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Official Profile





Special Cutscenes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain special event cutscene scripts.
View these tabs at your own discretion.

Happy Birthday Cutscenes
# Link Text

(Captain), I heard from the girl in blue that today is your birthday.
Time passes so quickly for the children of man, which fascinates me so.
(Captain), promise me that you'll continue to tread the path of righteousness.
After all, I can only offer my blessing to those who always strive to be just.
And I pray you will continue to be worthy of my blessing for a long time to come.


(Captain), it seems the anniversary of your birth has arrived once more. An auspicious occasion indeed.
I have been observing your steadily flowing progress over the past year.
As a result, I have come to realize that you possess a mysterious current.
It swells like a dance, appearing to surge violently, but its depths are as still as the deepest sea.
Though it has the power to wash away all in its path like a waterfall, it can also be akin to a fountain that soothes weary travelers.
It appears there are depths within you that even the Tide Father himself has not yet uncovered.
Thankfully, our journey continues on. I shall stand by your side through the coming year in order to ascertain them for myself.


I see that you've safely arrived at yet another birthday. Allow me to grant you my blessing.
Pray that my power will grant you and your fellow children of man good fortune during your travels.
The Tide Father will be sure to answer—
What is it?
I see. So you would prefer your journey not to be in the hands of the gods.
Humph. That much has not escaped the Tide Father's attention.
Your highest priority is always the health of the girl in blue and those on the ship.
Therefore, the blessing that I shall confer upon you is the safeguard of all children aboard this ship.
The Tide Father's trident shall protect all that you wish to protect. It always has and always will.

Happy New Year Cutscenes
# Link Text

Is something on your mind, (Captain)?
You wish to start the new year with a fresh outlook on life?
Hm, I suppose purification of the mind is also an admirable way to train.
I hear the children of man like to cleanse their body and soul under waterfalls. Perhaps you should try it yourself.
As the Tide Father, generating a waterfall for you is simple enough.
Go on, (Captain), see how it works for you.


Hm... This place should be free of issues.
Yes, that will do. Now then...
Hm? (Captain), do you have business with the Tide Father?
Ah, this waterfall? That fiery soul pleaded with me to create one, so I obliged.
If you recall, last year I helped you to purify yourself under a waterfall. It seems he witnessed our pursuits.
This time, he asked for my assistance in cleansing his body and soul for the new year.
The Tide Father appreciates a child of man who seeks purity. Thus, I accepted his request.
Of course, you should apply yourself together with that fiery soul.
The Tide Father shall watch over your endeavors to ascertain that you are fit to greet the new year.


What is it that troubles you, child of man? Are you in need of my power?
You're writing your New Year's resolution? Hmm, in other words, this is a ceremony in which you make a vow for the coming year.
But without knowing what vow you'll make and whether or not you'll be able to fulfill it, you cannot begin writing.
Then allow me to use my power to alleviate one of your worries.
I have mixed my own water into the ink. Use it, and your written oath shall serve as the eyes and ears of the Tide Father himself.
Through this written record, I will watch carefully to witness whether or not you can honor your vow.
Now you should be well-equipped to fulfill any vow you choose. All that remains is to wield your brush as you see fit.

Valentine's Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Huh? What is this, (Captain)? Treats favored by the children of man?
You give this to me as a divine offering?
How splendid!
I must say your attitude as someone who basks in my presence is most commendable, (Captain).
As the Tide Father, I shall continue to give my blessings upon you.


Ah, you have come to make a divine offering to the Tide Father again this year? Magnificent.
However, you have already earned my recognition and trust. Even without additional offerings, you will receive ample blessings—
Hm? This is not an offering, but a confectionary to express your affection?
I see. However, I have no interest in the personal affairs of those who seek my blessings.
Though if one pure of heart displays a willingness to revere the Tide Father, I have no objections...
That being said, as a provider of blessings, it may be necessary for me to adhere to the customs of the children of man.
Very well, (Captain). I shall accept this confection not as an offering, but as a sign of affection.
And when it comes time to return the favor, I shall decide upon a gift worthy of the devotion you have given.


