Scenario:Chloe - A Little Hero

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A Little Hero

Chloe offers to help Mahira with working on the multistage cosmoship Clucket. While Chloe is filled with admiration for Mahira and her knowledge of mechanics, Mahira feels the same about Chloe and her ability to use makeup. As Chloe is assisting with the cosmoship building, she is struck with the desire to ride the ship, but holds the thought back as she knows Mahira needs a proper technician to ride with her.

Guided by curiosity, Chloe steps into Mahira's workshop.
Mahira: This is the multistage cosmoship that I've been developing—Clucket prototype 28.
Mahira: I've fitted this ship with special parts different from an airship so that it can fly through the cosmos.
A leaden hunk of metal resembling a vehicle in the making sits in the middle of the workshop.
Chloe: Oooh! ( °∀° )
Did you seriously make this all by yourself? That's like, actually insane!
Mahira: Both Clucket and I are far from reaching our full potential though.
Mahira: I really want to visit the cosmos with my own airship.
Chloe: That's totes cray cray! Σ(゚ω゚ノ)ノ
You're gonna fly this baby all the way to the cosmos?
Mahira: Unfortunately, no. Clucket prototype 28's nowhere near suitable for traveling that far yet.
Chloe: Oh really? (・ω・`)
Mahira: In order to fly to the cosmos with a live person on board, I need to ensure safety and precise trajectory control.
Mahira: So I installed as many measuring instruments in the cockpit as possible and am taking it to the highest altitude it can reach.
Mahira: I'll record various numerical values during the process. The point of Clucket prototype 28 is to produce data for the next prototype.
Mahira crawls into the airship and fastens the screws she purchased earlier.
Mahira: With that, it's all set. These small screws will help support the exterior frame of Clucket.
Chloe: Wooow... Tiny hero makin' big moves. We stan.
Mahira: I hope that Clucket prototype 28 will be a good stepping stone in creating a vessel that can carry us to the cosmos.
Chloe: Mahipi, you're gonna land in the stars! Absolute GOAT. I'm so proud of you!
Chloe: Is there anything I can help out with?
Mahira: Thank you for offering. I'm going to screw these interior walls together, so can you hold the boards down while I do that?
Chloe: You got it! I gotta be careful I don't, like, scratch anything with my nails.
Mahira manages to finish screwing everything in with Chloe's help.
Chloe: If you ever need help, I gotchu. And lemme know if you decorate it, okay? I'll turn Clucket into the cutest cutie-pie!
Chloe: I snagged a bunch of glitzy stickers and gems earlier, so maybe I can glam it up a bit!
Chloe thinks happily back to the heating appliance in the hallway that she and Mahira had repaired and decorated once.
Mahira: Oh, I'm sorry, but I have to limit the decor on Clucket.
Chloe: But why! ?Σ(゚ロ゚」)
With a bit of a makeover, it'd be so adorbs!
Mahira: A ship that can reach the cosmos requires an enormous amount of propulsion.
Mahira: I need to make sure it doesn't exceed the weight limit, even down to the individual screws.
Chloe: Serious! Soz, I had like, no idea... (・ω・`)
Mahira: It's all right. I also wanted to decorate it with bird feathers.
Chloe: It's not that easy, huh? Hey, but I feel like I got to know you better, Mahipi. It's super fun learning all this from you!
