Scenario:Anna - Generational Magic

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Generational Magic

One day while shopping with (Captain) and the others, a young boy tells Anna that she's too old for stuffed animals. After having a nightmare of her grandmother chiding her for being childish, she decides to take matters into her own hands.

One day, (Captain) and the crew are out on the town shopping, when Anna notices something.
Anna: Oh... Look at that, Lyria. That shop has all kinds of cute stuffed animals on display...
Anna walks up to a store display, where all sorts of stuffed animals can be seen for sale.
Lyria: Wow... There's so many of them! This little kitty one looks a bit like Nightmare, don't you think?
Nightmare: Hmph! Nowhere near as cool as me though!
Anna: Hehe... Look at the adorable little outfit on this one.
Nightmare: I bet I'd look pretty dapper in it myself!
Lyria: Oh, what about the ribbon on this one? So cute, isn't it?
Anna: Ah... It's all just so lovely!
(Captain) and the others look through the various stuffed animals and creatures.
Standing by them is a young boy, seemingly admiring one of the stuffed bears on display.
Well-dressed Boy: ...
Anna: That boy over there... Is it just me, or is his gaze kind of intense?
Lyria: He seems to be staring right at that big bear. Do you think he wants it?
Anna: Perhaps. But he looks kind of restless...
Anna: M-maybe I'll try talking to him...
Vyrn: Are you sure? You don't even know the kid.
Anna: It's fine... I'm better with kids than grown-ups, I think...
Anna: And as long as I have Nightmare with me, it should be okay...
Anna timidly approaches the young boy, Nightmare in hand.
Nightmare: So you like this fella, eh? You've got good taste, kid!
Well-dressed Boy: Huh?
The boy, taken aback, glances at the two, before quickly turning to look at something else.
Well-dressed Boy: Yeah, right. Stuff like that's for babies.
Nightmare: What the—but you've been starin' at it since we got here!
Well-dressed Boy: No I wasn't! Leave me alone, lady!
The boy pushes Nightmare away before looking up at Anna.
Anna: M-me?
Well-dressed Boy: Yeah, who else? Is that your ventriloquist's dummy? Are you a street performer or something?
Anna: N-no, actually... I'm a witch, you see... Nightmare's... my friend.
Nightmare: Yeah, that's right! So you'd better be nice to her!
Well-dressed Boy: ...You're a weirdo. Aren't you too old to be playing with stuffed animals?
Anna: M-maybe... I guess I am...
Irritated, the boy lets out a heavy sigh.
Well-dressed Boy: Listen here, lady. I'm gonna teach you something.
Well-dressed Boy: When you grow up... You have to leave childish things behind like stuffed animals.
Well-dressed Boy: If you can't ever learn to let go, you'll never make anything of yourself!
Anna: Learn to let go... of Nightmare?
Well-dressed Boy: Yep. Otherwise you'll never be a real grown-up.
Vyrn: Hey, nothin' wrong with liking stuffed animals.
Vyrn: Bein' a kid or an adult shouldn't have anything to do with it!
Well-dressed Boy: Hmph! That's just something a baby would say!
Anna: Oh no...
Vyrn: There he goes... Welp, don't worry too much about him, okay?
Lyria: I'm sure if we could talk to him again, he'd be more understanding.
Anna: No... It's fine, Lyria... I get what he's saying.
Anna: ...
  1. Is it really okay?
  2. Are you worried about him?

Choose: Is it really okay?

Anna: Y-yeah, it's fine! Sorry, (Captain)...
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: Are you worried about him?

Anna: Something like that... But what could I even say to him?

