Scenario:Charlotta - Proud Dragons, Holy Heart

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Proud Dragons, Holy Heart

One day during King Carl's visit to the Holy Kingdom of Lumiel, Captain Charlotta of the Lumiel Order of Holy Knights meets Captain Lancelot of the Order of White Dragons. That night the two chivalric orders—each representing its home kingdom—attend a banquet, during which the two captains are hit with a salvo of questions. The captains reveal lesser-known aspects of themselves, and in this relaxed atmosphere the two orders' morale rises.

A clarion fanfare rings out majestically all through the area.
This is the heart of the Holy Kingdom of Lumiel. In front of the Church of Clemont, several thousand holy knights-cum-national protectors stand shoulder to shoulder.
Seated on a throne along the center of the courtyard is His Eminence, the ruler who presides over them all.
To one side of the ruler is the kingdom's holiest of hearts...
Charlotta: ...
Charlotta Fenia, captain of the Lumiel Order of Holy Knights.
The seated turn their eyes in the direction of a military force that marches amid the clatter of horse hooves pounding the dirt.
Lancelot: ...
Near the forefront of the procession is Lancelot, captain of the Order of the White Dragons. To his rear are a host of order members.
Slightly behind King Carl, Captain Lancelot appears to be a veritable white dragon standing watch over the royal capital.
Scarcely a skydweller in Phantagrande is unfamiliar with the names of the two orders who have assembled together.
Vyrn: Whoa, that's crazy! Check out all the order members there!
Vyrn: Charlotta and Lancelot are in charge of these two bunches of people, aren't they? That's so cool!
Lyria: That's right. It's really neat, isn't it, (Captain)?
Currently underway is Lumiel's welcome ceremony for King Carl.
Having an extensive relationship with both orders, (Captain) and crew are excited to see the groups' chance to shine.
Sovereign of Lumiel: King Carl, thank you for your presence.
King Carl: It's certainly been a while, Your Eminence. What an honor to see you again.
The two old acquaintances are delighted at the reunion.
Lancelot: I am Lancelot, the captain of the Order of the White Dragons.
Lancelot: It's a great honor to have this audience with you, Your Eminence.
Sovereign of Lumiel: You are the Captain Lancelot? Tales of your heroics have reached me.
Lancelot: Thank you very much.
Lancelot: Forever Pure, Forever Righteous.
Lancelot: I would like nothing more than to learn from that motto of Lumiel and its order of holy knights.
Sovereign of Lumiel: Indeed. My hope is that both kingdoms find this a useful experience.
Sovereign of Lumiel: Captain Charlotta, would you come this way?
Upon being summoned by the sovereign, Charlotta steps forward.
Charlotta: Your Majesty, I am honored and humbled to make your acquaintance.
Charlotta: I am Charlotta Fenia, captain of the Lumiel Order of Holy Knights.
King Carl: Captain Charlotta, I've heard so very much about you.
Charlotta: It's an honor.
Lancelot: Captain Charlotta.
Charlotta: Captain Lancelot.
Lancelot and Charlotta, the two captains of the chivalric orders, make intense eye contact.
They long ago came to know each other in (Captain)'s crew, and even now work together on occasion.
But this is their first time meeting each other in their official capacity as leaders of their states' chivalric orders.
Charlotta: I hope our cooperation in these joint exercises will bear great fruit for both of our orders.
Charlotta: I beg your favor!
Lancelot: I ask your favor as well, Captain Charlotta!
The Order of the White Dragons: masters of martial prowess. The Lumiel Order of Holy Knights: experts in defense and security.
Tomorrow the two will hold joint exercises and a friendly competition under the fluttering banners of their respective kingdoms.
The kingdoms vow to enhance their bonds in order to learn from each others' strengths.
That night representatives of the two kingdoms break bread together in the assembly hall.
The table is covered with dishes made by the holy kingdom's favorite chef, the Lumiel Gourmand Sevastien.
There is a humorous slogan that a mouthful of the gourmand's food extends one's life by three years; two mouthfuls, six years...
And three mouthfuls, purportedly long enough to keep you "alive till death."
It's one of the best known parts of Lumiel.
White Dragon 1: Whoa, what's with the food! I just ate a mouthful, and now my whole body's feeling warm.
Holy Knight 1: That's the Lumiel Gourmand's food for you.
White Dragon 2: The Lumiel Gourmand's food? You mean the chef's developed his own way of cooking?