Mahira: I'm glad to hear that. I was worried you'd be bored.
Chloe and Mahira smile as they turn back to Clucket.
Chloe: Okay, so like, what are we gonna do next?
Mahira: Since I haven't figured out the exterior heat resistance issue yet, I'm thinking of doing an experiment next.
Mahira: If you could help me, I'd like to do some work on the valves.
Mahira: By adjusting how tight the three valves are, I can control the internal pressure of the engine, you see.
Chloe: Oooh, gotcha! So like mixing different shades and checking in the mirror to make sure it's a good match and everything.
Mahira: Um... I don't really understand, but... maybe something like that?
Chloe: Oh my gosh, I totally get what you mean! I've been using like, three colors before even starting on the primer lately.
Mahira: I remember you taught me to put on primer before using foundation. Do you need to put on more colors before that?
Chloe: I mean, not really, but like, nowhere was selling juuust the right color. So I've been mixing different colors to create the perfect shade.
Mahira: I see... I thought I could just apply products as is. Makeup is really complicated.
Chloe: Nah, you're way more amazing. All the parts here in this cockpit or whatever you call it are so detailed.
Mahira: I worked really hard on it. It's one of the main parts that create Clucket's base, after all.
Chloe: Base, huh? Totes get it. Like how primer is key for your foundation to go on smoother.
Mahira: Cluck? Key?
Chloe: Yup, it's key for base makeup! Helps the foundation even out so it doesn't get all spotty. Plus, it lasts longer.
Mahira: Even out... Doesn't get spotty...
Mahira: I see... If I apply a primer to Clucket's exterior, maybe it can help even out the coat of heat resistant paint that goes on after.
Chloe: Oh! (*‘∀‘)
Did you get like, a big brain idea?
Mahira: Yes. Thanks to you, I think I figured out what I have to do.
Chloe: I didn't do much. But glad I could help! (≧▽≦)
Chloe: So what're we up to next?
Mahira: Next will be...
Several days later.
It's become a daily routine for Chloe to help Mahira with building Clucket.
Mahira: Whew. So that's what we're going to do today.
Chloe: The ship's growing up so fast! I feel like a proud mom now. (*´艸`)
Mahira: Since you've been helping out every day, we've made a lot of progress. Thank you.
Chloe: It's tons of fun! Thanks for having me along!
Mahira: Now... today, we're installing the passenger seat.
Chloe: The passenger seat? I didn't know you could fit two people in Clucket! Σ(゚ロ゚」)
Mahira: It can. I'll be in the pilot's seat, of course.
Chloe: Oh my gosh! And then, in the passenger's seat, maybe... (*∩∀∩*)
Mahira: Yes, I'll need to find a technician to help.
Chloe: Aha! I mean, of course! Ooh, now I feel kinda embarrassed... (´>//<`);
Mahira: Embarrassed?
Chloe: Nothing, just talking to myself! (・∀・; )
Anyway, so like, why do you need another person?
Mahira: Aside from the pilot who controls the vehicle, there needs to be someone who can assist with recording the instrument readings.
Chloe: Recording the readings, huh... Yep, you definitely need some special knowledge for that.
Chloe: Gotcha, gotcha. Anyway, let's finish building this bad boy!
Mahira: Right. Let's go slow and take this step by step.
Chloe: You got it! Imma do my best! ヾ(≧ー≦)ゞ
And with that, Chloe continues helping build Clucket day after day.