Continue 1

Anna: (And he's probably right, anyway...)
Anna: So, um, anyway... don't worry about me!
Anna tries her hardest to put on an a smile for the captain.
However, it doesn't get past (Captain), who notices her hands, anxiously gripping the hem of her dress.
Later that night, Anna has a dream of her old home.
Anna: (Is this... Where Grandma and I lived?)
Anna: (It looks just how it did while she was still here... How long has it been?)
Anna looks around the house before finally finding a familiar face.
Anna: (Grandma... and... me?)
Dream Anna: Sniff... I... I don't want you to leave me, Grandma...
Dream Anna: I-I can't do anything all by myself...
The old woman lets out a hearty laugh in an attempt to cheer up the teary-eyed Anna.
Grandma: Don't be silly, my child... I've taught you all that I can to make sure you'll be able to fend for yourself.
Dream Anna: B-but I wasn't even able to do what you taught me right... Everyone's gonna see that I'm just a big screwup...
Grandma: I've told you a hundred times, Anna—nobody said you had to follow in my footsteps. You're free to live your life the way you want.
Grandma: Besides, you'll have Nightmare to keep you company, right?
The old woman picks up the stuffed animal sitting on the table, handing it to Anna.
Grandma: You know, Anna... I've actually put a little spell on Nightmare.
Dream Anna: A spell?
Grandma: Indeed. This spell makes it so you'll be able to express your true feelings with Nightmare.
Grandma: As long as the spell is working, you'll be able to speak from the heart with his help.
Grandma: Until you find someone you can open up to naturally, he can do your talking for you.
Anna: (That's right... Grandma always believed in me until the very end...)
Anna: (But... what did she say after that?)
Grandma: But honestly, Anna... How long do you plan on relying on Nightmare?
Anna notices her grandmother's no longer looking at dream-Anna, but directly at her now.
Anna: G-Grandma?
Grandma: It's no secret, Anna. I know that you're still relying on Nightmare to tell people how you really feel.
Grandma: Even after I've been gone for all these years... You're still playing with your toys.
Grandma: I suppose you weren't cut out to be a great witch after all.
Anna: N-no, Grandma!
Anna: Pant... Pant...
It was all just a dream?
Anna sits up in her bed, covered in a cold sweat.
Anna: She was upset with me... because I was still relying on her magic...
Anna: I knew it. I need to stop being so helpless... Right, Grandma?
Anna: I-I'll make something of myself, just watch!
A grim smile creeps across Anna's face.
She jumps out of bed, eyeing the stack of magical tomes in her room.

Generational Magic: Scene 2

(Captain) and the others find out that Anna has cast a spell on herself that makes her speak with Nightmare's voice in a misguided attempt to outgrow her stuffed animal friend. With help from the others, she attempts to recall the last words her grandmother left her with before passing.

The next day, (Captain) and the others invite Anna for tea once again.
Lyria: I wonder if Anna's still frazzled from what happened yesterday...
Vyrn: Yeah. She said not to worry about it, but I think she looked pretty bothered.
Lyria: Well, hopefully she'll feel better after some tea and cookies, right?
Lyria: Anna! We're having tea and cookies! Would you like to join us?
Nightmare's Voice?: S-sorry! I, uh... I can't come out right now, ya see...
Vyrn: Huh? That you, Nightmare?
Vyrn: What's wrong with your voice?
Lyria: Um, Anna? Can we come in?
Nightmare's Voice?: Uh, no! She's busy!
Vyrn: Whoa, hey! You okay in there?
What should we do, (Captain)?
  1. I'm worried, but let's respect her privacy.
  2. We're coming in, Anna!

Choose: I'm worried, but let's respect her privacy.

Lyria: But we haven't even heard her say anything yet! Maybe she's in trouble...
Vyrn: Yeah... Stickin' around here ain't gonna solve anything. I'm goin' in!
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: We're coming in, Anna!

The captain brazenly opens the door without hesitation.

