Scenario:Auld Lang Syne: The Roomcone War - Ending

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Auld Lang Syne: The Roomcone War - Ending

The Roomcone War ends with no particular victor. Joy and Zooey eliminate the pesky Kleshas, and Catura finally awakens to catch the end of the chaos plaguing the Ox Temple. The warring factions are forced to make amends when Catura states she prefers (Captain) to either of their confections.

The Roomcone War has finally come to a head.
Coner Elder: Witness me, brother! The Coners have prevailed!
Roomer Elder: By Bahamut's beard... We've actually lost...
The Coners have proven victorious. With their years of popular support, their superior numbers allowed them to overcome the Roomers seemingly insurmountable unity.
Coner Elder: We'll use this momentum to spread the glory of the Chococone to the rest of the skies! Everyone, raise your cones of victory!
As the Coners lift their banners, cries of hard-won ecstasy echo from the fields of the Ox Temple.
Roomer Infantry: ...!
Coner Infantry: ...!
Zooey: That's enough. The results are clear.
Joy: Ring! Riiiing!
Joy: Worldly desires, disperse!
Lyria: Nice work, Joy! You cleared out all the Kleshas in one go!
Roomer Elder: Wait... Are those cows? Why are we in a pasture?
Coner Elder: Is this the Ox Temple ranch? What on earth are we doing here!
Gran is the Main Character

Joy: Yay! Everyone is back to normal!
  1. Whoa, I was out of it too, huh?

Djeeta is the Main Character

Joy: Yay! Everyone is back to normal!
  1. Whoa, I was out of it too, huh?

Choose: Whoa, I was out of it too, huh?
Choose: Whoa, I was out of it too, huh?

Lyria: Yay, you're back with us too! Do you feel dizzy?
(Captain), coming out of the Kleshas' grip, sheepishly smirks in apology for taking part in the Roomcone War.
Catura: Yaaaawn...
Lyria: Catura's finally awake!
Catura: Moohoohoo! Oh, (Captain). Did you come to see me?
Catura: I had the strangest dream... An evil witch cursed me... And I fell asleep for one hundred years.
Catura: But then you woke me with a kiss... And we were dancing in a splendid castle...
Catura: A chocolate mushramboo shoot airship fairy used her magic... And turned my dress a pretty iridescent color...
Catura: Moohoohoo... I wish you could have seen it...
Vyrn: Good to know Catura's still her same old self.
Cow: Mooo!
Catura: Oh my... Is something wrong with the cattle?
Catura: And why are so many people here?
Roomer Elder: You bear the sacred spots... Are you perhaps the Divine Ox?
Catura: I am... Who are you?
The warring brothers explain themselves and approach Catura with heads bowed.
Coner Elder: We disturbed this holy place with our petty dispute. Please forgive us!
Catura: It's okay... You didn't upset my cows. Too much.
Cow: Moo!
Roomer Elder: Such a merciful heart! We cannot thank you enough. A-and we'll repair the broken fencing at once!
Catura: So... To what do I owe the pleasure?
Coner Elder: That's right! Brother?
The two brothers exchange a nod and present a plate bearing their respective confections to Catura.
Roomer Elder: Lady Catura, would you do us the honor of trying our creations?
Catura: Whoa, looks delicious... Don't mind if I do...
Catura: Mmm... This mushroom-shaped thingy is great...
Catura: Hmm, and so is this bamboo-shaped doohickey...
Coner Elder: Which, which do you prefer?
Catura: Good question...
Roomer Elder: Please, we must know your choice!
Catura: Hmm... Give me a second... Hrm...
Coner Elder: (Please! Say Chococone!)
Roomer Elder: (Chocoroom, Chocoroom, Chocoroom!)
Catura: ...
Catura: When it comes to what I like... My answer always is, and will always be... (Captain).
Catura's cheeks flush as she gives (Captain) an intimate squeeze.
Elders: Gah! My sense of self!
Vyrn: Geez, Cow Prints, you're nothin' if not consistent.
Gran is the Main Character

Lyria: Hehe, well, Catura does love (Captain) to the moooon and back!
Djeeta is the Main Character

