Scenario:Cain - Santa's Not-So-Little Helper

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Santa's Not-So-Little Helper

Cain has been ordered to take a one-week vacation, so he decides to spend it by helping the crew with the intention of giving (Captain) a holiday present. However, before he can meet the crew, he's summoned to an island by Pholia where she tells him he's going to be playing the role of Santa's helper.

Only one week remains until the eve of winter's merriest holiday.
Cain: Unless I misread the sovereign's map, this should be the right place...
Cain, an Idelva general turned ordinary traveler, has come alone to a small Nalhegrande island at the behest of the missive he holds in his hand.
Cain: I definitely wasn't expecting a summons from the sovereign. What's this about anyway?
The face of his former liege pops into his head, and he remembers what kicked off this trip.
Cain: I'm to go on a week-long vacation?
Idelva Soldier: Yes. Leona claims that on top of taking zero time off for yourself, you haven't slept a wink recently.
Idelva Soldier: Furthermore, we have orders from Reinhardtzar to lash you down to your bed if need be.
Cain: Ah...
When Cain woke up in the morning, he brushed his teeth and got ready just like any other day. Then, to his utter confusion, he was presented with an ultimatum to take a vacation.
Upon hearing it is an order from Leona and Reinhardtzar, he can't help but grimace.
Cain: Yeah, guess I have been jumping from crisis to crisis without so much as taking a breather.
In the wake of the Rhem Kingdom's invasion of Idelva, various Idelva dignitaries vied for control, leading to a civil war.
Pholia, Idelva's sovereign at the time, stepped down, and the kingdom was reborn as a republic. This bought Idelva a moment of calm.
However, although the civil war drew to a close, an Otherworld Gate that threatened every nation in the Nalhegrande Skydom was opened. Cain was busy putting out fires left and right.
And just when peace seemed to be on the horizon, a group of zealots decided to launch an insurrection.
The issues arising from the aftershocks of these emergencies have been more than enough to keep Cain preoccupied for days on end.
Idelva Soldier: Seeing as how the holidays are upon us, this is the perfect opportunity for you to take a much-deserved sabbatical.
Idelva Soldier: Think of it this way. (Captain)'s crew hasn't visited Idelva in a while, and it doesn't appear they will stop by anytime soon.
Idelva Soldier: Where does that leave the present you have squirreled away for (Captain)? You mustn't let it go undelivered, Cain!
Cain: Wait, what?
Cain: I, um, don't know anything about that. Haha...
Idelva Soldier: Really? That's what everyone's been saying around here...
Idelva Soldier: But in any case, please enjoy your deserved time off. Try new things. See the sights.
Cain: Thanks. I'll keep that in mind.
Cain: All right then. Please keep Idelva safe while I'm gone. If anything should come up, I'll haul it back lickety-split.
After watching the soldier leave, Cain sighs and plops down at a desk in the room.
Cain: "That's what everyone's been saying," huh... Normally I'd look into that kind of gossip, but I'm sure it's no big deal...
Cain glances nervously at the uppermost shelf of the desk, where a small box sits inside a drawer, away from curious eyes.
Cain: (The gift I picked out for (Captain) does seem a tad on the nose to be honest...)
Cain: (But the fact remains that for as skilled of a skyfarer as (Captain) is, the captain isn't invincible.)
Cain: (That was painfully clear when I watched the crew hurtle toward the bottom of the skies. It's a miracle they made it back alive.)
Cain: They won't always be so lucky, and I don't want to live with the regret of not giving (Captain) my present.
Cain: Yeesh, when it comes to the winter holiday, the stress that entails gift-giving is no joke.
Cain spends several more minutes mulling over the gift he had bought, among other concerns. Eventually he makes up his mind.
Cain: (Now that I finally have free time, I should probably go give this to (Captain). It's almost like fate wants me to.)
Cain: That settles it! I'll spend my vacation helping out (Captain) and the crew!
Cain: I'd better get in touch with the captain—
Cain: Hm?
No sooner has Cain arrived at his decision than a light tapping at the window threatens to derail his plans.
Cain: Is that a bird? Hang on, little guy.
With the window barely cracked open, the bird squeezes through, drops an envelope from its beak, and flits back outside.
Cain: Geez. Not sure what the rush is, but okay.
Cain: Looks like this is from... the sovereign?
Cain raises an eyebrow as he reads the name of the sender.
The sovereign, otherwise known as Pholia, had established the Idelva Kingdom and governed it since its inception.
Someone of that authority demands Cain's full attention, and he becomes all business.
He finds a note inside the envelope that simply reads: "I need a favor from you, Cain."
Cain: Hm, there's another piece of paper in here. Looks like a map.
Cain: (There's nothing else in here. I get the feeling this isn't a life-or-death situation, but of all the people she could've reached out to...)
Cain flips the papers over to see if there's anything more. Finding nothing, he shakes his head in resignation.
Cain: (Yeah, staring at this message isn't going to magically provide me with more insight. The only way to know for certain is to head out there.)
At a loss as to what Pholia could possibly want from him, Cain heads for the location marked on the map.
Cain: I'm pretty sure I'm in the right spot, but I don't see her anywhere...
Cain: (On my way here, I chased away a thief trying to hold up some merchants.)
Cain: (They told me this island isn't the safest around. Maybe she got caught up in some kind of trouble?)
Cain: (But if Bai Ze's with her, I seriously doubt anyone would give them a hard time. Still, stranger things have happened. I think I'll look around just in case.)
Cain begins scouring the area for any signs of Pholia.
???: Caaain!
Cain: What the?
Cain: Waaagh!
A white blur plummets from the sky like an ivory comet and crashes into the snow in front of the bewildered man.
From within the snowdrift pops a figure in red sitting atop a creature with brown antlers.
???: Apologies for keeping you waiting! I had a few last-minute matters to attend to.
???: Long time no see, Cain. I am glad you are in good health.
Cain: Sovereign? Bai Ze?
Pholia: Enough with the titles, Cain. I am no longer Idelva's sovereign. Just call me Pholia!
Cain: It's hard to break the habit... Erm, anyway, why are you dressed like that?
Pholia: Hohoho, I'm glad you asked! Who delivers joy in the form of wrapped boxes while no one stirs, not even a mouse? Why, old man Santa Claus of course!
Pholia: And since I've been appointed as one of his helpers, I simply must look the part!
Cain: You're one of Santa Claus's helpers? Wait a minute. I'm not sure where this discussion is going.
Pholia: Hm? Did you even read the letter I sent? I said I needed your help.
Pholia: In fact, you're my only hope.
Pholia: In order to make Santa proud, you and I are going to grant the wishes of everyone on this island!
Pholia punctuates her bold proclamation with two emphatic air punches, which only leaves Cain with his mouth agape.
Cain: Sorry, Bai Ze, but could you fill me in starting from the beginning?
Cain drops all pretense at politeness and implores Bai Ze for an explanation.