Scenario:Europa - What It Means to Love

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What It Means to Love

Long ago, Europa lived on Tyros Island and was worshiped as a goddess by its inhabitants. As she grew frustrated by her inability to love them the way that they loved her, a plague eventually spread across the island. In a last-ditch effort to fulfill the islanders' wish that she free them from their suffering, she unleashes all of her power and accidentally freezes every living thing on the island. The weight of her sin causes her to lose her memory, and Zeus condemns her to live in solitude as punishment.

Europa: This is a tale from long ago, when the being known as "Europa" had only just been born into this world.
Europa: It is the morbid saga of an ignorant, foolish primal beast.
Boy: Goddess, Goddess, look! My sister and I baked some cookies for you!
Man: Goddess, please accept these flowers. I've been raising them with my wife and children for you.
Europa: My! What delicious-looking cookies and wonderful-looking flowers!
Europa: Thank you both very much. I will happily accept these.
Europa: This scene took place back when Tyros Island was still full of life and light.
Europa: When I had only just been born and was wandering the skies, it was the kind people of this nation who took me in.
Europa: They were all very kind, and provided me with everything I could ask for—daily necessities, flowers, confections, even knowledge.
Europa: I was treated like their child, their granddaughter, their sister, their friend.
Europa: ...
Europa: However, the benevolence they showed me eventually began to weigh on my mind.
Old Woman: Oh my... What's wrong, Goddess? You seem awfully gloomy.
Europa: Ah, I'm sorry. I'm just a little troubled about something...
Old Woman: Dear oh dear... Would you be willing to share with this little old lady what it is that's bothering you?
Old Woman: I might be able to do something to help you.
Europa: It's nothing worthy of such attention. I'm just concerned with how I've received so much from you all.
Europa: I do not have great knowledge like you all do, nor can I create anything of use.
Europa: I simply wish I could somehow repay you for all that you've done for me...
Old Woman: Why, nothing could be further from the truth!
Old Woman: You have preformed many miracles for us, Goddess.
Old Woman: I assure you that none among us have forgotten how you saved us all from the famine that occurred shortly after you arrived here.
Old Woman: And ever since then, you've provided us with pure water that's caused our soil to provide grand bounties.
Old Woman: Moreover, you purified our water of the monster blood that corrupted it, saving many of us who were suffering from that poison.
Europa: But that is different. I merely did what I should have done. I possessed the means to solve the problem.
Old Woman: Even so, that does not change the fact that you saved us.
Old Woman: So please, smile for us again.
Old Woman: Just seeing you smile is enough for us to feel your love.
The old woman gently grasps Europa's hands as she caringly speaks to her, and the primal replies with an awkward smile.
Europa: (Both the aid I rendered them and this smile I show her now are merely me doing what I should do.)
Europa: (Therefore, this is doubtless not the love that you truly desire from me.)
Europa: (Despite everything you've given me, I'm still unable to repay you all.)
Europa: "I want to reciprocate the love these people have for me with my own love."
Europa: At some point that wish had been born within me, and it was growing stronger every day.
Europa: However, though I understood the concept of love, I was unable to detect it within myself.
Europa: At the time, the only emotion that influenced my actions was the machine-like impulse to "do what I should do."
Europa: I never felt the emotion they displayed that moved them to care for and treasure others.
Europa's desire grows stronger and stronger until it eventually envelops her heart like a dark fog.
Then one day, the previously tranquil island of Tyros is beset by a terrible disease the likes of which none had ever seen before.
Man: It hurts... It hurts... Arghhh!
Europa: A gruesome scene was playing out in the cathedral near the center of the capital. Here the afflicted had been gathered, where they suffered the disease's horrific symptoms.
Europa: Strewn atop the cold stone floor, they waited as parts of their body transformed, slowly becoming no longer recognizable as people.
Europa: Those who had fallen sick responded to neither medicine nor treatment, and did not even have the means to escape their pain through death.
Europa: Such was the nature of the plague that spread through Tyros Island.
Boy: Goddess... Goddess... It hurts... I'm so thirsty...
Europa: Let's help you sit up a little. Now, drink slowly, sip by sip. That's right, you don't need to rush...
Even after drinking the water Europa offers him, the suffering in the boy's voice does not wane.
Seeing this, Europa raises her head and looks upon her surroundings with a pained expression on her face.
Europa: (I am incapable of curing them...)
Europa: (No matter what medicine or treatment we try, the disease just keeps getting worse...)