Lyria: Hehe, well, Catura does love (Captain) to the moooon and back!
Catura's Mom: Good morning, Catura! I've just finished the morning milking!
Catura: Ah, thanks, Mama... I'll go fetch it now.
Catura hops on her gearcycle Milky, conveniently parked outside the cowshed, and heads out to bottle milk.
Roomer Elder: Hahaha... Feels like we can relax now.
Coner Elder: Yeah. I guess we've learned an important lesson today: always follow your own path.
Roomer Elder: I think we may have taken our rivalry too far, huh?
Coner Elder: It's this industry. Damn sweets make monsters of us all.
Zooey: No. Sweets are never to blame.
Zooey, who had been watching from the sidelines, walks forward with a smile on her face.
Zooey: "I want this, I need this..." These are the kinds of thoughts that allow Kleshas to overtake you mortals.
Zooey: The fact that you both gave rise to so many Kleshas serves to prove your dedication to your craft.
Coner Elder: Maybe, but...
Zooey: Don't misunderstand me. I'm not praising you for bringing conflict to the Ox Temple.
Zooey: However, your fierce rivalry drove you to make your candy the best it could be, and you both gained many fans as a result, did you not?
Zooey: Having seen this, I think your work is a beautiful thing.
Zooey: Waging war is a step too far, but I rather enjoyed the spirit of your less than friendly competition.
Roomer Elder: You're right...
Coner Elder: Our sibling rivalry gave us passion.
Other Brother: You see, dear brothers? Only through the fires of competition can we hope to stoke the flames of invention!
Vyrn: You again? Where'd you pop out of?
Catura: Moohoohoo... I brought back some fresh milk. Who wants a drink?
Lyria: Yay! I love the milk from your cows, Catura! Thank you!
Catura: Oh, candy boys, here's your glasses...
Roomer Elder: Are you sure? We made such a ruckus before...
Catura: It's to thank you for your sweet treats. They were delicious!
Roomer Elder: This is amazing! It's delectable, like the finest cream!
Coner Elder: I've never tasted milk with such a full body! I'd love to pour this on my Chococone Cereal!
Roomer Elder: Right, you did make that newfangled product... I'll have to think of a spicy recipe for Chocorooms to keep up...
Roomer Elder: Maybe a cake that uses Chocorooms as decor? They'd be perfect for a stump cake!
Coner Elder: Cake decoration, eh? Chococones could be used for that too!
Roomer Elder: Hey now, don't you copy me!
Coner Elder: But mimicry is the best form of flattery.
The brothers continue their jovial bickering over their glasses of milk.
Catura: Mooohoo... Milk brings families together...
Joy: Is the Roomcone War over?
Zooey: No. I'm afraid it will continue. So long as their passion remains lit.
Zooey smiles faintly, having confirmed a truth she long assumed: Mortals may bicker, but often their feuds lead to further prosperity.
The End?
Coner Gal?: Munch, munch. I knew it. Chococones are better.
Roomer Gal?: Munch, munch. I feel sorry for you. You don't understand the greatness of Chocorooms.
Coner Gal?: You've got chocolate on your cheek.
???: Look at you gawrls, eating your sweets and ignoring your duties!
Coner Gal?: But our duties are dumb! These are milk tea flavored Chococones! Try some and you'll see why life's worth living!
???: Blegh! What's the big ide—stop trying to shove it into my mouth!
???: What in the skies... The calm flavor of tea, munch-munch, balanced perfectly with the sweetness of milk, munch-munch, it's perfect!
Roomer Gal?: Look at you go... And you told us not to eat any.
???: Holy stripes! You gawrls ensorcelled me with your schemes!
???: Back to the matter at hand! Some bell-contraption came by and wiped out all the Kleshas while you two were wasting all your gawrsh darn time!
Coner Gal?: Oh yeah, it is awful quiet now.
Roomer Gal?: They were arguing with so much, uh... gusto. How could we not join in? Munch, munch...
???: Whatever. The year will soon change over, and we need to prepare. Let's head home, gawrls.
Gals: Sure.
Coner Gal?: Hope you had a good year.
Roomer Gal?: And we hope you find some even better stripes in the next.
Led by their tiny tiger, the pair of mysterious girls walk along the snow-clad road with nary a destination in sight.
The End