Scenario:Alliah - Unexpected Visitors

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Unexpected Visitors

When Vyrn and the others try to go out to search for (Captain), they are stopped by Alliah, who does not want the crew to fall under any danger. Surprised at her own actions, Alliah realizes she does not want (Captain) to experience the loneliness she experienced on entering her father's empty room—yet also wonders what motivates that feeling.

Alliah: Please retire here after finishing your duties for the day. Be sure to inform the servant when you need to leave.
(Captain): ...
Alliah: But aside from blood relatives and the specially appointed servant, please refrain from letting anyone else in this room.
Irotis: Sniff... I'm sorry...
Irotis: I'm so sorry!
The kidnapping of the True King within the castle—an unprecedented event—had thrown Alliah and those who knew of the situation into an uproar.
Alliah: ...
Vyrn: For now, we'll go on a search with everyone at the castle.
Alliah: Wait. I don't think your crew... should make any bold moves.
Vyrn: Wha? Why's that?
Alliah: It is most likely the leader of the Blue Liberation Front who has kidnapped (Captain).
Alliah: If the leader has decided to do so personally, there is a high possibility that some sort of major operation is on the move.
Alliah: Perhaps they were planning to throw the country into turmoil by kidnapping its leader.
Alliah: I would like to resolve this issue behind closed doors with as little fuss as possible.
Vyrn: Are you tellin' us to just sit back and wait?
Alliah: I'm sorry, but... yes. After all, it is very likely that you will be the next targets.
Alliah: I am having the best soldiers from the Istavion army as well as the White Knight look into the matter. There... should be nothing to worry about.
Alliah: ...
Time passes as Alliah waits together with (Captain)'s crew for further news.
Alliah: (I can't believe I told the crew not to take action as a precaution for what the Blue Liberation Front might do. I'll admit, that was a rather strange excuse...)
Alliah: (Why did I stop them like that?)
Glancing over at the crew members who are quietly awaiting (Captain)'s return, Alliah searches inside herself for some kind of motive.
Alliah: (For some reason, I didn't want to put them in any sort of danger whatsoever.)
Alliah: (Is it because my pride is wounded from having the king kidnapped right under my nose, and I didn't want that to happen again?)
Alliah: (I can't leave this place while the king is absent. That's why I wanted the crew to be where I can see them...)
Alliah: (No, that's not all.)
Alliah: (When I was in that man's room to clean it in preparation for (Captain)'s arrival...)
Alliah: ...
Alliah: (I felt lonely.)
Alliah: (And if I felt that way, about even a parent I hardly shared an emotional bond with...)
Alliah: (The thought of seeing (Captain) return to find no one left—no one but a political marriage partner—is too much to even bear.)
Alliah: (So... is this for my own sake, or that of others? Good luck detangling that one, me.)
Alliah: ...
Alliah: (Assuming I were doing this for the sake of (Captain)... Why? What reason have I to get so involved?)
Alliah sits in the quiet castle, remaining vigilant for any attacks from the Blue Liberation Front.
However, emotions continue to churn inside her as she questions herself over and over.

Unexpected Visitors: Scene 2

Some time after (Captain)'s kidnapping incident, Alliah pays an early visit to the True King's room to oversee the king's morning meal. To her surprise, Lyria, Vyrn, and Io emerge from their hiding place and admit to having stayed overnight, despite the room being off-limits to anyone who is not a blood relative or a designated attendant. When Alliah calls for breakfast to be prepared for the other crew members, (Captain) asks for Alliah's portion to be brought as well.

