Primal Resonance/Story

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These tabs contain full Event cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the plot and characters. View these tabs at your own discretion.

Primal Resonance - Opening

On an island once ravaged during the War by awakened primal beasts and skydwellers, Baal looks down from a high ground as if in search of something. Just as he is about to leave, he feels a familiar presence.

???: ...
Psyched Skyfarer: Hyaaah! How's this!
Monster: Groooar!
A faraway island is wreathed in a strange frenzy, a passion bordering on obsessive madness.
Vigilant Skyfarer: Suck on this, you stupid monsters!
Primal Beast: We must cut through this menace in one fell swoop or else!
Atop a bluff overlooking the turmoil, a single primal peers down with melancholy in his eye.
Baal: I can't bear to hear such dissonance.
Baal: Oh how this island has warped in my absence. The noise pains my ears.
Psyched Skyfarer: The primal beast went that way!
Vigilant Skyfarer: Perfect! Don't let up!
Primal Beast: Aaah!
Baal: A repulsive sight.
Baal: Why did I come here again? No matter, I had best leave before—
Baal: ...!
Baal: This resonance!
Baal: ...
Baal: The chord is unnerving but familiar.
Baal: But it's not possible for her to be here. That would mean...
Baal: Wait, no... It's a duo?
Baal: Could it be...
Baal: ...
Baal: Sigh...
Baal: Things are going to get a lot louder around here, aren't they?
A sulking Baal turns and leaves the island with nary a word more.

Primal Resonance - Chapter 1: Neverending Search - Episode 1

Medusa receives a letter one day with potential information about her sisters' whereabouts. She rushes to find (Captain) and the others, but unfortunately the crew has other business to attend to. With no time to waste, she heads to the island first on her own.

Medusa: Hum-dee-dum...
Vyrn: Heeey, Snake Girl!
Medusa: Grrr!
Medusa: How many times will you make me say it—stop calling me Snake Girl, you dumb lizard!
Vyrn: Wait a minute—you of all primals shouldn't be calling me a lizard!
Medusa: With scales as slimy as yours, what else could you be!
Medusa is a rambunctious primal beast who decided to follow (Captain)'s crew some time ago...
(Captain) and company drift past the Lumacie Archipelago on the Grandcypher.
Medusa: I am Medusa, the proud primal beast who can turn anyone to stone with just a glance.
Medusa: Hee-hee... And my friend here is Medusiana, a gigantic serpent of fearsome might!
Medusiana: ...!
Medusa: Now tremble in fear, mortals!
Her pride as a primal beast causes her to be standoffish to the mortal members of (Captain)'s crew, and yet she refuses to leave them all the same.
Medusa: So, spill it already. What do you want?
Vyrn: Oh, that's right! A letter came for you!
Medusa: A letter? For me?
Vyrn: Yep. You can check for yourself. Here!
Vyrn: Great! Now that messenger duty's over, I'm outta here!
Medusa: Letters are a skyfarers' custom... Who could this be from?
Medusa: Let's see...
Medusa: Mm...
Medusa: Gasp!
Lyria: Should we get going soon?
Vyrn: Yup! I'm all set!
Medusa: You two! Wait!
Lyria: Medusa? What brings you here all of a sudden?
Medusa: It's terrible! Quickly, you must—
Medusa: Hold on. What is this? Were you about to saunter off somewhere?
Vyrn: Well, we got a request, so we've gotta go meet the client.
Medusa: You're kidding! At a time like this?
Lyria: What's the matter? Do you need help with an errand or something?
Medusa: "An errand" is putting it lightly... But in any case it's a super big deal!
Vyrn: Not sure who put ants in your pants, but can't it wait until we're done with our job?
Medusa: Of course it can't! Because... because...
Medusa: It's my sister! They might have found her!
Vyrn: Sister?
Lyria: Um, sorry?
Lyria: Did you just say sister?
Medusa: What, did you both forget what basic words mean? Don't ask dumb questions!
Lyria: Whoa! Have you had one this whole time? I never knew!
Vyrn: First time I'm hearing any of this!
Medusa: Makes sense. I've never brought her up around you guys.
Vyrn: Well maybe you should've...
Lyria: Can you tell us more? Who found her exactly?
Medusa: There's no time to explain now.
Medusa: I've gotta leave right away, so come and find me once you're finished up with your mortal affairs!
Vyrn: H-hey! Slow down so we can keep up!
Medusa: Let me simplify it for you: you're going to help me find her, you hear!
Medusa: Why, you ask? Because this is a perfect opportunity for your crew...
Medusa: An opportunity for you to display your deep appreciation and reverence for us primal beasts!
Lyria: Um, we don't mind, but...
Medusa: The place is written here on this note... And it's a location you already know well enough, so don't be late!
Vyrn: W-wait!
Medusa: No time! Come, Medusiana!
Medusiana: ...!
Medusa: Of all the ways to reach me... Sheesh, sending a letter? Does a slower form of communication even exist?
Medusa: That dumb geezer's always had a few loose screws, but come on!
Lyria: And she's off...
Medusa flies off astride Medusiana, and (Captain) watches as their figures shrink to little more than a speck over the horizon.
Vyrn: Anyways, first things first—we'd better wrap this mission up quick!
Lyria: You're right! Let's get this done!
Vyrn: Yeah... If we don't meet back up with Snake Girl soon enough, she might bite our heads off.

Primal Resonance - Chapter 1: Neverending Search - Episode 2

Medusa arrives at the island and reunites with the primal beasts Nezha, Satyr, and Baal. It was Baal who told Nezha of the presence he felt, and Nezha in turn who informed Medusa. As they begin their search, a mysterious boy appears before them.

???: Oh, look, look! She's here!
Medusa: Satyr!
Medusa waves to her old friend from atop Medusiana. Moments later she alights on solid earth.
Satyr: Aww, Meddy, it's been forever! Do you know how long I've wanted to see you!
Medusa: H-Hey! You know I like my personal space!
Baal: I see you're as ear-splitting as ever.
Medusa: Humph! And I see you still haven't learned how to wipe that frown off your face!
Baal: Humph.
Satyr: Oh, that's just what the mortals call "being cool." Doesn't it make him seem like the tall, dark, and mysterious type?
Medusa: If you like him so much, why don't you go attach yourself to him instead of me?
Satyr: Aww, but it's been too long—I have to soak you up while I can!
???: Satyr, were you not practically affixed to Baal moments ago?
Satyr: Hehe, well, everyone deserves a turn!
Medusa: Wait, does that mean I was last?
Medusa: Forget it! My real business is with Nezha!
Nezha: Mm? And what sort of business would that be?
Medusa: Don't play dumb.
Medusa: What was the big idea trying to contact me with a letter, hmm?
Nezha: I merely heard that you were traveling with mortals. Was it not proper to send you notice using their method of contact?
Medusa: Proper? What are you getting at?
Nezha: Mortals communicate with one another via post. Or so I've learned from a book I read.
Medusa: Yep, you're a lost cause...
Satyr: Oh, Meddy... He's recently picked up a penchant for reading, that's all.
Medusa: Ah, then you've finally grown tired of collecting bugs. Wait, haven't you always been a bookworm?
Nezha: Only for military treatises, I suppose. But lately I've begun expanding my tastes.
Medusa: How about that.
Baal: If you're all just going to continue blathering, I swear I'll leave.
Satyr: Aww nooo, Baally! You can't leave yet!
Medusa: Yes, you can. Go for all I care.
Satyr: Oooh, Meddy, don't say that! It's been so long since the four of us have been together!
Medusa: Sigh. You always get to me... Fine.
Medusa: Well? Is it true? Are my sisters really somewhere on this island?
Medusa scans the horizon of the island, peering across the landscape.
Medusa: Hey, I recognize this place. It's some kind of ruin left over from the War, right?
Nezha: Correct. There are still a number of primal beasts slumbering here.
Medusa: I've already searched here, you know. And I couldn't find a single trace of my sisters.
Satyr: Then you'll be happy to know, Meddy, that Baally sensed a presence similar to yours earlier!
Medusa: Wait. Baal did? It wasn't Nezha?
Baal: Tch...
Nezha: Baal sent word to me shortly after his discovery.
Medusa: Baaaal, explain yourself! Why didn't you contact me directly!
Baal: Because I couldn't bear the thought of your shouting.
Medusa: How dare you! I only raise my voice because you refuse to be direct!
Baal: I should've just kept my mouth shut then, huh?
Medusa: This is what I'm talking about! Why are you always so difficult!
Medusa: Anyway, are you sure you weren't just mistaken?
Baal: You're welcome to think whatever you wish. In which case, can we leave now?
Medusa: If anybody's leaving, it should be you!
Baal: But you're the one with doubts.
As the two primal compatriots continue their bickering, Satyr brings a finger to her lip and cocks her head to the side.
Satyr: Still, it's weird, right? Like, Meddy and I have been to this island before...
Satyr: But we came up empty-handed, so what gives?
Nezha: Well, when Baal last came here, it was the waking season for the primal beasts of earth.
Nezha: One presumes the elemental resonance was quite strong at that time.
Satyr: Oh! So that's how he knew! Leave it to Baally!
Nezha: Now, however, the primals are in their dormant season, so it is fortunate Medusa has come.
Satyr: Hehe. I get it! Her sisters' resonances should go crazy with Medusa around!
Nezha: Yes, that's the fact of the matter.
Satyr: I wish we had Baal during our first trip! But now that both are here, we'll find Medusa's sisters in no time!
Medusa: Hey! I don't appreciate being left out of the loop! What are you two yammering about?
Nezha: We have already finished our discussion. Let us begin the search in earnest.
Medusa: Grr, you... That's what I was gonna say!
Baal: Sigh...
Medusa and Baal cease their argument, dumbfounded by the sheer force of Nezha's nonchalance.
Satyr: Hehe, everyone be sure to keep your peepers open! So, where should we—
Nezha: Wait.
???: Well, hello there.

Primal Resonance - Chapter 1: Neverending Search - Episode 3

The stranger before them is a primal beast named Geo, who has also come to the island on a search. Although Medusa and the others are reluctant at first, they take pity on Geo and let him join their group, dubbed the "Primal Pals" by Satyr.

???: Well, hello there.
A cheerful boy stands before the primal beasts.
Satyr: Um... Who are you?
Medusa: A stranger, that's who.
???: Yes, it is our first time meeting.
Baal: Are you... a fellow primal?
???: Sure am. Same as you folk.
Nezha: Are you from this island?
???: Sure aren't.
Baal: Then what are you doing here?
???: Right, right, I should explain. I overheard your conversation earlier.
???: And you're looking for your sister, correct?
Medusa: Yeah. So what?
???: I was wondering if you wouldn't have me along for the ride.
Satyr: You wanna come with us? Why's that?
???: I'm in the same boat as you—I've also come to this island searching for something.
Medusa: Oh, and what exactly for?
???: Hmm... Maybe I should say someone, not thing.
Medusa: Okay then, is this someone a primal beast?
???: Sure is.
Baal: That doesn't give us much to go on. Who are you looking for?
???: Same as you.
The boy responds to Baal's question, but he fixes his gaze on Medusa.
Medusa: Me?
???: Yes. I'm looking for primals that are very, very dear to me.
Medusa: So you've got others you care about too...
???: But I'm not so sure I can do it alone. May I please tag along with you?
Medusa: I guess you really need our help, huh? Fine, you may join us!
???: Really? That's great. Thanks.
Medusa: On one condition, that is! If you're even a tiny hindrance, we're leaving you behind! And, um...
Medusa: What's your name anyway?
???: Right, right my name. Umm, it's Ge...o...
He tilts his head sideways and purses his lips.
Geo: Yes. Geo. That sounds right.
Satyr: Geo? That's cute...
Geo: Really? I'm glad you think so.
Medusa: Great. Well, Geo, we're expecting big things from you!
Baal: Should we really let him come with us?
Baal, still unconvinced, whispers his reservations to Nezha.
Nezha: We gathered today to support Medusa, did we not?
Nezha: This is what she wants, so I see no reason to refuse her.
Baal: Pushover...
Geo: Oh yes, what are all of your names?
Medusa: Ah, we haven't introduced ourselves, have we? I'm Medusa.
Satyr: Aaand I'm Satyr! Pleased to meetcha!
Satyr: And this is Nez, and this is Baally!
Nezha: It's a pleasure.
Baal: ...
Satyr: We're a pack of primal pals!
Medusa: Satyr, stop it!
Geo: Primal... pals? What are those?
Satyr: Primal beasts that form friendships, silly! Aren't best buds the greatest?
Medusa: Seriously! How many times do I have to tell you to shut it!
Satyr: But whyyy? I love how adorkable we are.
Medusa: I-it's embarrassing! And besides, no one ever said we were... pals or anything!
Satyr: Aww, just look at you! Is my cute widdle Meddy-wusy blushing? Hehe!
Medusa: Those are fury marks! You... You bag of dumb flame!

