Scenario:Drang - The Foreign Merc Duo

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The Foreign Merc Duo

Concerned over whether Drang and Reinhardtzar will get along okay, (Captain) and company follow them to the local mercenary guild. Once there, Drang notices the many hostile and fearful glances directed at Reinhardtzar, who is in turn impressed with the Erune's shrewdness.

Sturm and Drang are divided over the issue of how best to look for jobs in their current skydom.
Drang decides to go look for a mercenary guild in Nalhegrande without telling Sturm.
The one called to show him the way is a most unexpected figure.
Reinhardtzar: I'm a regular at the shops around here. I usually see plenty of mercs hanging about.
Reinhardtzar: I don't know much about them myself; I just happen to know where they meet up.
Reinhardtzar: Just so we're on the same page, I won't be helping you sign any contracts or whatnot.
Drang: Of course! I can handle that myself, no problemo. I just need to be shown the way first.
Reinhardtzar: Also, make sure you don't get me involved in any mess you stir up. There's this other guy who gives me enough to worry about as it is.
The two are walking side by side as (Captain) and company watch from behind.
Vyrn: We're tailing them to make sure they get along okay. And so far...
Lyria: It looks like they're doing just fine! They could even be friends, maybe...
Vyrn: Hm, I'm not too sure about that...
Drang: It's no wonder they call this one of the greatest cities in Nalhegrande. Just look at how lively it is—
Drang: Whoa! Get a load of that! I've never seen anything like it in Phantagrande...
Vyrn: C'mon now! You're not here for sightseeing, are you—
The curious Drang has already gone off to various storefronts before Vyrn's voice can reach him.
Vyrn: Come to think of it, Sturm's usually around to stop him before he gets too carried away...
Reinhardtzar: I don't mind. I'm only here as a guide anyhow. It's what Leona asked me to do.
Reinhardtzar: Cain and Leona outrank me, so I'm just following my orders. Drang's free to explore the city as much as he wants.
Vyrn: Hm, you sound kind of hung up about that...
Reinhardtzar: I'm technically an acting officer now, but I'm also a former outlaw. I make sure not to overstep my bounds.
Drang: So you were some kinda bandit leader, huh? Yeah, I figured you had to be much more than small fry.
Vyrn: Whoa! When did you get back?
Drang: The glances in our direction make me a bit wary. Some are outright glaring at us, while others are being sneaky about it.
Drang: Any chance they could be acquaintances from your bandit days?
Reinhardtzar: What?
(Captain) and company check their surroundings but don't find anyone suspicious.
Vyrn: You sure you weren't just imagining things?
Reinhardtzar: Wouldn't be surprised if Drang is on the mark. We had countless rival bandits back in the day.
Reinhardtzar: But we can just ignore them if they're not going to attack us.
Vyrn: Is it possible they could be friendly? Maybe former bandits who've turned over a new leaf and are now making an honest living?
Reinhardtzar: Then they'd come talk to me out in the open. In fact, I would want to share a few war stories with them.
Lyria: Haha... Reinhardtzar cares more about his friends than he lets on.
Drang: Ooh... A tough guy with a soft spot, I see.
Reinhardtzar: Tch... How about you quit teasing me...
Reinhardtzar: On second thought, if I can't keep my cool around a jokester like you, then I'm hopeless...
Drang: Oh? Sounds like you're used to these sorts of situations.
Drang: (Seems like a good guy, but also the type you don't want to face in battle...)
Drang: (Friends and family adore him, but he keeps his distance... Kinda like Sturm.)
Reinhardtzar: (This guy's a crafty ol' fox... He plays the part of a happy-go-lucky fella, but is that just a facade?)
Reinhardtzar: (I could learn a few things from him... No surprise there, given that he was a pro merc working for the Erste Empire at one point...)
The crew continues chatting away while making for the local mercenary guild.