Some time has passed since the unexpected incident with (Captain)'s kidnapping.
Alliah: ...
Alliah: (How many years has it been since I was last here to present at the king's morning?)
Alliah: (When I was a child, every morning I would watch as that man got up and had his breakfast. I did what I was expected to do, and we never spoke to each other.)
Alliah: (I watched as he carried the food to his mouth, never saying a word on the taste. The epitome of stifling.)
Alliah: (I should stop thinking about that. The person in the king's room now is not that man anymore.)
One early morning, Alliah accompanies an attendant and visits the king's room to wake (Captain).
Alliah: It's me. Your breakfast is ready—may I come in?
Alliah: ...?
Alliah senses panic in the air emitting from the room.
(Captain) appears at the door, looking disheveled and breathless.
Alliah: What's going on in there?
The captain smiles and tries to wave off the question. Deciding not to pursue the matter, Alliah directs the attendant to bring (Captain)'s breakfast into the room.
Attendant: Today's breakfast is a chilled appetizer consisting of Tranquion chicken, along with apple jelly—
Just as the attendant lays the dishes onto the dining table, there is a sudden interruption.
???: Gah! My stomach rumbled...
???: Shh! Lower your voice!
Attendant: U-um, Lady Alliah... Was that...
Alliah: ...
Alliah: Why don't the three of you come out?
Lyria: Oh, um... Haha...
Alliah: What is the meaning of this? I believe I've already said that no one other than blood relatives and designated servants are allowed in here.
Io: I'm sorry! It's my fault, I insisted on seeing what the inside of the king's room looked like!
Vyrn: And, well... Lyria and I wanted to see too, so we came along...
Io: And then we ended up staying here for the night...
Alliah: ...
With a scratch of the head, (Captain) apologizes to Alliah, who can't help but crack a smile.
Alliah: Bring three more sets of breakfast.
Attendant: Oh, um, very well... Are you certain, my lady?
Alliah: If the king has approved of this, then it's fine.
Alliah: After all, unlike the previous king, our new ruler has more friends than foes.
Alliah: (The room's customs were arbitrary to begin with—rules that man decided on himself.)
Attendant: Understood. Then I shall have three more portions brought—
  1. Plus one more for Alliah!

Choose: Plus one more for Alliah!

Alliah: For me?
Attendant: A-as you wish, Your Majesty.
Vyrn: If we're gettin' food, then you should too, Alliah!
Io: Yeah.
Alliah: ...
Very well. Then allow me to join you.

Unexpected Visitors: Scene 3

(Captain) and company crowd around the small, single-person table and begin a lively breakfast. Amused at the contrast between this and the previous king's mornings, Alliah realizes she simply feels happy to have new family members who care about her, blood relation or no. Having found a satisfying answer for her desire to support (Captain) as partner, she smiles and joins in enjoying the meal.

Io: Kinda squished here, huh?
Alliah: This table was only meant for one person, after all.
Lyria: Ahaha...
The five of them sit around the small table in the room, shoulders rubbing against one another's.
Attendant: My apologies. I believe the table will not be big enough to fit all of these plates...
Vyrn: Then how 'bout we just plop the whole platter on top of the table and eat off that?
Io: Sure, I don't mind.
Alliah: ...
Very well. Do as he says, please.
Alliah gestures to the attendants, who promptly bring out the spread. The five begin their meal.
Io: It's pretty cramped... Why don't you sit on (Captain)'s lap instead of a chair, Vyrn?
Vyrn: But then I'd get in (Captain)'s way.
  1. Seconds, please!

Choose: Seconds, please!

Attendant: S-seconds? U-um, very well.
Alliah: Does... anyone else want seconds?
Lyria: I do!
Io: Me too.
Vyrn: I want another bowl of the apple stuff.
Alliah: Pff... Haha. Then I shall have seconds myself.
Attendant: Y-yes, my lady.
Vyrn: What's the matter with you two? You both keep widenin' your eyes and chucklin'.
Alliah: It's my first time hearing the word "seconds" said in this kind of setting.
Attendant: I-it is my first time as well.
Alliah: The king's meal had always been a rather stuffy affair, but now... it feels as if we are sitting at a restaurant in town.
Alliah: (It's not only about getting seconds. This is the first time I've ever been invited to dine with someone else in this room.)
Alliah: ...
Alliah: (The one who, with nothing to gain, risked everything to save my life...)
Alliah: (And—though it not be by choice, and in name only—joined my family...)
Alliah: (Despite it all, is here treating me like family, as naturally as the sun. And as my blood relatives have each disappeared, one after the other...)
Alliah: ...
(So that's why. It's because this made me happy.)
Alliah: (Even if we are bound by not blood nor vows, I still want to be there for (Captain). If not as spouse, as partner; as family.)
Alliah: I can get used to this.
Alliah finds herself enjoying the unexpected breakfast in the king's room—a situation she never would have imagined before.
She smiles contentedly, taking the time to savor each and every moment.