Oho, I see you come bearing confections this year as well. For "Valentine's Day," I presume?
In other words, I should accept them as a sign of affection rather than as an offering. Then allow me to express my gratitude—thank you.
Such a sweet fragrance... The creations of the children of man become ever finer day by day.
Where are you going, (Captain)? We have not yet finished our conversation.
The Tide Father knows, you see. That the children of man break bread together as a means of expressing their affection.
As you've come here for this exact purpose, would it not be logical for you to consume these confections with me before you depart?
If I have your understanding, then take a seat. Let's spend some quality time together.

White Day Cutscenes
# Link Text

Take this chocolate, (Captain).
Oh? What's with the look of surprise?
The girl in blue told me that today is the day we repay those who've been good to us.
Though you will always have my blessing, I thought it'd be nice to follow this tradition of the child of man for a change.
The girl in blue stressed to me the importance of chocolate, which is why I've purchased this.
She helped me choose the flavor, so I trust it will be to your liking. Enjoy.


(Captain), I have prepared another return gift for you this year. Please accept it.
Behold its clear blue luster. This is said to be a confection created in the shape of a jewel called "amber sugar."
Although I am not familiar with jewels, the way they shine in the light is as beautiful as the surface of rippling water.
Thus I purchased them, believing they would be a suitable gift for the Tide Father to present to you.
Heh, you are pleased? Cherish them to your heart's content.
I cannot comprehend your affection. Therefore, I do not know if this is an appropriate response.
However, as long as you ask, you shall continue to receive.


Ah, (Captain)—I have prepared another return gift for you this year. I ask that you accept it.
The amount seems quite large? But of course—it is not intended for you alone.
On Valentine's Day, we partook of confections together as a show of affection, yes?
Therefore, I thought it only right that your return gift should be shared as well.
But you seem to prefer a lively dining table. Thus, I've included portions for the girl in blue, as well as the young dragon.
You can sense my affection? If so, that is certainly fortuitous.
Now then, let's search for your companions at once, shall we?

Light Cookies
Trick or Treat Cutscenes
# Link Text

Is some kind of event happening today, (Captain)?
Earlier, I spotted an oddly clothed group coming out of an airship.
Ah, so they are pretending to be creatures of the night with their costumes, I see.
The creativity of the children of man never ceases to amaze me.
Have you come to invite me? I must refuse—partaking in this event is unbefitting of the Tide Father's divinity.
However, I will offer you my protection from any evil influences this night.


What brings you here, (Captain)? I had assumed you would be headed for the festival of demons today.
Many children of man are already on their way to the celebration. You should join them before nightfall.
Oh? You would like to accompany me into town?
I believe I explained myself last year. The Tide Father does not reveal himself without reason.
But I suppose... if you desire a companion, it would behoove me to take you along.
The Tide Father shall be watching over you with these very eyes.
Should the hand of evil dare approach you, it will be expunged in the blink of an eye. You may enjoy the festival in peace.


(Captain). If you intend to enjoy the festival again this year, remember to take a servant of mine along.
The Tide Father shall protect and watch over you through its eyes as you revel in the festivities.
You don't wish to cause me trouble? Not to worry.
It is a pleasure to observe you and your companions enjoying yourselves. Trust me to defend you, and frolic to your heart's content.
You may request my power whenever needed. It's a simple matter to exorcise any demons that have managed to infiltrate the festival.
The exorcism spell is like this, I believe. Trick or...

Happy Holidays Cutscenes
# Link Text

A soothing silence fills the air...
I prefer the tranquility of the holy night, as the raucous clamor of grand feasts only serves to vex me.
But of course, I speak only for myself. You are free to spend the day as you wish.
Do not mind me; go and celebrate with your fellow children of man.
Hm. You've brought the feast to me?
How admirable it is for you to remember the importance of divine offerings. As Tide Father, I must commend your thoughtfulness.
(Captain), you have my blessing for a wonderful holiday night.


(Captain), have you come to deliver another feast?
Ah, you desire to enjoy a meal here together with the Tide Father this year? Yes, that is commendable.
However, I must decline. Take your feast in hand. I shall accompany you inside the ship.
It is terribly cold tonight. Sitting on a snow-covered deck would surely be harmful to the constitution of a child of man.
Heh, not to worry. I have become somewhat accustomed to the noise of this ship. It is much like that of a shoal of small fish.
Therefore, it will not trouble the Tide Father to plunge into the banquet for a brief while.
Come, let's be on our way, (Captain). It is not my wish for you to fall ill.