A Little Hero: Scene 2

Chloe continues to hold back on telling Mahira her desire to ride Clucket. Seeing this, Korwa decides to ask Chloe for ideas on a dress she's making for a client, explaining that sometimes it's important to get the opinions of a non-professional too. Thanks to this experience, Chloe is able to muster up the courage to tell Mahira about wanting to ride the cosmoship.

Some time has passed since Chloe began helping Mahira with the multistage cosmoship Clucket.
Chloe: Nnngh! Oof, my back's stiff... I was in an awkward position for, like, way too long.
Chloe stands on the deck of the Grandcypher and does a big stretch.
Korwa: Rnngh! My back... Guess I got too into my work.
Next to Chloe, another woman extends her arms out into a stretch.
Chloe: Oh, hey, Korwa! Busy with work today?
Korwa: Sure am. I received a request to create an evening gown.
Korwa: My client says she's got a crush on one of the guys coming to the party, so she wants it to be the best dress ever.
Chloe: Then ya gotta put your all into that!
Korwa: Right? A lady in love always wants to shine at her best.
Korwa: I need to make sure her feelings get through! It's my job to get all the client's preferences down and create the most beautiful dress I can for them.
Chloe: Just like what a real pro would say!
Chloe: Oh yeah, you know what? Mahi's also a real pro at her stuff.
Korwa: I've seen you two heading out together a lot lately.
Chloe: Hehe. I'm actually helping her make this ship thing called Clucket right now!
Korwa: Really! It does seem like you've been even more chipper these days.
Chloe: Yup! I'm like, so hyped to see how Clucket's gonna turn out. Sounds weird, but feels like it's my baby or something.
Korwa: Hehe, it really does feel like your baby when you put all your effort into making something.
Korwa: When I deliver dresses to clients, I feel like I'm really giving away my own child in a way.
Chloe: Yeah? I guess that's what I gotta do too. Feels a little sad... (ノω≤。)
Chloe: But when Mahipi goes flyin' up in the skies, I'm definitely gonna be there to cheer her on! 。・゚・(ノД`)
Korwa: Oh? It kind of sounds to me like you want to ride it too, Chloe.
Chloe: Honestly, I really wanna ride it! It's like going to watch my own kid at the school talent show. I wanna be there for the big day, you know?
Korwa: But you haven't told Mahira this?
Chloe: Well, I mean... Wouldn't it be like, totes weird for a random amateur like me to be sitting there with Mahipi?
Chloe: She's way too nice. If I really asked, I know she'd probably just say yes. (´-ω-`)
Korwa: Right... I can see where you're coming from. But then again...
Korwa: You might think Mahira's a pro and way beyond your level, but actually, it's not all that different from your passion for makeup and fashion.
Korwa: I'm not sure how to describe it in words...
Korwa: Oh, I know! Why don't you come see the dress I'm making right now?
Chloe: For real? Oh my gosh, I'd love to see your work! (゚∀゚)
Chloe follows Korwa to the seamstress's workshop.
Inside Korwa's room is a halfmade, luxurious dress on a manneqin torso.
Chloe: OMG, you're kidding me! That fishtail dress is the bomb!
Korwa: I'm glad you think so! Actually, this fishtail...
Korwa strokes the ruffles at the dress hem, looking over them.
Korwa: When I let the client check on the dress progress, I was asked to add more frills to it.
Korwa: But the thing is, adding more will destroy the dress's visual balance, and the frills won't look good on this sort of elegant style.
Chloe: What's your client's vibe? (*‘∀‘)
Korwa: She's petite and slender.
Korwa: I think a more mature style would suit her to really bring out the dignified side of her, rather than emphasize only her cute traits.
Korwa: She usually wears clothes with a simple cut, so this time, she wanted it to be a little more fancy and glamorous.
Chloe: Yaaas! (*´∀`)
New dress, new me, right? I totes get it.
Korwa: I knew you'd understand! So there's one thing I wanted to ask—if you had to change this dress, what would you do?
Chloe: Um, what! ∑(゚Д゚)
You're asking me?
Korwa: Yes. I want to hear what you think.
Chloe: Are you sure? I'm just an amateur... You're the pro, so I dunno what I'm supposed to say...
Korwa: Oh, don't think too much and just say what comes to mind.
Chloe: Hmm... (〃ノдノ)
Well, if I wanted to help an elegant girl elevate her look, I think...
Chloe catches sight of a piece of lace on a workbench and holds it up agaist the hem of the dress.
Chloe: Could be cute to put some lace on the flare so you get this see-through thing going on!
Korwa: Hehe. That's a wonderful idea.
Chloe: The lace won't add more flare so it'll still be elegant, but it can also bring out a cute, playful side.
Chloe: But that's just because I like lace. lol
Korwa: So you're thinking of a design that balances the amount of flare with the client's desire for glam!
Korwa: But, hmm... I wonder if it'd be possible to do it the other way around with the lace under the hem.
Korwa takes the lace and holds it under the hem of the dress.
Chloe: Oooh! (*‘∀‘)
Korwa, you always have such good taste! This is fire. lol
Korwa: I based it off of your idea and just rearranged it a little.
Chloe: Nah! All I did was just talk about what I like!
Korwa: Unconventional ideas from non-professionals who're simply "suggesting what they like" are sometimes just what professionals need to get through their blocks.
Korwa: Being an amateur doesn't necessarily mean you're getting in the way of a pro.
Chloe: You really think... my idea's good?
Mahira: Yes. Thanks to you, I think I figured out what I have to do.
Chloe: I didn't do much. But glad I could help! (≧▽≦)
Chloe: ...!
Korwa: I think you should tell Mahira if you wanna ride on the cosmoship.
Chloe: Well... But...
Korwa: Think about it this way—how would you feel if your best friend didn't tell you the truth because they felt like they had to hold back around you?
Chloe: Wha, that's practically illegal! (乂ω<)
I want my friends to be able to say whatever they want with me.
Chloe: Oh, wait...
Korwa: Hehe. The rest is up to you, Chloe.
Chloe: Hehe. Seriously, what would I do without you, Korwa?
Korwa: And now, thanks to your lovely idea, it's time for me to finish this up!
Chloe: Okies, I'll head back to Mahipi's workshop. Show me the dress when you're done, 'kay?
Korwa: Of course! You'll be the first person I call on!
Chloe: Hehe! So stoked to see it!
Thanks to Korwa's encouragement, Chloe decides to pluck up the courage and tell Mahira her desire to ride Clucket.

