Scenario:Fediel - To Show Respect

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To Show Respect

(Captain), Lyria, and Vyrn think up various couple-like things to do in order to fulfill Fediel's request. Using (Captain) for her partner, they try holding hands, sipping from the same drink, and feeding each other, but Fediel struggles to understand the purpose of these actions. Feeling she's had enough of pretending to be a dyad, she suggests that they all play beach volleyball together.

Fediel has shocked the crew with a request that they help her pretend to be a dyad.
As the eccentric dragon looking on them with hope in her eyes, they think about what activity would be sufficiently dyad-like.
Vyrn: I mean... Basically that just means something a couple would do, right?
Vyrn: What seems like a couple-ish thing to you, (Captain)?
  1. Holding hands, maybe?

Choose: Holding hands, maybe?

Fediel: Oh, hands you say? In what way should we hold them?
Fediel takes (Captain)'s hand and attempts to figure out the right way to hold it through trial and error.
Fediel: I have it!
Sliding her fingers in between (Captain)'s, she puffs up with pride at having found the right configuration.
Vyrn: Woah! That looks right... I think!
Lyria: Ooh... (I'm so jealous...)
Fediel: So, what exactly do we do now, Singularity?
  1. Walk around like this, I guess?

Choose: Walk around like this, I guess?

Fediel: I see, so we're trying to show off how close we are to the other mortals? Understood!
Fediel: In that case, we should head for a place where many of them gather.
Vyrn: Hm, how about the beach then?
(Captain) nods at Vyrn's suggestion, gives Lyria a tug, and gets the group moving to the beach.
Fediel: Wow, it's like a torch-passing festival! What an magnificent sight!
Lyria: Hmm, with the water this crowded I don't know if we'll be able to do any swimming.
Vyrn: Yeah... Well, we can just look around the stalls instead! Right, (Captain)?
Fediel: Hm? Singularity, lets go look at that one!
Lyria: Ah! Don't leave us behind, Fediel!
Without even getting the chance to agree with Vyrn's suggestion, (Captain) is pulled off to one of the stalls.
Fediel: A "couple's drink"! They make drinks specifically for dyads?
Vyrn: Lets take a look... Oh I get it, they put two straws in one giant cup so you can drink from it together!
Fediel: Shopkeeper! I'll take one of those!
Fediel pays with a coin from the pouch Miach gave her and presents the drink to (Captain).
Fediel: Come on Singularity, let's get to drinking!
Fediel brings her head down to (Captain)'s level, close enough for their foreheads to touch, and starts drinking from one of the two straws.
Fediel: Oh? There's little bubbles popping inside my mouth!
Vyrn: What, you've never had a carbonated drink before? Those bubble feel really funny, don't they?
Fediel: Indeed, the sensation and taste are both fascinating! Come, Singularity, drink your fill with me!
Lyria begins fidgeting at the sight of Fediel insistently bringing her face dangerously close to (Captain)'s.
Lyria: Ooh...
Vyrn: Hey Lyria, let's get one too!
Lyria: Huh?
Lyria: Ah, right, of course! Which one should we get...
Fediel: I must say, drinking out of one cup together is just a bit of a pain.
Fediel: Would being a real dyad convert this inconvenience to joy... Or something? Hmm, I think this one might be beyond me.
Though still confused by concept of the couple's drink, Fediel goes with the crew to check out the other stalls.
Fediel: There's such a large number of stalls here, yet almost all of them are selling food...
Fediel: My enthusiasm for it is no match for Wilnas's, but I'm truly impressed by the diversity of mortal cuisine.
Vyrn: Yeah, there's boatloads of them. They're all so tempting too...
Vyrn: Ah! Candy apples! I'm gonna go buy some, I'll be right back!