(Captain), what has captured your attention outside the window?
Ah, it's snowing? Are you upset that the weather conditions have become unfavorable?
You were merely appreciating its beauty? I see. That is admirable.
In that case, turn from the window. If you wish to gaze upon a spectacle, you need look no further.
Why do you appear so surprised? As snow is merely another form of water, it's only natural that the Tide Father should be able to control it.
I imagine it must be chilly watching from near the window. Return to the warmth of the hearth and behold this personal snow shower.
The mortal form is fragile. If you fall ill from the cold, it will surely cast a shadow over the holiday feast. Consider it a blessing from the Tide Father.

Fate Episodes

Spoiler Alert!
These tabs contain full Fate Episode cutscene scripts with major spoilers about the character. View these tabs at your own discretion.

The Tide Father Resurfaces

Once weakened by the imperial army, the lord of the seas fully recovers and joins the crew. Juri wishes to know why his father, who stood for justice above all else, instilled Poseidon with dark essence, but the Tide Father does not remember. They visit the location where Poseidon was first captured to learn the truth.

One day, after completing a mission, Lyria broaches an unexpected subject to (Captain).
Lyria: Um, (Captain)... I think Poseidon wants to talk to you.
Vyrn: Poseidon? Isn't that the primal beast who went on a rampage after being pumped full of dark essence?
Vyrn speaks of an incident that played out in Auguste which involved the crew.
As part of the imperial army's Operation: Apprehend Poseidon, the primal beast was given enough dark essence to manifest in physical form.
Poseidon: You would ridicule the lord of the sea, you miserable minnow? Your foul power estranged my body from my will!
Poseidon: And as your punishment, the very land you stand on will sink into the depths of the sea.
Not intent on letting anyone control him, the enraged Poseidon nearly destroyed the Auguste Isles.
But thanks to the efforts of (Captain) and Juri, Poseidon was safely absorbed by Lyria.
Vyrn: I guess he's well enough to come out and chat now?
Lyria: Mm-hm. In fact, he's out here already. See?
Poseidon: ...
Vyrn: Heyo, long time no see, Poseidon. What did you wanna talk about?
Lyria: It seems like he needs lots of water to make a full recovery.
Lyria: That's why he wants us to bring him to the seas of Auguste.
Vyrn: Whaddya say, (Captain)? We just finished up a mission, so we've time to kill.
Lyria: Once Poseidon's recovered, he wants to repay the favor by lending us his strength.
Poseidon's power once proved a great threat to all, which also means he would make for a most powerful ally.
The crew heads to Auguste to tend to the primal beast.
Vyrn: Sure is nice to know he's on the road to recovery though.
Vyrn: I still remember how much pain the dark essence caused him back then.
Lyria: Yeah...
Lyria: I think this spot's good!
The crew stops by the shoreline.
Lyria: Okay, here goes...
Lyria: Poseidon, come out!
Lyria holds an arm out toward the sea, which begins to gently shimmer.
Once the light subsides, the Tide Father Poseidon becomes visible in the water.
Poseidon: Ah yes, the bountiful sea could not be more rejuvenating.
Poseidon: I am back to my glorious self, as the almighty Tide Father.
Lyria: I sense a great power from Poseidon, just like when we first met.
Vyrn: Means he's all better!
The crew is pleased to see the water god in good spirits.
He takes a good look at (Captain) and company, a serenity in his eyes.
Poseidon: It has been a long time, children of man.
Poseidon: Though I have stayed in the shadows, I have been watching your journey all this time.
Poseidon: I also know that you've avenged me in your own way by teaching that foolish empire a lesson.
Poseidon: As such, I've come to realize that you are more than worthy of my blessing as the Tide Father.
(Captain) ponders the meaning of his words.
  1. You mean you wanna join the crew?
  2. Feels like you've helped us all along...

Choose: You mean you wanna join the crew?
Poseidon: That's one way of putting it. Though of course, I will not become a child of man myself.
Poseidon: I merely permit you to use my power if you so choose, and I will also call you captain if you so prefer.
Poseidon: That is my way of thanking you.