Primal Resonance - Chapter 1: Neverending Search - Episode 4

With Baal's tracing abilities, they arrive at an area where Medusa's sister may be. Geo quickly determines the exact location and unearths the core of Stheno, one of Medusa's sisters. According to Geo, she is asleep for now but should awaken sometime in the future.

Nezha: I suppose we should get going soon.
Oblivious to Medusa and Satyr's banter, Nezha begins charting the primals' next course of action.
Medusa: Good grief... Can't you see we're not finished talking yet? Are you this dense on purpose?
Nezha: Oh, you would prefer to stay?
Medusa: Of course not—obviously!
Medusa: I have to find my sisters!
Satyr: Hehe. And that's just what we'll do!
Medusa: Where do we head first then?
Baal: Follow me.
Medusa: What the heck... You know the exact place already?
Baal: Only roughly. I can't pinpoint a location yet.
Medusa: That's enough for me! Move out, primals!
Medusa: Here?
Baal: In this area, yes.
The pack follows close behind Baal as he relocates the area where he first felt a presence similar to Medusa's.
Baal: From here on all I can do is follow the resonance.
Medusa: Say, I should've asked earlier, but what was it like when you first sensed my sisters?
Medusa: It was the waking season, right? When the skyfarers gather en masse and start wiping out the primals...
Baal: Correct. This last instance, when the earth primals began to rouse, was rife with them.
Satyr: I've heard rumors about how crazy it gets. It's basically a festival where everyone goes off their rocker, right?
Baal: Aye. And in turn the resonance of earth was amplified, filling the island with fractured noise.
An annoyed sigh escapes Baal's lips.
Medusa: Yikes, and you hate that kind of stuff.
Medusa: Well, whatever! Let's just hurry up and begin!
Geo: Oooh, what are we beginning? Is this how we find your sisters?
Satyr: Hehe. Just watch! This is a power that Meddy and Baally created over decades of friendship!
Medusa: You don't have to describe it like that!
Baal: Indeed. I'm offended by such exaggeration.
Satyr: Hehe. I'm just telling the truth.
Geo: Mm... Right, right. Regardless of your issues, as long as we find your sisters, we're fine, right?
Medusa: Exactly. And to do that, first Baal will... Huh?
Geo: Let's see...
Geo peers at the ground, cocking his head to the side with mild curiosity, and begins pacing around the perimeter.
Baal: What are you doing?
Geo: Yes. It's here.
Satyr: What is? I don't see anything.
Geo: Perhaps it's a bit deep, but this will be simple enough.
Geo holds his palm out facing the ground.
Geo: Haa...ah!
Baal: ...!
He's opened the ground!
Geo: Hah!
Medusa: ...!
Moments later, a beautiful amber light floats into the air above the handmade sinkhole.
Satyr: Is that a core?
It draws closer to Geo, until it presses lightly against his palm.
Medusa: ...
Geo: There we go.
Medusa: Stheno!
Unable to contain her elation, Medusa dashes over to Geo. He extends the core to her with a smile.
Geo: Here you are.
Medusa: Stheno! It really is you!
She hugs the crystal tightly, basking in its warmth.
Nezha: Ah, I had suspected your sister was resting in her core state.
Geo: Right, right. She may be dormant, but it looks like she isn't injured.
Geo: So everything will be okay. It might take some time, but she'll wake up.
Medusa: Thank goodness... We can finally see each other again, Stheno...
Satyr: Yay, Meddy! This is the best day ever!
Satyr squeezes Medusa tight, and the two girls break into tears of joy.
Nezha: I am happy for you too.
Nezha smirks and gives Medusa a gentle pat on the head.
Geo: You're all so close.
Satyr: That's... sniff... primal pals for ya!
Geo: Ahh, I wish I had primal pals. It seems like great fun.
Medusa: You do, huh?
Medusa raises her head, her cheeks tear-slicked and glistening.
Medusa: Well, you're a fellow primal beast, and you found my sister, so I'll allow you to be part of our group.
Geo: Really? That makes me very happy.
Medusa wipes her eyes and flashes a rare smile at Geo. He grins back, happy to have found new friends.

Primal Resonance - Chapter 2: Prime Earth Crystals - Episode 1

(Captain) and the crew finally make their way to the designated island. Although it is a familiar territory, the atmosphere is different during the primal beasts' dormant season. Keeping their guards up, they begin a search for Medusa's whereabouts.

Vyrn: Gulp... So this is the place, huh?
After successfully completing their skyfarer business, (Captain) and the others follow Medusa's note to find a battered and crumbling island.
Lyria: The island Medusa told us about... We've definitely been here before.
Vyrn: Yep, but something's different this time around.
Lyria: Um, I think we came during the—what was it—the waking season? But now it's the dormant season. Right?
Vyrn: Yep. That's what Siero said anyway.
Sierokarte: Oh? You're headed to that island? It should be the dormant season right now.
Sierokarte: Your crew usually visits during the waking season, when the primal beasts are up and at 'em. You might be shocked by how quiet it can get!
Vyrn: Will it really be that different?
Sierokarte: Yes indeedy! You see, there won't be any primal beasts rampaging around—oh, or skyfarers to chase them.
Sierokarte: But of course the local monsters aren't affected by the primals' activity cycle.
Sierokarte: Just like all of your other skyfaring missions, you'll still need to exercise caution so no nasty nasties sneak up on you!
Vyrn: Which means watch out for monsters until we can meet up with Snake Girl!
Lyria: Right! Safety first!
Lyria: But where could Medusa have gone?
Vyrn: You mean you can't sense her?
Lyria: Um...
Lyria: I get a strange sense from this entire island...
Lyria: I'm not sure how to describe it. It's like there's a lot of different primal beasts all jumbled together.
Vyrn: Huh, for real?
Lyria: Yeah... It makes it too hard to pick out which one could be here. I'm sorry.
Vyrn: Don't worry! This island ain't so big! I'm sure we'll find Medusa in no time.
  1. Lead the way, Vyrn!
  2. Thanks for always giving it your all, Lyria!

Choose: Lead the way, Vyrn!
Vyrn: M-me? I guess that's okay...
Vyrn: Just be sure you don't fall behind!

Choose: Thanks for always giving it your all, Lyria!
Lyria: Huh? It's no trouble!
Lyria: Hehe... I'm just glad to be helpful to you, (Captain)!
Lyria: I'll try extra hard today, so you can count on me!
Vyrn: Haha! That's our Lyria!
Vyrn: Well, let's head out!
Continue 1

Primal Resonance - Chapter 2: Prime Earth Crystals - Episode 2

After reuniting with the crew, Medusa wishes to introduce them to Geo, who is no longer anywhere to be seen. Despite the circumstances, Medusa tells the crew the story of how she was separated from her sisters during the War. Together they embark on their search to find her other sister, Euryale.

Lyria: Ah, Medusa!
Medusa: You've come!
Vyrn: Heh-heh, it looks like we made it on time after all!
Medusa: Wipe that smug look off your face. You're late!
Lyria: Oh, um... So sorry!
Medusa: How dare you mortals leave a proud primal beast waiting! What were you thinking?
Satyr: Now, now, Meddy.
Satyr: You're cute when steam blows out your ears, but why don't you calm down? Hmm?
Lyria: Um, excuse us, but...
Satyr: Hehe... Go ahead and introduce us already!
Medusa: Huff... I suppose if there's no avoiding it.
Medusa: These are my acquaintances, Satyr, Nezha, and Baal.
Satyr: Pleased to meetcha! We're Meddy's primal pals!
Lyria: Primal pals?
Satyr: Primal beasts that have promised to be best friends for life, hehe!
Medusa: Grr! No one wants to hear about that! Anyway, there's one more of us you should meet...
Medusa: Huh? Where's Geo?
Nezha: Oh, he does seem to be missing.
Baal: ...
Satyr: Aww, how come? Where could he have gone?
Vyrn: Someone else was with you?
Medusa: Yeah, we're down one primal... But forget that for now.
Medusa: To finish introductions, these mortal skyfarers are, well, hmm...
Medusa: I guess to put it simply, I've been looking after them!
Vyrn: Whoa, hold your scales, Snake Girl! That's not how this story goes at all!
Medusa: Uh-uh! Don't you dare call me Snake Girl in front of the other primals!
Lyria: Stop this fighting! Both of you!
Baal: Ah, I think I understand. You joined with a noisy gang to suit your own noisy nature.
Satyr: I'm so glad you've found some new skyfarer friends to get along with, Meddy!
Medusa: Of all the—We're not friends!
Nezha: You depend on their help, so you called them to this island, correct?
Medusa: No! That's not it at all! Grrr!
Just as the heated conversation reaches its climax...
Lyria: Huh? Medusa...
Lyria notices that Medusa is clutching an amber-colored core close to her chest.
Lyria: What's that? It's a little faint, but I can sense a primal beast.
Medusa: It's my older sister, Stheno.
Lyria: Your sister... You mean you've actually found her!
Medusa: Hehe, that's right!
Vyrn: Wow, in a dump of all places... Wait a minute! You haven't even told us what's going on yet!
Vyrn: Before all this we didn't even know you had a sister, for crying out loud!
Medusa: I suppose I should explain things. Fine, I will reveal everything you need to know!
Medusa, an instinctive grin forming on her lips, begins happily talking about her sisters.
Medusa: I have two sisters, actually. Stheno and Euryale are their names.
Medusa: And once upon a time, we spent all our time together...
Medusa: Stheno! Were you watching me?
Stheno: Hehe, of course, my precious Medusa. You're getting so good at that trick!
Euryale: Keep your wits about you, you two. The battle is far from over.
Medusa: We know, Euryale!
Euryale: That being said, I would never let an enemy lay a finger on my dear little sister.
Medusa: Then I won't let anybody lay a finger on my big sister either!
Stheno: Hehe. With the three gorgon sisters together, there's no one who can stand up to us.
Medusa: And there wasn't. We never found anybody who could match our power.
Medusa: But...
Medusa drops her gaze and caresses her sister's core.
Medusa: When the War was coming to an end, I got separated from my sisters in all the chaos.
Medusa: And I've been searching for them ever since.
Lyria: That sounds awful...
Vyrn: The end of the War... Wasn't that over five-hundred years ago?
Lyria: You were separated from your sisters for that long. I can't imagine how lonely you must have felt.
Medusa: I'm fine—I can get by just fine on my own!
Medusa: In fact I've never really felt lonely or hopeless or whatever, it's just...
Medusa: It's just, I love my sisters! I have to find them no matter what!
Medusa: Humph! And that's all there is to it! Come on, everyone! We have to find Euryale next!
Her cheeks a rosy, embarrassed pink, Medusa turns and walks away in a huff.
Vyrn: Sheesh... She really doesn't like being straightforward with her feelings, even when it comes to her own sisters...
Satyr: Isn't Meddy just the cutest?
Nezha: She's what the mortals call a tsundere. Or so I've read.
Satyr: That's right! And it's what makes her so cute!
Vyrn: You think so? She wears us out with that attitude.
Lyria: Hehe. Satyr, you sure love Medusa—interesting quirks and all!
Satyr: Of course I do!
Satyr: I also love Baally for how cool he is, and Nez for being so strong and mysterious!
Medusa: What are you all waiting for?
Medusa: You said you would help me, right? Get a move on already!

