Scenario:Athena - Then and Now

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Then and Now

On a day like any other, (Captain) and crew stop by a town for supplies and discover a statue strongly resembling Athena. A nearby guard explains that the statue is of the war goddess that once kept the town safe and taught its residents how to effectively defend its ramparts. Realizing that this is the town she once safeguarded in the past, a confused and bitter Athena reveals that the town was supposed to have been destroyed, because she wasn't strong enough to save it.

(Captain) and crew, running low on daily necessities, make a stop to resupply.
Lyria: Wow... This town is super big...
Vyrn: You got that right... Can't believe they managed to build a huge wall around the place.
Athena: The ramparts are very well done. I imagine they'll protect the people living here for a long time.
Upon entering the town, the crew members are blown away by the walls towering over their heads.
Vyrn: I get that they wanna keep monsters out, but ain't this kinda overkill?
Athena: Judging by the arrangement of towers and crenellation, the ramparts are meant to defend against people as well as monsters.
Athena: Enemy soldiers can be kept at bay, while counterattacks can be made from the inside or at the top where enemy arrows won't reach.
Vyrn: Sounds like the higher the wall, the better.
Athena: Barring a few exceptions, that logic generally holds true.
Athena: The slope of these ramparts is designed particularly well... As is the height.
Lyria: Is there something wrong? You look kind of concerned.
Athena: It's nothing serious. I just feel as if I've seen this design before.
Athena: Though that shouldn't be possible...
Vyrn: Think we've gawked for long enough. Let's grab what we need and take a walk 'round town after.
The group agrees, then sets out to procure supplies.
Once everything is purchased and accounted for, they take a walk around.
They stop in front of a statue placed in the town's center.
Athena: Impossible...
Vyrn: You guy's seein' what I'm seein'?
Lyria: Isn't this Athena?
Athena: ...
Everyone's gazes drift back and forth between Athena and her frighteningly accurate recreation.
Guard 1: Excuse me, is everything okay here? I can give you directions if you're lost.
Lyria: Oh... We're just wondering who this statue is supposed to be.
Guard 1: I can answer that. This is a depiction of the war goddess that once protected our town.
Guard 1: She remains as a symbol that continues to watch over us.
Vyrn: Huh... When you put it that way, it kinda looks like it'll come to life any moment now.
Guard 1: The statue actually does contain a hidden power, if the legend is to be believed.
Guard 1: "When calamity strikes, the goddess of war shall wake to repel it."
Guard 1: Not that such a disaster will ever break through our impenetrable defenses.
Vyrn: No kiddin'... Your walls're thicker than the Grim Basin's clouds, and you've got guards for days. We don't usually run into security as tight as yours.
Guard 1: Everything is set up the way the goddess taught us. No more, no less.
Guard 1: You won't run into any monsters or thieves here, so please enjoy your visit with peace of mind.
The guard gives the group a brief bow, then walks away.
Athena: This town has to be...
Vyrn: Have ya been here before, Shield Lady? 'Cause this goddess of theirs sounds an awful lot like you.
Her expression perplexed, Athena hesitantly nods.
Athena: I believe this is the location of a base I once established long ago.
Athena: The positioning of troops and design of the ramparts appear to be a more developed version of what I originally taught the people.
Vyrn: Huh... I can definitely picture you in the teacher role.
Athena: But I'm not sure how any of it can still be in existence.
Athena: This town should have been destroyed... I know this because I wasn't strong enough to keep it safe.
Her mouth twists as she recalls the painful memory.
To the group's surprise, her eyes also burn with uncharacteristic hatred.

Then and Now: Scene 2

That evening, Athena takes a walk through town, reminiscing on her own. She recalls Enyo, the primal beast that once helped her defend the town by eliminating outside threats. Using half her power, Athena created a palladium that produced a barrier around town, making the place near impenetrable. But an unexpected betrayal by Enyo led to the palladium being destroyed, and none of the power inside returned to Athena, leaving her too weak to defend the town against Enyo's jubilant destruction.