Choose: Feels like you've helped us all along...
Poseidon: No. I've merely lent you an iota of power through the girl in blue.
Poseidon: But if you so wish, I will lend you the full extent of my strength going forward. You'll see for yourself why people call me the Tide Father.
Continue 1
Lyria: Teehee, I look forward to traveling with you some more, Poseidon!
Vyrn: Same here! We already know what a powerhouse you are, so we'll be countin' on you big-time!
Noting their delighted expressions, Poseidon responds in kind.
Poseidon: Very well. May you bask in the glory of the Tide Father.
Poseidon: Captain, I now wield my trident for you.
Vyrn: Great, so we're done here! I'll show you around the Grandcypher when we get back later!
Lyria: And we can have lunch in the ship's galley!
They turn on their heels to head back to port.
Just then, a familiar figure suddenly appears.
No version of Juri in crew

Go to "Continue 2"

Any version of Juri is a crew member

Go to "Continue 3"

Continue 2

Continue 3
Continue 4
???: Wait!
???: Whew... Made it just in time!
Lyria: Huh? Oh, it's Juri!
Juri is a hot-blooded young man who fights for justice and once served the imperial army.
Though he at first participated in Operation: Apprehend Poseidon, he found out the empire was not on the side of justice and left.
He's been traveling with (Captain)'s crew ever since then.

Continue 5
Juri's Voice: Wait!
Juri: Whew... Made it just in time!
Lyria: Huh? Oh, it's Juri!
Continue 6
Vyrn: Weren't you supposed to have the day off? Any reason you're fully armored and all tense?
While most are surprised, Poseidon glares coldly at Juri.
Poseidon: Hm, a familiar face. The blood that flows within you is a reminder firmly etched in my memory.
Juri: Yeah, I'll bet... I haven't forgotten about you either.
It was Juri's father, acting under the imperial army's orders, who had first awoken Poseidon.
Juri: Poseidon! If it's payback for what my father did to you that you want, then take it out on me! Just leave the island alone!
Poseidon: You ask for clemency? Ignorant fool! I am a god, and justice is mine to mete out as I see fit! I have no pity left for your kind.
Poseidon directed his anger at Juri, and the soldier confronted him head on.
Juri came out victorious, leaving the sea god's anger unappeased.
Poseidon: So you've come to repent for your slight against me, I see. Splendid.
Juri: ...!
Vyrn: Uh-oh... Juri's gonna be in danger at this rate!
Lyria: Hey, no fighting! Please calm down!
(Captain) runs up to Juri, ready to protect him from harm's way.
Poseidon: Do not interfere, Captain. Only one person has to pay for the damage done to me. I do not intend for anyone else to get involved.
  1. Run, Juri!
  2. Calm down, Poseidon!

Choose: Run, Juri!
Juri: No! I came here to settle things!
Poseidon: Oh? How admirable.

Choose: Calm down, Poseidon!
Poseidon: I am not one to use my power aimlessly. There is not a ripple in my heart.
Poseidon: Of course, I recognize that the foolish boy is also equally calm at heart.
Continue 7
Juri glares back at Poseidon.
Juri: I won't run or hide. Nor would I mind accepting your punishment.
Juri: But before we fight, I have a favor to ask.
Poseidon: Fine. I'll give you a moment to say your last words.
Juri continues in all earnestness.
Juri: The empire has since collapsed, along with all factions of the imperial army stationed throughout the skies.
Juri: Yet I'd still like to know what my father was trying to accomplish in Auguste.
Juri: He always spoke to me of justice, yet he went ahead and embedded dark essence within you. Can you tell me why?
Poseidon: I have no answer for you. Or perhaps I should say, any answer I may have had is gone.
Poseidon: The memory you seek remains shrouded by the treacherous light of the dark essence.
Vyrn: Uh... You mean you don't remember much about the dark essence?
Poseidon: Correct. Only my anger toward the foolish cretins remains.
Juri: Damn, so you don't know what happened with my father?
Poseidon: That's right. If you wish to find out, give me a suitable offering capable of dredging up the memories within me.
Juri: A suitable offering?
Juri: There may be records of the operation left at Karna Citadel...
Poseidon: Then bring me there. In order to cleanse myself entirely of the wrong done to me, I must know the truth.
Juri: Fair enough. I didn't plan on facing you without knowing the truth either.
Poseidon: Let us go then, to the resting place of my shame.
The crew follows Juri's directions to reach Karna Citadel.
Taking in the sight of the citadel ruins, turbulent waves begin to form in the corner of the Tide Father's eyes.