Primal Resonance - Chapter 2: Prime Earth Crystals - Episode 3

Using prime earth crystals excavated from the island, the crew is able to use Baal's power to track Euryale's elemental resonance. Meanwhile, Geo is in hiding from (Captain), fearing that the singularity will pose a threat to his scheme to guide the world to tranquility.

Lyria: Um, what is this?
Medusa: It's a prime earth crystal.
Medusa holds up a small, freshly excavated crystal.
Vyrn: We can search for your sister with this?
Medusa: Yes. See for yourself...
Medusa: Baal, do your thing!
Baal: Is that the proper tone to take when asking someone for a favor? Brash as always... but sure.
Baal: ...
Lyria: Is that...
Lyria: A primal beast? No... This is a strange feeling.
Satyr: Lyria, you can sense it too?
Medusa: She sure can! Useful, isn't she?
Satyr: Wow! That's great!
Lyria: But this time is different...
Lyria: This feels... weaker? Maybe wider? Like a wave, rippling out to shore...
Medusa: Not half bad!
Medusa: What you're feeling is an amplified elemental resonance reaction.
Lyria: Elemental resonance?
Nezha: Baal, Medusa, Medusa's sisters—they're all primal beasts of earth. And that prime earth crystal shares their nature.
Nezha: The very essence of earth that resides inside all of them begins to react when they draw close to one another.
Nezha: Well, that's in layman's terms of course.
Nezha: I understand the concept, but I can't quite reproduce the effect in the same fashion as Baal.
Satyr: Baally can do lots of cool stuff with the resonance—like amplify it until we can use it like a trail!
Lyria: Um, so in other words, we'll follow the resonance and find Medusa's sister?
Medusa: That's the gist!
Vyrn: So that makes Baal the most important part of the search!
Medusa: Oof, no. Well, you see, um...
Satyr: It's okay, Meddy! Without you, we wouldn't be able to find your sister, would we?
Satyr: I know you hate admitting you need to rely on Baally—which is cute enough—but your role is coming up soon! Promise!
Medusa: Grr... Will you just shut up!
Satyr: Ouch, my heart!
Baal: Quiet, both of you! Do you want to interrupt me?
Satyr: Aww, not at all, Baally!
Vyrn: Yeesh... So anyway, did you find Stheno's core using the same method?
Medusa: Not exactly. Geo did... But seriously, where in the crimson horizon did that guy get off to?
Geo: Hmm... What strange children they were.
???: Huh? That ain't even sayin' the half of it! The hell was that all about?
???: The girl in blue and the red dragon... For such irregular beings to appear at the same time...
???: Unanticipated, to say the least.
???: And that mortal following them. I get a terrible feeling from that one. This can't be good...
Geo: Right, right. I fear what would happen if I drew too close. Thankfully I was able to leave before anyone realized.
???: And it wasn't just the mortal... The rest of 'em were just as intense. Ugh, I'm already tired thinkin' about what comes next.
???: Who... Who were they? I'm scared...
???: I would say there's no basis for worry, but that may not be the case...
???: For now, I mustn't lose focus—not if the plan is to succeed.
Geo: Yes. My plan, my mission...
Geo: To guide the world to tranquility.

Primal Resonance - Chapter 2: Prime Earth Crystals - Episode 4

As Baal continues to track the location of Euryale's core, Nezha wonders how Geo was able to so easily surmise the exact location of Stheno's core earlier. Meanwhile, Geo has already found Euryale in another part of the island, reveling in the idea of gathering all three sisters together.

Baal: Come. The resonance is strongest in this direction.
The crew trails Baal as he traces the resonance across the island.
Lyria: Um... I think I feel something, but it's really faint.
Lyria: I would never be able to tell the direction. Baal is really special.
Satyr: To sense anything at all is still pretty amazing, Lyria!
Nezha: Lyria's ability to sense primal beasts and Baal's ability to hear elemental resonance resemble one another to some degree.
Vyrn: Well, I think Lyria's power is just as good as Baal's!
Medusa: It's fine—we can't expect Lyria to sniff out every primal in the sky.
Medusa: And besides, if Euryale's sleeping in her core like Stheno, then that makes the job even harder.
Medusa stares down at Stheno's core in her arms and sighs.
Vyrn: What makes you figure she's in her core state or whatever?
Nezha: The fact that we know she's on this island but haven't found her yet is proof enough of her dormant state.
Nezha: One doesn't simply track a primal when it's been reverted to a core.
Nezha: The easiest way is to use a prime element crystal to amplify elemental resonance, and employ the talents of a resonance-sensitive primal.
Medusa: Humph. It just sucks that we have to rely on this particular primal...
Satyr: Aww, Meddy... You know you love him.
Baal: Hey! Enough blather! If monsters attack, they won't politely wait for you to finish your conversation before they bite your neck.
Satyr: Okay, Baally! If any monsties pop out, I'll smack 'em up real good, so don't you worry!
Vyrn: Did somebody say monsters? We're experts at dealing with monsters!
Nezha: ...
Medusa: What's up, Nezha? Something on your mind?
Nezha: Yes. It's just... Geo. I find myself wondering how he knew precisely where to find Stheno's core.
Geo: Right, right. I think it should be around here.
Geo: That girl's trace... Medusa was her name? Where I sensed her trace should beee...
Geo: ...
Geo: A-ha. I knew it. Her other sister is here.
He extends an arm out, palm facing the ground.
Geo: Oh, that's right...
Geo: Sisters, sisters... And three of them to boot. What a rare find.
Geo: Oh, silly me. I should reunite them, shouldn't I?
Hesitating, he lowers his arm for a moment before pointing a finger to the sky above.
Geo: There. Even if she is doing her best, a hint will move things along quicker.
Geo: Hehe. I hope she notices and comes flying.
Geo: I can hardly contain my excitement.

Primal Resonance - Chapter 3: The Usual Feud - Episode 1

Baal has a sudden realization when tracking down Euryale. When Medusa asks, he is unable to answer her and the two quickly get into a quarrel, causing him to leave the group. Before he leaves, he quietly warns Nezha to watch out for Geo.

Satyr: Hey, hey, (Captain), tell me about how you and Meddy met.
Vyrn: Yeah... She just suddenly appeared on the deck of our airship one day.
Lyria: Hehe. She really surprised us.
(Captain) and the others take advantage of a lull in the action to recount their adventures with Medusa.
Satyr: Hehe. I'm glad Meddy's enjoying herself with your crew.
Medusa: It's... It's not that fun! See, they wouldn't be anything without me, so...
Vyrn: Yeah, yeah... More importantly, I never knew that primal beasts could have brothers or sisters.
Lyria: Yeah, we've met all kinds, but this is the first time we've heard of primal siblings.
Lyria: Even Morphe and Phoebe weren't really related.
Morphe and Phoebe (Event) is a crew member

Vyrn: That's because Phoebe created Morphe with her powers... If I remember right at least.
Medusa: Yes, well, primal beast siblings are a bit different than what you're imagining.
Medusa: But your mistaken beliefs are somewhat understandable. After all, the common knowledge that mortals apply to primal beasts is usually wrong.
Nezha: It's true that beings like the gorgon sisters—Medusa being the youngest of the trio—are exceedingly rare.
Nezha: But concepts like family, siblings, appearance, sex—ideas that mortals are so keen to define—are often contradictory when it comes to the myriad types of primal beasts.
Medusa: What he said. Actually, you know Satyr is—
Baal: ...!
Baal: What was that?
Medusa: Baal? You've got a dumb look on your face. Are we getting closer to my sister?
Baal: It was you, wasn't it...
Medusa: What?
Baal: It's nothing. Forget it.
Medusa: As if! Tell me!
Baal: Loud urchin. Do you really have the time to bother me?
Baal: Perhaps this unfocused energy would be better spent finding more prime earth crystals, hmm?
Medusa: Gah!
Baal: I can't do everything for you, especially if you refuse to do anything for yourself.
Medusa: You've said it now!
Medusa: Who needs you anyway? I'm so done with you!
Baal: Is that so? Very well. As you wish.
Lyria: Ah, Baal!
Vyrn: Whoa, he's really leaving! Are you sure this is what you want?
Medusa: Absolutely! Just let him go!
Baal: ...
Baal makes a small show of his exit, but as he passes Nezha, he leans in and whispers to the fellow primal.
Baal: Be careful of that Geo.
Nezha: Right.
No one else is privy to their exchange.
Vyrn: Dang... He really left.
Medusa: Humph! Who cares if that jerk's gone!
Medusa: We can find my sister without him!
Vyrn: But how are we going to follow the resonance now?
Medusa: That's not a problem! Nope! Not at all!
Vyrn: You sure?
Medusa: I'm telling you it's fine!
Medusa: We're looking for my sister, aren't we? I can find her all by myself!
Medusa: That's right. My sister. It's okay... I'll find her. I know I will...
Medusa: Just hold on a little bit longer, Euryale.

Primal Resonance - Chapter 3: The Usual Feud - Episode 2

Baal arrives at Euryale's location to find Geo already waiting for him there. Using the power of resonance, he attempts to reveal Geo's plans but is overwhelmed when he finds multiple egos and consciousnesses within his mind. Geo divulges that he is on a mission to save everyone.

Baal: Here... This is where I felt it.
Baal, having split from the crew, ventures alone to another part of the island.
Baal: (It was only for a moment, but her sister's resonance increased sharply before immediately dissipating.)
Baal: What could this irregular time mean...
Baal: ...!
Baal, sensing someone behind him, wheels round with a hardened expression on his face.
Baal: I figured it was you.
Geo: Oh did you now? I wasn't expecting you to come here.
Geo: Then does that mean you knew? And you still came alone?
Baal: I was correct to come alone. Your trap was obvious.
Geo: Trap? What a strong word...
Geo: Then again, you must really care about your primal pals to face me by yourself.
Baal: Enough with the empty threats. I'm not sure who you are, but I'll uncover your plot for myself.
Baal: (Now, show me what you're hiding!)
Baal strums a chord on his guitar, causing something deep within both himself and Geo to resonate. Moments later, Baal is transported into the depths of Geo's being.
Baal: ...
Baal: (How deep... Or should I say vast?)
Baal: Your core should be around here somewhere...
Baal: There's your consciousness, your ego... But what's this...
Baal: ...!
At the abyssal foundation of Geo's inner realm, Baal winces at the chaotic form writhing before him.
Baal: This... this shouldn't exist!
Baal: What the—
Baal: Argh... My ears! Damn it!
Baal: Pant, pant...
Baal: (It can't be... I've never seen anything like it!)
Baal: (Countless egos, consciousnesses all reverberating together... It's unbearable.)
Baal: (To contain so many minds in one form... It's not possible...)
Baal: What the hell are you!
Geo: Ooh? You can see me? That's a nifty little trick.
Baal: ...!
Geo: But it doesn't seem fair that you're the only one who gets to have a peep.
Geo: Yes, you'll just have to teach me everything there is to know about you.
Geo takes a step forward; Baal flinches at his overwhelming presence.
Baal: What are you going to do...
Geo: It's okay. You don't have to be scared.
Grinning from ear to ear, he extends a hand toward Baal.
Baal: Tch...
Geo: Mhm-mhm... Oh, you're looking for something too, huh?
Geo: So what is it then?
Geo: Oh, that is important. Your—
Baal: Stop it!
Baal: Pant, pant... Stop!
Geo: Oh my. Why are you so upset?
Baal: You monster... What are you up to?
Geo: You don't have to fear me. I'm an ally. To you and your primal pals.
Geo: I can solve your worries. Maybe even find what you're looking for.
Geo: And not just you, no. I can save all of your friends.
Geo: After all. That is my mission.

Primal Resonance - Chapter 3: The Usual Feud - Episode 3

During the search for Euryale's core, Satyr and Nezha reveal that Baal and Medusa actually have a deep understanding of one another. Suddenly, Lyria feels the presence of primal beasts from three different locations, and the group splits up to investigate.