    Watching Vyrn make a beeline for the apples, (Captain) asks if there's anything Fediel would like to try herself.
    Fediel: Having so many options makes it difficult to choose. What do you recommend, Singularity?
    Not having an answer to Fediel's question ready offhand, (Captain) consults with Lyria.
    Lyria: Hmm, let's see... Briny-bites would be pretty easy to share wouldn't they?
    Fediel: Briny-bites, briny-bites... Ah, I think that stall has them.
    Fediel: But what does "briny" mean here?
    Lyria: Well... Come to think of it, I don't know either. Is it just because it's seafood?
    Lyria: It doesn't taste that salty, so it can't be that they're actually brined...
    Fediel: I-I see?
    Lyria: This stall sells demonbream-cakes that are shaped like demonbreams, that makes much more—
    Lyria: Oh, but they're not actually made of demonbream are they? Hmm...
    Fediel: What? This is getting confusing...
    Fediel: Well, if they taste good then their title isn't important. Let's give these "briny-bites" a try!
    1. Do you want to get something too Lyria?

    Choose: Do you want to get something too Lyria?

    Lyria: I am feeling hungry... Hmm, maybe these demonbream-cakes?
    Vyrn: I'm back, and with candy apples too!
    Fediel: I've brought the briny-bites!
    Fediel: My understanding is that dyads become closer by accomplishing something together.
    Fediel: Therefore, me feeding these briny-bites to (Captain) should be an exceptionally dyad-like thing to do!
    Fediel sits down on a nearby bench and pats her lap.
    Fediel: Come, Singularity, take a seat!
    Vyrn: Y-yeah? I think that sounds couple-ish... Maybe?
    Fediel: Right, up you go Singularity. Now open your mouth!
    With an innocent smile, Fediel stuffs a scalding-hot briny-bite into (Captain)'s mouth.
    1. Yowch!

    Choose: Yowch!

    Lyria: Oh no! A-are you alright, (Captain)?
    Lyria: Here, have some of the soda that Vyrn and I were having!
    (Captain) manages to avoid getting any burns by gulping down some of Lyria's soda.
    Fediel: What? Why would they sell it at a temperature that mortals can't consume it at?
    Vyrn: It's not that hot, but you're gonna need to cool it down a little bit first.
    Lyria: You blow on it, like this.
    Fediel: I-I see. I'm sorry Singularity, I forgot that your vessel was more fragile than mine. I'll cool it down this time.
    Fediel: Phwoo... Phwoo...
    Fediel: Alright Singularity, open your mouth again!
    After being fed a few briny-bites, (Captain) feeds Fediel the rest in return.
    Fediel: Munch... Still, what do dyads get from this?
    Fediel: I understand that it shows that they're close, but non-dyads can be close too—a mother and her child for instance.
    Fediel: Augh, I just don't get it! Why can't the Erune lass be here to explain it to me!
    Fediel: Hm?
    As Fediel tries to make sense of it all, a beach ball stops at her feet.
    Little Girl: Excuse me! Can we have that back?
    Lyria: Ah, of course! Here!
    Lyria throws the ball back to the little girl, who thanks her and runs back to the shore.
    Fediel: What is she doing?
    Vyrn: Beach volleyball, looks like!
    Fediel: Beach volleyball, you say... That sounds entertaining!
    Vyrn: It's not really couple-ish or anything, but do you want to try it anyway?
    Fediel: Yes, I think I've had enough of pretending to be a dyad.
    Fediel: Besides, I've been hogging the singularity to myself and neglecting you two. At this rate, we'll only get to have half as much fun as we should!
    Fediel: And if we want to all have fun together, doesn't that "beach volleyball" activity seem just right?
    Lyria: Yes! I think playing some volleyball together will be a lot of fun!
    Vyrn: Yeah, I'll admit we were feeling a bit lonely during all that.
    Lyria: Ye-yes, just a little!
    Fediel: Right, then let's get to playing!
    The four vacationers rent a beach ball and play until they've all had their fill of exercise.

    To Show Respect: Scene 2

    After having their fill of the beach, the four vacationers decide to check out the merchant's district. Fediel looks for a piece of clothing and an accessory that she can buy with the money Miach gave her. After taking a quick break at a cafe, she settles on a ring.