The Foreign Merc Duo: Scene 2

At the mercenary guild, the crew learns of a large bandit group that's been causing trouble in the area. Because one of the members in that group used to serve under Reinhardtzar, he feels somewhat responsible and offers to help Drang take out the bandits—thereby opening up better jobs for Drang in the future.

Merc Guild Chief: Yup, we've got jobs by the dozen.
They come to a tavern which also functions as the headquarters of a mercenary guild.
Merc Guild Chief: It was only recently that a buncha rogues started partnerin' up to form this massive camp of bandits.
Merc Guild Chief: From thievery to burglary to murder, they do it all. They're half-decent fighters and are givin' the nearby residents a hard time.
Drang: If they're so troublesome, why hasn't the nation's army been dispatched to deal with them?
Merc Guild Chief: You have any idea what you're sayin'? There's no way the army would get involved in somethin' so commonplace.
Merc Guild Chief: Especially with how the entire skydom's in an uproar right now. The most the army can do is send out official requests to merc groups like ours.
Merc Guild Chief: It's pretty commonplace if you ask me... Lemme guess: you're new to this whole mercenary thing?
Drang: Oh, I've got a few years under my belt... Thing is, I just arrived from Phantagrande and still don't know how things work around here.
Merc Guild Chief: Ph-Phantagrande? You're from another skydom!
As his voice rings out in surprise, the clamoring mercenaries nearby suddenly fall silent.
Drang: Yep. Not to brag, but I'm kind of a big deal there actually.
Drang: How 'bout it, Chief? I'll hand you the finest results on a silver platter, if you're willing to give me a shot. I only ask that it's a lucrative job.
Merc Guild Chief: N-no, that won't do. We've got plenty of top dog mercs in Nalhegrande. The juicy requests go to them.
Merc Guild Chief: Look, I dunno how they did things in your side of the skies, but I need proof that you're more than just talk.
Drang: I thought you might say that...
Merc Guild Chief: How about you help out with this bandit problem that's been troublin' everyone? The more hands on deck, the better.
Merc Guild Chief: Some of them are actually outlaws on the run from their home countries... One's even a former member of the group that turned Merkmal Island into their home turf.
Merc Guild Chief: And now they're in cahoots. It's time we did something.
Lyria: Merkmal Island...
Vyrn: Isn't that where Reinhardtzar was? Wait, that means...
Reinhardtzar: ...
Vyrn: Gulp!
Vyrn finds himself reeling from Reinhardtzar's silent fury.
Reinhardtzar: Must be one of the guys that left our group before we got picked up by Idelva.
Reinhardtzar: I came as a guide today, but this looks like one mission I need to have a hand in.
Reinhardtzar: As their former boss, it's my responsibility to make sure every last one of them changes their old ways.
Drang: I admire your sense of ethics, but I'm guessing your former underling is no kiddo. I don't see how it's your responsibility.
Reinhardtzar: Doesn't matter. This is something I can't... and won't ever let go. No much how time passes, we're still connected in a way.
Reinhardtzar: (Captain), can you handle the paperwork? I'm gonna go cool off.
Trying to subdue his rage, Reinhardtzar walks out with loud, thumping footsteps.
Vyrn: So what's the plan? Are we gonna do this?
  1. No turning back now.
  2. We could always go back...

Choose: No turning back now.

Drang: Now we're talking, (Captain)! Always the reliable captain!
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: We could always go back...

Vyrn: You're kidding, right? You've never been one to leave behind those in need of help.
Lyria: That's right. I'm worried about Drang and Reinhardtzar...
Drang: This mission'll be about a hundred times easier if you join us, (Captain)!

Continue 1

While chuckling away, Drang keeps his eyes on the tavern exit that Reinhardtzar had just walked out of.
Drang: (No matter how much time passes, you still feel that bond, huh...)
And so (Captain) and company join Drang to quell the skydom's latest bandit disturbance.

The Foreign Merc Duo: Scene 3

When Drang finds himself stumbling in the battle against the bandits, Sturm suddenly shows up as part of another mercenary group. With the duo reunited, they are able to make quick work of the opposition, garnering the respect and recognition of the local mercenaries.