Medusa: Grr! Baal gets on my nerves more than anyone!
Unable to forget the quibble with her fellow primal, Medusa kicks the ground in frustration.
Lyria: But, Medusa, I thought you and Baal were friends?
Satyr: Hehe. They are—they just bicker from time to time.
Satyr: It's kind of cute how they go back and forth. You can tell they're fond of one another.
Vyrn: You think it's cute?
Nezha: It's like a fight between kittens. Occasionally they will have a spat to determine territory—or so I've read.
Satyr: Aww, imagine them as kitties! Too cute for words! But, yeah, you're right!
Lyria: You really think they're like kittens?
Satyr: Well, under normal circumstances.
Satyr: But what you just saw was a little different from their normal fights. Baal doesn't usually storm off like that.
Vyrn: And you're all okay with that? Doesn't this seem like a serious situation to anybody else?
Satyr: Umm... I don't think it's quite that bad. What do you think, Nez?
Nezha: It will be fine. Do not worry.
Satyr: Hehe. There you have it.
Vyrn: So what caused him to fly off then? I don't get it at all.
Satyr: Well, it's not like they're on bad terms or anything. Believe it or not.
Satyr: It's just that neither Meddy or Baally are very straightforward...
Satyr: They would never abandon each other, and that's what makes them true friends. Despite what they'd want you to think.
Nezha: If they truly despised one another, then they would have ceased communication long ago.
Lyria: Oh, so you've been friends for a long time then?
Satyr: That's right! We've been getting together and helping each other find stuff since forever.
Lyria: Does that mean you need to find something too, Satyr?
Satyr: Um, yeah, but nothing major. I think Baally's the only one of us who can truly understand what Meddy's going through.
Vyrn: Baal? Why's that?
Satyr: Um... I don't think he would appreciate it if I spilled the beans.
Satyr: Sorry that I can't tell you more.
Lyria: Oh, we're sorry for prying!
Satyr: Hehe. You weren't prying, you li'l cutie! No hard feelings at all! Now, come here and let's hug it out!!
Satyr punctuates their exchange by giving Lyria a warm, sisterly embrace.
Lyria: Waa-ah!
Medusa: What's going on over here?
Satyr: Ehehe, we were just talking about how cute you are, Meddy!
Medusa: Wha? Why, why would you spout such nonsense!
Medusa: Well, whatever! We're moving out again, so keep up!
Lyria: Okay! We'll keep our eyes peeled for your sister!
(Captain) smiles and gives a thumbs up to Medusa.
But suddenly...
Lyria: Ah!
Vyrn: Lyria, what's wrong?
Lyria: Everyone wait! I sense a primal beast...
Lyria: One, two, three of them... All from different directions...
Nezha: You didn't feel them before?
Lyria: No. They came suddenly...
Satyr: Maybe some sleeping primals woke up?
Vyrn: But it's the dormant season, right? Can that happen?
Nezha: It's hard to say for certain, but perhaps our presence on this island has had some effect on their normal resting period.
Satyr: Yikes, maybe we were too loud...
Satyr: Then again, the primals on this island might know something about Meddy's sister, right?
Medusa: Now there's a thought...
Medusa: Lyria, you said you feel them from different directions, right?
Lyria: Yes. They're scattered.
Medusa: Then let's split up and investigate them all!
Lyria: Um, are you sure we should split up?
Medusa: Isn't that the most efficient thing to do?
Nezha: Understood.
Nezha: You mortals go with Medusa.
Nezha issues a command to (Captain) and the other skyfarers, but his tone doesn't go unnoticed by Medusa.
Medusa: Of course they will! Follow me, mortals!
Satyr: Aww, but I don't wanna leave Meddy! Boo, this sucks...
Satyr: I'll just have to find a clue to make you extra happy! That way our reunion will be even sweeter!
Medusa: Yeah, yeah. I'm counting on you.
Satyr: Aww! Just leave it to me!

Primal Resonance - Chapter 3: The Usual Feud - Episode 4

While searching different areas of the island, Satyr and Nezha are attacked by the primal beasts. Lyria worries for the others, but Medusa assures her that the two should be fine on their own.

Satyr: Hehe, gotta prove to Meddy she can count on me!
Satyr, having split apart from (Captain) and Medusa, happily skips across the northern quadrant of the island.
Satyr: I think this is the direction Lyria told me to go...
Satyr: Ah!
???: ...
She's stopped frozen in her tracks by a solemn figure.
Satyr: Hello! Um, I have something I'd like to ask if you don't mind!
Snow White: I... I am Snow White...
Satyr: Yes, um, Ms. Snow White...
Snow White: Ah, aah...
Satyr: Are you okay? Got a tummy ache or something?
Satyr: Oh, or did I accidentally wake you up?
Satyr: Sorry about that! There's just someone we've gotta find, and—
Snow White: The white snow falls.
Satyr: Come again?
Satyr: Hey, that's cold!
Satyr: That's ice!
Snow White: Cold death will find you in the silver world...
Fractals of freezing water emerge beneath Snow White, stitching quickly along the ground and up Satyr's legs.
Satyr: Wh-why?
With barely any time to react, Satyr soon finds herself completely enveloped by the ice.
Nezha: ...
Elsewhere, Nezha comes to a stop on the western half of the island.
Nezha: Well, well...
Nezha: Do you understand language?
Dragon: ...
Nezha: I see. It seems I won't be collecting any useful information from you. This was but a fool's errand, I suppose.
Nezha: Medusa won't be pleased, that's for sure.
Dragon: ...!
As if insulted by Nezha's detached attitude, the air shakes with a sudden and furious roar.
Nezha: Oh?
Dragon: ...!
A flailing dragon dives at the primal warrior. He can't help but grin in response.
Nezha: I renounce my previous statement. This was a stroke of luck after all.
Where only a studious calm had been before, now Nezha's eyes burn with furious passion.
Nezha: Hahaha! What fun! Rampage as much as you'd like!
Somewhere else, Medusa and the mortal skyfarers are headed for a different location.
Medusa: To stone with you, beast!
Monster: ...!
Lyria: Medusa! Behind you!
Monster: ...!
Vyrn: Good reflexes, (Captain)!
(Captain) and the others press on while fighting off wave after wave of foul foes.
Vyrn: Phew... What is in the water on this island? These monsters are somethin' else!
Lyria: I guess it's not a normal place, is it? Maybe they have to grow stronger to survive.
Vyrn: I know we'll be fine, cause this is what we do pretty much all day, but the other two...
Lyria: Yes... They went off alone, didn't they?
Medusa: They'll be fine. They're not that weak.
Vyrn: Um, that doesn't sound too confident. You sure they'll be okay?
Medusa: They're not as strong as me, of course. However...
Medusa: They are primal beasts, you know. You mortals would do well not to insult them with your feeble worry!
Lyria: If you say so! I guess we'll just have to trust they'll be okay.
Vyrn: Even still, it's hard to believe you had friends like those two.
Medusa: That's because I haven't seen them since I started traveling with your crew.
Vyrn: How long have you known them?
Medusa: I've known Baal the longest. Later we both met Nezha together.
Medusa: Satyr is our newest friend, but even that was... 326 years ago.
Lyria: Wow... 326 years ago...
Medusa: That must seem like a long friendship to you mortals.
Vyrn: And yet you can still remember the very beginning of it.
Medusa: Oh, that reminds me, before I met Nezha, he was—
Lyria: That was a monster, wasn't it!
Medusa: Pests! Theses beasts always interrupt everything!
Monster: Groooar!
Vyrn: This one looks like it packs a wallop! Don't let your guard down!
Medusa: Humph! This much is child's play! Right, (Captain)?
(Captain) takes position beside Medusa and readies a weapon.
Medusa: Clean them up, and make it quick!

Primal Resonance - Chapter 4: Unearthed Motives - Episode 1

The resonance suddenly grows stronger. (Captain) and the others follow it to find Geo awaiting their arrival. When Medusa tells Geo about her quarrel with Baal, Geo offers to patch things up. However, he reveals that Baal has been incapacitated by a primal beast: Freyr.

Soon after defeating the monsters, (Captain), Medusa, and the others decide to take a brief rest.
Medusa: Huh?
Lyria: ...!
Is this...
Medusa: Lyria, you can sense it too?
Lyria: Is this the resonance?
Medusa: Yes, and it's a big one.
Lyria: Ngh... It makes my ears hurt...
Medusa: Yeah... Something's off about it.
Medusa: ...!
Wait a minute...
Medusa: Could it be Euryale?
Vyrn: Whoa, seriously?
Medusa: I feel her! I really feel her! This way!
Medusa jets off while (Captain), Lyria, and Vyrn desperately tail her.
Medusa: If I'm right, she should be around here.
(Captain) abruptly steps in front of Medusa and blocks her path.
Medusa: What gives, (Captain)?
Lyria: Someone's there...
Geo: ...
Medusa: Oh, it's just Geo! Where were you this whole time?
Geo: Well, hello there, Medusa.
Vyrn: Oh, so you're that Geo guy!
Lyria: You're the primal who found one of Medusa's sisters!
Geo: Indeed. And how impressive of you to find the other one without Baal's assistance.
Medusa: Pfft, who needs that jerk any—Whoa, hang on.
Medusa: I don't remember telling you about Baal's power.
Geo: That's because you didn't.
Medusa: Oh, did you meet up with him then? What was he up to?
Medusa: He ran off like a selfish brat earlier. So I bet he was wasting time with that dumb guitar.
Geo: Yikes... Sounds like you had a fight with him.
The kindness in Geo's tone causes Medusa's eyes to well up. She lowers her head.
Medusa: It wasn't a fight. It wasn't even that bad of an argument by our standards...
Medusa tries in vain to hide her guilt from Geo, but her pouting lip gives her away. He smiles and begins to comfort her.
Geo: It's okay. Baal isn't angry with you. And of course he doesn't think any less of you.
Medusa: Who... who cares what he thinks!
Geo: Ah, with that attitude I guess it falls on me to patch things up between you two.
Geo: Yes, yes. This way it will be as if you never butted heads at all.
Medusa: What? Explain yourself.
Geo: Right, right. After you and your sisters, I'll do him. I suppose it doesn't matter who comes first though...
Medusa: Whoa, Geo, what's going on? I don't understand a word coming out of your mouth.
Medusa: And more importantly, do you or do you not know where Baal went?
Geo: Mmm, okay, okay. You want to see him? I'll allow it.
Geo: Voila.
Freyr: ...
Lyria: Another primal?
Vyrn: H-hey! Look behind him!
???: ...
Baal: ...
Atop Freyr's massive golden boar lies an unconscious Baal.
Medusa: Baal!

Primal Resonance - Chapter 4: Unearthed Motives - Episode 2

Geo reveals that he used Freyr to get Baal to be more cooperative. Freyr acknowledges this, insisting that Geo's will is the will of the world. However, Medusa is not convinced to join his side. Not giving up, Geo reveals that Satyr has also been frozen solid by the hand of Snow White.

Baal: Geo...
Still in a daze, Baal shakes his head and plants his feet firmly on the ground to regain his balance. He stares daggers at Geo.
Baal: What in damnation are you!
Geo: Mmm, that's a good question.
Geo: Annoying pest. Why the hell should I answer your questions?
Baal: I assumed you weren't the type of fellow to reveal your mysteries so readily. However...
Baal: Whatever it is you're scheming, don't presume you'll get away with it.
Geo: Oh my... Well, I guess this is just how some things go.
Geo: Freyr.
Freyr: Behind you.
Geo: Would you make our guest more cooperative? Thanks.
Freyr: Very well.
Baal: ...!
Freyr's sudden attack catches Baal off guard, but the earth primal manages to bend away from the blow.
Baal: Are you a primal beast from this island? Are you conspiring with Geo?
Freyr: I do as the world wills me.
Baal: Ngh!
Freyr: Haaah!
Baal: Curse you!
Looking past Freyr, Baal glares at Geo, but the boyish primal continues to grin.
Geo: Right. Are you going to behave now?
Baal: Blast it!
Geo: You know, I told him we were allies. But he just wouldn't listen to reason.
Medusa: What are you... You mean Baal's passed out because of you?
Geo: Oh, come now, he left me no other choice.
Medusa: ...!
Baal: ...
Medusa: What did you do to him!
Geo: Perhaps you should ask Freyr here.
Freyr: ...
Medusa: Are you working with Geo? Somebody better start giving me some answers!
Freyr: His will is the will of the world.
Vyrn: Yeah... Who knows what that means... In any case, you don't sound convinced yourself.
Freyr: It matters not how I feel. I have chosen this path because it is for the best.
Medusa: How does any of that make sense!
Medusa: All I know is you hurt Baal, and that's reason enough to tear you apart! You, Geo, and your dumb hair!
Geo: Oh my, such strong words...
Geo: You don't have to be so upset. Baal is fine. Soon he won't feel any pain or suffering.
Geo: So before you do anything rash, why don't you hear me out?
Medusa: You hurt my friend and expect me to listen to you?
Medusa: I take back what I said before—you can't be one of our primal pals! Not ever!
Medusa: And that's all I have to say to you!
Geo: Aww, I thought you might be a little stubborn, but this isn't what I wanted at all.
Geo: Let's see, let's see... I guess I'll play my other card now.
Lyria: Other card?
Snow White: He's referring to your friend here.
Satyr: ...
Lyria: Satyr!
Vyrn: She's frozen solid!
Medusa: Satyr, not you too!