Holy Knight 1: Yes. Sevastien, the legendary head chef—his food's really special.
Holy Knight 1: We only have the chance to chow down on special occasions. But just try a bit and you'll be filled with power.
White Dragon 2: Filled with power? Who'd have guessed there was food like this anywhere in the sky!
White Dragon 1: Don't forget how tasty it is! This Lumiel Gourmand's quite the chef!
Holy Knight 1: Glad you seem to like it.
Holy Knight 1: We've got some hard training waiting for us tomorrow, so it's best to put away all the strength we can now.
White Dragon 2: You can say that again.
While the attendees each enjoy the banquet in their own ways, the order members begin surrounding Charlotta and Lancelot.
Charlotta: Hm? What's that you were saying? Ask your questions in an orderly fashion, if you would.
Lancelot: The secret to polishing one's swordplay is to keep practicing and practicing. There are no such things as shortcuts.
Perhaps because the pair seem so approachable in the informal setting, the order members launch a barrage of questions toward them.
Vyrn: Everyone's practically ganging up on Charlotta and Lancelot.
Lyria: You're right, and they seem so busy. I hope they're not missing out on the meal...
Vyrn: I sure hope not. Tomorrow's training seems real tough, so they've gotta strengthen up with some of that Lumiel Gourmand grub!
Vyrn: Ah, that's right! We oughta bring 'em some of their favorite eats!
Lyria: That would be very nice! Let's go get some plates of food now.
Lyria: Charlotta! Lancelot!
Lancelot: Hm?
Charlotta: It's Lyria, Vyrn, and (Captain)!
Charlotta: How great it is to have you here. I was going to go say hello, but...
Charlotta: The right moment just didn't present itself.
Lancelot: The same goes for me. I'm delighted to see you here.
Lyria: Both of you looked so busy.
Vyrn: Yeah, you haven't had a bite to eat, right?
Lyria: We saw that, so well...
Lyria: Ta-da! Here's a Little Skyfarer's Lunch with fried shrimp!
Lyria: And over here's a hamburger steak with omelet and crab pilaf!
Charlotta: Ooh!
Vyrn: We filled a plate at the buffet with all your favorite grub. It's an instant Little Skyfarer's Lunch!
Vyrn: Lancelot, this one's for you! There's meat, fish, and some other stuff that looked like it would give you strength.
Lancelot: Oh, thank you.
Charlotta: I didn't expect to eat a Little Skyfarer's Lunch of Lumiel Gourmand food.
Charlotta: Thank you very much. I'm grateful for your consideration.
White Dragon 3: Captain Charlotta, do you like Little Skyfarer's Lunches?
Charlotta: Hm?
Charlotta: Ah!
(I've been found out!)
Charlotta: N-no, it's just that...
White Dragon 3: That's so cute...
Charlotta: Huh?
White Dragon 3: Ah... Excuse me! It was inappropriate of me to refer to an order's captain as cute. Please accept my apologies!
Holy Knight 2: Heh-heh, you're right though. Our captain's very cute.
Holy Knight 3: Everyone in the Lumiel Order of Holy Knights knows how much the captain loves Little Skyfarer's Lunches.
Charlotta: Hm! There's no need to mention that, you all!
Charlotta: What are you thinking, pulling your captain aside and calling her cute like that?
Charlotta: I order you to stop treating me like a child!
Holy Knight 2: Ah, excuse me!
Holy Knight 3: I'll be more careful.
Lancelot: Heh-heh...
Charlotta: Mmph...
Holy Knight 3: What about you, Captain Lancelot? Is there a side of you that people don't normally see?
Lancelot: Hm?
White Dragon 3: A side of Captain Lancelot that people don't normally see? Hm, I don't know... He's always so steady and reliable.
Vyrn: I can't really think of anything off the top of my head either!
Lyria: Oh, he's not so good at cleaning! Vane aaalways has to pick up Lancelot's room.
Lancelot: Ah! Lyria, do you have to—
Lyria: Huh? W-was that supposed to be a secret?
Holy Knight 2: Their captain really seems to have it together. I wouldn't have expected that!
Holy Knight 3: So not even Lancelot can be on top of everything...
Lancelot: Uh...
Lancelot: Hahaha! Isn't it okay to be bad at a thing or two?
Charlotta: That's right... Any person is going to have a thing or two they're not good with!
Charlotta: And it's only natural if they've got three or four things they love!
Lancelot: Yes, you're very right about that, Captain Charlotta.
Lancelot: So let's end this conversation now. Sound good?
Charlotta: It's over!
Sovereign of Lumiel: Hah-hah-hah...
King Carl: Hohoho...
The rulers of both kingdoms seem pleased with the peaceable mood of both chivalric orders.
The two orders nurture their bravery for the following day's joint exercise.