Scenario:Fenie - An Ancient Promise

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An Ancient Promise

Several days after the Phoenix caused the Festival of Falling Flame to be canceled, Fenie dreams of when she, Farhana, and Abramelin went to their local harvest festival. They were supposed to go on the last day to see the "appreciation festival" as well, but conflict between the Godslayers and Godshields led to it being canceled. Upon waking up, Fenie remembers her promise with Abramelin to see the festival as a family and strongly desires for the Festival of Falling Flames to be held this year.

Several days have passed since the Phoenix's schemes led to the Festival of Falling Flame being delayed.
Fenie is sleeping beside Sabrina, who has joined (Captain)'s crew for the time being, in their cabin on the Grandcypher.
Fenie: Zzz... Zzz...
Sabrina: ...
Fenie: Mm...
As she slumbers, she dreams of an event that took place during her childhood, around 6,000 years ago.
Fenie: We're home!
Fenie announces her return from the harvest festival as she steps into her empty house alongside its only other residents.
Farhana: Yes we are, aren't we. Did you enjoy the festival, Fenie?
Fenie: Yeah! I've never seen anything like it, everything was super exciting!
Fenie: We're already back home and I'm still excited just thinking about it!
Abramelin: Well, I'm glad you were able to be such a good girl even though you were so excited. Though you did get lost for a bit.
Fenie: I'm sorry!
Farhana: Hehe, but you know what? The last day of the festival will actually be even more exciting than today was.
Fenie: The last day? There's gonna be more days?
Abramelin: Our harvest festivals go on for five days, and today was only the second.
Abramelin: The last day is called the appreciation festival and will have a lot more going on than today did.
Fenie: Going on?
Farhana: It's going to be even more fun!
Fenie: Really?
Farhana: You bet! There will be more food stalls, performers will have competitions in the streets...
Farhana: And we'll all take part in a big dance! It'll be really exciting!
Fenie: Wow!
Fenie: Melin! Farhana!
I want to go to the appreciation festival too!
Farhana: I thought you might say that! What do you think, Melin?
Abramelin: Hm, I don't know about that...
Fenie: I'm not allowed to go?
Abramelin: No, it's not that you're not allowed...
Abramelin: But there will be a lot of people there, so it could be a bit more dangerous than today was.
Abramelin: Since you're still small, I'm a bit worried that you might get separated from us in the crowds.
Fenie: You are?
Farhana: Hmm... On the other hand, she does have that strange power.
Abramelin: You mean how she can quickly find us?
A couple of hours ago Fenie had wandered out of sight of her guardians for a while, only to promptly find them again.
They still have no idea how she was capable of such a feat in the turmoil of the festival.
Farhana: Now that I think about it, she's always been good at hide-and-seek too.
Farhana: With that power, I'm sure that she'll be fine. Though of course, she'll also be fine if we just don't lose sight of her.
Fenie: I won't lose you. I always know where you two are.
Abramelin: Yes, I suppose you two are right.
Abramelin: All right then, let's all enjoy the appreciation festival together!
Fenie: Yay! I love you, Melin!
Abramelin lifts up Fenie after she jumps into his arms, and Farhana pokes her cheek.
Farhana: What, only Melin?
Fenie: Farhana too! I love you too, Farhana!
Farhana: Ahaha, and I love you as well, Fenie. The appreciation festival's going to be so fun!
Fenie: Yeah!
Fenie: It's a promise...
Fenie: ...!
Fenie: That was...
Sabrina: Mmh...
Upon awakening from her dream Fenie unthinkingly speaks aloud, but stops herself for fear of waking Sabrina up.
Fenie: (How nostalgic. Farhana and Abramelin went to the harvest festival with me...)
Fenie: (We promised to go to the appreciation festival, too.)
Fenie: (But...)
Fenie: (We never got to go to that one...)
Fenie: Huh? The appreciation festival is cancelled? Why?
Abramelin: Apparently some Godslayers and Godshields got into a standoff at the festival yesterday and things got pretty dicey.
Fenie tilts her head in confusion, so Abramelin tries to explain using simpler words.
Abramelin: Well, there was... I guess a fight? And we decided to cancel the festival to make sure that there wouldn't be a bigger fight.
Fenie: Aww...
Abramelin: The whole town was looking forward to it, but this is what we need to do to keep everyone safe.
Farhana: I'm sorry, Fenie... I know we promised that we would take you.
Fenie: It's okay! We can just stay home!
Abramelin: That's a good girl.
Farhana: We had to cancel this one early, but I'm sure that next year we'll be able to finish the whole harvest festival.
Farhana: So we'll definitely all go to the next appreciation festival together. That's a promise!
Fenie: Yeah! That's a promise!
Fenie: (But the fight between the Godslayers and Godshields just got bigger and bigger...)
Fenie: (And in the end...)
Fenie: Melin...
Fenie: (Sabrina is together with me now, but Melin is...)
Fenie: ...
Sabrina: Mhn... Fenie?
Fenie: Ah, Sabrina! Sorry, did I wake you up?
Sabrina: Hm? What's wrong, Fenie? Why do you look so sad?
Sabrina lies down beside Fenie, pulls her into her arms, and begins to stroke her hair.
Fenie: I'm fine! I just had a sad dream...
Sabrina: Oh? Then I hope that your next dream is nicer. Come here.
Sabrina: Let's go back to sleep...
Fenie: Yeah...
Sabrina nods off while holding Fenie in her arms, who also closes her eyes.
Fenie: (Festivals...)
Fenie: (After it was canceled, we never had a chance to see the appreciation festival...)
Fenie: (But Christina and her people are still trying to make the Festival of Falling Flame happen.)
Fenie: (I want to help them out so we can all enjoy it together!)
Fenie: (I'm gonna do my best, so watch over me, Melin!)
Under the sheets, Fenie squeezes her small fists in determination.
Pushed forward by an unfulfilled promise, the young girl has become emotionally invested in getting the Festival of Falling Flame back on track.