Primal Resonance - Chapter 4: Unearthed Motives - Episode 3

Cybele, another primal beast, suddenly appears on the scene in a great fury from having her slumber disturbed. Within the chaos, Nezha returns and manages to rescue Baal and Satyr.

Satyr: ...
Medusa: Baal, Satyr...
Medusa: Why did you do this to them!
Snow White: The will of the world... For the tranquility of the primal beasts...
Vyrn: The will of the world? That's what the guy with freakishly beautiful hair said too!
Lyria: You're right. But something seems off about them.
Vyrn: Yeah, it's almost like their bodies are here, but their spirits have gone out for lunch or something.
Snow White: ...
Medusa: Who cares where their spirits are if Geo's the one pulling their strings!
Geo: Pulling strings? You make me sound like a villain.
Medusa: I have no idea what you're up to, but you've earned my wrath!
Geo: Oh, drat... It seems we've had a misunderstanding.
Medusa: Enough lies! I can't believe I let you take advantage of my weakness!
Vyrn: Weakness? Oh no, he's got wind powers!
Lyria: I don't think that's what she meant... Oh no, what if he captured Nezha too!
Geo: Haha...
Medusa: If you think Nezha will fall as easily as Baal and Satyr, then you're even dumber than I thought.
Geo: Mm?
Medusa: Too bad for you, but that geezer's elemental composition isn't like a normal primal's!
Geo: Ooh, you don't say? How intriguing!
Medusa: Why, you... I've had it up to here with your attitude!
Lyria: Medusa! Please calm down!
Vyrn: Yeah! We need to focus on saving the others!
Medusa: Grr! How did Baal and Satyr let themselves get beaten by these idiots?
Lyria: ...!
Medusa: What just...
Lyria: You felt it too, Medusa?
Medusa: That was an earth resonance, wasn't it? It was bigger than the last one too.
Lyria: Uh-oh, I feel a primal beast! And it's heading this way fast!
Cybele: ...!
The figure of a beautiful woman riding atop a fearsome beast bursts into view.
Geo: Oh, what's this?
Medusa: Ugh, one after another! What gives...
Medusa: Geo! Did you brainwash this one too?
Geo: No, no, not at all. I have no idea where this one came from.
Medusa: Why didn't you say that sooner! We've kind of got our hands tied already!
Cybele: Ye who would disturb my slumber...
Lyria: Um... We're sorry, but—
Cybele: Feast upon the wrath of the land, until it seeps into your bones, your very marrow!
Vyrn: What the heck!
Lyria: She's not listening! Maybe she's lost control of herself?
Cybele: Your blood shall complete my form, O foolish cretins!
Lyria: Aaah!
Although Cybele's rampage seems nigh unquellable, (Captain) leaps into action.
  1. Lyria, get behind me!
  2. Medusa, be careful!

Choose: Lyria, get behind me!
Lyria: O-okay!

Choose: Medusa, be careful!
Medusa: Duh! You'd better not take your eyes off of her, or you'll be cat food!
Continue 1
Cybele: I shall rend your flesh!
Vyrn: Yikes! She's really lost her marbles!
Lyria: We have to stop her!
Medusa: But we don't have that kind of time!
Geo: Right, right. I have to say, I didn't expect this to happen either.
Medusa: Shut your trap already...
Cybele: Haaa!
Medusa: Argh!
???: Flames of devastation, burn true!
Cybele: Ngh!
Nezha: Mortals! Break her guard—but don't let yours falter!
Medusa: Nezha!
Nezha: My apologies for being late.
Amid the confusion of Cybele's rampage, Nezha appears like a gale to sweep Satyr and Baal out of danger.
Geo: Oh dear.
Medusa: It sure took you long enough! Were you busy making new fire skates or what!
Nezha: On your guard. Here she comes!
Cybele: Agh... Loathsome creatures!

Primal Resonance - Chapter 4: Unearthed Motives - Episode 4

The crew manages to hold off Cybele while Baal and Satyr recover. Nezha discerns that the sharpened resonance earlier was Baal's attempt to reveal Euryale's location to Medusa. Geo insists that he bears no malice—right before phasing his arm through Cybele's chest.

Cybele: Augh! Why!
(Captain) and the others successfully halt Cybele's rampage.
Baal: Ngh...
Lyria: Look! Baal's waking up!
Medusa: Baal! Stay with me now, you hear!
Baal: Ugh... So loud...
Medusa: Awake for less than five seconds and already back to giving me lip, are you?
Baal: Not you, you cacophonous dolt. The earth resonance... It's earsplitting...
Lyria: Huh? I don't feel it anymore though.
Medusa: Then I guess it was this primal's fault for the fluctuation.
Cybele: ...
Medusa tilts her head to the side, curiously examining the unconscious Cybele.
Baal: Who's this?
Lyria: She showed up after the earth resonance got really loud.
Vyrn: And then she started suddenly rampaging and attacked us... Things got pretty hairy.
Baal: Ah... She went berserk because she was forced out of her dormant state.
Medusa: Forced? Explain.
Baal: I woke her up. Somehow.
Nezha: What do you mean by somehow?
Baal: It wasn't intentional, but...
Baal: Before I lost consciousness, I amplified the earth resonance far beyond normal levels.
Baal: I fear that's what woke her from her slumber.
Medusa: Hold on. Why would you need to strain the amplification that much?
Baal: What do you care?
Baal, mouth curled into a sullen frown, turns his head away from Medusa.
Nezha: Medusa, did you feel the amplified earth resonance too?
Medusa: I did. But it wasn't just me. Lyria even felt it.
Medusa: But that's also when I thought I sensed Euryale's presence...
Nezha: Ah, then it is just as I presumed.
Medusa: Presumed? What have you figured out?
Nezha: That Baal is far more compassionate than he lets on.
Baal: Could you not?
Medusa: Will someone please explain to me what is going on?
Geo: Ooh, so you were acting for the benefit of your pals. What a kind fellow you are, Baal.
Medusa: Why, you!
Geo's calm but alien voice immediately draws everyone's focus once again.
Geo: You must be made of tough stuff. Can you already move?
Baal: Unfortunately for you, yes.
Geo: Mmm, perhaps I should have had you frozen solid like Satyr.
Satyr: ...
Medusa: Hah. Sure of yourself, aren't you?
Medusa kneels down and slaps the ice encasing Satyr.
Medusa: This gal's got a lot more fight in her than Baal. No matter how many punches she takes, she never backs down.
???: Yaaawn... Meddy, stooop! Give me five more minutes!
Lyria: Aah! That voice just now!
Medusa: You better get up right now!
???: Eek!
Satyr: Aaah! It's cold, it's cold!
The frozen prison melts away, allowing Satyr to leap to her freedom.
Lyria: Satyr! Are you feeling okay?
Satyr: Hehe! Never better, thanks!
Medusa: Grr... Why is everyone so late!
Satyr: Sorry, Meddy. I wasn't taking a nappy-poo in the ice for nothing; I needed my beauty sleep to recover.
Satyr: Aww, don't make that face!
Satyr: Oh no, my sweet Baally! How did you get hurt so bad?
Baal: Sigh... Another voice joins the chorus...
Nezha: Everyone, cease your chatter.
Vyrn: Good call. First we got this creep to deal with...
(Captain) nods to Vyrn before turning toward Geo, weapon at the ready.
Medusa: So, what's your move now? Now that we've proven you can't beat a single one of us.
Geo: Yes, yes. Very impressive. Such strength you all have.
Medusa: That tone in your voice... Are you making fun of us!
Geo: No, no. I know you don't care for such disrespect, so I have no intention of belittling you.
Geo: Perhaps it bears repeating, but you're fellow primals, and as such, I bear you no malice.
Baal: If that's true, then what are you really after?
Satyr: Yeah, freezing me for no reason is in pretty bad taste, you know!
Geo: Put simply, I want Medusa to listen to a request.
Geo: Mmm, then again maybe you'll understand a little better if I show you.
Geo ambles over to Cybele and gently props up her fallen body.
Cybele: Ngh...
Geo: You see...
The young boy lifts a hand to Cybele's cheek, giving her a gentle caress. But then—
Cybele: Aaargh!
Geo's other arm suddenly pierces through Cybele's chest.
Geo: I want us all to be one.

Primal Resonance - Chapter 5: Primal Joy - Episode 1

Cybele's form begins to vanish, leaving behind only her core. Geo declares that through him, all primal beasts can become one for eternity. With a swift motion of his hand, he unearths Euryale's core from the ground into his palm.

Cybele: Ngh... Agh...
Cybele sits upright in a daze, her chest fused to Geo's arm. Her body begins to dissipate into a gentle light.
Geo: ...
Cybele: Angh...
Moments later her form vanishes completely, leaving behind an ochre crystal in Geo's palm.
Nezha: She demanifested...
Lyria: Is that... her core?
Vyrn: H-hey! Wh-where the heck did she go?
Geo: There, there. It'll be better soon.
Geo pulls back his clothing and places the crystal against his chest, pushing it against his sternum until his flesh begins to ripple.
Geo: Come now...
Baal: What in the skies!
Medusa: Is he absorbing her core?
Eventually his skin accepts the ochre gem, swallowing it whole.
Geo: See? All primal beasts can become one through me.
Medusa: That's... That's crazy talk!
Geo: I'll have you all become my soul mates too.
Satyr: How awful...
Medusa: Cut the crap!
Geo: Oh, you're angry. Why is that?
Geo: After all the time you've spent searching for your sisters, don't you want to be reunited with them?
Medusa: What's any of this have to do with my sisters!
Geo: You don't see? Well, let's show you.
An innocent grin crosses Geo's face as he extends a hand toward the earth.
Geo: All I have to do is this.
Satyr: Wait, is that...
Medusa: Euryale? Is that you?
An amber core lilts gracefully out of the ground, coming to rest in Geo's palm.
Geo: There.
Baal: No!
Medusa: Let go of my sister!
Nezha: Calm yourself, Medusa!
Indignant, Medusa attempts to charge at Geo, but Nezha catches her before she covers much distance.
Nezha: You know better than to run headlong into a fight when you're up against an unknown threat!
Medusa: But! But! My sister!
Geo: Mmm, you still don't comprehend, do you?
Geo: If you and your sisters join with me, you'll never be separated again.
Medusa: What kind of dumb nonsense...
Medusa: Do you expect me to just surrender? Like, "Hey! Thanks for absorbing me and my family, pal! You're a real help!"
Geo: Haaah...
A remorseful sigh escapes Geo's lips.
Geo: Oh dear... How will I make you see reason?

Primal Resonance - Chapter 5: Primal Joy - Episode 2

Claiming to offer tranquility to all primal beasts, Geo insists that he can also reunite Baal with his sister. Baal rejects his offer, for the search for his sister is what gives his existence meaning. When (Captain) calls for Geo to give up, his calm demeanor finally breaks into a furious rage.