Continue 1

Upon entering Anna's room, (Captain) and the others find her sitting by a mountain of books.
Nightmare?: Oh, uh... Didn't mean to make you worry...
Vyrn: Phew... We thought something happened to you!
Vyrn: Anyway, uh... What's with the Nightmare voice?
Nightmare?: N-Nightmare voice? Wh-whatever could you... mean?
Anna reluctantly begins to explain.
Anna: Th-this is the only way I can talk now...
Lyria: Wait, really? What happened?
Anna: I had a dream last night... My grandmother was upset with me...
She explains in detail about the dream she had last night.
Anna: I decided it's about time I finally did something about it.
Anna: So I cast the same spell my grandmother cast on Nightmare... on myself.
Anna: And now I'm talkin' like this for some reason...
Vyrn: You're kidding... Isn't that going a little too far?
Lyria: And I don't think your grandmother would've said something like that to you...
Anna: But she did! In my dream, she was looking right at me...
Vyrn: Okay. So let's say your granny does wanna see you a little more confident.
Vyrn: But this ain't you, is it? It's Nightmare!
Anna: Yeah... Yeah, you're right...
Anna: But I actually dunno how to break the spell...
Anna: All the tome said was once I no longer needed it, it would go away on its own...
Lyria: Oh no! Really?
Lyria: What should we do, (Captain)?
The captain ponders for a moment and asks Anna to tell stories about her past.
Anna: My past? You mean, like when my grandmother was still around?
Anna: I could do that... but why?
  1. You might remember some good advice.
  2. I think you've got it all wrong.

Choose: You might remember some good advice.

Vyrn: Yeah. I bet your nan was full of great ideas on how to grow up and be a strong independent witch.
Vyrn: If you could just dig some of that up, you won't need this dumb spell anymore and⁠—poof⁠—problem solved!
Go to "Continue 2"

Choose: I think you've got it all wrong.

(Captain) explains that it's hard to believe Anna's grandmother would want her to change her personality so drastically.
Lyria: Exactly! She'd never say something like that to you!
Lyria: Think, Anna! What did your grandmother actually mean?

Continue 2

Anna nods meekly in response.
Anna: Well, I guess I could try again...
She closes her eyes, recalls a time past, and begins to speak.
Anna: My first memory... I'm in the forest. I'm wandering around... and I'm hungry.
Anna: I can't remember much of anything before that... or about my parents.
Anna: The only thing I remember is that they left me in the woods.
Anna: And when they abandoned me, it was Grandma who found me.
Grandma: Oh, there you are, child.
Young Anna: Um... Who are you?
Grandma: Me? Just an old witch who lives around these parts.
Grandma: I came here looking for you, actually... How'd you like to stay with me, little girl?
Anna: Then she took my hand and walked me to her house.
Anna: I learned many things from her.
Anna: She taught me not only magic, but cooking, and sewing too... We made Nightmare together.
Grandma: Wonderful, Anna. This is a lovely cat.
Grandma: Now then. What should we call this little fellow?
Anna: Ehehe... I've had a name in mind for a while now—Nightmare.
Grandma: Ah, how lovely. Well it's nice to meet you, Nightmare.
Nightmare: Put 'er there, Grandma!
Anna: He says it's very nice to meet you too.
Grandma: Hehe... Thank you, dearie. And my, what an adorable little voice he has!
Anna: As I got older, Grandma taught me more advanced spells.
Anna: I wasn't a very fast learner, but she was patient with me.
Anna: Grandma... Don't you think—I don't know—that I'm slow?
Grandma: Whatever could you mean? You're getting stronger day by day, Anna. I can see it.
Anna: It's just... I've always wanted to be a great witch. Just like you, Grandma.
Anna: But at this rate, I'm going to be 100 before I get there.