    The group finishes playing volleyball and moves on to something else that Fediel had shown interest in.
    Vyrn: Yahoo!
    Lyria: Wow, it's so fast!
    This new activity is called "water skiing," and makes use of wide skis and a fast sea creature to pull those who engage in it across the water at high speeds, leading to much mirth among the crew members.
    Vyrn: Man, that was a blast! I can't go anywhere near that fast by myself.
    Lyria: Haha, it was so cool how the water shot up from our skis like that!
    Fediel: Indeed, it was quite a thrill leaving the fate of this vessel up to such a feeble creature.
    Vyrn: O-oh? I think you might have a bit of a different perspective than us...
    Lyria: Well, we're glad you enjoyed it, Fediel!
    Fediel: Enjoy it I did! Right, what are we doing next?
    Starting to feel a little tired after all that exercise, (Captain) suggests checking out the beachside merchant district.
    Vyrn: Good idea! We should be able to find a place to chow down and get some rest over there.
    Lyria: Merchants from all over Phantagrande have opened up shops there, so there's all kinds of interesting things to see too!
    Fediel: That sounds like it's worth a look. Lead the way!
    Fediel: There's much torch-passing of a sort occurring here too. It's truly a wonder to behold.
    Lyria: Auguste gets lots of visitors, so merchants from other islands come to promote their homeland.
    Lyria: They've opened up shops in this area to sell their island's specialties to the tourists.
    Vyrn: There's no place like Auguste, but plenty of other islands have sights worth seeing that they want to let people know about after all.
    Fediel: So they earn money and spread the word at the same time... Trying for two birds with one stone, I see. I applaud the moxie!
    Fediel: What is that particularly colorful shop selling?
    Lyria: Yukatas, I think? Let's go take a look!
    Vyrn: Wow, there sure are a lot of different kinds of yukata!
    Lyria: There really are, and this isn't even the only yukata shop around here.
    Fediel: Oh? I found one that looks different from the rest. Is this another type of yukata?
    1. I think that's a sundress.

    Choose: I think that's a sundress.

    Fediel: I see. It only makes sense that a different shape justifies a different name, even if they use the same thin fabric.
    Fediel: I suppose that mortals' need to adjust their apparel based on the temperature must have contributed to the diversity of their clothing.
    Fediel: Hmm...
    Fediel: Girl in Blue, how much currency would I need to acquire this?
    Lyria: Lets see... Ah, here's the price tag.
    Lyria shows the price tag to Fediel, who's face becomes clouded in disappointment.
    Fediel: Hm, I don't seem to have enough for this...
    Vyrn: Wouldn't that dress be too small for you anyway?
    Vyrn: They've got stuff for tall people over there, you wanna go check those out instead?
    Fediel: No, no need for that. On to the next place!
    Vyrn: You sure?
    Fediel: There's plenty more for us to see! What does the next shop over sell?
    Lyria: It looks like it's an accessory store. Lets go take a look!
    Everyone returns the items they were looking at to the shelves and move on to the next shop.
    Lyria: Wow, it says that these shiny pieces are made by polishing seashells!
    Vyrn: Oh yeah, you can sometimes find seashells that are already shiny on the inside. I wonder if that's what they use?
    1. This one would look good on you, Lyria.

    Choose: This one would look good on you, Lyria.