Europa: (We quarantined the infected immediately, but the disease has already spread across the island. There's nothing we can do to stop it...)
Europa: I was powerless.
Europa: The people looked to me for salvation, and I could do nothing.
Europa: As my efforts continuously failed to bear fruit, some people began to end their own lives in fear of the disease.
Europa: Even in the face of their suffering and despair, I still could not perform a miracle for them.
As the days pass by, more and more patients are brought in, and those afflicted by the disease continue their grotesque transformations.
Continuously exposed to their tortured screams, Europa's mental stability is ground down bit by bit.
Europa: I'm sorry... I can't do anything...
Europa: I cannot cure you. I cannot heal you. I cannot save you. I can't do anything!
Woman: Please don't cry, Goddess.
As Europa breaks down into tears, a woman calls out to her with a gentle voice.
She turns around to look at her and sees a sea of sickly faces looking at her with kind smiles.
Old Woman: ...
Please, Goddess. Would you grant we pitiful souls your mercy?
Europa slowly blinks, confused by the softly spoken words.
Woman: Europa, our goddess, please save us from this pain...
Man: For you to release us from this suffering by your own hand would be the greatest salvation we can hope for...
Boy: Goddess, please... I don't want it to hurt anymore...
Europa is shocked by the sudden bombardment of ardent pleas.
Europa: (Release them from their suffering? How can I do that, when I'm so powerless against it?)
Europa: (No, I must not give up, no matter how many times I fail!)
Europa: (The people of this country have given me many things.)
Europa: (The only impulse, the only desire I have now is to free them of this pain as quickly as possible...)
Old Woman: Just seeing you smile is enough for us to feel your love.
Europa: (If this is what they want from me... If they would call this emotion "love," then I...)
Europa: ...
Very well. If that is your wish, I will do so.
Europa: I shall devote every fiber of my being to releasing you from this torment.
Europa clutches her hands before her as if in prayer and unleashes her power.
The only thought in her head is that she wishes to free the people from their suffering.
Europa: Even should it drive this body of mine to crumble to dust...
Europa: I shall allow all of you no more suffering or pain!
Europa: Thus a miracle occurred. All of the island's inhabitants were indeed freed from pain.
Europa: Huff... Huff...
Europa: With this... everyone will...
When the light fades, Europa is left alone lying on the floor, bereft of all her strength.
Sure that she has accomplished her goal, she looks around the now-quiet cathedral.
Europa: Ah...
In Europa's eyes are reflected the image of many things that had until now been alive.
Staring at her are legions of icy statues, expressions of agony still on their faces.
Europa: Why? Your pain is gone now...
Europa: Why are you looking at me like that?
Europa: Did I... Did I get it wrong? Was this not your desire?
The cold statues offer no response to her questions.
Making her way through them, Europa stumbles out of the cathedral.
Europa: Ah... Aaah!
The people, the birds, the cats roaming the back allies, the dogs sitting on porches, even the insects—none have been spared.
Everything living thing has become an inanimate ice statue.
Europa: Why has... No! No, this isn't what I wanted!
Europa: Aahhhhh!
Europa: My "miracle" had indeed released everyone from the suffering caused by the disease.
Europa: However, the method by which it did so was too atrocious for words.
Europa: I was left unable to do anything but stand there weeping in that now-barren land.
Zeus: ...
Europa: I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry...
Zeus: Should I take that to mean that you're responsible for the state of this island?
Europa: ...?
Europa: Are you... Zeus? This is our first meeting, yet I know you...
Zeus: Answer me. All life has disappeared from this island. Was that your doing?
Europa: ...?
I don't know... Why am I...
Europa: Why am I here?
Europa: I feel like something very sad happened... but I don't remember. I don't remember, but my heart hurts so much...
Zeus: ...
Zeus: Europa, my daughter, fruit of my own core. You have committed a great sin. As your father, I shall mete out your punishment.
Europa: Sin? I've committed a sin?
Zeus: Even if you have no memory of it, its evidence surrounds us.
Zeus: Come with me. You shall atone for your sin until the day you cease to operate.
Though confused, Europa takes Zeus's hand as instructed.
With the two primal beasts gone, the lifeless island is filled with true silence.
Europa: The fact that I had unleashed power beyond my limits was surely part of it, however...
Europa: It was ultimately due to the weakness of my own heart that I lost all memories of my sin.
Europa: Having forgotten everything, I lived alone on a faraway island as Zeus had ordered me to.
Europa: I neither spoke nor interacted with anyone, condemned to live my long life in solitude.
Europa: That is the story of what happened to me before I met Gabriel.
Europa: The entirety of this foolish primal beast's unforgivable past.