Grandma: It's a wonderful thing for a witch to have lofty goals. It's how we grow—how we soar.
Grandma: But remember. Becoming a great witch isn't about obtaining power—it's about how you use it.
Anna: How I... use it?
Grandma: It is a terrible responsibility, having great power—the consequences are sure to impact not only you, but the lives of those around you.
Grandma: I know a great samurai who was so devoted to honing his blade, he even forgot his own name.
Anna: He forgot his name? But if you know him, he must be a super strong hero, right?
Grandma: He was a hero, yes... To those suffering under the shadow of his enemies.
Grandma: But to those who took shelter under that shadow, he was nothing but a tyrant and a villain.
Grandma: Power comes with the burden of responsibility. Just because you have the ability to control something, doesn't mean you have the right.
Anna: She looked right into my eyes.
Grandma: Anna... You have great power. It's vital that you take the time to learn how and when to wield it.
Grandma: If you're serious about becoming a witch, you must train not only your magic, but your mind.
Anna: Sounds tough... But don't worry. I'll think long and hard about what kind of witch I want to be!
Anna: We lived a simple life... But we were happy.
Anna: Until one day... She didn't get out of bed.
Anna: She said that it was time for her to go.
Anna: Sniff... I... I don't want you to leave me, Grandma...
Anna: I-I can't do anything all by myself...
Grandma: Don't be silly, Anna... I've taught you all that I can to make sure you'll be able to fend for yourself.
Anna: B-but I wasn't even able to do what you taught me right... Everyone's gonna see that I'm just a big screwup...
Grandma: I've told you a hundred times, Anna—nobody said you had to follow in my footsteps. You're free to live your life the way you want.
Grandma: Besides, you'll have Nightmare to keep you company, right?
Grandma: You know, Anna... I've actually put a little spell on Nightmare.
Anna: A spell?
Grandma: Indeed. This spell makes it so you'll be able to express your true feelings with Nightmare.
Grandma: As long as the spell is working, you'll be able to speak from the heart with his help.
Grandma: Until you find someone you can open up to naturally, he can do your talking for you.
Anna: Will I really meet someone like that? I don't even wanna leave the forest...
Grandma: You'll be fine. You have a wonderful gift—the gift of a kind soul.
Grandma: Whether it's lost children, animals, or spirits, all creatures in the forest have taken a liking to you.
Grandma: It's because they can sense you're honest. That's why you're such a hesitant speaker—you're always searching for the right words.
Grandma: There's no need to rush it. Honesty is crucial for building trust...
Grandma: And it's one of the greatest powers a witch can have.
Grandma: So don't you ever, ever lose that part of yourself. Promise?
Anna: O-okay, Grandma... I promise.
Grandma: There's a good girl... I'll be watching over you with Nightmare until you no longer need to rely on me.
Grandma: So don't feel like you need to grow up too quickly. We're here for you.
Anna: Her grip on my hand was getting weaker... It was almost time.
Anna: I had to ask her about something I'd been worried about.
Anna: Grandma... Will Nightmare's spell end one day?
Grandma: Indeed it will—when you no longer need him.
Anna: Will that be... when I grow up?
Anna: To be a witch... To be my own person... Will I have to say goodbye to Nightmare?
Grandma: That's something that you'll have to decide for yourself.
Grandma: When the time comes, just listen to your heart.
Grandma: Stay true to yourself, and live life without regrets.
Anna: She gazed at me for a while longer, softly patting my head.
Anna: And then, as if entering a restful slumber, she shut her eyes for the last time.