A Little Hero: Scene 3

When Mahira tells Chloe about how she hasn't been able to find a suitable technician for Clucket, Chloe confesses that she wants to ride on the cosmoship, and that she has been studying mechanics recently for this reason. The two end up riding Clucket together into the cosmos, soaring far above the Grandcypher. Chloe looks down at the small islands below her and realizes how tiny her own existence is; but now, she understands that being a little hero can be an important contribution nevertheless.

The production of Mahira's multistage cosmoship Clucket is now in its final stages.
Chloe: Hey Mahipi, could you take a peek at the adhesive bit here?
Mahira: Let's see... Looks good to me. Thank you.
Chloe: Yeyeah! That's a wrap then! We killed it again today, whoop whoop.
Mahira: You must be tired, Chloe. You've been helping me day in and day out...
Chloe: Huh! Σ(゚ω゚ノ)ノ
What d'you mean? No way!
Mahira: Are you sure? I can see traces of dark circles under your eyes...
Chloe: Eek! You don't have to look that close! Dang, thought my concealer was gonna do the job for me.
Chloe: Anyway, I'm having lots of fun so you don't gotta worry one bit!
Chloe: Besides, you're the one I'm worried about. Lately you've been kinda spacing out and staring up at the sky.
Mahira: Oh, have I? Well, there's been a problem...
Chloe: Wait, what happened! Don't tell me Clucket can't fly!
Mahira: Oh, don't worry. It's not that.
Mahira: The truth is, I haven't been able to find a technician to ride with me in the passenger seat.
Chloe: Oh, seriously? Like, you haven't decided on anyone yet?
Mahira: I have to admit, I kind of forgot. My memory's not too great... Setting up Clucket's all that's been on my mind.
Chloe: ...
Chloe: Umm, okay. To be honest, I kinda wanted to talk to you about something...
Mahira: What is it, Chloe?
Chloe: ...!
Chloe: Do you think... you could let me take a shot at sitting in the passenger seat!
Mahira: Cluck?
Without another word, Chloe starts pulling out thick book after book from a large bag.
Chloe: Truth is... I've been studying with all of these.
Mahira: These are books on mechanical design! And those ones over there are about mechanics...
Chloe: Yeah... Like, I kinda figured you need these to handle the instruments and stuff...
Chloe: Huh? Energy output... Heat input... OMG I'm sooo lost. lolz
Chloe: But I can't give up here! I'm gonna be like, the best technician in history!
Mahira: You've been studying late at night every night? Is that why you have dark circles?
Chloe: I mean, I totes get that it's your dream. I don't wanna stay an amateur and not help you like, properly, you know?
Chloe: Not saying I understand everything, but I think I know more than before!
Chloe: I realized that the parts you bought with the screws last time help prevent the screws from getting loose! I get that stuff now!
Mahira: I see... You went from not recognizing the difference between screws to this level of knowledge...
Mahira: The parts do help to prevent the screws from getting loose, but they also reduce the load on the seat.
Mahira: Clucket's exterior is already sturdy enough so I could've used other things, but I just wanted to make sure it was perfect.
Chloe: I see! Oh my gosh, I think I'm like, actually following along with what you're saying!
Chloe is surprised to see that the hard work of her studying is paying off. Mahira turns back to face her.
Mahira: Welcome to Clucket's test flight. I'd be glad to have you as my assistant.
Chloe: Say wha! This is so sudden! Are you for real?
Mahira: Yes. If you've gotten this far with studying, all you need is just some actual practice with the instruments and you'll be good to go.
Mahira: To be honest, I had been thinking about having you on board as well.
Chloe: Whoa, hold up, hold up! You're being like, serious serious? (゚Д゚)
Mahira: Of course. I'm serious serious.
And with that, Chloe becomes an official passenger of the mutltistage cosmoship Clucket.
Lyria: Mahira, Chloe, thank you so much for inviting us to the launch!
Vyrn: It's amazing how Clucket's gonna carry the two of ya so high up!
(Captain) nods, echoing off Lyria and Vyrn's enthusiasm.
Mahira: All right, I think it's time to fly. The wind's perfect right now.
Chloe: Okey dokey! Oooh, I'm getting a little nervous!
  1. Have a safe flight!