What It Means to Love: Scene 2

After telling the story of Europa's past, Zeus explains that the blizzard is comprised of the remnants of Europa's power and her people's fixation on her. He attempts to tell the crew members that she cannot be saved, but they declare that they won't give up. After Gabriel points out his compassion for Europa, Zeus grants the group his protection and entrusts them with saving her.

Gabriel: ...
Zeus finishes his tale of Europa's hitherto unknown past.
Having learned what occurred on this island and of the tragedy that befell Europa here, the crew members all wear grim expressions.
Zeus: ...
Her heart was unable to bear the weight of her mistake. That is why she lost her memories.
Zeus: After all, she had condemned to an icy death not only those afflicted by the disease, but every living thing on this island.
Zeus: It was her people's desire for her love that caused Europa to do this.
Zeus: You mortals demand that those you offer up your love to devote their own in equal measure. That self-centered attitude is what drove her to commit this sin.
Zeus pauses for a moment and gazes at the enormous snowstorm covering the city.
Zeus: That blizzard was formed by the inhabitants' obsession with Europa and their anger at being unjustly condemned to this existence.
Zeus: It is now strong enough to easily freeze not only mortals but even our cores.
Zeus: Anyone who enters that storm, even the primarch of water, will suffer the same fate as all those who have come before.
Gabriel: Do you mean that the statues we saw on the way here were the explorers who came to this island and never returned?
Lyria: ...!
We need to go save Europa quickly!
Zeus: You shall not. I will not permit you to go after her.
Vyrn: Why not? She's like your daughter, isn't she?
Vyrn: She's gonna die if we don't do anything!
Zeus: I'm telling you that there is no point. You will not last long in that blizzard.
Zeus: If she had not come here... No, if she had never left that island that was under my protection, this never would have happened.
Zeus: The core of that blizzard is the remnants of Europa's power.
Zeus: As long as that power existed, Europa would have eventually been drawn here.
Zeus: I had placed her on an island filled with my power and prevented her from touching the outside world to prevent that, but it was all for nothing.
Zeus: Your taking of her from that place has ruined everything, Gabriel.
Zeus: I understand that I should not hold you accountable, as you knew nothing.
Zeus: However, I cannot help but wish that you had never found her.
Gabriel: ...
Zeus: You need not give up your lives for naught. Consign your memories of my daughter to the past and depart from this island.
  1. No.

Choose: No.

Zeus: What?
  1. I'm going to save Europa no matter what.

Choose: I'm going to save Europa no matter what.

Gabriel: As will I, of course. I'm not giving up on saving her, no matter how hard it's going to be.
Zeus: Fools... You would throw away your own lives with no hope?
Lyria: No matter how bad things look, we would never let a crewmate... let a friend die like this!
Vyrn: That's right! We're not ones to back down just 'cause something's dangerous!
Looking at the crew members' determined faces, Zeus lets out a sigh.
Zeus: Your determination perplexes me. Why risk so much for her?
Zeus: We are primal beasts—naught but artificial lives.
Zeus: Unlike mortals, we have no blood relations or ancestry, no history or traditions to preserve. We are but a facsimile of life.
Zeus: ...
Lyria: Primal beast or mortal, everyone who's come together with us on our journey is a precious friend!
Zeus: ...
Gabriel: Whether our life is real or we have blood relations doesn't matter to me in the slightest.
Gabriel: Europa is important to me. That I feel that way right now is all that matters to me.
Zeus: ...
Gabriel: What you really wanted was to protect her, wasn't it?
Gabriel: You keep talking about sin and atonement, but what you actually did was keep Europa protected on that island instead of disposing of her.
Gabriel: Was that not because you didn't want to lose her?
Zeus: I was...
Zeus attempts to object to Gabriel's assertion, but quickly closes his mouth, not knowing what to say.
In doing so, he reveals that there is truth in her words.
Gabriel: We just want one chance to save her.
Lyria: Please, Zeus! We promise that we'll find a way to make it work!
Zeus: ...
Zeus: I shall use my power to grant you protection.
Zeus: However, even that will only allow you to withstand the cold for a short while.
Zeus: The moment that it fails, the blizzard will freeze you down to your very soul.
Zeus: Therefore, be sure that you stop it before that happens.
Gabriel: Thank you, Zeus.
Giving no response to Gabriel's words of gratitude, Zeus raises his hand to the sky as he begins to unleash his power.
Zeus: Though I cannot see your suicidal actions as anything but foolish...
Zeus: Please, save my daughter.
As if to erase his words, Zeus's lightning paints the crew members' surroundings with pure white light as it envelops them.