Impressing a Sea God

The crew finds nothing at Karna Citadel at first, but Poseidon recovers a few fragmented memories from walking through its halls. He uncovers stairs to the underground cave where he had awoken. They venture into the cave to continue their investigation.

The crew visits Karna Citadel to search for clues to help Poseidon recall certain memories.
However, its interiors are rather empty, having been long abandoned by the imperial army.
Vyrn: Not a single document lying around. I wonder if it was worth coming at all...
Juri: The empire cleaned up well after itself, having a policy of wiping out any evidence pertaining to its experiments and military expeditions.
Juri: I, myself, was often told not to leave a single scrap of paper behind.
Lyria: Maybe we can ask Pommern if he still has any related documents.
Vyrn: Hm, it was Furias who took charge of this place...
Vyrn: And I'm not so sure he'd have told his mustached friend very much.
Juri: True... Information got tangled up often even in the army. That goes for my dad too.
While they discuss how best to proceed next...
Poseidon looks around as if retracing his memories.
Poseidon: These sights... The moisture in the air... I've definitely been here before.
Poseidon: ...
???: Hey, you awake? How are you feeling?
Poseidon: Child of... man... Are you the one who awakened me?
???: Yep, it was us imperial soldiers who found you.
Poseidon: Where am I?
???: An underground cave in Auguste. We heard you were a primal beast of water.
???: So we went looking for the place with the freshest water on the island.
Poseidon: The scenery... The sound of the rushing water... I know this place.
Poseidon: I awoke in an underground cave beneath this citadel.
Vyrn: Oh yeah? I don't see any stairs going down though.
Poseidon: I go where the water flows. The water will be my eyes and ears.
Poseidon: If I follow the stream, the cave will make itself known. Give me a moment.
He closes his eyes to focus, then points to a spot in the room.
Poseidon: There. I can sense flowing water behind that wall.
Poseidon effortlessly moves a towering bookcase with the tip of his trident...
Uncovering a giant hole in the wall, with stairs leading underground.
Lyria: Wow! I can't believe that was there all along!
Poseidon: Splendid. What we seek lies ahead.
Poseidon: My absolution awaits. Let us make haste, (Captain).
Having come upon a new lead...
The crew carefully makes its way down the hidden passageway.

Impressing a Sea God: Scene 2

The crew finds Juri's father's diary in the underground lab, which helps to jog Poseidon's memories. Juri's father did his best to persuade the Tide Father to assist the empire and even agreed to duel him at one point. This duel never came to fruition, as Furias showed up later to embed dark essence into the water god.