Forming an expeditionary force with other mercenaries, the crew ventures into the bandits' hideout.
Unfortunately, the enemy's numbers turn out to be far greater than initially expected.
Reinhardtzar: Haaah!
Drang: Take that!
Drang: Man, this brings back memories of the time I first met Sturm. That country was in the midst of a revolt.
Vyrn: Now's not the time to be reminiscing! Why are there so many more of 'em than the guildmaster said there'd be!
Drang: This skydom's not exactly stable right now, and so everyone's on edge. One regrettable outcome of that is these thugs banding together.
Drang: Thankfully they lack proper leadership, so they're all kinda doing their own thing. Just a ragtag bunch of misfits that doesn't know the first thing about teamwork...
A bandit fast approaches one of the younger mercenaries.
Bandit 1: Raaah!
Young Mercenary: What the!
Drang: Oh, no you don't.
Bandit 1: Grgh!
Drang: You okay there? You've gotta keep an eye out for more than just the opponent in front of you.
Drang: We may have the upper hand, but that's no reason to be lax. This is a do-or-die situation for them.
Drang: Even a cornered mouse will bite back hard. Stay focused.
Young Mercenary: Y-you're right... Thanks for the save.
Drang: Sure, no sweat. Their numbers may have caught us off guard, but it won't be long now before we overrun them.
Drang: Huh? What the...
Bandit 1: Ouch, that smarts... Magic, huh... Screw you...
Drang stares dumbfounded at the bandit who gets up while flinching in pain.
Drang: Strange... I was sure I'd knocked him out...
Despite being in the midst of battle, Drang looks down to his own hands in confusion.
Drang: (Oh, I get it now...)
Bandit 1: Eyes up front, fool!
Drang: Oof...
Bandit 1: Augh!
The bandit stumbles, inadvertently dodging Drang's magical blast.
Drang: Wha? No way!
Bandit 1: Yes way! Eat this!
Drang leaps backward, trying to put some distance between them.
Sturm: Haah!
Drang: Sturm!
Sturm: Drang! You should be the last person to let your guard down!
Drang: Yeeowch! What was that for!
Sturm: That's what you get for your pathetic display. Don't forget that your reputation affects mine. We're a team after all.
Drang: But, Sturm... Why are you even here? Don't tell me you followed me—
Sturm: I came with another group. The expeditionary force here is actually composed of mercenaries from multiple guilds.
Drang: Well, whaddya know...
Drang: Great job finding me in this mess! Just goes to show how strong our bond is!
Sturm: I was simply following a rookie merc from the guild I tagged along with. He seemed like he could use someone watching his back.
Young Mercenary: Preciate it...
Sturm: And just as I thought, he had a pretty close call. But I wasn't expecting someone else to save his hide.
Sturm: That someone being you.
Drang: Oh, you're talking about this guy? I love how you're such a caring person!
Young Mercenary: Is this the partner you mentioned earlier, Sturm? Um... Drang, was it?
Drang: Wait, what? She was talking about me? Did she shower me with compliments? C'mon, I wanna know!
Sturm: Enough talk! Focus on the battle!
In a last-ditch effort, the bandits muster their remaining forces to surround the crew.
Sturm: Let's go! Cover me, Drang!
Drang: You got it!
Drang: Shazam!
Drang: Sturm!
Sturm: Haaugh!
Drang keeps the opposition in check while Sturm lands the finishing blow.
Switching up their strategy as needed with effortless grace, Sturm parries sword strikes left and right as Drang incapacitates the foes, demonstrating the potency of their teamwork.
The bandits begin to cower at the sight of so many brethren falling in battle, while the other mercenaries watch in awe.
Young Mercenary: You cover each other's openings perfectly while shutting down every chance the enemy has for a counterattack... I've never seen anything like it...
Young Mercenary: So this is why you're known as the legendary mercenary duo in Phantagrande! Sturm and Drang...
Sturm and Drang. This is the moment those names are etched into the memories of the nearby mercenaries.
Piles upon piles of fallen bandits begin to form around the duo.
Drang: Sturm! Wanna finish things up?
Sturm: Yeah! Let's show them what we can do!

