Morilynn (NPC)

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RaceOfficially called "Type" in-game. Other
GenderGender is a character attribute used for game mechanics. A character's lore, appearance, and other factors do not affect this attribute. Other
Voice Actor Mutsumi Tamura
NameJP モリレン
Voice ActorJP 田村睦心
ID 3992862000
Release Date 2023-08-29
Unbound Asterism
The Accordant for the Horoscope "Thalassinus." Ranked first as an Auditor in Navis. With their strange behavior and tendency to make fun of their surroundings, Morilynn works under Judah and is the most eccentric out of the many eccentric Auditors in the organization. They are greatly attracted to moths and likes to follow and observe whenever they see one. Morilynn's true identity is a special life-form that consists of a soul harbored within Thalassinus. As part of their power, anything that touches their hands or feet will suffer death. Morilynn wears high heels to distance themself away from the ground so that their power does not activate without intention. They adore Judah and thinks of him as a father, harboring complicated feelings such as jealousy and envy toward Fiorito, Judah's true daughter. Though they were not introduced to the Auditors working under Ferdinand before, they are old acquaintances with Lodi, an Auditor working under Nereus.