(Captain) and company descend the stairs to the underground cave to find a small open space before them.
A well-worn bookshelf and table have been left behind, giving a sense that people once made a home of the cave.
Juri: The stationery and stores of armor polish are all army issue.
Juri: I think it's safe to assume that this cave was used as a military research facility.
Poseidon: Indeed. A similar emblem was emblazoned on the armor of the man who had awakened me.
Vyrn: All righty, let's see if there are any clues remaining!
(Captain) and company split up to perform a thorough search of their surroundings.
(Captain) finds a book lying around in an inconspicuous part of the cave.
Juri: (Captain)... Could that be a copy of the research records?
Juri: This... This is my father's handwriting!
Juri: It references Operation: Apprehend Poseidon... Looks like it doubles as a diary.
Vyrn: Wasn't your dad the one who came up with the operation?
Vyrn: Maybe he left details on what exactly they did with Poseidon.
Poseidon: Read it aloud, child of man.
Juri does as instructed, tracing his fingers along the words.
Juri: "Research Day 1... Transport the slumbering Poseidon to the cave."
Juri: "Subject appears to be in some sort of deep sleep."
Juri: "Research Day 10..."
Juri: "My hypothesis proved correct. Pure water is needed for Poseidon's manifestation after all."
Juri: "His physical presence grew stronger and stronger as we put him in constant contact with the cave's spring water."
Juri: "Research Day 32... The experiment is a success. Poseidon appeared before us and I exchanged words with him."
Poseidon: So I see...
Poseidon: The memory of my awakening is coming back...
As if led by the writing in the notebook, Poseidon closes his eyes and mutters under his breath.
Poseidon: My first memory is the sight of flowing water in my vicinity.
Poseidon: Many voices called to me, but none of them were worth answering.
Poseidon: I spent my days in tranquility, waiting for the one truly worthy of my blessing.
Poseidon: A tranquility that came to a sudden halt.
Poseidon: I am the Tide Father, Poseidon. By what means did you make me manifest?
Juri's Father: The army happened upon you in ancient ruins. We excavated you along with some research records.
Juri's Father: Those records indicated that the research was done here because being near large amounts of water gives you strength.
Juri's Father: And your awakening now proves it true.
Juri's Father: At full strength your capabilities "defy imagination," according to the records.
Juri's Father: It seemed kind of vague, but now that I'm talking to you face-to-face, I get the impression you could sink an entire island if you wanted to.
Poseidon: You can tell without seeing a demonstration? Impressive.
Poseidon: Now I must ask... For what reason have you awoken me?
Juri's Father: It's simple. Please lend us your strength!
Juri's Father: You would be an incredible boon to the empire and its people!
Poseidon knits his brows, seemingly disgusted at the request.
Poseidon: How foolish of the children of man to think they can tame the lord of the seas. What stupidity.
Poseidon: Others like you have attempted the same a long time ago, only to perish by miserable deaths.
Poseidon: If you do not wish to share their fate, then rethink your conviction to subjugate me.
Juri's Father: So that's how it is, huh...
Juri's Father: But I must refuse!
Poseidon: You fool. Do not underestimate the power of the Tide Father.
Juri's Father: No, you misunderstand me! I simply believe your power would be of tremendous benefit to the citizens of the empire!
Juri's Father: My superiors tell me to apprehend you, but I believe there is a better way.
Juri's Father: I formally invite you to join the imperial army!
Juri's Father: Let us work together to build a better empire for the people!
Despite his best efforts, Poseidon simply sighs.
Poseidon: Your naive impudence grows irksome. You are, in essence, trying to set the ocean on fire so that you may have a pot of boiling water.
Poseidon: Discard the foolish notion. The Tide Father will not be one with the people.
As the weeks pass, Juri's father remains as enthusiastic as ever in his persuasion of Poseidon.
Juri's Father: You'll never want for lack of supplies in the army! The meals are absolutely superb and the beds couldn't be more soft!
Juri's Father: Well? How about it? Feeling convinced yet?
Poseidon: Not in the least. I have no need of your room and board.
Juri's Father: Hm, I suppose I ought to brush up on my persuasion skills...
Juri's Father: Except there's not much time left. If I fail to persuade you...
As a look of desperation sets upon the man's face...
Poseidon offers a suggestion.
Poseidon: How about we engage in battle, child of man?
Juri's Father: A battle? Between us two?
Poseidon: Indeed. The thought of mortals subduing the Tide Father couldn't be more absurd.
Poseidon: In all my years of war, there was not a single person who could ride my raging torrents and come out unscathed.
Poseidon: Persuade me not just with words but also a show of your strength.
Poseidon: Outmaneuver me and my trident, and I will consider your offer.
Juri's Father: You'll join the army if I win?
Poseidon: If you win. Don't think it'll be easy.
Poseidon: Show me the power of the "imperial spirit" you speak of. I will be the judge of it.
Juri's Father: Very well!
He looks Poseidon straight in the eyes, his resolve firm.
Juri's Father: Just gimme a sec! We can start as soon as I get my gear in order!
Poseidon: He never came back. As it turns out, he lied about challenging me in battle.
Juri: No...
Poseidon: It was Furias who came later in his stead.
Poseidon: He embedded dark essence in me, which took over my soul.
Juri: ...
Poseidon: Your father conspired against me. And I must deliver retribution for it.
Poseidon: As he is no longer here, you—the bearer of his bloodline—shall be the one to receive that retribution.
Poseidon speaks in a chilling tone.
For a moment, all they can hear is the sound of water dripping in the cave.