    (Captain) holds a hairclip fashioned from a shell up to Lyria's hair and looks at it in the mirror with her.
    Lyria: Ehehe, what do you think? Is it good?
    Vyrn: This one with a black base color might look pretty against your hair too!
    Fediel: Oh, so all of those are to put on your hair? What are these ones for?
    Lyria: Those are rings! Wow, I guess shells come in all kinds of colors.
    Fediel: Rings... Those things people put on their fingers, then. Is this how you do it?
    Lyria: Yes, that's right!
    Vyrn: Rings with a narrow band like that don't really stand out as much as you'd expect, huh.
    Fediel: Hm, that's true...
    Vyrn: Here are some metal ones with shells attached to them that are a bit broader. You wanna try one of these instead?
    Fediel: Right, I think I will.
    Fediel tries on several rings, but is once again troubled by the price tag.
    Fediel: I do have enough to buy one... But then I wouldn't have much left.
    Lyria: We could take a look at the other shops, and then come back later if you decide one of those is what you want after all.
    Fediel: Hm... Yes, that's a good idea. I'll come back once I've thought about it.
    Fediel: Sorry to keep you waiting, Singularity. Let's move on to the next shop!
    Vyrn: I'm starting to get a bit thirsty.
    Lyria: We should find a place where we can sit down and get something to drink. Right, (Captain)?
    (Captain) nods and starts looking for a cafe.
    The group picks one of the less-crowded cafes in the area and makes it to a table after a short wait.
    Vyrn: Phew, I didn't realize how tired my wings were until I sat down.
    Lyria: We've been moving around ever since we started playing beach volleyball after all.
    Vyrn: We'd better get hydrated! Let's see...
    Fediel: Shaved ice? That seems to be this place's specialty, whatever it is.
    Lyria: They crush up ice into little bits and then flavor it with syrup. It's really good!
    Vyrn: It looks like this place adds fruit too. Wow, that looks delicious!
    Fediel: I see? Is this number here the amount of currency they want for it?
    Fediel: ...
    Fediel: I'll abstain. Buying this "shaved ice", would leave me with too little to buy a ring.
    Fediel: It's a shame, but I'll just have to be satisfied with a drink.
    Seeing the disappointment on Fediel's face once again, (Captain) points to one of the items on the menu.
    Lyria: The Deluxe Shaved Ice... Feeds four to five...
    Lyria: Wow, that's incredible! Look at all the fruit on it! And it's covered in three different flavors of syrup!
    Vyrn: I bet that if we share this there'll be plenty for all of us!
    Fediel: Are you sure?
    1. Let's get it!

    Choose: Let's get it!

    Fediel: I see... Thank you for that, Singularity.
    The Deluxe Shaved Ice was even bigger than they anticipated, causing certain members of the group to cry out in joy when it arrived.
    Having fully wiped away their fatigue, the crew members return to the accessory shop to help Fediel pick out a ring.
    Fediel: Right, which one do I want?
    Fediel: This color would... Or no, too light and it wouldn't stand out, would it?
    Fediel: And what about the size? This would be too small I think...
    Vyrn: Haha, she's really chewing it over!
    Lyria: I hope she finds one that's just perfect!
    Fediel: ...
    I have it! I'm taking this one!
    After much careful deliberation, Fediel finally makes her decision and purchases a ring.

    To Show Respect: Scene 3

    The group finds Miach being hit on by two men, but Fediel chases them off, admonishing them for not holding respect for the person they wish to form a dyad with. Afterward, the group goes to a barbeque place, where Fediel gives Miach the ring she choose earlier. Miach appreciates the gift greatly, leaving Fediel quite pleased.