Geo: Mmm, I hope you'll give it some more thought. All primal beasts, finally together as one...
Geo: No more meaningless struggle. No more fruitless sorrow.
Geo: Don't you want to live in eternal tranquility with your fellows?
Vyrn: Okay, he was always batty, but this guy is seriously startin' to freak me out...
Geo: The sorrow of being separated from your loved ones. From losing them. I can free you from these struggles.
Geo: My offer is directed not only toward Medusa, of course. Baal, I'm certain you have pain you want to erase.
Baal: ...
Geo: What of your sister? I can find her for you.
Lyria: You have a sister?
Baal: ...
Medusa: Whoa, you've got a sibling too?
Medusa: A younger sister, huh... What's she like?
Baal: Who knows.
Medusa: What's that supposed to mean? You don't want to tell me?
Baal: It's not that. The truth is I'm not certain myself.
Medusa: I don't follow...
Baal: My sister and I are in a different predicament than you and your siblings. Whereas you were born together, raised together, well...
Baal: I only have a vague awareness of my sister's existence. I have no memory of her.
Medusa: So you know she's out there somewhere, but that's it?
Baal: I'm afraid so.
Baal: My desire to meet her isn't the same as your wish to reunite with Stheno and Euryale.
Medusa: I guess we've all got our reasons, huh?
Medusa: Even still, it's fine if you do want to see her. I mean, she's your sister right? What's wrong with that?
Baal: Some days I'm jealous of your optimistic naivety.
Medusa: And some days I don't understand why you can't just let the simple stuff be simple.
Baal: Oh? Well, as luck would have it, I've no need for you to understand my reasoning.
Medusa: Seriously! Why do you always have to pick a fight with me!
Temper flared, Medusa puffs her cheeks and stomps the ground in frustration. She takes a deep breath to calm herself before looking off into the distance.
Medusa: You know, we primal beasts are a special bunch.
Medusa: We're born knowing our connections to each other.
Medusa: The happiness of knowing your loved ones are out there, waiting for you—that's an amazing thing.
Medusa: Don't let that feeling go.
Baal: Geo. You saw me for what I am. Then you already know what I want.
Baal: I do miss my sister in a way.
Baal: And I do want to meet her some day.
Baal: But it has nothing to do with being together or apart.
Baal: I search for her simply because that's what gives my existence meaning. If I don't fulfill that wish on my own merit, then for what reason would I linger on?
Satyr: Oh, Baally...
Geo: My, my. I don't comprehend you at all.
Baal: Is that so? Well, fortunately I've no need for you to understand my reasoning.
Baal: So, there. We've established your powers are worthless to me.
Baal: And besides. I have my primal pals already.
Nezha: Hah.
Satyr: Awww, Baally! That was beautiful! You're my favorite!
Medusa: Haha... Humph! It wasn't that cool! You still look like you were beaten to a pulp!
Satyr: Meduuussy, do I see your cheeks turning a little bit rosy? So cute!
Medusa: They're definitely not! Mind your own business!
Baal: Now, now, you have nothing to be embarrassed about. You don't really think I was referring to you when I said primal pals, mm?
Medusa: H-huh? Of all the nerve...
Medusa: You are the worst primal I have ever known!
Baal: Trust me when I say the feeling is mutual, O loud one.
Baal: Just like a snake, you slither into everyone else's business only to bare your fangs.
Medusa: This coming from a hard-headed bull like yourself!
Vyrn: Yeesh, they never get bored of fighting each other, huh? Do they do this every time they cross paths?
Nezha: Well, I believe that answers your request, Geo.
Nezha: No one wants to become a part of you.
  1. Quit while you're ahead.

Choose: Quit while you're ahead.
Geo: Quiet!
Vyrn: Eep!
Geo's countenance switches from unassuming to severe in the blink of an eye. He glares at (Captain).
Geo: You! It's you skydwellers! You're the ones who have caused us untold strife! Untold sorrow!

Primal Resonance - Chapter 5: Primal Joy - Episode 3

Geo declares that skydwellers are to blame for the suffering of primal beasts, who are hunted ceaselessly in the name of sport. His mission is to bring peace to the chaos that violates the balance. The words ring familiar to (Captain), who has heard Zooey say something in the same vein.

Geo: It's you! You skydwellers are to blame!
Vyrn: Wh-what gives!
Geo's calm demeanor gives way to rage as he stamps furiously at (Captain) and the others.
Geo: Do you know how many times your people have come to this island? How many times they have scarred it with their wars for supremacy?
Lyria: It's true... Many skyfarers come here to compete against one another. And it's always a violent time...
Geo: Can you imagine how much suffering the primal beasts have endured in the name of sport!
Vyrn: We didn't know...
Geo: All your wild violence serves no one...
Geo: It is mere folly, madness that destroys the balance of this world.
Geo: I won't forgive your actions.
Lyria: The balance of the world?
Geo: I will bring peace to the chaos that violates the balance. That is my mission...
Geo: That is why I have manifested.
Vyrn: Hey... Anyone else feel like we've heard this before?
Lyria: Yes. World balance, bringing peace...
  1. Zooey...
  2. I'm not good at riddles.

Choose: Zooey...
Vyrn: Yep, exactly. He sounds just like Miss Flippy-Hair.

Choose: I'm not good at riddles.
Lyria: He sounds really similar to Zooey, don't you think?
Continue 1
Zooey: The expulsion and erasure of that which would alter the world's equilibrium... That's my mission.
Zooey: I wonder if I went too far. I'm the keeper of balance after all...
Lyria: What kind of connection does this primal have with Zooey?

Primal Resonance - Chapter 5: Primal Joy - Episode 4

Once all primal beasts are absorbed into his being, Geo plans to become the ultimate entity and expel all skydwellers from this realm. To obtain the most efficient power possible, he needs the three Gorgon sisters. Unable to convince Medusa to join him, he forces Snow White and Zaoshen to attack.

Vyrn: You wanna bring peace to this island, right? Does that mean if all the fighting stops, then everything will be hunky-dory?
Geo: Of course if the repeated battles were to cease, so too would the lamentations of the innocent...
Geo: And yet it would only save a mere fraction of this world.
Lyria: Then you have a different goal after all?
Geo: I will bring all primal beasts into my being, until we are one whole.
Geo: Then, when we have become the ultimate entity, we will expel the skydwellers from this realm.
Lyria: That's awful!
Geo: Heh. All conflict will end; the world will become perfect.
Vyrn: Not on our watch! We'll never let you get away with this!
Lyria: He's actually nothing like Zooey! Zooey would never say such horrible things!
Geo: Zooey?
Geo: Mmm, Zooey. Could this be referring to the true form of that indescribable primal I felt?
Geo: Uh-huh, I bet so! But I don't understand. Does stuff like this usually happen?
Geo: Tch. Whatever happens, it's going to be a pain in the ass, I'm sure.
Vyrn: He's giving me the creeps...
Lyria: Something's changed... Let me try reading him...
Baal: Don't.
Baal puts a cautionary hand on Lyria's shoulder.
Baal: Don't attempt to interfere with his resonance. Nothing good will come of it.
Lyria: Oh, okay...
Medusa: Lyria, stay behind us.
Lyria: Medusa?
The serpentine primal pushes past (Captain) and Lyria, taking a bold position on the front line.
Medusa: When you say expel the skydwellers, you're talking about (Captain) and Lyria too, aren't you?
Geo: Yes. That much should be plain.
Geo: In fact, that mortal is the singularity, the axis upon which sedition rotates. The being that will plunge this world's equilibrium into chaos.
Geo: We can't let a meanie like that go free.
Medusa: Okay, like I'm really going to stand aside and let you just obliterate these skyfarers.
Medusa: I-I mean I don't really care what happens to them! Obviously!
Medusa: It's just, uh, (Captain) and the crew haven't... finished showing me the gratitude and respect I deserve!
Medusa: So I can't have them dying on me just yet!
Lyria: Medusa... Thank you.
Vyrn: Well, it wasn't exactly the most touching sentiment, but close enough.
Satyr: Aww... I can't handle it... Meddy is just such a good girl!
Medusa: That's enough! Don't make me take it back!
Medusa: Anyway, what was it you said before? That you were going to make all primal beasts a part of you?
Medusa: Too bad. I'm not the buddy-buddy type, so take your offer and sink into the Crimson Horizon for all I care!
Geo: Good grief, you like to talk. Look, it doesn't matter what you want; our will won't change.
Baal: Will? Freyr mentioned something about the will of the world.
Geo: To execute the mission swiftly and without delay, greater power will be necessary.
Geo: It's all for the tranquility of the primals, the balance of the world. Please help us, Medusa.
Medusa: For crying out loud! Are your ears clogged? I don't—
Nezha: Wait, Medusa.
Nezha: Geo, what are you planning to do with Medusa?
Geo: I think you already know, but primal siblings are quite a rare phenomenon.
Geo: It's not every century you get to meet them. And a set of three, no less!
Geo: To get the most efficient, greatest power possible, I'll need you and your sisters' assistance.
Satyr: The gorgon sisters? You want to hurt them?
Geo: No, no—it's a simple, painless process. I'll merely swallow their three cores simultaneously.
Vyrn: Gah! That doesn't sound painless!
Satyr: I won't let that happen!
Baal: Distortion... To strain and pervert a soul. It would be impossible to fight the effects once captured.
Medusa: Come on, everybody, read the situation. He's coming after me, and none of that stuff you said is making me feel better.
Medusa: But, you know what, forget it! This is a load of bonito crap anyway. There's no way I'll help you!
Geo: How come? Everybody's gonna be a part of me in the end anyway.
Geo: That's right. Delaying the inevitable is just going to end up prolonging your pain.
Nezha: It seems this conversation has run its course. Let us be rid of him.
Geo: How unfortunate. I guess I'll have to switch up my persuasion technique.
Geo: Do you know how much it pains me to see you refuse the tranquility I offer? To persist for the sake of fruitless conflict?
Zaoshen: ...!
Geo waves his finger, summoning a flame-wreathed primal from the sky.
Baal: Another of his underlings!
Nezha: Oh, I met with this one earlier. Although I was sure I took care of him...
Baal: He looks quite lively to me.
Nezha: Maybe I was too soft on him then.
Medusa: That's not like you.
Geo: Come now, friend.
With a light flourish, Geo places his hand on Zaoshen. Moments later, it sinks inside the dragon.
Zaoshen: ...!
Lyria: Aaah!
Geo: Right, right... We'll need your help too.
Snow White: ...
Geo: There's a good girl.
Snow White: Ngh!
Snow White: Aaaaaah!
Baal: He's forced his way into their cores, causing them to go berserk!
Satyr: How terrible!
Geo: I'm really sorry. I don't really wanna do this. Pinky swear.
Geo: But alas, this is for the world. I must have you come to understand my position.
Vyrn: This guy just won't let up!
Geo: Now, my brethren. They're all yours.

Primal Resonance - Chapter 6: Loved Ones - Episode 1

Even after downing Zaoshen and Snow White, Geo forces them to awaken once more to fight endlessly. Lyria attempts to restore the primals to their normal states, but Geo interferes. After seeing Lyria lying injured in (Captain)'s arms, Medusa becomes enraged.