Choose: Have a safe flight!

Chloe: Heck yeah! We're gonna go zoom zoom now, (Captain)!
Mahira: Thank you. We'll be sure to bring back valuable data on flying to the cosmos.
Chloe and Mahira climb into Clucket's cockpit.
Mahira: Starting the countdown. Five...
Mahira: Four... Three...
Chloe: Oh, dang. My hands are, like, sweating buckets!
Mahira: Two... One...
Mahira: Zero!
With a firm grip, Mahira pulls the gear stick and launches Clucket into the sky.
Chloe: Ahhh! It's shaking like crazy!
Mahira: Chloe, the valve!
Chloe: Gotcha! Just needa tighten the one on the far right, huh?
Chloe: Rraagh! (#`Д´)
Mahira checks the various readings on the instruments while fine-tuning the controls in the cockpit.
Mahira: Speed, check. Engine internal pressure, check. Everything's going according to plan.
Chloe: Instrument readings all good! Wait, is everything going, like, super smooth or what?
Mahira: ...
Chloe: Mahipi?
Chloe gazes down at Mahira's hands and notices that they're shaking ever so slightly.
Chloe: ...
Without a word, Chloe gently rests her hands on top of Mahira's.
Mahira: Chloe... Thank you.
Chloe: We're in this together, remember? And with you here, everything's gonna be all good!
Mahira: Our trajectory has stabilized. We've reached our target altitude.
Chloe: We got here in just seconds! Gosh, we really flew fast, huh?
Mahira: I'll start preparing for descent, so just enjoy the view for now. If you open that over there, you'll be able to look out the window.
Chloe: Oh yeah? This thing here?
Chloe: ...!
Chloe catches sight of the tiny villages as well as the vast green fields and mountains spreading out below them.
Chloe: We're higher than the G. Cyph!
Chloe: OMG, the view's beeeautiful... Where I was earlier is so small now.
Chloe: Compared to this... no matter how much I pump iron, I'm still freaking tiny, aren't I? I'm not even a blade of grass—I'm like, an itty witty seed.
Chloe looks toward the edge of the window and her gaze falls on a small screw.
Chloe: Yeah. I get it now. Even if I'm not some big and powerful superhero, I can still help in my own way...
Mahira's Voice: Hm, the energy levels are a bit off. Chloe, can you shut the left valve?
Chloe: Huh! Didn't we literally just get here?
Chloe quickly closes the window shutter and reaches for the valve.
Chloe: Hnngh! Wait, Mahipi! This thing's crazy tight!
Mahira: No problem. I've got an emergency backup.
Mahira pulls on a lever, and Clucket's descent speed immediately slows down.
Chloe: Holy, that scared the heck outta me! Glad we've got a parachute for Clucket!
Mahira: Yup, we can land with this.
Chloe, I'm really glad you came along. I'm truly grateful.
Chloe: Ehehe, I'm the one who should be thanking you, Mahipi. Seriously, thanks a bunch!
The gentle breeze rocks the cosmoship as they slowly make their descent.
Lyria: Mahira! Chloe! Welcome back! It was amazing watching the two of you go so high up!
Mahira: Yes, it was quite high. Based on the numbers at that time, the aerodynamic difference between the ground and air was...
Vyrn: Uh oh, there she goes with her calculations. She's lost in her own world again.
Chloe: As long as she's satisfied, it's aaall good!
  1. How about you, Chloe?

Choose: How about you, Chloe?

Chloe: Oh my gosh, it was like, insane. And I totally realized that rather than trying to be some sorta big hero, I can totes be a small one!
Vyrn: A small hero? Whaddya mean?
Chloe: The story of Chloe's journey to becoming a new hero... But we've barely gotten past the prologue, so you bet there's gonna be more!
Lyria: I don't really understand, but it seems like you had a lot of fun, Chloe!
Vyrn: No doubt about it!
After exploring the world of machines with Mahira, Chloe feels that she's one step closer to becoming her own version of a hero.
She smiles contently as she imagines what sort of exciting future awaits further down her hero's path.