Generational Magic: Scene 3

Upon remembering her grandmother's last words, Anna realizes that she never wants to leave Nightmare, breaking the spell. She shares her revelation with the boy from the previous day, and after hearing his story, gifts him an enchanted stuffed animal just as her grandmother had done for her.

(Captain) and the others listen intently as Anna reminisces about her grandmother.
The room has fallen silent—(Captain) is the first to speak after hearing her story.
  1. You don't need to leave Nightmare.
  2. You and Nightmare are both part of the crew.

Choose: You don't need to leave Nightmare.

Lyria: Your grandmother said to listen to your heart, didn't she?
Lyria: If you don't want to, you don't have to part with Nightmare.
Lyria: You can keep growing and adventuring—together!
Go to "Continue 1"

Choose: You and Nightmare are both part of the crew.

Vyrn: Exactly! We're one big happy family on the Grandcypher—and that includes ol' kitty-ears.
Vyrn: You've both been traveling with us for so long, if one of you was to leave, it'd feel like somethin' was missing, you know?
Vyrn: We want you to stick with us—and stick together!

Continue 1

Anna: Yeah... Grandma never told me to leave Nightmare.
Anna: I just misunderstood her.
Anna: It was thanks to Nightmare that I've been able to not only survive, but thrive.
Anna: If it weren't for Nightmare, I wouldn't have been able to make that outfit the other day...
Anna: I wish I could be with him forever...
Anna: H-huh? My voice... It's back?
Lyria: Anna! You were able to break the spell!
Anna: Y-yeah, I guess so!
Anna: I think it was because I was finally able to speak from my heart... without Nightmare's help.
Vyrn: Phew... That settles that then, I guess. Nightmare, you still with us?
Nightmare: Didn't mean to make ya worry!
Anna: Thanks, you guys... for reminding me of what's important.
Anna: I actually have another favor to ask, (Captain), if you don't mind...
Anna: There's someone I'd like to talk to... Do you think you could come with me?
(Captain) nods reassuringly.
Well-dressed Boy: ...
Anna: Oh, good... I had a feeling I'd find you here today.
The boy looks up at Anna, quickly turning away upon recognizing her.
Well-dressed Boy: You again? I'm not gonna apologize for what I said!
Anna: Um... Th-that's not why I'm here!
Anna: I'm here because I never got to hear your side of the story.
Anna: You want this stuffed animal, don't you?
Anna points at the stuffed bear the boy had been staring at.
Anna: I'm guessing someone told you to grow up and quit playing with stuffed animals.
Well-dressed Boy: N-no! This is somethin' I decided on my own!
Nightmare: Listen up, kid. This girl here ain't a part of your family or nothin'!
Anna: So you don't have to worry about me telling anybody you know—it can be our secret.
Anna: So, um...
Nightmare: She's sayin' it's okay to be honest with her!
Well-dressed Boy: ...
The boy falls silent.
After some deliberation, he musters the courage to tell Anna the truth.
Well-dressed Boy: I used to have a stuffed bear of my own... I talked to it all the time.
Well-dressed Boy: But my daddy told me I needed to move on from that stuff if I'm to be the next head of our family...
Well-dressed Boy: If I kept playing with it, I'd never grow up... So I threw that bear away.
Well-dressed Boy: But then I just felt so bad... And that's why I started coming here. To find a look-alike.
Anna: You know... You remind me a bit of myself, actually.
Well-dressed Boy: Wait, really?
Anna: I loved talking with Nightmare... So much that I forgot how to talk to anyone else. Whenever we met new people, he had to speak for me.
Anna: There was a time when I thought I'd never be able to break free from my shell and leave the forest.
Anna: You know... Just earlier today, I tried to abandon Nightmare so I could grow.
Anna: But my friends helped me realize I've grown plenty with him at my side.
Anna: If anything, he gives me the confidence I need to keep moving forward.
Anna: We're family. And I know I won't ever want to leave him—even after I learn how to speak for myself.
The boy looks to the ground, clenching his fists in regret.
Well-dressed Boy: Ngh... I should've never thrown him away.
Well-dressed Boy: But I know my father only wants the best for me. What do you think I should do?
Anna thinks for a moment before an idea strikes.
Anna: Oh, I've got it! Just sit tight.
Anna runs inside the store.
She emerges shortly after, with a small bag in hand.
Anna: Here... This is for you.
Anna pulls out a small stuffed bear, about the size of her palm.
Well-dressed Boy: For... me?
Anna: Look at how small he is. No one has to know about him but you and the people you trust.
Anna: O-of course, nothing will ever replace your original friend, but... Maybe this will help.
Anna: I put a spell on him to help you be a little more honest too.
Anna: He'll be happy to lend an ear when you want to let off steam or talk about things you can't share with anyone else.
Well-dressed Boy: ...
Anna: Oh, er... If you don't like it, I'm not forcing you to take it or anything...
Well-dressed Boy: O-oh, no! That's not it! I was just thinkin' of where to hide it.
Well-dressed Boy: I've never gotten a secret present before, after all.
The boy smiles at Anna.
Well-dressed Boy: Thanks, lady. I'm gonna be a great grown-up one day, and I'm gonna do it with this little guy. Just you wait and see!
Well-dressed Boy: And when I'm a grown-up, I'll show my parents that I had a little friend with me all along.
Nightmare: Heh-heh, and that's how you do it!
That night, Anna has another dream of her grandmother.
Anna: Grandma... Do you think I'm a little closer to becoming a great witch?
Grandma: Of course. I can see you've been working very hard.
Grandma: There's a part of me that just wants you to live life as a normal girl... But, at your core, you're a witch.
Grandma: I'm proud of you, my child.
She gently pats Anna's head.
The warmth of her touch is enough to bring tears to Anna's eyes.