Zaoshen: ...
Geo: Oh my, oh my.
Geo approaches the fallen Zaoshen and extends an arm toward the dragon.
Zaoshen: ...!
Medusa: He revived it!
Snow White: Ugh...
Geo: We'll need you too. There, back into the fray.
Snow White: My snow will fall within the eternal core...
Nezha: Did he meddle with their cores again?
Baal: Tch... They don't let up!
Baal, Nezha, and Medusa fend off Snow White and Zaoshen. But no matter how many times the reanimated primals fall, they continue to rise again.
Geo: Yeesh, what a mess. Ain't nothing gonna get done at this rate.
Freyr: Shall I enter the fray?
Geo: Will you? You're a lifesaver.
Freyr: On my honor I shall conclude this fight!
Vyrn: Ah, great! Another enemy is just what we needed!
Freyr: For the tranquility of all primals.
Lyria: Doesn't he seem different than the others?
Satyr: Yeah, you're right. It looks like he's the only one in control of himself.
Baal: That's proof he's following Geo of his own will.
Freyr: Of course. I told you before—this is the will of the world.
Freyr: Reformation begets suffering, but that is a small, ephemeral price to pay.
Freyr: For at the end of this ordeal lies eternal tranquility, and the pain of the body is inconsequential compared to such a grand goal.
Nezha: Ah... It's a shame, but I don't believe we're going to see eye to eye here.
Nezha: You mention pain of the body, yet such a sensation is but proof that we indeed live.
Nezha: I admit, I find the prospect of a complete end alluring...
Nezha: However, if all you're offering is an eternal numbness, I'll have no part of it.
Freyr: How unfortunate.
Snow White: Freeze...
Zaoshen: ...!
Baal: Pant, pant! If this goes on much longer, we won't be able to keep up anymore!
(Captain) and Medusa struggle to keep fatigue at bay as the battle drags out.
Medusa: Ugh, they just keep coming! What're we even supposed to do about this?
Their puppetlike opponents, however, show no signs of relenting.
Primal Beasts: ...
The possessed primals charge forward, their movements as unnatural as the power that controls them.
Satyr: Boo... I hate this game! Can we quit already? Please!
Medusa: If we could stop it, don't you think we would!
Freyr: If I must suffer this pain to wrest tranquility from chaos, then so be it!
Snow White: (This is not what I had wished for...)
Baal: ...!
Snow White: (If only I had frozen myself... What can I do now? What can I do now?)
Zaoshen: ...
Baal: Damn it...
Nezha: What's wrong, Baal?
Medusa: Snap out of it! We're in the middle of a battle here!
Baal: I realize that...
Satyr: Wait. Did you hear something, Baally?
Baal: Even if I did, it would change nothing now.
Baal: If we're going to finish this, we'll just have to defeat them in battle!
Vyrn: Defeat them? How're we supposed to do that?
Lyria: I will!
Lyria: I should be able to stop them, I think! If not Freyr, then at least the other two.
Nezha: What challenge would a mortal girl be to two primal beasts?
Medusa: Lyria can directly link with the minds of primal beasts.
Vyrn: She's turned tons of rampagin' primals into friendly allies.
Medusa: This isn't like those other times though...
Baal: Now that they've undergone Geo's manipulation, there's no telling what might happen. It's too dangerous!
Lyria: But if there's even a little hope, I have to try!
Lyria: Ngh!
Snow White: ...
As Geo catches sight of Lyria, a grimace appears across his face.
Geo: Oh no, we can't have that!
Snow White: Ngh!
Lyria: Aaaagh!
Vyrn: Lyria!
Lyria crumples in pain, but (Captain) manages to catch her before she hits the ground.
Medusa: What happened, Lyria? Get back up already!
Lyria: Ngh...
Satyr: Did Geo do this?
Baal: He likely forced Lyria out of the primal's core.
Lyria: Agh...
Medusa: Geo!
Seeing Lyria lie injured in (Captain)'s arms is too much for Medusa to bear. She tightens her hands into fists.
Medusa: Why would you hurt her!
Geo: The girl in blue represents an uncontrollable element.
Geo: Medusa, you don't want your friends to suffer any longer do you?
Medusa: What's it to you!
Geo: If you would just hurry and hand over your core, this would all be over.
Geo: Oh, and Stheno's core too. We mustn't forget your sister.
Euryale's core secure in his grasp, Geo smiles wryly at Medusa.

Primal Resonance - Chapter 6: Loved Ones - Episode 2

Geo insists that even if he returned the cores to Medusa, she wouldn't know when they would awaken again. Despite Geo's offer, Medusa rejects him one last time. Together with Baal, their elemental earth energy begins to resonate, bringing forth their primal potential as they take on Freyr.

Geo: I fear I keep repeating myself, but I truly don't understand why you refuse my offer.
Medusa: Well, how could I? I don't even get why you're doing this to us!
Geo: Won't you try to reconsider? Just one last time?
Geo: This battle... You, your allies, your enemies... There is no point to the wounds we inflict upon one another.
Geo: It hurts, right? It stings deep—it's almost too much to handle, mm?
Geo: You have the power to end this. Just accept my demands.
Geo: You'll see your sisters again, and live with them for eternity.
Geo: Where, then, lies your issue?
Medusa: How about this: we'll talk after you call off your puppets and hand over Euryale!
Geo: Mhmmm. Will you really?
Medusa: If you got something else to say, just say it.
Geo: If I give you your sister's core, will that really satisfy you?
Geo: In her current form, you won't be able to hear her voice, to talk to her. It would be more like reuniting with a nice piece of jewelry than a dear sister.
Geo: In the end... Who knows when you'll meet her again?
Geo: Surely it's painful for you, no? She's right there in front of you, yet so distant from your grasp.
Geo: Are you sure that's what you want?
Medusa: ...
Geo: That's not what I want for you.
Geo: If you become one with me, your pain will be a distant memory. What is there to worry about?
Medusa: I...
Stheno: Hehehe. Did you think we would let you get away?
Stheno: Euryale, if you would.
Euryale: Aye, I'll bind them.
Euryale: Now, Medusa!
Medusa: You got it, Euryale!
Medusa: Now, take a look into my eyes!
Medusa: Mmm! These berries are delicious! Do you want to try some?
Euryale: Thanks, Medusa.
Stheno: Medusa, on your mouth, you've got a little bit...
Medusa: Huh?
Stheno: I mean some of that berry juice is escaping, dear. Haha.
Medusa: Hehehe...
Euryale: Here, Medusa. Have my share too.
Medusa: Yay! But you don't want anymore?
Euryale: I've had my fill.
Medusa: Stheno?
Stheno: I've had enough too. You can have the rest, Medusa.
Stheno: I can tell that you love them, seeing how stuffed your cheeks are.
Medusa: Stheno! Stop treating me like a baby!
Medusa: I haven't forgotten. My sisters loved me so much. Not a day goes by that I don't think about them.
Medusa: And I loved them back. Maybe even more than they loved me.
Medusa: I want to see them again so bad that I can't stand it. I don't want to wait even one second longer!
Satyr: Meddy...
Geo: Then surely you know what you must do...
Medusa: But I remember the touch of their hands. The sounds of their voices.
Medusa: I don't want to be a part of the same being as them.
Medusa: No matter how long it takes, no matter how much I have to suffer...
Medusa: I'll keep on trying until I get a chance to look them right in the eye.
Medusa: And say, "I love you."
Medusa raises her head as she speaks, her voice filled with conviction.
Medusa: Which is why I'll never go along with your dumb idea!
Medusa: Don't make me say it anymore!
Geo: Sigh...
Geo: Well then, that certainly leaves you with one issue. How do you plan to get your sister's core and escape me?
Vyrn: He's not kiddin'. We have to do something about his primal puppets first!
Medusa: You know, all this talk about my sisters gets me thinking...
Medusa: We were all strong enough on our own, but together, there was no one who could beat us.
Nezha: Ah, you three were formidable indeed.
Baal: Hah. Say no more.
Baal: Let's rock. Try to stay on rhythm, would you?
Medusa: Humph! Just don't mess me up! Got it?
Vyrn: What're they doing?
Satyr: Baally is causing their shared elemental earth energy to resonate...
Vyrn: Huh? So is he increasing their power or something?
Satyr: That's right! This is going to be great! I've always wanted to see Baally put on a show...
Satyr: This is my first time seeing the pair of them use their true potential.
Nezha: Really now? I myself... Well, I've been hit by this attack before.
Vyrn: Whoa!
Nezha: However, it appears that they're even more in sync now.
Baal: Take them out one at a time!
Medusa: Don't tell me what to do—I know how to fight!

Primal Resonance - Chapter 6: Loved Ones - Episode 3

Medusa and Baal take down Freyr together. With the help of (Captain) and the crew, the other primals go down as well. However, Geo absorbs the others as well as both cores of Medusa's sisters. Using his newly found power, he turns Satyr and Nezha to stone.

Freyr: Ungh... So this is the end...
Satyr: Yaaay! Yes! I knew you two could do it!
Vyrn: No kidding! For a pair of primals that are always at each other's throats, they were a dream team!
Nezha: When push comes to shove, they know to set aside their differences.
Vyrn: You guys aren't the only ones that can work as a team! Right, (Captain)?
Inspired by Vyrn's words, (Captain) grins and readies a weapon once more, ready to take on the remaining primals.
Snow White: Ungh!
Nezha: Lay it on them!
Satyr: You got it!
Zaoshen: ...!
Lyria: My turn!
Vyrn: Lyria, be careful!
Lyria: It's okay. I have to do my part too!
Lyria: Child of flames and darkness...
Lyria: I beseech you...
Lyria: Bahamut!
Primal Beasts: ...
Vyrn: Yeah! Way to go, Lyria!
Satyr: There's no way they can get back up after a blow like that!
Nezha: Yes, there shouldn't be enough energy left in their cores for another recovery.
Geo: Right, right...
Geo sighs as he walks over to the defeated primals.
Geo: I'm sorry. Fighting is such a sad, worthless act.
Freyr: Ngh... Geo... Please, deliver tranquility unto the world's primal beasts...
Geo: It's okay now. I'll handle everything. You just enjoy a tranquil slumber as a part of me.
Satyr: Eek! He's going to do it again!
(Captain) and the others watch in horror as Geo absorbs the primals.
Medusa: Good grief! Haven't we told you already—stop doing that!
Baal: It's disgusting.
Geo: Ah, you still refuse to see reason. Sad, but that's the way of it, I suppose.
After a deflated sigh, Geo curls a finger at Medusa.
Medusa: H-hey!
Moments later, Stheno's core leaps from Medusa's arms as if pulled by an invisible string.
Medusa: Stheno! Come back!
Frantically Medusa swipes for the sphere, but the core is too fast, and she catches only air.
Geo: I'll take that.
Medusa: No! Give back my sister!
Geo: Did you forget? I was the one who found this core for you.
Geo: It was simple enough to rig it with a special link while no one was watching. Never start a mission without a fail-safe.
Nezha: We should've been more cautious!
Satyr: Wh-what are you going to do with her?
Geo: Well, if only I had Medusa to complete the three sisters, it would be a lot more interesting...
Geo: But alas, I suppose we'll just have to make do with the incomplete set.
Medusa: Stooooop!
Ignoring Medusa's plea, Geo pushes the amber spheres against his chest, swallowing them in an instant.
Lyria: How could you... Those are Medusa's sisters!
Medusa: Stheno... Euryale...
Devastated, Medusa falls to the ground. Geo looks down at her with his trademark grin.
Geo: Oh, so this is what your little eye trick feels like... Haha. How wonderful!
Geo: Let's give it a test run, shall we?
Satyr: ...!
In the blink of an eye, Satyr and Nezha are rendered into statues, expressions of horror carved on their faces.
Baal: Nezha! Satyr!
Lyria: He turned them into stone! Just like Medusa does!
Vyrn: No way! Is he able to use their powers now too?
Satyr & Nezha: ...
Medusa: This is too much...
Medusa: You've taken the power of my sisters. You've taken the power of our eyes, our very pride as primal beasts.
Medusa: To turn my very kin against me—how could you do something so awful!
Medusa: I'll never forgive you! Never!

Primal Resonance - Chapter 6: Loved Ones - Episode 4

Geo's overwhelming power has (Captain) on the ground. In a last-ditch effort to retrieve the cores, Baal decides to start a resonance between himself and Geo. The disruption causes Stheno and Euryale to temporarily manifest, holding back Geo's power and freeing Nezha and Satyr.