The Foreign Merc Duo: Scene 4

That night at Raduga, Sturm reveals that she had actually taken up Drang's advice and asked for Leona's help on her own. With the whole incident behind them, the duo enjoys pleasant conversation while drinking into the wee hours of the night.

Drang: Phew... Is that all of them?
Sturm: Seems that way.
When all is said and done, Leona comes by with a contingent of Idelva's standing army.
Leona: Good work, everyone. Your efforts today are much appreciated.
Vyrn: Sure thing! We did take this on as an official request after all!
Leona: I'm sorry you all had to get involved... Maintaining law and order here is really the army's job...
Leona: Given how unstable our relationship with the Rhem Kingdom is, the resources we can spare for domestic disturbances are rather limited...
Sturm: Besides, dispatching too many soldiers to resolve a situation like this could lead to other problems.
Sturm: But that's what we mercenaries are here for. Use us as the situation demands.
Drang: Sturm, is that your way of saying you're always happy to help out a friend in need?
Sturm: Don't put words in my mouth!
Vyrn: Anyhoo... It seemed like it was the army that filed the request.
Vyrn: But didn't Leona mention not knowing the local merc guilds all that well?
Leona: Ahem, well... You see...
As Leona wavers, not sure what to tell the crew, Reinhardtzar appears.
Reinhardtzar: Hey... I know what follows is out of my jurisdiction, but I have a favor to ask.
Reinhardtzar: I figured one of the bandits who used to work under me in Merkmal was part of this mess. Turns out I was right.
Reinhardtzar: I request that he be transferred to the army and placed under my command. I'll make it my personal mission to straighten him up.
Leona: I see. I'll have to confirm with Cain and the sovereign, but I'm fairly sure it can be arranged.
Drang sees this as the perfect timing to chime in.
Drang: Well, I guess we can call this a happy conclusion. All that's left is the after-party!
Drang: How 'bout we all get together at Raduga later, (Captain)?
(Captain) responds with a cheery nod.
The crew returns to the Grandcypher.
Ladiva: Oh! How nice of you all to drop by! Welcome to Raduga!
That night, Ladiva happily welcomes in her visitors.
Reinhardtzar: Didn't even know you had a place like this here, (Captain)...
Lyria: This is your first visit, Reinhardtzar? How about you, Sturm?
Sturm: It's my second time.
Drang: Wha? No way!
Drang: Aww, Stuurrrm... I'd like you sooo much better if you'd invite me to cool places like this.
Leona: Actually... Sturm was here right before you came last time, Drang.
Drang: Huh... Really?
Sturm: Seems like you came in just as I left.
Ladiva: Although, it was pure coincidence that Sturm and Leona met...
Ladiva: They had such a lively conversation about the mercenary and army life in their respective skydoms.
Leona: Ladiva made the introduction, thinking Sturm and I could be friends...
Leona: I learned so much about Phantagrande and the mercenary trade in general. It was fascinating.
Leona: One thing led to another, and Sturm asked if I could put in a good word for her to the local merc guilds...
Vyrn: Which means Sturm ended up taking Drang's advice after all!
Drang: Geez, Sturm! Look what a fuss you caused!
Sturm: You wouldn't shut up about it, so I thought I'd at least try to do things your way!
Leona: Since I already had an arrangement with Sturm, I left Drang to Reinhardtzar.
Reinhardtzar: So that's where I came into the picture, huh... Fortunately now we all have the full story.
Drang: You could've just told me if you had a change of heart, Sturm.
Sturm: I thought I could get you to hush up for a while if I threw one of those guild mission files in your face.
Drang: Oh, so you wanted to surprise me! You kept it on the down low too, huh, Ladiva?
Ladiva: Of course! I make it a point not to openly share whatever secrets and circumstances I happen to hear about in Raduga.