Impressing a Sea God: Scene 3

Reading further into the diary reveals that Juri's father was eliminated for attempting to stop Furias from forcefully controlling Poseidon. Juri, having inherited his father's fiery spirit, challenges the Tide Father to battle.

Poseidon: Do you see now, foolish child of man?
Poseidon speaks in disgust of Yuri's father.
Poseidon: That man made a fool of not only me, but of the promise between us.
Poseidon: A broken pledge with a god is not something that can be forgiven.
Juri: No, there must be some kind of misunderstanding!
Juri: My father stood for justice above all else. And he definitely wasn't the type of person to go back on his word, especially on his honor as a soldier.
Juri: Something must have happened. Do you remember anything else, Poseidon?
Poseidon: What insolence. You doubt the Tide Father's memory because of your blind trust in your father?
Poseidon: If only you knew how rotten the "imperial spirit" you spoke so highly of truly was. In fact, you probably did.
Juri: Ergh!
  1. Why don't we continue investigating?
  2. Calm down, both of you.

Choose: Why don't we continue investigating?
Vyrn: Yeah! We might find out what happened to Juri's dad.
Lyria: Maybe there's more we can learn from the notebook! Right, (Captain)?

Choose: Calm down, both of you.
Lyria: Yeah! Arguing isn't going to get us anywhere!
Lyria: Maybe there's more we can learn from the notebook! Right, (Captain)?
Continue 1
Being handed the notebook from Lyria, the captain carefully flips through its pages...
And finds something particularly odd about the back cover.
Vyrn: Looks like the pages in the back are glued together somehow.
Juri: Is this wax? It's as if someone was trying to keep the contents hidden...
Juri: ...!
There must be info damaging to the empire in here!
Juri: This was my father's way of hiding secrets from his superiors!
Juri and (Captain) open up the sealed pages with a knife.
A few pieces of paper come falling out.
Vyrn: The handwriting's the same. Must be a continuation.
Juri: Hm...
Juri quickly scans through the contents.
Juri: Seems like my father knew how dangerous the operation was.
Juri: He realized trying to tame Poseidon would be far more dangerous than profitable.
Juri: He proposed to Furias that they go about it differently. But...
Juri's Father: "Major General Furias censured me for speaking up, and pushed me to continue with Operation: Apprehend Poseidon."
Juri's Father: "He believes it possible to control Poseidon, but I find the risk to be far too great."
Juri's Father: "The operation's failure would subject the island and its residents to immeasurable danger. "
Juri's Father: "What's more, Poseidon cooperating with us of his own will is now a possibility."
Juri's Father: "I'll try advising the major general once more on proceeding with caution."
Juri's Father: "If anyone should find the notes I've jotted down here, I pray that you may be able to stop him before it is too late."
Juri: That's the end of it.
Vyrn: Looks like he was opposed to using dark essence on Poseidon after all!
Juri: That may very well be the case. Judging from these records, it's unclear if he even knew about dark essence at all.
Juri: Though it seems safe to assume that he spoke to Major General Furias once more before the duel with Poseidon, which led to grave consequences...
Pommern: Oh yes. Although, once he realized the danger Poseidon posed, he came to try to put a stop to the operation.
Pommern: But defying Major General Furias is a very grave mistake.
Juri: I knew it! My father had no intention of breaking his promise!
Lyria: Juri...
Vyrn: You need to see this too, Poseidon! If this doesn't convince you, I don't know what will!
Poseidon: I...
The Tide Father takes the notebook from Vyrn and traces his fingers along its contents.
Poseidon: It's all coming back now...
Juri's Father: Every time I measure your power, the results greatly exceed my expectations. Perhaps that is the power of primal beasts.
Poseidon: Do you now tremble before my might? A fitting reaction for a mortal, the likes of which cannot possibly control me.
Poseidon: Perhaps now you see why the children of man mustered every last option they could think of to finally seal me away.
Juri's Father: That explains the dormant state you were in... It must've been painful.
Juri's Father: After all, it's by being active in the pursuit of justice that we find joy in life.
Poseidon: Huh, is that the "imperial spirit" you keep spouting about like a simpleton?
Juri's Father: Hahahah! So you've finally learned what it is!
Poseidon: Humph. I'd be the simpleton to not figure it out when you keep harping on it.
Poseidon: Though as you suggest, I may have been searching for one worthy of my blessing.
Poseidon: As much as I enjoyed my time in tranquility, I have my duties to fulfill as Tide Father.
Poseidon: That's why I hope you'll be able to show me what you're truly capable of, so that we may work together.
Juri's Father: I'm looking forward to the day you deem me worthy. We'll save the empire's people together!
Juri's Father: I'm all about teamwork, so you're going to get sick of seeing me so much!
Juri: Father...
Juri bites his lip in response to what he's just heard.
Juri: I said I came here to be judged by you.
Juri: And that's the truth of it. I was ready to atone if my father wronged you in any way.
Juri: But having read my father's notebook, I now realize he upheld justice until the very end.
Juri: So instead of atoning, I'm going to carry on my father's wishes...
Juri: Fight me, Poseidon!
Poseidon: Heh...
The Tide Father takes note as his challenger's unclouded eyes shine bright.
Poseidon: That look in your eyes... Yes, his blood truly flows within you.
Poseidon: Very well. I give you the chance to carry out your father's mission.
Poseidon: But take heed: I will not go easy on you. Show me the fiery soul that burns within you.
Juri: You can count on it! My resolve will carry me through!