    Vyrn: I bet that all those meetings are over by now. We should go find Miach!
    Lyria: Good idea! I hope all of that trade stuff went well.
    Fediel: No need to worry, the Erune lass knows her business too well to mishandle this. Let's go celebrate her success!
    Vibing Man: Hey come on, just hang with us for a bit!
    Miach: I'm sorry, but I'm waiting for my frien—
    Hyped-Up Man: Then they can hang with us too!
    Miach: Um, but we...
    Fediel: Hm? What's going on over there?
    Vyrn: It sure doesn't look like they're just asking for directions. We'd better get moving!
    Fediel: ...
    Fediel: What's your business with my companion?
    Miach: Fediel!
    Miach: These people are, well...
    Vibing Man: Wow, you're huge! In more ways than one!
    Hyped-Up Man: Is this who you were waiting for? Then that's perfect, we've got a partner for you and a partner for her!
    Fediel: A partner?
    Fediel: So you're looking to form a dyad with the Erune lass?
    Vibing Man: A what?
    Fediel: All people, and especially dyads, must have respect for each other for the winds of change to blow peacefully.
    Fediel: Meaning that it's only a matter of course that you must hold respect for someone if you wish to form a dyad with them.
    Fediel: So why is it that you trouble the Erune lass, when she is the one you want for your partner?
    Vibing Man: That's some tricky stuff!
    Hyped-Up Man: We just wanted to find a cute girl and have some fun. Make this summer one to remember, you know?
    Fediel: She didn't look like she was having any fun to me.
    Vibing Man: Whoa, you go right for the throat...
    Fediel: She's finally finished her work and is looking forward to have some fun with us. That is what will make this a "summer to remember" for her.
    Fediel: Now begone!
    Hyped-up Man: Eep!
    After Fediel drives the men off, Miach breaths a sigh of relief.
    Miach: That you, Fediel. I had no idea what to do there...
    Fediel: The inclination to be polite to everyone is one of your virtues.
    Fediel: However, you need to be able to go against it when it's going to get you into trouble.
    Miach: Yes, you're completely right.
    Vyrn: In any case, good job sending them packing Fediel! We wouldn't have wanted to get into a fight here.
    Lyria: It's almost time for our reservation at the barbeque place. Lets get going!
    The crew members start making their way to the beach house.
    Vyrn: Yo, the meat and veggies over here look like they're done!
    Lyria: Wow, it all looks so good! Do you want to split this skewer with me, (Captain)?
    Fediel: Interesting... So a "barbecue" refers to cooking your meal as you eat it?
    Miach: Oh, Fediel, make sure you don't eat the skewer itself.
    Fediel: What now? Ah, this metal part. Not to be eaten, understood.
    Fediel: This only just finished cooking, so it's still too hot for mortals to eat, right?
    Fediel: Let me cool it off for you, Elune lass!
    Miach: My, that's very kind of you Fediel! I would appreciate that!
    Fediel: Phwoo... Phwoo...
    Fediel: There, all cool now!
    Miach: Thank you. Right then...
    Miach: Munch...
    Fediel: Chomp, chomp... Munch...
    Miach: Did you enjoy yourself today, Fediel?
    Fediel: Yes, it was quite the experience! Pretending to be a dyad was not what I'd hoped, but then we got to play beach volleyball, go water skiing...
    Fediel: Yes, I enjoyed myself fully!
    Miach: Haha, I'm glad to hear it!
    Fediel: Your absence was somewhat regrettable, but...
    Fediel: ...
    Miach: Fediel?
    Fediel: Lend me your hand for a moment, Erune lass.
    Miach: Eh? Ah, of course!
    Fediel: As a reward for dedicating yourself to your work without allowing yourself to be distracted, I give you this!
    Fediel takes out the shell-adorned ring she bought earlier and places it in Miach's hand.
    Miach: This is...
    Fediel: I chose it for you with utmost care! Its brilliance should suit you well!
    Fediel: ...
    What do you think of it?
    Miach: I... I like it very much! It's very pretty!
    Fediel: Good! Come, I'll put it on your finger.
    Fediel takes Miach's dainty hand into her own and attempts to put on the ring, but...
    Fediel: Hm? It's too loose? I expected your fingers would be thinner than mine, but not this much...
    Fediel: Hmm...
    Miach: Hehe. Then I'll make it into a pendant and wear it wherever I go.
    Miach: I'm so happy that you would go to the effort of picking this out for me!
    Fediel: Oh? Well, so long as you're happy with it, there's no problem!
    Fediel: Right, I've taken enough of your time, let's get back to barbequing! Come, Erune lass!
    Miach: Yes, Fediel!
    The two rejoin (Captain), Lyria, and Vyrn at the barbeque and eat until they can't eat anymore.
    To Fediel, this has most certainly become a summer to remember.