Ladiva: Otherwise people would stop coming here to chat.
Ladiva gives Sturm a little wink.
Sturm: What a great place this is. Your average bartender at the typical tavern tends to have looser lips.
A straight-faced Sturm takes a sip of her drink.
Ladiva: You two went through so much for each other...
Ladiva: If that's not true love, then I don't know what is!
Sturm: Cough! Ahehem...
Sturm: Let's not get carried away now!
Drang: Ngrwah! Really, Sturm? Why are you taking it out on me!
Sturm: Who else? You're the one who started the whole mess!
Reinhardtzar: Ladiva. I'll have another glass of the same.
Vyrn: Reinhardtzar isn't fazed in the least at seeing Drang get stabbed...
Reinhardtzar: I see Drang for who he is. No point throwing a fuss over nothing.
Leona: Hey, Ladiva. Is there anything I can help with?
Leona: I wouldn't want to have too much to drink and be a bother again... Let me do something to repay your kindness.
Lyria: Teehee... Raduga's such a lively place tonight.
Ladiva: You can say that again, Lyria! It's nice to have a space where everyone can just kick back and have a friendly chat...
Ladiva: Where friendships can form and deepen even across skydoms.
Ladiva: I consider myself blessed that I get to play a part in shaping such a place.
Ladiva: I can't thank you enough for lending me use of the Grandcypher's subgalley, (Captain)!
As (Captain) responds with a thumbs-up, Drang continues the conversation.
Drang: Guys, we still haven't had a proper toast yet. Better get your glasses ready.
Reinhardtzar: What's this all of a sudden? What would we be toasting?
Drang: I was thinking of this as a celebration for today's victory, but Ladiva's remark reminded me of something.
Drang: How about we call this a toast to a union between Phantagrande and Nalhegrande!
Leona: Ooh! I like the sound of that!
Sturm: How unusually thoughtful of you, Drang.
They enjoy their toast and continue to while away the hours at Raduga.
The night wears on.
Drang: Now that we've made connections in Nalhegrande, here's hoping we get some decent jobs soon.
Sturm: Mm-hm...
By the time (Captain) and company retreat to their quarters, only Drang, Sturm, and Ladiva remain at Raduga.
Drang: You know, when I was fighting the bandits out there, I wasn't feeling it...
Drang: It took me a while to realize that since I've based my fighting style entirely on having you cover me...
Drang: I couldn't take down the bandits by myself.
Sturm: You say that as if you've never noticed me backing you up all these years... As skilled as you might be, you have trouble following through.
Drang: Oof, sure is painful to hear that. You, on the other hand, are super reliable but a bit on the clumsy side.
Drang: Say, I learned a lot being around (Captain) and Reinhardtzar today...
Drang: The most important thing being that you're the only person who could ever be my partner. We make the greatest team, you and I.
Sturm: ...
Are you talking out of your drunken rump?
Drang: Huh? Maybe.
Drang: Glass is empty now... What should I ask for next...
Sturm: I also...
Drang: Hm? You say something, Sturm?
Sturm: I... I just wanted to say... I wouldn't mind another glass myself...
Ladiva: Have anything particular in mind?
Drang: Let's see... What am I in the mood for...
The mercenary duo turn their attention to the myriad of fine drinks on the shelves, taking some time to peruse their options.
Sturm points to Drang's empty glass at the same time Drang points to Sturm's.
Drang & Sturm: One of this, please.
Ladiva: Huh?
Do the two get along, or do they not? Amused by the alternating manner of their drink request, Ladiva beams a bright smile.
Ladiva: Hahah! What a fine duo you two make!
Drang: Heh... Is it that obvious?
Sturm: Humph...
Drang and Sturm sip on the drinks that Ladiva pours them, each savoring the flavor.
The quiet laughter of adults can be heard resonating from Raduga on this peaceful night.