Impressing a Sea God: Scene 4

Having been bested by Juri, Poseidon vows to watch the ex-soldier's actions going forward to determine whether he deserves punishment for the imperial army's corruption or a blessing instead for remaining true to justice. Juri is confident that it's a blessing he'll eventually receive.

Poseidon: That's twice you've bested me now...
Poseidon: Although I fail to understand it, I must acknowledge the incredible will you and your father posses.
  1. Feeling convinced yet?
  2. Can we all be friends now?

Choose: Feeling convinced yet?
Poseidon: ...
The shame I've borne will not be forgotten so easily.

Choose: Can we all be friends now?
Poseidon: Friends?
Poseidon: As much as I'd like that, the shame I've borne cannot be forgotten so easily.
Continue 1
Poseidon: As the lord of the sea, it is my nature to render judgment with my tides.
Poseidon: But in order to ensure that my judgment is justified, I will take some time to observe you all very closely.
Poseidon: Our battle just now taught me that this is the best way forward.
Vyrn: Cool, that means we get to travel together for the time being!
Lyria: Phew... I'm just relieved no one's hurt.
Juri: I have you all to thank for making sure of that.
Poseidon: Our battle will have been for naught if I do not see this through.
Poseidon: Inheritor of the fiery soul, you would do well to remain noble and pure until your next trial.
Poseidon: If you should go down a path of immorality, my trident will show you no mercy.
Vyrn: Heheh, I'm sure things'll work out just fine!
Vyrn: Right, guys?
Juri: I wouldn't have it any other way. I'll show you just how far our justice goes.
Juri: And no matter how many years that takes, I'm never going to stray from my righteous path.
Poseidon: You truly are your father's son.
Poseidon lets slip a slight grin.
His eyes now resemble the calm tide of the tranquil sea.

Side-scrolling Quotes

JapaneseThis is an official transcription. EnglishThis is an official translation.
水神が裁きを受けよ! The Tide Father renders judgment!
人の子に与えるは裁きか加護か…… I offer either punishment or protection to the children of man.
立ちはだかる者は薙ぎ払う…… None shall stand in my way.
(主人公)よ、次はどこへ向かう? Where shall we go next, (Captain)?
我が正義を振るうのみだ I stand for justice above all else.
また焦熱の子と手合わせでもするか I wouldn't mind another match with that fiery soul.
(主人公)の旅路に加護を授けよう Many blessings upon (Captain)'s journey.
向こうに美しい小川が見えるな…… A beautiful stream flows down yonder.
制裁の時だ! The time for judgment has come!
神が子らも少々遊ばせてやるか I can spare some time to frolic with the children of man.