What It Means to Love: Scene 3

After regaining her memory, Europa decides to share in the fate of the people she froze in order to atone for her sin, but the crew members suddenly appear before her. Seeing them struggle with all their strength to save her, Europa recalls all of the time she has spent with mortals and finally understands what love is. Now able to understand what the frozen statues actually desire from her, she grants them true rest.

Europa: Aaah!
Still being buffeted by the indoor blizzard, Europa sits curled up into a ball as if to block out the incessant voices.
Europa: (I've finally remembered what happened... My miracle didn't save anyone...)
Europa: (Even after their lives were ended, their souls were bound by icy shackles to this land for eternity...)
Europa: (This is my sin... My unforgivable crime...)
Surrounded by voices and gradually freezing from the cold, Europa slowly raises her head.
Her gaze is fixed on the enormous pillar of ice that is still emanating a cold light.
Europa: This is the embodiment of my sin. The curse that I gave birth to...
Europa: I'm sorry. Even now that I've regained my memory, I still do not know how to save you...
Europa: Therefore, allow me to at least share in your fate.
With those words, Europa spreads out her arms toward the statues as if to accept everything.
Europa: Please take all of me. My life, my soul, everything...
Europa: There is no other way by which I can atone...
As if responding to her plea, the storm begins to blow more strongly, and voices of people groaning in pain start to fill the air.
Europa: Urgh!
Europa: (Ahh... So this is the pain I've made them suffer for so long...)
Europa: I'm truly sorry... Please, never forgive me for doing this to you...
With that, Europa closes her eyes, accepting the end.
But the end has not yet come.
  1. Europa!

Choose: Europa!

Europa: ...!
Following a thunderous boom, Europa hears her friends calling out her name.
Gabriel: Europa! Wait just a moment, we'll be right—
Europa: Gabriel!
Europa: ...!
No, you mustn't! You have to leave, or you all will be frozen too!
The crew members try to make their way to Europa, but the frosty winds start blowing even harder as if to repel them.
Gabriel: Ngh!
Europa: Gabriel!
Europa: No! Please stay away!
Europa: This is my punishment! No one needs to bear it but me! So please, run away!
  1. Never!

Choose: Never!

Europa: (Captain)... Why will you not listen to me?
Europa: I just have to accept it, I just have to die, and all of this can be over!
Gabriel: Your death won't free the souls that are trapped here.
Gabriel: They would be forced to keep suffering forever. That's not what you want for them, is it?
Europa: ...
Lyria: Let's think of a way to truly save these people!
Vyrn: There's gotta be something we can do! If we work together, I know we can fix this!
Europa: Gabriel, Lyria, Vyrn...
Lyria: Eek!
Vyrn: Darn it, we can't get close!
Refusing to let Europa go, the blizzard becomes more violent to impede the crew.
Europa: No, please stop... Please, not them...
As she watches her friends begin to freeze, Europa begins pleading for mercy.
However, the winds merely continue to blow even harder.
Europa: Lyria? Vyrn? No, it can't be!
Gabriel: Hey, Europa?
Europa: Gabriel... Please, don't let...
Gabriel: Everyone loves you, you know? How do you feel about them?
Europa: They all... love?
Gabriel: Yes. Needless to say, so do—
Europa: No! No! Gabriel!
Europa reaches out to the primarch, not wanting to believe what she's seeing.
Her hand is suddenly grasped by another's, and she turns to see (Captain), almost entirely frozen, looking her in the eyes.
Europa: (Captain)...
Europa: Why... Why would you all go so far for my sake?
  1. Because you're important to us.

Choose: Because you're important to us.

Europa: ...!
  1. Let's leave this place together, Europa.

Choose: Let's leave this place together, Europa.