Medusa: Ngh...
Baal: His power is staggering!
Overwhelming energy crackles and radiates off of Geo's body, forcing (Captain) and the others to the ground.
Lyria: He's too strong...
Vyrn: How are we s'posed to beat somebody like this!
Medusa: I won't be able to return Satyr and Nezha to normal. My sisters' eyes are stronger than mine.
Geo: Hahaha! Is the difference in our abilities too great for you to handle?
Geo: You could end this all, you know!
Medusa: I didn't say we were giving up yet!
Baal: Don't do something foolish. You look exhausted.
Medusa: Nobody asked you! I have to do this! I just don't know how yet...
Baal: (Captain), do you have those prime earth crystals you mined?
Lyria: You mean these? We have plenty... But why?
Vyrn: What the heck are a buncha shiny rocks gonna do for us now?
Baal: I'm going to start a resonance connecting myself and Geo using these crystals.
Baal: Strike once I've reached the limits of amplification.
Medusa: Will this help my sisters?
Baal: I'm ashamed to admit I can't make any promises.
Baal: But if I can just reach those cores before they're fully incorporated into his being...
Medusa: Stheno... Euryale...
Euryale: Ngh! If this keeps up, the battle is lost!
Stheno: We're running out of time. Oh, Medusa...
Medusa: What is it, Stheno? I'm ready to do whatever it takes!
Stheno: Run away from here.
Medusa: What?
Euryale: While you make your escape, we'll stop their assault.
Medusa: What are you saying! I'm totally against this plan!
Medusa: I want to stay with you!
Stheno: Take care of her, Medusiana.
Medusiana: ...!
Euryale: Now go!
Medusa: No, no, no! Wait, Medusiana! Stop! Let me down! Euryale! Stheno!
Medusa: My sisters really protected me that day.
Medusa: No matter how much I yelled at them, no matter how much I fought against Medusiana...
Medusa: All I could do was watch as they disappeared into the distance.
Medusa, moved by frustration and resolve, tightens her hand into a fist.
Medusa: I'd been so worried about them—what could have happened to them.
Medusa: But Medusiana was always there by my side, so I had to believe. I had to keep looking. But now... now that I've finally found them...
Medusa: It's my turn to save my sisters!
She snaps her head up and stares into Baal's eyes, her expression filled with unwavering determination.
Medusa: But I'm going to need your help to do it.
Baal: I've never done this before. I'm not sure how it will go.
Medusa: So, not so different from one of your little impromptu jam sessions then, huh?
Baal: Hah... Right.
Baal: Let's do this!
Geo: Hm? What's this? You're still putting up a fight?
Lyria: We can't fall now! It's up to us to stop him!
Vyrn: Don't let him get close to our friends!
Geo: Pests...
Geo: You've been a thorn in my side from the start. I should have eliminated you far earlier.
Geo: But now's as good as ever.
Vyrn: Aaaah!
Lyria: Vyrn!
Geo strikes with blinding fury, but (Captain) manages to intercept the attack before it connects with Vyrn and Lyria.
Geo strikes with blinding fury, but (Captain) manages to intercept the attack before it connects with Vyrn and Lyria.
Medusa: (Captain)!
Baal: Oy! Stay focused!
Medusa: I know! But...
  1. Can't you guys go any faster?
  2. Yeah! Stay focused!

Choose: Can't you guys go any faster?
Baal: We're doing everything we can! Medusa, focus harder!
Medusa: I know! I heard you the first time!

Choose: Yeah! Stay focused!
Medusa: Humph! Disrespectful mortal! I'm just making sure you don't make any mistakes first!
Continue 1
Baal: All right, let's pick up the tempo!
Geo: What's this?
Geo raises an eyebrow at the resonance reverberating from Medusa and Baal.
Geo: Medusa, Baal, don't you know it's futile to—
Geo: ...!
Lyria: He stopped moving!
Medusa: Stheno, Euryale... Please... Come back to me!
Geo: Ngh! What's... happening!
Stheno: Hehehe, oh my precious Medusa.
Euryale: She'll hear you call her that.
Medusa: Huh...
Lyria: There's someone behind Geo!
Medusa: Stheno! Euryale!
Stheno: Aww... There, there, dear. You don't have to cry.
Euryale: You're cute when you cry, but I have to say I prefer to see you smile.
Medusa: Sniff... Stheno! Euryale! I... I...
Stheno: Hehe, you poor thing. Give us just a second, and I'll hug you for all the time we missed together.
Stheno: But first things first. Euryale, if you would.
Euryale: Right.
Geo: Urgh... Aaargh! Stop! You... You can't do this!
Stheno: And step two...
Nezha: ...!
Satyr: Gasp!
Lyria: They're back to normal!
Medusa: That's my sisters for you! Reversing petrification is child's play for them!
Geo: No... You can't... escape me!
Euryale: Tch... Think he's reached his limits?
Stheno: Mm, let's hope so.
Stheno and Euryale begin to shake, struggling to keep Geo contained.
Medusa: I-it's really you!
Euryale: Forgive us, Medusa. It seems we won't have much time to talk.
Stheno: She's right. First your big sisters have to keep this creature's power in check.
Geo: No! Stop this, stop this, stop this! Get back inside! The world wills it!
Euryale: It'll be okay. We believe in you.
Stheno: You're our precious, precious little sister. We love you, Medusa.
Medusa: Stheno! Euryale!
Geo: Ngh... Augh... This... isn't right!
Vyrn: Her sisters disappeared, but Geo still looks like he's fighting against them!
Baal: Now's our chance... You're up, Medusa!
Medusa: Right. It's my turn.
Medusa: My sisters believe in me! They love me!
Medusa: And that's all I need to blast you into oblivion!

Primal Resonance - Ending

Stheno and Euryale's cores are freed from Geo's control. However, he quickly flees the scene in fear of a familiar approaching force. Shortly after, Zooey arrives and explains that Geo is a manifestation of sorrow felt by the primal beasts. Despite this new threat on the horizon, Medusa is overjoyed to have reunited with her sisters.

Geo: Ngh... I won't let this happen!
Nezha: Baal! Hit him with another pulse of earth resonance!
Baal: Right.
Geo: Aaargh!
Medusa: Is there any way to save them?
Nezha: Your sisters' consciousnesses rose to Geo's surface earlier.
Nezha: He's been sufficiently weakened...
Satyr: So if we want to salvage them, it's now or never, right?
Geo: Ugh!
Medusa: My sisters! Come back to me! Please!
Baal: The... They're coming! Hold on tight!
Geo: Gu... Guaaaurgh!
Body flailing, Geo shrieks as two amber crystals phase through his chest and fly into the air.
Medusa: Stheno! Euryale!
Medusa reaches for her sisters, much like the day they forced her to flee.
Medusa: ...!
The cores feel warm as they slide into her fingers, warmer yet as she hugs them close.
Medusa: Stheno! Euryale! It's really you!
Geo: Ungh... Uh... No, no, noooo!
Geo: Why! Why can't you see!
Geo: I will bring tranquility to the world! To all of the primals!
Geo: Aaaaaargh!
Geo wails in agony, clutching his chest.
Geo: Sigh... That's what I've been trying to say this whole time: The mortal known as the singularity presents an unknown threat to the mission.
Geo: Um, then what do I do? I don't wanna lose...
Geo: I'll take 'em out. Then there'll be no more problem, eh?
Vyrn: What's going on with him?
Baal: We've seen him switch personalities a couple of times...
Nezha: But it seems he's no longer able to control them.
Geo: How could you side with mortals? Have you really taken on their emotions? Their suffering?
Geo: I want to save you from the pain. Why would you deny yourselves tranquility by siding with the singularity?
Medusa: I don't need your dumb tranquility. And I sure don't need you to save me.
Medusa: From where I'm standing, you look like the one that needs help.
Geo: Me? Help?
Medusa: You've got no one. No matter how many cores you've swallowed, you're still completely alone.
Medusa: I bet you were lying when we first met you. When you said you were searching for someone "very, very dear" to you.
Geo: That wasn't a lie! You're precious to me! All primal beasts are!
Medusa: And yet you try to force me to join you against my will? That kind of love... I don't need it.
Geo: Why... can't you see...
Geo: I am will made absolute. I exist to bring tranquility unto the world.
Geo: At this rate, the Cosmos...
Lyria: Cosmos?
Geo: ...!
Trembling in fear, Geo jerks his head toward the sky.
Geo: It's coming...
Geo: The force I felt from the singularity...
Geo: No, I won't be stopped yet!
He leaps with impressive acceleration, launching himself so quickly that within seconds he's no more than a fleck in the sky.
Satyr: Is he gone?
Nezha: It seems so.
Lyria: I-I don't think it's over yet! Someone's coming!
Zooey: ...
Zooey lands lightly on the ground where Geo had stood moments ago.
Lyria: Zooey!
Zooey: Ah. So here you are.
Vyrn: Huh? You mean you were looking for us? All the way out here?
Zooey: Sorry, not exactly. However...
Her eyes search the perimeter, cautious and perceptive.
Zooey: It seems I was too late.
Lyria: What do you mean?
Zooey: I felt a disturbing presence. But due to the number of primal beasts in this area, I was not able to determine its precise location.
Medusa: Number of primal beasts, eh? Maybe it was Geo?
Zooey: Geo?
Lyria: A primal beast that was here right before you came.
(Captain) and the others explain their encounter with Geo to Zooey.
Zooey: I see. I fear he is the ruiner of the world's balance. The one I have been searching for.
Zooey: It is incredible that you were able to thwart him on your own.
Lyria: What was he, anyway? Is he related to you somehow?
Vyrn: Yeah, we've been out of the loop this whole time. Tell us something!
Zooey: I can only offer conjecture on my part.
Zooey: But it seems the one you call Geo is a being that manifested in a manner similar to the way I did—albeit with a few clear differences.
Zooey: I am a primal beast manifested from the wishes to protect the realm of Astrals and skydwellers.
Vyrn: So he's also on a mission to protect the balance of the world?
Zooey: That is my guess.
Lyria: But he said he wanted to destroy all skydwellers...
Zooey: If I manifested from the wishes of skydwellers...
Zooey: Then perhaps he manifested to answer the cry of primal beasts.
Vyrn: That's a pretty major difference...
Lyria: Oh, can you tell us what this "Cosmos" is supposed to be?
Zooey: Was this something that he said to you?
Lyria: Yes, before he left. He was speaking to himself, but I thought it sounded odd.
Zooey: ...
Zooey: I am sorry. I cannot say for certain.
Lyria: Oh, okay.
Vyrn: Don't worry about it. His eggs were pretty much fried at the end there, so I'm sure he was spoutin' nonsense.
Zooey: Still, I must apologize.
Lyria: Really? But you didn't do anything wrong, Zooey.
Zooey: ...
Zooey: (I hope you can forgive me for being unable to tell you the whole truth.)
Vyrn: Hey, what's the matter?
Zooey: Never mind me. After hearing your tale, I am afraid that there might be an error in Geo's behavior.
Medusa: Just an error? He went absolutely bonkers.
Zooey: Bon...kers? Indeed. That is also possible.
Zooey: Venerating primal beasts... Swallowing masses of cores...
Zooey: No, there is no point in speculating. No matter his reason, he still represents an extreme threat.
Zooey: I must give everything I have to put a stop to him. That is my mission.
As Zooey finishes giving voice to her resolution, (Captain) takes a reflective moment to imagine what the future might hold.
Medusa: Hey, even if we almost lost our skin a couple of times back there, at least I have my sisters now.
She gives the pair of amber spheres another loving squeeze.
Zooey: Those are primal beast cores, aren't they?
Medusa: Yep. My sisters, to be exact.
Zooey: Let me have a look.
Leaning forward, Zooey peers into the crystals.
Zooey: They are in quite a deep slumber.
Satyr: Mm-yeah, earlier they really went all out to save us.
Nezha: Yes. We are in a great debt to them.
Zooey: Fortunately their basic functionality has not been affected. They will awaken in due time.
Zooey: However... it will require many years.
Medusa: Figures...
Medusa: But it's fine. I'll protect them until the day they reawaken.
Medusa: No matter how many years, no matter how many decades it takes.
Baal: This is normally where you would exhibit your crybaby tendencies.
Medusa: Not today! And what do you mean normally!
Baal: Strange. It seems like someone with such a penchant for waterworks would think more of her only hobby.
Medusa: Grr! Is that the only way you can talk to people? By teasing them!
Baal: Teasing? No, no. I'm just telling the truth here.
Medusa: Normally I would get angry, but I'm feeling generous today, so I'll ignore your dumb jokes instead.
Medusa: Yep, I'm too happy right now for all of that!
Medusa: After all, I've finally got my sisters back, and we're going to be together forever!
Medusa's laughter, authentic and warm, causes an infectious smile to spread between skyfarer and primal beast alike.
Although a new threat looms on the horizon, (Captain) and the others revel in the primal resonance of sisters reunited.
The End
