Scenario:Hazen - A Foul Soul

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A Foul Soul

While heading to a village to handle a job, Vyrn asks Hazen about his god. Hazen reveals that he knows little about his god and was actually inspired to leave the army and become a priest by a song written to praise the god.

Hazen and (Captain)'s crew receives a request from a village one day.
The client apparently wants to discuss some troubles with Hazen, a renowned priest.
The crew accepts and starts heading to the client's village.
Vyrn: Hey, Hazen! I was wonderin' about something.
Vyrn: What sorta god do you believe in?
Hazen: Hmm... I don't know. I wonder that myself.
Vyrn: Huh? Whaddya mean you don't know?
Hazen: Well, all I know is that the god presides over wind. I also know a song that praises the god.
Vyrn: Sigh... And you call yourself a priest.
Lyria: Um... Why'd you become a priest, Hazen?
Hazen: You see, when I was in the military, I heard a song that praised the god of wind and was deeply impressed.
Hazen: It really made me consider how important guidance is.
Hazen: And after thinking about it for a while, I left the army and became a priest. I wanted to guide as many lost souls as I could to the right path.
Vyrn: Interesting.
Lyria: Um... I hear you talking about the military sometimes, but were you really a soldier before?
Hazen: I was. But I didn't just fight in the front lines of the battlefield. I also...
Hazen: Hmm... I actually think I'd just scare you guys if I told you this story. I'll refrain.
Vyrn: Hmm... Hazen, an old soldier. I can almost see it.
Hazen: Ha-ha... It's fine. It's all in the past now. We're almost to the village.

A Foul Soul: Scene 2

The client wants the crew to deal with some agents who won't stop freeloading off the village. When Hazen finds out the freeloaders are actually some of his subordinates from his military days, he decides to discipline them for losing their way.

(Captain) and company reach the client's village.
The client shows up after a while with a gloomy look on his face.
Client: Welcome... Thank you for traveling all the way out here and accepting my request.
Hazen: You seem very troubled. Please tell us what's wrong, and we'll assist if we can.
Client: You see, a group of agents arrived in our village one day and asked us to share our food supplies.
Client: So we offered them some, but their demands didn't stop after that. I told them we couldn't afford to give them any more...
Villager: And they threatened us. They said they'd attack the village if we don't hand over our food.
Hazen: Hmm... That is quite terrible. To repay kindness with treachery...
Hazen: Your actions in contrast were very compassionate. To think you offered food to agents you've never met.
Hazen: You have very kind souls, and I admire your benevolence. We'll resolve this problem at once.
Lyria: Yeah! You can leave it to us!
Villager: Oh! It'd really mean the world to us.
Villager: Aahh! They're here! It's them!
Hazen: Speak of the devil, huh? Time to give these miscreants a lecture on—
Hazen: ...!
The moment Hazen sees the agents, he gasps and freezes in place.
Vyrn: Hey... Is something wrong, Hazen?
Hazen: What in the world are they doing?
Hazen: What the hell are you doing? You scum!
Agent 1: Huh? What are you squawking about, geezer? Outta my way.
Hazen: Have you really forgotten me?
Agent 2: Huh? That voice... I know it from somewhere.
Hazen: I'll ask just one more time.
Hazen: Have you empty-headed stains forgotten me?
Agent 3: Wha? Instructor Hazen, sir? You look so different...
Hazen: So you finally remembered? You shameless scum!
Agent 2: Eek! Hold on, sir! There's a reason for this and—
Hazen: I couldn't care less! Ready your weapon, (Captain)!
Hazen: These imbeciles have earned themselves some punishment!

A Foul Soul: Scene 3

Hazen does his best to help the wounded agents get back on the right path. With the job complete, he confesses to (Captain) that he worries about one day losing his way as well and asks the captain to help him if that day ever comes.

Hazen continues to glare at the wounded agents, his face contorted in rage.
Hazen: What pathetic excuse for thinking drove you guys to do this?
Agent 1: Eek! I'm sorr—
Hazen: You're sorry all right! Is that any way to address your superior?
The moment Hazen says the words, the atmosphere becomes palpably more tense.
The agents immediately straighten up and stand in a line.
Agents: Sir! Yes, sir! We are very sorry, sir!
Hazen: What did I try—and apparently fail—to teach you? Answer me!
Agents: Sir! Yes, sir! You taught us to uphold justice, sir!
Hazen: That's right. And what is justice?
Agents: Sir! Yes, sir! Justice is what you can hold fast to without questioning yourself, sir!
Hazen: And what do your vile actions have to do with justice! Smile and say cheese, curs!
Hazen punctuates his yell by delivering a skull-shaking haymaker to each agent.
Lyria: Whoa... They're wearing iron helmets...
Vyrn: Yikes... They're dented iron helmets now.
Hazen: Does it hurt?
Agent 2: Ugh... No, sir. Not at all, sir.
Hazen: It's fine. Be honest.
Agent 2: Then, um... It hurts like crazy.
Hazen: That's right. It hurts, doesn't it? It hurts me as well. My fist... and my heart.
Agent 3: Wha? Instructor Hazen, sir? Are you crying?
Hazen: I love all of you, but you've strayed from the path of justice and committed such atrocities. My heart aches to think of it.
Hazen: But I left the army before guiding you to the right path. This is my fault.
Agent 1: Ugh... Instructor Hazen... You really care about us that much?
Agent 3: We were abandoned by our country and deprived of any way to buy our own food.
Agent 1: Yeah, we didn't know what we were doing anymore, and we ended up resorting to this... Sob.
Hazen: I'm sure that was tough, but what you've done cannot be forgiven.
Hazen: Never forget those tears. Learn from your actions.
Hazen: People shed tears. When we are sad, when it hurts... I cry, you cry, and so do the people of this village.
Hazen: Ask yourselves once more. What is your justice? Which path must you tread? I know each and every one of you, and I'm sure that you know what you should do now.
Hazen smiles softly and holds the agents close to him.
Vyrn: ...
Lyria: ...
Vyrn: Um... I guess Hazen really was a military guy.
Lyria: But no matter what he is, soldier or priest, he's still a very kind person.
Vyrn: Yeah, you're right. But let's make sure to never make him angry.
Lyria: Ha-ha... Y-yeah.
The agents have a change of heart after this incident. They not only stop harassing the village but decide to help take care of the villagers' livestock and farms.
The villagers welcome them with open arms, partially due to Hazen's wishes.
On the way back to the airship, Hazen pulls (Captain) aside.
Hazen: There are times when people step off the right path, but I'll be by your side to make sure you can keep moving forward.
Hazen: Though I'm ashamed to admit it, I sometimes stray from the path as well. You saw what the soldiers I trained did.
Hazen: If you ever see me starting to stray, you must guide me back to the right path.
  1. Sir! Yes, sir!
  2. I'm not sure that I can...

Choose: Sir! Yes, sir!

Hazen: Ha-ha! I guess I deserved that.
Hazen: But I'm glad you understand.
Hazen: Heh-heh. I'm counting on you, (Captain).
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: I'm not sure that I can...

Hazen: Nonsense. If anyone can do it, it's you.
Hazen: And there's no need to think of it as a burden. I just want us to rely on each other.
Hazen: I'll do anything I can to help you walk the right path.

Continue 1

Hazen gently smiles and pats (Captain)'s head.
(Captain) sees the depth of Hazen's trust in his kind expression.