicious after a refreshing sauna.
Lyria: Oh my gosh! We have to test that!
Lyria: Let's give it a try, (Captain)!
Cagliostro's explanation has Lyria bouncing in excitement.
But Izmir is more preoccupied by the curled up form of Lunalu in the corner.
Izmir: Um, Lunalu... Forgive me for being presumptuous, but is something bothering you?
Izmir: I don't think I've seen anyone on vacation look sullen before.
Lunalu: Well, that'd be because I'm not here on vacation.
Lunalu raises her head up slightly to answer Izmir's question.
Lunalu: I came to the Cerulean Spa hoping to find inspiration for my latest work.
Lunalu: But I've been making less progress on my manuscript than I thought I'd be.
Lunalu: So I figured I'd try using the sauna to discover my aha moment...
Izmir: Judging by your expression, I take it that idea isn't going well.
In response, Lunalu solemnly nods.
Lunalu: I need something that gets my blood pumping.
Lunalu: A hot sauna's nice for kicking back, but... What I'm looking for should light a fire under my behind.
Cagliostro: In that case... Yeah, a sauna heated by light-type magic isn't going to cut it.
Cagliostro: You won't find the kick you're thirsting for here.
Izmir: Does that mean she should try going to a hotter sauna?
Cagliostro: That's certainly an option, but raising the temperature might not be the best solution.
Cagliostro: I'm pretty sure baking her body would just add physical pain onto her plate, in addition to the writer's block.
Lunalu: That... sounds likely. But it's okay. I've still got other stuff to try besides the sauna.
Lunalu: Thanks for listening to me. I'll see you guys around.
Izmir: Something which lights a fire beneath you...
Izmir: I understand what it's like to desire that.
Izmir mutters to herself as she watches Lunalu exit the sauna.
Izmir: I always wished for it... And (Captain) and everyone granted it.
Izmir: It's my turn to do the same for someone else.
Her quiet declaration is absorbed by the steaming air.
Inside her heart, a new fire roars to life.