The crew stands in a town that should have been destroyed long ago.
When Athena reveals this, everyone stares at her in shock.
Lyria: What do you mean this town was destroyed?
Athena: Back then, there was another primal beast aside from myself.
Athena: She was responsible for eliminating threats on the outside while I guarded our walls.
Athena: With our combined strength and the cooperation of the people, the town flourished.
Athena: At least until the day that she turned against us.
Athena: Enyo, she... She killed everyone we were supposed to keep safe.
Athena: I couldn't shield any of them. I lost to her...
Athena: And the palladium protecting the town was shattered.
Athena: Everything was reduced to rubble by the time I regained consciousness.
Athena's visage is shrouded in sorrow and remorse as she speaks.
Her friends can only listen in stunned silence.
With the evening growing late, the crew decides to stay the night.
Athena quietly slips out of their inn once everyone else is asleep.
Athena: The layout of the town is different now, but it all feels so familiar...
Athena: Its people walk and breathe, and life carries on.
Guard 1: I can answer that. This is a depiction of the war goddess that once protected our town.
Guard 1: She remains as a symbol that continues to watch over us.
Athena: I had believed everything to be completely devastated.
Athena: But the survivors restored their home...
Athena: And even erected a monument to a failure like myself.
She looks up at the stone recreation of the war goddess.
Athena: Enyo...
Her tone burdened by loathing and guilt, she closes her eyes to recall the distant past.
Guard 2: Athena, Enyo, we've got trouble! A large horde of monsters is headed our way!
Athena: Calm yourself. How many are there, and where are they now?
Guard 2: H-hundreds, if not more! They just pushed past subdivision three and are about to reach our walls!
Athena: Then we have plenty of time to act. Gather the platoon leaders and prepare for a counterattack.
Athena: We'll also need to alert and evacuate civilians. Shut the gates closest to the horde. For those still outside the walls, light a beacon over the gates that can remain open.
Guard 2: Understood!
Enyo: With the palladium's protective barrier in place, you don't need to be so cautious.
Enyo: It can even repel an attack from me, after all.
Enyo: Monsters aren't that threatening, regardless of number. Don't you think you're being a little excessive?
Athena: You can never be too careful. There's no such thing as guaranteed success.
Athena: The palladium still has its weaknesses, even though I exhausted nearly all of my strength while making it.
Enyo: Because it functions by keeping out invaders harboring hostile intent...
Enyo: It doesn't do much against any enemies who manage to slip inside, right?
Athena: Nor is it indestructible. We would be in dire straits if the palladium were to break and the both of us defeated.
Athena: That's why the people of this town must also learn how to defend themselves.
Enyo: That's a good point. Perhaps I should refrain from cleaning up all our foes from now on.
Enyo: Not to say that I'll be standing idly by.
Enyo: I would never want our people to be hurt on my watch.
Enyo: How about... I leave the general defense to our troops and jump in whenever the situation takes a turn for the worse.
Enyo: What do you think?
Athena: That might be the way to go if we're to prepare for a worst case scenario.
Enyo: Then I'll watch over our counterattacking troops while you hold down the fort.
Athena: All right. Thank you, Enyo.
Athena flashes Enyo a smile full of trust.
In return, Enyo gives Athena her own smile.
Guard 3: A scout just reported in! Th-there's a group of over a hundred monsters headed straight for town!
Unrest and uncertainty spread throughout the guards as they hear the news.
Athena: Remain calm. The palladium's barrier won't fall so easily.
Guard 4: R-right!
Athena: I will go guard our walls. Enyo—
Enyo: Will take care of extermination out there?
Athena: If you wouldn't mind.
Responding with a confident nod, Enyo grabs her spear and takes her leave.
Athena: ...
Monsters: Grrrrooaaar!
Athena: For such a number of monsters to appear at once... Is someone controlling them?
Athena: Whatever foe awaits, I won't let them harm our town.
Her conviction spoken, she watches the barrier manifest and drive away monster after monster.
Kydoimos: Grrr...
Enyo: Oh? Already done mopping things up over there? That was fast.
Enyo lovingly pats the monster on the back.
Enyo: Hehe, it's astonishing to see that the barrier won't break even against Kydoimos.
With an amused smile, she glances over at the protected town.
Enyo: The place has truly grown large and sturdy.
Enyo: It's about time I reap my harvest... Hehehe...
Her laughter dissipates in the passing wind, unheard by anyone who could have recognized it for the foreboding sign that it was.
Guard 3: Hey, did you get the news? Apparently not only did no one die, not a single person was seriously hurt either.
Guard 4: It's all thanks to Athena and Enyo for helping us out. We owe them both more than we can ever repay.
Enyo: Hehe, we appreciate the compliment.
Enyo: Don't we, Athena?
Athena: It is kind of you to say as much.
Guard 3: A-Athena? Enyo too? Wh-what can we do for you?
Athena: We're just making the rounds. Have you noticed any irregularities here?
Guard 3: Everything's been quiet, thanks to you and Enyo.
Guard 3: We hope you'll continue to keep us safe!
Athena: Of course. I'll do everything in my power to aid the town.
Enyo: Same here. I rather like this quaint place.
Guard 2: Apologies for the interruption, but an envoy from a nearby settlement is paying a visit! Could we trouble you both with an audience?
Athena: It's not any trouble at all. Show us the way.
As soon as Athena and Enyo enter the room, the envoy bows low.
Envoy: Greetings, Athena and Enyo. I greatly appreciate that you agreed to meet with me.
Athena: To what do we owe the pleasure of your visit?
Envoy: Well...
The envoy, respectfully bowing again, begins to explain the state of the nearby settlement.

Then and Now: Scene 3

Staring at the statue made in her likeness, Athena recognizes that the people kept her in their hearts as they labored to rebuild, but she feels unworthy of being considered a goddess when she failed to protect the town before. She swears to prevent another tragedy from occurring again. Unbeknownst to her, a gleeful Enyo watches from above and expresses her anticipation for the coming day.

Alone in front of her statue, Athena pulls herself out of her memories.
Athena: ...
Athena: A defeat which will always haunt me. I was powerless... Unable to protect anyone.
Athena: Yet the people resurrected this town and immortalized me in it.
Athena: Building this statue and calling me a goddess when I've done nothing to deserve it...
???: Heheh...
Athena: ...!
Instantly alert, Athena glances around, but the statue is the only figure nearby.
Athena: ...
The unforgettable voice of her former ally fades into the wind as an unfamiliar feeling settles into Athena's chest.
Athena: What is wrong with me? At the very least, I should strive to be someone worthy of the respect they've shown.
Athena: Allow me to swear upon this monument—I won't let the same tragedy strike twice.
After one last look at her stone visage, Athena walks away.
Enyo: I never thought we'd meet here again, of all places.
Enyo: Heheheh, we're going to have so much fun, Athena...
A lone shadow atop the ramparts gazes over the town.
She giggles to herself, sporting a wicked smile.