Scenario:Illnott - King of the Day

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King of the Day

With the holiest of nights right around the corner, Illnott explores a nearby forest in the dark and finds a certain something. Later, (Captain) bumps into the night owl during daylight hours—who is as confused at her sleep schedule as the captain is. With no better plans, Illnott accepts an invitation for some midday fun.

A lone shadow darts about a forest in the thick of night—with only the rustling of grass in the wind to keep her company.
Illnott: Crap. I can't find it. Maybe it really was just a rumor...
This young graffiti artist's name is Illnott, also known as the King of the Night, and her notoriety reaches the far corners of the sky.
Illnott: The damn sun's gonna be up soon. I need to wrap things up here.
Illnott: I guess I'll just drop the search for now and try to work with what I've got...
Illnott: Hmph. What's this?
As if to lead Illnott onward, the grass before her parts into two, revealing a path ahead.
Illnott: Making me wait until the break of dawn to find out where you are. Talk about dramatic.
Illnott: Sniff... Whew... I can't get enough of this smell. So dope...
Illnott: I'd love to take some back to my room, but I guess the little dude comes first.
Illnott: Sniff... Ugh, on second thought, I'm gonna nab some for myself.
Illnott mutters to herself as she fills her hands with as much as she can carry, then makes her way out of the forest.
Ready for the busy day ahead, (Captain) enters the ship's dining hall in search of breakfast.
With just a few days remaining until the holiest of nights, a cheery atmosphere fills the room—the kind that makes one break out into smiles.
???: Mornin', little dude! Nice seeing you up this early! That cute little face of yours sure does sparkle in the sun.
  1. Good morning—

Choose: Good morning—

As the two exchange greetings, an alarm goes off in the captain's head.
As if by instinct, (Captain)'s eyes immediately dart to a window—the skies are clear, and the sun is shining bright.
???: Why you squinting at the window so hard? If it's too bright, I can close the curtains. I'd prefer your eyes be on me.
???: Or you just being bashful? Hah, a bit late for that, don't you think? I mean, we've been through sooo much together, right?
It slowly dawns on (Captain) that this is no dream.
The King of the Night, devoted denizen of the dark, whose day begins and ends in darkness—Illnott—is awake with the sun.
Illnott: Heh, finally. About time you looked my way, sleepyhead. Show me that pretty face of yours.
Illnott: Here, I've warmed up this towel for you. Maybe it'll wake you up. I'll go get us some juice in the meanwhile.
Illnott: Just wait right there, little dude. We'll have breakfast together.
With that, Illnott takes off for the kitchen to procure their food.
(Captain), barely able to think through all the question marks, obediently takes a seat to wait.
Illnott: Sorry for the wait, kid. Here's a cold cup of tomato juice. Down this, and you'll feel great for the rest of the morning.
Illnott: Oh, I brought you some food too. You're still growing, so eat up.
  1. Illnott? Is that really you?

Choose: Illnott? Is that really you?

Illnott: You suggesting I'm some kinda fake? Ouch, that was uncalled for. I'm doing this for you, y'know.
Illnott: Although... I guess you're right, little dude. This isn't something I'd usually do. It's like I'm—hrk...
Illnott: Sigh... Anyway, just drink your juice. It's freshly squeezed. Trust me, it'll taste dope. I promise.
(Captain) warily accepts the cup of juice but continues to stare at Illnott.
Illnott: This feels backwards.
Illnott comments as she averts her eyes from (Captain)'s gaze, who in turn reacts like someone whose line has been stolen.
Illnott: Fair. Yeah, I've been conking out before midnight lately. Haven't had any night fun in days.
Illnott: Which would be bad enough by itself, but also... Ugh, how the hell do I say this... I can't lie to myself anymore?
Illnott: The sun's so nice I've been going for morning walks—and keep helping out lost kids and little old ladies. I even pick up litter! Augh!
  1. So now you're Wellnott?

Choose: So now you're Wellnott?

Illnott: Don't pull that when I can't fight back.
Illnott: Anyway, I saw a doctor about it. Said I'm fit as a damned fiddle. Obviously.
Illnott: Bet it's not often they get people coming in complaining of being too healthy... I definitely got some looks.
Illnott: But come on! This is a problem of life or ego death! Having to see such beautiful—no, I mean hateful!—sunlight every day is making me feel all fuzzy inside!
As Illnott continues her rant, (Captain) glances at her face and notices that she does, in fact, look much healthier than her usual self.
  1. Maybe the stress just caught up to you?