Frost falls off of (Captain)'s nearly frozen lips as they are forced with great effort into a smile.
Not a moment later, the captain's body becomes completely covered in ice and stops moving.
Europa: Ah...
As if that smile dispersed the fog clouding her thoughts, Europa has a sudden realization.
Boy: Goddess, Goddess, look! My sister and I baked some cookies for you!
Man: Goddess, please accept these flowers. I've been raising them with my wife and children for you.
Old Woman: Just seeing you smile is enough for us to feel your love.
Gabriel: I'd like you to continue learning about mortals, Europa.
Gabriel: And if in the end you're able to see them as precious and beautiful beings through and through, that will make me very happy.
Zeus: Europa, my daughter, fruit of my own core. You have committed a great sin. As your father, I shall mete out your punishment.
Memories of the time that she has spent with people flash through Europa's head.
Europa: I... I finally understand...
Europa: This warm, dazzlingly bright, beautiful emotion... This feeling of tenderness for others, this understanding that someone is precious to me...
Europa: This is love... What I have always been given, and what I wanted so badly that day...
Along with her revelation, Europa realizes that the spiteful voices she had been hearing have changed.
Ice Statue: Goddess... I'm tired of the pain...
Ice Statue: We know that it's cruel for us to ask this of you, but please, lay us to rest...
Ice Statue: We have long lost all hope for life. All we wish for now is to truly die...
Ice Statue: Please, Goddess... End us by your own hand...
Europa: So that was your true wish... I'm sorry that I wasn't able to understand at the time.
Europa: Now is the time to bring your suffering to a close. I shall deliver you the salvation you seek!
Europa resolutely reaches out to the pillar of ice.
When her hand touches it, it lets out a dazzling light and fills the room with a gentle burst of heat.
Ice Statue: It's so warm... I can finally sleep...
Ice Statue: It doesn't hurt anymore... Thank you, Goddess...
Ice Statue: We're so sorry to make you do this, Goddess...
Ice Statue: Please, for the sake of we who must leave this world now... Find happiness for yourself.
Europa: I promise never to forget. I will always remember all of you as well as my sin.
Europa: Therefore, please rest peacefully. Farewell, my beloved people of Tyros...
Europa quietly prays as she watches the island's residents turn into light and float up into the heavens.
At some point the pillar of ice had melted, leaving behind a beautiful spear in Europa's hand.

What It Means to Love: Scene 4

The pillar of ice thaws, leaving behind a beautiful spear in Europa's hands. Resolved to bear the weight of her sin from now on, Europa states her desire to continue traveling the skies and share her newfound understanding of love. Hearing this, Zeus accepts her decision and entrusts her to (Captain).

Vyrn: Urgh... Huh?
Lyria: Wasn't I just frozen?
Europa: ...!
Lyria, Vyrn! Thank goodness that you're all right!
As the snow melts, Europa's friends begin to wake up.
Europa starts to look relieved, but then notices a figure still unmoving on the ground.
Europa: (Captain)?
Vyrn: H-hey! (Captain)! Wake up, everything's okay now!
Despite no longer being frozen, (Captain) is completely unresponsive to Vyrn's call.
Zeus: I knew that this would happen. I gave fair warning that you would suffer the fate of those who have come before.
Lyria: Zeus!
Having suddenly appeared before the crew members, Zeus glances at their unresponsive captain and takes on a grim countenance.
Zeus: A soul that has been frozen will never thaw again. I very much doubt that this mortal will ever wake.
Upon hearing Zeus's words, Europa's face loses color as she is overcome with despair, until...
Europa: Ah...
Vyrn: Europa?
Europa: No, no we can still undo this. There is still warmth in (Captain)'s body!
Vyrn: Re-really? But how the heck do you thaw someone's soul?
Vyrn's panicked inquiry causes Europa to remember something.
In the picture book that Gabriel had given her, a prince saved a princess from a curse.
Europa: ...
Vyrn: ...?
Europa? What're you...
Vyrn's voice trails off as all gathered are suddenly rendered speechless.
Before their eyes is the sight of Europa kissing (Captain) on the lips, as if to recreate the scene from the picture book.
Lyria: Wh-wh-wha...
What are you doing, Europa!
As the shocked group watches on, (Captain)'s pale skin begins to take on color again.
Eventually Europa backs away and the captain's eyes open.
Europa: Good morning, (Captain).
  1. Europa?

Choose: Europa?