Choose: Maybe the stress just caught up to you?

Illnott: Huh. True, I have been busy... Makes sense if this was just me crashing.
Illnott: If that's it, should be plenty rested by now. Just need to go to bed somehow and sleep 'til sundown—might put me back to normal.
Illnott: Thanks little dude, knew you'd help me out. Lemme go get you a refill on that juice. Token of my appreciation.
Illnott: Wait. Argh! No, I'm being all goody-goody again!
Illnott: This should make me wanna puke! Makes me sick that it doesn't! Or does it not? No, it does...
Illnott continues to talk to herself under her breath but gets up to grab another cup of juice anyway.
Illnott: Hey, kid. I feel like I'm gonna start falling apart if I don't go to bed, so I'm gonna call it for today—and before you say anything, yes, I know sleeping during the day is bad.
Illnott: Wait, no. That's good. I'm supposed to be bad—bad is good. Hrk!
  1. Don't forget to brush your teeth.

Choose: Don't forget to brush your teeth.

Illnott: Of course. Gotta keep these pearly whites nice and clean.
Illnott: I'm not being myself again, aren't I? Or am I? Which am I?
Illnott: Forget it. Little dude, you wanna come with? Let's brush our teeth together—you and me.
(Captain) accepts Illnott's strange invitation, and the two head to the washroom to brush their teeth.
The thought crosses (Captain)'s mind that this might actually be the most normal thing the two have ever done together.
Illnott: 'Preciate you walking me back, King of the Knights. I'll be able to catch some z's for sure.
Illnott proclaims her intent to sleep, but her face tells another story—she could not look any more awake if she tried.
  1. Want a warm body pillow?
  2. You sure you can fall asleep by yourself?

Choose: Want a warm body pillow?

Illnott: What's up, little dude? You wanna get a little frisky?
Illnott: But to answer your question... Yes, I do. I'm down if you're down.
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: You sure you can fall asleep by yourself?

Illnott: Hah. What are you saying? I mean, I guess I've been a good girl today...
Illnott: But maybe not good enough to go to bed alone...

Continue 1

Illnott: Damn though, since when was your mind so dirty? You been doing a little messing around at night without me?
Illnott: Better be careful, or you might catch some heat—not that I have any right to say anything.
Illnott: For now though... you're going to help me get a good day's sleep.
Illnott: Sleep tight.
Illnott's face is close enough (Captain) can feel when she closes her eyes.
Illnott: ...
Illnott: Ugh... Gotta keep... my eyes closed... Maybe I'll try... counting sheep... Dammit... What am I? Some kinda... little kid?
  1. You can't fall asleep either, huh?

Choose: You can't fall asleep either, huh?

Illnott: I might just cry.
Illnott: Well, I guess I already slept nine hours today...
Illnott: It's fine. Everything is fine. I'll fall asleep soon... I know it...
  1. Wanna go explore the day?

Choose: Wanna go explore the day?

Illnott: Huh?
If sleep isn't coming, (Captain) proposes, getting up and moving around may be more helpful than lying in bed.
The proposal comes from a late realization that, otherwise, the entire day will be spent as a body pillow in the viselike grip of the King of the Night.
Illnott: Me? Do stuff during the day?
Illnott: No way. Screw that. If I go out there I'm gonna pull some goody two-shoes move again!
Illnott: There's nothing worth doing under the sun anyway.
  1. Are you having fun just lying here?
  2. That's what I used to think about the night.

Choose: Are you having fun just lying here?

Illnott: Not a fair question... It is pretty fun using you as my personal body pillow.
Illnott: Hm... Maybe not enough excitement for a whole day though.
Go to "Continue 2"

Choose: That's what I used to think about the night.

Illnott: But not anymore, you mean? Can't say I hate to hear that.
Illnott: I guess it wouldn't hurt for me to do a little learning myself...

Continue 2

Illnott: So the little dude wants to lead me on a daylight date, huh?
Illnott: Damn, and I can't say no to those eyes. I guess it makes sense my knight can play dirty.
More than by her words, Illnott accepts the invitation by loosening her grip.
(Captain), in turn, begins a mental sketch of their schedule for the day ahead.