Europa: Yes, I'm right here. I'm so glad that you've woken up...
Vyrn: Ugh... Waaah! I thought you were gonna stay like that forever, (Captain)!
Lyria: Are you all right? Does everything feel normal?
Having been suddenly leapt on by Lyria and Vyrn right after waking up, (Captain) nods with confidence while patting them on the head.
Zeus: Inconceivable... Why in the skies did that...
Europa: I am now capable of answering that question. The warmth of my love melted the ice.
Zeus: Love? Love you say? That is naught more than an emotion. How could it thaw a soul that had once been frozen?
Europa: You speak too lightly of it, Zeus. Love sometimes grants us the power to perform miracles.
Europa: In the past, I did not understand what love was, and found myself unable to connect with others in the true sense of the word.
Europa: That immaturity caused me to leave the souls of this island's people bound here for years upon years...
Zeus: ...
Europa: But now I can understand. After meeting Gabriel, I learned about the world, and learned about mortals.
Europa: I can now see the love that was within me all along.
Europa: I have received much love during my lifetime. From the people of this island, from Gabriel, from my crewmates...
Europa: I can now see that you taking me from this island and secluding me in that place was love as well.
Zeus: ...
I merely meted out your punishment. There was no...
Europa: You kept me there to protect me, didn't you?
Europa: What can that be called other than mercy? I believe that the benevolence in your heart moved you to do so.
Zeus: ...
Europa: My crime will surely never disappear.
Europa: However, I wish to spend my life sharing this wonderful emotion called love with many people as I bear the weight of my past.
Europa: Should this world become filled with love, with this unadulterated care for others, something beautiful will surely be born.
Europa: Therefore... I will not return to that island. In order to fulfill my calling, I wish to continue my journey with (Captain).
Europa speaks with unflinching determination in her eyes. For a while, Zeus says nothing in response.
Zeus: ...
I would imagine that nothing I could say will change your mind.
Europa: Indeed.
Zeus: Then I will say no more on the matter. However, know that should you ever err in that way again, I will see you returned to that island.
Europa: Of course.
Zeus turns his gaze from Europa to the spear lying by her side.
Zeus: That spear has absorbed the emotions of many mortals and become a powerful weapon. It will make you capable of much more than you were before.
Zeus: If your heart were to fall into disarray, you will likely cause a tragedy even greater than the one that occurred here.
Europa: An even worse tragedy...
Zeus: Therefore, I have a favor to ask of you, (Captain).
(Captain) looks up startled, not having expected to be brought into the conversation.
Zeus glares at the captain, looking somewhat dissatisfied as he continues.
Zeus: My understanding is that, among mortals, a kiss establishes a vow between two people to spend their lives together.
Zeus: In other words, you are now Europa's spouse. As such, I would have you watch over her to make sure that she does not err again.
Lyria: Wha?
Vyrn: S-spouse?
Gabriel: Oh my!
Europa: Spouse! What a wonderful word!
Europa: Please take good care of me in sickness and in health, (Captain).
Vyrn: How about you hold your horses, little lady!
  1. That's a bit sudden...

Choose: That's a bit sudden...

Zeus: Why do you hesitate? Surely you don't mean to tell me that you find her unfit?
Pressured by the primal beast's stern expression, (Captain)'s head reflexively shakes in denial.
Gabriel: Hey, Zeus? Perhaps you should drop this. You're troubling (Captain).
Zeus: Oh? Well, even if it's as a friend, so long as you watch over her it matters not to me.
(Captain) eagerly accepts Zeus's revised proposal.
Zeus: Thank you.
Zeus: Ah, and should you ever decide that you're ready to become Europa's spouse, I will happily accept you into our family.
Vyrn: Hey, enough of that already!
As Zeus begins arguing with Vyrn, he seems relaxed, like he's been freed of a great weight on his shoulders.
As (Captain) is watching the soothing scene play out, Europa approaches.
Europa: (Captain), I wish to journey with you as I convey this love to many people.
Europa: If everyone in these skies, mortal and primal beast alike, learns through love to care for and respect one another...
Europa: Then we will surely be able to tear down the walls that separate us and live happily, hand in hand.
Europa: That is my dream now. The duty that I find myself called to.
Europa: Therefore... Would you be willing to assist me?
  1. Of course.

Choose: Of course.

Europa: Hehe... Thank you very much.
Europa: I hope that we continue to journey together happily ever after, (Captain).
With that, Europa flashes a smile filled with compassion and benevolence, so beautiful as to surely enrapture anyone who beholds it.